

Sloe Ride (Français)

Sinners (Français) | Tome 4
$6.99 $5.24

Ce n’est pas facile d’être un Morgan. Surtout quand les cadavres commencent à s’accumuler et qu’il n’y a rien que vous puissiez faire pour l’empêcher. 

Quinn Morgan n’a jamais vraiment correspondu au moule familial. Il rêvait d’une vie avec des livres au lieu de badges et de connaissances au lieu de loi… et d’une vie avec Rafe Andrade, le bad boy, ami de ses frères aînés et l’homme qui a brisé son très jeune cœur. 

Rafe Andrade est revenu chez lui pour lécher ses blessures suite à son éjection du groupe qu’il avait aidé à créer. Toxicomane en voie de guérison, Rafe passe son temps à se complaire dans la culpabilité, jusqu’à ce qu’il se retrouve face à sa dépendance initiale : Quinn Morgan… la raison pour laquelle il a fui la ville en premier lieu. 

Quand Rafe entend dire que les Sinners sont à lau démarrage.a recherche d’un bassiste, c’est une chance de se racheter, cependant qu’un meurtrier fou se rapproche de Quinn et Rafe est prêt à tout sacrifier – y compris lui-même – pour garder son idéaliste Morgan sain et sauf.


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$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Surviving senior year is hard enough. Saving a friend might be impossible.

When longtime friends Raine and Amelia meet new student Mel, a shameless flirt and open lesbian, it casts their feelings for each other in a different light. Soon the affection between the three girls grows into an attraction they’re eager to explore.

But even as new love blooms, a secret Amelia’s been hiding for years demands their attention. Amelia has an eating disorder, and even if she’s in denial, the disease is threatening her health—and her life. She’ll need the support of her friends to recover as the relationship faces its first test… one they must pass before it’s too late for Amelia.


$6.99 $5.24

Vertrauen und Hingabe

Vertrauen, Liebe, & Hingabe | Book 1
$6.99 $5.24

Der kürzliche Tod seiner Frau hat den Polizisten Evan Cerelli aus der Bahn geworfen und wenn er seine vier Kinder anblickt, sieht er nur, wie er ihnen nicht gerecht wird. Seine liebevolle Frau hatte sich um sie gekümmert und sie erzogen, und jetzt fühlt der alleinerziehende Vater sich erdrückt von dem Schmerz des Verlustes und der schweren Verantwortung, seine Kinder großzuziehen.

Auf das Drängen seiner Partnerin hin feiert Evan den Ruhestand eines Kollegen und trifft den ehemaligen, in Ungnade gefallenen Polizisten, Matt Haight, der inzwischen als Sicherheitsberater arbeitet. Es stellt sich heraus, dass die Freundschaft, die aus Einsamkeit und dem Trost der Flasche entsteht, genau das ist, was beide brauchen.

Das vergangene Jahr war ein langsamer Tod für Matt Haight. Von seiner geliebten Polizeitruppe geächtet, sieht er sich mittlerem Lebensalter und konstanter Einsamkeit gegenüber und außer einem schwarzen Loch kann er in seiner Zukunft nichts erkennen. Als er in Evan eine andere verlorene Seele findet, setzen sich ein paar Teile, die er verloren geglaubt hatte, wieder zusammen. Ihre Freundschaft verwandelt sich in etwas Tiefergehendes, aber Liebe ist das letzte, was die beiden Männer erwartet haben und beide haben Schwierigkeiten damit, ihre neuen und überwältigenden Gefühle füreinander mit sich in Einklang zu bringen.


$6.99 $5.24

A Fool and His Manny

Dreamspun Desires
The Mannies | Book Four
$4.99 $3.74

The Mannies

Seeing the truth and falling in love.

Dustin Robbins-Grayson was a surly adolescent when Quinlan Gregory started the nanny gig. After a rocky start, he grew into Quinlan's friend and confidant—and a damned sexy man.

At twenty-one, Dusty sees how Quinlan sacrificed his own life and desires to care for Dusty’s family. He’s ready to claim Quinlan—he's never met a kinder, more capable, more lovable man. Or a lonelier one. Quinlan has spent his life as the stranger on the edge of the photograph, but Dusty wants Quinlan to be the center of his world. First he has to convince Quinlan he’s an adult, their love is real, and Quinlan can be more than a friend and caregiver. Can he show Quin that he deserves to be both a man and a lover, and that in Dusty’s eyes, he’s never been “just the manny?”


