Books by "K.C. Wells" (63)



Love, Unexpected
$6.99 $5.24

A Love, Unexpected Tale

They never knew what hit them.

A hooker with a heart, falling for a Vice cop? This is no Hollywood movie, and if they want a happily ever after, it's not going to be easy. 

Detective Randy Michaels is back with Vice, working to help NYC crack down on its prostitution problem. When he suspects Jesse Bryant of soliciting, Randy is torn between duty and his knowledge of what put Jesse on the streets. Jesse is clearly struggling, and he isn’t the only one. Recent events have forced Randy to question his sexuality, and a shocking encounter with Jesse plunges him into a crisis of conscience. 

Jesse didn’t think his life could get any worse. His family cut all support, his education is on hold, and he’s surviving the only way he knows—selling himself on the streets. Of all the people who could have offered him a helping hand, why did it have to be Randy? 

Two men carrying their own personal burdens: How long will it take them to realize that what they really need is each other?


$6.99 $5.24
$5.99 $4.49

Sto per fare qualcosa di straordinario che potrebbe cambiare… tutto.

Ho conosciuto Matt in seconda elementare, e da allora siamo inseparabili. Abbiamo frequentato le stesse scuole, abbiamo studiato allo stesso college. Abbiamo trovato lavoro nella stessa città e condiviso un appartamento. E quando la mia vita ha preso una svolta inaspettata, Matt era lì accanto a me. In ogni momento importante della mia vita, lui c’era. E la cosa più meravigliosa è che, dopo tutti questi anni, siamo ancora migliori amici.

Il che mi porta a questo momento, in cui tutto potrebbe finire: vorrei dirgli che lo amo, che lo amo davvero, ma ho paura di come reagirà. Devo trovare il modo giusto per farlo, perché rischio di perderlo… per sempre.


$5.99 $4.49

Vertrauen in Thomas

Collars & Cuffs (Deutsch) | Buch 2
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 2 in der Serie - Collars & Cuffs

Weihnachten ist das Fest des Schenkens und der Nächstenliebe, doch Thomas Williams, Mitinhaber des BDSM-Clubs Collars&Cuffs, bekommt ein unerwartetes Geschenk, bei dem ihm angst und bange wird. Ein befreundeter Dom aus einem anderen Club in Manchester bittet Thomas um Hilfe bei der Rettung eines misshandelten Submissiven, Peter Nicholson. Seinem Freund zuliebe erklärt Thomas sich bereit, den jungen Mann bei sich aufzunehmen und sich um ihn zu kümmern, bis er sich wieder erholt hat. Doch er stellt klar, dass er noch nie einen Sub hatte und auch keinen will.

Peter findet sein neues Leben bei Thomas ruhig und friedlich, doch seine Vergangenheit macht es ihm schwer, wieder einem Dom sein Vertrauen zu schenken. Als Thomas sich jedoch nicht so verhält, wie Peter es erwartet, verblassen die Alpträume allmählich und er beschließt, dass er mehr über das D/s-Leben erfahren möchte. Thomas, der in der Szene als Ausbilder für Subs bekannt ist, beginnt Peter zu unterrichten. Doch als der unerfahrene Sub sich ihm öffnet, stellt Thomas fest, dass er mehr für Peter empfindet, als er sollte. Gerade, als er sich dazu entschlossen hat, Peter endlich einen festen Dom zu suchen, müssen sie erkennen, dass Peters Peiniger immer noch eine ernste Bedrohung darstellt. Angesichts der Gefahr, in der sie beide schweben, kann Thomas seine Gefühle für Peter nicht mehr verleugnen. Die Frage ist jetzt nur, ob Peter lebendig aus der Höhle des Löwen entkommen wird, sodass Thomas seinem Boy sagen kann, dass er ihn liebt.


$6.99 $5.24

My Fair Brady

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

A spur of the moment invitation changes two lives.

Jordan Wolf’s company runs like a well-oiled machine. At least until his PA, Brady Donovan, comes down with the flu and takes sick leave. Then Jordan discovers what a treasure Brady is and who really keeps his business—and Jordan in particular—moving like clockwork. So when Jordan needs a plus-one, Brady seems the obvious choice to accompany him. After a major shopping trip to get Brady looking the part, however…. Wow.

