Contemporary Romance books


Entre ombre et lumière

Californie équestre | Tome 3
$6.99 $5.24

Suite de Sombre était la nuit 
Californie équestre, tome 3

Jeff, Evan et Dan vivent heureux depuis deux ans. Ils ont toujours des problèmes, surtout Dan et Evan, mais en général, ils parviennent à transformer les désagréments personnels en tension sexuelle – qu'ils résolvent bien vite – et personne ne se plaint.

Puis la sœur de Dan, enceinte de sept mois et en fuite depuis des années, débarque dans leur vie, et la situation devient étouffante. Jeff et Evan veulent aider Dan, mais, entre Evan qui craint pour la sécurité de sa petite sœur ‒ à raison ? ‒ et Jeff qui doit lutter pour sa propre santé, ils ont de quoi être distraits. Et tandis que la sœur de Dan se débat avec son passé, Evan semble prêt à jouer avec sa vie et son avenir. Entre les émotions et les familles qui les déchirent et les tirent dans toutes les directions, les trois hommes doivent s'attacher plus que jamais les uns aux autres, ou leur amour risque de les séparer.


$6.99 $5.24

La lettre Z

Coda (Français)
$4.99 $3.74

Suite de De A à Z
Coda, numéro hors série

Zach et Angelo se sont faits à leur nouvelle vie à Coda dans le Colorado. Avec l’aide de leurs amis Matt et Jared, ils ont trouvé leur place dans la communauté. Zach et Angelo explorent aussi les particularités de leur relation, mais quand ils prennent une décision que Jared désapprouve, Angelo se fâche avec le meilleur ami de son partenaire. Et le partenaire de son meilleur ami.

Lorsqu’ils décident de partir quelques jours à Las Vegas, Angelo croit que Jared et lui sont sur la voie de la réconciliation. Mais lorsqu’ils rencontrent par hasard l’ex-petit ami de Zach, Angelo se remet en question, ainsi que leur relation. Matt et Jared ont toujours été là lorsque Zach et Angelo ont eu besoin d’aide. Mais quand il s’agit de leur relation, leurs amis pourraient plus être le mal que le remède.


$4.99 $3.74

Imposter in Zebra-striped Briefs

The Seattle Chronicles
$3.99 $2.99

The Seattle Chronicles

When recent college graduate Nathan Harris makes a life-changing move out from under his mother's thumb and into his own place, he is determined to take some risks. He is tired of not being good enough, tired of allowing his fears to control him.

What he thought would be an exciting adventure ends up being one jaw-dropping mishap of embarrassment after another, leaving him with a life he doesn't even recognize anymore.

His once boring, lonely existence has been replaced by a brownstone filled with colorful friends, a rough around the edges, tattooed bad boy best friend, and a stripper for a boyfriend who's not even sure he’s gay.


$3.99 $2.99
$6.99 $5.24

Il ventiduenne Luke Kearsey, sopravvissuto a una vita in affidamento, scappa da una relazione violenta e abbandona il suo paese. Ora vive in Inghilterra, dove lavora in un fast-food. Forse la sua vita non ha una direzione, ma per lo meno lui è al sicuro.

Quando l’insegnante trentaseienne Paul Blackwell incontra Luke in un club, neanche l’uomo pensa di aver trovato qualcosa di più di un po’ di sesso senza strascichi. Paul è ancora in lutto per la morte del compagno con cui stava da cinque anni e non sta cercando un legame serio. Non se questo significa soffrire nuovamente.

Nonostante tutte le loro differenze, qualcosa scocca tra i due. Anche se a Luke manca la fiducia in se stesso e stenta a credere di avere qualcosa da offrire a Paul, anche se Paul è restio a iniziare una relazione con un uomo così diverso da lui, i due cominciano a esplorare le possibilità che potrebbero aiutarli a guarire. Con l’amore e il sostegno che si offrono a vicenda, Luke e Paul iniziano a lasciarsi il passato alle spalle; ma poi il passato di Luke si presenta in Inghilterra, reclamandolo. Luke è davvero pronto per andare avanti?


$6.99 $5.24

“Welcome to a new season of Burned, where we find fresh new cooking talent… and a few culinary disasters! Every season we do something a little different, and this time it’s all about the sweet things in life. Get ready in week one as twenty pastry chef hopefuls and dessert connoisseurs compete for the thirteen coveted workspaces in our *Burned* kitchen. With stakes this big, we ask the one question on everyone’s mind: Do these chefs have what it takes to rise to the top? Or will they get Burned?”

