Romantic Suspense books

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Joe Chase and Ned Bowden are damaged men. They each bear scars from surviving the world they were born in. Deep scars, both physical and emotional.

When fate offers its first kind act by bringing the two together, suddenly their scars don't seem so bad, and their lives don't feel so empty.

Yet that kindness comes at a price.

Just as Joe and Ned begin to experience true happiness for the very first time, the world turns on them again.

But this time it turns on everyone.


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Letting love pass them by would be a crime.

Former forensic accountant Cameron has lost nearly everyone he’s ever loved, and now his vintage clothing shop has been broken into and trashed. When town police chief Will Carson asks an out-of-town cop friend of his for help, Cam takes one look at the dark-haired, blue-eyed detective and knows he’s in real trouble—and it has nothing to do with vandalism or murder.

Pete Minchelli is on leave from his job in Philadelphia due to a gunshot wound, but he figures he can help an academy buddy with some light police work. Plus, he’ll have a chance to experience small-town life. He’s tired of the big city and all its corruption. But he quickly discovers that not all the bad stuff happens in cities. What he doesn’t expect to find is death, treachery—or love.


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Quando si lavora per la mafia, può capitare di dover uccidere molte persone in tanti modi diversi. Ceaton Mercer ha stivato gli ultimi due cadaveri in un capanno degli attrezzi che appartiene a un adorabile ricercatore marino che abita in un’idilliaca comunità isolana, ma non è poi così cattivo. Con il tempo si è trovato una specie di casa e forse anche un posto nel cuore delle persone con cui lavora, o almeno quanto basta perché non gli piantino un proiettile in testa quando smette di essere utile per il boss.

Ma non ha mai immaginato che un solo giorno potesse cambiargli la vita, ed è sul punto di scoprire quanto si sbaglia.

Gli basta un giorno per incontrare l’uomo che sembra essere quello giusto, l’amore della sua vita. Sembra inconcepibile che un uomo che si occupa di morte possa trovare l’amore, ma è come se fosse destino. Gli basta un giorno, che si fa sempre più strano e in cui i problemi si accumulano, per costringere Ceaton a riflettere sulla sua cupa esistenza e ad accettare che in ventiquattro ore tutto può cambiare, perfino lui stesso. Il suo futuro potrebbe rivelarsi più luminoso di quanto si aspettasse, ma dovrà restare vivo abbastanza a lungo da scoprirlo.


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A Few Good Fish

Fish Out of Water | Book 3
$6.99 $5.24

Fish Out of Water: Book Three

A tomcat, a psychopath, and a psychic walk into the desert to rescue the men they love…. Can everybody make it out with their skin intact? 

PI Jackson Rivers and Defense Attorney Ellery Cramer have barely recovered from last November, when stopping a serial killer nearly destroyed Jackson in both body and spirit.

But their previous investigation poked a new danger with a stick, forcing Jackson and Ellery to leave town so they can meet the snake in its den.

Jackson Rivers grew up with the mean streets as a classroom and he learned a long time ago not to give a damn about his own life. But he gets a whole new education when the enemy takes Ellery. The man who pulled his shattered pieces from darkness and stitched them back together again is in trouble, and Jackson’s only chance to save him rests in the hands of fragile allies he barely knows.

It’s going to take a little bit of luck to get these Few Good Fish out alive!


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$6.99 $5.24

Life—and love—doesn’t follow a script.

Struggling actor Oswell Outterridge thinks he’s hit the jackpot when he’s chosen to play a scene opposite his idol, Kane Teague, in a superhero movie. However, things take an unexpected turn when the slime he accidentally ingests gives him telekinetic powers. Then Kane asks him out, against all expectation, and it seems that life couldn’t get any better—aside from the little matter of keeping his identity secret from his celebrity boyfriend.

Oswell goes from a nobody with little social life and few prospects for the future to dating the man of his dreams and using his superhuman abilities to defend innocents. Everything is perfect, and it seems he’s finally achieved a happily ever after worthy of the silver screen. But when a supervillain arrives, determined to defeat Oswell and win Kane’s affections, everything falls apart. In the ensuing conflict, Kane gets caught in the crossfire, and Oswell faces his toughest fight yet. Can he remain the hero he’s always imagined himself, or will a dark desire for vengeance change him forever?