Brady has a whole new wardrobe, and now his boss is whisking him away for a weekend party. Something is going on, something Brady never expected: Jordan is looking at him like he's never seen him before, electrifying Brady's long-hidden desires.

But can the romantic magic last when the weekend is over and it’s back to reality?


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Jonathon de Mountford a décidé de se rendre au village de Merrychurch pour passer un peu de temps avec son oncle Dominic, mais son séjour commence mal quand celui-ci oublie de venir le récupérer à la gare. Quand Jonathon retrouve le corps de son oncle sans vie dans son bureau, à la suite de ce qui semble être une chute, son monde se retrouve bouleversé. D’une part, il est l’héritier du manoir. D’autre part, il n’est pas si sûr que ce soit un simple accident. Il se met en tête de prouver sa théorie avec l’aide de Mike Tattersall, propriétaire du pub local – si tant est qu’il puisse se concentrer assez longtemps sans être distrait par la beauté de cet homme.

Ensemble, ils établissent une liste – de plus en plus longue – rassemblant les personnes qui avaient une raison d’en vouloir à Dominic. Quand la situation prend un tournant inattendu, les détectives amateurs restent perplexes. Pour compliquer les choses, l’inspecteur de police qui est envoyé pour résoudre cette affaire est la dernière personne que Mike a envie de voir, surtout quand il leur demande de ne pas fourrer leur nez dans cette enquête.

Autant dresser un drap rouge devant un taureau…


$6.99 $5.24

Truth Will Out

Merrychurch Mysteries
$6.99 $5.24

A Merrychurch Mysteries Case

Jonathon de Mountford’s visit to Merrychurch village to stay with his uncle Dominic gets off to a bad start when Dominic fails to appear at the railway station. But when Jonathon finds him dead in his study, apparently as the result of a fall, everything changes. For one thing, Jonathon is the next in line to inherit the manor house. For another, he’s not so sure it was an accident, and with the help of Mike Tattersall, the owner of the village pub, Jonathon sets out to prove his theory—if he can concentrate long enough without getting distracted by the handsome Mike.

They discover an increasingly long list of people who had reason to want Dominic dead. And when events take an unexpected turn, the amateur sleuths are left bewildered. It doesn’t help that the police inspector brought in to solve the case is the last person Mike wants to see, especially when they are told to keep their noses out of police business.

In Jonathon’s case, that’s like a red rag to a bull….


$6.99 $5.24

Herz ohne Fesseln

Collars & Cuffs (Deutsch) | Buch 1
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Collars & Cuffs

Seit dem Tod seines Lebensgefährten und Sub vor zwei Jahren hat Leo nicht mehr gelebt – nur noch existiert. Er konzentriert sich darauf, das *Collars&Cuffs*, einen BDSM-Club im Schwulenviertel von Manchester, erfolgreich zu machen. Das ändert sich eines Abends, als er und sein Geschäftspartner sich zu ihrer wöchentlichen Besprechung im Severino’s treffen. Leo kann die Augen nicht von dem neuen Kellner lassen. Der schüchterne Mann scheint entschlossen, Leos Blick zu meiden, doch das ist wie ein rotes Tuch für einen Stier. Leo liebt Herausforderungen. 

Alex Daniels kellnert im Severino’s, um das Geld für eine eigene Wohnung zusammenzukratzen. Er tut sich schwer damit, sich zu outen, doch er fühlt sich zu Leo hingezogen, dem umwerfend gutaussehenden Mann mit den eisig-blauen Augen, der fast jeden Abend in seinem Bereich isst. 

Leo lässt sich Alex‘ Zögern nicht in die Quere kommen. Er hält ihn sogar vom Club fern, um ihn nicht zu erschrecken. Und Alex zu sagen, dass er ein Dom ist? Keine gute Idee. Aus einem Date werden zwei, aber Date Nummer zwei führt sie in Leos Schlafzimmer… und dazu, dass Alex Dinge über sich herausfindet, die ihm nie bewusst waren – und die er nie jemanden sehen lassen wollte. 


$6.99 $5.24


Secrets | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Secrets: Book Three

Can two Doms open their hearts again for a young man desperately in need of their help?

Two years ago, Aaron Greene and Sam Thompson were devastated when their submissive broke the contract that bound the three of them together. They still wonder what happened and whether they can find a way to move forward. When Aaron finds a sick young man by the curbside, his protective instincts kick in, and after consulting Sam, he takes Tim home.

