Bisexual books


Feu de joie

Feux de Joie | Book 1
$6.99 $5.24

Dix ans auparavant, le Shérif adjoint Aaron George a perdu sa femme et a déménagé à Colton, pensant qu’il serait mieux pour ses enfants de grandir dans une petite ville. Il a appris à connaître sa communauté, y compris monsieur Larkin, le sympathique et dynamique professeur de sciences. Lorsqu’on l’oblige à prendre un poste de direction, Larx arrête d’entraîner l’équipe de course à pied et commence à courir en solitaire. Aaron, qui pensait que la vie commençait et se terminait avec ses enfants, est distrait par une poitrine brillante et un principal courant sur une route dangereuse.

Larx a vécu, lui aussi, pour ses enfants… et ses étudiants du lycée de Colton. Il n’est pas prêt à être charmé par Aaron, cependant, lorsqu’ils commencent à courir ensemble, il apprécie la solidité du représentant de la loi, son humour et sa compréhension parfaite de ses priorités : les enfants d’abord, le travail ensuite et enfin, arrivant tristement en dernier, ses propres intérêts.

Il suffit d’un baiser pour que les deux hommes, approchant de la cinquantaine, commencent à se comporter comme des adolescents amoureux, même avec toutes leurs responsabilités. Puis un acte violent met en danger leur relation naissante. Leurs responsabilités sont maintenant essentielles pour empêcher leur ville d’exploser. Lorsque les choses deviennent critiques, ils réalisent que leur famille nouvellement forgée pourrait être ce qui empêche leur monde d’échapper à tout contrôle.


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$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

What if you aren’t the only you?

Shy and studious Maddy Stone faces just that question. Months ago he lost his boyfriend, Jesse, to suicide, and now he’s volunteering at a psychiatric hospital. When he intervenes to save a man there, he’s shocked to find a face he recognizes. It’s Jesse, who explains that he’s been cloned… by Maddy’s father. And when the reproduction technology duplicated him, he was ordered to avoid Maddy at all costs. Breaking that rule puts them both in danger. 

Maddy, his girlfriend, Georgia, and Jesse—who Maddy calls Jesse 2.0—are on the run. But as the secrets continue to come to light, Maddy is faced with a decision—continue with his life or be the Maddy he was before technology intervened. 


$6.99 $5.24
$5.99 $1.00

A volte, il giorno più bello della tua vita è quello che non avresti mai potuto immaginare.

Joe Cohen ha dedicato gli ultimi due anni a una cosa sola: accudire e nutrire Kade Bosa, suo socio nella loro agenzia investigativa, coinquilino e migliore amico. Per lui Kade rappresenta il mondo, anche se alla loro relazione manca ciò che Joe desidera di più. Ma non vuole fare pressioni: Kade ha un passato travagliato, e Joe è abbastanza certo di essere l’unica cosa che gli impedisce di crollare.

Allontanato dalla sua stessa famiglia, Joe sa bene quanto sia importante tenere strette le persone a cui si vuole bene, ma non si sarebbe mai aspettato che il suo passato e il suo presente si scontrassero, e che la stessa cosa succedesse a Kade. La prova in cui si sono imbattuti potrebbe cambiare le loro vite, dal tragico passato di Kade al loro lavoro. E potrebbe persino regalare loro il futuro che Joe non avrebbe mai osato desiderare…


$5.99 $1.00

Un homme sans égal

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$4.99 $3.74

Avoir grandi plus pauvre que pauvre n’a pas laissé beaucoup d’options à Navashen Bhattathiri pour une vie en dehors de l’école. Toute sa concentration était sur le fait de garder sa bourse scolaire. Seize ans plus tard, il a réussi son rêve et il est devenu médecin. Maintenant, il revient chez lui à Lexington et il est prêt à prouver sa valeur au monde. Ce faisant, il reprend contact avec Brent Carpenter – camarade de lycée, agent immobilier, un type génial à tous les niveaux.... et entremetteur caché.

Brent se fait une mission d’aider Navashen à développer une vie sociale et rencontrer des hommes intéressants et disponibles. Malheureusement, l’emploi du temps de Navashen est imprévisible, et, contrairement à Brent, peu parmi ces prétendants accordent de la valeur à son dévouement. L’amitié sans faille et le soutien de celui-ci convainquent Navashen qu’il est le bon, mais peut-il capturer le cœur de Brent quand l’entremetteur est concentré sur le fait de lui trouver un autre homme ?


