Books by "Damon Suede" (14)

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Holidays this fun can’t be legal. When a cat burglar dressed as Santa targets a glitzy Manhattan high-rise, the holidays get unhinged.

As superintendent, Mark Almeida needs to keep the residents safe, and as a former NYPD cop, he knows he can crack the case without any help… until he meets a suave stranger too handsome for his own good who pushes buttons Mark didn’t know he had.

As the holly-jolly crime spree unfolds, Mark wrestles with duty and desire while juggling festive clues, lavish gifts, and stolen kisses in time for a truly crooked Christmas.

St. Nicked, the newest contemporary romance from Damon Suede, combines the tension of a mystery with feel-good romance in a way only Damon can deliver. 

"A miraculous mashup of To Catch a Thief, Only Murders in the Building and I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus, this playful holiday tale is full of sparkling dialog, genuine New York chutzpah and smoldering sex appeal. The characters speak their own language, and the reader is genuinely excited to be welcomed into the bubble. The fun, knowing nods to favorite holiday movies and traditions make it bubble and the thoughtful revelations by both main characters keep it from being too sweet. This was a fun read, and we rooted for our good Santa to embrace a little naughtiness, and our naughty elf to be genuinely good. The gift at the end was that our every wish was granted. A delight from start to finish."  Amy Lane


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Angebrannt: Die Liebe wartet nicht.

Patch Hastle ist erfolgreicher DJ und Model, der als Jugendlicher aus Texas abgehauen ist. Er hat wenig Grund, zurückzublicken. Dann verunglücken seine Eltern tödlich und Patch muss notgedrungen zurück in seine alte Heimat. Sobald die Farm der Familie verkauft ist, will er sich wieder aus dem Staub machen. Leider wurde ausgerechnet der böse Geist seiner Jugend zum Testamentsvollstrecker berufen – der gut aussehende beste Freund seines Vaters, der ihm das Leben an der High School zur Hölle gemacht hat.

Tucker Biggs zieht es nirgendwo hin. Zwanzig Jahre nach seiner Zeit als Rodeo-Cowboy hat er als Verwalter auf der Hastle-Farm Wurzeln geschlagen. Dass der ungebärdige Sohn seines Freundes ihn früher nicht leiden konnte, war ihm klar. Aber als ihm plötzlich ein attraktiver junger Erwachsener gegenübersteht, eine Versuchung auf zwei langen Beinen in Skinny-Jeans, hat Tucker alle Veranlassung, sich ein paar neue Tricks einfallen zu lassen.

Patch und Tucker kommen schon bald zur Sache, aber etwas Ernstes kann das ja nicht werden. Das Ende scheint vorprogrammiert: Die Farm wird verkauft, ihre Wege werden sich wieder trennen und jeder reitet in seinen eigenen Sonnenuntergang. Aber den rastlosen Großstadtmenschen und seinen verwurzelten Kerl vom Land verbindet dann doch mehr als gedacht. Wenn sich nicht alles wieder in Luft auflösen soll, müssen die beiden sich darüber klarwerden, was ihnen wirklich wichtig ist – bevor ihnen die Zeit davonläuft.


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$6.99 $3.17

In un battibaleno: l’amore non aspetta.

Patch Hastle è cresciuto in tutta fretta: scappato a gambe levate dal paesello del Texas orientale che gli ha dato i natali, s’è fatto una vita a New York come modello e DJ e non s’è mai voltato indietro. Anche quando i suoi vengono improvvisamente a mancare, il ragazzo torna a casa con l’intenzione di sbolognare la fattoria al primo magnate del petrolio che passa e far fagotto più veloce della luce. Peccato che il testamento metta le redini in mano al miglior amico di suo padre, nonché peggior nemico di Patch.

Tucker Biggs ha finito di andare a spasso per rodei: ha messo radici ed è diventato il guardiano-bracciante della fattoria degli Hastle. Sa bene che Patch lo detesta, ma quando il ragazzo ricompare in versione adulta, bello da impazzire, Tucker finisce per trasformare la rimpatriata in una bella lezione sull’esperienza e sui desideri.

