Romantic Suspense books

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La  nuit avant son mariage, Zander Walsh, ses parents, et son futur mari se font tirer dessus en interrompant un mystérieux cambriolage alors qu’ils rentrent chez eux. Après trois semaines dans le coma, Zander se réveille pour apprendre qu’il est le seul survivant, et que sa vie parfaite s’est effondrée en un instant.

Le bel agent du FBI Jake Elliot enquête sur l’affaire, et il appréhende le tueur – , qui s’échappe rapidement. Après six mois de recherche, Zander et Jake réalisent que le FBI leur fait obstruction… et qu’ils ont lentement tissé un lien indissoluble qui commence à prendre encore davantage d’importance.

Une fois qu’ils s’embarquent dans une quête afin d’appréhender le tueur pour la seconde fois, ils découvrent que cette nuit épouvantable était bien plus qu’un simple cambriolage. Les grosses entreprises et les politiciens peuvent-ils cacher la vérité, ou les recherches de Zander et Jake pour découvrir ce qu’il s’est passé marqueront-elles la fin de leur nouvel amour et de leur vie ?


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The Disciple

The Wheel Mysteries | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Fireworks & Wild Cards
The Wheel Mysteries: Book Four

Gus Goodwin witnesses a young man acting strangely at his occult shop—and a day later the same youth is found brutally murdered at a secluded Radical Faerie sanctuary in the mountains. Gus and his private detective boyfriend, Niall Valentine, once again find themselves in the middle of a murder mystery.

First to cross their path is Professor Alex Kittridge, Gus’s ex-boyfriend. Then into the picture stumbles Autumnsong, the biggest enigma they’ve ever encountered, to complicate the already confusing case. As Gus and Niall try to decipher the meaning of the cryptic poems left at the murder scenes, their pasts not yet laid to rest put a strain on their relationship.

Gus and Niall must uncover a slew of secrets within a spiritual group of queer social rebels before the vile killer strikes again—or the investigation could very well end up being their last.


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$6.99 $5.24

Avec  sa crête, ses tatouages et ses piercings, Ridley Corbin correspond à l’image du parfait bad boy – ce qui lui convient bien, puisqu’il se voit comme le défenseur des plus faibles. Mais ce qu’il veut par-dessus tout, c’est devenir le héros d’Alex Firestone.

Alex, bibliothécaire discret et délicat, vient de s’installer à Slater, paisible ville étudiante, dans l’espoir d’échapper à son passé. Solitaire, il se fait toutefois remarquer par la brute du campus. Mais les apparences sont parfois trompeuses. Le passé d’Alex le rattrape, et l’heure vient pour lui de devenir le héros.


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April 1594. William Moodie thinks he’s in love with celebrated actor Richard Brasyer. When Brasyer’s playing company, Goldfox’s Men, comes to town, William is only too willing to leave his country life for the opportunities of the theater and a life in London. Determined to become Richard’s apprentice, William seeks to impress his mentor with his acting—and please him in bed.

Meanwhile, Richard struggles to escape his past as a spy and disentangle himself from the manipulations of his former master and ex-lover, Bennett Goldfox. Swearing off a relationship with his new apprentice proves difficult for Richard, as William uses all his youthful charms to seduce him. When Bennett’s life is threatened, Richard is lured back into the game for one final mission, and he and William travel to Cambridge to hunt down a list of traitors to the Crown.

In the midst of danger and deception, Richard and William come to truly see each other, faults and all, and realize their feelings run deeper than either expected.


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Order of the Black Knights
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Order of the Black Knights

Gideon Maybury enjoys a life of wealth and privilege, not to mention the advantages his position offers him in his career as a merchant banker and his less public life as a high-class, skilled, and very well-paid assassin for Her Majesty’s government. When his brother dies unexpectedly, he becomes the Duke of Westmoreland.

Michael Mathison has hated Gideon since they were at university together. He’s convinced Gideon had a hand in the death of Michael’s college lover, Christopher, and that he had something to do with the death of his own brother. So he gets a job as Gideon’s driver, enabling him to investigate the circumstances surrounding the death of the elder Maybury sibling. At first his suspicions seem to be confirmed, but clues emerge that suggest all is not as it appears at Maybury Hall.

As the mystery deepens, so does the attraction between the two implacable enemies, as does the feeling that they have met before—under dark and terrible circumstances. Each has reasons not to trust the other, but neither is averse to a bit of kinky play. Gideon and Michael end up owing each other their lives, and it results in consequences neither could have imagined.


