
$6.99 $5.24

Exposing his body for work is no problem, but after his heart’s been broken, putting it out there again won’t be so easy.

Up-and-coming young executives Copeland Shore and William Donnelly have been friends and sometimes more for years. For Cope’s birthday, Will plans a very special dinner—at a nantaimori restaurant where the most enticing thing is the table. Dai—the naked man beneath their sushi—has both their mouths watering, but when it comes to Dai’s heart, there’s only room at the table for one, and Will gets there first.

Will’s everything Dai thinks he wants in a man… until he’s betrayed. The betrayal also ends the friendship between Will and Cope and leaves Dai shaken and unsure if he can put his trust in another man—not even when a second chance for love and happiness rises from the ashes of the broken relationship. Cope wants to tempt Dai to take a risk with him, but the pain of the past is hard for Dai to shake off… and Cope has obstacles of his own to overcome.


$6.99 $5.24

Getting His Man

Getting His Man
Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

Getting His Man

A love story worthy of an old movie… with a new twist.

Artie needs a hero, a man like those he’s always revered in Golden Age films. His drug-dealing jerk of a roommate got him arrested, and since his savior isn’t likely to sweep in and save the day, Artie calls a bail bondsman.

August has always imagined himself a hero from a black-and-white movie, but he’s never found a man willing to let him play that role—at least not until he gets the call from Artie.

Both of their dreams might come true, but not before August must use his skills as a bounty hunter as well as a bondsman. Artie is on the run for his life, and August must protect him and help him clear his name. Only then can they both finally get their man.


$4.99 $3.74

À la recherche d'une famille

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$4.99 $3.74

Quand on trouve une famille, on fait n’importe quoi pour la garder.

Quand Charles Macquarrie hérite d’une fortune et d’une société d’habillement internationale, il hérite également de trois jeunes cousins et a désespérément besoin d’aide pour les élever. Par un coup de chance, il découvre et engage Jonathan Lamb, qui a passé sa vie dans un foyer d’enfants à cause d’une maladie chronique, pour être leur nounou.

Si Jon croit qu’une romance naissante avec son riche patron va lui compliquer la vie, il n’a aucune idée des épreuves qui l’attendent quand il sera accusé de détournement de fonds et de kidnapping. Mais même menacés par des incohérences comptables et des liens avec la mafia, Jon et Charles ne laisseront pas tomber la famille qu’ils ont construite ensemble sans se battre.


$4.99 $3.74

Dragon's Hoard

Dreamspun Beyond

To be loved by a dragon is to be treasured.

A hundred years ago, werewolf Alpha Montgomery took a risk driven by desperation—he borrowed money from the ancient dragon Warwick Ehecatl, putting up the pack lands as collateral. Now the debt is due, and dragons don’t forget—or forgive. Warwick demands Montgomery’s son, Avery, and three businesses as compensation. As an Omega, Avery knows he is basically useless to his pack, so he might as well agree. He soon has second thoughts, though. Warwick is fearsome, and he’s free to do as he likes with Avery.

Warwick knows his race’s reputation, and he even admits some of it is deserved. But he’d rather cut off his tail than let his innocent mate’s light go out. It won’t be easy, but buried deep, there’s something between them worth safeguarding.


Ein Schlamassel kommt selten allein

Verliebte Partner | Buch 2
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 2 in der Serie - Verliebte Partner

Die Deputy US Marshals Miro Jones und Ian Doyle sind nun beruflich und privat Partner: Miros Gelassenheit und Professionalität bilden den idealen Ausgleich zu Ians Leidenschaft und hitzigem Temperament. In einem Beruf, in dem ein falscher Schritt den Unterschied zwischen Leben und Tod bedeuten kann, ist Vertrauen alles. Aber jede Beziehung hat anfänglich ihre Schwierigkeiten und manchmal weiß Miro nicht, wo er bei seinem temperamentvollen Partner steht. Sind die Gefühlsbande, die sie erst seit so kurzer Zeit miteinander verbinden, bereits wieder im Begriff, sich aufzulösen? 

Diese neuen Bande sind ständigen Herausforderungen ausgesetzt: Überfälle der Familie, wohlmeinende Freunde, ihre eigenen Unsicherheiten, ihr gefährlicher Beruf – und dann kommt es zur Feuerprobe, als ein alter Fall Miros wieder auftaucht und sie heimsucht. Vielleicht reicht das aus, um Ian seine Entscheidung, sich zu binden, hinterfragen zu lassen und Miro kann nur hoffen, dass die Gefühlsbande, die sie geknüpft haben, stark genug sind, sie beide zu halten.


$6.99 $5.24

The Wounded Heart

The Grim Life | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

The Grim Life: Book Two

Dating is tough… especially when you’re dead. 

