

His Leading Man

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

He wrote a comedy. Fate directed a romance. 

Drew Beaumont is bored of the same old roles: action hero, supervillain, romantic lead. He’s not going to let a fresh gay buddy comedy languish just because they can’t find him the right costar. No, Drew bats his eyelashes and convinces everyone that the movie’s writer should play Drew’s not-so-straight man.

Aspiring writer Steve Sopol has never had a screenplay optioned. Now one of Hollywood’s hottest properties wants to be in a movie Steve hasn’t finished writing—and he wants Steve as his costar. Turns out the chemistry between them is undeniable—on and offscreen.

Drew swore off dating in the biz, but Steve is the whole package: sharp, funny, humble, and cute. For Steve, though, giving in to the movie magic means the end of the privacy he cherishes. Will the credits roll before their ride into the sunset? 


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

This is the story of the fountain of youth.

When Kenji Hiroshige discovers a formula that will keep people youthful and healthy for several thousand years, he tells the world he will not divulge his secret until every gun, tank, battleship, and bomb hasbeen destroyed. When the world is free of weapons, everyone can live forever. And then he goes into hiding.

Before he disappears, his son Matt Reece is exposed to the formula. Kenji takes Matt Reece on the run with him, but as they struggle to elude both government agencies and corporations who will do anything to profit from Kenji’s discovery, Matt Reece learns that world peace might not be his father’s only goal. But what can a young man who’s barely stepped foot off his isolated ranch do in the face of something so sinister?

This is the story of human greed and the lust for violence. It’s the story of a world on the brink of destruction, but it’s also a tale of one young man who finds in himself the will, courage, and compassion to stand against the darkness—both outside and within himself.

This is a story of hope.


$6.99 $5.24

Rage to Live

Finding the Strength | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Finding the Strength: Book One

Can a young woman reveal her traumatic past to the woman who wants her to release the bubbling rage inside… her rage to live?

Charlie is attempting to start over after a horrifying, life-altering event pushed her and her family to the breaking point. Living with relatives in a different state might be her chance at something normal, something better.

Charlie may be broken, but she’s a survivor. Even retaking her senior year of high school doesn’t seem so daunting with the support of her cousins, who attend the local university. She finds herself on the road to recovery as her panic attacks vanish, thanks to the vivacious Arielle Forest, president of a popular sorority on campus and daughter of the dean. Arielle is no stranger to attention, drawing Charlie in with her positive attitude. But their new, tenuous relationship comes with a price that scares Charlie. What if Arielle can’t accept how deep Charlie’s scars run? Or the past that catches up with her? Charlie’s anxiety flares, and the temptation to add a matching scar to her right wrist is strong.


$6.99 $5.24

Sans toi

Tout vient à point...
$6.99 $5.24

Suite de À toute épreuve

Jory Harcourt a enfin la vie dont il rêvait. Être marié à l’US Marshal Sam Kage l’a changé. Ils ont fait la paix avec leur passé tumultueux et Sam a transformé Jory : autrefois prêt à fuir à la moindre difficulté, il est désormais capable de rester pour affronter les tempêtes. Sam et lui ont deux enfants, une maison en banlieue et un minivan génial. L’époque où Jory était l’épicentre du désastre est révolue. La vie de famille est agréable.

Ce qui signifie que c’est exactement le bon moment pour un grand remaniement domestique. Mais l’ex de Sam réapparaît à l’endroit le plus inattendu. Un tueur escalade leur balcon lors d’une réunion de famille. Et peut-être que ces deux événements ont quelque chose à voir avec le témoin qui a disparu un an plus tôt. Leur joie conjugale vient d’en prendre un coup, mais Jory ne laissera personne lui retirer sa famille. Avant de savoir ce que c’est d’avoir un foyer, il aurait pris ses jambes à son cou. Mais plus maintenant. Il sait que Sam et lui doivent affronter les choses ensemble, parce que c’est la seule façon dont ils pourront s’en sortir.


