Fantasy Romance books


Bone Dry

The Bones Series | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Buried Bones
Bones: Book Three

Ery Phillips’s muse is MIA. He’s pretty sure his job as a graphic designer is to blame, because let’s face it, what kind of muse wants to draw grocery store logos and catheterized penises?

When Ery’s friends Dylan and Chris head off on a European vacation, Ery jumps at the chance to stay on their farm, hoping a stint in the country will encourage his muse to reappear. To be sure, the farm has attracted a few oddities—Dylan is a werewolf and the place was recently haunted—but Ery isn’t canceling his plans just because his friends warn him that there’s something strange going on in their pond. What he doesn’t expect is Karl, a beautiful naked man who appears at the water’s edge.

With Karl as his inspiration, Ery creates amazing paintings and begins to achieve the success he had previously only dreamed of. But Karl comes with certain challenges, causing Ery to question his own goals. Creating the life of his dreams with an unusual beloved may be more challenge than Ery can handle.


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$6.99 $5.24

Ohne Kleider und ohne Gedächtnis erwacht Joe in einem Gerstenfeld. Er hat keine Ahnung, wie er dorthin gekommen ist, doch ehe er es sich versieht, befindet er sich auf der letzten großen Reise seines Lebens. Ein mysteriöser, faszinierender Fremder, der ihm irgendwie bekannt vorkommt, gibt ihm den Auftrag, Mut zu haben. Und so macht sich Joe zusammen mit seinem Seelenführer Baker auf, durch eine fantastische, wandelbare Landschaft, um sich seiner Vergangenheit zu stellen.

Die Reise ist nicht ohne Herausforderungen. Manchmal ist es schwer für Joe, seine Vergangenheit erneut zu durchleben, aber wenn er Frieden finden will – und den Fremden, zu dem er sich so stark hingezogen fühlt – muss er seinen Weg bis zum Ende gehen, ganz gleich, wie oft er unterwegs in Versuchung gerät, die Suche abzubrechen.


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$6.99 $5.24

Joe si sveglia in un campo d’orzo senza vestiti, senza ricordi e senza nessuna idea di come ci sia arrivato. Ancora non lo sa, ma quello è l’ultimo grande viaggio della sua vita. Con Baker, la sua anima guida, e la spinta a essere coraggioso di un misterioso, seducente e in qualche modo familiare Straniero, Joe parte per un viaggio attraverso un mutevole paesaggio fantastico per affrontare il suo passato.

La ricerca non è priva di sfide. Il passato di Joe non è sempre una cosa facile da rivivere, ma se vuole trovare la pace – e riunirsi allo Straniero da cui è fortemente attratto – dovrà continuare fino alla fine, non importa quanto sarà forte la tentazione di fermarsi lungo la strada.


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$3.99 $2.99

Stephen Sapphire, a film major in search of a Hollywood romance, discovers he is the heir apparent to the throne of Cordonia, a mysterious kingdom off the coast of Portugal. The current queen, Marcela, invites him for a royal visit, and provides him with a noble escort, the irksome, but irresistible, Terrence Rubino.

The Book of Trou, an ancient prophecy, says Stephen must marry the queen. His mother, Leocadia, a powerful witch, prepares a love potion to actualize the prophecy, unaware that he is gay. Stephen would much rather spend time with Terrence than the queen. But he may not get a choice in the matter.

2nd Edition
1st Edition published as Sapphire and Ruby, A Novella, March 2011


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Bittersweet Dreams
$3.99 $2.99

Every nine years, on the winter solstice, Prince Neskaya's people conduct a ritual called the Midvinterblot, sacrificing nine horses, nine bulls, nine hogs, and nine men in the hopes of the return of light and fertility. With crops failing for the third year in a row, the sacrifice to win back the gods' favor is especially important. But the gods are demanding more than the usual tribute: they demand the life of the king's only son, Neskaya.

Lars, Neskaya's best friend and secret lover, is willing to fight for the life of the man he loves, despite Neskaya's odd complacency. Lars has no choice but to seek supernatural aid to save him, and he'll have to somehow convince Neskaya to fight beside him against the entire hungry village if they are to have any chance to survive.

A Bittersweet Dreams title: It's an unfortunate truth: love doesn't always conquer all. Regardless of its strength, sometimes fate intervenes, tragedy strikes, or forces conspire against it. These stories of romance do not offer a traditional happy ending, but the strong and enduring love will still touch your heart and maybe move you to tears.