Max and Kody never really figured life out, and their afterlife isn’t proving any easier. They were supposed to live happily ever after, escorting souls to heaven for the Big Guy—as in God—but then their boss, the mysterious angel Slade, delivered some shocking news about the undead.

Their afterlife just got a lot more complicated.

The appearance of the undead shades can only mean one thing: wraiths—the malevolent incarnation of stranded spirits. But what do they want with Kody? If that wasn’t enough for Max to worry about, Slade makes a cryptic remark about the end of Max and Kody’s relationship—and Max already resents the time Kody spends with Slade.

Kody’s family is still reeling from his death, and his sister is spiraling out of control. She blames their mother, religion, and God. When Kody and Max form a plan to help save her faith and her heart, it could bring the wraiths into the mortal world… and the boys might not have the power to fight them.

Only love can push back the darkness and heal the wounds in their hearts. But sorrow and confusion might drive a wedge between Max and Kody when they need most to stand together.


$6.99 $5.24

An Unlocked Mind

Secrets | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Secrets: Book Two

Rob Daniels is determined to prove to himself that his brother Alex got it wrong. Alex believes he found love through BDSM; Rob is certain that’s not possible. He even makes several visits to a London club to prove his point. But when he attends the grand opening of Secrets, Rob gets a shock, one that has him fleeing, vowing never to return—until he does… and runs into the brick wall that is Dom Vic Prentiss. As first meetings go, theirs is a disaster.

The more time he spends around Rob, the more convinced Vic becomes of two things—one, something is eating away at Rob, and two, he’s looking for something. Every instinct tells Vic to help him, but trying to unlock the secrets hidden in Rob’s mind requires a key. All Vic has to do is find it. Because maybe then he’ll get to see the real Rob, the man who’s scared to let go….


$6.99 $5.24

Fire and Flint

Carlisle Deputies | Book 1
$6.99 $5.24

A Carlisle Deputies Novel

Jordan Erichsohn suspects something is rotten about his boss, Judge Crawford. Unfortunately he has nowhere to turn and doubts anyone will believe his claims—least of all the handsome deputy, Pierre Ravelle, who has been assigned to protect the judge after he received threatening letters. The judge has a long reach, and if he finds out Jordan’s turned on him, he might impede Jordan adopting his son, Jeremiah.

When Jordan can no longer stay silent, he gathers his courage and tells Pierre what he knows. To his surprise and relief, Pierre believes him, and Jordan finds an ally… and maybe more. Pierre vows to do what it takes to protect Jordan and Jeremiah and see justice done. He’s willing to fight for the man he’s growing to love and the family he’s starting to think of as his own. But Crawford is a powerful and dangerous enemy, and he’s not above ripping apart everything Jordan and Pierre are trying to build in order to save himself….


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Wyeth Becker is a quiet man. Staid, serious, calm. A librarian. When he meets preschool teacher Deeze Long, he discovers joy for the first time in his life. With joy comes laughter, excitement, and a new way to look at the world through the eyes of the kindest, most loving man he has ever met.

When tragedy strikes and Deeze loses his joy, it is Wyeth who helps him find it again. It is Wyeth, the man who never truly understood happiness, who pays that gift back. Giving all he can of himself to the man who changed his life. Restoring in Deeze what he now so desperately needs.

But the road of their relationship doesn’t end there. The joys and sorrows of life are never-ending. As they set out to weather the highs and lows together, Wyeth and Deeze hang on to the one thing that makes all the tears and laughter worthwhile.


For only through love can life be truly savored at all.


$6.99 $5.24

Stalking Buffalo Bill

Shifter U
Dreamspun Beyond

A Shifter U Tale

A smitten coyote isn’t the only one stalking Buffalo Bill.

A buffalo walks into a cafe. Sounds like the start of a bad joke, but for coyote shifter Donnie Granger, it’s the beginning of an obsession. Donnie is a little hyperactive and a lot distractible, except when it comes to William. He finally works up the nerve to approach William but is interrupted by a couple of violent humans.

While William—don’t call me Bill—is currently a professor, he once worked undercover against an international weapons-trafficking ring. Before he can settle into obscurity, he must find out who leaked his location and eliminate the thugs. He tries keeping his distance to protect Donnie, but the wily coyote won’t stay away.

It’ll take both Donnie’s skills as a stalker—er, hunter—and William’s super-spy expertise to neutralize the threat so they can discover if an excitable coyote and a placid-until-pissed buffalo have a future together.


Suite de De A à Z

Coda, numéro hors série


La lettre Z


Zach et Angelo se sont faits à leur nouvelle vie à Coda dans le Colorado. Avec l’aide de leurs amis Matt et Jared, ils ont trouvé leur place dans la communauté. Zach et Angelo explorent aussi les particularités de leur relation, mais quand ils prennent une décision que Jared désapprouve, Angelo se fâche avec le meilleur ami de son partenaire. Et le partenaire de son meilleur ami.

