Paranormal Romance books

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Author Connie Bailey has written in a wide variety of genres under different pen names. Now check out this exclusive bundle of several of her different works all in one place! Enjoy these stories featuring an undercover policeman and a drug lord's boytoy, an unlikely vampire and his hipster/geek love, two men hiding a secret in an arranged marriage, a young prince and his bodyguard, and two imperial army recruits fighting for honor and love. Five stories in one volume!


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Yori Tanaka lives with crippling anxiety, knowing he carries the “Beast Syndrome” gene yet still unsure what activates it. Thankfully, his boyfriend, Bryce Green, is down to earth and has been more than patient and supportive for the last five years.

But their lives are about to change. When Lance Haney, an old friend, rolls into town, Yori is excited to see him at first—until Yori learns Lance’s motives. Full of malice and bad intentions, Lance plans to activate Yori’s “Beast Syndrome” gene, and Yori’s greatest fear is about to become a reality.


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La luna del cacciatore

Serie Sollevando il Velo | Libro 3
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Seguito di Il desiderio del genio
Serie Sollevando il Velo. Libro 3

Dieci anni fa, la Grande Rivelazione ha mostrato la presenza sulla Terra di creature sovrannaturali, ma non sono in tanti a sapere molto su di loro o a dare loro molta importanza, a parte quando si tratta di ricevere uno stipendio.

Kieran Knight è un mercenario che dà la caccia alle creature mitologiche per denaro. La sua missione è rapire un certo Gabriel King per portarlo dal suo cliente. Ma il suo obiettivo non è un semplice cowboy: è un potente licantropo e il beta del suo branco e, come scopriranno presto, Gabriel e Kieran sono compagni.

Kieran non sa praticamente nulla di come funzioni un accoppiamento, e non è neppure gay, ma ciò non vuol dire che non senta l’attrazione bollente che c’è tra lui e l’altro uomo. Per salvare Gabriel, mette in atto un piano di fuga, ma i suoi clienti non lasceranno andare il loro licantropo senza lottare.


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$6.99 $3.49

Even the most lawless of creatures have laws, and for vampires, the sacrifice system is the most important. For every ten members of a coven, the sophisticated blood-drinkers have one “sacrificial lamb” to keep the worlds of the living and the Undead balanced.

August Prescott finds this fascinating—once he accepts the world is not what it seems. Kidnapped and kept in isolation, lack of memory troubles him but helps him fall into this society without resistance.

August befriends Theo, who may or may not be the only one August trusts, and when it’s Theo’s turn to drink from him in the “Sanctuary,” August could believe he’s in love. And so could fifty-year-young vampire Theo, because August doesn’t look at Theo like he’s a monster.

But Theo’s afraid of loving and must decide if he’ll waste eternity or welcome August into it. According to the Lamb, the chilling sovereign of blood-drinking Undead, that might be fate’s design. And if living forever means foregoing the comforts of humanity for Theo’s kisses, Theo’s arms, and Theo’s love, August is ready to turn.


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Blood Tied

The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge | Book Two
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The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge: Book Two

Thad Blackmoor’s heart is as cold as his icy magical abilities. He considers emotions a waste of his time and prefers to study the arcane, using the sacred books of his coven to grow in his craft. He aspires to supersede his father and elder brother Pierce in power, and now that his younger brother, Mason, has tapped into the rare warlock power of darkness, he needs to work harder than ever.

But Thad's ambitions are halted when he saves Aiden Teine, a fire fairy, from a banshee. Thad’s immediate attraction to Aiden catches him off guard and thaws his cold heart for the first time. As Thad, Aiden, and his brothers investigate the connection between the banshee attack and the vampyre and shadow weaver who almost killed them, Thad tries to dodge Ben, a sexy warlock who won’t let him be after a one-night stand.

Their search for answers leads them to the Otherworld, where something even more insidious is at work—something Thad will need more than logic to stand against.


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Challenge the Darkness

Yellowstone Wolves | Book One
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Yellowstone Wolves: Book One

When alpha shifter Mikael Volokov is called to witness a challenge, he learns the evil and power-hungry Anton Gregor will stop at nothing to attain victory. Knowing he will need alliances to keep his pack together, Mikael requests a congress with the nearby Evergreen pack and meets Denton Arguson, Evergreen alpha, to ask for his help. Fate has a strange twist for both of them, though, and Mikael and Denton soon realize they’re destined mates.