2nd Edition
1st Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, December 2010


$3.99 $2.99

Il desiderio del genio

Serie Sollevando il Velo | Libro 2
$6.99 $5.24

Seguito di La via dei lupi
Serie Sollevando il Velo. Libro 2

Dieci anni fa, la Grande Rivelazione manifestò la presenza di esseri sovrannaturali che vivono sulla Terra. I residenti della città in rovina scoperta a Majlis al-Jinn sono però scomparsi da molto tempo; o così pensa il giovane archeologo Pip Butler, almeno fino a quando non libera accidentalmente un genio molto nudo chiamato Jinn.

Anche se da tempo ha una timida cotta per il suo carismatico supervisore, Val Velde, Pip fa fatica a rifiutare le continue e provocanti attenzioni di Jinn. Ha a malapena il tempo di considerare che ha un potentissimo genio e tre gloriosi desideri a portata di mano, quando spietati mercenari fanno irruzione nello scavo per appropriarsi del reperto più prezioso: la lampada di Jinn.

Così Pip, Val e Jinn devono lavorare insieme in una corsa contro il tempo per scoprire i segreti dell’antica città, liberare i loro colleghi tenuti prigionieri e tenere Jinn fuori dalle grinfie dei mercenari, il tutto mentre cercano di risolvere il loro groviglio amoroso.


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Creature Feature

Creature Feature | Volume One

Diagnosis: Wolf by Poppy Dennison

Thanks to his good-for-nothing brother, Andrew Hughes is up to his eyeballs in debt and needs a job fast. When a nursing position opens up in Myerson, Arizona, Andrew has no choice but to take it, despite a warning about how difficult a patient Caleb DiMartino can be. Andrew can deal with a little trouble—but Caleb’s strange family, the armed guards, and the unknown cause of Caleb’s mysterious illness may be beyond his skill set.

Landslide by Mary Calmes

For three years, paranormal courier Frank Corrigan has been working for incubus demon Cael Berith. Cael knows Frank is his mate, but Frank is pretty sure Cael doesn’t even like him, never mind want to spend the rest of his life with him, so their personal relationship is at an impasse. When Frank’s sister, Lindsey, gets bitten by a werewolf she's sleeping with—and possibly witnesses a murder—Frank rides to her rescue. If he’s lucky, he might just save his love life too.


Taste of Air

Alchemists and Elementals | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Alchemists and Elementals: Book Two

The reappearance of necromancers to the Dominincál city-states worries Sadonia prolate Estobán Medovin. Ever since Masters Nico and Theodyne drove the necromancers from his mind three years before, he’s suffered an odd affliction—painting while asleep. It is a secret that, if discovered by his enemies, could bring his rule to an untimely and violent end. On the eve of the demigogal elections in the holy city of Gusan, fearing the new candidate might be under the necromancers' direct influence, Estobán requests an alchemist well-versed in ferreting out death dancers to join his mission to seek out conspirators.

Evil floods the streets of the holy city, and the elementals are anxious. Master alchemist Jolen Meripen should know; as an aerothant—hybrid of a human and air elemental—he can hear their voices in his head, telling him of the corruption festering under the pristine edifices.

When Jolen discovers a piece of the ruby tablet known as the Elementica in Estobán’s possession and the necromancers bid to collect them all and thus rule over the elements, he knows he must do everything he can—including sacrificing his life to bring peace to Dominicál and save the man he has come to love.


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Into This River I Drown

2013 Award Winners

Five years ago, Benji Green lost his beloved father, Big Eddie, when his truck crashed into a river. Everyone called it an accident, but Benji knows it was more. Even years later, he’s buried in his grief, throwing himself into managing Big Eddie’s convenience store in the small-town of Roseland, Oregon. Surrounded by his mother and three aunts, he lives day to day, struggling to keep his head above water.

But Roseland is no ordinary place.

With ever more frequent dreams of his father’s death and waking visions of feathers on the river’s surface, Benji finds his definition of reality bending. He thinks himself haunted; by ghosts or memories, he can no longer tell. Not until a man falls from the sky, leaving the burning imprint of wings on the ground, does Benji begin to understand that the world is more mysterious than he ever imagined—and more dangerous. As uncontrollable forces descend on Roseland, they reveal long-hidden truths about friends, family, and the stranger Calliel—a man Benji can no longer live without.