Lorsqu’ils décident de partir quelques jours à Las Vegas, Angelo croit que Jared et lui sont sur la voie de la réconciliation. Mais lorsqu’ils rencontrent par hasard l’ex-petit ami de Zach, Angelo se remet en question, ainsi que leur relation. Matt et Jared ont toujours été là lorsque Zach et Angelo ont eu besoin d’aide. Mais quand il s’agit de leur relation, leurs amis pourraient plus être le mal que le remède.


Paris de A à Z


Zach Mitchell et son amant Angelo Green sont en route pour Paris – en compagnie de leurs amis de Coda Matt et Jared – afin d’assister au mariage de Jon et Cole. Matt devra faire face à l’ex-amant de Jared et Angelo devra passer toute une semaine avec l’ex-petit ami de Zach. Entre la jalousie de Matt et le mauvais caractère d’Angelo, Zach se dit qu’ils auront de la chance qu’ils passent la semaine sans que l’un des fiancés se retrouve avec un bon œil au beurre noir. Mais très vite, Zach se rend compte qu’il devrait moins s’inquiéter d’Angelo et plus de lui-même. Affronter ses souvenirs doux-amers et son sentiment de culpabilité d’avoir brisé le cœur de Jon est plus difficile que prévu. Mais s’il veut un avenir avec Angelo, Zach devra trouver le moyen de surmonter son passé.



The Haffling | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

The Haffling: Book Three

The human and fey worlds plummet toward an ancient war. Enter two unlikely lovers, a myth, and a mad queen hell-bent on conquest and revenge. Fire Marshal Finn Hulain, tormented by the death of his best friend and an unrequited love, is tossed from the world he knows into the upside-down realm of the fey. Dr. Redmond Fall, psychiatrist to the deadliest criminals in the Unsee, awakes to find the brutal Queen May deposited within the walls of his hospital for a bit of therapy. While May would like to get over her daddy issues, it’s sometimes easier to bite off heads.

Hound, the epic finale to the Haffling trilogy, delves into the darkest reaches of the addictions we all carry. To save the worlds and themselves, Finn, Redmond, and even May must confront the ghosts of their past and the demons of their present. The clock is ticking. There are no second chances. Everything is on the line.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A ventisei anni, Gordon Stafford pensa di avere i giorni contati. O almeno spera che lo siano. Prostrato dal senso di colpa e dal rammarico che scaturiscono dal terribile incidente d’auto di due anni prima in cui è rimasto ucciso un uomo, si sveglia ogni mattina con idee suicide. Anche se la legge gli ha assegnato un lavoro perché possa espiare le sue colpe, la redenzione personale è molto più difficile da raggiungere.

Poi Squirt – un semplice senzatetto che ha la sua croce da portare – lo salva da un destino terribile. Nel corso di quella notte, Gordon trova non solo una nuova luce da seguire, e forse persino uno scopo nella vita, ma anche la possibilità di un amore che lo aspetta alla fine del tunnel.

Gordon non avrebbe mai immaginato che sarebbe riuscito in qualche modo a perdonare se stesso, aprendo così il cuore abbastanza da ricevere accettazione e amore… proprio dalla persona a cui ha fatto più male.


$6.99 $5.24

L'amour ne suffit pas

L'amour ne peut pas...
$6.99 $5.24

L'amour ne peut pas..., numéro hors série

Jeremy Cox a grandi dans une petite ville du Kansas, où sa vie était un enfer. Dès que possible, il s’en est échappé. La quarantaine passée, il gère les parcs publics de Portland, Oregon, tout en faisant de son mieux pour aider les gens de la rue, SDF et jeunes fugueurs. Son ex, Donny, dont il s’est séparé quelques années plus tôt à cause de ses addictions – alcool et drogue – réapparaît un jour devant sa porte et, par inadvertance, le met en grave danger. Comme si ça ne suffisait pas, Jeremy rencontre alors un homme fascinant, mais énigmatique, lui aussi hanté par son passé.

Qayin Hill ne possède pratiquement rien, à part des squelettes dans son placard et des démons dans sa tête. Ancien toxicomane en lutte permanente contre l’anxiété et la dépression, il ne sait pas combien de ses secrets il peut révéler à Jeremy ni comment réagir en réalisant que ce dernier veut le sauver de lui-même. 

Malgré leurs problèmes respectifs, Jeremy et Qay découvrent ensemble l’amitié, la passion et un fragile espoir d’un avenir à deux. À présent, il leur faut décider si l’amour peut tout conquérir, comme le prétend le vieil adage, ou s’il ne suffit pas.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Opposites attract, but are some differences too drastic for a romance to survive?

