Romantic Suspense books

$9.99 $7.49

Enjoy J.S. Cook’s best mysteries, with a side of lust and romance, in this collection. In But Not for Me, gangster boss Nino Moretti rescues beautiful mob accountant Stanley Zadwadzki from a rival, but the consequences may cost them any chance at a relationship. In A Little Night Murder, insurance investigator Frank Boyle may have escaped from danger once with help from detective Sam Lipinski, but a new investigation is turning up trouble once again. In Come to Dust, Inspector Philemon Raft is set adrift among the deceitful ton of turn-of-the-century London, trying to locate the kidnapped Miriam Dewberry. In The Lovely Beast, Jacob van Willingen is on a mission to exterminate the evil Caleb Donnithorn, but things aren’t quite what they seem to be at this Romanian castle. In Skid Row Serenade, novelist and war hero Tony Leonard visits his estranged wife only to find her beaten to death. On the run, he decides to fake his own death, with a little help from private investigator Edwin Malloy.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.

But Not for Me previously published by Dreamspinner Press, March 2013 Cover Art by Aaron Anderson A Little Night Murder previously published by Dreamspinner Press, September 2013 Cover Art by Catt Ford Come to Dust previously published by Dreamspinner Press, November 2013 Cover Art by Maria Fanning The Lovely Beast previously published by Dreamspinner Press, July 2014 Cover Art by L.C. Chase Skid Row Serenade previously published by Dreamspinner Press, August 2015 Cover Art by Aaron Anderson


$9.99 $7.49

Faery royalty have always married for duty rather than love. Prince Chrysanths should be no different—except with a human for a father, the prince known as Puck already is different. When he is betrothed against his will to Prince Sky, Puck flees to his father in the human world, only to have Sky follow.

Prince Sky Song of the Clouds isn’t thrilled with the prospect of marriage either, but is bound by duty to follow through. If he can’t win Puck over, the faery realm might very well dissolve into utter chaos. Too busy arguing, Puck and Sky are unaware there are others with a vested interest in seeing the betrothal fail. In a bid for Puck’s crown, they’ll seek to keep them apart, even as Puck and Sky realize that duty and love don’t always have to be mutually exclusive.


$4.99 $3.74

Cat-sitting is a dangerous business.


Cameron Sherwood turned his back on law enforcement the night his investigation led to the death of an innocent gay man. Now Cam spends his time running a business that caters to his favorite animal, cats. But when Cam stumbles upon the body of a friend while feeding her feline, he can’t walk away. Dealing with a sexy yet stubborn sheriff, a matchmaking sister, and a terrifying blind date, Cam must somehow track down a killer, all while keeping the cats around him fed with his gourmet cat treats.


$4.99 $3.74


What Ever Happened to Jan Phillips?
$5.99 $4.49

A Jan Phillips Story

A life cut short; unsolved robberies plaguing Philadelphia’s Jeweler’s Row; a cryptic message scrawled on a paper napkin; a Romanov prince; a young man held captive in Iran; a terrorist cell bent on revenge; and an opera company due to mount a rarely performed production of Handel’s Alexander’s Feast. What do these have to do with Jan Phillips?


One plunges Jan into a prolonged sadness. One leads him on a race to prevent a nuclear disaster. One offers Jan the promise of renewed love. One leads him to reluctantly wield his power as a Mundus master. One is bent on shattering thousands of lives beyond repair, while one unknowingly holds the key to the mystery that has baffled Philadelphia’s finest. Follow Jan as he untangles this Gordian knot that will alter his life in a way he never thought possible.


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Absinthe of Malice

Sinners Series
$6.99 $1.11

Sequel to Sloe Ride
Sinners Series: Book Five

We’re getting the band back together.

Those six words send a chill down Miki St. John’s spine, especially when they’re spoken with a nearly religious fervor by his brother-in-all-but-blood, Damien Mitchell. However, those words were nothing compared to what Damien says next.

And we’re going on tour.

When Crossroads Gin hits the road, Damien hopes it will draw them closer together. There’s something magical about being on tour, especially when traveling in a van with no roadies, managers, or lovers to act as a buffer. The band is already close, but Damien knows they can be more—brothers of sorts, bound not only by familial ties but by their intense love for music.