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Durant  l’hiver glacial de 1891, alors que la nation est encore sous le choc de la crise bancaire de Baring, l’inspecteur Philemon Raft revient d’un congé sabbatique involontaire, et se retrouve chargé de résoudre l’enlèvement de Miriam Dewberry, une jeune fille de bonne famille. Projeté dans un milieu sordide où les classes supérieures se livrent à des investissements honteux, de l’autre côté de l’océan, pour engraisser leur compte en banque, Raft se retrouve perdu sans son compagnon, le constable Freddie Crook. Loin d’offrir son aide, l’élite cherche à tout prix à empêcher Raft de découvrir la vérité au sujet de la malheureuse victime de cet enlèvement, Miriam Dewberry… qui n’existe peut-être même pas.

Bientôt, Raft découvre que son vieil ennemi, le maître de l’hospice, John Gallant, est de retour à Londres. Gallant n’a pas avoué ses ambitions, mais il en sait assez pour ruiner la carrière de Raft, et peut-être même sa vie. Raft tente de résoudre cette affaire grâce à sa perspicacité habituelle et étrange, mais d’autres forces plus sombres sont à l’œuvre. Londres est encore terrifiée : c’est le Londres de Whitechapel, de Jack l’Éventreur, le Londres de la pauvreté, de la saleté et du désespoir, où s’engager dans la mauvaise allée pourrait envoyer Raft tout droit à la morgue.


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Michael Cook has left his abusive lover and settled in the small town of Banning, Illinois. Having nowhere else to go, he checks into the Raven’s Rest Inn and soon learns that the haunted reputation of the hotel is well deserved. Michael gets a job at a local café, where he meets Trey Ramsey. Though Michael has misgivings about starting up a new relationship, Trey seems to be the complete opposite of Michael’s controlling ex, so he decides to give Trey a chance.

Life at the Raven’s Rest becomes increasingly frightening when the ghost of Coleman Hollis appears in Michael’s room. Coleman seems to want something from Michael, and the mystery deepens when Michael discovers he’s the spitting image of Coleman’s lover from years ago. Together, Michael and Trey must discover why Coleman’s spirit is drawn to the Raven’s Rest—and to Michael.


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$6.99 $5.24

Lorsque Jesse Morales, un jeune diplômé de l’université qui aspire à devenir auteur de polars, se porte volontaire pour travailler au sommet du Mont Washington pendant une semaine, il s’attend à travailler dur. Par contre, il ne s’attend pas à trouver un corps en plein milieu du brouillard, gisant parmi les rochers, le crâne brisé. Le corps est celui d’un jeune touriste nommé Stuart Warren, qui s’est séparé de ses amis pendant qu’ils visitaient la montagne.

Kyle Dubois, un détective de la police d’État veuf, est appelé à se rendre sur la scène du crime en plein milieu de la nuit, ainsi que son coéquipier Wesley Roberts. Kyle et Jesse sont instantanément attirés l’un par l’autre, sauf que la fascination de Jesse pour les affaires de meurtres rend cela difficile pour Kyle de prendre le jeune homme au sérieux. Mais Jesse trouve un moyen d’apporter une aide précieuse au détective en prenant une chambre dans l’hôtel où les amis et la famille de la victime résident et en s’introduisant dans leur cercle. Très vite, il commence à apprendre des choses qui pourraient les aider à résoudre l’affaire… ou l’amener à se faire tuer.


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A Lethal Mistake

Bissonet & Cruz Investigations | Book Three
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Bissonet & Cruz Investigations: Book Three

Beau Bissonet and Tollison Cruz are back, along with Bruce, Auggie, and now Bastien, Tollison’s ex-partner. From the initial spark between them in Zurich, Bruce and Bastien’s attraction has flared, and Bastien has come to the Big Easy to explore what lies ahead for them.

It’s Mardi Gras, and New Orleans is alive and festive, teeming with excited tourists and locals alike. The first few parades go off without a hitch. And then a man is targeted, shot, and killed right in the middle of a crowded street. Auggie and Bruce are called in to investigate, but before they even get started, more deaths occur, one at each of the next two parades. Auggie realizes he’s dealing with a serial killer and jumps into action.

Beau and Tollison join the investigation and stumble upon some similarities in the murders that are too strong to ignore. But before they can unravel the perpetrator’s motives and get ahead of him, he fires another shot that affects the tightly knit group of friends in a way none of them could have ever imagined. Together they must all come up with a plan to stop the killing and serve justice in the process.


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Le casse de la rue Royale

Les enquêtes de Bissonet & Cruz | Tome 1
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Les enquêtes de Bissonet & Cruz, tome 1

Deux tableaux de prix sont volés dans une galerie d’art de La Nouvelle-Orléans et l’inspecteur principal Montgomery Beau Bissonet est chargé de l’enquête. La compagnie d’assurance envoie également un agent, Tollison Cruz, suivre l’investigation. La situation entre les deux hommes est conflictuelle au premier abord : tension, colère et désir mêlés. 

