Books by "K.C. Wells" (63)

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Das abrupte Ende einer zweijährigen Beziehung hat Mitch Jenkins den Boden unter den Füßen weggezogen. Selbst zwei Monate später leidet er immer noch. Der Versuch eines Kollegen, ihn aufzuheitern, führt Mitch in einen geheimen „Club“. Mitch hat keinerlei Interesse an den Twinks, die herumstolzieren wie Pfauen. Doch dann entdeckt er ganz hinten im Raum einen jungen Mann mit einem Buch vor der Nase, der nichts von seiner Umgebung wahrzunehmen scheint. Jetzt ist Mitch interessiert. 

Nikko Kurokawa will nur seine Schulden begleichen und dann nichts wie raus aus dem Black Lounge – wo er nicht nur zum Sex gezwungen wird, sondern manchmal auch Misshandlungen erdulden muss, um Kunden zufriedenzustellen. Sein Leben wird ein klein bisschen leichter, als er Mitch kennenlernt, der so ganz anders ist als die anderen Männer, die den Club besuchen. Und als Mitch ihm erst unter die Haut und dann in sein Herz kriecht, meint Nikko alles ertragen zu können. Schon bald wird er frei sein, und dann können er und Mitch zusammen herausfinden, ob es eine gemeinsame Zukunft für sie gibt. 

Keiner von beiden rechnet mit denen, die Nikko nicht gehen lassen wollen …


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Collars & Cuffs Vol. 2

Collars and Cuffs | Books Five - Eight
$9.99 $7.49

The Collars & Cuffs club has room for all types of men to find healing and love. In Damian’s Discipline, Dom Damian Barnett welcomes damaged Jeff into his home after Leo and Thomas save him from the streets. Jeff may not be a submissive, but Damian may be able to offer him the structure he needs to rebuild his life. In Make Me Soar, self-proclaimed “pain slut” Dorian Forrester is chasing the ultimate high into dangerous places. When he goes missing, Alan Marchant is determined to show Dorian that there are better way to fly. 

In Dom of Ages, Eli has found his perfect submissive in Jarod, but their age gap has Jarod waiting for the other shoe to drop. A visit to Collars & Cuffs gives the struggling couple hope that their relationship just might stand a chance. And in Endings and Beginnings, barman JJ Taylor didn’t expect to find himself drawn to wannabe Dom Darren Fielding, but as the members of Collars & Cuffs face an event that will make them stronger or break them, JJ finds his life going in a direction he could have never guessed.

See excerpt for individual blurbs.


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Before You Break

Secrets | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Secrets: Book One

Six years ago Ellis walked into his first briefing as the newest member of London’s Specialist Firearms unit. He was partnered with Wayne and they became fast friends. When Wayne begins to notice changes—Ellis’s erratic temper, the effects of sleep deprivation—he knows he has to act before Ellis reaches his breaking point. He invites Ellis to the opening of the new BDSM club, Secrets, where Wayne has a membership. His purpose? He wants Ellis to glimpse the lifestyle before Wayne approaches him with a proposition. He wants to take Ellis in hand, to control his life because he wants his friend back, and he figures this is the only way to do it.

There are a few issues, however. Ellis is straight. Stubborn. And sexy. Wayne knows he has to put his own feelings aside to be what Ellis needs. What surprises the hell out of him is finding out what Ellis actually requires.


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$6.99 $5.24

Deux  mois après que Mitch Jenkins a vu sa vie s’écrouler quand sa relation de deux ans a connu une fin brutale, la souffrance est toujours présente. La tentative d’un collègue pour le réconforter l’amène dans un « club » secret. Mitch n’est vraiment pas intéressé par les minets qui paradent comme des paons jusqu’à ce qu’il aperçoive un jeune homme à l’arrière de la salle, le nez plongé dans un livre et inconscient de son entourage.

Le voilà maintenant intéressé.

Nikko Kurokawa veut payer sa dette et sortir du Black Lounge où on le force non seulement à avoir des rapports sexuels, mais où il doit aussi parfois subir des maltraitances pour plaire aux clients. Gagner sa liberté se révèle difficile, surtout lorsqu’il commence à attirer l’intérêt d’une certaine clientèle. La vie devient plus facile à supporter lorsqu’il rencontre Mitch qui n’est pas du tout comme les autres hommes qui fréquentent le club. Et quand il tombe amoureux de cet homme, Nikko suppose qu’il peut tout supporter. Bientôt, se répète-t-il, il pourra sortir de cet endroit sordide et Mitch et lui pourront déterminer s’ils ont un avenir ensemble.

