
$6.99 $5.24

Bay Whitman, Mystery-Autor von New York Times Bestsellern, führt das Leben einer Berühmtheit – zumindest von außen betrachtet. In der Öffentlichkeit ist er selbstbewusst und hat alles unter Kontrolle. Frauen hängen an seinen Lippen, während Männer ihn um sein Selbstvertrauen und seine stolze Haltung beneiden. Aber in der Realität ist Bay ein Einzelgänger. Er ist schüchtern und introvertiert und verbringt sein Leben damit, in einem schwach beleuchteten Raum zu sitzen und seine berühmten Mystery-Romane über Jack Robbins zu schreiben. Sein einziges Laster sind Glücksspiele. Als er bei einer Pokerpartie einen Callboy gewinnt, wird Bays Leben sich verändern wie er es nie erwartet hätte.

Matthew „King“ Slater ist einer der beliebtesten Stars der schwulen Pornoszene. Er verbringt seine Tage vor der Kamera und seine Abende als hochbezahlter Callboy für die Reichen und Berühmten. Tief drin sehnt er sich nach Romantik und einer echten Verbindung, aber seine Vergangenheit macht es ihm schwer, die Bedürfnisse seines Körpers von denen seines Herzens zu trennen. Für den Moment ist es einfacher, wenn der Sex nur ein Job für ihn ist. Aber während eines Drehs in Vegas wird King für ein Rendezvous in einem berühmten Hotel und Casino angeheuert und sein gut aussehender Kunde könnte die Grenze zwischen Arbeit und Vergnügen verschwimmen lassen.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Auteur de romans à succès, Bay Whitman vit la vie d’une célébrité – du moins, en apparence. En public, il est sûr de lui. Les femmes boivent la moindre de ses paroles, les hommes envient son assurance et sa démarche arrogante. Cependant, en réalité, Bay est un solitaire. Il est timide, introverti, et sa vie se résume à s’asseoir dans une pièce sombre pour écrire ses célèbres romans sur Jack Robbins. Il n’a qu’un seul vice : les jeux. Gagner un escort à une partie de poker changera sa vie d’une façon qu’il n’aurait jamais imaginé.

Matthew « King » Slater est l’une des stars du porno les plus en vogue. Il passe ses journées devant une caméra et ses nuits comme escort de luxe pour les personnes riches et célèbres. Au fond de lui, il meurt d’envie de trouver l’amour et un lien véritable, mais son passé rend difficile de différencier les besoins de son corps de ceux de son cœur. Pour le moment, il lui est plus facile de voir le sexe comme son travail. Pourtant, lorsqu’il doit tourner à Las Vegas et qu’il est embauché pour un travail d’escort dans un célèbre hôtel casino, son séduisant client rend plus difficile pour lui de distinguer le travail du plaisir.


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$6.99 $5.24

No matter what he tells himself, wealthy NYC architect Liam has never been able to forget his first love, Ben. But as he approaches midlife and realizes something is missing, can he forgive himself for the worst mistake he ever made—the one that left a hole no amount of career success can fill? Or will fear keep him from the full life he really wants? 

Liam and Ben were childhood sweethearts, then college boyfriends. But when Liam cheated on Ben, Ben forced himself to cut ties and move on. He’s still living in the small town where they grew up, teaching, but it’s not the life he imagined for himself as a younger man. Still, when Liam returns, he can’t risk his heart again. He certainly can’t allow himself to love Liam again after fighting so hard to get over him. 

Neither man wants to let go of the past and face their apprehension at starting over. They don’t want to fall in love a second time—but sometimes love happens whether it’s wanted or not.


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$6.99 $5.24

La musique. Topher Manning ne pense qu’à ça, mais il doit aussi travailler pour vivre et la mécanique ne correspond pas exactement à ses ambitions de rock star. S’il ne trouve pas très vite le moyen de débloquer les chansons qu’il a dans la tête, son groupe sombrera dans l’obscurité. 

Arrive alors le festival annuel de musique qui se passe dans sa ville, Austin, au Texas. Une panne de voiture fait entrer dans le garage où il travaille un critique musical new-yorkais, Stanton Porter, qui l’invite à assister avec lui au concert de Bruce Springsteen le soir même. 

Un baiser inattendu et un téléphone aux vibrations fantômes sont les prémices d’une incroyable histoire d’amour susceptible de transcender tout ce que les deux hommes pensaient connaître de la réalité. 


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$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

John Lennon fought for world peace, but sixteen-year-old hippie hopeful Kale Oswald's only made it as far as tie-dying his T-shirts with organic grape juice. Now he’s ready to cement his new hippie identity by joining a local human rights organization, but he doesn’t fit in as well as he’d hoped. 