$4.99 $3.74

Feu de joie

Feux de Joie | Book 1
$6.99 $5.24

Dix ans auparavant, le Shérif adjoint Aaron George a perdu sa femme et a déménagé à Colton, pensant qu’il serait mieux pour ses enfants de grandir dans une petite ville. Il a appris à connaître sa communauté, y compris monsieur Larkin, le sympathique et dynamique professeur de sciences. Lorsqu’on l’oblige à prendre un poste de direction, Larx arrête d’entraîner l’équipe de course à pied et commence à courir en solitaire. Aaron, qui pensait que la vie commençait et se terminait avec ses enfants, est distrait par une poitrine brillante et un principal courant sur une route dangereuse.

Larx a vécu, lui aussi, pour ses enfants… et ses étudiants du lycée de Colton. Il n’est pas prêt à être charmé par Aaron, cependant, lorsqu’ils commencent à courir ensemble, il apprécie la solidité du représentant de la loi, son humour et sa compréhension parfaite de ses priorités : les enfants d’abord, le travail ensuite et enfin, arrivant tristement en dernier, ses propres intérêts.

Il suffit d’un baiser pour que les deux hommes, approchant de la cinquantaine, commencent à se comporter comme des adolescents amoureux, même avec toutes leurs responsabilités. Puis un acte violent met en danger leur relation naissante. Leurs responsabilités sont maintenant essentielles pour empêcher leur ville d’exploser. Lorsque les choses deviennent critiques, ils réalisent que leur famille nouvellement forgée pourrait être ce qui empêche leur monde d’échapper à tout contrôle.


$6.99 $5.24

Incubus Honeymoon

Arcana Imperii
$6.99 $5.24

Arcana Imperii

As the so-called magical creatures go, I’m low on the hierarchy, and my powers aren’t much good to human mages. I’m a lover, not a fighter, through and through. I’m also selfish, lazy, and easily bored. But I’m damned good at what I do.

Too bad that won’t get my arse out of this sling.

Do one—granted, uncharacteristic—good deed, and now I’m held hostage to an arrogant faerie prince, trying to track down the one who summoned him while dodging gangbangers, gun runners, and Nazis. Add the powerful mage guilds scrambling to gather firepower for some doomsday event they’re sure is around the corner, and my cushy life of leisure might be nothing but a memory. On top of that, something’s compelling me to change on my most fundamental level. I’m not sure what I’ve got myself mixed up in, but nothing will ever be the same.

Bloody hell.


Featuring a new twist on urban fantasy combined with fast-paced action and intrigue, the Arcana Imperii series books are standalone adventures, each completely accessible to new readers.


$6.99 $5.24

The Edge

The Underground Club
$6.99 $5.24

An Underground Club Tale

Submissive Joshua has struggled with his addiction to pain for years—something Dom Nash knew when he took Joshua on. Nash also knew their path wouldn’t be an easy one, but through commitment and determination, he peels back Joshua’s layers one by one, revealing a horrific history of abuse and neglect that spans Joshua’s entire life. Nash wants nothing more than to gain Joshua’s trust and help him find the happiness that’s eluded him so long.

Providing structure and discipline is only part of what Joshua will need on his way to recovery. He’ll need the help of Dr. Hobson and their close friends at the Underground BDSM Club to help hold Joshua together as he faces the trauma of his past. It’ll push him to the edge, but Nash will be there to keep him from falling into the abyss of despair, and if Joshua can come out on the other side, he’ll be a step closer to wholeness, healing, and happiness.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

With a new species of vampire stalking the streets, the stakes are high. But that’s not the only reason hearts are on the line.

Danny Reynolds thought Kieran McCade was the one—true love and hot lust forever—until Danny found out Kier’s bloody secret and ran away screaming. Months later, Danny is facing his own paranormal crisis, and he needs Kieran’s help, but are there enough ways to apologize for breaking a vampire’s heart?

Nothing about Danny’s transformation is normal—not the attack that led to it, and not the symptoms Danny’s plagued with—but being in close proximity to Kieran is even worse than becoming a thing that goes bump in the night. Danny and Kieran aren’t the only things threatening to bump each other off, though. Secret organizations and clashing vigilante agendas want to get their hands on Danny. His only hope is to find a fix for his problem before he’s either captured or his abnormal transition starves him to death.

Danny and Kieran might have a real chance to repair their broken romance… but only if they keep Danny alive!


$6.99 $5.24

Twisted and Tied

Marshals | Book Four

Marshals: Book Four

Deputy US Marshal Miro Jones finally has everything he ever wanted. He’s head-over-heels in love and married to the man of his dreams, his partner Ian Doyle, he’s doing well at work, and all his friends are in good places as well. Things are all tied up nicely… until they’re not.

