Romantic Suspense books

$6.99 $5.24

Ashley James and Tucker Lee have been friends for years. They are city boys but long for life on the open trail. During a three-hundred-mile hike from the Southern California desert to the mountains around Big Bear Lake, they make some pretty amazing discoveries.

One of those discoveries is love. A love that has been bubbling below the surface for a very long time.

But love isn’t all they find. They also stumble upon a war—a war being waged by Mother Nature and fought tooth and claw around an epidemic of microbes and fury.

With every creature in sight turning against them, can they survive this battle and still hold on to each other? Or will the most horrifying virus known to man lay waste to more than just wildlife this time?

Will it destroy Ash and Tucker too?


$6.99 $5.24

Red Fish, Dead Fish

Fish Out of Water | Book 2
$6.99 $5.24

Fish Out of Water: Book Two

They must work together to stop a psychopath—and save each other. 

Two months ago Jackson Rivers got shot while trying to save Ellery Cramer’s life. Not only is Jackson still suffering from his wounds, the triggerman remains at large—and the body count is mounting.

Jackson and Ellery have been trying to track down Tim Owens since Jackson got out of the hospital, but Owens’s time as a member of the department makes the DA reluctant to turn over any stones. When Owens starts going after people Jackson knows, Ellery’s instincts hit red alert. Hurt in a scuffle with drug-dealing squatters and trying damned hard not to grieve for a childhood spent in hell, Jackson is weak and vulnerable when Owens strikes.

Jackson gets away, but the fallout from the encounter might kill him. It’s not doing Ellery any favors either. When a police detective is abducted—and Jackson and Ellery hold the key to finding her—Ellery finds out exactly what he’s made of. He’s not the corporate shark who believes in winning at all costs; he’s the frightened lover trying to keep the man he cares for from self-destructing in his own valor.


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Der Einbruch in der Royal Street

Die Spürnasen | Buch 1
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Die Spürnasen

Als wertvolle Kunstwerke aus einer beliebten Galerie in New Orleans gestohlen werden, wollen der NOPD Lead Detective Montgomery „Beau“ Bissonet und sein Partner den Fall lösen. Als Tollison Cruz von der Versicherungsgesellschaft der Galerie zum Big Easy geschickt wird, um unabhängige Ermittlungen durchzuführen, prallen Persönlichkeiten aufeinander und Fronten tun sich auf. 

Der Einbruch wird schnell zu einem politisch hochkarätigen Fall und Detective Bissonet rast vor Wut, als ihm befohlen wird, mit Ermittler Cruz zusammenzuarbeiten, um eine zügige Verhaftung zu erreichen. Die Temperatur zwischen ihnen erreicht neue Höhen, als die beiden erkennen, dass sie mehr gemeinsam haben, als ursprünglich angenommen. 

Nachdem die Spannung zwischen ihnen für den Moment gelöst ist, können Bissonet und Cruz endlich zusammenarbeiten, auf mehr als nur einem professionellen Level. Aber alles kommt zum Stillstand, als Beau herausfindet, dass sein zeitweiliger Partner Informationen zurückhält, die den Fall betreffen, und eine sehr zweifelhafte Vergangenheit verschwiegen hat. Was als Nächstes passiert, stellt selbst die sengende Sommerhitze in den Schatten.


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$6.99 $5.24

Le Comté de Hartwick, dans le Dakota du Sud, signifie un nouveau départ pour Mackenzie Redford surnommé « Mack ». La vie dans une grande ville n’a pas été ce qu’il en attendait, et maintenant il est de retour chez lui où il officie en tant que shérif. 

Brantley Calderone est aussi à la recherche d’une nouvelle vie. Après avoir quitté New York et acheté un ranch, il s’installe et s’habitue à vivre à un rythme différent – jusqu’à ce qu’il découvre un cadavre sous son porche et se retrouve être le principal suspect du meurtre. 