After being thrown out of his home, Tim Waterman finds himself on the street, doing whatever he needs to survive. Until a bear of a Good Samaritan scoops him up and saves him. Then one bear becomes two, and a chance discovery gets him thinking about what might be, if he’s bold enough to make a move.

So what happens when Aaron and Sam wake up one morning to find Tim naked in their bed? Will they get a new chance at life, or will history Threepeat itself?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

La situazione economica di Jamie è un vero disastro, anche se non è colpa sua, e l’ultima persona che si aspetta d’incontrare per caso in biblioteca è un buon samaritano. Malgrado la sua iniziale diffidenza circa le vere motivazioni di Guy, Jamie capisce in fretta che il suo salvatore è un uomo buono e generoso che, dopo aver avuto fortuna nella vita, non desidera altro che aiutare qualcuno in difficoltà. Il fatto che l’uomo sia gay non è un problema visto che Jamie non è interessato… o almeno così pensa.

Guy è felice di poter aiutare Jamie e i due sembrano andare d’accordo, fino a quando la curiosità del ragazzo non trasforma la loro relazione e Guy si ritrova a guardarlo con occhi diversi. Quella che era iniziata come un’offerta d’aiuto diventa qualcosa di completamente inaspettato…


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

I’m about to do something huge, and it could change... everything.

I met Matt in second grade, and we’ve been inseparable ever since. We went to the same schools, studied at the same college. When we both got jobs in the same town, we shared an apartment. And when my life took an unexpected turn, Matt was there for me. Every milestone in my life, he was there to share it. And what’s really amazing? After all these years, we’re still the best of friends.

Which brings me to this fragile, heart-stopping moment: I want to tell him I love him, really love him, but I’m scared to death of what he’ll say. If I’ve got this all wrong, I’ll lose him—forever.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Jamies Leben ist eine einzige finanzielle Katastrophe, was aber nicht seine Schuld ist. Dass er in der Bibliothek einen Wohltäter finden würde, ist das Letzte, womit er gerechnet hätte. Auch wenn er anfangs misstrauisch ist, was Guys Motive betrifft, wird schnell klar, dass sein Retter ein guter Mann ist, der im Leben Glück hatte und das nun weitergeben will. Dass Guy schwul ist, ist kein Problem. Jamie hat ohnehin kein Interesse … glaubt er zumindest.

Die beiden kommen gut miteinander aus und Guy freut sich, dass er Jamie unterstützen kann. Aber als Jamie seiner Neugierde nachgibt, sieht Guy den jungen Mann plötzlich mit anderen Augen. Was als Hilfestellung begann, ist nun etwas völlig anderes …


$6.99 $5.24

Le secret du sénateur

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$4.99 $3.74

Lorsque son adversaire du parti républicain publie une photo qui révèle son homosexualité sur Facebook, le sénateur Samuel Dalton n’a pas beaucoup de solutions. Peu importe que la photo soit complètement innocente. Il doit avouer la vérité… Puis son équipe de campagne propose un rebondissement inattendu.

Oui, cela lui accorderait la sympathie des électeurs, particulièrement celle de la communauté LGBT, mais la solution semble un peu drastique. 

Et puis, il faut convaincre Gary, l’autre homme sur la photo, de jouer le jeu. Cela ne paraît pas difficile de faire croire à toute la Caroline du Nord que Sam et lui sont fiancés.

Pas difficile, sauf qu’ils viennent tout juste de se rencontrer… 


$4.99 $3.74

Prima di cadere

Secrets (Italiano) | Libro 1
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Secrets, Libro 1

Da sei anni Ellis fa parte delle teste di cuoio della polizia di Londra. Fin dal primo giorno il suo partner è Wayne, che diventa presto anche il suo migliore amico. Quando Wayne nota i suoi sbalzi d’umore e la sua crescente irritabilità, conseguenza dell’insonnia, capisce di dover intervenire prima che sia troppo tardi. Decide così di portare Ellis all’inaugurazione di un nuovo club BDSM di cui è socio, il Secrets. Lo scopo? Dargli un assaggio di quello stile di vita prima di fargli una proposta. Wayne è convinto di poter riavere il suo amico solo se Ellis gli permetterà di prenderlo per mano e assumere il controllo della sua vita.