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$6.99 $5.24

Born into poverty and orphaned young, Daveth Blyd had one chance for success when his fighting prowess earned him a place in the Tangye city guard—a place he lost to false accusations of theft. Now he scrapes out a living searching for wayward spouses and missing children. When a nobleman offers him a small fortune to find an entertainer who’s stolen a ring, Daveth takes the case.

While Jory Pearce may or may not be a thief, he certainly can’t be trusted. But, enchanted by Jory’s beauty and haunting voice, Daveth soon finds himself caught in the middle of a conspiracy. As he searches desperately for answers, he realizes that he’s also falling for Jory. The two men face river wraiths, assassins, a necromancer, and a talking head that could be Daveth’s salvation on their quest for the truth. But with everyone’s integrity in question and Death eager to dance, Daveth will need more than sorcery to survive.


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Sloe Ride (Français)

Sinners (Français) | Tome 4
$6.99 $5.24

Ce n’est pas facile d’être un Morgan. Surtout quand les cadavres commencent à s’accumuler et qu’il n’y a rien que vous puissiez faire pour l’empêcher. 

Quinn Morgan n’a jamais vraiment correspondu au moule familial. Il rêvait d’une vie avec des livres au lieu de badges et de connaissances au lieu de loi… et d’une vie avec Rafe Andrade, le bad boy, ami de ses frères aînés et l’homme qui a brisé son très jeune cœur. 

Rafe Andrade est revenu chez lui pour lécher ses blessures suite à son éjection du groupe qu’il avait aidé à créer. Toxicomane en voie de guérison, Rafe passe son temps à se complaire dans la culpabilité, jusqu’à ce qu’il se retrouve face à sa dépendance initiale : Quinn Morgan… la raison pour laquelle il a fui la ville en premier lieu. 

Quand Rafe entend dire que les Sinners sont à lau démarrage.a recherche d’un bassiste, c’est une chance de se racheter, cependant qu’un meurtrier fou se rapproche de Quinn et Rafe est prêt à tout sacrifier – y compris lui-même – pour garder son idéaliste Morgan sain et sauf.


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Twisted and Tied

Marshals | Book Four

Marshals: Book Four

Deputy US Marshal Miro Jones finally has everything he ever wanted. He’s head-over-heels in love and married to the man of his dreams, his partner Ian Doyle, he’s doing well at work, and all his friends are in good places as well. Things are all tied up nicely… until they’re not.

Change has never been easy for Miro, and when situations at work force the team he’s come to depend on to break apart, and worst of all, his and Ian’s individual strengths put them on two separate paths, he’s pretty certain everything just went up in smoke. But before he can even worry about the future, his past comes for a visit, shaking his world up even more. It’s hard to tell what road he should truly be on, but as he learns some paths are forged and others are discovered, it might be that where he's going is the right course after all. If he can navigate all the twists and turns, he and Ian might just get their happily ever after.


Fire and Granite

Carlisle Deputies | Book 2
$6.99 $5.24

A Carlisle Deputies Novel

The heat is growing from the inside, but danger is building on the outside. 

Judge Andrew Phillips runs a tight ship in his courtroom. He’s tough, and when he hands down a sentence, he expects to be obeyed. So when a fugitive named Harper escapes and threatens his life, Andrew isn’t keen on twenty-four/seven protection… especially not from Deputy Clay Brown. They have a past, one that could cause problems in their careers. 

But with Clay assigned to Andrew and the two of them together every minute, there’s nowhere to hide from their attraction—or from the fact that there’s much more than chemistry blooming between them. As the threat intensifies, Clay knows he’ll do anything it takes to protect the people who are taking their places in his heart: Andrew and his young niece and nephew.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

The world of writers, readers, and reviewers is a close-knit family of friends, fans, and fiction fanatics. That’s the world Milo Cook and Logan Hunter reside in—thriving on the give and take of creativity, the sharing of stories and ideas, and forever glorying in their boundless love of books and the words that make them breathe.

But sometimes words can cut too deep. And when they do, there is inevitably a price to pay.

What begins for Milo and Logan as a time of new love and gentle romantic discoveries, becomes before it’s over a race for their lives and for the lives of everyone they know.

Who would ever suspect that an entity as beautiful as the written word could become a catalyst for revenge? And ultimately—murder?