Burned contestants Chase and Kai are attracted from the start and can’t wait to spend more time getting to know each other… until they see the first episode treatment and realize the producers intend to portray them as bitter enemies. At first it’s fun to pretend to bicker—enemies on film, lovers when the cameras stop rolling—but soon it’s hard not to take the faux rivalry seriously. It’s only when their choice is to band together and bake their way to the final or get burned that they find where their real loyalties lie.


Make Me Soar

Collars and Cuffs | Book Six
2015 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

Collars and Cuffs: Book Six

Anyone who frequents Collars & Cuffs knows Dorian Forrester is built for pain, including Dorian himself. But everyone has it wrong. For six years, Dorian’s chased a feeling that remains tantalizingly out of his reach. Unteachable, Dorian can take anything and everything a Dom can throw at him. Still, it’s not enough. Dorian needs… something more. Something he won’t find at Collars & Cuffs.

Dorian’s search takes him out of the safe environment he’s known for years, out of his depth, and into a realm of deep, dark trouble.

Alan Marchant has been watching Dorian with interest for a while and knows there’s more to Dorian than his label of “pain slut” suggests. When Dorian disappears, Alan and his friend Leo set out to find him. But the disoriented young man discovered cowering in a hotel room is not the Dorian they know and love. That Dorian is shattered. It’s up to Alan to pick up the pieces and show Dorian there are better ways to fly.

They may be off on a new journey together, but their destination will rock them both to the core.


$6.99 $5.24

Safe in His Arms

Safe | Book One

In the late-night quiet of the caravan park shower room, Lon Taylor washes away the filth of the Western Australian mines. He’s not looking for anyone, but when Casey offers, Lon doesn’t turn him down.

Welcoming the young man in his big, hairy arms, Lon provides a safety to Casey that he has never known, and Casey wants to stay forever. Still reeling from the breakup of his family years ago, Lon’s not sure he’s ready for the responsibility of the comfort and security Casey craves.

But perhaps Lon can risk opening his heart again and hoping for a brighter future. Casey has some pretty big skeletons in his past to deal with. And Lon wonders what Casey will do when he finds out how badly Lon failed at protecting the ones he loved eight years ago.


Thrown a Curve

The Rainbow League | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

The Rainbow League: Book Two

Mason made headlines when, after his professional baseball career was sidelined by an injury, he very publicly came out of the closet. Now he’s scratching the baseball itch playing in the Rainbow League while making his way through New York’s population of beefcakes, even though they all come up short. Plus, he’s still thinking about last summer’s encounter with hot, effeminate, pierced and tattooed Patrick—pretty much the opposite of the sort of man he has long pictured himself with.

Patrick hasn’t been able to forget Mason either, and now that baseball season is back upon them, he’s determined to have him again. Mason is unlike any man Patrick has ever been with before, and not just because he’s an ex-Yankee. All Patrick has to do is convince a reluctant Mason that their one night wasn’t just a crazy fluke and that they could be great together… if only Mason could get past his old hang-ups and his intolerant family.


$6.99 $5.24

A night of drunken confusion at nineteen resulted in Patrick Connelly fathering a child. Determined to be there for his son, Patrick walked away from a sport he loved and forever hid his sexuality. After Patrick's brutal divorce and a vicious hate crime, his son, Jay, has become obsessed with graffiti. Hoping for a fresh start, Patrick moves Jay to his childhood home in Seattle. Within two weeks, Jay is arrested again. On his way to pick Jay up, Patrick stops an assault, then finds himself in handcuffs too. Thinking things can’t get any worse, he’s confronted by the sexiest man he’s ever seen—his son’s new probation officer, Ken Atkins.

The hardest part of Ken’s job is working with difficult parents, and the undeniably handsome Patrick Connelly is going to be a difficult parent. A chance encounter and steamy hookup with Patrick leave Ken blindsided. As they work together to try to keep Jay on the right path, the passion between them proves impossible to resist. When the assault Patrick prevented comes back to haunt them and Jay gets into trouble again, Ken must convince Patrick that ensuring his son’s happiness doesn’t have to mean sacrificing his own.