Ci sono però dei problemi. Intanto Ellis è etero. Poi è testardo. E infine è attraente. Wayne sa che dovrà mettere da parte i sentimenti per essergli d’aiuto. Ma saranno i veri bisogni di Ellis a prenderlo in contropiede.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Jamie Stevens est criblé de dettes, mais en se rendant à la bibliothèque ce jour-là, il ne s’attendait absolument pas à tomber sur un bon samaritain lui proposant comme par magie de régler tous ses problèmes d’argent.

Au début, bien sûr, Jamie est méfiant, qui ne le serait pas ? Mais très vite, il réalise que Guy, son bienfaiteur, est simplement un homme riche et foncièrement bon, qui s’est fait la promesse d’aider son prochain. Il s’avère également que Guy est gay, mais cela n’a pas d’importance, et de toute façon, Jamie n’est pas intéressé. Du moins… c’est ce qu’il croit.

De son côté, Guy est simplement heureux de pouvoir venir en aide au jeune Jamie, d’autant plus que le courant passe tout de suite très bien entre eux. Mais à mesure qu’ils passent du temps ensemble, le regard de Guy sur le jeune homme commence à changer, et petit à petit, ce qui était censé n’être qu’une bonne action prend des airs de romance… 


$6.99 $5.24
$4.99 $3.74

A friends-to-lovers novella that came from Out of the Shadows, because Nate and Dylan needed a story….

Nate and Dylan have been pals for a long time. So what if their friends think they’ve got a little bromance going? Doesn’t mean there’s anything more to it than that, right? And even if there is, Nate and Dylan are totally oblivious….

Until the night they share a drunken kiss—and everything changes.


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Secrets, tome 1

Il y a six ans, Ellis assistait à son premier briefing en tant que nouvelle recrue de l’unité d’élite de Londres. Son nouvel équipier, Wayne, devint rapidement son meilleur ami. Lorsque Wayne commence à remarquer des changements dans le comportement d’Ellis – son attitude imprévisible, les effets néfastes de son manque de sommeil –, il comprend qu’il doit agir avant que son ami finisse par craquer. Il lui propose alors de venir à la soirée d’inauguration d’un nouveau club BDSM, le Secrets, dont il est membre. Son objectif ? Donner l’occasion à Ellis de voir en quoi consiste ce club avant de lui faire une proposition. Wayne veut retrouver son meilleur ami et, selon lui, le meilleur moyen d’y arriver est de prendre Ellis en main et de contrôler sa vie.

Cependant, il doit faire face à quelques obstacles. Ellis est hétérosexuel, borné et sexy. Wayne sait qu’il doit mettre ses propres sentiments de côté afin de venir en aide à son ami, mais il est stupéfait quand il découvre ce dont Ellis a réellement besoin.


$6.99 $5.24

An Unlocked Mind

Secrets | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Secrets: Book Two

Rob Daniels is determined to prove to himself that his brother Alex got it wrong. Alex believes he found love through BDSM; Rob is certain that’s not possible. He even makes several visits to a London club to prove his point. But when he attends the grand opening of Secrets, Rob gets a shock, one that has him fleeing, vowing never to return—until he does… and runs into the brick wall that is Dom Vic Prentiss. As first meetings go, theirs is a disaster.

The more time he spends around Rob, the more convinced Vic becomes of two things—one, something is eating away at Rob, and two, he’s looking for something. Every instinct tells Vic to help him, but trying to unlock the secrets hidden in Rob’s mind requires a key. All Vic has to do is find it. Because maybe then he’ll get to see the real Rob, the man who’s scared to let go….


$6.99 $5.24

Out of the Shadows

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

Can he step out of the shadows and into love’s light? 

Eight years ago, Christian Hernandez moved to the Jamaica Plain area of Boston, took refuge in his apartment, and cut himself off from the outside world. And that’s how he’d like it to stay. 

Josh Wendell has heard his coworkers gossip about the occupant of apartment #1. No one sees the mystery man, and Josh loves a mystery. So when he is hired to refurbish the apartment’s kitchen and bathrooms, Josh is eager to discover the truth behind the rumors.

When he comes face-to-face with Christian, Josh understands why Christian hides from prying eyes. As the two men bond, Josh sees past his exterior to the man within, and he likes what he sees. But can Christian find the courage to emerge from the darkness of his lonely existence for the man who has claimed his heart?


$4.99 $3.74