New Adult books


About the last thing Vincent Wade expected was for Carson Cress to ask him out. Vince is a dedicated biology student and a bit of a loner. Superstar quarterback Carson is larger than life, and he lives under a public microscope. There’s no way they should work. But Vince is learning that sometimes people just come steamrolling into your life and all you can do is hang on for the ride or lose your heart in the process. If their relationship can survive the fallout when an injury derails Carson’s future plans, maybe Vince can finally find something to believe in.


Yellow Streak

Heroes at Heart | Book Two
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Sequel to Yellowbelly Hero
Heroes at Heart: Book Two

Yancy Bell, a book geek with a bladder problem, saved the life of suicidal gay jock Curt Donovan. But when Curt returns to college after the Christmas holidays pretending he doesn’t know Yancy, warning bells go off.

Has a frightened Curt decided the safety of the closet is preferable to coming out? A remorseful Curt comes knocking on Yancy’s door in the dead of the night. Yancy wants to help Curt find the courage to proudly be himself and pursue his dreams, but first Curt needs to come to terms with his past acts. Yancy can only hope their reunion ends in light, not darkness.


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Es fácil ser cínico cuando la vida no está de tu lado.

Cole Reid ha sido un excluido social desde los quince años, cuando el equipo de béisbol del instituto lo sacó del armario. Desde entonces, su comportamiento obsesivo-compulsivo y su naturaleza sarcástica lo han llevado a distanciarse de la mayoría de las personas, además todo el mundo lo odia por ser gay. Tal y como él lo ve, está destinado a repeler a cualquier amigo potencial y, por supuesto, a cualquier novio, así que, ¿para qué molestarse?

Cuando Cole entra en la universidad, ya es un solitario en su fase anal-retentiva más dura, pero eso no es un problema hasta que su compañero de piso se gradúa y el departamento de alojamiento le asigna otro, Ellis Montgomery. Ellis es desordenado, atractivo, heterosexual y lo peor de todo: ¡un atleta!

Durante un semestre lleno de compañeros de fraternidad, acampadas y padres entrometidos, Cole y Ellis desarrollarán una amistad que volverá del revés el vaso medio vacío de la cabeza de Cole. Tiene que haber algo más en Ellis que un divertido atleta; y quizá la renovada libido de Cole pueda reavivar su esperanza por algo más que una simple camaradería.


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Horizons Series | Book One

College football player Clark Stevens, a popular wide receiver with a potential NFL contract, has a few problems. He's got a jealous girlfriend, a narrow-minded and controlling father, an attention problem, and an unexpected and powerful attraction to the trauma doctor—the male trauma doctor—who treats him for a broken bone.

Dr. Jody Williams is getting some really mixed signals. He can't ignore how much he wants Clark, because it's obvious Clark feels the same way. For the out and proud doctor, the solution seems very simple. For Clark, it's not! His world is not gay-friendly, and the obstacles he's faced have led him to deny his sexuality for years.

It's the Super Bowl of disasters, no matter how you look at it. In the end, Clark has to decide if he's going to stick with the only life he's ever known or take a chance on a new one with Jody.


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Buch 1 in der Serie - Horizonte

Der College-Footballspieler Clark Stevens, ein beliebter Wide Receiver mit Aussicht auf einen Vertrag in der NFL, hat eine Menge Probleme. Er hat eine eifersüchtige Freundin, einen engstirnigen und herrschsüchtigen Vater, eine Aufmerksamkeitsstörung, und er verspürt eine unerwartete, starke Anziehung zu dem Notarzt – dem männlichen Notarzt – der ihn wegen eines gebrochenen Arms behandelt.

Dr. Jody Williams empfängt widersprüchliche Signale. Er kann nicht ignorieren, wie sehr er sich zu Clark hingezogen fühlt, denn es ist offensichtlich, dass Clark ebenso empfindet. Für den stolzen, geouteten Arzt ist die Lösung denkbar einfach. Für Clark ist sie das nicht. Seine Welt ist alles andere als schwulenfreundlich und die Hindernisse, denen er sich gegenübersieht, ließen ihn seine Sexualität viele Jahre lang verleugnen.