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Bay Whitman, scrittore di gialli di successo, vive una vita da celebrità, perlomeno in apparenza. In pubblico è sempre spigliato e sicuro di sé. Le donne pendono dalle sue labbra e gli uomini invidiano i suoi modi spavaldi. In realtà, però, Bay è un tipo solitario. È timido e introverso e la sua vita consiste nello stare seduto in una stanza semibuia a scrivere i suoi famosi romanzi con protagonista Jack Robbins. Il suo unico vizio è il gioco d’azzardo. Vincere un escort durante una partita a poker cambierà la sua vita in modi che non avrebbe mai immaginato.

Matthew “King” Slater è uno dei più celebri attori di film porno gay. Trascorre le giornate davanti alla telecamera e le notti come escort d’alto bordo, pagato profumatamente. Ciò che desidera realmente è il romanticismo di una vera relazione, ma il suo passato gli rende difficile separare i desideri del corpo da quelli del cuore. Per il momento, per lui è più facile pensare al sesso come a un lavoro e basta. Un giorno, però, mentre si trova a Las Vegas per delle riprese, viene assunto per una serata in un hotel famoso, e il suo bel cliente potrebbe sfumare i confini tra il dovere e il piacere.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

New York Times best-selling mystery writer Bay Whitman leads the life of a celebrity—at least on the surface. In public he’s self-assured and in control. Women hang on his every word, while men envy his confidence and swagger. But in reality, Bay is a loner. He’s shy and introverted, and his life consists of sitting in a dimly lit room writing his famous Jack Robbins mystery novels. His one vice—gambling. Winning an escort in a poker game will change Bay’s life in ways he never imagined.

Matthew “King” Slater is one of the hottest tickets in gay porn. He spends his days in front of the camera and his nights as a highly paid escort to the rich and famous. Deep down, he craves romance and a real connection, but his past makes it hard to separate the needs of his body from those of his heart. For now, it’s easier to think of sex as just a job. But while doing a shoot in Vegas, King is hired for a tryst at a famous hotel and casino, and his handsome client might blur the line between work and play.



$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Bay Whitman, Mystery-Autor von New York Times Bestsellern, führt das Leben einer Berühmtheit – zumindest von außen betrachtet. In der Öffentlichkeit ist er selbstbewusst und hat alles unter Kontrolle. Frauen hängen an seinen Lippen, während Männer ihn um sein Selbstvertrauen und seine stolze Haltung beneiden. Aber in der Realität ist Bay ein Einzelgänger. Er ist schüchtern und introvertiert und verbringt sein Leben damit, in einem schwach beleuchteten Raum zu sitzen und seine berühmten Mystery-Romane über Jack Robbins zu schreiben. Sein einziges Laster sind Glücksspiele. Als er bei einer Pokerpartie einen Callboy gewinnt, wird Bays Leben sich verändern wie er es nie erwartet hätte.

Matthew „King“ Slater ist einer der beliebtesten Stars der schwulen Pornoszene. Er verbringt seine Tage vor der Kamera und seine Abende als hochbezahlter Callboy für die Reichen und Berühmten. Tief drin sehnt er sich nach Romantik und einer echten Verbindung, aber seine Vergangenheit macht es ihm schwer, die Bedürfnisse seines Körpers von denen seines Herzens zu trennen. Für den Moment ist es einfacher, wenn der Sex nur ein Job für ihn ist. Aber während eines Drehs in Vegas wird King für ein Rendezvous in einem berühmten Hotel und Casino angeheuert und sein gut aussehender Kunde könnte die Grenze zwischen Arbeit und Vergnügen verschwimmen lassen.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Auteur de romans à succès, Bay Whitman vit la vie d’une célébrité – du moins, en apparence. En public, il est sûr de lui. Les femmes boivent la moindre de ses paroles, les hommes envient son assurance et sa démarche arrogante. Cependant, en réalité, Bay est un solitaire. Il est timide, introverti, et sa vie se résume à s’asseoir dans une pièce sombre pour écrire ses célèbres romans sur Jack Robbins. Il n’a qu’un seul vice : les jeux. Gagner un escort à une partie de poker changera sa vie d’une façon qu’il n’aurait jamais imaginé.

