New Adult books

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A Harmony Ink Press Title

When she was a child, Joey Kinkaid, assigned as a boy at birth—wearing Mom’s purple sundress and an imaginary crown—ruled the Baker Street neighborhood with a flair and imagination that kept the other kids captivated. Day after day, she led them on fantastic after-school adventures, but those innocent childhood days are over, and the magic is gone. The princess is alone.

Even Eric Sinclair, the Prince Eric to Joey’s Princess Ariel, has turned his back on his former friend, watching in silence as Joey is tormented at school. Eric isn’t proud of it, but their enchanted youth is over, and they’ve been thrust into a dog-eat-dog world where those who conform survive and those who don’t… well, they don’t. Eric has enough to deal with at home, where his mother has abandoned him to live in isolation and poverty.

But Eric can’t stay on the sidelines forever. When Joey finally accepts her female gender and comes to school wearing lip gloss, leggings, and a silky pink scarf, the bullies readily take the opportunity she hands them, driving Joey to attempt suicide and leaving Eric at a crossroads—one that will influence both their lives in not just the present, but the future.

Is there a chance the two teens can be friends again, and maybe even more?


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$5.99 $4.49

A Harmony Ink Press Title

When Jilda embarks on a cruise with her mother and twin sister, Rosa, she has no idea of the ordeal she’ll face. Feeling unwell, Jilda stays in her cabin while her mother and sister go ashore to explore a Fijian island. Jilda emerges to find the ship has been commandeered by a group determined to use it to transport refugees away from the island nation of Levy Archipelago, which is flooding due to climate change.

Conditions on the ship deteriorate quickly due to overcrowding. The refugees grow restless with no idea of where they’re heading, and they mourn the loss of their animals they had to leave behind on the islands. Alone and afraid Jilda finds an ally in Jade—along with feelings she’s never experienced before. But will the relationship forming between them end when Jilda admits she has a boyfriend?


$5.99 $4.49

A Series of Fates

A Series of Fates

The Series of Fates Anthology

Easter Valley is a place for shifters to thrive, protect each other, and be themselves. It’s also a place for friendships, laughs… and love. From the Alpha, to the shyest of pack members, these mates find their way into each other’s arms in this trio of romantic comedy tales, and while the path to love can be bumpy when fate is involved, the endings are always happy.


Stories include:

Denying Fate

Embracing Fate

Fearing Fate


See excerpt for full individual blurbs.


Fearing Fate

A Series of Fates | Book Three
$3.99 $2.99

A Series of Fates: Book Three

He is a fearless protector by nature and in his heart. But nothing’s ever simple with love… or fate. 

At nearly seven feet tall, Zeus’s role had always been to protect the pack—but his newest charges need him more than most. Kimber and Kron are transplants from another pack, and they have a dangerous stranger on their tails. Zeus is determined to do his duty and drive the human out of town. But when he confronts Toren, his wolf has other ideas…. 

Something isn’t right, but should a huge, tattooed wolf with a secret soft heart fear his fate—to love a man with secrets of his own?


$3.99 $2.99

The Last Birthday Party

2018 Advent Calendar | Warmest Wishes
$1.99 $1.49

Their favorite holiday is going away. Will it take their friendship with it? 

Since 1989, the birthday of the Emperor of Japan has been celebrated on December 23rd. But this is the last year; the Emperor is abdicating, and next year there will be no holiday.           

For twenty-year-old Akihito, the holiday has always been special. It’s his birthday, too, and a perfect excuse for spending the entire day celebrating across Tokyo with his life-long best friend, Kenji. But now that they will no longer get the day off and will soon face adult responsibilities, will they drift apart? Or if Akihito confesses the secret love he’s held in his heart for years, will their closeness be ruined? One thing is certain: nothing will be same by the end of the day.

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2018 Advent Calendar "Warmest Wishes."


$1.99 $1.49
$5.99 $4.49

A Harmony Ink Press Title

What would you do if you found out your whole life was a lie?

That’s what happens to Zavier Beckham. One moment, he’s a happy teen with a loving family and a nerdy best friend named Cole. The next, there’s an FBI agent telling Zavier he was kidnapped as a baby and sold to an adoption agency—that the parents he’s always known aren’t his parents.

Not even his name is his own.

Now Zavier may be forced to deal with a move from his home in Memphis to Chicago, where he would be living with strangers, including a new brother who already resents him. And there is also Brendan, an older boy who stirs confusing feelings in Zavier. There’s more to Brendan than meets the eye, but will he help Zavier adjust to his new situation or add more stress to all the upheaval in Zavier’s life?


$5.99 $4.49
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Diversity is our strength, and now more than ever, the voices of young LGBTQIA authors need to be heard. Harmony Ink is proud to showcase the next generation of talented writers in our fifth annual Harmonious Hearts anthology. These authors, all between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one, are the winners of our Young Author Challenge and represent the future voices of our community. We are honored to showcase these writers, their experiences, visions, and the glimpses into their hearts in these pages. Join them on their journey and help us celebrate their courage, their love, and their unique ways of seeing the world.