$6.99 $5.24

A Little Side of Geek

Geek Life | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Geek Life: Book One

When opposite worlds collide, it’s anyone’s game.

Proud geek and comic book artist Morris Proctor wants nothing more than to live in semiseclusion with his devil cat and gamer friends. Despite what his well-meaning family thinks, he’s perfectly content with his status quo. The last thing he needs is to date another nongeek hell-bent on changing him.

Then he meets his adorkable new neighbor, Theo Boarman, who doesn’t know Star Trek from Star Wars, but who tempts him like no other.

Theo has spent the last year recovering from the loss of his parents and trying to play both roles for his teenage brother, while working to keep the family restaurant afloat. Dating is the last thing on the menu, especially with a man who thinks the height of dining is shoving a packaged meal into the microwave.

But if Morris gives him one more shy smile or flaunts that kilt he wears so well, Theo will be forced to convince him that a hot summer fling is just the recipe to let off a little steam.

When that fling gets serious fast, Morris has to decide if he’s willing to give his heart to Theo on the chance that they’re a perfect mix.


$6.99 $5.24

Captive Wings

Anima | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Anima: Book Two

Liberation from one master might mean enslavement to another.

For centuries, the Kuro swan shifters have been the unwilling servants of the Dryma faeries. That changed when Prince Tristan of the Dryma attempted to sacrifice himself for Royal Kuro Kanji—his lover and mate.

The Sidhee, seeing Tristan’s actions to free the swans as a betrayal, launch a devastating attack that leaves most of the Kuro and Dryma dead or imprisoned.The fate of the swans rests entirely on Kanji’s shoulders, and he must somehow devise a plan that will protect both his partner and his tribe as the war with the Sidhee rages. It won’t be easy for mortal enemies to become allies, and Kanji is beginning to despair of ever waking Tristan from his deathlike slumber. And neither the Kuro nor the Dryma can compete with the Sidhee when it comes to brutal violence.

When Kanji finds a small boy asleep at the bottom of a lake, his hope for reuniting with Tristan is rekindled. But what is the boy, and can his magic turn the tide against a seemingly unstoppable enemy?


$6.99 $5.24

Fin dentro le ossa

Serie Scheletri
$6.99 $5.24

Seguito di Uno scheletro sepolto
Serie Scheletri, Libro 3

La musa di Ery Phillips è latitante. Lui è certo che sia tutta colpa del suo lavoro di grafico, perché, parliamoci chiaro, quale musa vorrebbe disegnare loghi di supermercati e tavole di libri con cateteri?

Quando Dylan e Chris, gli amici di Ery, volano in Europa per una vacanza, Ery non si fa sfuggire l’occasione di trasferirsi nella loro fattoria, nella speranza che un periodo in campagna incoraggerà la sua musa a tornare. Certo, la fattoria ha le sue stranezze – Dylan è un lupo mannaro e la casa è stata di recente infestata dai fantasmi – ma Ery non ha alcuna intenzione di cancellare i suoi piani solo perché i suoi amici gli hanno detto che c’è qualcosa di strano nel laghetto. Quello che non si aspetta è Karl, un bellissimo uomo nudo che fa la sua comparsa sulla riva.

Con Karl come fonte di ispirazione, Ery crea dei quadri incredibili e comincia a raggiungere un successo che prima aveva solo sognato. Ma stare con Karl presenta delle difficoltà che spingono Ery a mettere in discussione i suoi obiettivi professionali. Far avverare i propri sogni assieme a un compagno piuttosto inusuale si rivelerà molto più difficile di quanto Ery si aspettasse.


$6.99 $5.24

Ricky Lee est de retour

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$4.99 $3.74

Une deuxième chance pour vivre son premier amour, s’il en a le courage. 