Mais aucun d’eux n’a pris en compte ceux qui ne voulaient pas que Nikko parte…


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$6.99 $5.24

Jamie’s life is one big financial mess, and it really isn’t his fault. However, the last thing he expected to find in the library was a Good Samaritan. He might have been suspicious of Guy’s motives at first, but it soon becomes apparent that his savior is a good man who has been lucky in life and is looking to pay it forward. Guy being gay is not a problem. Jamie’s not interested… or so he thinks.

Guy is happy to help Jamie, and the two men get along fine. But when Jamie’s curiosity leads him from one thing to another, Guy finds himself looking at the young man with new eyes. What started out as a hand up is now something completely different….


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A  Mitch Jenkins viene a mancare la terra sotto i piedi quando la relazione di due anni con il suo compagno arriva a una brusca fine. Sono passati due mesi e lui sta ancora soffrendo. Nel tentativo di risollevargli il morale, un collega lo conduce in un club ʻsegretoʼ. Mitch non è minimamente interessato a quei giovani gay che si pavoneggiano, finché non nota in fondo alla sala un ragazzo con il naso infilato in un libro, incurante dell’ambiente circostante. Adesso sì che Mitch è interessato. 

Nikko Kurokawa vuole estinguere il proprio debito e andarsene dal Black Lounge. Guadagnarsi la libertà non è un compito semplice, specialmente quando inizia ad attirare l’attenzione. La vita diventa un po’ più facile da sopportare quando conosce Mitch. Lui non è come gli altri uomini che frequentano il club. Mitch lo intriga e riesce a catturare il suo cuore, dandogli il coraggio di affrontare qualsiasi cosa. A breve Nikko sarà fuori di lì, e lui e Mitch potranno capire se esiste un futuro per loro. 

Nessuno dei due ha tenuto conto di chi non vuole che Nikko se ne vada…


$6.99 $5.24

A Bond of Truth

Sensual Bonds
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to A Bond of Three

It is twenty years since the Bond of Three returned to Teruna. The kingdom of Kandor, once Teruna’s enemy, seeks help and sends its finest warrior, Dainon, on a diplomatic mission. A solitary man since his wife and child died, Dainon is unable to explain why an encounter with a young man on a beach rocks his world to its core.

Prince Arrio of Teruna has always been attracted to men but has never acted on it—until he meets Dainon. Headstrong Arrio goes after what he wants, despite his fathers’ advice. But when Prince Kei arrives unexpectedly, Arrio finds himself drawn to both men. Is history repeating itself?

Prince Kei has his first taste of freedom and is shocked when the visions that have plagued him since childhood become reality. The three men embark on a voyage of discovery. No one has foreseen the day, however, when the arrival of a stranger threatens to destroy their bond.


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The Senator's Secret

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

Politics, puppy dogs, and passion, oh my!

When his Republican opponent outs him with a photo in a Facebook post, Senator Samuel Dalton doesn’t have many options open to him. It doesn’t matter that the photo is totally innocent. He has no choice but to come clean… until his staff suggest putting a spin on it that leaves Sam reeling.

Sure, he’ll end up with a lot of sympathy, not to mention the possibility of more voters from the LGBT community, but it still seems a pretty drastic solution.

Now all they have to do is persuade Gary, the other man in the photo, to play along. It sounds so easy: convince the constituents of North Carolina that he and Sam are engaged.

No big deal, except for the fact that they’ve only just met….


$4.99 $3.74

Collars & Cuffs Vol. 1

Collars and Cuffs | Books One - Four
$9.99 $7.49

When Leo Hart and Thomas Williams opened a BDSM club in Manchester back in 2002, they had no idea what they were creating. Because Collars & Cuffs has grown into more than a club—it’s become a family. 