Denton resists the pull between them—he has his own pack and his own responsibilities. But Mikael isn't willing to give up. The Mother has promised Mikael his mate, told him he must fight for him, and that only together can they defeat the coming darkness. When Anton casts his sights on Denton's pack, attacks and sabotage follow, pulling Denton and Mikael together to defeat a common enemy. But Anton’s threats sow seeds of destruction enough to break any bond, and the mates’ determination to challenge the darkness may be their only saving grace.


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Climbing the corporate ladder can be hell….

As a collections demon, Zavier grants his “clients” one wish in exchange for their souls. His job sucks, but once you make a deal with Corporate South, they own you. The trouble is, Zavier’s not a very good collections demon, with his tendencies to spurn authority and find loopholes to help deserving clients out of their contracts. He’s under scrutiny from the head of his department, who would quite literally like to see him burn. He just needs to close a simple deal to get upper management off his back. Instead, he meets Ryan.

Ryan is desperately searching for a way to save his dying sister. He doesn’t believe in magic and demons, but he’s out of options. Zavier’s not what he expects in a demon, and even more unexpected is the strong sense of familiarity—very intimate familiarity.

While trying to free Ryan from his contract, Zavier discovers secrets unscrupulous even by South standards. Exposing them could cost Zavier everything, but it might be Ryan’s only hope.


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$4.99 $2.49

The freedom to love comes with a cost.

As a guardian angel, Drake’s destiny is written in the stars. Choice is not part of an angel’s life. Drake never thought twice about it until he’s unexpectedly thrust into watching over Grey, who inspires passion in Drake but endangers his very identity as a guardian angel. Grey is more than just another human—he can see angels. When he discovers that unlike his previous angel Drake will talk to him, Grey becomes determined to pull Drake off the sidelines and into life. Attraction flares between them from the beginning and causes Drake to question his purpose for the first time. His distraction results in a decision that changes everything—and not just for him and Grey.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Silver Publishing, 2011.


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La prova del fato

Serie Scelta del cuore
$6.99 $3.49

Un libro della Serie Scelta del cuore

Nella città segreta di Sobek, Domin Thorne sta cercando la sua strada come nuovo semel-aten, il capo del mondo delle pantere mannare. Aspira a grandi cambiamenti: ha degli obiettivi per se stesso e per le persone che ha scelto di portare con sé, e vuole cambiare il suo regno sul modello di quello del suo amico Logan Church. Ma Domin potrebbe aver stabilito un obiettivo troppo difficile: il suo solito stile di comando non sta funzionando.

Dovendo occuparsi di Crane e la sua nostalgia di casa, Mikhail e il suo malumore, Taj e la sua frusta, servitori con intenti omicidi, un ex in visita e un compagno in una pericolosa missione diplomatica, Domin deve affrontare da solo il suo nuovo ruolo. Deve anche decidere come gestire una cospirazione, mentre si sta innamorando profondamente di un uomo che, per la prima volta nella vita di Domin, ricambia quell’amore. Che Domin sia pronto o meno, il fato ha deciso di insegnargli una lezione: le minacce interne sono pericolose proprio come quelle esterne.


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Pakt des Blutes

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Fortsetzung zu Allianz des Blutes
Buch 2 in der Serie - Blutspartnerschaft

Magier und Vampire haben eine Allianz geschmiedet, die auf Partnerschaften des Blutes und der Magie gründet. Sie hoffen, damit dem Krieg gegen die dunklen Magier eine entscheidende Wendung geben zu können. Einige Partnerschaften sind ebenso erfolgreich, wie die zwischen Alain Magnier und Orlando St. Clair. Auf andere trifft das nicht zu. Es kommt zu Streit, Vorwürfen und sogar offener Feindschaft zwischen den Partnern, obwohl sie durch ein gemeinsames Ziel verbunden sind.

Thierry Dumont ist entschlossen, dem Beispiel seines besten Freundes Alain zu folgen. Er ist mit dem Vampir Sebastien Noyer eine Partnerschaft eingegangen. Obwohl er sich, so kurz nach dem gewaltsamen Tod seiner Frau, in der Nähe des Vampirs – eines Mannes – unbehaglich fühlt. Aber sie stellen fest, dass ihre gemeinsame Verzweiflung die beste Voraussetzung ist, um einen Bund zu schließen. Thierry und Sebastien stellen den Schutz ihres Partners über alles und unterstützen sich vorbehaltlos.

