

Dirty Secret (Deutsch)

Ein Cole-McGinnis-Krimi
$6.99 $5.24

Fortsetzung zu Dirty Kiss
Ein Titel der Ein Cole-McGinnis-Krimi Serie

Kim Jae-Min zu lieben ist nicht immer leicht: Jae fürchtet sich davor, als offen schwuler Mann zu leben, während der zum Privatdetektiv gewordene ehemalige Polizist Cole McGinnis es nicht anders kennt. Auch wenn er Jaes Sorgen versteht. Koreaner aus traditionellen Familien sind nicht schwul – zumindest nicht dort, wo man sie sehen kann.

Doch Cole muss sich auch auf anderes als die Probleme seines Freundes konzentrieren. Er hat einen Auftrag. Als die Sängerin Scarlet ihn darum bittet, Park Dae-Hoon zu finden, einen schwulen Koreaner, der seit beinahe zwei Jahrzehnten verschwunden ist, versinkt Cole in der verworrenen Welt reicher koreanischer Familien, in denen Verpflichtungen und Politik dazu führen, dass persönliches Glück für den Erhalt des Geschäftsimperiums geopfert wird. Bald häufen sich scheinbar zusammenhanglos die Leichen an. Mit jedem Schritt zur Aufklärung von Dae-Hoons Schicksal segnet eine weitere Person das Zeitliche – und ein geliebter Mensch könnte als Nächstes auf der Liste des Mörders stehen.


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L'étalon sauvage

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$4.99 $3.74

Les amants de Lexington

Les chevaux étaient sa passion… jusqu’à ce qu’il pose les yeux sur son patron.

Il y a un an et demi, une tragédie s’est abattue sur Bywater Farm, lorsque l’amant de Clay Hunter a perdu la vie à la suite d’une chute de cheval et que son meilleur étalon, King of Hearts, en a été traumatisé. Clay et King avaient mis leur vie entre parenthèses, essayant davantage de survivre que de vivre, jusqu’à ce qu’une bouffée d’air frais les réveille tous deux : Luke Davis, un nouveau palefrenier dans l’écurie des étalons.

Lorsque Luke est envoyé aux urgences après être tombé de King, Clay regarde les fondations fragiles de leur relation naissante s’effondrer. Clay peut-il vraiment aimer à nouveau un jockey ? Ou bien sa peur de perdre à nouveau l’homme qu’il aime va-t-elle les séparer pour de bon ? 


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$6.99 $5.24

The heir apparent to a vast international company, Henry Walker has focused his entire life on pleasing his cold and distant father, a futile effort that’s left him no time for life, love, or making his own decisions. He has just one friend—one dirty little secret—Archie Banks. Raised on the Walker estate alongside Henry, Archie is now Henry’s driver, bodyguard… and occasional lover. Archie is loyal, but he’s about to graduate from college and has plans for his life that don’t include living every moment at the beck and call of Henry’s father. Not even for Henry.

With no warning, a shocking kidnapping leads to tragedy and chaos, thrusting Henry and Archie into a dramatic struggle that threatens them individually and as a couple. Can they find a way to heal the hurt of the past, save the company that is Henry’s birthright, and find a future together?

2nd Edition
First Edition Published by Loose Id, February 2013


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Moment of Fate

Moments in Time

A Moments In Time Novel

Bryan Dane’s been living the dream—photography student by day, up-and-coming rocker by night. His summer goals are to earn his last few credits, graduate from NYU, spend as much time in the recording studio as possible, and survive the next few months without sex so he can complete his yearlong goal of self-imposed celibacy. Everything is on track until he meets Oliver Newcastle.

For years Oliver planned a marriage of convenience with his high school BFF, but now that she’s fallen in love for real with someone else, it’s no longer convenient. So Oliver came out to his family, quit his job, and left small-town New England for NYC, an intensive summer study program, and a chance to find his own happiness.

From the moment they meet, the sexual tension between Bryan and Oliver sizzles. But Bryan wants no part of a relationship, and Oliver wants to sow his wild oats—he just isn’t sure how. Oliver seeks Bryan’s help navigating the NYC gay scene, which throws them together in increasingly more sexual situations until they can no longer deny they’re hot for each other. Bryan is desperate to keep things simple, but fate may have other plans.


Return of the Chauffeur's Son

Movie Magic Romances

A Movie Magic Romance

Luca McGrath may be returning to Napa Valley, California, as a promising chef with dreams of starting his own restaurant and winery, but his heart still lives with the bad-boy son of a billionaire, James Armstrong. Luca spent his childhood playing games with the golden boy of California society, so blinded by James he barely noticed the dark, quiet lure of his conservative older brother, Dylan Armstrong.