After landing herself in the hospital by washing down a Ziploc bag of pills with a bottle of Gatorade, Julian Mendez came clean to her mother: she is a girl who has been seen as a boy since birth. Puberty blockers have stopped the maturing of her body. They’re also supposed to give her time to be sure she wants to make a more permanent decision, but she’s already Julia in her heart. What she’s not sure she’s ready to face is the post-transition name-calling and bathroom wars awaiting her at school. 

When Kale and Julian come face-to-face at the human rights organization, attraction, teenage awkwardness, and reluctant empathy collide. They are forced to examine who they are and how they want to present themselves to the world. But until Kale can come to terms with his confusion about his own sexuality and Julian can be honest with Kale about her gender, they cannot move forward in friendship, or anything more.


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$6.99 $5.24

La situazione economica di Jamie è un vero disastro, anche se non è colpa sua, e l’ultima persona che si aspetta d’incontrare per caso in biblioteca è un buon samaritano. Malgrado la sua iniziale diffidenza circa le vere motivazioni di Guy, Jamie capisce in fretta che il suo salvatore è un uomo buono e generoso che, dopo aver avuto fortuna nella vita, non desidera altro che aiutare qualcuno in difficoltà. Il fatto che l’uomo sia gay non è un problema visto che Jamie non è interessato… o almeno così pensa.

Guy è felice di poter aiutare Jamie e i due sembrano andare d’accordo, fino a quando la curiosità del ragazzo non trasforma la loro relazione e Guy si ritrova a guardarlo con occhi diversi. Quella che era iniziata come un’offerta d’aiuto diventa qualcosa di completamente inaspettato…


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$6.99 $5.24

Can love be more than a memory? 

Three years ago, an attack cost Joel his leg… and his memories. Though he was told a dog he’d befriended savaged him, he has one hazy recollection: the stunning silver eyes of a wolf… or maybe a man. Desperate for the truth, he struggles back into the woods where his life changed in search of his animal friend. 

When he finds the wolf who has stalked his thoughts, he demands it reveal its true form, and he meets Guy, the man within the wolf. Guy is guarded, but the wolf knows Joel belongs with them, and gradually, Guy can only agree. Things fall into place, but then Joel inadvertently exposes the man and the wolf he’s coming to love. 

Guy and the wolf are forced to flee, but can Joel follow?


$6.99 $5.24

Qui es-tu, Chyna ?

Perspectives | Tome 4
$6.99 $5.24

À l’approche de son quarante-cinquième anniversaire, Lil Lampert éprouve une terrible anxiété de vieillir. Pour l’aider à retrouver goût à la vie, son partenaire, Grier Dilorio, lui propose un voyage en amoureux en Italie. Cette absence tombe plutôt mal, car leur fils, Luca vient d’entrer à l’école secondaire. Il est confié à ses oncles d’adoption, Clark Stevens, des Chicago Bears, et Jody Williams. 

Grandir entre deux couples gays a donné à Luca une perspective de la vie assez unique, sans pour autant lui permettre de répondre aux questions qu’il se pose concernant son orientation sexuelle. Après plusieurs années d’un béguin secret pour son meilleur ami, Chip Davidson, voilà que Luca s’intéresse à sa jumelle, la rousse Chyna. Alors qu’il se croyait gay, peut-être est-il bisexuel finalement. 

Chyna est né intersexué, c’est-à-dire avec un rare syndrome génétique d’ambiguïté de genre. Biologiquement, c’est un garçon, mais sa mère, troublée par une crise de dépression post-partum, l’a déclaré à la naissance en tant que fille et l’élève depuis lors dans le mensonge. La puberté arrivant, Chyna a de plus en plus de mal à dissimuler son secret, d’autant plus que sa forte attirance pour Luca lui déclenche d’étranges réactions. 

Luca saura-t-il, malgré sa jeunesse, accepter une vérité troublante et aider Chyna à découvrir sa véritable identité, ou bien va-t-il renoncer au premier écueil et réduire à néant le rêve de bonheur d’un adolescent à la dérive ?


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$4.99 $3.74

How can heartbreak turn into happily ever after?

Tommy Gordon is all set for happily ever after—until heartbreak strikes when his husband-to-be leaves him at the altar. In a bid for distraction, his best friend, Grayson Phillips, suggests he takes advantage of the luxury honeymoon anyway! But the last thing Tommy wants is to go alone, so he invites Grayson and his son, Petey, along.

