Books by "Andrew Grey" (286)


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Carlisle Cops (Italiano) | Libro 1
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Carlisle Cops, Libro 1

L’agente Red Markham ha imparato a conoscere le difficoltà della vita da adolescente, quando un incidente d’auto lo ha lasciato sfregiato e orfano di entrambi i genitori. Anche per le strade che pattuglia nella cittadina di Carlisle affronta episodi orribili, come il recente aumento di morti per overdose. Un pomeriggio Red viene mandato in una struttura sportiva per un incidente in piscina e, arrivato sul posto, scopre che il ragazzo coinvolto è stato salvato dal bagnino, Terry Baumgartner. Per Red non è una sorpresa che lo splendido Terry non voglia avere niente a che fare con lui e con il suo brutto muso.

Un commento casuale sulla sua superficialità fa però aprire gli occhi a Terry. Forse non è una persona di buon cuore come ha sempre pensato. La sua amica Julie gli suggerisce allora di aiutare i meno fortunati consegnando pasti agli anziani. Durante il suo giro Terry incontra Margie, una signora molto diretta che dice sempre quello che le passa per la testa e che è anche la zia dell’agente Red Markham. 

I mondi di Red e Terry si scontrano. Red cerca di proteggere Terry da un ex che non accetta un no come risposta, intanto indaga per arrivare alla fonte della droga che sta mietendo vittime in città. Inaspettatamente i due uomini scoprono che per loro potrebbe esistere una possibilità, ma dovranno imparare a vedere oltre la superficie per coglierla.


$6.99 $5.24

Redeeming the Stepbrother

Tales from St. Giles
$6.99 $5.24

A Tale from St. Giles

Family can be a blessing and a curse, but for artist Florian, it’s a nightmare he longs to escape.

As chief designer for Bartholomew Artist Porcelain, Florian specializes in painting birds. He also watches them in the wild to distract himself from his short-tempered mother, at least temporarily. Florian’s heart is too soft to leave his stepsister, Ella, to suffer alone. Still, he can’t help dreaming about one day finding happiness and love.

When Count Dieter von Hollenbach arrives in town to visit a friend and present an award, he isn’t looking for romance. Then again, he doesn’t expect someone as perfect as Florian to come into his life. To make sure Florian is all he seems and that their connection is genuine, Dieter keeps his title to himself.

But he isn’t the only one with a secret.

At a masquerade ball to celebrate the award, some of the masks fall away, but those that remain in place could destroy the love beginning to grow between them.


$6.99 $5.24

Das Licht der Liebe

$6.99 $5.24

Ein Titel der Herzenssachen Serie

Trevor ist ein umwerfend attraktiver Mann und der erfolgreiche Besitzer einer Kette von Autowerkstätten. Er ist gewöhnt, im Mittelpunkt der Aufmerksamkeit zu stehen, bewundert zu werden und zu bekommen, was er will. Vor allem sind das leidenschaftliche Affären ohne Bindung mit Männern, die er in Clubs kennenlernt. Das erwartet er auch, als er James begegnet. Entsprechend groß ist sein Erstaunen, als dieser sich von Trevors unwiderstehlichem Charme völlig unbeeindruckt zeigt. Trevor muss seine Gewohnheiten über Bord werfen und mit James auf einer anderen Ebene in Kontakt treten. Das beginnt damit, dass er anbietet, James nach Hause zu bringen, statt ihn mit seinem zugedröhnten Begleiter fahren zu lassen.

Nachdem James als Kind sein Augenlicht verloren hat, sind seine Möglichkeiten der sozialen Interaktion stark eingeschränkt. Er verbringt den Großteil seiner Zeit mit der Arbeit an einer Blindenschule. Trevors Welt ist ihm fremd. Er hat sich seine Unabhängigkeit schwer erkämpft und auch er weiß, was er will. In diesem Fall bedeutet das, dass er seine Komfortzone verlassen und Trevors Herz erobern muss.

