Bisexual books


All the Rules of Heaven

All That Heaven Will Allow | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

All That Heaven Will Allow: Book One

When Tucker Henderson inherits Daisy Place, he’s pretty sure it’s not a windfall—everything in his life has come with strings attached. He’s prepared to do his bit to satisfy the supernatural forces in the old house, but he refuses to be all sweetness and light about it.

Angel was sort of hoping for sweetness and light.

Trapped at Daisy Place for over fifty years, Angel hasn’t always been kind to the humans who have helped him in his duty of guiding spirits to the beyond. When Tucker shows up, Angel vows to be more accommodating, but Tucker’s layers of cynicism and apparent selfishness don’t make it easy.

Can Tucker work with a gender-bending, shape-shifting irritant, and can Angel retain his divine intentions when his heart proves all too human?


$6.99 $5.24


Storm Fronts | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Storm Fronts: Book Three

What if the mirror does reflect what’s inside?

Mercenary Vick Corren is steadfast in her love for empath Kelly LaSalle. When it comes to her love of herself, not so much.

After an acidic-lake dunking on a distant moon shows Vick what’s really beneath her synthetic skin, it doesn’t matter that she heals. All she can see is the metallic shell of the soldier she once was. It’s a cruel reminder that she’s a cyborg. An AI. Less than human.

And that's not Vick's biggest problem. Her clone, the sadistic VC2, is on the loose and on the hunt. Her mission? Eliminate Vick and make Kelly her own.

Can Vick resolve her crippling identity crisis in time to defeat VC2—a terrifying version of herself that she might have been if not for Kelly’s love?


$6.99 $5.24

Mean Machine

Perchance to Dream
$6.99 $5.24

For a boxer ravaged by guilt and in deep denial of his desires, a fight beyond the ring might yield his greatest prize.

In a dystopian UK devastated by austerity and ruled by corporate interests, Brooklyn Marshall was a happily married London police officer—until an accident resulted in the death of a protester connected to a powerful family. Now he takes out his anger and pain on his opponents, fighting for the company that took him into stewardship after his conviction and disgrace—and which all but owns him.

Wealthy barrister Nathaniel Bishop fulfills his dream of a family when he adopts a daughter. He can’t resist researching her allegedly violent criminal father, but Brook isn’t at all what he expects. He’s fascinating… and maybe worthy of redemption. Through legal sleight of hand, Nathaniel thinks he can overturn Brook’s conviction.

Brook has learned the hard way not to trust anyone, let alone a privileged man who’s purchased his “time.” But as they get to know each other, he allows himself to hope.

With his fights getting deadlier, hope might be the only thing to carry Brook through.

Third Edition
First Edition previously published as Counterpunch by Storm Moon Press, in 2011. Second Edition previously published as Counterpunch in 2014.


$6.99 $5.24

Silk Dragon Salsa

The Kai Gracen Series | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

The Kai Gracen Series: Book Four

SoCalGov Stalker Kai Gracen always knew Death walked in his shadow. Enough people told him that, including his human mentor, Dempsey. Problem was, the old man never told him what to do when Death eventually caught up.

Where Tanic, his elfin father and the Wild Hunt Master of the Unsidhe Court, brought Kai pain and suffering, Dempsey gave him focus and a will to live… at least until everything unraveled. Now caught in a web of old lies and half-truths, Kai is torn between the human and elfin worlds, unsure of who he is anymore. Left with a hollowness he can’t fill, Kai aches to find solace in the one elfin he trusts—a Sidhe Lord named Ryder—but he has unfinished business with Dempsey’s estranged brother, a man who long ago swore off anything to do with the feral elfin child Dempsey dragged up from the gutter.

Reeling from past betrayals, Kai searches for Dempsey’s brother, hoping to do right by the man who saved him while trying to keep ahead of the death haunting his every step. Kai never thought he’d find love or happiness as a Stalker, but when Death comes knocking at his door, Kai discovers a fierce need to live life to the fullest—even if that means turning his back on the people he calls family.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Stefano Rossi longs for the mystical—and so far unattainable—peace of reaching subspace. But can he accept that the person who can take him there is a man?

