

Lover, Lover

Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

A Dreamcatchers Tale

Twin souls reunited.

Drew’s always been a fighter: first in martial arts competitions, and now as a dreamcatcher—keeping the people of Seattle safe from spaga attacks that would drain their life force in their sleep. All he has to do to become a full member of Team 32 is complete his first mission.

But the first person he must defend is his ex, Angelo… the only man Drew ever loved, even if he was the one to leave. Drew never got over Angelo, and it seems Angelo might feel the same, despite the heartbreak he suffered at Drew’s hands.

As the chase after a powerful and resourceful caster hits close to home, old feelings resurface. But if Angelo learns of the dreamcatchers, he’ll be a target for the spaga. And how can he trust Drew now that Drew’s keeping bigger secrets than ever?


$4.99 $3.74


The Sun Dragon | Book Five
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

The Sun Dragon: Book Five

In the final book of The Sun Dragon series, teenager Luke is keeping a big secret: on the inside, she’s really a girl. However, after she’s attacked by an incubus who might be her father, Luke learns of the powers that come with such a lineage, and her life gets even more complicated. As the last Artist in the universe, she must work with the wizard Council and the dragon clan leaders to defeat the evil incubi before they consume the entire world, all while struggling to dump her accidental girlfriend, managing her love for an Igreefee royal who sees her as a friend, and deciding whether it’s time to transition into the girl she knows she is.

An epic finish to the journey started with Allanah’s first Sun Dragon, Luminosity will bring all of your favorite dragons, wizards, sorceresses, and birds together for one last battle that will decide the fate of them all.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

La promesse d’un job de rêve attire Murphy à Tampa. Mais il revient brutalement sur terre lorsqu’il découvre que l’offre est provisoirement suspendue. À présent, il n’a plus que deux choix : retourner en douce dans le Michigan, la queue entre les jambes, ou rester dans le coin et chercher du travail.

Les choses s’améliorent quand il se rend dans un coffee shop et apprend que le propriétaire cherche justement quelqu’un pour rénover l’appartement du dessus. Il accepte le job avec joie avant de réaliser qu’il a déjà fait la connaissance de Joe Sterling, le propriétaire du Kaffeinate, lors de sa première soirée dans un club de Tampa.

Murphy et Joe sont tous les deux francs, fiers et passionnés. Ni l’un ni l’autre ne cherche de relation, même s’ils sont bien obligés de reconnaître qu’ils s’accordent aussi bien que le café et les beignets, en dépit de leurs caractères. Jusqu’à ce que Joe réalise que Murphy doit travailler pour une société qui représente une menace pour l’environnement et pour les entreprises de la région – et si Murphy ne change pas très vite d’avis, Joe ne voudra plus rien avoir à faire avec lui, condamnant entre eux toute possibilité d’obtenir leur happy-end tant espéré.


$6.99 $5.24

Un posto vuoto

Un posto | Libro 1
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Un posto, Libro 1

Dopo una relazione durata vent’anni e a sole due settimane da una crociera a lungo attesa da entrambi, il marito di Seth Wilder si suicida. La coppia non aveva stipulato una polizza di annullamento e Seth non può chiedere un rimborso. Bryce McFarland, compagno di palestra di suo marito, comprende la situazione e, quando Seth glielo chiede, acconsente ad accompagnarlo, per permettergli di recuperare il denaro e non essere costretto a cancellare i suoi piani. È una gentilezza inaspettata, che Seth accetta con gratitudine.

I due non hanno niente in comune. Seth è un solitario autore di romanzi, mentre Bryce è un incallito utente di Grindr che trova difficile impegnarsi seriamente. Per necessità, e nonostante le differenze in apparenza insormontabili tra loro, i due sviluppano un incerto rapporto. Con il proseguire del viaggio attraverso le Isole Britanniche, Bryce aiuta Seth a fare i conti con la morte improvvisa del compagno, mentre Seth scopre a sua volta le cause della fobia di Bryce.