Change has never been easy for Miro, and when situations at work force the team he’s come to depend on to break apart, and worst of all, his and Ian’s individual strengths put them on two separate paths, he’s pretty certain everything just went up in smoke. But before he can even worry about the future, his past comes for a visit, shaking his world up even more. It’s hard to tell what road he should truly be on, but as he learns some paths are forged and others are discovered, it might be that where he's going is the right course after all. If he can navigate all the twists and turns, he and Ian might just get their happily ever after.


Sweet Nothings

Amuse Bouche | Book One
Dreamspun Desires

Amuse Bouche: Book One

Will a bitter bite from the past spoil a sweet romance?

Tristan Love, the youngest of seven brothers, is back in his hometown. He’s left the New York food scene and an abusive relationship behind him, but he holds his love of French pastries close to his heart and is determined to put his skills to use in a bakery of his own.

Returning to his childhood home means his meddlesome brother Simon will butt into his business, but before the bakery even opens its doors, Tristan’s delectable creations have the town’s mouths watering, and Jake, a cute mechanic, asks Tristan out. It all seems worthwhile….

That is, until the bakery burns down, Jake’s criminal past comes to light, and Tristan’s nasty ex rears his head where he is decidedly not wanted.


Fire and Granite

Carlisle Deputies | Book 2
$6.99 $5.24

A Carlisle Deputies Novel

The heat is growing from the inside, but danger is building on the outside. 

Judge Andrew Phillips runs a tight ship in his courtroom. He’s tough, and when he hands down a sentence, he expects to be obeyed. So when a fugitive named Harper escapes and threatens his life, Andrew isn’t keen on twenty-four/seven protection… especially not from Deputy Clay Brown. They have a past, one that could cause problems in their careers. 

But with Clay assigned to Andrew and the two of them together every minute, there’s nowhere to hide from their attraction—or from the fact that there’s much more than chemistry blooming between them. As the threat intensifies, Clay knows he’ll do anything it takes to protect the people who are taking their places in his heart: Andrew and his young niece and nephew.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

What if you aren’t the only you?

Shy and studious Maddy Stone faces just that question. Months ago he lost his boyfriend, Jesse, to suicide, and now he’s volunteering at a psychiatric hospital. When he intervenes to save a man there, he’s shocked to find a face he recognizes. It’s Jesse, who explains that he’s been cloned… by Maddy’s father. And when the reproduction technology duplicated him, he was ordered to avoid Maddy at all costs. Breaking that rule puts them both in danger. 

Maddy, his girlfriend, Georgia, and Jesse—who Maddy calls Jesse 2.0—are on the run. But as the secrets continue to come to light, Maddy is faced with a decision—continue with his life or be the Maddy he was before technology intervened. 


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Es könnte der Fang seines Lebens werden.

Zweimal im Jahr flieht William Westmoreland vor seinem unerfüllten Leben in Rhode Island nach Florida, um sich auf Mike Jansens Fischerboot einzumieten und auf den Golf hinauszufahren. Der Ausblick dort bietet zwar mehr als nur das kristallblaue Wasser und die tropischen Gefilde, aber William hat sich nie weiter vorgewagt. Er ist einfach nicht der Typ für eine Urlaubsromanze.

Mike hat seinen Charterservice in Apalachicola gegründet, um für seine Tochter und seine Mutter sorgen zu können. Ihre Sicherheit ist ihm dabei immer wichtiger als seine eigene. Er will sich nicht eingestehen, dass seine Zuneigung zu William mit jedem seiner Besuche wächst.

An einem wunderschönen Tag beginnt Williams und Mikes letzte Fischfangtour, aber ein unberechenbarer Hurrikan bringt alles ins Wanken und die beiden Männer sitzen plötzlich fest. Mitten in Regen und Sturm werden sie von der Leidenschaft überwältigt, die sie all die Jahre unterdrückt haben. Zurück im Alltag warten allerdings zu viele Verpflichtungen auf William. Werden die beiden es schaffen, die Distanz zwischen ihnen zu überwinden und einen Ort zu finden, an dem sie beide ganz sie selbst sein können? Ihre Reise mag von rauem Seegang geprägt sein, aber die hoffnungsvolle Zukunft, die sie am Ende erwartet, ist die Turbulenzen wert.


$6.99 $5.24

The Temple of Heaven

Made In China | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Made In China: Book Two

Music is Tian Di’s life and his love, and he’s made plenty of sacrifices. His career is finally taking off with his band, Made in China, and he’ll continue to put music first… until he meets Jordon. Then insta-lust becomes insta-love and a commitment to the future—no matter how difficult it might be. 

Jordon lives in a bubble constructed by his overprotective older brothers, who are so controlling that they’ve kept him from dating. A talented artist, Jordon managed to keep his success with a Japanese manga publisher a secret from his family, but now he fears discovery. It’s easier to let his brothers handle everything, but Jordon has reached his limit. He’s ready to draw some boundaries so he can be his own man and face all the challenges that come with that. 