Wine and Roses

Other Paths | Book One
Blessed Epoch Universe
$6.99 $5.24

Other Paths: Book One
A Tale of the Blessed Epoch

Mage Yarroway L’Estrella decided the Battle of the Starlight Bridge when he summoned fire from the heavens. The blaze decimated much of the vineyard that has been in Alain Lamont’s family for nine generations. Mountain Shadow Winery may no longer be able to support Alain’s family or the dozens of others who call it home, but Alain vows not to fail all those depending on him.

Mercenary Fabrezio Orvina d’Caelus, Breeze to his friends, appreciates Alain taking him in when he’s badly wounded after the battle, but he has no intention of living the dull life of a farmer any longer than necessary. Though he likes the vintner, he sees Alain as soft and sheltered, hardly a man who can understand a warrior’s calling.

As they live and work together, Alain realizes Breeze isn’t exactly the amoral opportunist he suspected, and Breeze sees more strength in Alain than he thought possible of a simple winemaker. Life on the estate is richer and less boring than Breeze first imagined. With ingenuity, courage, and cooperation, they may devise a way to revitalize the vineyard and move beyond the pain and loss of their pasts.


$6.99 $5.24

Votos de honor

Cambio de actitud | Volumen 3
$6.99 $5.24

La secuela de Vínculo de confianza
Volumen 3 de la serie Cambio de actitud

Jin Rayne aún está adaptándose a sus nuevos y aterradores poderes como gato nekhene, y a su posición como reah de la tribu de Logan Church, cuando se entera de que han convocado un sepat, un lance de honor. Logan, quien jamás ha deseado otra cosa excepto dirigir su pequeña tribu provinciana, debe viajar a Mongolia, al otro lado del mundo, y luchar para convertirse en el líder más poderoso en el mundo de los hombres panteras.

Logan no será el único que viajará. Como su pareja, Jin deberá luchar con él para honrar su compromiso con Logan, su cultura y a su tribu. Pero el periodo de la prueba es largo, lo que significa una prolongada separación entre ambos, y que la humanidad de Logan estará en riesgo. Para sobrevivir al horrible sepat, Jin y Logan deberán aceptar sus destinos, confiar en el otro, y honrar los votos entre ellos, cueste lo que cueste.


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$6.99 $5.24

Jacob van Willingen arrives in a remote Romanian village aiming for a short visit. A member of the highly secretive Society for Psychical Research, Jacob has been charged with exterminating Caleb Donnithorn--but the society's intelligence about the reclusive nobleman is less than complete. As he studies his target, Van Willingen is drawn to Donnithorn, enthralled with the nobleman's alluring brides, three of society's most luminous geniuses gathered from the corners of Europe to create a fantastical machine: a resurrection engine that can capture a human soul at the moment of death.

Caleb Donnithorn represents everything that is evil in the world, but there is more to him than is initially apparent. What he knows about van Willingen is a truth so shocking it will shake the young scholar's world to its very foundations. Cast out from his friends and his beloved Society of Psychical Research, Jacob van Willingen will jettison everything he holds dear to remain with one whose love commands the highest price of all.


$6.99 $5.24

The God Hunters: Light and Shadow

The God Hunters | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

The God Hunters: Book Three

The treachery of an ancient and sinister evil is on the rise again. The races that live in the universe known as the Expanse have been deceived by the MST, their so-called guardians, and the truth has finally emerged. Change is inevitable, but not without a fight.

As Keeper of the Citadel and endowed with supernatural abilities beyond imagination, David will shine as a beacon of hope to those in need, to those who have succumbed to what is known as the weakening agenda—for their so-called guardians fear losing control above all else. Worlds will perish. That much is certain. But from loss often comes a greater strength, a greater understanding of right and wrong, of duty and devotion.

Aided by his boyfriend Doug and his beloved companions, David will stand against both old threats and new. His newly acquired powers of spirit calling and shifting will serve as impressive fronts, and he will draw strength from his passionate love for Doug. The time nears when they will learn if that will be enough, if the races of the Expanse will be consumed by the coming shadows or if they will bathe in David’s light.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Quand Joe reprend conscience dans un champ d’orge, il est nu et amnésique ; il ignore comment il s’est retrouvé là. Avant d’en comprendre davantage, il se retrouve à accomplir le plus étrange voyage initiatique de toute sa vie. Durant sa quête, Joe est accompagné d’un guide, Baker, tandis qu’un bel et mystérieux Étranger ‒ qui, pour une raison étrange, lui semble familier ‒ ne cesse de lui recommander le courage. Joe arpente donc un monde fantastique en perpétuel changement afin d’affronter son passé.