Es ist der Superbowl der Katastrophen, egal, wie man es dreht und wendet. Am Ende muss Clark entscheiden, ob er an dem Leben festhält, das er kennt, oder ob er es riskiert, ein neues mit Jody zu beginnen.


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It begins with a 3:00 a.m. telephone call. On one end is Terry Bachelder, a closeted teacher. On the other, the suicidal teenage son of the local preacher. When Terry fails to prevent disaster, grief rips the small town of Crystal Falls apart.

At the epicenter of the tragedy, seventeen-year-old Jonah Riverside tries to make sense of it all. Finding Daniel’s body leaves him struggling to balance his sexual identity with his faith, while his church, led by the Reverend Isaac Thompson, mounts a crusade to destroy Terry, whom Isaac believes corrupted his son and caused the boy to take his own life.

Having quietly crushed on his teacher for years, Jonah is determined to clear Terry’s name. That quest leads him to Eric Jacobs, Daniel’s true secret lover, and to get involved in Eric’s plan to shake up their small-minded town. Meanwhile, Rev. Thompson struggles to make peace between his religious convictions and the revelation of his son's homosexuality. If he can’t, he leaves the door open to eternal damnation—and for a second tragedy to follow.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Itineris Press, August 2012.


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Yellowbelly Hero

Heroes at Heart | Book One
$3.99 $2.99

Heroes at Heart: Book One

Yancy Bell was bullied in high school for being a yellowbelly, not because of any cowardice, but because of his nervous bladder condition. It’s Yancy’s first year in college, and he’s hoping to make a fresh start.

Three days before Christmas, the campus is empty. Having to pee on a midwinter night leads Yancy to meet Curt Donovan huddled in a dark shower stall. Curt’s a troubled jock whose coming out went badly, so he plans to end it all.

But Yancy adamantly refuses to let Curt go through with his irrevocable plan. With just one dark night to talk Curt around, Yancy has to win the trust of a stranger who only sees one way out.


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È facile diventare cinici quando la vita non rema mai dalla tua parte.

Cole Reid è un asociale recluso dall’età di quindici anni, quando uno spiacevole episodio negli spogliatoi della sua squadra di baseball del liceo ha rivelato la sua omosessualità. Da allora, il suo comportamento ossessivo-compulsivo e la sua natura sarcastica lo hanno tenuto lontano dalla maggior parte della gente; tutti gli altri invece lo odiano perché è gay. Per come la vede lui, è condannato ad allontanare qualsiasi potenziale amico, per non parlare dei fidanzati, quindi perché sforzarsi?

Quando Cole arriva al college, è ormai diventato un perfezionista solitario; la cosa diventa un problema quando il suo coinquilino si laurea e l’ufficio alloggi assegna Ellis Montgomery all’appartamento di Cole. Ellis è maldestro, magnifico, etero e, peggio di tutto, uno sportivo!

In un anno scolastico popolato di confratelli, escursioni in campeggio e genitori ficcanaso, tra Cole ed Ellis nasce un’amicizia che capovolge la mentalità da bicchiere-mezzo-vuoto di Cole. In Ellis c’è dell’altro oltre allo sportivo amante del divertimento, e forse la risvegliata libido di Cole ha riacceso in lui la speranza di sperimentare qualcosa di più del cameratismo.


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A Harmony Ink Press Title

Is the possibility of fulfilling your heart’s desire worth the risk of breaking it? Fourteen-year-old Linus Lightman is understandably reluctant to trust his newest foster family, the Nelsons, after he’s bounced through the system since being being taken from his neglectful mother. He’s certain they will reject him when they find out he’s gay, and getting to know them will only lead to hurt later. Trying to cope, he builds a friendship with Kevin Mapleton, and it quickly grows into romance, despite Linus’s fears. Then a video of Linus and Kevin having sex is posted online, and Linus knows from past experience exactly what’s going to happen. This sort of scandal will cost him his new home and Kevin’s love, snatching away his fragile hopes of belonging.