Trevor ist bereit, es zur Abwechslung mit wahrer Liebe und Hingabe zu versuchen. Doch bevor er der Mann werden kann, den James braucht, muss er sich erst den Schatten seiner Vergangenheit stellen.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Home, love, and possibilities he never imagined are waiting for Billy Joe to claim them. But first he needs to escape the horrors of his past.

A twisted act of cruelty and prejudice drives Billy Joe from his Mississippi home, and he makes it as far as Pennsylvania—where his car breaks down just as the year’s first snowstorm blows in. Fortunately, Carlos is there to lend a hand.

Carlos is no stranger to hardship. His family rejected him for being gay, but with determination, he put himself through school and became a librarian. Carlos sees the same willpower in Billy, and he wants to help Billy and his son succeed in a new life that is very different from the one they left behind. With his support, they start to adjust, and before long, both men want more than encouragement from each other. They want the chance for a future together, but their families have other ideas… and Billy’s will stop at nothing to get what they want.


$6.99 $5.24

Sieg über das Feuer

im Feuer | Buch 3
$3.99 $2.99

Fortsetzung zu Gestählt im Feuer
Buch 3 in der Serie - im Feuer

Die beiden Feuerwehrmänner Lee Stanton und Dirk Krause sind urlaubsreif. Doch das Leben hat andere Pläne: An ihrem letzten Arbeitstag haben die beiden mit einem Feuer zu kämpfen, das drei Leben fordert. Wie gut, dass Lee und Dirk eine ganze Woche auf hoher See vor sich haben, um sich von dem Schrecken zu erholen. 

Sie haben eine tolle Zeit – bis sie feststellen müssen, dass auch Dirks miesepetriger, engstirniger Vater an Bord ist. Über dessen Anwesenheit und den Schuldgefühlen wegen der Menschen, die er nicht retten konnte, vergeht Dirk die romantische Stimmung gehörig. Doch dann rettet er einem Passagier das Leben – und vielleicht kann er ja auch noch etwas anderes retten …


$3.99 $2.99

Smoldering Flame

Rekindled Flame | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Rekindled Flame: Book Three

Sometimes the strongest flames take the longest to ignite.

Firefighter Dean’s life revolves around his very ill son, Sammy. Caring for Sammy and working to make ends meet leave Dean time for little else, and romance isn’t something he can even consider—no matter how much he longs for someone special to join their family. Because money is tight, Dean couldn’t be more grateful to the photographer who does Sammy’s session free of charge.

After growing up in the foster care system, Marco knows how to rely on himself, and his hard work is about to pay off—he’s poised on the cusp of fame and success he could only have imagined as a lonely child. When Dean brings Sammy into Marco’s studio, Marco can see they’re struggling, and both the boy and his father stir Marco’s heart. The slow burn between the two men isn’t something either expected, but neither wants to lose the possibility of a loving future. With Dean’s dangerous and possibly life-threatening career and Marco’s demanding one, can romance and forever find a place to fit?


$6.99 $5.24

Ferrer le poisson

Love's Charter (Français) | 1
$6.99 $5.24

Cela pourrait être la chance d’une vie.

Deux fois par an, William Westmoreland échappe au sentiment d’insatisfaction que lui procure sa vie à Rhode Island en se rendant en Floride et louant le bateau de pêche de Mike Jansen pour une sortie dans le Golfe. L’eau bleue cristalline et les paysages tropicaux ne sont pas la seule vue qu’il aime, mais il n’est jamais passé à l’acte. Un amour de vacances n’est tout simplement pas à l’horizon. 

Mike a commencé son service de location de bateau de pêche à Apalachicola comme un moyen de subvenir aux besoins de sa fille et de sa mère, faisant passer leur sécurité avant les besoins de son cœur. Niant son attirance, qui devient de plus en plus en plus forte à chaque visite de William. 