È un bel gioco se dura poco, e sia Patch che Tucker sanno già che questo finirà in un battibaleno: appena venduta la fattoria se ne andranno ciascuno per la sua strada e tanti saluti. Purtroppo, però, a ogni secondo che passa le corde che legano il cittadino tutto in tiro e il bifolco dai jeans consunti si stringono sempre di più… E se non vogliono farsi disarcionare, dovranno entrambi capire cos’è che conta davvero, e dovranno farlo alla svelta.


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$6.99 $3.17

À toute vitesse : L’amour n’attend pas.

Patch Hastle a grandi vite, abandonnant sans un regard en arrière son Texas natal pour New York afin de se faire un nom comme DJ et mannequin. Lorsque ses parents meurent de façon brutale, il retourne chez lui afin de vider la ferme familiale avec l’intention de déguerpir le plus vite possible. C’était sans compter sur le testament qui laisse la direction de la ferme à son pire ennemi : le magnifique meilleur ami de son père qui a fait de ses années de lycée un enfer. 

Tucker Biggs tourne en rond. Vingt ans après sa carrière dans le rodéo, il s’enracine dans son rôle de gardien de la ferme des Hastle. Il sait que le fils « je sais tout » de son ami le déteste toujours, mais lorsque Patch apparaît plus mature, ressemblant à un péché sur pattes dans un jean moulant, Tucker transforme son retour en leçon sur les vieux singes à qui on n’apprend pas à faire la grimace. 

Patch et Tucker batifolent, mais ils ne sont pas dupes. Lorsque la ferme sera vendue, ils comptent en rester là et prendre des chemins séparés. Avec le temps qui passe, la vie du citadin et du campagnard traditionaliste s’entremêle. S’ils veulent que cela dure plus longtemps que la neige au soleil, ils feraient mieux de comprendre ce qui est important – et vite.


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$6.99 $3.17

Lickety Split: Love won’t wait.

Patch Hastle grew up in a hurry, ditching East Texas for NYC to make his name as a DJ and model without ever looking back. When his parents die unexpectedly, he heads home to unload the family farm ASAP and skedaddle. Except the will left Patch’s worst enemy in charge: his father’s handsome best friend who made his high school years hell.

Tucker Biggs is going nowhere. Twenty years past his rodeo days, he’s put down roots as the caretaker of the Hastle farm. He knows his buddy’s smartass son still hates his guts, but when Patch shows up growed-up, looking like sin in tight denim, Tucker turns his homecoming into a lesson about old dogs and new kinks.

Patch and Tucker fool around, but they can’t fool themselves. Once the farm’s sold, they mean to call it quits and head off to separate sunsets. With the clock ticking, the city slicker and his down-home hick get roped into each other’s life. If they’re gonna last longer than spit on a griddle, they better figure out what matters—fast.


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$6.99 $3.17

UNE CAGE DORÉE : mélanger affaires et plaisir – et se planquer. 

Ruben Oso est venu à Manhattan pour refaire sa vie. Garde du corps à la petite semaine, il atterrit par hasard dans un luxueux penthouse sur Park Avenue. Ce qui a débuté comme un contrat pour protéger un milliardaire jovial devient peu à peu une affaire personnelle. Et Ruben doit remettre en question tout ce qu’il croyait savoir de lui-même. 

Surveiller les arrières d’Andy Bauer, requin de la haute finance, met rapidement Ruben dans une situation impossible. Il ne connaît rien aux lois impitoyables des marchés internationaux et son arrogant patron s’enferme dans une tour de verre remplie de secrets et de non-dits, dont l’atmosphère aseptisée pue la paranoïa. 

Le danger est-il réel ? Ou Andy se joue-t-il de lui ? Qu’attend-il au juste de son garde du corps ?

Ruben perd le contrôle de ses émotions en tentant de démêler, avant qu’il y ait mort d’homme, les arcanes d’un complot financier compliqué. Si ses soupçons se confirment, Andy risque de payer un prix exorbitant. Pour le protéger, Ruben est prêt à tout risquer, y compris son cœur.