See excerpt for full individual blurbs.


$6.99 $5.24

Embracing Fate

A Series of Fates | Book Two
$3.99 $2.99

A Series of Fates: Book Two

Sometimes you just have to embrace your fate. 

Seth has a secret: he has a crush on the human next door. His brilliant plan to meet Jack, the man of his dreams who happens to be an animal trainer? Take wolf form and ask his best friend, Max, to take him next door for training. Seth is the only one surprised when things go horribly awry.

Still, can this shy wolf and a human meet their fate as mates?


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$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Gabe Dillon’s life changes when he gazes across his new school’s commons and spies handsome Kerem Uzun, and he wants to know more. Kerem is senior class president. He is mostly very well-liked. He comes from a family of doctors, is of Turkish heritage, and he is Muslim. 

At first, Gabe doesn’t understand the ritual he sees Kerem performing. But as the boys bond, Gabe is eager to learn about Islam. He’s falling in with a boy who may or may not be gay, a boy whose religion may condemn Gabe’s open homosexuality. 

Complicating the budding relationship is Timur, Kerem’s cousin, who has grown up alongside Kerem as his brother. A family tragedy left Timur homeless, and Kerem’s parents took him in. But as Kerem grows into his own way of looking at life and how it fits into his devout practice of his faith, Timur is becoming more fundamental in his practice of Islam. And he isn’t the only one opposed to the friendship between Kerem and Gabe. Can they forge a lasting relationship amid so many challenges?


$6.99 $5.24

Denying Fate

A Series of Fates | Book One
$3.99 $2.99

A Series of Fates: Book One

Fate is a funny thing. Some try to cut its threads, while others wrap themselves in it like a blanket.

Young wolf shifter Max is cocky and crass. Unlike others his age, he has yet to discover a talent that will serve his pack. Since childhood, he’s been convinced the pack alpha is his mate, but Alpha Christian cannot envision unfiltered and directionless Max taking the place of his elegant mother at the head of the pack. As Max begins to build a life with his best friend, he also begins to see that maybe what he thought was inevitable was all in his head, and it’s time to move on.

Or are they both denying fate?


$3.99 $2.99
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Surviving senior year is hard enough. Saving a friend might be impossible.

When longtime friends Raine and Amelia meet new student Mel, a shameless flirt and open lesbian, it casts their feelings for each other in a different light. Soon the affection between the three girls grows into an attraction they’re eager to explore.

But even as new love blooms, a secret Amelia’s been hiding for years demands their attention. Amelia has an eating disorder, and even if she’s in denial, the disease is threatening her health—and her life. She’ll need the support of her friends to recover as the relationship faces its first test… one they must pass before it’s too late for Amelia.


$6.99 $5.24

A Fool and His Manny

Dreamspun Desires
The Mannies | Book Four
$4.99 $3.74

The Mannies

Seeing the truth and falling in love.

Dustin Robbins-Grayson was a surly adolescent when Quinlan Gregory started the nanny gig. After a rocky start, he grew into Quinlan's friend and confidant—and a damned sexy man.

At twenty-one, Dusty sees how Quinlan sacrificed his own life and desires to care for Dusty’s family. He’s ready to claim Quinlan—he's never met a kinder, more capable, more lovable man. Or a lonelier one. Quinlan has spent his life as the stranger on the edge of the photograph, but Dusty wants Quinlan to be the center of his world. First he has to convince Quinlan he’s an adult, their love is real, and Quinlan can be more than a friend and caregiver. Can he show Quin that he deserves to be both a man and a lover, and that in Dusty’s eyes, he’s never been “just the manny?”


$4.99 $3.74

The Temple of Heaven

Made In China | Book Two
$6.99 $1.11

Made In China: Book Two

Music is Tian Di’s life and his love, and he’s made plenty of sacrifices. His career is finally taking off with his band, Made in China, and he’ll continue to put music first… until he meets Jordon. Then insta-lust becomes insta-love and a commitment to the future—no matter how difficult it might be. 

Jordon lives in a bubble constructed by his overprotective older brothers, who are so controlling that they’ve kept him from dating. A talented artist, Jordon managed to keep his success with a Japanese manga publisher a secret from his family, but now he fears discovery. It’s easier to let his brothers handle everything, but Jordon has reached his limit. He’s ready to draw some boundaries so he can be his own man and face all the challenges that come with that. 

Their families and careers aren’t the only obstacles. Jordon must accept his identity as a gay man who doesn’t top or bottom. Fortunately, Tian Di—and his special talents—help Jordon open up to his sexuality in an erotic adventure that spans Japan and China, and with love, luck, hard work, and open minds, will end in a happily ever after.


$6.99 $1.11
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

John Lennon fought for world peace, but sixteen-year-old hippie hopeful Kale Oswald's only made it as far as tie-dying his T-shirts with organic grape juice. Now he’s ready to cement his new hippie identity by joining a local human rights organization, but he doesn’t fit in as well as he’d hoped. 