La récente excursion de William et Mike commence par un temps magnifique, mais la course erratique d’un ouragan change tout, piégeant William. Alors que la pluie et le vent font rage à l’extérieur, la passion à laquelle les deux hommes ont tenté de résister depuis des années s’abat sur eux. Dans le sillage de la tempête, il ne reste que deux hommes qui aspirent à prolonger ce qu’ils ont trouvé. Mais la vie réelle ramène William à ses obligations. Peuvent-ils trouver un moyen de réduire la distance entre eux et découvrir un endroit où leurs âmes pourraient se retrouver ? La traversée sera mouvementée, mais l’avenir brillant qui se profile pourrait valoir la peine d’affronter la houle.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

When Broadway actor Jonah receives word that his uncle has passed away and named him the heir to a property in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, Jonah’s plan is to settle the estate as quickly as possible and return to his life in New York City. Much to Jonah’s surprise, the inheritance includes the Ashford Cemetery—and its hunky groundskeeper, recent Bosnian immigrant Luka Pavelka.

Jonah soon discovers Luka is more than easy on the eyes. He sees into Jonah’s heart like no man ever before, and his job at the cemetery is all he has. If Jonah sells, Luka is left with nothing. Luka is there for Jonah when Jonah needs someone most, and there’s no denying the chemistry and connection between them. But Jonah has a successful career back in New York. Now he must decide if it’s still the life he wants….


$6.99 $5.24

Fire and Flint

Carlisle Deputies | Book 1
$6.99 $5.24

A Carlisle Deputies Novel

Jordan Erichsohn suspects something is rotten about his boss, Judge Crawford. Unfortunately he has nowhere to turn and doubts anyone will believe his claims—least of all the handsome deputy, Pierre Ravelle, who has been assigned to protect the judge after he received threatening letters. The judge has a long reach, and if he finds out Jordan’s turned on him, he might impede Jordan adopting his son, Jeremiah.

When Jordan can no longer stay silent, he gathers his courage and tells Pierre what he knows. To his surprise and relief, Pierre believes him, and Jordan finds an ally… and maybe more. Pierre vows to do what it takes to protect Jordan and Jeremiah and see justice done. He’s willing to fight for the man he’s growing to love and the family he’s starting to think of as his own. But Crawford is a powerful and dangerous enemy, and he’s not above ripping apart everything Jordan and Pierre are trying to build in order to save himself….


$6.99 $5.24
$9.99 $7.49

The Art Series Collection

Art and love intersect in this series by beloved author Andrew Grey.

In Legal Artistry, Dieter Krumpf is in search of the family art collection left behind when fleeing the Nazis and recruits lawyer Gerald Young to his cause; while trying to reclaim the paintings, they may just find something even more precious—love. In Artistic Appeal, Brian Watson has taken over the case, but he suspects that his good friends Gerald and Dieter have ulterior motives for inviting him to their Christmas party; when he meets deaf art restorer Nicolai, they’ll have to break down each other’s defenses to build a new relationship.

In Artistic Pursuits, FBI agent Frank Jennings and Interpol agent Leslie Carlton meet for an investigation and one night of passion, but when their case heats up again, they find their feelings getting in the way of their jobs. And in Legal Tender, when Timothy finds of cache of coins in his deceased grandfather’s possession, he sets out to solve the mystery and meets Joiner, a man determined to help Timothy on his quest.. and to steal Timothy’s heart.

See excerpt for individual blurbs.

Legal Artistry previously published by Dreamspinner Press, September 2011 Artistic Appeal previously published by Dreamspinner Press, October 2011 Artistic Pursuits previously published by Dreamspinner Press, February 2012 Legal Tender previously published by Dreamspinner Press, April 2012


$9.99 $7.49

Heart Unheard

Hearts Entwined
$6.99 $5.24

A Hearts Entwined Novel

The attraction between Brent Berkheimer and Scott Spearman peels the wallpaper, but Brent is Scott’s boss, and they’re both too professional to go beyond flirting. Their priorities realign after Scott is badly injured in an accident that costs him his hearing, and Brent realizes what is truly important… he wants Scott. 

Scott pushes Brent away at first, fearing a new romance will just add to his problems, but perhaps he will find unexpected strength and solace in Brent’s support as he struggles to communicate with the world in a new way. 