Le relazioni nate in crociera raramente funzionano e sarebbe sensato resistervi, nonostante la tensione erotica. Ma la luna piena e le brezze di fine estate favoriscono le situazioni impossibili, facendo cadere le barriere e sbocciare un nuovo amore.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Wie kann man einen Mann vor dem Ertrinken retten, wenn man selbst dieser Mann ist? 

Jake Moores Welt ist so beengend, dass sie ihn erdrückt. Er gibt jeden Cent, den er als Schweißer verdient, für seinen sterbenden Vater aus, einen gewalttätigen, kontrollierenden Mann, der Jakes einzige Familie ist. Weil Jake seiner toten Mutter versprechen musste, seinem Begehren nach anderen Männern zu widerstehen, droht die Dunkelheit ihn zu verschlucken. 

Dallas Yates braucht seine ganze Vorstellungskraft, um das Potenzial zu erkennen, das in dem alten Art-Deco-Gebäude am Rand von West Hollywood steckt. Was ihn endgültig überzeugt, ist das schüchterne Lächeln des attraktiven Metallarbeiters aus der Werkstatt auf der gegenüberliegenden Straßenseite. Ihre Freundschaft vertieft sich, als Dallas – eine nach der anderen – die harten Schalen löst, die Jakes Seele die Luft zum Atmen nehmen. Es fällt ihm nicht schwer, den süßen, kunstbegabten Mann zu lieben, der sich hinter Jakes gebrochenem Äußeren verbirgt. Aber Dallas ist sich auch bewusst, dass Jake zuerst lernen muss, sich selbst zu lieben. 

Als Jakes Welt in Scherben fällt, bittet er Dallas um Hilfe, den Mann, der immer auf seiner Seite stand. Es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis er in ein Leben abdriftet, das er so nie führen wollte. Und obwohl er sich mehr ersehnt, lassen ihn die Geister der Vergangenheit nicht los. Er kann nicht glauben, die Liebe wert zu sein, die ihm Dallas so verzweifelt schenken möchte. 


$6.99 $5.24

Le mariage blanc du magnat grec

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$4.99 $3.74

Un mariage devient moins commode quand l’amour est impliqué.

Cela commence simplement : Ondrej Kovac doit épouser Archie Katsaros pour pouvoir rester aux États-Unis, loin de sa famille médisante qui vit en Europe de l’est. En échange, Archie doit épouser Ondrej pour recevoir de l’argent pour renflouer sa société défaillante. C’est une imposture qu’aucun des deux hommes n’est convaincu de pouvoir rendre crédible.

Mais alors qu’Archie introduit Ondrej dans la société new-yorkaise et que celui-ci prouve ses talents au bureau, ils commencent à découvrir une connexion entre eux. Pourront-ils surmonter la fondation instable sur laquelle leur relation a été construite, faire face à des agents inquisiteurs de l’immigration, des journalistes mondains déterminés à révéler leur supercherie et un administrateur virulent résolu à vendre la société d’Archie sous son nez ? Seulement s’ils peuvent se prouver que leur amour vaut la peine de se battre.


$4.99 $3.74

Smoldering Flame

Rekindled Flame | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Rekindled Flame: Book Three

Sometimes the strongest flames take the longest to ignite.

Firefighter Dean’s life revolves around his very ill son, Sammy. Caring for Sammy and working to make ends meet leave Dean time for little else, and romance isn’t something he can even consider—no matter how much he longs for someone special to join their family. Because money is tight, Dean couldn’t be more grateful to the photographer who does Sammy’s session free of charge.

After growing up in the foster care system, Marco knows how to rely on himself, and his hard work is about to pay off—he’s poised on the cusp of fame and success he could only have imagined as a lonely child. When Dean brings Sammy into Marco’s studio, Marco can see they’re struggling, and both the boy and his father stir Marco’s heart. The slow burn between the two men isn’t something either expected, but neither wants to lose the possibility of a loving future. With Dean’s dangerous and possibly life-threatening career and Marco’s demanding one, can romance and forever find a place to fit?