L’affaire, qui implique des personnes en vue, doit être traitée avec précaution. Sur ordre du maire, Bissonet est contraint d’accepter Cruz dans son équipe. Peu à peu, ils apprennent à travailler ensemble et se découvrent de nombreux points communs. Au cours d’un déplacement professionnel, ils vivent une nuit torride et inattendue. De retour à La Nouvelle-Orléans, Beau découvre que Tollison lui a caché son passé. 

Dans le Vieux Carré, la chaleur estivale fait mijoter secrets, trahisons et vengeances. Beau et Tollison trouveront-ils la réponse aux questions qu’ils se posent ?


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Civil War and Broken Hearts

Rose and Thorne | Book Two
$5.99 $4.49

Rose and Thorne: Book Two

Hollywood comes to Roanoke when a major film studio announces they’re shooting part of their Civil War film at a local plantation. Vinnie is dismayed to discover the lead actress is none other than the beautiful Caroline St. Clair. Ethan and Vinnie met her in LA the previous Halloween, and Vinnie still hates her for hitting on his man. Ethan reassures his partner that Roanoke is big enough for all of them to coexist without running into one another.

But Fate has it in for Vinnie and Ethan, and they’re assigned to a new case involving the actress. Vinnie has no choice—he has to play nice. It’s small consolation that his new undercover identity involves Hollywood heartthrob Troy McGarrett, who is very handsome and openly gay. Troy also isn’t shy about letting Vinnie know he finds him attractive.

Jealousy abounds, and time is not on Vinnie and Ethan’s side. If they don’t solve the case before the film shoot is done, there’s a good chance they’ll be separated for the first time since they were partnered. Assuming Vinnie doesn’t kill Caroline St. Clair himself.


The author is donating 10% of the royalties from this book to No Kid Hungry. Visit for more information about this organization.


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Precious Gems

Precious Gems | Books One - Four
$9.99 $7.49

When gay romance writer Trent Copeland runs into handsome American Reed Acton—seemingly by chance—while vacationing in Thailand, it sparks off an irresistible affair. Follow their globe-trotting adventures in the Precious Gems books as they negotiate a relationship while solving crimes in Bangkok, Rome, Tokyo, and Istanbul.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


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$6.99 $5.24

Life in the big city wasn’t what Mackenzie "Mack" Redford expected, and now he’s come home to Hartwick County, South Dakota, to serve as sheriff.

Brantley Calderone is looking for a new life. After leaving New York and buying a ranch, he’s settling in and getting used to living at a different pace—until he finds a dead woman on his porch and himself the prime suspect in her murder.

Mack and Brantley quickly realize several things: someone is trying to frame Brantley; he is no longer safe alone on his ranch; and there’s a definite attraction developing between them, one that only increases when Mack offers to let Brantley stay in his home. But as their romance escalates, so does the killer. They’ll have to stay one step ahead and figure out who wants Brantley dead before it’s too late. Only then can they start the life they’re both seeking—together.


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Fish Out of Water

Fish Out of Water | Book 1
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Fish Out of Water: Book One

PI Jackson Rivers grew up on the mean streets of Del Paso Heights—and he doesn’t trust cops, even though he was one. When the man he thinks of as his brother is accused of killing a police officer in an obviously doctored crime, Jackson will move heaven and earth to keep Kaden and his family safe.

Defense attorney Ellery Cramer grew up with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth, but that hasn’t stopped him from crushing on street-smart, swaggering Jackson Rivers for the past six years. But when Jackson asks for his help defending Kaden Cameron, Ellery is out of his depth—and not just with guarded, prickly Jackson. Kaden wasn’t just framed, he was framed by crooked cops, and the conspiracy goes higher than Ellery dares reach—and deep into Jackson’s troubled past.

Both men are soon enmeshed in the mystery of who killed the cop in the minimart, and engaged in a race against time to clear Kaden’s name. But when the mystery is solved and the bullets stop flying, they’ll have to deal with their personal complications… and an attraction that’s spiraled out of control.


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Sinner's Gin (Français)

Sinners (Français) | Tome 1
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Série Sinners, tome 1

Il y a un homme mort dans la Pontiac GTO Vintage de Miki St John et ce dernier n’a aucune idée de la manière dont il a pu arriver là.

Après avoir survécu au tragique accident qui a tué son meilleur ami et les autres membres de leur groupe Sinner’s Gin, tout ce que Miki veut, c’est se cacher du monde dans l’entrepôt rénové qu’il a acheté avant leur dernière tournée. Mais quand l’homme qui l’a agressé sexuellement dans son enfance est tué, et que son corps est retrouvé dans sa voiture, il redoute que la mort n’en ait pas encore fini avec lui.