Just as they decide the chance of a happy future together is worth the risk, Scott and Brent discover darker challenges in their way—including evidence that the “accident” Scott suffered may not have been so accidental.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Brighton McKenzie ha ereditato l’ultimo appezzamento di terra adibito a fattoria alla periferia di Baltimora. Appartiene alla sua famiglia da quando il Maryland era una colonia, ed è rimasto inattivo per anni. Venderlo come area edificabile sarebbe facile, ma Brighton vuole onorare il desiderio di suo nonno e riprendere a farlo fruttare. Sfortunatamente, un incidente lo obbliga a usare un bastone per camminare e ha quindi bisogno di aiuto. Tanner Houghton ha lavorato in un ranch nel Montana fino a quando un ex vendicativo non lo ha fatto licenziare a causa della sua sessualità. Arriva nel Maryland invitato dal cugino ed è entusiasta di tornare a fare il lavoro che ama.

Brighton è immediatamente attratto da Tanner che, alto e bello da togliere il fiato, rappresenta tutto ciò che lo affascina in un uomo. Non se la sente però di fare la prima mossa, innanzitutto perché è un suo dipendente, e poi perché non riesce a capire come un uomo così virile possa essere interessato a lui. Ma quello non è il più grave dei loro problemi. Devono affrontare le macchinazioni della zia di Brighton e dell’ex di Tanner, che all’improvviso lo rivuole con sé, e devono trovare il modo per rendere redditizia la fattoria prima che il patrimonio della famiglia di Brighton sia perduto per sempre.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Amour…, numéro hors série

Raine Baumer vit une vie de fêtes à Chicago, profitant de relations de courtes durées avec peu d’attaches sentimentales. Mais lorsqu’il est sévèrement blessé dans une attaque homophobe, Geoff, son ami proche, vient le chercher pour l’emmener se reposer à la campagne. Là-bas, Geoff et son compagnon Eli le considèrent comme un membre de leur famille, et Raine fait la rencontre de Jonah, le frère d’Eli, qui explore la vie en dehors de la communauté Amish d’où il est originaire.

L’attraction mutuelle de Jonah et Raine les rapproche, mais ils n’auront peut-être pas la chance de profiter l’un de l’autre… Le père de Jonah lui pose un ultimatum, et la police pense que l’agression de Raine n’était pas qu’une simple coïncidence, comme on aurait pu le croire initialement. Raine et Jonah vont devoir braver leurs peurs s’ils veulent avoir une chance de vivre ensemble.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Brighton McKenzie erbt eines der letzten Fleckchen Farmland in den städtischen Außenbezirken von Baltimore. Die Farm war schon im Besitz der Familie, als Maryland noch eine Kolonie war, aber nun liegt sie schon eine ganze Weile brach. Es wäre so einfach, sie zur Bebauung zu verkaufen, aber Brighton möchte dem Wunsch seines Großvaters entsprechen und sie wieder aufleben lassen. Leider ist er seit einem Unfall auf einen Krückstock angewiesen und braucht daher Hilfe. 

Tanner Houghton arbeitete auf einer Ranch in Montana, bis der Vater eines rachsüchtigen Exfreundes ihn aufgrund seiner Sexualität feuerte. Tanner kommt der Einladung seines Cousins nach Maryland nach und ist begeistert, eine Chance zu bekommen, wieder der Arbeit nachzugehen, die er liebt.

Brighton fühlt sich augenblicklich von dem äußerst attraktiven und hochgewachsenen Tanner angezogen – er verkörpert alles, was Brighton an einem Mann gefällt. Aber Brighton hält sich zurück, denn Tanner ist sein Angestellter – und warum sollte sich ein vor Leben strotzender Mann wie Tanner überhaupt für ihn interessieren? Doch das ist nicht ihr größtes Problem. Sie müssen sich den Intrigen von Brightons Tante widersetzen, plötzlich will Tanners Exfreund ihn wieder zurück, und dann müssen sie einen Weg finden, die Farm finanziell rentabel zu machen, bevor sie Brightons Familienerbe verlieren.