En cours de route, il rencontre de nombreux défis et les souvenirs qui lui reviennent ne sont pas toujours faciles, mais s’il espère enfin trouver la paix – et rejoindre celui qui l’attire tellement – Joe doit aller jusqu’au bout, malgré les tentations qui le poussent à s’arrêter en chemin…


$6.99 $5.24

Nico's Fire

Elements of Love | Book Two
$5.99 $4.49

Sequel to Adel's Purr
Elements of Love: Book Two

Under constant attack, Jesuit Inquisitor Jude Jamison suspects his cover is blown. Without the gargoyles his friend Evan sent as his guardians and his ability to start fires, he’d already be dead. As he lies injured among a heap of rubble, the world as he knows it ends, and he fears the monster he’s become.

Nicolai Daemarkus, a fire daemon hiding among the humans, sees a gargoyle circling a smoldering building. Upon investigating, he is totally unprepared to discover his human mate. Unfortunately, a human cannot survive in his world. Yet he’s unable to abandon the beautiful man. As they search for the people threatening Jude, they learn evil doesn’t always come in fearful shapes.

2nd Edition
1st Edition published by Silver Publishing, May 2012


$5.99 $4.49

Into the Wind

Mermen of Ea Trilogy | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

With a foreword by C. Kennedy.

Sequel to Stealing the Wind
Mermen of Ea: Book Two

Since learning of his merman shifter heritage, Taren has begun building a life with Ian Dunaidh among the mainland Ea. But memories of his past life still haunt him, and as the threat of war with the hostile island merfolk looms ever closer, Taren fears he will lose Ian the same way he lost his beloved centuries before. Together they sail to the Gateway Islands in search of the fabled rune stone—a weapon of great power the Ea believe will protect them—and Odhrán, the pirate rumored to possess it.

After humans attack the Phantom, Taren finds himself washed up on an island, faced with a mysterious boy named Brynn who promises to lead him to Odhrán. But Taren isn’t sure if he can trust Brynn, and Odhrán is rumored to enslave Ea to protect his stronghold. Taren will have to put his life on the line to find his way back to Ian and attempt to recover the stone. Even if he does find it, his troubles are far from over: he and Ian are being stalked by an enemy who wants them dead at all costs.


$6.99 $5.24

Cœur confiant

Le Clan des Panthères | Tome 2
$6.99 $5.24

Suite de Cœur Sauvage
Le Clan des Panthères, tome 2

Jin Rayne a bien du mal à se faire à sa nouvelle vie, qu’il est pourtant censé adorer. Au lieu d’apprécier simplement d’être le compagnon du chef de tribu Logan Church, il ne parvient pas à accepter le fait que son amant ait été hétéro avant de le rencontrer. Il a trouvé le bonheur en se livrant entièrement à Logan, mais reste terrorisé à l’idée que sa nouvelle vie puisse disparaître du jour au lendemain, malgré l’affirmation catégorique de Logan que leur relation est pour la vie.

Jin veut vraiment croire Logan, mais ce souhait va être mis à rude épreuve par le chef d’une tribu rivale, mais aussi par une révélation cruciale concernant son existence même. C’est la vie de Jin et son rang dans la tribu qui seront en jeu. S’il veut survivre à cette épreuve et retrouver Logan, il lui faudra se défaire de ses craintes et accepter pleinement leur lien sacré, condition sine qua non pour qu’il puisse lui faire pleinement confiance.


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Wild Magic

Triad | Book Four

Joseph Anderson was heartbroken when his childhood best friend Dominick Levent moved away. Years later, Joseph is a successful real estate broker with good friends, an easy smile, and a stunning house. When he finds a dying mountain lion who miraculously shifts into Dominick’s sister, Joseph must find Dominick and reunite him with the two young sons she left behind.

When mountain lion shifter Dominick gets a call telling him his sister is dead, he rushes home to protect his nephews and avenge his sister. Seeing Joseph brings back the feelings Dominick tried to bury and he dares to hope Joseph’s newfound knowledge of shifters means they can finally be together.