$6.99 $5.24

Sans toi

Tout vient à point...
$6.99 $5.24

Suite de À toute épreuve

Jory Harcourt a enfin la vie dont il rêvait. Être marié à l’US Marshal Sam Kage l’a changé. Ils ont fait la paix avec leur passé tumultueux et Sam a transformé Jory : autrefois prêt à fuir à la moindre difficulté, il est désormais capable de rester pour affronter les tempêtes. Sam et lui ont deux enfants, une maison en banlieue et un minivan génial. L’époque où Jory était l’épicentre du désastre est révolue. La vie de famille est agréable.

Ce qui signifie que c’est exactement le bon moment pour un grand remaniement domestique. Mais l’ex de Sam réapparaît à l’endroit le plus inattendu. Un tueur escalade leur balcon lors d’une réunion de famille. Et peut-être que ces deux événements ont quelque chose à voir avec le témoin qui a disparu un an plus tôt. Leur joie conjugale vient d’en prendre un coup, mais Jory ne laissera personne lui retirer sa famille. Avant de savoir ce que c’est d’avoir un foyer, il aurait pris ses jambes à son cou. Mais plus maintenant. Il sait que Sam et lui doivent affronter les choses ensemble, parce que c’est la seule façon dont ils pourront s’en sortir.


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Sin and Tonic

Sinners Series
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Absinthe of Malice
Sinners Series: Book Six

Miki St. John believed happy endings only existed in fairy tales until his life took a few unexpected turns… and now he’s found his own.

His best friend, Damien, is back from the dead, and their new band, Crossroads Gin, is soaring up the charts. Miki’s got a solid, loving partner named Kane Morgan—an Inspector with SFPD whose enormous Irish family has embraced him as one of their own—and his dog, Dude, at his side.

It’s a pity someone’s trying to kill him.

Old loyalties and even older grudges emerge from Chinatown’s murky, mysterious past, and Miki struggles to deal with his dead mother’s abandonment, her secrets, and her brutal murder while he’s hunted by an enigmatic killer who may have ties to her.

The case lands in Kane’s lap, and he and Miki are caught in a deadly game of cat-and-mouse. When Miki is forced to face his personal demons and the horrors of his childhood, only one thing is certain: the rock star and his cop are determined to fight for their future and survive the evils lurking in Miki’s past.


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Rancune tenace

Déterrer des os
$6.99 $5.24

Cloister Witte est un homme au sombre passé. Il possède une adorable chienne, et il est toujours heureux quand il peut en parler. Par contre, après avoir grandi dans l’ombre d’un frère disparu, d’un bon à rien de père et d’un beau-père criminel, il préfère laisser le passé dans le Montana. Il est à présent officier de la brigade canine dans le département du shérif du comté de San Diego, où il paye un tribut à ses fantômes en faisant ce que personne n’a pu faire pour son frère : retrouver des personnes disparues pour les ramener chez elles. 

Il excelle à résoudre les énigmes complexes. Sa chienne est encore meilleure que lui. 

Cette fois, la personne disparue est un garçon de dix ans qui est entré dans les bois au milieu de la nuit et n’en est jamais revenu. Malgré l’aide hostile et distrayante du magnifique agent du FBI Javi Merlo, il devient vite évident que Drew Hartley n’a pas fait une fugue. Il a été enlevé et les preuves indiquent qu’il n’est pas la première victime du kidnappeur. Alors que les recherches s’intensifient, de vieilles rancunes et des tragédies sont ramenées à la surface. Malheureusement, à chaque nouvel indice découvert, les probabilités de retrouver Drew en vie diminuent.


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$6.99 $5.24

Cloister Witte hat eine dunkle Vergangenheit und einen niedlichen Hund. Über den Hund redet er immer gern, doch seine von einem verschwundenen Bruder, einem nichtsnutzigen Vater und einem kriminellen Stiefvater überschattete Kindheit lässt er lieber in Montana. Heute gehört er zur Hundestaffel des San Diego Sheriff’s Department und entrichtet seinen Tribut an die Geister seiner Vergangenheit, indem er tut, was niemand für seinen Bruder tun konnte: Er findet die Vermissten und bringt sie heim.

Er besitzt ein Talent dafür, schwierige Fälle zu lösen. Der Hund erst recht.