Mack et Brantley se rendent rapidement compte de plusieurs choses : quelqu’un essaie d’incriminer Brantley ; il n’est plus en sécurité seul dans son ranch ; et il y a une attirance manifeste qui se développe entre eux qui ne fait que croître lorsque Mack propose à Brantley de séjourner chez lui. Mais tandis que leur romance s’intensifie, le tueur en fait de même. Ils devront garder un coup d’avance et découvrir qui veut tuer Brantley avant qu’il ne soit trop tard. Ce ne sera qu’à ce moment-là qu’ils pourront commencer la nouvelle vie qu’ils recherchent tous les deux – ensemble.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Lorsqu’un  petit voleur nommé Timmy Harwell « emprunte » imprudemment une Cadillac pour effectuer une virée en voiture, il ne s’attend pas à trouver 100 000 $ dans le coffre. Sa joie se transforme en terreur lorsqu’il se rend compte que le SUV et l’argent appartiennent à Manuel Garcia, alias El Poco, un trafiquant de drogue basé à Tijuana qui a mauvaise réputation. Timmy ne voit qu’un seul moyen de s’en sortir : abandonner la voiture volée derrière lui et courir aussi vite qu’il le peut.

Sa fuite est écourtée lorsqu’une tempête s’abat sur lui alors qu’il se trouve près d’un chalet de montagne, isolé, appartenant à Jasper Stone. Jasper trouve Timmy dans sa cabane, inconscient et brûlant de fièvre, et décide de prendre soin du jeune homme jusqu’à ce qu’il aille mieux. Les deux hommes se rapprochent, mais Jasper, un écrivain qui se plaît dans sa vie en solitaire, est tout ce que Timmy n’est pas : franc, honnête et gentil.

Timmy a besoin de l’aide de Jasper et veut gagner son respect, aussi lui cache t il ses habitudes malhonnêtes. Mais lorsqu’El Poco vient réclamer son dû, Timmy réalise qu’il n’est pas le seul à être en danger. Ses actes mettent aussi la vie de Jasper en péril. Dire la vérité maintenant pourrait lui faire perdre l’homme qu’il aime, mais ne pas la révéler pourrait mener à une issue bien plus tragique.


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A Day Makes

The Vault | First

First from The Vault

Mob enforcer Ceaton Mercer has killed a lot of people in a lot of different ways—he stashed the last two bodies in a toolshed belonging to a sweetheart marine researcher in an idyllic island community—but he’s really not such a bad guy. Over time he’s found a home of sorts, and he even learns he’s found a place in the hearts of the people he works with… at least enough so that they won’t put a bullet in his head because he’s outlived his usefulness to the boss.

But he never thought he’d find one day could change his life, and he’s about to discover how wrong he is. 

Because in a single day, he meets the man who looks to be the one, the love of his life. It’s an improbable idea—a man who deals in death finding love—but it’s like it’s meant to be. That single day gets weirder and troubles pile up, forcing Ceaton to take a hard look at his dreary life and accept that one day can change everything, especially himself. His future might be brighter than he expects—if he can stay alive long enough to find out.


$6.99 $5.24

Welcome to Dim Sum Asylum: a San Francisco where it’s a ho-hum kind of case when a cop has to chase down an enchanted two-foot-tall shrine god statue with an impressive Fu Manchu mustache that's running around Chinatown, trolling sex magic and chaos in its wake.

Senior Inspector Roku MacCormick of the Chinatown Arcane Crimes Division faces a pile of challenges far beyond his human-faerie heritage, snarling dragons guarding C-Town’s multiple gates, and exploding noodle factories. After a case goes sideways, Roku is saddled with Trent Leonard, a new partner he can’t trust, to add to the crime syndicate family he doesn’t want and a spell-casting serial killer he desperately needs to find.

While Roku would rather stay home with Bob the Cat and whiskey himself to sleep, he puts on his badge and gun every day, determined to serve and protect the city he loves. When Chinatown’s dark mystical underworld makes his life hell and the case turns deadly, Trent guards Roku’s back and, if Trent can be believed, his heart... even if from what Roku can see, Trent is as dangerous as the monsters and criminals they’re sworn to bring down.


$6.99 $5.24

Feu et eau

Les flics de Carlisle | Tome 1
$6.99 $5.24

Les flics de Carlisle, tome 1

L’agent de police  Red Markham sait bien à quel point la vie peut être moche depuis qu’un accident de voiture l’a privé de ses parents et l’a laissé défiguré. Son métier, qui l’amène à sillonner les rues de Carlisle, en Pennsylvanie, ne fait qu’ajouter à l’horreur, d’autant plus que le nombre des overdoses a dernièrement considérablement augmenté. Puis, un après-midi, il est appelé au centre de loisirs pour une noyade impliquant un enfant. Arrivé sur les lieux, il découvre que le petit garçon a été sauvé par un jeune maître-nageur du nom de Terry Baumgartner. Red n’est guère surpris lorsque cet homme magnifique fait tout son possible pour ne pas avoir à regarder son visage couturé de cicatrices. 