$6.99 $5.24

Taming the Beast

Tales from St. Giles
$6.99 $5.24

A Tale from St. Giles

The suspicious death of Dante Bartholomew’s wife changed him, especially in the eyes of the residents of St. Giles. They no longer see a successful businessman… only a monster they believe was involved. Dante’s horrific reputation eclipses the truth to the point that he sees no choice but to isolate himself and his heart.

The plan backfires when he meets counselor Beau Clarity and the children he works with. Beau and the kids see beyond the beastly reputation to the beautiful soul inside Dante, and Dante’s cold heart begins to thaw as they slip past his defenses. The warmth and hope Beau brings to Dante’s life help him see his entire existence—his trials and sorrows—in a brighter light.

But Dante’s secrets could rip happiness from their grasp… especially since someone isn’t above hurting those Dante has grown to love in order to bring him down.


$6.99 $5.24

Never Let You Go

Forever Yours | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Can’t Live Without You
Forever Yours: Book Two

Friends since they met in school, Ashton and Brighton soon become much more. Ash and his aunt are Brighton’s haven away from his mess of a family, and when Ash enlists in the Army, Brighton learns to endure his long absences and eagerly awaits his return from missions.

Until one day Ash doesn’t come back, and Brighton thinks his greatest fear has come true.

Months pass and Brighton grieves for Ash, not knowing that a terrible misunderstanding sent Ash running, unable to cope when he thought Brighton had betrayed him. Even after an emotional reunion, their relationship isn’t the same—Brighton is now responsible for his young niece, and he’s having a hard time rediscovering the trust he once had in Ash. Ash must still tend to his mental health, but before he can, he’ll have to deal with a past secret that puts all their lives at risk. With so many forces determined to tear them apart, can Brighton and Ash hold on to each other and never let go?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Brighton McKenzie  vient d’hériter d’un des derniers domaines agricoles de la banlieue de Baltimore. Cette petite ferme du Maryland a été dans sa famille depuis le temps des premiers colons. La vendre à des développeurs immobiliers serait la solution de facilité, mais Brighton veut honorer les dernières volontés de son grand-père et la travailler à nouveau. Malheureusement, depuis quelques mois, un accident l’oblige à utiliser une canne au quotidien : il a donc besoin d’aide. Tanner Houghton avait l’habitude de travailler dans un ranch du Montana jusqu’à ce que son ex le fasse virer à cause de sa sexualité. Invité par son cousin, il débarque dans le Maryland, où il est ravi de se voir offrir une nouvelle opportunité de travail.

Immédiatement, Brighton se trouve attiré par la beauté sauvage de Tanner, qui est tout ce qu’il cherche chez un homme, mais il se retient, car Tanner est un employé… Et aussi parce qu’il ne comprend pas pourquoi un homme aussi viril serait intéressé par lui. Mais ce n’est pas le pire de leurs problèmes. Ils vont devoir faire face aux machinations d’une tante, au retour inattendu d’un ex et à la nécessité de trouver un moyen de rentabiliser la ferme, s’ils ne veulent pas perdre l’héritage familial pour toujours.


$6.99 $5.24

Ebb and Flow

Love's Charter | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Setting the Hook
Love's Charter: Book Two

To achieve happiness, they’ll have to find the courage to be their own men.

As first mate on a charter fishing boat, Billy Ray meets a lot of people, but not one of them has made him as uncomfortable as Skippy—because he’s drawn to Skippy as surely as the moon pulls the tides, and he’s almost as powerless to resist. Billy Ray has spent his life denying who he is to avoid the wrath of his religious father, and he can’t allow anyone to see through his carefully built façade.

Skippy is only in town on business and will have to return to Boston once he’s through. After all, his father has certain expectations, and him staying in Florida is not one of them. But he doesn’t count on Billy Ray capturing his attention and touching his heart.

Billy Ray doesn’t realize just how much he and Skippy have in common, though. They’re both living to please their fathers instead of following their own dreams—a fact that becomes painfully obvious when they get to know each other and realize how much joy they’ve denied themselves. While they can’t change the past, they can begin a future together and make up for lost time—as long as they’re willing to face the consequences of charting their own course.


$6.99 $5.24