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$6.99 $3.17

PENT UP: Mix business with pleasure and take cover.

Ruben Oso moves to Manhattan to start his life over as a low-rent bodyguard and stumbles into a gig in a swanky Park Avenue penthouse. What begins as executive protection turns personal working for a debonair zillionaire who makes Ruben question everything about himself.

Watching over financial hotshot Andy Bauer puts Ruben in an impossible position. He knows zero about shady trading and his cocky boss lives barricaded in a glass tower with wall-to-wall secrets and hot-and-cold-running paranoia. Can the danger be real? Is Andy for real?

What’s a bullet catcher to do? Ruben knows his emotions are out of control even as he races to untangle a high-priced conspiracy and his crazy feelings before somebody gets dead. If his suspicions are right, Andy will pay a price neither can afford, and Ruben may discover there’s no way to guard a heart.


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$6.99 $3.17

Il n’y a pas de fumée sans feu...

Depuis le 11 septembre, Griff Muir, pompier à Brooklyn lutte contre ses sentiments impossibles envers son ami et co-équipier de l’unité 181, Dante Anastagio. Malheureusement, Dante est un parfait homme à femmes et le Corps des Pompiers de New York ne voit pas exactement l’homosexualité d’un bon œil. Pendant dix ans, Griff a caché son cœur dans un semblant de vie faite d’exploits publics et d’angoisses privées.

La prudence de Griff et l’effronterie de Dante font d’eux une équipe imbattable. Pour protéger son ami, Griff serait prêt à tout… jusqu’à ce qu’un Dante criblé de dettes lui propose le pire plan qui soit :, un site porno gay où des beaux gosses en uniforme se déshabillent et se donnent en spectacle. Et Dante veut qu’ils apparaissent là… ensemble. Griff devra protéger son cœur et vivre ses fantasmes les plus sombres devant la caméra. Peut-il sauver l’homme qu’il aime sans ruiner leurs carrières, leurs familles ou leur amitié ?


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Bad Idea

Itch Series
$6.99 $3.17

Bad Idea: Some mistakes are worth making.

Reclusive comic book artist Trip Spector spends his life doodling supersquare, straitlaced superheroes, hiding from his fans, and crushing on his unattainable boss until he meets the dork of his dreams. Silas Goolsby is a rowdy FX makeup creator with a loveless love life and a secret streak of geek who yearns for unlikely rescues and a truly creative partnership.

Against their better judgment, they fall victim to chemistry, and what starts as infatuation quickly grows tender and terrifying. With Silas’s help, Trip gambles his heart and his art on a rotten plan: sketching out Scratch, a “very graphic novel” that will either make his name or wreck his career. But even a smash can’t save their world if Trip retreats into his mild-mannered rut, leaving Silas to grapple with betrayal and emotions he can’t escape.

What will it take for this dynamic duo to discover that heroes never play it safe?


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$0.99 $0.74

HORN GATE: Open at your own risk.

Librarian Isaac Stein spends his lumpy, lonely days restoring forgotten books, until the night he steals an invitation to a scandalous club steeped in sin. Descending into its bowels, he accidentally discovers Scratch, a wounded demon who feeds on lust.

Consorting with a mortal is a bad idea, but Scratch can't resist the man who knows how to open the portal that will free him and his kind. After centuries of possessing mortals, he finds himself longing to surrender.

To be together, Isaac and Scratch must flirt with damnation and escape an inhuman trafficking ring—and they have to open their hearts or they will never unlock the Horn Gate.


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Wo Rauch ist, da ist auch Feuer...

Seit den Anschlägen vom 11. September, schlägt sich Feuerwehrmann Griff Muir nun schon mit seinen verbotenen Gefühlen für seinen besten Freund und Partner bei der Ladder 181 herum. Dante Anastagio. Unglücklicherweise ist Dante ausschließlich an Frauen interessiert und das FDNY nicht gerade schwulenfreundlich. Zehn Jahre lang hat Griff nun schon sein Herz hinter einem halbgaren Leben aus öffentlichen Heldentaten und privaten Seelenqualen versteckt.

