

The Wanderer

Chronicles of the Riftlands | Book Four
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Chronicles of the Riftlands: Book One

After centuries of traveling the continent of Kita and fighting the extradimensional monsters known as Riftspawn, mage Lyuc is tired and ready to back away from the concerns of humanity. 

But the world isn’t done with him yet. 

While traveling with a merchant caravan, Lyuc encounters Yan, an Unnamed, the lowest caste in society. Though Yan has nothing but his determination and spirit, he reminds Lyuc what passion and desire feel like. While wild magic, a snarky, shapeshifting, genderfluid companion, and the plots of men and monsters seem determined to keep Lyuc from laying down his burden, only Yan’s inimitable spirit tempts him to hang on for another lifetime or so. 

All Yan wants is to earn the sponsorship of a guild so he can rise above his station, claim a place in society, and build the family he never had. 

After hundreds of years of self-imposed penance, all Lyuc wants is Yan. 

If they can survive prejudice, bandits, mercenaries, monsters, and nature itself, they might both get their wish… and maybe even their happily ever after.


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The Consumption of Magic

Tales From Verania

Sequel to A Destiny of Dragons

Sam of Wilds faced the Dark wizard Myrin and lived to tell the tale. Granted, the battle left him scarred, but things could be a hell of a lot worse.

It’s not until he reunites with Morgan of Shadows and Randall that he realizes just how much worse things could be.

Because the scars have meaning and hint at Myrin’s true plans for Sam and the Kingdom of Verania.

With time running out, Sam and his band of merry misfits—the unicorn Gary, the half-giant Tiggy, Knight Commander Ryan Foxheart, and the dragon known as Kevin—must travel to the snowy mountains in the North and the heart of the Dark Woods to convince the remaining dragons to stand against Myrin. Along the way, Sam learns secrets of the past that will forever change the course of the future.

A reckoning is coming for Sam of Wilds, and there is nothing he can do to stop it.


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Cloister Witte hat eine dunkle Vergangenheit und einen niedlichen Hund. Über den Hund redet er immer gern, doch seine von einem verschwundenen Bruder, einem nichtsnutzigen Vater und einem kriminellen Stiefvater überschattete Kindheit lässt er lieber in Montana. Heute gehört er zur Hundestaffel des San Diego Sheriff’s Department und entrichtet seinen Tribut an die Geister seiner Vergangenheit, indem er tut, was niemand für seinen Bruder tun konnte: Er findet die Vermissten und bringt sie heim.

Er besitzt ein Talent dafür, schwierige Fälle zu lösen. Der Hund erst recht.

Diesmal handelt es sich bei der vermissten Person um einen zehnjährigen Jungen, der mitten in der Nacht in den Wald ging und nicht zurückkehrte. Mit der feindselig angehauchten Hilfe des ablenkend gut aussehenden FBI-Agenten Javi Merlo findet er schnell heraus, dass Drew Hartley nicht einfach fortlief. Er wurde entführt und die Spuren deuten darauf hin, dass er nicht das erste Opfer ist. Als die Suche voranschreitet, werden alte Bitterkeit und Tragödien der Vergangenheit ans Licht gezerrt. Gleichzeitig scheint es mit jedem neuen Hinweis weniger wahrscheinlich, dass Drew lebend gefunden werden kann. 


$6.99 $5.24

Ginger Snaps

The Belladonna Arms
$6.99 $5.24

A Belladonna Arms Novel

Even with a string of earthquakes jarring the tenants of the Belladonna Arms, rattling nerves and smashing dishes, life still manages to plod along as usual. Love pollen continues to fall, romances continue to flourish, and Arthur, the grand Pooh-bah in residence, continues to plan his upcoming wedding extravaganza.

In the midst of all this drama fall Gideon Chase and Reed Kelly, two redheaded losers at love who find themselves regrouping under the auspices of the most incorrigible matchmaker in heels.