Most men who join do so hoping to find a connection, though even those who aren’t looking are surprised when the connection finds them. Collars & Cuffs men come from all walks of life: from a Dom who thought he would never find love again, to men whose past hurts still linger, to a young man who desperately needs someone to understand him. But there is one thing that will always be true: together they are stronger, and some bonds cannot be broken.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $7.49

Endings and Beginnings

Collars and Cuffs | Book Eight
$6.99 $5.24

Collars and Cuffs: Book Eight

In all his relationships, Darren Fielding never found the level of intimacy he witnessed between Thomas Williams and his sub, Peter, the day of Peter’s “rebirth.” Not only that, he never realized such intimacy was possible. For two years, Thomas’s business card has been burning a hole in his wallet. When Darren’s lover moves on, maybe it’s finally time to see where that card takes him.

Collars & Cuffs’ new barman, JJ Taylor, is really conflicted right now. He went to the club with a very specific purpose, already convinced of what he’d find there. Except it’s not what he expected at all. He certainly didn’t anticipate finding himself drawn to the new wannabe Dom. Nor could he have guessed the direction that attraction would lead him.

Old love, new love, vows, pain, rage, moving in, moving on…. The members of Collars & Cuffs face an event that touches some of them deeply, but it will only reinforce what they already know: together they are stronger, and some bonds cannot be broken.


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Love, Unexpected
$6.99 $5.24

A Love, Unexpected Tale
They never knew what hit them.

Two months after Mitch Jenkins had the rug pulled out from under him when his two-year relationship came to an abrupt end, he is still hurting. A colleague’s attempt to cheer him up brings Mitch to a secret “club.” Mitch isn’t remotely interested in the twinks parading like peacocks, until he spies the young man at the back of the room, nose firmly in a book and oblivious to his surroundings. Now Mitch is interested.

Nikko Kurokawa wants to pay his debt and get the hell out of the Black Lounge. Earning his freedom isn’t proving easy, especially when he starts attracting interest. Life becomes that little bit easier to bear when he meets Mitch, who is nothing like the other men who frequent the club. And when Mitch crawls under his skin and into his heart, Nikko figures he can put up with anything. Before long he’ll be out of there, and he and Mitch can figure out if they have a future together.

Neither of them counted on those who don’t want Nikko to leave….


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Learning to Love

Learning to Love
$9.99 $7.49

Don't miss this exclusive bundle of all four stories of the Learning to Love series by K.C. Wells!

Learning to Love: Michael & Sean: Sean and Michael are best friends from the minute they meet and become roommates. When they also discover they have feelings for each other, the reality of homophobia intrudes on their academic and personal lives and threatens their happiness. —Learning to Love: Evan & Daniel: Evan's new housemate, Daniel Collier, is everything Evan could want in a boyfriend. Evan just needs to work out why Daniel panics whenever Evan tries to get close…. —Learning to Love: Josh & Chris: Now that Chris finds himself sharing a house with Josh, he wonders where the strong, sexy guy who had been his rock and support has disappeared to. Chris wants him back—but he can’t wait forever. —Learning to Love: Final Exam: One house, three couples, and one year left…. As their school career comes to a close and the one person who holds them all together starts to fall apart, the final exam is a true test of friendship.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


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Dom of Ages

Collars and Cuffs | Book Seven
$6.99 $5.24

Collars and Cuffs: Book Seven

Eli may only be thirty, but he has had enough of pretend submissives. When he spies Jarod in a BDSM club, everything about the man screams submission. So what if Jarod is probably twenty years older than Eli. What does age matter, anyway? All he can see is what he’s always wanted—a sub who wants to serve.

Jarod spent twenty-four years with his Master before Fate took him. Four years on, Jarod is still lost, so when a young Dom takes charge, Jarod rolls with it and finds himself serving again. But he keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop. Because there’s going to come a point when Eli realizes he’s a laughingstock in the club. Who would want to be seen with a fifty-year-old sub?

After several missteps, Eli realizes that in order to find happiness, they will need friends who will understand. At a friend’s insistence, he visits Collars & Cuffs, where they are met with open arms. As they settle in to their new life, Eli begins to see things differently and he dares to think he can have it all. Until a phone call threatens to take it all away….


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

It’s taken Tommy Newsome a while to get his head around being gay.

Growing up in a small town in Georgia hasn’t prepared him for the more liberal life of a student at the university in Athens. Add to that the teachings of his parents and his church, and you have one shy young man who feels out of his depth. Working on his daddy’s farm hasn’t given him any chance of a social life, certainly not one like the clubs of Atlanta have on offer. Not that Tommy feels comfortable when he gets to sample it—Momma’s lectures still ring loudly inside his head.