Riku Tao has given up on finding a sub who complements him. He’ll stick with doing demonstrations at the BDSM club the Edge. He certainly doesn’t have time for a closeted Catholic guy with internalized biphobia… and yet he cannot help but want to protect Stefano and give him what he needs. A history of physical and sexual abuse makes it impossible for Stefano to come out of the closet, and Riku certainly isn’t going back in.

Perhaps an arrangement of six months to explore their desires will be enough to satisfy them both.

Or it might break their hearts.

To take hold of his future with the man he’s coming to love, Stefano will need to move beyond the pain of his past, and he won’t be able to do it alone.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Tenner Gibson has a job he enjoys, a prickly ex-wife, and an adorable daughter he wouldn’t trade for the world. With no romance, no sex life, and no other hobbies, a rec league softball team is as close as he gets to hedonism.

But life throws him a curveball when cocky Ross McTierney sets his sights on getting under Tenner’s skin.

One explosion of lust later, Tenner wonders what possessed him to have a quickie with Ross, and Ross wonders how to do it again.

Tenner has eight weeks to convince his tiny modern family that Ross is what’s best for him.  Ross has eight weeks to get used to the idea that complicated doesn’t always mean bad. Their sex life is moving at the speed of light, and everything in their relationship is coming at them too fast….

But together, they might make a connection and knock it out of the park.


$6.99 $5.24

Were-Geeks Save Wisconsin

Were-Geeks Save the World | Book One
$0.99 $0.74

Were-Geeks Save the World: Book One

When badass werewolves battling supernatural evil realize they need tech support, they recruit a group of geeks with hilarious—and romantic—results.

Chemist Josh Collier is having a blast at a comic book convention when he gets the shock of his life—he’s a werewolf! WTF? Before he can howl, he’s whisked away to a secret lair by Nero, a hot guy dressed as a Roman centurion. Josh’s former life is over, and his genius is needed at Wulf, Inc.

Nero has no interest in babysitting a trainee were-geek when he’d rather be killing the demon that wiped out his entire pack. While Josh analyzes the monster’s weapon, wild passion ignites between him and Nero.

With destiny and their pack in the balance, can they survive the demon out to destroy Wisconsin?


$0.99 $0.74
$6.99 $5.24

There’s more than one way to interpret destiny.

The Son of Satan, a demon hunter, a mummy, a witch, a harpy, and the messenger of an elder god walk into a bar… and try to prevent the apocalypse? The devil isn’t thrilled, and frankly the angels aren’t either. But from the bowels of Hell to the chilly Halls of Heaven, from Thailand to Tacoma to the bottom of the ocean, this ragtag group of supernaturals plans to fight the prophecy and save the world or die trying. With enemies among the most powerful beings ever to exist and allies they can’t trust as far as they can throw, they’d better get their act together fast.


$6.99 $5.24

Home and Away

Lexington Lovers
Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

Lexington Lovers

Taking their shot at love.

University of Kentucky senior Kit Parkins has his life planned out. He’ll graduate, get a good job, find a better apartment, meet the guy of his dreams, and settle down to a happy life near his brother and uncles, the only family he has left. But meeting Lincoln Joyner, UK’s star basketball player, calls all his priorities into question.

Like Kit, Linc knows exactly where life is taking him: to the NBA and as far away from his hardscrabble childhood as possible. There’s just one problem. He falls in love with Kit, who can’t imagine life anywhere but in Lexington.

Can they find a way to keep their relationship going without giving up on their dreams?


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Welcome, Motor Heads, Rally Girls, and Hangers-On! It’s another wild ride here at the Gathering—the underground world of fast cars, crazy drivers, and partying all night long. If you’re here, it means you’ve broken curfew. Not something the ruling Mob of Terra One encourages, but we’re all in the same boat, so let’s rock it! As long as you’ve paid off your local Associate, you’ll be fine. Maybe.