Arthur sees hope for the two right away. He leases them adjoining apartments, then continually tweaks their budding friendship in the hope it will slip into love. Just as Arthur’s plans are coming along nicely, Reed’s past shows up to toss a monkey wrench into his and Gideon’s blossoming romance.

With Arthur’s wedding ceremony nigh, and Reed and Gideon on the verge of heartache yet again, Arthur faces one inescapable conclusion.

It will take more than love pollen to sort this mess out.


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L’amour est impitoyable

L'amour ne peut pas...
$6.99 $5.24

L'amour ne peut pas..., numéro hors série

Petit mais costaud, telle pourrait être la devise de l’inspecteur Nevin Ng. Désormais inspecteur dévoué au commissariat de police de Portland, il n’a pas laissé un mauvais départ dans la vie l’empêcher de protéger ceux qui en ont besoin. Il ne laisse personne lui marcher sur les pieds, il n’a aucune attirance pour les relations. Jusqu’à ce qu’il se rende chez une personne âgée qui s’est fait agresser avec une grande violence et rencontre le propriétaire de la victime, avec son nœud papillon et sa richesse évidente. 

Agent et promoteur immobilier, Colin Westwood a grandi dans tout ce qui a fait défaut à Nevin, comme un tas d’argent et une famille aimante qui le soutient sans condition. Qui le soutient trop, peut-être, parce qu’après une enfance marquée par la maladie, ses parents ont encore du mal à admettre qu’il est désormais un adulte fort et indépendant. Colin veut une relation, mais les siennes ne fonctionnent jamais. Maintenant, il se dit juste qu’il devrait arrêter de suivre le mouvement. Il est peut-être temps de tenter quelque chose de plus excitant. Mais être témoin d’un horrible crime, voire deux, n’était pas vraiment ce qu’il avait en tête. 

Malgré leurs différences, Colin et Nevin découvrent les étincelles qu’ils produisent quand ils sont ensemble. Mais les étincelles sont éphémères, refroidies par l’avènement de crimes brutaux, et Colin et Nevin semblent avoir si peu en commun. La question reste de savoir s’ils ont le désir de construire quelque chose de solide entre eux.


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Prima di cadere

Secrets (Italiano) | Libro 1
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Secrets, Libro 1

Da sei anni Ellis fa parte delle teste di cuoio della polizia di Londra. Fin dal primo giorno il suo partner è Wayne, che diventa presto anche il suo migliore amico. Quando Wayne nota i suoi sbalzi d’umore e la sua crescente irritabilità, conseguenza dell’insonnia, capisce di dover intervenire prima che sia troppo tardi. Decide così di portare Ellis all’inaugurazione di un nuovo club BDSM di cui è socio, il Secrets. Lo scopo? Dargli un assaggio di quello stile di vita prima di fargli una proposta. Wayne è convinto di poter riavere il suo amico solo se Ellis gli permetterà di prenderlo per mano e assumere il controllo della sua vita.

Ci sono però dei problemi. Intanto Ellis è etero. Poi è testardo. E infine è attraente. Wayne sa che dovrà mettere da parte i sentimenti per essergli d’aiuto. Ma saranno i veri bisogni di Ellis a prenderlo in contropiede.


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$6.99 $5.24

California firefighter Hayden Hurst is starting to realize there’s more to life than fighting fires and drinking with his buddies. He has room in his home and his life for someone special, but no one has stood out among his hookups. And while he’s out at work, admitting he’s gay is very different from showing up at social functions with a man. He’s afraid that’ll be too much for his less-than-accepting “friends.”

Broadway dancer Jez Bouchet hasn’t been mistaken for straight since he was gay-bashed at seventeen. After getting a lucrative job offer in Hollywood, he uproots his life in New York and drives to Los Angeles. His brother, who is Hayden’s best friend, arranges for him to crash at Hayden’s place.

The attraction between Hayden and Jez is unexpected but fiery, and they succumb before they’re even sure they like each other. But Jez hates Hayden’s homophobic friends, and Hayden knows Jez is too flamboyant for him to fly under the radar. Then there’s the complication of Jez’s brother.