Diesmal handelt es sich bei der vermissten Person um einen zehnjährigen Jungen, der mitten in der Nacht in den Wald ging und nicht zurückkehrte. Mit der feindselig angehauchten Hilfe des ablenkend gut aussehenden FBI-Agenten Javi Merlo findet er schnell heraus, dass Drew Hartley nicht einfach fortlief. Er wurde entführt und die Spuren deuten darauf hin, dass er nicht das erste Opfer ist. Als die Suche voranschreitet, werden alte Bitterkeit und Tragödien der Vergangenheit ans Licht gezerrt. Gleichzeitig scheint es mit jedem neuen Hinweis weniger wahrscheinlich, dass Drew lebend gefunden werden kann. 


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$6.99 $5.24

Steve Randall und Bob Curry arbeiten als Detectives bei der Culver City Police. Sie kennen sich schon seit ihrer Ausbildung in der Polizeiakademie. Als Team sind sie perfekt – Steve mit seinem Enthusiasmus und seiner Impulsivität, Bob mit seinem kühlen, analytischen Verstand. Während Steve noch damit kämpft, seine plötzliche Zuneigung zu Bob zu verstehen, werden sie als Undercover-Agenten eingesetzt, um die Verbreitung einer neuen, tödlichen Droge zu unterbinden.

Ihr Informant, ein Modefotograf, wird ermordet, bevor er ihnen die Namen der Hintermänner verraten kann. Steve und Bob folgen der Spur zu einem neuen Club – Steps to Heaven. Dort nehmen sie an einer Party teil, um mehr über die Hintermänner zu erfahren und den Fall zu lösen. Als ihr Cover auffliegt, werden aus Jägern plötzlich Gejagte.

Steve findet, jetzt wäre der denkbar schlechteste Zeitpunkt, diese Welt vorzeitig zu verlassen.Er hat nämlich gerade erst erkannt, dass aus seiner Zuneigung zu seinem Partner echte Liebe geworden ist.


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Staggered Cove Station

Dreamspun Desires
Coast Guard Rescue
$4.99 $3.74

A Coast Guard Rescue Novel

Rescues are wild in the Alaskan terrain. So is romance.

Sun-kissed California guardsman Dan Farnsworth might be at home in the water, but he’s out of his element at remote, rugged, and freezing Staggered Cove Station. Acclimating proves hard enough, but he’s also digging into how the station’s previous rescue swimmer was lost at sea. Was it an operation gone bad or something more sinister? Add to that the instant tension between him and his partner—no-nonsense Alaska-born Karl Radin—and Dan has his hands full.

As his investigation heats up, so does the attraction between Dan and Karl, even if they don’t completely trust each other. But as suspicious events escalate to sabotage, Dan starts to fear that he and Karl won’t get the chance to become more than reluctant coworkers.


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

A Tom and Stanley Mystery

Nothing bad is supposed to happen in Palm Springs. 

At least that’s what San Francisco private detective Tom Danzel and his partner Stanley Korski believe. But when their friend Chris finds a dead body in his hotel room bed, Tom and Stanley drive out to help the local police investigate. 

What they discover is a rather nasty green snake and an elegant hotel that offers delicacies not usually found on a room service menu. As the body count increases, the two detectives are going to have to rely on their skills and each other if they’re going to survive this very deadly kind of love.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, June 2011.


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Panni sporchi

Le indagini di Cole McGinnis
$6.99 $5.24

Seguito di Sporchi segreti
Un'indagine di Cole McGinnis

Per Cole McGinnis, ex poliziotto diventato investigatore privato, ogni giorno presenta una nuova sfida che spesso comporta, purtroppo, sofferenza e morte. Claudia, la segretaria che gli fa da madre, si sta ancora riprendendo da un colpo d’arma da fuoco, mentre il suo ragazzo Kim Jae-Min, non ancora dichiarato, di punto in bianco si trova a dover ospitare la sorella adolescente. Nel frattempo, Cole affronta i suoi problemi di famiglia, in particolare quel misterioso fratellastro giapponese che il suo fratello maggiore, Mike, è deciso ad accogliere a braccia aperte.

Come se i suoi drammi personali non bastassero, Cole viene avvicinato da Madame Sun, un’indovina i cui clienti stanno morendo a una velocità allarmante. Lei è convinta che qualcuno li stia uccidendo e vuole che siano svolte delle indagini al riguardo, ma la polizia pensa che si stia immaginando tutto. Cole accetta il caso nella speranza di tranquillizzarla, ma si trova davanti a un nodo gordiano di menzogne e tradimenti in cui nessuno è chi dovrebbe essere, e la morte sembra l’unica carta presente nel mazzo dell’indovina.


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