Paranormal Romance books


Animal Instinct

Duncan Andrews Thrillers
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Sequel to Pale as a Ghost
A Duncan Andrews Thriller

Private detective Duncan Andrews has the home-team advantage when it comes to solving paranormal crimes: His best friend, Gina, is a centuries-old witch. His dog is a zombie. And his boyfriend, Robbie, is a ghost.

Duncan certainly has his work cut out for him with this case. Someone’s been using the skull of a powerful wizard to control animals, and whoever it is, they’re not out to set up a petting zoo. For Gina, the case hits close to home—she knows just how dangerous it is, since the wizard was her father.

Just when he thinks they&rssquo;re close to breaking the case, tragedy strikes, leaving Gina in a coma. Then, after years as a ghost, Robbie finally decides to move on, leaving Duncan to protect young Ashton Marsh, the victim of several strange animal attacks. Suddenly Duncan is working without his supernatural safety net. Without his friends, can Duncan defeat the power of Eleazar’s skull and keep Ashton alive? Or will the struggle for his life end in broken bodies as well as broken hearts?


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La vita di Jude Shea cambia completamente quando salva un cane che chiama Joe. Anche se Jude ha già abbastanza problemi ad occuparsi di se stesso − non ha nemmeno un lavoro − non riesce ad abbandonare l’animale bisognoso. Poi, una sera, un uomo si presenta a casa sua per rivendicare il nuovo amico di Jude. Mentre fuggono da un attacco a sorpresa, Jude scopre che “Joe” non è quello che sembra.

Eoin Thral è un guardiano di una dimensione alternativa, e dopo aver condotto Jude oltre il velo che separa i loro mondi, si trasforma in un uomo muscoloso e affascinante, che spicca per la sua abilità nel combattimento, non per la capacità di amare. Jude si trova immerso nel mondo di Eoin e deve affrontare la battaglia della sua vita per garantire un futuro felice a entrambi.


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Chasing Seth

2012 Award Winners
True Mates

A True Mates Novel

Veterinarian Seth Davies comes to Senaka, Wyoming, looking for peace and anonymity, trying to escape his past. He’s always been a target for trouble and pain, and Seth has had more than his share of both. Kasey Whitedove takes one look at Seth and assumes the worst. No white man could love animals the way the mostly Cheyenne population expects, and Kasey makes Seth’s first days in Senaka more than unpleasant.

Then an accident puts Kasey in the uncomfortable position of eating crow—and helplessly desiring Seth—despite the danger of Kasey’s life as a werewolf and Seth’s stressful secrets. Chasing Seth down and keeping him safe from his past has just become Kasey's most important job.


The Wolfing Way

Lifting the Veil | Book One
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Lifting the Veil: Book One

Kris Ellis thought that the time of arranged marriages was long past—but that was before the Great Unveiling revealed creatures of myth living among humans. Now a routine medical test has determined that Kris has a mate, a werewolf named Rafael King.

Kris is fresh out of college and has plans for his life. None of them include being tied forever to someone he’s never met. But then Rafe calls him, and Kris starts to reconsider. After all, what must it be like to wait for your soul mate for two hundred years?

Rafe is patient, strong, and kind, not to mention attractive. True to what Kris has heard about mates, sparks fly the second they meet. But Kris and Rafe are very different, and the werewolf way of life is dangerous. Is the fight for love really worth it?


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Good Bones

The Bones Series | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Bones: Book One

Skinny, quiet hipster Dylan Warner was the kind of guy other men barely glanced at until an evening’s indiscretion with a handsome stranger turned him into a werewolf. Now, despite a slightly hairy handicap, he just wants to live an ordinary—if lonely—life as an architect. He tries to keep his wild impulses in check, but after one too many close calls, Dylan gives up his urban life and moves to the country, where he will be less likely to harm someone else. His new home is a dilapidated but promising house that comes with a former Christmas tree farm and a solitary neighbor: sexy, rustic Chris Nock.

Dylan hires Chris to help him renovate the farmhouse and quickly discovers his assumptions about his neighbor are inaccurate—and that he’d very much like Chris to become a permanent fixture in his life as well as his home. Between proving himself to his boss, coping with the seductive lure of his dangerous ex-lover, and his limited romantic experience, Dylan finds it hard enough to express himself—how can he bring up his monthly urge to howl at the moon?


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$6.99 $5.24

La vida de Jude Shea se da la vuelta cuando rescata un perro al que llama Joe. A pesar de que Jude tiene demasiados problemas cuidándo de sí mismo... ni siquiera tiene empleo... no puede resistirse al un animal que lo necesita. Entonces, una noche, un hombre aparece en su puerta tratando de reclamar al nuevo compañero de Jude. Mientras corren escapando a un ataque sorpresa, Jude descubre que “Joe” no es lo que parece.