Durch die Erfolge der Allianz bestärkt, beschließen das Oberhaupt der Magier und der Chef de la Cour der Vampire, ihr neues Bündnis der Öffentlichkeit bekannt zu machen. Sie erhoffen sich dadurch zusätzliche Unterstützung in ihrem Kampf gegen die dunklen Magier, die das Leben auf der Erde in seiner bisherigen Form zu vernichten drohen. Aber die Allianz erleidet auch Rückschläge, denn die Partnerschaften bringen nicht nur Vorteile mit sich, sondern gefährden auch das magische Gleichgewicht der Erde. Und diese Gefahr könnte sich als größer erweisen, als der Krieg selbst.


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Von Fischen und Geistern

Hellsinger (Deutsch)
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Buch 1 in der Serie - Hellsinger

Als sein Onkel Mortimer starb und ihm Hoxne Grange hinterließ, die Familienvilla aus dem späten neunzehnten Jahrhundert, wurde Tristan Pryce der Zweite in der Familie, der sich als Verwalter um das Anwesen kümmerte, einer Zwischenstation für Geister auf ihrem letzten Weg ins Leben nach dem Tode. Tristan ist auf die Herausforderung vorbereitet, wenn auch nicht unbedingt durch die Geister, die er seit seiner Kindheit sehen kann. Fest entschlossen, zu beweisen, dass Tristan geisteskrank ist, um Zugriff auf sein Erbe zu bekommen, heuern seine liebenden Verwandten Dr. Wolf Kincaid und seine paranormalen Ermittler, Hellsinger Investigations, an, um zu beweisen, dass es auf dem Grange nicht spukt.

Der Skeptiker Wolf Kincaid hat es sich zur Lebensaufgabe gemacht, übernatürliche Phänomene zu entlarven. Nach Jahren voller Schwindel und Fälschungen kann er es nicht erwarten, zu beweisen, dass die Geister des Grange nur auf knarrende Bodendielen und ein zugiges, altes Haus zurückzuführen sind. Auf dem Grange erwarten ihn einige Überraschungen, inklusive des bissigen, verschlossenen Besitzers. Tristan Pryce ist viel attraktiver und viel weniger verrückt, als Wolf bereit ist zuzugeben, und als sein Team im Grange einen geisterhaften Serienmörder befreit, ist er hin und hergerissen zwischen seinem Skeptizismus und dem Verlangen, den Mann zu beschützen, den er eigentlich diskreditieren soll.


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Forging the Future

Change of Heart | Book 5
$6.99 $3.49

A Change of Heart Novel

Jin Church is back where he started, alone, wandering, and uncertain of his path. It’s not by choice but by circumstance, as he remembers he’s a werepanther… but not much else. He knows one thing for sure—he needs to find the beautiful blond man who haunts his dreams.

Logan Church is trapped in a living hell. His mate is missing, his tribe is falling apart, and he’s estranged from the son he loves with all his heart. His world is unraveling without his mate by his side, and he has no one to blame but himself.

If Jin can regain his memory and Logan can overcome the threats to his leadership, then perhaps they can resume their lives. The question is: Is that what they want? Back to the same house, the same tribe, the same troubles? They can choose from various roads leading to their future… or they can forge their own path.


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Un buono scheletro

Serie Scheletri
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Serie Scheletri, Libro 1

Dylan Warner è giovane, colto e conduce una vita del tutto normale. Non è il tipo che si nota facilmente, fino al giorno in cui, dopo una serata movimentata con un affascinante sconosciuto, non diventa un lupo mannaro. Nonostante tutto, però, Dylan vuole solo continuare a vivere la sua tranquilla – seppur solitaria – esistenza da architetto. Cerca di tenere sotto controllo gli impulsi selvaggi, ma ben presto decide che ne ha abbastanza della città e si trasferisce in campagna, dove gli sarà più difficile far del male al prossimo. La sua nuova casa è un po’ decrepita, ma promettente, e corredata per di più da un nuovo vicino: il sexy, anche se un po’ rozzo, Chris Nock.

Dylan assume Chris perché lo aiuti a ristrutturare casa, ma presto si accorge che le sue prime impressioni su di lui erano sbagliate e che Chris, così come la casa, potrebbe diventare un elemento fisso nella sua nuova vita. Tra il mostrare al suo capo quanto vale, resistere al seducente richiamo del suo pericoloso ex-amante e la sua limitata esperienza nel campo delle relazioni sentimentali, per Dylan è molto difficile capire come comportarsi… Come giustificare poi l’irresistibile voglia di ululare alla luna piena che lo coglie ogni mese?