Alex se considère comme un raté. À l’école secondaire, alors qu’il envisageait une carrière professionnelle dans le football, il noua une amitié improbable avec Ricky Lee Jennings, un jeune métis comanche issu des pires quartiers de la ville. Leur goût commun pour les livres aurait pu évoluer vers un sentiment plus fort, mais quand un coéquipier homophobe s’en prend à Ricky Lee, Alex ne peut se résoudre à risquer sa bourse universitaire pour le défendre. Ricky Lee est expulsé et Alex n’entend plus parler de lui pendant plus d’une décennie. 

Les jours de gloire d’Alex sont désormais dans le passé. Blessé, il n’a pu mener à bien ses rêves de gloire dans le football et son mariage a sombré en même temps que ses aspirations à créer une différence dans le lobbysme environnemental. 

Tout pourrait changer quand Ricky Lee se présente à la réunion des anciens élèves de l’école…


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Jamies Leben ist eine einzige finanzielle Katastrophe, was aber nicht seine Schuld ist. Dass er in der Bibliothek einen Wohltäter finden würde, ist das Letzte, womit er gerechnet hätte. Auch wenn er anfangs misstrauisch ist, was Guys Motive betrifft, wird schnell klar, dass sein Retter ein guter Mann ist, der im Leben Glück hatte und das nun weitergeben will. Dass Guy schwul ist, ist kein Problem. Jamie hat ohnehin kein Interesse … glaubt er zumindest.

Die beiden kommen gut miteinander aus und Guy freut sich, dass er Jamie unterstützen kann. Aber als Jamie seiner Neugierde nachgibt, sieht Guy den jungen Mann plötzlich mit anderen Augen. Was als Hilfestellung begann, ist nun etwas völlig anderes …


$6.99 $5.24

Alpha Wave

The Elusive Spark | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

The Elusive Spark: Book Two

Keira Fairchild is running for her life, and she won’t make it far without someone watching her back.

Her powers helped her elude a slave trader, Holcomb, who planned to sell her to the highest bidder, and the deadly Paragon Academy. But now Keira needs some allies and some answers. Who is the imprisoned alien being who keeps contacting her in her dreams? Keira is aided by a group of teens—James, Lumen, and Paul—with powers like her own, and all of them are ready for a fight. The small group must rescue the captive alien and escape Dr. Albion, who seeks to steal their abilities and eliminate them. Survival will mean a desperate struggle, and none of them can succeed on their own.


$6.99 $5.24

Bad to the Bone

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

A second chance at first love—if he has the courage to take it.

Alex can’t think of himself as anything but a failure. In high school, he was on the fast track to a career in pro football when he forged an unlikely friendship with a half-Comanche boy from the wrong part of town, Ricky Lee Jennings. Their shared love of books could have grown into more—but a homophobic teammate attacked Ricky Lee, and Alex wouldn’t risk his scholarship to defend him. Ricky Lee was kicked out of school, and Alex never heard from him again.

Now Alex’s glory days are nothing but a memory. An injury ended his football aspirations, his marriage fell apart, and his dreams of making a difference as an environmental lobbyist are as dead as his fantasies of sports stardom.

But all that could change in one magical night, when Ricky Lee shows up at their high-school reunion.


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Eddie  Grabers Traum von einem Gnadenhof, einem Zufluchtsort für gerettete Nutztiere, war gerade im Begriff, in Erfüllung zu gehen, als sein Lebensgefährte ihn in letzter Minute im Stich lässt. Jetzt läuft Eddie Gefahr, das zehn Hektar große Gelände in Lancaster County ‒ und alle Hoffnungen, die er daran gesetzt hatte ‒ zu verlieren, bevor das Projekt überhaupt in Gang gekommen ist. Er braucht Hilfe, er braucht Geld, aber was am wichtigsten ist: Er muss den Glauben an dessen höhere Bedeutung wiederfinden, die ihn überhaupt erst hergeführt hatte.