Tonight’s race features racing royalty, ladies and gents! Let’s welcome seventeen-year-old Rebecca “RC” Camille, third in the Driver’s Index. She lives to race. Nothing but motor oil running through her veins, folks. Her aim? To be number one, beating out two of the boys she grew up with at the Open Arms orphanage. She’s lethal in her GT500KR. Nothing gets in her way. Not a sense of brotherhood. Not even love.

Her challenger tonight? A psychotic serial killer willing to stop at nothing to eliminate the competition. Can RC stop him before he kills his way to the top? Or will she need reinforcements from the authority we all love to hate? Remember, children, the Mob never gives away their help for free.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

For six years, Harmony Ink has been privileged to showcase the very best up-and-coming writers of LGBTQ+ fiction. We are once again awed and inspired by the talent, creativity, and heart displayed by these authors, all fourteen to twenty-one years old. Selected from dozens of entrants, these young people are the winners of the Harmony Ink Young Author Challenge, and they represent the entire spectrum as well as a variety of fictional genres. They are the future voices of our community, and they invite you to take a journey into their rich and imaginative worlds.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$6.99 $5.24

Burn It Down

Texas Heroes
$6.99 $5.24

A Texas Heroes Novel

When an arsonist targets a kind-hearted park ranger, a firefighter steps up to protect him… and overcome his fear of dating in the process.

Park Ranger Troy Hurst has his hands full with a long, hot summer causing fires to break out all over the Sam Houston National Forest, and it looks like the weather isn’t the only culprit. But helping two abandoned teenage boys and facing the memory of his own difficult childhood will require all Troy’s strength and courage—he doesn’t have anything left to deal with the increasingly dangerous fires.

Firefighter Jared Winters has never been one to turn his back on those in need, and Troy and his young wards are in more danger than they know. Even though Jared is still reeling from an abusive relationship and Troy’s never acted on his attraction to men, the heat between them is impossible to extinguish, and before they know it, they’re planning to become foster parents—a family.

But first they’ll need to find and stop the dangerous criminal threatening homes and lives in Everness.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Assassin meets innocent. 

Kicked out of the Assassins Guild for breach of contract, hunted by its members for killing the Guild Leader, and half hooked on illegal narcotics, Cor Sandros could use a break. Down to her last few credits, Cor is offered a freelance job to eliminate a perverse political powerhouse. Always a sucker for helping the helpless, she accepts.

The plan doesn’t include Cor falling in love with her employer, sweet and attractive Kila, but as the pair struggles to reach the target’s home world, pursued by assassins from the Guild, Cor finds the inexplicable attraction growing stronger. There’s a job to do, and intimate involvement is an unwelcome distraction. Then again, so is sexual frustration.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Torquere Press Publishers, November 2015.


$6.99 $5.24

No Limits

Exploring Limits
$6.99 $5.24

Exploring Limits: Book Two

For three actors in a committed gay ménage, balancing work, sex, and romance might be their most challenging role yet.

The Dom who taught Devon about BDSM is back to reclaim his sub and break up the trio. He leaves chaos across the set of Camelot and Devon reluctant to resume his dominant role with his lovers, Jonathan and Kit. 

But facing their pasts and discovering and exploring new kinks might not be the ultimate test of their relationship….

Filming is ending on the miniseries that brought the three of them together, and they’re about to go their separate ways, pulled in different directions by family, obligations, and careers. How will they hold onto the love they’ve built when production wraps?

Each man has a unique idea about how to maintain their relationship, but will promises and memories be enough?


This volume includes newly edited and expanded versions of the novellas:

Breaking Limits

Transcending Limits

No Limits

First Edition
Breaking Limits, Transcending Limits, No Limits previously published individually by Dreamspinner Press, respectively: July 2010, September 2010, November 2010.


$6.99 $5.24

Fische auf dem Trockenen

Fische auf dem Trockenen | Buch Eins
$6.99 $5.24

Fische auf dem Trockenen: Buch Eins

Privatdetektiv Jackson Rivers wuchs auf den rauen Straßen von Del Paso Heights auf und traut Polizisten nicht – obwohl er einer war. Als der Mann, den er als seinen Bruder betrachtet, des Mordes an einem Polizisten beschuldigt wird, bei dem es eindeutig nicht mit rechten Dingen zuging, setzt er Himmel und Hölle in Bewegung, um Kaden und seiner Familie zu helfen.