All that changes when he goes to his first gay bar and sets eyes on Mike Scott.

When Mike’s not behind the bar at Woofs, he’s busy with his life as adult entertainer Scott Masters. Twenty years in the industry and the times, they are a-changing. Mike’s not had much luck in the relationship department, but as his mom is fond of telling him, you keep fishing in the same pond, you’re gonna reel in the same kind of fish. Maybe it’s time for a change.

And then a beautiful young man asks Mike to be his first….


$6.99 $5.24

Make Me Soar

Collars and Cuffs | Book Six
2015 Award Winners
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Collars and Cuffs: Book Six

Anyone who frequents Collars & Cuffs knows Dorian Forrester is built for pain, including Dorian himself. But everyone has it wrong. For six years, Dorian’s chased a feeling that remains tantalizingly out of his reach. Unteachable, Dorian can take anything and everything a Dom can throw at him. Still, it’s not enough. Dorian needs… something more. Something he won’t find at Collars & Cuffs.

Dorian’s search takes him out of the safe environment he’s known for years, out of his depth, and into a realm of deep, dark trouble.

Alan Marchant has been watching Dorian with interest for a while and knows there’s more to Dorian than his label of “pain slut” suggests. When Dorian disappears, Alan and his friend Leo set out to find him. But the disoriented young man discovered cowering in a hotel room is not the Dorian they know and love. That Dorian is shattered. It’s up to Alan to pick up the pieces and show Dorian there are better ways to fly.

They may be off on a new journey together, but their destination will rock them both to the core.


$6.99 $5.24

A Bond of Three

Sensual Bonds
$6.99 $5.24

In the kingdom of Teruna, the red-cloaked Seruani teach the Terunans the art of love. Taken from their homes at seventeen to be trained, they are shunned as outcasts by society and considered the lowest of the low. So when Prince Tanish falls in love with the Seruan Feyar, the man who took his virginity and the only one to share his bed, he is not about to declare that love. No one can ever know, because the consequences would be too painful to consider for both of them.

When the king of Vancor visits Teruna, he promises that his son, Prince Sorran, will marry Prince Tanish to solidify the alliance between the two kingdoms, with the proviso that the virginal Sorran is instructed in the art of pleasing his husband-to-be. When Tanish’s father chooses Feyar to be this instructor, the lovers decide Prince Sorran must be taught that this is to be a marriage in name only….

A resentful prince, unwilling to share his lover.

A resentful Seruan, unwilling to share his prince.

And the shy prince whose very nature sparks changes in the lives of all those around them.

Teruna is about to change forever.


$6.99 $5.24

Damian's Discipline

Collars and Cuffs | Book Five
$6.99 $5.24

Collars and Cuffs: Book Five

The man who pimped Jeff may be in prison, but Jeff is still living the nightmare, selling himself to men and relying on pills to manage. Then he meets Scott, a young American man who could easily have been where Jeff is now. Scott’s friends extend a helping hand to Jeff, and he grabs it.

Leo and Thomas bring Jeff to stay with Dom Damian Barnett until they can find him someplace more long-term. Still grieving from losing his sub to cancer two years before, Damian agrees to help. But when he glimpses the extent of the damage, Damian wants to do more than offer his guestroom. Jeff is not a submissive, but Damian can see he desperately needs structure in his life. It’s up to Damian to find an answer.

He never expects that what he discovers will change both their lives.


$6.99 $5.24

Learning to Love: Final Exam

Learning to Love | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

Learning to Love: Book Four

One house, three couples, and one year left until their final exams….

Evan and Daniel want to take their D/s relationship to the next level. When Daniel suggests conducting a little research at a BDSM club, Evan is more than up for it. Trouble is, one of their housemates isn’t happy about this.

Finances tighten for new couple Josh and Chris. Wanting to ease some of the pressure on Chris, Josh starts as an agency nurse. But tackling a heavy workload at medical school and working late-shifts leaves little time for the couple. Something’s gotta give.

In Spain, Sean was diagnosed as suffering from migraines. But after the medications have no effect and he starts suffering from other complaints, he decides to get a second opinion without telling Michael. When Michael finds out, Sean's usually laid-back husband's reaction shocks everyone. But Michael needs to get his head sorted fast, because Sean needs his strength.

As their school career comes to a close and the one person who holds them all together starts to fall apart, the final exam is a true test of friendship.


$6.99 $5.24