Samuel Miller hat hart gearbeitet, um sich in seine Amish-Gemeinschaft einzufügen, trotz seines Klumpfußes. Aber als sein Vater herausfindet, dass Samuel schwul ist, wird er ausgepeitscht und verstoßen. Mit nur ein paar Hundert Dollar in der Tasche antwortet Samuel auf eine Stellenanzeige für einen Knecht und findet sich als Angestellter eines Stadtmenschen wieder, der ein sanftes Herz hat, aber seltsame Vorstellungen von Tieren und keine Ahnung, wie er seine kleine Farm führen muss. 

Samuel ist nicht die einzige verlorene Seele, die glücklicherweise ihren Weg zur Meadow Lake Farm findet. Da sind Fred und Ginger, zwei Kühe, die in einer Garage gelebt haben, eine Herde Schafe und ein kleines schwarzes Schwein namens Benny, das der Schlüssel zu Leben, Liebe und Geld sein könnte ‒ und vielleicht sogar zum Happy End für zwei Außenseiter.


$6.99 $5.24

Sin and Tonic

Sinners Series
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Absinthe of Malice
Sinners Series: Book Six

Miki St. John believed happy endings only existed in fairy tales until his life took a few unexpected turns… and now he’s found his own.

His best friend, Damien, is back from the dead, and their new band, Crossroads Gin, is soaring up the charts. Miki’s got a solid, loving partner named Kane Morgan—an Inspector with SFPD whose enormous Irish family has embraced him as one of their own—and his dog, Dude, at his side.

It’s a pity someone’s trying to kill him.

Old loyalties and even older grudges emerge from Chinatown’s murky, mysterious past, and Miki struggles to deal with his dead mother’s abandonment, her secrets, and her brutal murder while he’s hunted by an enigmatic killer who may have ties to her.

The case lands in Kane’s lap, and he and Miki are caught in a deadly game of cat-and-mouse. When Miki is forced to face his personal demons and the horrors of his childhood, only one thing is certain: the rock star and his cop are determined to fight for their future and survive the evils lurking in Miki’s past.


$6.99 $5.24

Fremde Weiten

Geschichten aus der Ferne | Buch 4
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 4 in der Serie - Geschichten aus der Ferne

Der Westernsänger Willie Meadows ist ein einziger Schwindel. Er hat noch nie auf einem Pferd gesessen und seine „Western“- Klamotten stammen aus einer Boutique in LA. Kein Wunder, dass Wilson Edwards, der echte Mann in diesen nachgemachten Stiefeln, unter einer Schreibblockade leidet. Entschlossen, wieder Zugang zu seiner Musik zu finden, kauft er eine Ranch in Wyoming, um das Landleben kennenzulernen, auch wenn er keinen Schimmer hat, wie man eine Ranch führt. Dann taucht Steve Peterson auf. Verzweifelt, mittellos und hungrig, ist er gerade aus einer Klinik entkommen, die Homosexuelle umerzieht und von der Sekte seines Vaters betrieben wird.

Eigentlich sollte Steve die Pferde des Vorbesitzers ausbilden, aber nun ist der Job futsch, zusammen mit seinem vermeintlichen Arbeitgeber. Glücklicherweise hat Wilson eine vorübergehende Lösung parat: Steve kann “Ranch-sitten“, während Wilson geschäftlich in LA ist. Aber als er wieder zurückkommt, erkennt Wilson den Besitz kaum wieder. Auf den Koppeln stehen Pferde in Ausbildung und die Ranch ist in einem Topzustand. Und plötzlich erkennt er, dass er nicht vom Cowboydasein inspiriert wird, sondern von Steve selbst.

Aber die Sekte ist immer noch hinter Steve her und Wilsons Angst vor einem Skandal bedeutet, dass er sich immer noch nicht öffentlich geoutet hat. Ein Coming-out könnte das Ende von Willies Karriere bedeuten – aber seine Gefühle für Steve zu leugnen, könnte den einzigen Teil von ihm auslöschen, der echt ist.