Peccato e seduzione

Peccato e seduzione | Libro 1
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Peccato e seduzione, Libro 1

Dorian Grant è il re della malavita di New Orleans, ma non è un mafioso e non gli piace essere considerato tale. È semplicemente uno spietato uomo d’affari che chiunque con un po’ di cervello ci penserebbe due volte prima di tentare di fregare. La vita a New Orleans si fonda tutta sul peccato e il violento e irascibile Dorian i peccati li ha commessi tutti.

Ma non tutti i peccati a New Orleans lasciano l’amaro in bocca: una notte Dorian scopre un uomo, dal nome d’arte di Sweet Heat, che entra nella sua vita ballando in un locale chiamato Peccato e Seduzione. Dorian si aspetta un incontro piccante. Sicuramente non sta cercando una relazione, e di certo non con qualcuno come Jansen, che mette sottosopra il cupo mondo organizzato di Dorian.

Ora Dorian si trova a fare pressione su Jansen perché questi lasci il suo lavoro, dal momento che non riesce a sopportare il pensiero che altri uomini tocchino ciò che è suo. Ovvio, Jansen vuole un compromesso – dopotutto, anche il lavoro di Dorian è pericoloso. Ma il ballerino si renderà conto di quanto lo sia davvero solo quando sarà troppo tardi.


$6.99 $5.24

Rouge + Bleu

Contraires qui s’attirent
$6.99 $5.24

Contraires qui s’attirent, numéro hors série

Fraîchement débarqué du Minnesota, Ben Dutoit est fou de joie d’avoir décroché un travail au sein de Sydney Family Insurance, l’une des rares compagnies à offrir des contrats d’assurance-vie aux personnes à haut risque. Le fait de travailler à San Francisco, creuset de la culture homosexuelle, constituait juste la cerise sur un gâteau aux couleurs de l’arc-en-ciel. Ben s’est fixé trois buts : affirmer et se montrer suffisamment fier de son homosexualité pour participer à la Gay Pride ; profiter dans les boîtes de nuit de la compagnie de ses semblables et, s’il avait de la chance, tomber amoureux.

Mais les hommes que Ben rencontre sont tout ce qu’il n’est pas : charmants, sûrs d’eux, sophistiqués et sexy. Ils constituent l’élite de l’élite, tiennent une place importante dans la société, sont fortunés et endossent toutes les responsabilités qui vont de pair.

Ben se demande si le Rouge et le Bleu peuvent se mélanger quand il découvre la vraie signification du mot ‘risque’. L’économie mondiale vacille. Le travail sur lequel il comptait est remis en cause et tous les rêves qu’il avait faits sont menacés, et plus particulièrement celui concernant l’amour.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Der fünfundvierzigjährige Englischprofessor Nathan Qells ist sehr gut darin, anderen das Gefühl zu geben, dass sie ihm wichtig sind. Was er allerdings nicht gut kann - sie in seinem Leben zu halten. Er ist ein netter Kerl, er empfindet nur nicht so wie andere Menschen. Deshalb ist ihm auch in der ganzen Zeit, in der er Michael, den Jungen von gegenüber, betreut hat, nie aufgefallen, dass sich dessen Onkel und Vormund, der Mafiaschläger Andreo Fiore, immer mehr in ihn verliebt hat.

Dreo hat größere Probleme, als Nate auf sich aufmerksam zu machen. Er zieht seinen Neffen groß und versucht, seinen zwielichtigen Job hinter sich zu lassen und seine eigene Firma zu gründen. Doch dieses Vorhaben wird erschwert, als mehrere Unterweltgrößen durch Anschläge aus dem Weg geräumt werden. Trotzdem ist Dreo immer noch versessen darauf, sich ein neues Leben aufzubauen – ein Leben mit Nate als Mittelpunkt. Ein Leben, das genauso ist, wie Nate es sich immer erträumt hat. Unglücklicherweise, waren diese Anschläge nur Teil einer großen Umstrukturierung, und die Liebe, die Dreo offensichtlich für Nate empfindet, bringt auch diesen in die Schusslinie.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Good Question
Q&A: Book Two

Two men from different worlds must realize they deserve to be loved and what they have together is real and worth fighting for.

Though Jamison Coburn and Lonnie Bellerose have been a couple for a month, each worries he’s not good enough for the other. Lonnie has always doubted his worth and right to be loved, despite a superb education and international upbringing. Jamison, an undereducated laborer, grew up in a loving family who never knew he was gay.