As they travel from gig to gig, the band is haunted by past mistakes and personal demons, but they forge on. For Miki, Damie, Forest, and Rafe, the stage is where they all truly come alive, and the music they play is as important to them as the air they breathe.

But those demons and troubles won’t leave them alone, and with every mile under their belts, the band faces its greatest challenge—overcoming their deepest flaws and not killing one another along the way.


$6.99 $1.11

Compensación de sangre

Coalición de Sangre
$6.99 $5.24

La secuela de Conflicto de sangre
Volumen 4 de la serie Coalición de Sangre

La guerra se encuentra en su punto más álgido, con ambos bandos luchando al límite, cuando los rebeldes consiguen un triunfo sobrecogedor al capturar a Orlando St. Clair. Consumido por la preocupación y el dolor al ser separado de su amante, Alain teme que, incluso si lo encuentran, el corazón y la mente del vampiro puedan estar demasiado quebrados para poder ser salvados.

Christophe Lombard, el vampiro más viejo y poderoso de París, consciente de que la Alianza se encuentra al límite, abandona su retiro voluntario para unirse a la lucha. El antiguo amigo de Alain, Eric Simonet, quien lo había traicionado para unirse a los magos oscuros, debe decidir entre venganza y redención. Y Jean, enfurecido por la captura de Orlando, se enfrenta a la decisión más angustiosa de su existencia justo cuando se avecina la batalla final. ¿Las acciones de estos hombres conducirán a la destrucción de la Coalición o a la salvación del mundo?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Lorsqu’un  crime épouvantable détruit la vie de Tyler Powell, son désir de vengeance prend le dessus. Chaque jour, à chaque instant, alors qu’il tente de reconstruire sa vie brisée, il n’a plus que cela en tête… la vengeance.

Cèdera-t-il à la colère pour devenir cette chose qu’il déteste par-dessus tout : un tueur ?

Il n’y a qu’avec l’aide de Christian Martin, inspecteur à la brigade criminelle chargé de son affaire, que Tyler voit une nouvelle vie possible se profiler devant lui, avec la révélation inattendue d’un nouvel amour qui lui tend les bras. Un amour qu’il pensait ne jamais plus connaître.

Le laissera-t-il entrer dans sa vie, ou est-ce déjà trop tard ? Sa vengeance a-t-elle plus d’importance pour lui que son propre bonheur ? Et celui de l’homme qui l’aime ? Tyler est bien déterminé à trouver un moyen d’assouvir sa vengeance sans pour autant sacrifier tout espoir d’un avenir avec Christian, mais cela s’avèrera difficile – si ce n’est impossible – et au final, il risque d’être confronté à un choix cornélien.


$6.99 $5.24

A King and a Pawn

Leader Murders | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Leader Murders: Case Three

Bert Cooper’s life used to be great, until his sister turned out to be a traitor. Now Bert feels the whole pack looks on him with doubt and suspicion. To prove his loyalty, he volunteers to be the first ambassador at Fey Court, gathering information to finally solve the Leader Murders and punish those plotting against the Council and community. At least, that was the plan….

When Bert meets Sir William Matthew Sims, Court Interrogator, and one hell of a sexy man, life becomes a balancing act. And when the Fey King is assassinated, things become really messy.

Pack politics, fey politics, treason, suspicions of treason…. Bert has to choose between being ruled by his fears or standing up for what—and who—he believes in. And it might just break his heart.


$6.99 $5.24

A Forced Silence

Zero Hour | Book One

Zero Hour: Book One

For paramedic Adam Carson, his world is lights and sirens and saving lives. Pressures at work keep him firmly in the closet, and life is too busy to contend with the complications that come with dating and relationships. When a familiar face from his past turns up where he least expects it, Adam starts to question whether or not there is room in his life for those complications.

The last person forensic pathologist Sam McKenna expects to see at pub night is Adam, the guy who made his life hell in high school. The attraction is instant, but Adam isn't gay and Sam has no interest in pursuing him. Still, the leftover animosity from their teenage years isn't enough to extinguish the lust growing between them. After both are called to the scene of a horrific murder, Adam admits he’s not as straight as he led Sam to believe and they seek comfort and distraction in each other's arms. One night becomes many as the murder investigation intensifies, but when Adam is faced with losing Sam, he is forced to make a choice: to break his silence, or to give up everything for the job he loves.