Matthew « King » Slater est l’une des stars du porno les plus en vogue. Il passe ses journées devant une caméra et ses nuits comme escort de luxe pour les personnes riches et célèbres. Au fond de lui, il meurt d’envie de trouver l’amour et un lien véritable, mais son passé rend difficile de différencier les besoins de son corps de ceux de son cœur. Pour le moment, il lui est plus facile de voir le sexe comme son travail. Pourtant, lorsqu’il doit tourner à Las Vegas et qu’il est embauché pour un travail d’escort dans un célèbre hôtel casino, son séduisant client rend plus difficile pour lui de distinguer le travail du plaisir.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Tired of being the butt of jokes about his biracial heritage and his mother’s alcoholism, fifteen-year-old Brodie isolates himself from most of the other kids in his school. Often at odds with his father following his parents’ divorce, Brodie’s entire support network consists of his girlfriend, Fawn, and best friend, Abel. Things begin to look up for him after he is transferred to the classroom of a charismatic, handsome young English teacher, Mr. Dakota.

Unfortunate circumstances temporarily take Fawn and Abel out of Brodie's life. With few others to turn to, Brodie forms a bond with the kind and intelligent Mr. Dakota—a man who has experienced his own share of pain and rejection. But feelings of friendship gradually evolve into unrequited emotions and desires Brodie doesn’t understand and isn’t sure how to handle. Acting on his feelings will lead to catastrophic consequences for both him and Mr. Dakota… if Brodie cannot learn to move on with his life before it’s too late.


$6.99 $5.24

Alpha Wave

The Elusive Spark | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

The Elusive Spark: Book Two

Keira Fairchild is running for her life, and she won’t make it far without someone watching her back.

Her powers helped her elude a slave trader, Holcomb, who planned to sell her to the highest bidder, and the deadly Paragon Academy. But now Keira needs some allies and some answers. Who is the imprisoned alien being who keeps contacting her in her dreams? Keira is aided by a group of teens—James, Lumen, and Paul—with powers like her own, and all of them are ready for a fight. The small group must rescue the captive alien and escape Dr. Albion, who seeks to steal their abilities and eliminate them. Survival will mean a desperate struggle, and none of them can succeed on their own.


$6.99 $5.24

Killing Time In LA

Tom and Stanley
$6.99 $5.24

A Tom and Stanley Mystery

No matter how Stanley tries, he and Tom can’t seem to get away from bodies.

On vacation in LA, Stanley’s visit with a friend at a popular Mexican restaurant owned by La Paloma, the flamenco dancer, leads to meeting a couple from Mexico. When the woman is found dead, Tom and Stanley work with LAPD Detective Betts—a recovering alcoholic who lost his son to a child murderer—to find the young man. The bodies pile up as Tom, Stanley, and Betts race to solve the puzzle of a Russian agent, drug smuggling, illegal immigrants, and police corruption.

Stanley might hate bodies, but Tom can’t resist a mystery. While killing time in LA, will a killer set his sights on Stanley?

Continues the Deadly Mysteries Series published with MLR Press.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Tom and Stanley Mystery

Does murder follow Tom and Stanley around, or do they follow the murders?

After a hospital stay, Stanley is invited by Father Brighton to convalesce at St. Marywood, an isolated monastery on the ocean cliffs of Big Sur. Upon arrival, Stanley finds Father Brighton dead. The order’s doctor writes it up as a death by natural causes, but those seem to be quite prevalent at the monastery. The recent demise of a young brother who fell from the cliffs is described as an accident, but Stanley’s nose is twitching. Plus the order’s finances have taken a sudden, mysterious turn for the better. Is something rotten at St. Marywood?

Stanley and Tom can’t resist digging around, even if it means testing their tumultuous relationship against a gaggle of handsome, young, virginal, and—they are told—gay men.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, September 2011.


$6.99 $5.24

Bad Company

Bad in Baltimore | Book One

Bad in Baltimore: Book One

Some things are sweeter than revenge.

“I need a boyfriend.”

Hearing those words from his very straight, very ex-best friend doesn’t put Nate in a helpful mood. Not only did Kellan Brooks’s father destroy Nate’s family in his quest for power, but Kellan broke Nate’s heart back in high school. Nate thought he could trust his best friend with the revelation that he might be gay, only to find out he was horribly wrong and become the laughingstock of the whole school. Kellan must be truly desperate if he’s turning to Nate now.

Kellan’s through letting his father run his life, and he wants to make the man pay for cutting him off. What better way to stick it to the bigot than to come out as gay himself—especially with the son of the very man his father crushed on his quest for money and power. Kellan can’t blame Nate for wanting nothing to do with him, though. Kellan will have to convince him to play along, but it’s even harder to convince himself that the heat between them is only an act....


Second Edition

First Edition published by Samhain Publishing Inc. June 2011.


$6.99 $5.24

A Tom and Stanley Mystery

Nothing bad is supposed to happen in Palm Springs. 