$6.99 $5.24

Dog Days

Wolf Winter | Book Four

A Wolf Winter Novel

The world ends not with a bang, but with a downpour. Tornadoes spin through the heart of London, New York cooks in a heat wave that melts tarmac, and Russia freezes under an ever-thickening layer of permafrost. People rally at first—organizing aid drops and evacuating populations—but the weather is only getting worse.

In Durham, mild-mannered academic Danny Fennick has battened down to sit out the storm. He grew up in the Scottish Highlands, so he’s seen harsh winters before. Besides, he has an advantage. He’s a werewolf. Or, to be precise, a weredog. Less impressive, but still useful.

Except the other werewolves don’t believe this is any ordinary winter, and they’re coming down over the Wall to mark their new territory. Including Danny’s ex, Jack—the Crown Prince Pup of the Numitor’s pack—and the prince's brother, who wants to kill him.

A wolf winter isn’t white. It’s red as blood.


Bobby Green

Johnnies | Book Five
$6.99 $5.24

Johnnies: Book Five

Vern Roberts couldn’t wait to turn eighteen and get the hell out of Dogpatch, California. But city living is expensive, and he’s damned desperate when Dex from Johnnies spots him bussing tables.

As “Bobby,” he’s a natural at gay porn. Soon he’s surrounded by hot guys and sex for the taking, but it’s not just his girlfriend back in Dogpatch—or her blackmailing brother—that keeps him from taking it. It’s the sweet guy who held the lights for his first solo scene, who showed him decency, kindness, and a smile.

Reg Williams likes to think he’s too stupid to realize what a shitty hand life dealt him, but Bobby knows better. What Reg lacks in family, opportunity, education, and money, he makes up for in heart. One fumbling step at a time, they connect, not just in their hearts but in their bodies, where sex that’s not on camera, casual, or meaningless becomes the most important thing in the world.

But Reg is hampered by an inescapable family burden, and he and Bobby will never fly unless he can find a way to manage it. Can he break the painful link to his unrealized childhood and grow into the love Bobby wants to give?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

After the death of his older brother in Iraq, Emmett Callaghan’s mother cracked under the stress and abandoned the family—saddling sixteen-year-old Emmett with the care of a father suffering from worsening dementia. Poor in a town where the lines between the privileged and the struggling are sharp and unmovable, Emmett has nowhere to turn, and he cannot let the authorities know his mother is no longer in the picture.

Then a light shines into his bleak life with the arrival of Noah Davis. Mixed race, liberal, worldly, and openly gay, Noah is like no one else in conservative Whitmore—and like no one Emmett’s ever met. Emmett is helpless to keep Noah and the happiness and support he offers out of Emmett’s dark and hidden world. But when secrets start to surface, will the obstacles the two young men face be more than love and good intentions can overcome?


$6.99 $5.24

Senza più scuse

Marshals (Italiano)
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Marshals, Libro 1

Il vicesceriffo federale Miro Jones è noto per la sua capacità di conservare la calma e il sangue freddo anche quando si trova sotto tiro. Queste qualità sono fondamentali per lavorare con il suo fenomenale partner, Ian Doyle, il tipo d’uomo in grado di scatenare un litigio in una stanza vuota. Nei tre anni trascorsi a lavorare e rischiare la vita insieme, il loro rapporto è cresciuto: dall’essere due sconosciuti sono diventati colleghi, e infine compagni di squadra affiatati e migliori amici. Miro nutre una fiducia cieca nell’uomo che gli copre le spalle, e forse qualcosa di più.

Tutti si aspettano che Ian, come sceriffo e soldato, prenda il comando, tuttavia la forza e l’autocontrollo che lo hanno portato al successo sul campo non funzionano negli altri ambiti della sua vita. Ian ha sempre trovato scuse per rifiutare qualsiasi legame, ma non avere né una casa né qualcuno da cui tornare lo sta lentamente divorando dentro. Col tempo, si è costretto ad ammettere che senza il suo partner non vale la pena andare da nessuna parte. Adesso tocca a Miro convincerlo che farsi catturare dai lacci del cuore non significa essere prigionieri.