A Dove's Wing

2016 Daily Dose | A Walk on the Wildside
$3.99 $2.99

When his nephew shoots a dove with a BB gun, veterinarian Abel March promises the remorseful boy that he will take care of the bird and its broken wing. He doesn’t count on the dove changing into a (very naked) man in the middle of the night.

The shapeshifter’s name is Darcy and his clan has just moved into the area, much to the dismay of some of the residents who hold prejudices against their kind.

Sweet and sometimes sassy, Darcy is the first man Abel has felt connected to for a long time. He wants to keep him safe, and when someone threatens him, Abel reacts with unusual ferocity. He’s falling in love with Darcy, but when circumstances separate them, he’s left not knowing if the sentiment is returned.

The answer to that question will change both of their lives forever.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Daily Dose package "A Walk on the Wild Side".


$3.99 $2.99

Holy Cow!

2016 Daily Dose | A Walk on the Wildside
$3.99 $2.99

American med student Duncan Stirling is traveling around India with his two best friends, who have just married. Their last stop is the magical city of Jaisalmer, a fort in the Thar Desert of Rajasthan. He feels like a third wheel on their honeymoon, though the three friends had the trip planned for years, to celebrate finishing medical school and have a last adventure before they start their residencies back in the States.

Akash Nandi is an Indian man from a wealthy and well-known family. At least that’s how he appears. He hides the truth that his family is descended from Nandi, Lord Shiva’s bull, and they’ve guarded sacred places for millennia. Being gay and immortal is tough, especially when his family’s expectations make finding the right mate impossible. As his grandmother, the family matriarch, nears death, a struggle for power puts Akash and his new crush, the charming American Duncan, in harm’s way.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Daily Dose package "A Walk on the Wild Side".


$3.99 $2.99

More Fish in the Sea

2016 Daily Dose | A Walk on the Wildside
$3.99 $2.99

Travel agent Jarrett Joynson won’t let his cheating boyfriend spoil his dream vacation, but being alone in Hawaii is more difficult than he imagined. When his attempts to catch a new lover fail, he turns to his Wiccan faith to ask the moon for guidance.

Shark shape-shifter Kainalu Enakai is in a similar position. His last relationship fell apart because he couldn’t share the truth with his boyfriend. Now Kainalu is on the prowl, looking for a new distraction.

When the moon draws Jarrett and Kainalu together, sparks fly. But the old scars on both their hearts cause trouble between them. If they cannot learn to trust each other, it will put not only their relationship in danger, but possibly Jarrett’s life.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Daily Dose package "A Walk on the Wild Side".


$3.99 $2.99

Under a Blood-red Moon

Duncan Andrews Thrillers
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Dead End
A Duncan Andrews Thriller

Private Detective Duncan Andrews is back, along with the usual gang: Robbie, Gina, Nick, and Daisy, the zombie bulldog! Duncan is trying to figure out how his boyfriend, Robbie, will fit in with the team now that he is no longer a ghost. That worry is soon set aside when Duncan accepts a new case to locate a missing young man named Graig Betz. Duncan soon learns Graig is part of a werewolf pack that is terrorizing Indianapolis. The pack is led by a witch, Ashley Campbell, an old rival of Gina’s. Duncan and his team must try to rescue and cure Graig and stop the wolf pack from destroying an entire city.


$6.99 $5.24

Bad Dogs and Drag Queens

Rose and Thorne | Book One
$5.99 $4.49

Rose and Thorne: Book One

Vinnie Delarosa and Ethan Thorne are partners—on and off the clock. Federal undercover detectives, they’re part of a covert task force designed to promote goodwill between the feds and local authorities. They lend an unobtrusive helping hand wherever it’s needed. No credit required.

Vinnie and Ethan work primarily in the Southeast region of the United States and live together in Richmond, Virginia. A mugger problem brings them to Roanoke, where Vinnie is thrown out as bait to catch the man who’s been snatching purses in a city park, but they end up with more than they bargained for. Why is Vinnie always the one who has to wear the dress? Ethan says it’s because Vinnie looks much prettier in a skirt. How can he argue with that?

Expecting to return to Richmond afterward, Vinnie and Ethan find themselves assigned a new case instead. They are to go undercover at The Stroll, one of the biggest gay nightclubs in Roanoke. Someone is terrorizing both the customers and the performers. Could they be dealing with a hate crime? Someone has to protect the drag queens of Roanoke, so it’s Vinnie and Ethan to the rescue!