At least that’s what San Francisco private detective Tom Danzel and his partner Stanley Korski believe. But when their friend Chris finds a dead body in his hotel room bed, Tom and Stanley drive out to help the local police investigate. 

What they discover is a rather nasty green snake and an elegant hotel that offers delicacies not usually found on a room service menu. As the body count increases, the two detectives are going to have to rely on their skills and each other if they’re going to survive this very deadly kind of love.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, June 2011.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Sono trascorsi dieci anni da quando il vicesceriffo Aaron George, rimasto vedovo, si è trasferito a Colton per far crescere i figli in una cittadina sicura. Tra i membri della comunità, ha conosciuto il professor Larkin, detto Larx, un allegro e divertente insegnante di scienze e allenatore di atletica delle superiori. La promozione a preside ha costretto però l’insegnante a rinunciare agli allenamenti e a correre da solo su una strada pericolosa. Aaron, che fino a quel momento ha sempre e solo dedicato la sua vita ai figli, si scopre improvvisamente preoccupato per quell’uomo e distratto dal suo petto nudo e luccicante di sudore.

Anche Larx vive per le figlie e i suoi studenti. Non è pronto a farsi ammaliare da Aaron, ma quando quest’ultimo si offre di correre con lui, inizia ad apprezzare la fermezza e l’umorismo del vicesceriffo. Inoltre hanno le stesse priorità: innanzitutto i figli, poi il lavoro, e i propri interessi tristemente all’ultimo posto.

Basta però un bacio a trasformare due uomini sulla soglia dei cinquant’anni in due adolescenti innamorati, nonostante le responsabilità di cui devono farsi carico. Poi un atto di violenza minaccia di soffocare sul nascere la loro relazione. Saranno quelle responsabilità a svolgere un ruolo fondamentale nell’impedire alla città di esplodere. E quando la situazione raggiungerà il punto critico, la loro nuova famiglia appena formata potrebbe essere proprio ciò che impedisce al mondo che li circonda di crollare.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Growing up means overcoming obstacles: facing reality even when it hurts, being brave enough to stand up for yourself, and being your own man even when going along with others’ expectations is easier.

Geordi is learning these lessons the hard way when his overbearing but well-meaning parents out him before he’s ready. It leads to a declaration of love from Geordi’s best friend Toff—a love that isn’t reciprocated. But with a neglectful father at home, Toff is already struggling, and Geordi can’t bear to break his heart, so he goes along with the romance—until things move to the next level and it’s too hard to live the lie. Geordi must take a long hard look at his life and face some truths that would be easier to avoid, because a disastrous event will mean his friends Toff and Jess need someone to lean on like never before. For Geordi to be that person, he must figure out how to be true to himself.


$6.99 $5.24
$5.99 $1.00

Sometimes the best day of your life is the one you never saw coming.

Joe Cohen has devoted the past two years of his life to one thing: the care and feeding of Kade Bosa. His partner in their PI business, roommate, and best friend, Kade is everything to Joe, even if their relationship falls short of what Joe desires most. But he won’t push. Kade has suffered a rough road, and Joe’s pretty sure he’s the only thing holding Kade together.

Estranged from his own family, Joe knows the value of desperately holding on to someone dear, but he never expected his present and past to collide just as Kade’s is doing the same. Now they’ve stumbled across evidence that could change their lives: the impact of Kade’s tragic past, their job partnership, and any future Joe might allow himself to wish for….


$5.99 $1.00
$4.99 $3.74

Pierce Atwater used to think he was a knight in shining armor, but then his life fell to crap. Now he has no job, no wife, no life—and is so full of self-pity he can’t even be decent to the one family member he’s still speaking to. He heads for Florida, where he’s got a month to pull his head out of his ass before he ruins his little sister’s Christmas. 

Harold Justice Lombard the Fifth is at his own crossroads—he can keep being Hal, massage therapist in training, flamboyant and irrepressible to the bones, or he can let his parents rule his life. Hal takes one look at Pierce and decides they’re fellow unicorns out to make the world a better place. Pierce can’t reject Hal’s overtures of friendship, in spite of his misgivings about being too old and too pissed off to make a good friend. 

As they experience everything from existential Looney Tunes to eternal trips to Target, Pierce becomes more dependent on Hal’s optimism to get him through the day. When Hal starts getting him through the nights too, Pierce must look inside for the knight he used to be—before Christmas becomes a doomsday deadline of heartbreak instead of a celebration of love.


$4.99 $3.74