$6.99 $5.24

Swann's Revenge

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

Can a swan make peace with his ugly duckling past?

Chubby geek Jimmy Zebulon’s heart broke the day his high school crush, Danny Parker, looked on as his teammates tormented Jimmy. Fifteen years later, Jimmy is long gone, and from his ashes has risen Graham Swann, a movie-star-handsome law firm owner. Graham thinks Jimmy and his past are long forgotten—until attorney Dan Parker shows up for his first day of work.

Getting injured playing college ball was the best thing that ever happened to Dan. It turned his future in a better direction and allowed him to emerge from the closet that trapped him.

Graham wants to believe his childhood dream can come true, but he can’t bring himself to tell Dan who he really is—and their pasts might ruin any chance for a happily ever after….


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Hagen Wylie a tout prévu. Il va retourner vivre dans sa ville natale, être ami avec tout le monde, faire de nouvelles rencontres et reconstruire sa vie après les horreurs qu'il a vécu pendant la guerre. Ni problème ni agitation, voilà le programme. Tout se passe bien jusqu'à ce qu'il découvre que son premier amour est lui aussi rentré à la maison. Hagen a beau dire que ce n'est rien, une rencontre inattendue avec les deux adorables fils de Mitch Thayer va le mettre face à face avec le seul homme qu'il n'a jamais réussi à oublier.

Mitch est revenu pour trois raisons : élever ses fils là où il a grandi, installer et développer son entreprise de déménagement, et reconquérir Hagen. Les années écoulées lui ont clairement fait comprendre que le jeune homme qu'il avait aimé au lycée est le seul qui compte pour lui. Le problème ? Il a quitté la ville et ils ne se sont plus parlé depuis.

Pour que Hagen lui fasse à nouveau confiance, Mitch va devoir lui prouver qu'il a mûri et qu'il ne va pas l'abandonner. Ils pourraient avoir une nouvelle chance de s'aimer.... mais Hagen persiste à ne pas vouloir recommencer une histoire avec Mitch. Mais là encore, on ne peut jamais savoir.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Zwischen dem Landstreicher Jimmy und dem Barmann Shane fliegen die Funken. Aber wird Jimmy um Shanes Willen dem Ruf der Straße widerstehen können?

Jimmy Dorsett ist schon seit seiner Jugend auf der Straße unterwegs, ohne Heim und ohne Hoffnung. Er besitzt nicht viel: eine Reisetasche, ungezählte Geschichten aus einem unsteten Leben und eine alte Rostschüssel von Auto. In einer kalten Nacht nimmt er in der Wüste einen Anhalter mit, der ihm etwas Unverhofftes hinterlässt – nämlich den Brief eines sterbenden Mannes an den Sohn, den er seit Jahren nicht mehr gesehen hat.

Jimmy will den Brief bei seinem Adressaten abliefern und landet in Rattlesnake, einer kleinen Stadt in den Hügeln der kalifornischen Sierra. Im Zentrum der Stadt befindet sich das Rattlesnake Inn, wo der frühere Cowboy Shane Little als Barmann arbeitet. Zwischen den beiden Männern fliegen die Funken, und als Jimmys Auto den Geist aufgibt, besorgt ihm Shane im Rattlesnake Inn einen Job als Handwerker.

In der Gemeinschaft der kleinen Stadt und in Shanes Armen findet Jimmy eine ungewohnte Ruhe. Aber das kann nicht von Dauer sein. Die Straße ruft und Shane – ein starker, stolzer Mann mit einer leidvollen Vergangenheit und einer komplizierten Gegenwart – hat mehr verdient als einen verlogenen Landstreicher, der es nirgends lange aushält.


$6.99 $5.24

Ferrer le poisson

Love's Charter (Français) | 1
$6.99 $5.24

Cela pourrait être la chance d’une vie.