Beautiful Bonaire lends itself to romance, and along with close quarters, relaxing on the water, and a matchmaking kid, Tommy and Grayson soon find themselves closer than ever… and considering more, much to Grayson’s delight. But before they can plan the best best honeymoon ever, dark clouds descend in the form of Tommy’s ex and a sting from paradise that could ruin everything.


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$6.99 $5.24

A Luke Tanner Mystery

Broke, saddled with a mountain of debt, and dependent on his Aunt Callie's support, aspiring writer Luke Tanner has returned to Kentucky to put his life back together after a failed five-year relationship. 

On his twenty-fifth birthday, Luke meets diminutive Pixie Wilder, a long-time performer at the Gilded Lily. After headliner Ruby Dubonnet doesn’t show up, Pixie takes her place as the star of the show—a motive that makes her a suspect in Ruby’s disappearance.

Luke reluctantly agrees to help his newfound friend clear her name. He and Pixie set out to find the missing drag queen, and in the process, put themselves in danger.


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$6.99 $5.24

Sometimes the music of love skips a beat….

Paralegal by day, musician by night, Julian has an expiration date stamped on his forehead when it comes to love. No relationship has made it past a year, so Julian avoids romance like the plague and concentrates on his music instead.

Which works fine until gorgeous, smart, and funny Zachary joins Julian’s firm. One look at the man and Julian knows he’s dangerous. No matter what, he can’t fall for Zachary. He has to spare Zachary the pain of dumping Julian at the one-year mark. His brilliant plan? Ask a straight friend to pose as his significant other to keep Zachary away. Not surprisingly, his scheme does little to dampen the attraction—on either side.

When Zachary gives Julian a second chance despite his deception, Julian thinks his curse might be broken. But then he’s faced with the impossible choice between a life with Zachary and living his dream of touring with the band….


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$6.99 $5.24

Come salvi un uomo che sta annegando, quando l’uomo in questione sei tu?

A Jake Moore il mondo va sempre più stretto. Ogni centesimo che guadagna come saldatore se ne va per le cure del padre moribondo, un uomo violento e autoritario che è tutta la famiglia che gli rimane. Come ha promesso alla madre defunta, Jake soffoca il suo desiderio verso gli uomini, ma questo lo lascia consumato dall’oscurità.

Dallas Yates deve usare tutta la sua immaginazione per vedere le potenzialità del malconcio edificio art déco alla periferia di West Hollywood che sta trattando, ma quello che gli fa mettere la firma sul contratto è il sorriso timido del bell’artigiano che lavora dall’altro lato della strada. La loro amicizia diventa più profonda man mano che Dallas rimuove a uno a uno gli strati induriti che stanno soffocando l’anima di Jake. È facile amare l’uomo dolce e dal temperamento artistico che si nasconde dietro quella facciata rovinata, ma Dallas sa che per prima cosa bisogna che Jake impari ad amare se stesso.

Quando il mondo gli crolla intorno, Jake cerca aiuto in Dallas, l’uomo a cui ha imparato ad appoggiarsi. È solo una questione di tempo prima che si lasci andare alla deriva in una vita che non ha mai voluto, e anche se desidera qualcosa di più, il passato lo perseguita, facendogli dubitare di valere davvero l’amore che Dallas desidera così disperatamente dargli.


$6.99 $5.24

Under a Blue Moon

Camp H.O.W.L.
Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

A Camp H.O.W.L. Novel

Once in a blue moon, opposites find they’re a perfect match.

Nick Perry is tired of helping people with their marriages, so when a spot opens up to work with teens at Camp H.O.W.L., he jumps at it. He doesn’t expect to fall in lust with the dreamy new camp doctor, Drew Welch. But Drew is human, and Nick has seen secrets ruin too many relationships to think that a human/werewolf romance can go anywhere.

Happy-go-lucky Drew may not sprout claws, but he’s been part of the Were community all his life. He has no trouble fitting in at the camp—except for Nick’s stubborn refusal to acknowledge the growing attraction between them and his ridiculous stance on dating humans. Fate intervenes when one of his private practice patients threatens Drew’s life. Will the close call help Nick to see a connection like theirs isn’t something to let go of?


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Tired of being the butt of jokes about his biracial heritage and his mother’s alcoholism, fifteen-year-old Brodie isolates himself from most of the other kids in his school. Often at odds with his father following his parents’ divorce, Brodie’s entire support network consists of his girlfriend, Fawn, and best friend, Abel. Things begin to look up for him after he is transferred to the classroom of a charismatic, handsome young English teacher, Mr. Dakota.