$6.99 $5.24

Killing Time In LA

Tom and Stanley
$6.99 $5.24

A Tom and Stanley Mystery

No matter how Stanley tries, he and Tom can’t seem to get away from bodies.

On vacation in LA, Stanley’s visit with a friend at a popular Mexican restaurant owned by La Paloma, the flamenco dancer, leads to meeting a couple from Mexico. When the woman is found dead, Tom and Stanley work with LAPD Detective Betts—a recovering alcoholic who lost his son to a child murderer—to find the young man. The bodies pile up as Tom, Stanley, and Betts race to solve the puzzle of a Russian agent, drug smuggling, illegal immigrants, and police corruption.

Stanley might hate bodies, but Tom can’t resist a mystery. While killing time in LA, will a killer set his sights on Stanley?

Continues the Deadly Mysteries Series published with MLR Press.


$6.99 $5.24

Le secret du sénateur

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$4.99 $3.74

Lorsque son adversaire du parti républicain publie une photo qui révèle son homosexualité sur Facebook, le sénateur Samuel Dalton n’a pas beaucoup de solutions. Peu importe que la photo soit complètement innocente. Il doit avouer la vérité… Puis son équipe de campagne propose un rebondissement inattendu.

Oui, cela lui accorderait la sympathie des électeurs, particulièrement celle de la communauté LGBT, mais la solution semble un peu drastique. 

Et puis, il faut convaincre Gary, l’autre homme sur la photo, de jouer le jeu. Cela ne paraît pas difficile de faire croire à toute la Caroline du Nord que Sam et lui sont fiancés.

Pas difficile, sauf qu’ils viennent tout juste de se rencontrer… 


$4.99 $3.74

Rancune tenace

Déterrer des os
$6.99 $5.24

Cloister Witte est un homme au sombre passé. Il possède une adorable chienne, et il est toujours heureux quand il peut en parler. Par contre, après avoir grandi dans l’ombre d’un frère disparu, d’un bon à rien de père et d’un beau-père criminel, il préfère laisser le passé dans le Montana. Il est à présent officier de la brigade canine dans le département du shérif du comté de San Diego, où il paye un tribut à ses fantômes en faisant ce que personne n’a pu faire pour son frère : retrouver des personnes disparues pour les ramener chez elles. 

Il excelle à résoudre les énigmes complexes. Sa chienne est encore meilleure que lui. 

Cette fois, la personne disparue est un garçon de dix ans qui est entré dans les bois au milieu de la nuit et n’en est jamais revenu. Malgré l’aide hostile et distrayante du magnifique agent du FBI Javi Merlo, il devient vite évident que Drew Hartley n’a pas fait une fugue. Il a été enlevé et les preuves indiquent qu’il n’est pas la première victime du kidnappeur. Alors que les recherches s’intensifient, de vieilles rancunes et des tragédies sont ramenées à la surface. Malheureusement, à chaque nouvel indice découvert, les probabilités de retrouver Drew en vie diminuent.


$6.99 $5.24

Stand by Your Manny

Dreamspun Desires
The Mannies | Book Three
$4.99 $3.74

The Mannies

Learning to trust and falling in love.

Sammy Lowell has his hands full juggling his music, college, some pesky health problems, and making the uncles who raised him proud. He needs help fulfilling his after-school duties with his siblings. Nobody can be in two places at once—not even Sammy!

An injury puts Cooper Hoskins in a tough spot—if he can’t work, the foster sister he’s raising can’t eat. But years in the foster system have left Cooper short on trust, and opening up to accept help isn’t easy.

Luckily, family intervenes—Cooper needs a job so he can care for Felicity, and Sammy needs someone who can see past his illness to the wonderful things he has planned for his life. Each heals the damaged places in the other’s heart. But falling in love is a big responsibility for young men deep in family already. Can the two of them get past their fear of the immediate future to see forever with each other?


$4.99 $3.74