But now Luca’s home, and his own powers of attraction are enough to make James question his dedicated heterosexuality and his promised marriage to a wealthy and powerful businesswoman. The obvious attraction between Luca and James spurs Dylan into action—but he’s fighting a huge secret. While Luca dreamed of James, Dylan dreamed of Luca. When Luca gets caught in the struggle between the brothers and gets accused of culinary espionage he’s ready to chuck the fairy tale—unable to even imagine Dylan’s power to make his dreams come true.


$6.99 $5.24

Riley Parker: temp, twink, geek… sleuth?

Maybe Riley isn’t living up to his full potential, but being a temp executive assistant suits him. He’s never bored at work, he’s got friends who let him geek out, and he’s got a carefully crafted twink exterior… which might be getting constrictive now that he’s on the other side of thirty. Life isn’t perfect, but it’s comfortable.

It all unravels when he takes a job working for a tea-obsessed cosmetics queen, the owner of Gautier Cosmetics. During the launch party for a new product, Riley finds his boss dead under suspicious circumstances, and the homicide detective is none other than Tadeo Martin, Riley’s high school obsession who never knew he was alive.

Tad drafts Riley to get the scoop on the inner workings of Gautier, and for Riley, it’s like a drug. His natural inquisitiveness is rewarded with more and more Tad. Unfortunately, his snooping puts him in the running for two other roles: suspect and victim. The killer doesn’t care which.


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Behind the Tales

The Knowledge Effect | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

The Knowledge Effect: Book Two

Martus understands the desire to forget the past. After all, until recently he stole to support his makeshift family. His boyfriend, Hal, has a history of losing control over his dragon transformations and causing destruction neither of them likes thinking about, and even his little sister, Elsaben, is struggling to harness her magickal gifts. 

But personal issues must be pushed aside when Martus’s wealthy patron hires their group to find her son, the legendary hero Fitzy. Is he in trouble or just sick and tired of the burden of fame? Perhaps his estranged sister, Mel, can help them track him down. 

An already difficult mission becomes an uphill battle when their demons refuse to be ignored. Even Mel is keeping secrets, and all of them are about to discover that forgetting the past won’t stop it from catching up at the worst possible time.


$6.99 $5.24

Day und Knight

Day und Knight | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Day und Knight

Als ehemaliger NSA-Mitarbeiter hat Dayton (Day) Ingram Erfahrungen als Hacker im Dienst der nationalen Sicherheit und arbeitet jetzt als technischer Analyst für Scorpion. Er sehnt sich nach dem Außendienst, und als er einen Angriff vereitelt bekommt er seine Chance. Er ist clever, mehrsprachig und ein Technologiemagier. Aber seine Chance hat einen Haken – einen Partner, Knighton (Knight), der ein echtes Rätsel ist. Trotz zahlloser Recherchestunden kann Day nichts über den Agenten finden, nicht einmal seinen Vornamen!

Der ehemalige Marine Knight hatte sich nach dem Verlust seiner Familie am Boden einer Flasche verkrochen. Nachdem er wieder trocken ist, bekommt er eine allerletzte Chance: zusammen mit Day eine terroristische Bedrohung aus Yucatàn auszuschalten. Um ohne Aufsehen zu erregen dorthin zu gelangen, machen Day und Knight eine Kreuzfahrt für Schwule mit, wo der, wenn es um seine sexuelle Orientierung geht, zutiefst verschwiegene Day und ein ebenso verschwiegener Knight als schwules Paar agieren müssen. Die Anspannung wächst, als Knight sich ausschweigt und Day sich gegen Knights unbarmherziges Verlangen nach Kontrolle sträubt.

Aber nach einer durchzechten Nacht wachen Day und Knight in einem Bett auf. Zusammen. Während sie ihrem Ziel näherkommen, müssen sie lernen, einander zu vertrauen und sich aufeinander zu verlassen. Nur so können sie das Terroristencamp infiltrieren und das Komplott gegen die technologische Infrastruktur der USA vereiteln. Nur dann können sie auf ein Leben nach der Mission hoffen.

Ein gemeinsames Leben.


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Green's Hill Werewolves, Vol. 2

Green's Hill
Little Goddess Universe
Little Goddess |
$6.99 $5.24

In the world of the Little Goddess

After a rocky start and some unexpected battles, Teague Sullivan may have found a home at Green’s Hill. With Jack and Katy by his side, he has the chance to achieve a happiness he only dreamed of during his impoverished childhood.

But much of Teague’s happiness depends upon being worthy of serving Green and Lady Cory, two leaders he’d die for and two people who gave him a chance to be a good man. Teague needs to serve them to feel worthy of love, but Jack resents anything that takes Teague away from his lovers, even his duty.