Eoin Thral es un guardián de una dimensión alternativa, y una vez que conduce a Jude a través del velo que separa sus mundos, se transforma en un hermoso e inmenso hombre conocido por sus habilidades en el combate, pero no por su capacidad de amar. Jude se encuentra inmerso en el mundo de Eoin, y tendrá que luchar la batalla de su vida para asegurar un futuro feliz para ambos.


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Cherish Your Name

The Warder Series

Malic Sunden is in hell—only not literally... yet. As a warder, Malic is used to fighting demons and squaring off against all kinds of creatures from the pit, but this year he’s facing a new and terrifying prospect: Christmas holidays with his much-younger boyfriend and his family.

He loves Dylan, his hearth, but Dylan’s parents, the Shaws, are another story. They think Malic is a cradle-robber, among other things. At least their neighbor, Brad, seems to like him. Then again, maybe not. When Malic gets offered to a demon who wipes his memory of everything but Dylan’s name, it will take all Malic has to escape his new life in a hell dimension and return to the man he calls home.



The Warder Series

Marcus Roth is a top criminal lawyer by day and demon-slaying warder by night, but he is simply one of five warders—not really important to anyone but Joseph Locke, his hearth. Or so Marcus mistakenly believes.

On a trip to Lexington, Kentucky, to celebrate Joe’s grandfather’s birthday, that belief changes as Marcus unwittingly uncovers a paranormal dilemma and ends up revealing his identity as a warder to Joe’s family. Faced with a traitor, demons, and the return of an old enemy, Marcus must put his own needs aside to save his friends—though in so doing he may lose the man he loves forever. Even living through the ordeal might not be enough if Marcus can’t forgive himself and learn that his hearth and the rest of his clutch can’t do without him.


Cambio de actitud

Cambio de actitud | Volumen 1
$6.99 $5.24

Volumen 1 de la serie Cambio de actitud

Todo lo que Jin Rayne, joven homosexual y hombre pantera, anhela es una vida normal. Después de huir de su pasado, Jin sólo desea empezar de nuevo, pero su vida anterior no quiere soltarlo. Cuando sus viajes lo llevan a una nueva ciudad, su camino se cruza con el líder de la tribu local de panteras. Logan Church resulta ser un shock y un enigma para Jin, quien teme que Logan sea su pareja y el amor de su vida. Jin no desea volver a vivir como en el pasado, y aparearse con el hombre lo ataría irrevocablemente a él y a su tribu. Pero Jin es la pareja que Logan necesita a su lado para ayudarlo a liderar su tribu y no se dará por vencido tan fácilmente. Llevará tiempo y confianza para que Jin descubra la dicha de pertenecer a Logan, y a amar sin reserva.


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Wandel des Herzens

Wandel des Herzens | Buch 1
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Buch 1 in der Serie - Wandel des Herzens

Als ein junger Mann, der schwul ist und noch dazu ein Werpanther, wünscht sich Jin Rayne nichts sehnlicher als ein normales Leben. Er ist seiner Vergangenheit entflohen und möchte einfach neu anfangen. Aber Jins altes Leben will ihn nicht loslassen. Als seine Reisen ihn in eine neue Stadt führen, begegnet er dem Anführer eines örtlichen Werkatzen-Stammes. Logan Church ist ein Schock und ein Rätsel für ihn und Jin ist voller Sorge, dass Logan der Gefährte ist, den er so sehr fürchtet, aber auch die Liebe seines Lebens. Jin möchte mit den Traditionen nichts mehr zu tun haben und die Verbindung mit einem Gefährten würde ihn unwiderruflich daran fesseln.

Aber Jin ist genau der Gefährte, den Logan an seiner Seite braucht, um seinen Stamm erfolgreich zu führen, und deshalb wird er Jin nicht einfach gehen lassen. Jin wird Zeit und Vertrauen brauchen, die Freude zu entdecken, die darin liegt zu Logan zu gehören und seine Liebe ohne Einschränkungen zu erwidern.


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Cœur sauvage

Le Clan des Panthères | Tome 1
$6.99 $5.24

Le Clan des Panthères, tome 1

Jin Rayne est un jeune homme – mi-homme mi-panthère de surcroit – qui n'aspire qu'à une vie des plus ordinaires. Il a fui son passé pour prendre un nouveau départ, mais on ne se débarrasse pas si facilement d'aussi lourds secrets. Son arrivée dans une nouvelle ville l'amène à rencontrer le leader d'une tribu d'homme-panthères. Cette rencontre avec Logan Church, bel homme envoûtant, s'avère être un choc pour Jin qui panique à l'idée qu'il puisse s'agir de celui à qui il est destiné, c'est à dire l'amour de sa vie. Jin refuse de vivre selon les rites des hommes-panthères et se donner à son destiné le contraindrait à s'y soumettre.

Jin est pourtant bel et bien le compagnon dont Logan a besoin pour diriger sa tribu et il ne renoncera pas si facilement. Il aura besoin de temps et de se sentir en confiance pour découvrir le bonheur d'appartenir à Logan et apprendre à l'aimer sans borne.