Strafverteidiger Ellery Cramer stammt aus einer reichen Familie, was ihn nicht daran hindert, sich bereits seit sechs Jahren zum straßenerfahrenen, selbstbewussten Detektiv Jackson Rivers hingezogen zu fühlen. Doch als Jackson ihn um Hilfe bei der Verteidigung von Kaden Cameron bittet, ist er bald überfordert – und das nicht nur in Bezug auf den verschlossenen, unwirschen Detektiv. Kaden wurde nicht nur ein Mord angehängt, sondern er wurde ihm von korrupten Polizisten angehängt, wobei die Verschwörung weiter reicht, als Ellery sich vorwagt – und bis in Jacksons unschöne Vergangenheit.

Bald sind beide Männer tief in das Rätsel um den in der Tankstelle ermordeten Polizisten verstrickt und befinden sich in einem Wettlauf gegen die Zeit, um Kadens Unschuld zu beweisen. Doch abseits der Ermittlungen und der fliegenden Kugeln müssen sie mit persönlichen Komplikationen umgehen … und einer gegenseitigen Anziehungskraft, die außer Kontrolle geraten ist.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $1.11

Can a sexy rock star show a relationship-phobic ice skater that there’s more to life than gold medals?  

When ice-skating’s bad boy Blaze first glimpses Drake, every fantasy he’s ever had flares to life. Not only is rock star Drake sexy as sin, his songs awaken a longing in Blaze that he’s denied for years. But Blaze Parker doesn’t believe in relationships—at least not those that last more than twenty minutes. 

Drake Keys has dreamed about the sensual ice skater for years. When Drake is kicked out of his band because of his bisexuality, he drives across the country to finally see the man he’s had a crush on skate live.   

Though the attraction is instant and intense, both Blaze and Drake have baggage that puts any relationship on thin ice. Blaze is driven by a long-ago betrayal to prove himself a champion, and Drake, uncertain about the future, hopes to resurrect his music career. As they take a road trip together, Drake romances Blaze, hoping to melt his heart and show him that love is possible… but not without some tough decisions.


$6.99 $1.11
$5.99 $4.49

Parfois, les meilleurs moments de la vie sont ceux auxquels on s’attend le moins.

Joe Cohen a consacré les deux dernières années de sa vie à une seule chose : prendre soin de Kade Bosa. Kade est son colocataire, son meilleur ami, et ensemble, ils tiennent une agence de détectives privés. Même si leur relation n’est pas exactement celle dont il rêverait, Joe se refuse à forcer les choses. Kade a déjà suffisamment souffert, et Joe est son seul soutien.

Rejeté par sa famille, Joe connaît la peur de se retrouver seul au monde, mais il était loin d’imaginer qu’un jour son passé et celui de Kade entreraient en collision. Pourtant, l’affaire sur laquelle ils enquêtent les amène à découvrir des éléments qui pourraient bien mettre en péril leur relation, qu’elle soit privée ou professionnelle…


$5.99 $4.49


Love, Unexpected
$6.99 $5.24

A Love, Unexpected Tale

They never knew what hit them.

A hooker with a heart, falling for a Vice cop? This is no Hollywood movie, and if they want a happily ever after, it's not going to be easy. 

Detective Randy Michaels is back with Vice, working to help NYC crack down on its prostitution problem. When he suspects Jesse Bryant of soliciting, Randy is torn between duty and his knowledge of what put Jesse on the streets. Jesse is clearly struggling, and he isn’t the only one. Recent events have forced Randy to question his sexuality, and a shocking encounter with Jesse plunges him into a crisis of conscience. 

Jesse didn’t think his life could get any worse. His family cut all support, his education is on hold, and he’s surviving the only way he knows—selling himself on the streets. Of all the people who could have offered him a helping hand, why did it have to be Randy? 

Two men carrying their own personal burdens: How long will it take them to realize that what they really need is each other?


$6.99 $5.24