Quand Terry surprend un jour un commentaire de Red le décrivant comme un homme superficiel, il en vient à se dire qu’il n’est pas vraiment aussi généreux qu’il veut bien le croire. Son amie Julie lui suggère alors d’aider les plus démunis en livrant des repas aux personnes âgées. Cette action de bénévolat lui permet de faire la connaissance de Margie, une vieille dame au franc-parler, qui s’avère être par ailleurs la tante de l’agent de police. 

Les mondes de Terry et de Red entrent en collision alors que Red s’efforce de découvrir la source du trafic de drogue et de protéger Terry d’un ex qui refuse leur séparation. S’ils parviennent à voir au-delà des apparences, il se pourrait que les bénéfices qu’ils retirent de l’aventure dépassent leurs plus grandes espérances.


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Il colpo di Royal Street

Serie Bissonet & Cruz, Investigatori Privati | Libro 1
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Bissonet & Cruz, Investigatori Privati, Libro 1

Quando due pregiati quadri risalenti alla Guerra Civile vengono rubati da una famosa galleria di New Orleans, l’investigatore capo della NOPD Montgomery “Beau” Bissonet e il suo collega sono chiamati a risolvere il caso. Nel frattempo, la compagnia assicurativa della galleria ha inviato in città Tollison Cruz affinché conduca un’indagine indipendente, ma non appena l’uomo incontra il detective, le loro personalità entrano in conflitto e lo scontro è inevitabile. 

Il furto diventa subito un caso da prima pagina che coinvolge persone importanti. Quando gli viene ordinato di farsi affiancare da Cruz per arrivare più velocemente a un arresto, Bissonet si infuria. Il rapporto tra i due però si incendia quando scoprono di avere più cose in comune di quanto avessero inizialmente pensato. 

Con i dissidi temporaneamente superati, Bissonet e Cruz iniziano a collaborare, ma non si limitano a un rapporto professionale. Tutto sembra arrestarsi bruscamente quando Beau scopre che Tollison ha omesso informazioni sul caso e nascosto un passato decisamente discutibile. Ciò che segue è così scottante da competere col caldo sole estivo della Louisiana.


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Uno scheletro sepolto

Serie Scheletri
$6.99 $5.24

Seguito di Un buono scheletro
Serie Scheletri, Libro 2

Non esiste un manuale per i lupi mannari, e nemmeno una guida per due uomini che si imbarcano in una storia d’amore. 

Sono passate alcune settimane da quando l’architetto Dylan Warner ha confessato al tuttofare Chris Nock di essere un mutaforma e lo ha salvato da Andy, il folle lupo mannaro responsabile della sua licantropia. Dylan e Chris si stanno ora dedicando sia a ristrutturare la casa di Dylan, sia a rafforzare le fondamenta del loro rapporto. Provengono da percorsi di vita molto diversi e nessuno dei due ha mai avuto una relazione importante. Riuscire a far funzionare la loro unione è già abbastanza difficile, anche volendo sorvolare su quel che succede a Dylan a ogni luna piena. 

A complicare la situazione, un fantasma infesta la casa di Dylan e nelle vite della nuova coppia riaffiorano scheletri che credevano sepolti. Dylan deve fronteggiare le conseguenze dell’uccisione di Andy e Chris continua a soffrire degli strascichi di un’infanzia difficile. 

Nel tentativo di sbarazzarsi del fantasma, Dylan riallaccia vecchie amicizie e si espone a nuovi pericoli. Intanto, il padre di Chris ricompare inaspettatamente nella sua vita, facendo riaffiorare emozioni sopite. Se Dylan e Chris vorranno costruire una relazione duratura, dovranno trovare la determinazione per affrontare ogni sfida.


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Schlamassel inbegriffen

Verliebte Partner | Buch 1
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Verliebte Partner


Deputy US Marshal Miro Jones hat den Ruf, auch unter Beschuss ruhig zu bleiben und einen kühlen Kopf zu bewahren. Diese Eigenschaften kommen ihm in der Zusammenarbeit mit seinem Partner Ian Doyle, einem Elitesoldaten, sehr zu Gute, denn Ian ist der Typ Mann, der in einem leeren Raum einen Streit vom Zaun brechen kann. In den vergangenen drei Jahren in ihrem Job auf Leben und Tod sind aus Fremden erst Kollegen, dann loyale Teamkameraden und schließlich beste Freunde geworden. Miro hat zu dem Mann, der ihm den Rücken freihält, blindes Vertrauen entwickelt … und einiges mehr.

