Paranormal books


Ink and Shadows

Ink and Shadows | Book One
$6.99 $3.49

Book One of Ink and Shadows

Kismet Andreas lives in fear of the shadows. 

For the young tattoo artist, the shadows hold more than darkness. He is certain of his insanity because the dark holds creatures and crawling things only he can see—monsters who hunt out the weak to eat their minds and souls, leaving behind only empty husks and despair.

And if there’s one thing Kismet fears more than being hunted—it’s the madness left in its wake.

The shadowy Veil is Mal’s home. As Pestilence, he is the youngest—and most inexperienced—of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, immortal manifestations resurrected to serve—and cull—mankind. Invisible to all but the dead and insane, the Four exist between the Veil and the mortal world, bound to their nearly eternal fate. Feared by other immortals, the Horsemen live in near solitude but Mal longs to know more than Death, War and Famine.

Mal longs to be… more human. To interact with someone other than lunatics or the deceased.

When Kismet rescues Mal from a shadowy attack, Pestilence is suddenly thrust into a vicious war—where mankind is the prize, and the only one who has faith in Mal is the human the other Horsemen believe is destined to die.


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Forging the Future

Change of Heart | Book 5
$6.99 $3.49

A Change of Heart Novel

Jin Church is back where he started, alone, wandering, and uncertain of his path. It’s not by choice but by circumstance, as he remembers he’s a werepanther… but not much else. He knows one thing for sure—he needs to find the beautiful blond man who haunts his dreams.

Logan Church is trapped in a living hell. His mate is missing, his tribe is falling apart, and he’s estranged from the son he loves with all his heart. His world is unraveling without his mate by his side, and he has no one to blame but himself.

If Jin can regain his memory and Logan can overcome the threats to his leadership, then perhaps they can resume their lives. The question is: Is that what they want? Back to the same house, the same tribe, the same troubles? They can choose from various roads leading to their future… or they can forge their own path.


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Iron and Ether

Blessed Epoch | Book Three
Blessed Epoch Universe
$6.99 $3.49

Book Three of the Blessed Epoch

Sasha was born to, and has always defined himself by, the secret assassins' Order of the Crimson Scythe. He chose the love of Yarrow L’Estrella and Duncan Purefroy over his duty to his clan, forfeiting his last mission and allowing Prince Garith to live. Now, the order—previously Sasha’s family—has branded him a traitor. He’s marked, and that means the brethren of the Crimson Scythe won’t stop until Sasha is dead.

Garith’s twin kingdoms balance on the brink of war, and all three men have reasons to help the king, whether loyalty, duty, the interests of their own lands, or gold in their pockets. Still, Yarrow and Duncan are willing to abandon their reasons to seek out and destroy the assassins’ order to keep Sasha safe. But Sasha isn’t sure that’s what he wants. Loyalties are strained by both foreign invaders and conspirators in their midst. It’s hard to know which side to choose with threats piling up from every direction and war looming, inevitable, on the horizon. Their world teeters on the precipice of change, and Sasha, Duncan, and Yarrow can only hope the links they’ve forged will hold if Garith’s kingdom is torn apart.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2013.


$6.99 $3.49

Wounded, Vol. 1

Little Goddess Universe
Little Goddess | Book Two, Vol. 1
$6.99 $3.49

Little Goddess: Book Two
Vol. 1

Cory fled the foothills to deal with the pain of losing Adrian, and Green watched her go. Separately, they could easily grieve themselves to death, but when an old enemy of Green's brings them back together, they can no longer hide from their grief—or their love for each other.

But Cory's grieving has cut her off from the emotional stability that's the source of her power, and Green's worry for her has left them both weak. Cory's strength comes from love, and she finds that when she's in the presence of Adrian's best friend, Bracken, she feels stronger still.

But defeating their enemy is by no means a sure thing. As the attacks against Cory and her lovers keep coming, it becomes clear that their love might not be enough if they can't heal each other—and themselves—from the wounds that almost killed them all.