Griffs Umsicht und Dantes Großspurigkeit machen sie zu einem unschlagbaren Team. Es gibt nichts, das Griff nicht täte, um seinen Kumpel zu beschützen... bis ein vor dem finanziellen Ruin stehender Dante ihm den schlimmstmöglichen Lösungsvorschlag macht: Eine Website mit Schwulenpornos, auf der uniformierte Muskelmänner hemmungslos zur Sache kommen. Und Dante möchte, dass sie dort ihren Auftritt haben – gemeinsam. Griff würde sein Herz schützen müssen, könnte aber seine dunkelsten Fantasien vor der Kamera ausleben. Kann er den Mann, den er liebt retten, ohne ihre Karrieren, ihre Familien oder ihre Freundschaft dabei zu zerstören?


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$6.99 $3.17

Por el humo se sabe dónde está el fuego...

Desde el 11-S el bombero de Brooklyn Griff Muir lucha contra lo que siente por su mejor amigo y compañero de trabajo en la Escala 181, Dante Anastagio. Desgraciadamente, a Dante sólo le interesan las mujeres, y el cuerpo de bomberos de Nueva York no es precisamente un colectivo que vea a los gays con buenos ojos. Griff lleva diez años escondiendo su corazón en una vida mediocre repleta de heroicidades públicas y de angustia personal.

La prudencia de Griff y la chulería de Dante les convierten en un equipo inmejorable. Para proteger a su compañero, Griff haría lo que fuera… hasta que un día, ante la quiebra económica total, Dante le propone la peor solución posible:, una página web porno para gays en la que tíos buenos con uniforme se tocan y hacen guarradas. Y Dante quiere que ellos aparezcan allí—juntos. Griff tendrá que proteger su corazón y vivir sus fantasías más oscuras ante la cámara. ¿Será capaz de rescatar al hombre que ama sin echar por tierra sus carreras, sus familias, o su amistad?


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$6.99 $3.17

Dove c'è fumo, c'è fuoco...

Dall'11; settembre, il pompiere di Brooklyn Griff Muir ha lottato contro i suoi sentimenti impossibili nei confronti del suo migliore amico e partner alla Scala 181, Dante Anastagio. Sfortunatamente, Dante è proprio un tipo da ragazze e il Dipartimento dei Vigili del Fuoco di New York non è tenero nei confronti dei gay. Per dieci anni, Griff ha celato il proprio cuore fra eroismo pubblico e angoscia privata.

La cautela di Griff e la sfacciataggine di Dante li rendono una squadra invincibile. Non c'è niente che Griff non farebbe per proteggere il suo compare... fino a quanto un Dante sull'orlo della bancarotta non propone la soluzione peggiore possibile:, un sito porno dove degli stalloni in uniforme fanno cose sconce. Dante vuole che loro appaiano su quel sito – insieme. Griff potrebbe dover tenere d'occhio il proprio cuore e vivere le sue fantasie più oscure davanti alla telecamera. Riuscirà a salvare l'uomo che ama senza distruggere le loro carriere, le loro famiglie o la loro amicizia?


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$6.99 $3.17

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire...

Since 9/11, Brooklyn firefighter Griff Muir has wrestled with impossible feelings for his best friend and partner at Ladder 181, Dante Anastagio. Unfortunately, Dante is strictly a ladies’ man, and the FDNY isn’t exactly gay-friendly. For ten years, Griff has hidden his heart in a half-life of public heroics and private anguish.

Griff’s caution and Dante’s cockiness make them an unbeatable team. To protect his buddy, there’s nothing Griff wouldn’t do… until a nearly bankrupt Dante proposes the worst possible solution:, a gay porn website where uniformed hunks get down and dirty. And Dante wants them to appear there—together. Griff may have to guard his heart and live out his darkest fantasies on camera. Can he rescue the man he loves without wrecking their careers, their families, or their friendship?


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