After landing herself in the hospital by washing down a Ziploc bag of pills with a bottle of Gatorade, Julian Mendez came clean to her mother: she is a girl who has been seen as a boy since birth. Puberty blockers have stopped the maturing of her body. They’re also supposed to give her time to be sure she wants to make a more permanent decision, but she’s already Julia in her heart. What she’s not sure she’s ready to face is the post-transition name-calling and bathroom wars awaiting her at school. 

When Kale and Julian come face-to-face at the human rights organization, attraction, teenage awkwardness, and reluctant empathy collide. They are forced to examine who they are and how they want to present themselves to the world. But until Kale can come to terms with his confusion about his own sexuality and Julian can be honest with Kale about her gender, they cannot move forward in friendship, or anything more.


$6.99 $5.24

Qui es-tu, Chyna ?

Perspectives | Tome 4
$6.99 $5.24

À l’approche de son quarante-cinquième anniversaire, Lil Lampert éprouve une terrible anxiété de vieillir. Pour l’aider à retrouver goût à la vie, son partenaire, Grier Dilorio, lui propose un voyage en amoureux en Italie. Cette absence tombe plutôt mal, car leur fils, Luca vient d’entrer à l’école secondaire. Il est confié à ses oncles d’adoption, Clark Stevens, des Chicago Bears, et Jody Williams. 

Grandir entre deux couples gays a donné à Luca une perspective de la vie assez unique, sans pour autant lui permettre de répondre aux questions qu’il se pose concernant son orientation sexuelle. Après plusieurs années d’un béguin secret pour son meilleur ami, Chip Davidson, voilà que Luca s’intéresse à sa jumelle, la rousse Chyna. Alors qu’il se croyait gay, peut-être est-il bisexuel finalement. 

Chyna est né intersexué, c’est-à-dire avec un rare syndrome génétique d’ambiguïté de genre. Biologiquement, c’est un garçon, mais sa mère, troublée par une crise de dépression post-partum, l’a déclaré à la naissance en tant que fille et l’élève depuis lors dans le mensonge. La puberté arrivant, Chyna a de plus en plus de mal à dissimuler son secret, d’autant plus que sa forte attirance pour Luca lui déclenche d’étranges réactions. 

Luca saura-t-il, malgré sa jeunesse, accepter une vérité troublante et aider Chyna à découvrir sa véritable identité, ou bien va-t-il renoncer au premier écueil et réduire à néant le rêve de bonheur d’un adolescent à la dérive ?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $1.11

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Tired of being the butt of jokes about his biracial heritage and his mother’s alcoholism, fifteen-year-old Brodie isolates himself from most of the other kids in his school. Often at odds with his father following his parents’ divorce, Brodie’s entire support network consists of his girlfriend, Fawn, and best friend, Abel. Things begin to look up for him after he is transferred to the classroom of a charismatic, handsome young English teacher, Mr. Dakota.

Unfortunate circumstances temporarily take Fawn and Abel out of Brodie's life. With few others to turn to, Brodie forms a bond with the kind and intelligent Mr. Dakota—a man who has experienced his own share of pain and rejection. But feelings of friendship gradually evolve into unrequited emotions and desires Brodie doesn’t understand and isn’t sure how to handle. Acting on his feelings will lead to catastrophic consequences for both him and Mr. Dakota… if Brodie cannot learn to move on with his life before it’s too late.


$6.99 $1.11
$6.99 $5.24

I’m about to do something huge, and it could change... everything.

I met Matt in second grade, and we’ve been inseparable ever since. We went to the same schools, studied at the same college. When we both got jobs in the same town, we shared an apartment. And when my life took an unexpected turn, Matt was there for me. Every milestone in my life, he was there to share it. And what’s really amazing? After all these years, we’re still the best of friends.

Which brings me to this fragile, heart-stopping moment: I want to tell him I love him, really love him, but I’m scared to death of what he’ll say. If I’ve got this all wrong, I’ll lose him—forever.


$6.99 $5.24

Rage to Live

Finding the Strength | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Finding the Strength: Book One

Can a young woman reveal her traumatic past to the woman who wants her to release the bubbling rage inside… her rage to live?

Charlie is attempting to start over after a horrifying, life-altering event pushed her and her family to the breaking point. Living with relatives in a different state might be her chance at something normal, something better.

Charlie may be broken, but she’s a survivor. Even retaking her senior year of high school doesn’t seem so daunting with the support of her cousins, who attend the local university. She finds herself on the road to recovery as her panic attacks vanish, thanks to the vivacious Arielle Forest, president of a popular sorority on campus and daughter of the dean. Arielle is no stranger to attention, drawing Charlie in with her positive attitude. But their new, tenuous relationship comes with a price that scares Charlie. What if Arielle can’t accept how deep Charlie’s scars run? Or the past that catches up with her? Charlie’s anxiety flares, and the temptation to add a matching scar to her right wrist is strong.


$6.99 $5.24