2nd Edition
First Edition published as Wounded: The Second Novel of the Little Goddess by iUniverse, 2006.


$6.99 $3.49

The Boys on the Mountain

2016 Award Winners - DSP Publications
$6.99 $3.49

Jim Brandon has a new house, and boy, is it a pip. Built high on the side of the San Diego mountains by a legendary B-movie actor of the 1930s, Nigel Letters, the house is not only gorgeous, but supposedly haunted. As a writer of horror novels, Jim couldn't be happier.

But after a string of ghostly events sets Jim’s teeth on edge and scares the bejesus out of his dog, Jim begins to dig into the house’s history. What he finds is enough to creep out anybody. Even Jim. It seems long-dead Nigel Letters had a few nasty habits back in his day. And unhappily for Jim, the old bastard still has some tricks up his sleeve.

As Jim welcomes his ex, Michael, and a bevy of old friends for a two-week visit to help christen the new house, he soon realizes his old friends aren’t the only visitors who have come to call.


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The Grim Life

The Grim Life | Book One
$6.99 $3.49

A Harmony Ink Press Title

The Grim Life: Book One

Max Shaw is dead.

Well, sort of.

After dying on prom night, Max was recruited by a mysterious tattooed angel named Slade to join a group of teenage reapers. Cocky and sarcastic, Max thinks he has his afterlife together, but the moment Slade assigns him to his first suicide case, everything changes.

Christian college student Kody Michaels is struggling to make sense of his life and his faith. After a failed suicide attempt at an antigay camp, Kody is determined not to fail again. Tired of disappointing his family and God, he is going to end his life once and for all.

But in a split-second decision, Max saves Kody—defying the rules of a reaper.

Max believes his only concern is convincing Kody that God loves him just the way he is, so he can save him from a hellish afterlife as a shade. Little does Max know, some shades have found a way to walk among the living as wraiths. These evil wraiths know Kody has been slated for death, and they have another, darker purpose for him.

Max has only one night to save Kody before one of Slade's team finishes the job Max lacked the courage to complete.


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Conflitto di sangue

Legami di sangue
$6.99 $3.49

Seguito di Patto di sangue
Serie Legami di sangue, Libro 3

Mentre l’Alleanza tra maghi e vampiri si rafforza, i maghi oscuri ne subiscono gli effetti e iniziano una disperata ricerca di informazioni per poterla contrastare, inconsapevoli della crescente influenza che i legami hanno su maghi e vampiri.

Il conflitto si va espandendo. La pressione generata dalla difficoltà di alcune relazioni, sia private che professionali, rischia di lacerare l’Alleanza dall’interno, nonostante gli sforzi di Alain Magnier e Orlando St. Clair, Thierry Dumont e Sebastien Noyer e persino di Raymond Payet e Jean Bellaiche, il capo dei vampiri parigini, che sta cercando di instaurare un rapporto stabile col suo compagno, in modo da poter guidare attraverso l’esempio.

Mentre la guerra imperversa e da entrambe le parti aumentano le perdite, i maghi oscuri continuano a cercare elementi per poter comprendere e contrastare la forza dell’Alleanza, mentre le coppie all’interno di essa studiano i vecchi pregiudizi e le antiche leggende alla ricerca di qualcosa che possa cambiare le sorti della guerra una volta per tutte.


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Conflicto de sangre

Coalición de Sangre
$6.99 $3.49

Volumen 3 de la serie Coalición de Sangre
La secuela de "Pacto de sangre"

A medida que los emparejamientos entre magos y vampiros formados dentro de la Alianza se hacen más fuertes, los magos rebeldes sufren sus efectos y están cada vez más desesperados por encontrar información que les permita contrarrestarlos, desconocedores de la creciente tensión que el vínculo entre sangre y magia causa tanto a los magos como a los vampiros.