On the surface, Benson Howard Winthrop III and Hugh Bayard have a lot in common: they’re young, handsome, and blessed to be one of the wealthiest couples in the country. Surely they have everything anyone could want. But Ben is no longer satisfied with their long-running relationship. Hugh’s need to control every situation is suffocating him, and Ben needs to know if he can make it on his own merits by following his passion.

But Ben’s mother isn’t about to let her son live in a rundown apartment as a struggling actor. She’s determined to get him back to his rightful place at the top of the social ladder—and back with Hugh.

Rekindling their romance will require more than doing what’s expected. Ben and Hugh need to understand and embrace each other’s differences. They’ll have to support each other even when one makes a decision the other doesn’t agree with. For their passionate love to grow, they will need to redefine the meaning of romance… only then can they find true happiness.


$6.99 $5.24

À toute épreuve

Tout vient à point...
$6.99 $5.24

Suite de Question de temps, tomes 1 et 2

Jory Harcourt n’a pas besoin de chercher des ennuis. Où qu’il aille, ceux-ci semblent le trouver, en particulier quand son partenaire, Sam Kage, travaille sous couverture pour une équipe d’intervention fédérale.

Après avoir été forcé à mettre la clef sous la porte par la récession, Jory est embauché comme entremetteur et organisateur d’événements. Ce n’est plus qu’une question de temps avant que sa grande bouche et son attitude trop franche le jettent entre les pattes d’un riche héritier et d’un magnat de la drogue, qui veulent tous les deux le conquérir. Puis, comme si cette situation n’était pas déjà assez délicate, Jory retrouve la trace de son amant sous couverture, aux ordres du trafiquant.

Entre les hommes qui ont envie de lui et ce qui veulent simplement sa mort, Chicago devient un peu trop dangereux pour Jory, et sur le conseil de son frère, de son petit ami et du FBI, il se rend à Hawaï… où un grave accident menace le restant de ses jours. Est-ce que Sam et Jory garderont la foi et prouveront que leur relation est vraiment à toute épreuve ?


$6.99 $5.24

Die Nacht überdauern

Lang Downs (Deutsch)
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 3 in der Serie - Lang Downs

Büroleiter Sam Emery ist arbeitslos und vom Glück verlassen.  Als seine ständig an ihm rumnörgelnde Frau die Scheidung will, wendet er sich an die einzige Person, die ihm noch geblieben ist, seinen Bruder Neil. Er rechnete nicht damit, dass Neil ihn ablehnen würde, aber dass die Neuigkeiten über seine Scheidung – und über seine sexuelle Orientierung – mit solch großer Akzeptanz aufgenommen werden würden, überraschte ihn sehr.

Neil nimmt Sam mit nach Lang Downs, die Schaffarm, die Neil sein Zuhause nennt. Dort lernt Sam, dass das Leben als schwuler Mann nicht unmöglich ist. Caine und Macklin, die Farmbesitzer, scheinen dies möglich zu machen. Als Caine Sam einen Job anbietet, wird für ihn ein Traum wahr.

Jeremy Taylor verlässt das einzige Zuhause, das er kennt, als die Schwulenfeindlichkeit seines Bruders unerträglich wird. Er sucht Zuflucht an dem einzigen Ort, von dem er weiß, dass er dort willkommen ist: Lang Downs. Er versteht sich auf Anhieb mit Sam — aber die Feindseligkeit zwischen Lang Downs und Jeremys Heimatfarm sitzt tief und die Jackaroos sind nicht gewillt, Jeremy so einfach zu akzeptieren. Aufgrund von Sams Unsicherheit und Jeremys prekärer Lage haben beide einen schweren Weg vor sich — auch ohne dass sie darauf warten müssen, dass Sams Scheidung endlich durch ist, bevor sie gemeinsam ein neues Leben beginnen können.


$6.99 $5.24

A Destiny of Dragons

Tales From Verania

Sequel to The Lightning-Struck Heart

Once upon a time, the wizard’s apprentice Sam of Wilds got his happily ever after in the arms of his cornerstone, Knight Commander Ryan Foxheart. A year has passed, and while Sam’s been captured five or six more times since then, things are pretty great. His parents are happy, Gary and Tiggy still eat sass for breakfast, Randall is somehow alive despite being older than the gods, the King rules with a gentle hand, Kevin the dragon is as gross as ever, Morgan sighs a lot, Ryan continues to be dashing and immaculate, and Sam is close to convincing Prince Justin they will be best friends forever.

Life is good.

Until it’s not.

Because Vadoma, the leader of the gypsy clan and Sam’s grandmother, has come to the City of Lockes with a dire prophecy written in the stars: a man of shadows is rising and will consume the world unless Sam faces his destiny and gathers the five dragons of Verania at his side.

And she brings along her second-in-command, a man named Ruv.

Ruv, who Vadoma says is Sam’s true cornerstone.