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Running with the Wind

Mermen of Ea Trilogy | Book Three
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Sequel to Into the Wind
Mermen of Ea Trilogy: Book Three

With the final confrontation between the island and mainland Ea factions looming, Taren and Ian sail with Odhrán to investigate a lost colony of merfolk in the Eastern Lands. Upon their arrival, the King of Astenya welcomes them as friends. Odhrán, however, isn’t so quick to trust the descendent of the man who held him prisoner for nearly a decade, especially now that he has someone to cherish and protect—the mysterious winged boy he rescued from the depths.

Armed with the knowledge he believes will save the Ea, Taren returns to the mainland. With Ian at his side, Taren convinces Vurin that their people must unite with their island brethren before it’s too late. When Seria and his men attack, Taren must call upon the ancient power of the rune stone to protect his comrades. But using the stone’s immeasurable power commands a hefty price—and Ian fears that price is Taren’s life.


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Nicholas Cartwright has done everything in his power to forget that night six months ago in Senaka, when his true mate rejected him, leaving him shattered and disillusioned. Burying himself in his work, he pushes himself to the point of exhaustion while finding the touch of another unbearable. Suddenly his mate needs his help, and he may be asking for more than Nicholas can find it in himself to give.

Thayne Whitedove has always been a wanderer, spending his days on the road and his nights wrapped in the arms of whatever random hookup he meets, until a fateful mistake sends him rushing for the comforts of home. To his utter dismay, the only way to correct his error in judgment is to accept the one thing he’s never wanted… his mate. Thayne must decide whether to keep running or to stay and fight for Nick’s forgiveness.


I'll Still Be There

Unfinished Business | Book One
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Unfinished Business: Book One

The summer after high school, Eli Dunn and Jess Early explore an abandoned brothel in the rural Florida Panhandle. They’ve always kept their mutual attraction unspoken, but in an upstairs room at the end of the hall, everything changes. Suddenly, all the longing Eli and Jess have tried so hard to conceal bursts free, and passion like they’ve never experienced comes to light, along with the ghosts of Clay Bailey and Silas Denton, murdered owners of the brothel. And Clay and Silas have no problem possessing Eli and Jess in order to express their love for each other, without thought for the living.

Deeply disturbed by the experience, Eli and Jess part and try to get on with life as best they can. But after several years, Eli returns to Florida, only to find that Jess has made some questionable choices. These eventually lead him back to the abandoned house and a confrontation with Eli. Old scores are settled and Eli and Jess reunite. But Clay and Silas’s ghosts aren’t finished yet, for they’ve always believed in the power of open and honest love.


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Spell Bound

The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge | Book One
2015 Award Winners
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The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge: Book One

Mason Blackmoor just can’t compete with his brothers, much less his father. They represent the epitome of black magic, strong, dark, and wicked, and though Mason tries to live up to his respected lineage, most of the spells he casts go awry. To make matters worse, his active power has yet to kick in. While his brothers wield lightning and harness the cold, Mason sits on the sidelines, waiting for the moment when he can finally enter the magical game.

When a dead body is discovered on the football field of his high school, Mason meets Drake Carpenter, the new kid in town. Drake’s confident demeanor and quick wit rub Mason the wrong way. Drake is far too self-assured for someone without an ounce of magical blood in his body, and Mason aims to teach him a lesson—like turn him into a roach. And if he’s lucky, maybe this time Mason won’t be the one turned into an insect.

Not surprisingly, the dislike is mutual, and Drake does nothing to dispel Mason’s suspicion that the sexy boy with a southern drawl is somehow connected to the murder.

If only Mason didn’t find himself inexplicably spell bound whenever they are together, they might actually find out what danger hides in the shadows.


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$3.99 $2.00

South Carolina lawyer Calvin Amos is confident he can gain Thomas Basinger his freedom on appeal. Thom was convicted of a murder during an armed robbery gone bad. But Basinger’s case proves more difficult than Cal anticipated, and the battle he assumed he’d win turns into a devastating failure. Remorseful over the personal defeat, after Basinger is executed, Cal throws himself out of his office window.

Bizarrely, the fall doesn’t kill him. Even stranger, Thom Basinger rings Cal’s doorbell looking for a job. Both men are drawn to each other. Before long, the two forge a unique, heartfelt connection that transcends the boundaries of life and death.

Calvin Amos always imagined himself in possession of some great love or other. He didn’t know he had to die to find it.


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