El conflicto se está extendiendo. Los problemas creados por relaciones incómodas o molestas, tanto desde el punto de vista personal como profesional, amenazan con destruir la Alianza desde su interior, a pesar de los esfuerzos de Alain Magnier y Orlando St. Clair, Thierry Dumont y Sébastien Noyer e incluso Raymond Payet y Jean Bellaiche, líder de los vampiros de París, quien está luchando a su vez por establecer un pacto estable con su propio compañero de tal forma que pueda servir de ejemplo.

Mientras la guerra se recrudece y bajas dolorosas aumentan en ambos bandos, los magos rebeldes siguen buscando claves para comprender y neutralizar la fuerza de la Alianza, al mismo tiempo que las parejas vinculadas por la sangre rebuscan entre antiguos prejuicios y tradiciones populares para encontrar alguna ventaja que pueda inclinar la guerra a su favor de una vez por todas.


$6.99 $3.49
$6.99 $3.49

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Gay teenager Hart could finish his fairy tale for class if his horrible stepsiblings would stop harassing him. Talia’s depression is like a sleeping curse and may kill her if she doesn’t ask for help. Independent, overweight bisexual Sienna deals with her “nice guy” neighbor while visiting her grandmother. When a mysterious girl climbs up Rachael’s fire escape, Rachael might finally break free from her overprotective mother. Transgender Amelia is bullied regularly for her identity, but she’ll show everyone exactly who she is. Princess Rellyn must face down a dragon since she’s seventh in line and battle her father since she's not a boy, and she’s not sure which one is scarier. An adventurous knight whisks away genderfluid Noll when all they want is a quiet life on their farm. Mermaid Astrid wants revenge on the man who betrayed her, but is confused by her attraction to the one sailor immune to her song. Asexual Myka might love Princess Lysandria, but Myka must learn to control her inner werewolf before the king marries her off to “cure” her. With the help of a witch, blacksmith’s apprentice Malcolm must find his missing prince.

You’ve never heard stories like these at bedtime.


$6.99 $3.49
$6.99 $3.49

Woody Stiles has sung his country songs in every city on the map. His life is one long road trip in a never-ending quest for fame and fortune. But when his agent books him into a club in his hometown, a place he swore he would never set foot again, Woody comes face to face with a few old demons. One in particular.

With memories of his childhood bombarding him from every angle, Woody must accept the fact that his old enemy, Willow Man, was not just a figment of childish imagination.

With his friends at his side, now all grown up just like he is, Woody goes to battle with the killer that stole his childhood lover. Woody also learns Willow Man has been busy while he was away, destroying even more of Woody's past. And in the midst of all this drama, Woody is stunned to find himself falling in love—something he never thought he would do again.

As kids, Woody and his friends could not stop the killer who lived in the canyon where they played.  As adults, they might just have a chance.

Or will they?


$6.99 $3.49
$3.99 $2.00

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Ennaline Whitehall has always been faithful. The god’s love is all encompassing, after all. Besides, she hardly had a choice growing up in the church alongside Ro and Ray, the twin sons of Father Piedmont. Now the twins are talking about marriage—all three are reaching the age for betrothal—but Ennaline doesn't feel that way about the boys. She doesn't feel that way about anyone, and who knows what the other faithful will do if they learn of her peculiar coldness?

Questions about romance pale in comparison to the rising god, however. Ennaline and the twins have always helped to keep evil at bay and reassure the people, but the holes aren't closing properly anymore, and the smell of rot is growing. As the faithful gather at the Piedmont farm and something unfathomable claws its way up from beneath the earth, Ennaline struggles to maintain her beliefs. Alone, she is forced to come face-to-face with her god.


$3.99 $2.00


Los Centinelas
$4.99 $2.49

Un libro de la saga Los Centinelas

Marcus Roth es un abogado criminalista de éxito por el día y un Guardián cazador de demonios por la noche. Simplemente es uno de los cinco Guardianes de su ciudad y no es realmente importante para nadie salvo para Joseph Locke, su Hogar. O por lo menos, eso es lo que erróneamente él cree.