The three of them, Jack, Teague, and Katy, perform a delicate dance with an uncertain crescendo. What's more likely to destroy them? Jack's jealousy, Cory's wrath, or the true enemy, the rival wolf pack with the insane leaders who are trying to take over Green's turf? Teague Sullivan, who never thought much of himself, is suddenly the crux of everything he's ever loved. Can he become the man and alpha wolf his people need? 

For the first time in print: Becoming and Being.


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$6.99 $5.24

Quando la vita di Tyler Powell crolla a pezzi a causa di un orribile crimine, il bisogno di vendicarsi prende il sopravvento. Trascorre ogni istante di ogni giorno a rimettere insieme i cocci della sua esistenza spezzata, concentrato su un unico pensiero: la vendetta. 

Si arrenderà alla rabbia e diventerà proprio ciò che odia di più al mondo, un assassino?

Solo l’aiuto dell’ispettore della Squadra omicidi Christian Martin, il poliziotto incaricato del suo caso, fa intravedere a Tyler la possibilità di cominciare una nuova vita nell’incredibile abbraccio di un altro amore pronto ad accoglierlo. Un amore che non credeva più di poter avere. 

Ma Tyler saprà accettare quell’amore nella sua vita, oppure si è già perso per sempre? Per lui la vendetta è diventata più importante della sua stessa felicità? E della felicità dell’uomo che lo ama? Tyler è determinato a trovare un modo per avere giustizia senza sacrificare la speranza di un futuro con Christian, ma sarà difficile, se non impossibile. E alla fine sarà costretto a prendere una decisione drammatica. 


$6.99 $5.24

Tramps and Thieves

Murder and Mayhem | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Murder and Mayhem: Book Two

Whoever said blood was thicker than water never stood in a pool of it.

Retiring from stealing priceless treasures seemed like a surefire way for Rook Stevens to stay on the right side of the law. The only cop in his life should have been his probably-boyfriend, Los Angeles Detective Dante Montoya, but that’s not how life—his life—is turning out. Instead, Rook ends up not only standing in a puddle of his cousin Harold’s blood but also being accused of Harold’s murder… and sleeping with Harold’s wife.

For Dante, loving the former thief means his once-normal life is now a sea of chaos, especially since Rook seems incapable of staying out of trouble—or keeping trouble from following him home. When Rook is tagged as a murder suspect by a narrow-focused West LA detective, Dante steps in to pull his lover out of the quagmire Rook’s landed in.

When the complicated investigation twists around on them, the dead begin to stack up, forcing the lovers to work together. Time isn’t on their side, and if they don’t find the killer before another murder, Dante will be visiting Rook in his prison cell—or at his grave.


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Finder's Keeper

Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

A Heart's Gate Story

The truth might ruin his dreams—or make them come true.

When Zane moves into an old gothic brownstone, he discovers the house comes equipped with a caretaker—Kit, who lives in the basement. Zane is immediately drawn to the charming and attractive Kit. But Kit is much more than he seems. He is a two-hundred-year-old half-human, half–red-fox spirit who guards a Gate between the mortal and spirit worlds—a fact Zane should recognize, but doesn’t.

Orphaned at a young age, Zane never learned he comes from a long line of mystical Keepers. Kit needs Zane’s help to protect the Gate, but how can he tell Zane of his legacy when that will crush Zane’s dreams of traveling the world? If he takes up the mantle, Zane will be bound to the Gate, unable to leave it. But when Zane realizes Kit’s true nature, and his own, he’ll have to make a choice—fight to protect Kit and the Gate, or deny his destiny and any chance of a future with Kit.


$4.99 $3.74

All In

Wild Cards

A Wild Cards Novel

In crime, like in love, there can be no half measures….

Fashion model Zane Stryker needs money—badly. At almost thirty, his glory days are behind him, and he needs capital to start over. When his luggage is switched with a bag containing contraband he’s forced to deliver, it’s either the worst thing that’s ever happened to him… or the best.

Enter Sebastian Gigoni, formerly of the British Special Forces, who has to decide just where Zane’s loyalty lies and why. Sizzling attraction erupts between them, but that doesn’t mean they can trust each other. They double down in a race for their lives—and their love—but are their purposes at odds? As they struggle to reconcile their goals, their consciences, and the needs of their hearts, one thing is clear—they must go all in or give up altogether.


$6.99 $5.24

Sometimes family chooses you.

At forty, Vincent “Vinnie” Fierro is still afraid to admit he might be gay—even to himself. It’ll be a problem for his big, fat Italian family. Still, after three failed marriages, it’s getting harder to ignore what he really wants.

Vinnie attempts some self-exploration in Chicago’s Boystown bars, far from anyone who knows him. Naturally, he runs smack into someone from the neighborhood.