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$3.99 $2.99

Former Marine Will Marlowe dreams of being a great classics scholar, but his subversive street art, Bad Toys, is what he does best. When he’s sent to London to retrieve Tommy Jones, what he’s really interested in is a chance to take Bad Toys global. He doesn’t expect cancer survivor Tommy to captivate him or to become the pet project of a real live—dead—author.

Meanwhile, Tommy is struggling to write a dissertation about Christopher Marlowe while conveniently ignoring the fact that he knows Marlowe didn’t die in 1593. And Marlowe’s ghost? He has an agenda all his own that seems to involve two parts mystery, one part romance.


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$6.99 $5.24

It’s nine o’clock the morning after his father’s funeral, and Ezra Jones already knows it’s going to be a bad day. He wakes up hungover, sore, and covered in blood. Then it gets worse: the handsome and compelling Callum Dawson shows up on his doorstep claiming Ezra’s been turned into a werewolf. Ezra wants to be skeptical, but the evidence is hard to ignore.

Ezra doesn’t have a lot of time to get used to the rules Alpha Callum imposes—or the way his body responds to Callum’s dominance—as he’s busily working for the CDC to help uncover the origins of a lycan epidemic. When the sexual tension finally breaks, Ezra barely has time to enjoy it, because a new danger threatens. Someone wants Ezra for their own unscrupulous purposes and will do anything to get him.


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Heart in Hand

The Warder Series

A Warder Series Novella

Simon Kim is very much in love with Leith Haas, but Leith is a Warder. His job—hunting demons—is dangerous and important, and Simon doesn’t want to distract the man he loves more than life with the small stuff. But he doesn’t quite get that when a Warder takes a Hearth, the Warder gives his heart without reservation. When Leith claimed Simon, Leith bared his soul, leaving himself vulnerable before the only man he’s certain he’ll ever love.

When Simon is sucked further into Leith’s perilous world—and into an alternate dimension—Simon realizes that the only strength he can give his Warder is the strength of his love. Can Simon sacrifice the control he has come to treasure for the man who already owns his soul?


His Hearth

The Warder Series

Julian Nash should be excited: he’s just earned a huge promotion at work and is going out to celebrate. But his happiness fades when he discovers his date cheating on him an hour before. Suddenly alone when everyone knows he’s supposed to have a plus one, Julian is set for a long night until longtime acquaintance Ryan Dean bails him out of the embarrassing situation. During dinner, they discover they have more than just friendship between them: there is mutual admiration and heated attraction. But getting to know Ryan better—and finding a place in his life—will bring Julian frightening surprises and paranormal danger he never expected or dreamed existed.



The Warder Series

A Warder Series Novella

As a warder, Jackson Tybalt is one of the good guys until he sees the man he loves kissing another. Betrayed and angry, Jackson tempts danger and death, ignoring the pleas of other warders to be careful. It’s a vile mood in which to start a romance, but that doesn’t stop the kyrie Raphael, who more than anything wants Jackson for his very own.

Jackson doesn’t want a hearth, he doesn’t want a lover—he just wants dark and painful, and Raphael will give him what he wants. But sometimes the sins of the flesh are just what a body needs to bandage the wounds of the heart, and Raphael will hide the tenderness he feels for Jackson for as long as the warder wears the guise of the Sinnerman.


Tooth & Nail

The Warder Series

Book Two in the Warder series

Nineteen-year-old Dylan Shaw is possibly the most beautiful thing Malic Sunden has ever seen. After Malic rescues Dylan from an attack, Dylan makes it very clear that he is more than interested, but Malic won’t even consider sleeping with Dylan because of his age. Malic is sure he’s not good enough for Dylan, who has his whole life ahead of him, and can’t conceive of burdening Dylan with his secrets.

But the darkness in Malic’s life won’t be denied, and soon Dylan is drawn into the dangerous paranormal world that is Malic’s reality. Malic fights tooth and nail to push Dylan away, to keep him safe… no matter that Dylan is the key to Malic’s strength and the only hope for his future.


Scelta del Cuore

Serie Scelta del cuore | Libro 1
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Scelta del cuore, Libro 1

Come giovane uomo gay – e pantera mannara - tutto ciò che Jin Rayne desidera è un'esistenza normale. Dopo essere fuggito dal suo passato, vuole solo ricominciare da capo, ma la vecchia vita di Jin non vuole lasciarlo andare. Quando i suoi viaggi lo portano in una nuova città, incrocia la strada del capo della tribù di pantere locale. Logan Church è uno shock ed un enigma e Jin ha paura che Logan sia il compagno che teme ed anche l'amore della sua vita. Jin non vuole tornare al suo vecchio stile di vita ed accoppiarsi lo legherebbe irrevocabilmente ad esso.

Ma Jin è il compagno che Logan deve avere al suo fianco perché lo aiuti a guidare la tribù e non rinuncerà a Jin così facilmente. Ci vorranno tempo e fiducia perché Jin scopra la gioia dell'appartenere a Logan e come amare senza freni.


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