Despite those hurdles, they fling themselves into a relationship. But Jez has secrets: a tiny spoiled dog and a determined stalker. If he doesn’t come clean, he might torch their burgeoning relationship before it has a chance to bloom.


$6.99 $5.24

A Full Plate

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

Opposites come together for a spicy surprise.

Bradford “Tully” Tolliver has everything—money, a great car, a beautiful condo, and a promising career as one of Portland’s hottest young lawyers. Sure, he puts in long hours and has no social life to speak of, but who needs romance when corporations pay top dollar for his expertise? He hesitates when a colleague asks if her cousin can live with him, but the arrangement will last less than a year, and then the cousin—Sage Filling—will return to his tiny hometown.

But Sage is handsome and intriguing, and his cooking makes Tully swoon. Sage has obligations back home, though, and Tully has offers he might not refuse from a persistent—and very wealthy—ex. Since Tully and Sage each have a full plate, can they make room for a side of love?


$4.99 $3.74


Bonfires | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Bonfires: Book Two

Saying “I love you” doesn’t guarantee peace or a happy ending.

High school principal “Larx” Larkin was pretty sure he'd hit the jackpot when Deputy Sheriff Aaron George moved in with him, merging their two families as seamlessly as the chaos around them could possibly allow.

But when Larx’s pregnant daughter comes home unexpectedly and two of Larx’s students are put in danger, their tentative beginning comes crashing down around their ears.

Larx thought he was okay with the dangers of Aaron’s job, and Aaron thought he was okay with Larx's daughter—who is not okay—but when their worst fears are almost realized, it puts their hearts and their lives to the test. Larx and Aaron have never wanted anything as badly as they want a life together. Will they be able to make it work when the world is working hard to keep them apart?


$6.99 $5.24

Fuoco e acqua

Carlisle Cops (Italiano) | Libro 1
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Carlisle Cops, Libro 1

L’agente Red Markham ha imparato a conoscere le difficoltà della vita da adolescente, quando un incidente d’auto lo ha lasciato sfregiato e orfano di entrambi i genitori. Anche per le strade che pattuglia nella cittadina di Carlisle affronta episodi orribili, come il recente aumento di morti per overdose. Un pomeriggio Red viene mandato in una struttura sportiva per un incidente in piscina e, arrivato sul posto, scopre che il ragazzo coinvolto è stato salvato dal bagnino, Terry Baumgartner. Per Red non è una sorpresa che lo splendido Terry non voglia avere niente a che fare con lui e con il suo brutto muso.

Un commento casuale sulla sua superficialità fa però aprire gli occhi a Terry. Forse non è una persona di buon cuore come ha sempre pensato. La sua amica Julie gli suggerisce allora di aiutare i meno fortunati consegnando pasti agli anziani. Durante il suo giro Terry incontra Margie, una signora molto diretta che dice sempre quello che le passa per la testa e che è anche la zia dell’agente Red Markham. 

I mondi di Red e Terry si scontrano. Red cerca di proteggere Terry da un ex che non accetta un no come risposta, intanto indaga per arrivare alla fonte della droga che sta mietendo vittime in città. Inaspettatamente i due uomini scoprono che per loro potrebbe esistere una possibilità, ma dovranno imparare a vedere oltre la superficie per coglierla.


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$6.99 $5.24

David Somers, chef d’orchestre réputé, n’a jamais voulu de la société d’investissement qu’il a héritée de son grand-père autoritaire. Il ne rêve que de composer. Et pourtant, malgré tous ses efforts, David ne parvient pas à coucher sur le papier la musique qui le hante.

Lorsqu’un violoniste invité à l’Orchestre Symphonique de Chicago tombe malade, David rencontre Alex Bishop, son remplaçant. David reste de marbre devant la célébrité et les tatouages du violoniste, mais son talent et sa profondeur le subjuguent.