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Knight of Ocean Avenue

Love in Laguna
2015 Award Winners

How can you be twenty-five and not know you’re gay? Billy Ballew runs from that question. A high school dropout, barely able to read until he taught himself, Billy’s life is driven by his need to help support his parents as a construction worker, put his sisters through college, coach his Little League team, and not think about being a three-time loser in the engagement department. Being terrified of taking tests keeps Billy from getting the contractor's license he so desires, and fear of his mother's judgment blinds Billy to what could make him truly happy.

Then, in preparation for his sister’s big wedding, Billy meets Shaz—Chase Phillips—a rising-star celebrity stylist who defines the word gay. To Shaz, Billy embodies everything he’s ever wanted—stalwart, honest, brave—but even if Billy turns out to be gay, he could never endure the censure he’d get for being with a queen like Shaz. How can two men with so little in common find a way to be together? Can the Stylist of the Year end up with the Knight of Ocean Avenue?


Imposter in Zebra-striped Briefs

The Seattle Chronicles
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The Seattle Chronicles

When recent college graduate Nathan Harris makes a life-changing move out from under his mother's thumb and into his own place, he is determined to take some risks. He is tired of not being good enough, tired of allowing his fears to control him.

What he thought would be an exciting adventure ends up being one jaw-dropping mishap of embarrassment after another, leaving him with a life he doesn't even recognize anymore.

His once boring, lonely existence has been replaced by a brownstone filled with colorful friends, a rough around the edges, tattooed bad boy best friend, and a stripper for a boyfriend who's not even sure he’s gay.


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$6.99 $5.24

A DIY Family Story

Back from summer basketball camp and starting at Hoosier State on an athletic scholarship, Billy is looking forward to playing basketball free of pressure from his overbearing, bigoted father. Too bad he’s trading one set of problems for another. His boyfriend Jonah dumps him, expecting he’ll want to spread his wings now that he’s away from home, and the basketball program at State proves harder to navigate than he imagined.

Despite his hurt at Jonah’s treatment, Billy is not ready to give up on a relationship with the out-and-proud musician. Their geographical distance isn’t Billy’s biggest problem, since it makes it easier for him to stay in the closet. In fact, when the press starts sniffing around the basketball team, it turns out he’s not the only one with a secret. Every member of the team must choose where, and with whom, they stand. The success of Billy’s season may depend as much on the depth of his character as his physical endurance.


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$6.99 $5.24

Danny Marshal ha sempre vissuto la vita al massimo, ma il suo aspetto androgino è solo una piccola parte di ciò che è. Una sera, al party di una confraternita, incontra Lance Lenard, giocatore di football e apparentemente etero. Lance è scioccato quando si trova immediatamente attratto dal lato femmineo di Danny: è felice di essere l’oggetto dei primi esperimenti omosessuali dell’atleta, almeno finché Lance non inizia ad avere difficoltà con il fatto che, nonostante l’apparenza, Danny è un uomo.

Per tutta la vita Lance si è concentrato sul suo obiettivo di entrare a far parte della National Football League. Sa che quel sogno verrebbe infranto se qualcuno venisse a conoscenza del suo piccolo segreto. Anche se Lance è arrivato a desiderare il tocco di Danny, non vuole dare al ragazzo ciò che egli desidera: un compagno orgoglioso di amare con ogni sgargiante e sarcastica cellula del suo corpo.

La vita manda Danny e Lance in due diverse direzioni, ognuno concentrato sul proprio piano A. Ma anche i piani meglio congegnati a volte vanno a monte.


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$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Award-winning teen poet Carter Rogers has made a lot of bad choices in her life, one of which led to losing her hand to frostbite. After a failed suicide attempt, Carter wakes up and takes a hard look at the person she’s become. As her disappointment over her botched effort fades, she begins to accept herself and look forward. Righting past wrongs won’t be easy, but armed with the support of her mother and her friends, and with a new perspective on life, Carter sets out to fix her relationships with the people she cares about and the world of poetry.


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$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Ethan Harker is the son of The Prophet, the stern, demanding leader of a small Southwestern polygamous community. Ethan has been groomed to one day take his place as the leader of this isolated cult.