Unfortunate circumstances temporarily take Fawn and Abel out of Brodie's life. With few others to turn to, Brodie forms a bond with the kind and intelligent Mr. Dakota—a man who has experienced his own share of pain and rejection. But feelings of friendship gradually evolve into unrequited emotions and desires Brodie doesn’t understand and isn’t sure how to handle. Acting on his feelings will lead to catastrophic consequences for both him and Mr. Dakota… if Brodie cannot learn to move on with his life before it’s too late.


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La mano sul cuore

Storie dalla contea di Lancaster
$6.99 $5.24

Eddie Graber sogna di fondare un rifugio per animali bisognosi, ma quel sogno è messo a rischio quando il suo partner lo pianta in asso. Ora Eddie rischia di perdere la fattoria che ha appena comprato nella contea di Lancaster e di veder sfumare le sue speranze prima ancora di aver avviato il progetto. Ha bisogno di aiuto, ha bisogno di soldi ma, più di ogni altra cosa, ha bisogno di ritrovare la fede in quel fine superiore che lo aveva motivato fin dall’inizio. 

Malgrado la propria disabilità fisica, Samuel Miller si è spezzato la schiena per integrarsi nella comunità amish in cui vive. Quando suo padre scopre che è gay, lo frusta e lo caccia via. Con nient’altro che una manciata di banconote in tasca, Samuel risponde a un annuncio e si ritrova in una fattoria gestita da un forestiero. L’uomo tratta gli animali in modo bizzarro, non ha la minima idea di come si mandi avanti una fattoria ma possiede un cuore grande e gentile.

Samuel non è l’unica anima sperduta che il destino ha condotto alla Meadow Lake Farm. Ci sono anche le mucche Fred e Ginger – che vivevano rinchiuse in un garage – un gruppetto di pecore e un maialino di nome Benny, che potrebbe dare una lezioncina agli umani sul segreto della vita, dell’amore e della felicità. E potrebbe essere proprio lui a mostrare a Eddie e a Samuel la via per il lieto fine.


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Sicher und frei

Verschlungene Träume
$6.99 $5.24

Der Missbrauch durch einen Dom hat Orion Gordon jede Freude an BDSM geraubt und sein Selbstvertrauen zerstört. Er bezweifelt, dass er je wieder Frieden durch Unterwerfung finden wird. Doch tief in seinem Innern lebt die Sehnsucht weiter.

Marcus Sadir liebt Hunter Dixon, jedoch kann er das eine nicht sein, was Hunter sich wirklich wünscht: ein Sub, der sich von ihm beherrschen lässt. Hunter wiederum findet in den sadistischen Aspekten von BDSM keine Befriedigung, während Marcus nichts mehr genießt, als Schmerzen zuzufügen und zu teilen. Marcus ist überzeugt, dass sie sich einen Dritten für eine dauerhafte Dreierbeziehung suchen sollten. Und als Hunter seinem Drängen schließlich nachgibt, stellen sie fest, dass Orion der Schlüssel zur Überbrückung ihrer Differenzen sein und sie auf einer tieferen Ebene miteinander vereinen könnte.

Aber zuerst müssen sie Orion helfen, sein Trauma so weit zu überwinden, dass er neue Facetten von BDSM wieder genießen kann. Ihr Weg zu einem gemeinsamen Ganzen wird nicht ohne Herausforderungen sein. Kann Orion genug Vertrauen aufbauen, um den Versuch zu wagen?


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$6.99 $5.24

The world of writers, readers, and reviewers is a close-knit family of friends, fans, and fiction fanatics. That’s the world Milo Cook and Logan Hunter reside in—thriving on the give and take of creativity, the sharing of stories and ideas, and forever glorying in their boundless love of books and the words that make them breathe.

But sometimes words can cut too deep. And when they do, there is inevitably a price to pay.

What begins for Milo and Logan as a time of new love and gentle romantic discoveries, becomes before it’s over a race for their lives and for the lives of everyone they know.

Who would ever suspect that an entity as beautiful as the written word could become a catalyst for revenge? And ultimately—murder?


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$6.99 $5.24

I’m about to do something huge, and it could change... everything.

I met Matt in second grade, and we’ve been inseparable ever since. We went to the same schools, studied at the same college. When we both got jobs in the same town, we shared an apartment. And when my life took an unexpected turn, Matt was there for me. Every milestone in my life, he was there to share it. And what’s really amazing? After all these years, we’re still the best of friends.

Which brings me to this fragile, heart-stopping moment: I want to tell him I love him, really love him, but I’m scared to death of what he’ll say. If I’ve got this all wrong, I’ll lose him—forever.


$6.99 $5.24