David a juré de ne plus jamais s’attacher à personne, de peur de faire fuir ceux qu’il aime, ou de les perdre comme il a perdu sa femme et ses parents. Alex est sympathique, sociable, détendu – tout le contraire de David – et il parvient rapidement à ouvrir une brèche dans la muraille qui isole le cœur du chef d’orchestre. Celui-ci commence à rêver d’Alex – des rêves plein de musique. Composer semble redevenir possible.

Mais David, méprisé pendant des années par son grand-père, manque de confiance en lui et a du mal à s’abandonner. Lorsque des failles apparaissent dans son univers rigoureusement ordonné, sa relation naissante avec Alex est la première à en pâtir. Et pourtant, il ne cesse d’entendre la resplendissante mélodie d’Alex. Il voudrait aimer Alex, mais il doit d’abord trouver la force de s’accepter.


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$6.99 $5.24

A Tom and Stanley Mystery

Does murder follow Tom and Stanley around, or do they follow the murders?

After a hospital stay, Stanley is invited by Father Brighton to convalesce at St. Marywood, an isolated monastery on the ocean cliffs of Big Sur. Upon arrival, Stanley finds Father Brighton dead. The order’s doctor writes it up as a death by natural causes, but those seem to be quite prevalent at the monastery. The recent demise of a young brother who fell from the cliffs is described as an accident, but Stanley’s nose is twitching. Plus the order’s finances have taken a sudden, mysterious turn for the better. Is something rotten at St. Marywood?

Stanley and Tom can’t resist digging around, even if it means testing their tumultuous relationship against a gaggle of handsome, young, virginal, and—they are told—gay men.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, September 2011.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Steve Randall und Bob Curry arbeiten als Detectives bei der Culver City Police. Sie kennen sich schon seit ihrer Ausbildung in der Polizeiakademie. Als Team sind sie perfekt – Steve mit seinem Enthusiasmus und seiner Impulsivität, Bob mit seinem kühlen, analytischen Verstand. Während Steve noch damit kämpft, seine plötzliche Zuneigung zu Bob zu verstehen, werden sie als Undercover-Agenten eingesetzt, um die Verbreitung einer neuen, tödlichen Droge zu unterbinden.

Ihr Informant, ein Modefotograf, wird ermordet, bevor er ihnen die Namen der Hintermänner verraten kann. Steve und Bob folgen der Spur zu einem neuen Club – Steps to Heaven. Dort nehmen sie an einer Party teil, um mehr über die Hintermänner zu erfahren und den Fall zu lösen. Als ihr Cover auffliegt, werden aus Jägern plötzlich Gejagte.

Steve findet, jetzt wäre der denkbar schlechteste Zeitpunkt, diese Welt vorzeitig zu verlassen.Er hat nämlich gerade erst erkannt, dass aus seiner Zuneigung zu seinem Partner echte Liebe geworden ist.


$6.99 $5.24

Redeeming the Stepbrother

Tales from St. Giles
$6.99 $5.24

A Tale from St. Giles

Family can be a blessing and a curse, but for artist Florian, it’s a nightmare he longs to escape.

As chief designer for Bartholomew Artist Porcelain, Florian specializes in painting birds. He also watches them in the wild to distract himself from his short-tempered mother, at least temporarily. Florian’s heart is too soft to leave his stepsister, Ella, to suffer alone. Still, he can’t help dreaming about one day finding happiness and love.

When Count Dieter von Hollenbach arrives in town to visit a friend and present an award, he isn’t looking for romance. Then again, he doesn’t expect someone as perfect as Florian to come into his life. To make sure Florian is all he seems and that their connection is genuine, Dieter keeps his title to himself.

But he isn’t the only one with a secret.

At a masquerade ball to celebrate the award, some of the masks fall away, but those that remain in place could destroy the love beginning to grow between them.


$6.99 $5.24

Bad Company

Bad in Baltimore | Book One

Bad in Baltimore: Book One

Some things are sweeter than revenge.

“I need a boyfriend.”