Als Marshal und Soldat wird von Ian erwartet, dass er die Führung übernimmt. Aber die Stärke und Disziplin, die ihn im Einsatz zum Erfolg und zur Erfüllung seiner Mission tragen, versagen überall sonst. Ian hat sich immer gegen jede Art der Bindung gewehrt, aber kein Zuhause zu haben – und mehr noch: niemanden, zu dem er nach Hause kommen kann – frisst ihn innerlich langsam auf. Im Lauf der Zeit hat er, wenn auch widerstrebend, eingesehen, dass es ohne seinen Partner an seiner Seite einfach nicht geht. Jetzt muss Miro ihn nur noch überzeugen, dass Gefühlsbande keine Fesseln sind …


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Tequila Mockingbird (Français)

Sinners (Français) | Tome 3
$6.99 $5.24

Suite de Whiskey and Wry
Série Sinners, tome 3

Le lieutenant Connor Morgan, du SWAT de la police de San Francisco, ne cherchait pas l’amour. Surtout pas avec un homme. Ses projets d’avenir n’incluaient pas Forest Ackerman, un batteur blond aux yeux bruns, aussi sexy que noyé sous les problèmes. Sa famille compte sur lui pour être comme son père : un solide pilier central qui, un jour, guidera le clan Morgan.

Non, Connor a déjà tout prévu : une carrière dans les forces de l’ordre, une belle maison et une famille. Cependant, lors d’une descente pour une affaire de drogue, il trouve un homme assassiné et perd son cœur en réconfortant son fils adoptif. Ce n’est pas comme s’il n’avait jamais ressenti d’attirance pour les hommes… c’est juste qu’en aimer un ne rentre pas dans ses plans.

Forest Ackerman n’a vraiment pas besoin de convoiter un flic hétéro, même si celui-ci est partout où il pose les yeux, surtout après la mort de Frank. Il vient juste de se dissuader de continuer à désirer le flic baraqué quand son salon de café devient un champ de tir et que Connor intervient pour le sauver.

Celui qui a tué son père semble vouloir envoyer Forest le rejoindre dans l’au-delà. Alors que le tueur se rapproche de son objectif, Forest apprend à connaître Connor et se demande ce qu’il va perdre en premier : sa vie ou son cœur.


$6.99 $5.24


Order of the Black Knights
$6.99 $5.24

Order of the Black Knights

Gabriel Ingram is running from his past. It’s common knowledge at the college where he teaches that he’s a former CIA technical analyst, but no one knows the things he really did—or about the rage and bloodlust that are his constant companions. He’s holding on to his normal life with both hands, but he knows someday he’ll lose his grip.

Lucas Craig is a social worker studying to become a family therapist. For reasons Lucas can’t understand, the normally reclusive Professor Ingram takes an interest in him, and Lucas secretly hopes their friendship might become more.

Then Eric, Lucas’s roommate, disappears. Lucas is frantic. The police are no help. With nowhere else to turn, Lucas begs Gabriel for his expertise.

What starts as a simple errand to help a friend becomes a journey into a violent world of gangs and human trafficking—one that will bring Gabriel face-to-face with the forces intent on stealing his soul. But Lucas might be the one who can save him—if Gabriel can get them out alive.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Als Tyler Powells Leben von einem furchtbaren Verbrechen erschüttert wird, sehnt er sich nach Rache. Während er sich bemüht, die Trümmer seiner Existenz zusammenzusetzen, kann er kaum an etwas anderes denken. Rache.

Wird er diesem Verlangen nachgeben und zu dem werden, was er am meisten hasst? Zu einem Mörder?

Erst mithilfe von Detective Christian Martin, der in Tylers Fall ermittelt, sieht er die Möglichkeit eines neuen Lebens – durch die verblüffende Enthüllung einer Liebe, mit der Tyler niemals wieder gerechnet hatte.

Wird es ihm gelingen, diese Liebe in sein Leben zu lassen, oder ist es bereits zu spät? Ist Rache ihm wichtiger als sein Glück – und das Glück des Mannes, der ihn liebt? Auch wenn Tyler entschlossen ist, seinen Rachedurst zu stillen, ohne dabei jede Hoffnung auf eine Zukunft mit Christian zu opfern, weiß er, dass es sich um ein schweres oder gar unmögliches Unterfangen handelt. Möglicherweise wird er am Ende gezwungen sein, eine unerträgliche Entscheidung zu treffen.