Between working two jobs, going to school, taking care of his grandmother, and dealing with his mother’s ongoing substance abuse, Trey Giles has little time for fun, let alone dating someone who swears he’s straight. Yet after one night of dancing cheek-to-cheek, Trey agrees to let Vinnie court him and see if he truly belongs on this side of the fence—though Trey intends to keep his virginity intact.

It seems like a solid plan, but nothing is simple when family is involved. When Vinnie’s family finds out about their relationship, the situation is sticky enough, but when Trey’s mother goes critical, Vinnie and Trey must decide whose happiness is most important—their families’ or their own.

Second Edition
First edition published by Samhain, 2013.


$6.99 $5.24

Never Let You Go

Forever Yours | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Can’t Live Without You
Forever Yours: Book Two

Friends since they met in school, Ashton and Brighton soon become much more. Ash and his aunt are Brighton’s haven away from his mess of a family, and when Ash enlists in the Army, Brighton learns to endure his long absences and eagerly awaits his return from missions.

Until one day Ash doesn’t come back, and Brighton thinks his greatest fear has come true.

Months pass and Brighton grieves for Ash, not knowing that a terrible misunderstanding sent Ash running, unable to cope when he thought Brighton had betrayed him. Even after an emotional reunion, their relationship isn’t the same—Brighton is now responsible for his young niece, and he’s having a hard time rediscovering the trust he once had in Ash. Ash must still tend to his mental health, but before he can, he’ll have to deal with a past secret that puts all their lives at risk. With so many forces determined to tear them apart, can Brighton and Ash hold on to each other and never let go?


$6.99 $5.24

Green's Hill Werewolves, Vol. 1

Green's Hill
Little Goddess Universe
Little Goddess |
$6.99 $5.24

In the world of the Little Goddess

Teague Sullivan and Jack Barnes work in the dangerous gray area between the natural and supernatural worlds, helping people who get separated from the safety of Green’s Hill find their way home. Teague's in the game for redemption—but Jack's in the game for Teague. 

Teague is damaged, haunted, and about the loneliest man Jack has ever met, but Jack sees beyond Teague's scars and gruffness to the kindness and bravery underneath. Teague is pretty sure Jack's a green idealist—a scarred old dog like Teague will never be good enough for a sweet young pup like his Jacky. 

When Jack is injured, the two hunters are sucked into the paranormal world they’ve been defending. Teague must reevaluate everything he's believed about their relationship. While Teague is sorting out his life both with Jacky and as a member of Green's Hill, Katy steps into the mix. She’s loved Teague since she was a child, and that love has only gotten stronger now that they’ve survived into adulthood. Teague Sullivan, who has lived “without” since he was born, is suddenly given all the things that make live worth living “with.” Does Teague have the courage to reach for two lovers and a place on Green's Hill?

For the first time in print: Yearning, Waiting, Reaching, and Changing.


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$6.99 $5.24

Derek Sawyer ist überzeugt, alles zu haben: einen gut bezahlten Job, einen Freund, einen Hund und sogar ein Haus am See. Dann bringt eine Geschäftsreise mit seinem Vorgesetzten und besten Freund, Victor, seine Welt zum Einsturz.

Nach einer feuchtfröhlichen Nacht kommt es in ihrem Hotelzimmer zum schlimmsten Ereignis in Dereks Leben. Und als ob es nicht schon erniedrigend genug wäre, jeden Tag mit dem Täter zusammenarbeiten zu müssen, zeigt Victor Derek wegen sexueller Belästigung an. Jetzt hat er keinen Job und keinen Freund mehr, außerdem wird die Rate für das Haus am See fällig.

Officer Russ Thomas hat schon vorher mit Vergewaltigungsopfern zu tun gehabt. Daher braucht er nicht lange, um die Wahrheit herauszufinden. Mit seiner Hilfe zeigt Derek das Verbrechen Monate später schließlich doch noch bei der Polizei an. Durch einstweilige Verfügungen und Anwälte wird Victors Wut auf ihn noch weiter angestachelt. Zwischen Derek und Russ, dem Polizisten, bahnt sich eine Beziehung an, doch Russ kann Derek nicht ständig beschützen.


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$6.99 $5.24

Ashley James and Tucker Lee have been friends for years. They are city boys but long for life on the open trail. During a three-hundred-mile hike from the Southern California desert to the mountains around Big Bear Lake, they make some pretty amazing discoveries.

One of those discoveries is love. A love that has been bubbling below the surface for a very long time.

But love isn’t all they find. They also stumble upon a war—a war being waged by Mother Nature and fought tooth and claw around an epidemic of microbes and fury.

With every creature in sight turning against them, can they survive this battle and still hold on to each other? Or will the most horrifying virus known to man lay waste to more than just wildlife this time?

Will it destroy Ash and Tucker too?


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