Hearing those words from his very straight, very ex-best friend doesn’t put Nate in a helpful mood. Not only did Kellan Brooks’s father destroy Nate’s family in his quest for power, but Kellan broke Nate’s heart back in high school. Nate thought he could trust his best friend with the revelation that he might be gay, only to find out he was horribly wrong and become the laughingstock of the whole school. Kellan must be truly desperate if he’s turning to Nate now.

Kellan’s through letting his father run his life, and he wants to make the man pay for cutting him off. What better way to stick it to the bigot than to come out as gay himself—especially with the son of the very man his father crushed on his quest for money and power. Kellan can’t blame Nate for wanting nothing to do with him, though. Kellan will have to convince him to play along, but it’s even harder to convince himself that the heat between them is only an act....


Second Edition

First Edition published by Samhain Publishing Inc. June 2011.


$6.99 $5.24

À toute vitesse : L’amour n’attend pas.

Patch Hastle a grandi vite, abandonnant sans un regard en arrière son Texas natal pour New York afin de se faire un nom comme DJ et mannequin. Lorsque ses parents meurent de façon brutale, il retourne chez lui afin de vider la ferme familiale avec l’intention de déguerpir le plus vite possible. C’était sans compter sur le testament qui laisse la direction de la ferme à son pire ennemi : le magnifique meilleur ami de son père qui a fait de ses années de lycée un enfer. 

Tucker Biggs tourne en rond. Vingt ans après sa carrière dans le rodéo, il s’enracine dans son rôle de gardien de la ferme des Hastle. Il sait que le fils « je sais tout » de son ami le déteste toujours, mais lorsque Patch apparaît plus mature, ressemblant à un péché sur pattes dans un jean moulant, Tucker transforme son retour en leçon sur les vieux singes à qui on n’apprend pas à faire la grimace. 

Patch et Tucker batifolent, mais ils ne sont pas dupes. Lorsque la ferme sera vendue, ils comptent en rester là et prendre des chemins séparés. Avec le temps qui passe, la vie du citadin et du campagnard traditionaliste s’entremêle. S’ils veulent que cela dure plus longtemps que la neige au soleil, ils feraient mieux de comprendre ce qui est important – et vite.


$6.99 $5.24

Vice Enforcer

Vice City | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Vice City: Book Two

Holding on to a life worth living can be hard when the nightmares of the past come knocking.

Eight months ago, Nicholas Pierce, ex-mob enforcer, faked his death and assumed a new identity to escape sadistic mob boss Jeremy Vice. With no contacts outside the underworld, Pierce finds work with a washed-up PI. It’s an easy enough gig—until investigating a human trafficking ring drags him back to his old stomping grounds.

Miles Devonport, Pierce’s partner, is top of his class at the police academy while single-handedly holding his family together. But when one lieutenant questions Pierce’s past and his involvement in the investigation, Miles must put his future on the line to keep Pierce’s secrets.

The situation becomes dire when it’s discovered the traffickers have connections to the Vice family. The lives of everyone Pierce cares about are in danger—not least of all his own, if Jeremy Vice learns he’s back from the dead. Pierce and Miles face a conspiracy that reaches the highest levels—one that will gladly destroy them to keep operating. As Pierce uses every dirty trick he learned from organized crime to protect the new life he’s building, he realizes that no matter how hard he tries, he might never escape his past.

But he’s not going down without a fight.


$6.99 $5.24

The Hockey Player's Heart

Dreamspun Desires

A Hockey Hearts Book

Hometown hero. Hockey superstar. Perfect boyfriend?

When hockey star Caleb Carter returns to his hometown to recover from an injury, the only thing he’s interested in is a little R & R. He never expects to run into his onetime crush at a grade school fund-raiser . Seeing Aaron Price hits him hard, like being checked into the boards. The attraction is still there, even after all these years, and Caleb decides to make a play for the schoolteacher. You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take, right?

Aaron has been burned by love before and can’t imagine what a celebrity like Caleb could possibly see in a guy like him. Their differences are just too great. But as Aaron spends more time with Caleb, he begins to wonder if he might have what it takes to win the hockey player’s heart.