Kane Morgan, un inspecteur de la police départementale de San Francisco qui loue un atelier à la coopérative d’art à côté, suspecte tout d’abord Miki d’être impliqué dans l’assassinat, mais il se rend vite compte que ce dernier est autant une victime que l’homme écorché vif à l’intérieur de la GTO. Alors que le nombre de corps imputable à l’assassin augmente, l’attirance entre Miki et Kane s’enflamme. Aucun d’eux ne sait si une relation entre eux a la moindre chance de réussir, mais en dépit des traumatismes émotionnels de Miki, Kane est déterminé à lui apprendre à aimer et à être aimé… à condition, bien sûr, que Kane puisse attraper le tueur avant que Miki ne devienne sa prochaine victime.


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Vero o falso

Storie di Toronto
$6.99 $5.24

Seguito di Dentro o fuori
Storie di Toronto, Libro 2

Il detective Ivan Bekker sta toccando il fondo. Non solo deve ancora riprendersi dalla rottura col fidanzato fedifrago, ma è stato anche coinvolto in una brutta retata durante la quale ha dovuto uccidere un uomo, e il suo migliore amico ora lotta fra la vita e la morte. Pur essendo sotto indagine per il ruolo giocato nella sparatoria, il suo capo lo spedisce in una missione ufficiosa sotto copertura che dovrebbe aiutarli a risolvere il caso. Il tempismo è fondamentale: solo intervenendo subito hanno qualche speranza di stanare la talpa che si nasconde al dipartimento.

Privato del sostegno dei colleghi e della propria lucidità, Ivan si ritrova a recitare la parte di un divorziato per avvicinare Parker Wakefield, il ragazzo che gli affitta una stanza. Peccato che Parker – il dolce, ingenuo Parker – non abbia tanto l’aria di un criminale, specie non uno coinvolto nello spaccio di droga per conto della mafia russa. Ivan finisce così per abbassare la guardia; sa che quello che prova non è professionale, ma non riesce a resistere a Parker.

Per questo, quando si imbatte nelle prove che il giovane è coinvolto in un’operazione illecita, deve fare una scelta: proteggere il loro rapporto, a prescindere dalle conseguenze, o salvare la propria carriera e mandare dietro le sbarre l’uomo che ama.


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$6.99 $5.24

Kaden Pace, a soldier injured while on a mission, hides the extent of his damage by wearing his high-tech armor, desperate to prove his worth to his administrators and make himself useful in order to hold on to his independence. But during a simple assignment to escort two cadets across the country to retrieve the armor of a dead warrior, things start to fall apart.

They meet Shun, a young man with a secret, who steals the armor they were supposed to recover. Chasing Shun brings them to an abandoned town, where they encounter even more trouble. Stranded in the deserted city, Kaden finds himself relying more and more on Shun, the person he’d come to capture, while fighting off an invasion from the neighboring country.

But even when he returns to camp, Kaden’s problems are not over. Now he has to find a way to save Shun, whom he’s growing to care for, and keep his team alive as they make one last-ditch attempt to get back the armor Shun stole. Armor that is now in enemy hands, on an island in the middle of the sea, at Ground Zero where it all began.


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$9.99 $7.49

Enjoy J.S. Cook’s best mysteries, with a side of lust and romance, in this collection. In But Not for Me, gangster boss Nino Moretti rescues beautiful mob accountant Stanley Zadwadzki from a rival, but the consequences may cost them any chance at a relationship. In A Little Night Murder, insurance investigator Frank Boyle may have escaped from danger once with help from detective Sam Lipinski, but a new investigation is turning up trouble once again. In Come to Dust, Inspector Philemon Raft is set adrift among the deceitful ton of turn-of-the-century London, trying to locate the kidnapped Miriam Dewberry. In The Lovely Beast, Jacob van Willingen is on a mission to exterminate the evil Caleb Donnithorn, but things aren’t quite what they seem to be at this Romanian castle. In Skid Row Serenade, novelist and war hero Tony Leonard visits his estranged wife only to find her beaten to death. On the run, he decides to fake his own death, with a little help from private investigator Edwin Malloy.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.

But Not for Me previously published by Dreamspinner Press, March 2013 Cover Art by Aaron Anderson A Little Night Murder previously published by Dreamspinner Press, September 2013 Cover Art by Catt Ford Come to Dust previously published by Dreamspinner Press, November 2013 Cover Art by Maria Fanning The Lovely Beast previously published by Dreamspinner Press, July 2014 Cover Art by L.C. Chase Skid Row Serenade previously published by Dreamspinner Press, August 2015 Cover Art by Aaron Anderson


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