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Sporchi segreti

Le indagini di Cole McGinnis
$6.99 $5.24

Seguito di Baci sporchi - Dirty Kiss
Un'indagine di Cole McGinnis

Per Cole McGinnis, ex poliziotto diventato investigatore privato, amare Kim Jae-Min non è sempre facile, perché Jae è riluttante a mostrare apertamente il suo orientamento sessuale. Al contrario, Cole non sa vivere in un altro modo, anche se capisce come si sente Jae. Gli uomini coreani che seguono la tradizione, infatti, non sono gay, perlomeno non quando possono essere scoperti.

Ma Cole non può dedicare troppo tempo a sbrogliare i problemi del suo ragazzo. Ha un incarico da portare a termine. Quando una cantante di nome Scarlet chiede il suo aiuto per trovare Park Dae-Hoon, un coreano gay che è sparito quasi vent’anni prima, Cole si ritrova immerso nel mondo intricato delle ricche famiglie coreane, dove il dovere e la politica significano sacrificare la felicità per conservare imperi aziendali. Ben presto i cadaveri iniziano ad accumularsi senza un’apparente logica. A ogni passo che Cole fa verso il ritrovamento di Park Dae-Hoon, un’altra persona va incontro alla morte, e proprio qualcuno che Cole ama potrebbe essere la prossima vittima dell’assassino.


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Love Series

Love Series
$9.99 $7.49

Love can bloom in the most unusual places….

In Wings of Love, Dr. Bradford Mitchell flees to Alaska to escape the devastating memories of his deceased partner, but can he let go of the past soon enough to embrace a future with pilot and friend Mac Cleary? In Treasure of Love, dive master and charter boat captain Jackson Cameron finds himself questioning his sexuality when openly gay treasure hunter Dax Powers hires him, but if they want to keep their new-found treasure, they’ll have to fight to keep the crew safe.

In Bounty of Love, Zander Walsh wakes up from coma only to find his fiancé and parents dead in an apparent robbery gone wrong. FBI Agent Jake Elliot is doing his best to find the murderer, but as the months pass—and unexpected feelings grow between them—it becomes clear that someone is doing their best to keep them from finding the truth.

Finally, in Foundation of Love, co-written with Z.B. Marshall, Wes Stanhope has spent years running from his father’s controlling ways, but when his mother dies, leaving behind one last wish, he finds himself back under his thumb. His attraction to architect Ty Williams—and Ty’s refusal to hide in the closet—just might be enough to make him fight back.

See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $7.49
$6.99 $5.24

Lana is a faded movie star who lives alone in a big house on a hill that overlooks the sea. She has lived this way since the death of her daughter and the disappearance of her husband. 

Jeff and Chloe are a couple who live in a cabin below the big house. It was Chloe’s idea to strengthen their marriage, but she sees now that it isn’t working. Jeff has become obsessed with the cabin and an old well. Chloe only sees strangeness around her. 

One night while talking on the computer with Ethan, Jeff’s brother, a feeling of dread comes to the fore. When Ethan sees a figure behind Chloe, he leaves his boyfriend and baby and sets out to save Jeff. 

Chloe, Ethan and Lana come together to fight an evil that would destroy Jeff. Will they succeed or will all of them fall to the taste of a young cannibalistic ghost?

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Wilde City Press, October 2015.


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Swift for the Sun

2018 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

Benjamin Lector imagines himself a smuggler, a gunrunner, and an all-around scoundrel. A preacher’s son turned criminal, first and foremost he is a survivor.

When Benjamin is shipwrecked on Dread Island, fortune sends an unlikely savior—a blond savage who is everything Benjamin didn’t know he needed. Falling in love with Sun is easy. But pirates have come looking for the remains of Benjamin’s cargo, and they find their former slave Sun instead.

Held captive by the pirates, Benjamin learns the depths of Sun’s past and the horrors he endured and was forced to perpetrate. Together, they must not only escape, but prevent a shipment of weapons from making its way to rebellious colonists. Benjamin is determined to save the man he loves and ensure that a peaceful future together is never threatened again. To succeed might require the unthinkable—an altruistic sacrifice.


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