As Jamison struggles to find his way as an out gay man, he fears the occasional stumble will send Lonnie packing. Lonnie doesn't trust that anyone would choose him and worries that Jamison will see better options.

When Lonnie’s abusive ex returns, he’s determined to reclaim Lonnie. He works to exacerbate the new couple’s differences and doubts in the hopes of splitting them up, which is proving too easy.

For their love to last, Lonnie and Jamison will have to be brutally honest, not only with themselves, but with each other.


$6.99 $5.24

Hook, Line, & Sinker

Hard Hats | Book Two

When they were teens, Castor McCormick was the bane of Blake Kowalski’s existence. Their mutual animosity led to summers filled with rivalry. Now, nearly two decades later, Cas is moving back into the neighborhood to live in his grandmother’s old house. Blake tells himself he isn’t interested in seeing how snarky little Cas grew up, but when his mother dupes him into visiting his former nemesis, he finds out “pretty” can evolve into “sexy as hell” on the right man.

Cas didn’t think he wanted to see Blake again. No one has ever pushed his buttons like the arrogant boy he remembers from their youth. Turns out, the adult version of Blake still gets him hot under the collar—and everywhere else. With Blake on leave from work to nurse an injured leg and Cas taking time to move and unpack, they form a tentative friendship that turns into a sexual affair neither man can deny. But when Cas’s job sends him out of state to deal with a difficult client, their new relationship will be tested, and if they fail, Blake’s broken leg might not be the only thing to end up scarred.


Save Yourself

Foster High Stories

A Tales from Foster High Story

Matt Wallace returns to Foster to be with his high school crush, Tyler. They're finally together, but Tyler's past is still a mystery to Matt. When the truth comes out, Matt is forced to decide if he can handle learning about what Tyler did, or if he'd be better off to cut ties and run.


Cutting Cords

Cutting Cords Series

When Sloan Driscoll and Cole Fujiwara become reluctant roommates, neither man is willing to share too much. Sloan is instantly attracted to Cole but knows it's a hopeless cause; Cole has a steady girlfriend. But one night they share a joint, and Cole opens a window neither anticipated.

A relationship may be impossible—both men are living with heart-breaking secrets. While Sloan is smart, sassy, and a brilliant graphic artist, he’s also a pothead with severe body image problems. Cole, a former major league pitcher, has his own personal crisis: he's going blind. Sloan and Cole are suffering on so many levels, they might not realize that the ultimate salvation could be within each other’s arms.


$9.99 $7.49

Don't miss this exclusive bundle of contemporary romance novels by best-selling author Ariel Tachna. Enjoy The Path, featuring two men falling in love while hiking the Inca Trail; Seducing C.C., a sexy romp between counselors while at summer camp that turns into something more; Her Two Dads, in which an unexpected baby brings two roommates together in life and love; Fallout, where blistering attraction flares between an engineer and a professor during a potential catastrophe; and Inherit the Sky, book one of the fan favorite Lang Downs series, a romance set on a sheep station in the Australian outback. Five stories in one volume!


$9.99 $7.49

Küss Mich, Bulle

Toronto Tales (Deutsch)
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Toronto Tales

Eigentlich ist Detective Kurt O’Donnell daran gewöhnt, die Geheimnisse anderer Menschen zu ergründen. Doch als er herausfindet, dass sein bei einem Einsatz verunglückter Partner mit einem Mann zusammenlebte, ist er erschüttert. Da er trotzdem das Richtige tun möchte, bietet er dem trauernden Davy seine Unterstützung an. Davy über seinen Verlust hinwegzuhelfen, macht es Kurt leichter, seine eigenen Schuldgefühle zu verarbeiten, denn er fühlt sich für das mangelnde Vertrauen seines Partners verantwortlich. Zu Kurts Überraschung entwickelt sich aus der anfänglichen Verpflichtung bald die engste Freundschaft seines Lebens.

Seine wachsende Zuneigung zu Davy verunsichert Kurt und lässt ihn schließlich seine Sexualität in Frage stellen, als plötzlich ein leidenschaftlicher Moment, für den eigentlich keiner der beiden Männer bereit ist, ihre Welt noch heftiger ins Wanken bringt. Für eine Beziehung mit Davy müsste Kurt sich outen, fürchtet jedoch um seine Arbeitsstelle und seine katholische Familie. Kann er das alles wirklich riskieren, um sich auf eine unsichere Zukunft mit einem noch trauernden Mann einzulassen?


$6.99 $5.24