Durante un viaje a Lexington, Kentucky, para celebrar el cumpleaños del abuelo de Joe, Marcus descubre por casualidad, una trama de corrupción de Guardianes, por lo que se ve obligado a revelarle su identidad a la familia de Joe. Debe enfrentarse a un traidor, a demonios y al regreso de una vieja enemiga, por lo que tiene que dejar de lado sus necesidades para salvar a sus amigos, aunque haciéndolo pueda perder para siempre al hombre que ama. Ni siquiera sobrevivir a la experiencia podría ser suficiente, si Marcus no puede perdonarse a sí mismo y aprender que su Hogar y su patrulla no podrían continuar sin él.


$4.99 $2.49

The Relics of Gods

Between Heaven and Earth | Book One
$6.99 $3.49

Between Heaven and Earth: Book One

What is worse: Being so broke you can barely afford food, getting hired for dangerous missions way out of your league, suffocating under mountains of unanswered questions—or wanting to sexually dominate someone who can kill you without lifting a finger?

Lu Delong is a mercenary who evaluates antiques most of the time and deals with the paranormal on rare occasions—even though it's supposed to be the other way around. When he joins a dangerous quest for an ancient artifact, he meets and becomes strongly attracted to a mysterious and powerful immortal named Cangji. Despite his friends’ warnings and Cangji's icy, unsociable demeanor, Delong is unable to resist befriending him. However, Cangji is deeply involved in a matter beyond mortals, and Delong is drawn into a chaotic struggle by both visible and invisible forces.

Always the pacifist who wanted to live a simple human life, Delong never imagined he'd end up involved in a conflict that will affect everything from the lowest insects on earth to the highest gods in heaven.


$6.99 $3.49

Una promessa rispettata

Serie Scelta del cuore | Libro 3
$6.99 $3.49

Seguito di Legame di Fiducia
Serie Scelta del cuore, Libro 3

Jin Rayne si sta ancora abituando ai suoi terrificanti nuovi poteri di pantera nekhene e al suo ruolo di reah della tribù di Logan Church, quando viene a sapere che è stato convocato un sepat: una sfida d’onore. Logan, che non ha mai voluto far altro che guidare la sua piccola tribù, deve andare dall’altra parte del mondo, in Mongolia, e combattere per diventare il più potente leader di pantere mannare del mondo.

Logan non sarà l’unico ad affrontare quel viaggio: essendo il suo compagno, Jin deve lottare al suo fianco per onorare il suo impegno verso Logan, la sua cultura e la sua tribù. Ma la prova è lunga e prevede che i due uomini restino separati a lungo: l’umanità di Logan è in gioco. Per superare il terribile sepat, Jin e Logan devono accettare il loro fato, fidarsi l’uno dell’altro, e rispettare le promesse che si sono fatti, costi quel che costi.


$6.99 $3.49

Conflict in Blood

Partnership in Blood
$6.99 $3.49

Sequel to Covenant in Blood
Partnership in Blood: Volume Three

As the Alliance wizard-vampire partnerships grow stronger, the dark wizards feel the effects and become increasingly desperate to find enough information to counter them, unaware of the growing strain of the blood-magic bonds on the wizards and vampires alike.

The conflict is spreading. The strife of uncomfortable relationships, both personal and professional, is threatening to tear up the Alliance from the inside, despite the efforts of Alain Magnier and Orlando St. Clair, Thierry Dumont and Sebastien Noyer, and even Raymond Payet and Jean Bellaiche, leader of the Paris vampires, who is fighting to establish a stable covenant with his own partner so he might lead by example.

As the war rages on and heartbreaking casualties mount on both sides, the dark wizards keep searching for clues to understand and counter the strength of the Alliance, while the blood-bound Alliance partners hunt through ancient prejudices and forgotten lore to find an edge that can turn the tide of the war once and for all..