The author is donating 10% of the royalties from this book to No Kid Hungry. Visit for more information about this organization.


$5.99 $4.49

Stoccata finale

Questione di tempo
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della serie Questione di tempo

La vita non è mai stata facile per Duncan Stiel. La sua infanzia è stata un incubo. Il suo lavoro come poliziotto sotto copertura lo obbliga a nascondere la sua vera natura e, di tanto in tanto, lo fa finire in ospedale. Quando finalmente incontra l’uomo perfetto, non è una sorpresa che tutto vada completamente a rotoli. Quello che Duncan non si aspetta è che l’ostacolo più grande da superare prima di poter vivere la sua storia con Aaron Sutter è quello che porta dentro di sé.

Tutti pensano che Aaron abbia tutto: bellezza, soldi, fama e un successo incommensurabile. Tutti tranne lui. Alla fine di ogni giornata, lontano dai flash, con le questioni di affari risolte e mentre gli amici tornano alle loro vite, Aaron si ritrova sempre solo. Nel momento stesso in cui incontra il travolgente detective Duncan Stiel, sa che farà di tutto per tenerlo con sé. Quando però capisce che i soldi non bastano a comprare la felicità, deve trovare la forza per regalare a Duncan qualcosa di molto più importante: il suo cuore.


$6.99 $5.24
$4.99 $3.74

PhD candidate William Yderis comes to Efeldon University to teach and finish his degree in charmcrafting. For methodical, sedate, and scholarly William, the school defies his expectations—and not in a good way. The biggest surprise comes when William meets his boss, absent-minded Archmage Taliesin Karsus, a man as infuriating as he is sexy.

As William struggles to carve out his place at the university, he is drawn in to Tal’s chaotic experiments… and drawn to Tal despite his logical mind’s protests. And if Tal’s wavering affection isn’t enough to complicate William’s studies, he uncovers a plot involving an ambitious staff member, brainwashed students, sexual assault, and a threat to the lives of everyone on campus. When it comes time to face the danger, William is on his own. For the first time in his life, he’ll have to trust in his heart instead of his head.


$4.99 $3.74

Réparation de sang

Partenariat de Sang
$6.99 $5.24

Suite de Conflit de sang
Partenariat de Sang, tome 4

La guerre est à son paroxysme et les deux camps sont sur les nerfs, quand les sorciers rebelles obtiennent une victoire étonnante et capturent Orlando Saint Clair. Accablé par l’inquiétude et le chagrin, Alain, son amant, craint que, même s’ils retrouvent Orlando, le cœur et l’esprit du vampire soient beaucoup trop abîmés pour pouvoir être sauvés.

Comprenant que l’Alliance risque de chanceler, Christophe Lombard, le vampire le plus vieux et le plus puissant de Paris, quitte sa réclusion volontaire pour rejoindre la lutte. L’ancien ami d’Alain, Éric Simonet, celui qui l’a trahi en rejoignant les sorciers rebelles, est confronté à un choix : la vengeance ou la rédemption.

De son côté, Jean, rendu furieux par la capture d’Orlando, fait face à la plus déchirante des décisions de sa non-vie alors que la bataille finale se profile : leurs actions vont-elles conduire à l’écroulement de l’Alliance ou au salut du monde ?


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Dawn and Dusk

Day and Knight | Book Seven
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Sun and Shadow
Day and Knight: Book Three

For Scorpion agents Day and Knight, their relationship is slow to develop, and trust is hard to build. Then Day’s brother, Stephen, goes missing, and Day finds out more about him than he ever dreamed. Day’s first reaction to Stephen’s disappearance is to try to get to him as fast as possible.

Knight initially holds him back so they can attempt to find out what they’re walking into. But when Knight sees Day’s desperation, he steps in to help and tries to calm the man he’s growing to care about, even though the trail is cold and clues are scarce.

When Day witnesses his brother being shot live on television, he loses the last of his control. Despite the lack of answers, Day is more determined than ever to find out what happened. Stephen was all the family he had left.

Bone-deep fear and adversity threaten to tear Day and Knight apart, but facing unimaginable hardship together might finally cement the bond between them.


$6.99 $5.24