But things happen that compel Ethan to flee his stifling community and find his way in the world beyond it. Totally out of his depth, he is sheltered by a remarkable group of people from a loving and accepting church. From them, he learns what family truly means and begins to construct a life free from the restrictions he’s grown up with. Little by little he dismisses the assumptions he was taught about the “evil” people in the outside world.

Amid all this, Ethan realizes something about himself when he meets rapper Kyan, a boy his age. Although he’s been brought up to fear and hate members of Kyan’s race, he can’t help falling in love with Kyan. Fueled by a new understanding and new friends, Ethan gains the strength and courage to conquer the confusing world he has been thrust into.


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Keeping Sweets

Newport Boys | Book One

Days away from high school graduation, with hardly a penny to his name, Evan Lowry needs to earn money for college. When he comes across an ad for modeling, he thinks his luck has changed—until he learns he’s interviewing for an adult film and will be expected to have sex. On camera. With other men.

For gay porn star Brandon Court, the shine has worn off of regular shoots. He and his producer, Les, decide to try something new: a reality-show porno set at a beach house. When he meets wide-eyed and naïve Evan for the first time, Brandon isn’t sure if he wants the kid to get lost or get naked. Naked wins.

On set, Brandon takes Evan under his wing, and over the next month, they are thrown together in every intimate way conceivable—except emotionally. Both Brandon and Evan are terrified of trying for anything deeper, and insecurities and doubts wear on their hopes, but the chemistry between them won’t let them slow things down.


Unvergessene Versprechen

Keeping Promise Rock (Deutsch)
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Keeping Promise Rock

Carrick Francis besaß schon immer die zweifelhafte Gabe, Ärger und Probleme jeder Art wie ein Magnet anzuziehen. Das einzige, was ihn vor Haftstrafen oder Schlimmerem bewahrte, ist seine unverbrüchliche Freundschaft zu Deacon Winters. Deacon war seine Rettung undhalf ihm, seine unglückliche Kindheit und die Misshandlungen durch seinen Vaterzu überstehen. Crick würde alles tun, um für immer bei Deacon bleiben zukönnen. Deshalb schiebt er seine Studienpläne auf als Deacons Vater stirbt. Erspringt ein und hilft seinem Freund, so wie der ihm geholfen hat.

Deacon wünscht sich nichts mehr, als dass Crick seinen schlechten Erinnerungen und ihrer kleinen Stadt entflieht und eine strahlende Zukunft findet. Aber nach zwei Jahren, indenen seine Gefühle für seinen Freund immer tiefer werden, kann er derVersuchung nicht mehr widerstehen und gibt Cricks Annäherungsversuchen nach.Der schüchterne Deacon gibt endlich zu, dass er ein Teil von Cricks Lebenwerden möchte.

Aber Crick wartet nur darauf, von Deacon wieder verstoßen zu werden – so wie er in der Vergangenheit von seiner Familie verstoßen wurde. Eine seiner typischen, spontanen Fehlentscheidungen lässt ihn weit weg von zuhause enden. Deacon bleibt allein zurück. Er ist am Boden zerstört und muss hart kämpfen, bis er sein gebrochenes Herz wieder heilen und er in einer Welt überleben kann, in der Cricks Liebe einewiges Versprechen ist, das vielleicht niemals in Erfüllung gehen wird.


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$6.99 $5.24

Two guys insist on complicating Dylan O’Connor’s life: one, his bully, and the other, his best friend.

It started out simple enough. Step one, outsmart Adam with wit and flair, goad him into doing something stupid, and land him in detention. Step two, play video games with Kai all night and laugh about it. Go to bed. Repeat tomorrow. Only, Adam and Kai are about to change the rules on him.

First, Adam's bullying turns suddenly violent, leaving Dylan to wonder if his bully really needs a friend. Then, Kai makes an unexpected move Dylan has only imagined in his most secret fantasies. Only he'd never dreamed it might come at a price.

While Adam opens up, coming closer to revealing a secret he’s kept his entire life, Kai pulls away—even as they get closer than ever.

With everything he thought he understood turned upside down, Dylan must decide what he really wants from the men in his life—before inaction loses him the very relationships he's always relied on.

No pressure, Dylan. You got this. It's just love. How hard could it be?


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