Deux fois par an, William Westmoreland échappe au sentiment d’insatisfaction que lui procure sa vie à Rhode Island en se rendant en Floride et louant le bateau de pêche de Mike Jansen pour une sortie dans le Golfe. L’eau bleue cristalline et les paysages tropicaux ne sont pas la seule vue qu’il aime, mais il n’est jamais passé à l’acte. Un amour de vacances n’est tout simplement pas à l’horizon. 

Mike a commencé son service de location de bateau de pêche à Apalachicola comme un moyen de subvenir aux besoins de sa fille et de sa mère, faisant passer leur sécurité avant les besoins de son cœur. Niant son attirance, qui devient de plus en plus en plus forte à chaque visite de William. 

La récente excursion de William et Mike commence par un temps magnifique, mais la course erratique d’un ouragan change tout, piégeant William. Alors que la pluie et le vent font rage à l’extérieur, la passion à laquelle les deux hommes ont tenté de résister depuis des années s’abat sur eux. Dans le sillage de la tempête, il ne reste que deux hommes qui aspirent à prolonger ce qu’ils ont trouvé. Mais la vie réelle ramène William à ses obligations. Peuvent-ils trouver un moyen de réduire la distance entre eux et découvrir un endroit où leurs âmes pourraient se retrouver ? La traversée sera mouvementée, mais l’avenir brillant qui se profile pourrait valoir la peine d’affronter la houle.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

In an 1867 that never was, the American colonies are finally gearing up to revolt against oppressive British rule enforced by advanced technology. British airship captain Hamilton Arkwright is captured by the rebels when his vessel is commandeered. The insurgents are also aided—reluctantly—by young Jonny Callahan, a thief and ne’er-do-well who would rather carouse on the streets of New Orleans than fight for independence. When the two seemingly opposite men are thrown together on a harrowing journey across the war-torn colonies, they must grudgingly rely on each other for survival. Despite their efforts to resist, the attraction between them threatens to throw a wrench in their plans to remain enemies.

They battle their way through American guerillas and a demolition-derby-type highway to reach the decimated streets of Chicago, where British forces are preparing to commit a war crime of enormous magnitude. Though affection has grown between them during their mission, they are still on conflicting sides, and they may have to choose between loyalty to their causes and their love.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

High school senior Renzy Callen hasn’t uttered a word in years. He likes being invisible to all around him; it keeps life safe and predictable. In his attic bedroom, he experiences a world far from the drama of his family. He doodles, listens to music, and contemplates the troubled souls he observes when attending self-help meetings designed for people with problems he doesn’t have. Renzy lives his life like a spectator, always on the outside of life’s games, looking in at others.

Everything changes when Seven and Morning Moreau-Maddox relocate from their glitzy lives in Paris to boring, picturesque Redcliff Hills, Missouri. Tall, platinum blond, and as put-together as a pair of European high-fashion models, the sophisticated siblings befriend Renzy, drawing him in and then pushing him away. What starts as nothing more than a means to an end for Seven, however, quickly becomes something more. Could icy-hearted Seven be thawing for the silent, quirky charm of Renzy Callen?

Determined to find the cause of Renzy’s selective mutism, the three teens set off on a road trip, during which they discover that flawless physical facades can conceal the most scarred souls, and that sometimes silence is better than golden.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Im Alter von sechsundzwanzig Jahren geht Gordon Stafford davon aus, dass seine Tage gezählt sind. Zumindest hofft er das. Vor zwei Jahren kam durch seine Schuld bei einem Autounfall ein Mann ums Leben. Seither plagen ihn Schuldgefühle und Selbstmordgedanken. 

Dann bewahrt ihn Squirt – ein Obdachloser, der sein eigenes Päckchen zu tragen hat – vor einem schrecklichen Schicksal. Über Nacht findet Gordon nicht nur ein neues Licht, dem er folgen kann und vielleicht sogar den Mut, zu leben, sondern er begreift auch, dass vielleicht am Ende des Tunnels die Liebe auf ihn wartet.

Gordon hätte nie gedacht, dass er einen Weg finden würde, sich selbst zu vergeben. Doch indem er das tut, öffnet er sein Herz – für die Liebe eines Mannes, den er am meisten verletzt hat.


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