With new strength behind it, the Alliance’s leaders move to announce its existence to the whole world, hoping to rally support against the dark wizards who threaten to destroy life as they know it. Struggling to find its way in the expanding war, the Alliance discovers that despite its advantages, the partnerships are affecting the balance of magical power in the world, which may be an even bigger threat than the war itself.

Second Edition
This second edition received minor revision and proofing for re-release in honor of the publication of Partnership Reborn, the final book in the series.


$6.99 $3.49

Reparation in Blood

Partnership in Blood
$6.99 $3.49

Sequel to Conflict in Blood
Partnership in Blood: Volume Four

The war is at a fever pitch with both sides stretched to the limit, when the dark wizards score a shocking victory and capture Orlando St. Clair. Haggard with worry and grief at the separation from his lover, Alain fears that even if they find Orlando, the vampire’s heart and mind may be far too broken to save.

Knowing the Alliance teeters on the brink, Christophe Lombard, the oldest, most powerful vampire in Paris leaves his self-imposed seclusion to join the fight. Alain’s lost friend Eric Simonet, who betrayed him to join the dark wizards, is faced with a choice between revenge and redemption. And Jean, enraged by Orlando’s capture, faces the most agonizing decision in his unlife as the final battle looms: Will their actions lead to the shattering of the Alliance or the salvation of the world?

Second Edition
This second edition received minor revision and proofing for re-release in honor of the publication of Partnership Reborn, the final book in the series.


$6.99 $3.49

Duck Duck Ghost

Hellsinger | Book Two
$6.99 $3.49

Sequel to Fish and Ghosts
Hellsinger: Book Two

Paranormal investigator Wolf Kincaid knows what his foot tastes like.

Mostly because he stuck it firmly in his mouth when his lover, Tristan Pryce, accidentally drugged him with a batch of psychotropic baklava. Needing to patch things up between them, Wolf drags Tristan to San Luis Obispo, hoping Tristan’s medium ability can help evict a troublesome spirit haunting an old farmhouse.

With Wolf’s sister handling Hoxne Grange’s spectral visitors, Tristan finds himself in the unique position of being able to leave home for the first time in forever, but Wolf’s roughshod treatment is the least of his worries. Tristan’s ad-hoc portal for passing spirits seems to be getting fewer and fewer guests, and despite his concern he’s broken his home, Tristan agrees to help Wolf’s cousin, Sey, kick her poltergeist to the proverbial curb.

San Luis Obispo brings its own bushel of troubles. Tristan’s ghost whispering skill is challenged not only by a terrorizing haunting but also by Wolf’s skeptical older cousin, Cin. Bookended by a pair of aggressive Kincaids, Tristan soon finds himself in a spectral battle that threatens not only his sanity but also his relationship with Wolf, the first man he’s ever loved.


$6.99 $3.49

Creature Feature

Creature Feature | Volume One

Diagnosis: Wolf by Poppy Dennison

Thanks to his good-for-nothing brother, Andrew Hughes is up to his eyeballs in debt and needs a job fast. When a nursing position opens up in Myerson, Arizona, Andrew has no choice but to take it, despite a warning about how difficult a patient Caleb DiMartino can be. Andrew can deal with a little trouble—but Caleb’s strange family, the armed guards, and the unknown cause of Caleb’s mysterious illness may be beyond his skill set.

Landslide by Mary Calmes

For three years, paranormal courier Frank Corrigan has been working for incubus demon Cael Berith. Cael knows Frank is his mate, but Frank is pretty sure Cael doesn’t even like him, never mind want to spend the rest of his life with him, so their personal relationship is at an impasse. When Frank’s sister, Lindsey, gets bitten by a werewolf she's sleeping with—and possibly witnesses a murder—Frank rides to her rescue. If he’s lucky, he might just save his love life too.