Their families and careers aren’t the only obstacles. Jordon must accept his identity as a gay man who doesn’t top or bottom. Fortunately, Tian Di—and his special talents—help Jordon open up to his sexuality in an erotic adventure that spans Japan and China, and with love, luck, hard work, and open minds, will end in a happily ever after.


$6.99 $5.24

Un homme sans égal

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$4.99 $3.74

Avoir grandi plus pauvre que pauvre n’a pas laissé beaucoup d’options à Navashen Bhattathiri pour une vie en dehors de l’école. Toute sa concentration était sur le fait de garder sa bourse scolaire. Seize ans plus tard, il a réussi son rêve et il est devenu médecin. Maintenant, il revient chez lui à Lexington et il est prêt à prouver sa valeur au monde. Ce faisant, il reprend contact avec Brent Carpenter – camarade de lycée, agent immobilier, un type génial à tous les niveaux.... et entremetteur caché.

Brent se fait une mission d’aider Navashen à développer une vie sociale et rencontrer des hommes intéressants et disponibles. Malheureusement, l’emploi du temps de Navashen est imprévisible, et, contrairement à Brent, peu parmi ces prétendants accordent de la valeur à son dévouement. L’amitié sans faille et le soutien de celui-ci convainquent Navashen qu’il est le bon, mais peut-il capturer le cœur de Brent quand l’entremetteur est concentré sur le fait de lui trouver un autre homme ?


$4.99 $3.74

Bad Boyfriend

Bad in Baltimore | Book Two

Bad in Baltimore: Book Two

Causing trouble has never been more fun.

Eli Wright doesn’t follow anyone’s rules. When he was seventeen, his parents threw him out of the house for being gay. He’s been making his own way for the past five years and he’s not about to change himself for anyone’s expectations. For now, romance can wait. There are plenty of hot guys to keep him entertained until he finds someone special.

Quinn Maloney kept the peace and his closeted boyfriend’s secrets for ten years. One morning he got a hell of a wake-up along with his coffee. Not only did the boyfriend cheat on him, but he’s marrying the girl he knocked up. Inviting Quinn to the baby’s baptism is the last straw. Quinn’s had enough of gritting his teeth to play nice. His former boyfriend is in for a rude awakening, because Quinn’s not going to sit quietly on the sidelines. In fact, he has the perfect scheme, and he just needs to convince the much younger, eyeliner-wearing guy who winks at him in a bar to help him out.

Eli’s deception is a little too good, and soon he has everyone believing they’re madly in love. In fact, he’s almost got Quinn believing it himself….


Second Edition

First Edition published by Samhain Publishers Inc., December 2011.


$6.99 $5.24

Bay Whitman, scrittore di gialli di successo, vive una vita da celebrità, perlomeno in apparenza. In pubblico è sempre spigliato e sicuro di sé. Le donne pendono dalle sue labbra e gli uomini invidiano i suoi modi spavaldi. In realtà, però, Bay è un tipo solitario. È timido e introverso e la sua vita consiste nello stare seduto in una stanza semibuia a scrivere i suoi famosi romanzi con protagonista Jack Robbins. Il suo unico vizio è il gioco d’azzardo. Vincere un escort durante una partita a poker cambierà la sua vita in modi che non avrebbe mai immaginato.

Matthew “King” Slater è uno dei più celebri attori di film porno gay. Trascorre le giornate davanti alla telecamera e le notti come escort d’alto bordo, pagato profumatamente. Ciò che desidera realmente è il romanticismo di una vera relazione, ma il suo passato gli rende difficile separare i desideri del corpo da quelli del cuore. Per il momento, per lui è più facile pensare al sesso come a un lavoro e basta. Un giorno, però, mentre si trova a Las Vegas per delle riprese, viene assunto per una serata in un hotel famoso, e il suo bel cliente potrebbe sfumare i confini tra il dovere e il piacere.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

New York Times best-selling mystery writer Bay Whitman leads the life of a celebrity—at least on the surface. In public he’s self-assured and in control. Women hang on his every word, while men envy his confidence and swagger. But in reality, Bay is a loner. He’s shy and introverted, and his life consists of sitting in a dimly lit room writing his famous Jack Robbins mystery novels. His one vice—gambling. Winning an escort in a poker game will change Bay’s life in ways he never imagined.

Matthew “King” Slater is one of the hottest tickets in gay porn. He spends his days in front of the camera and his nights as a highly paid escort to the rich and famous. Deep down, he craves romance and a real connection, but his past makes it hard to separate the needs of his body from those of his heart. For now, it’s easier to think of sex as just a job. But while doing a shoot in Vegas, King is hired for a tryst at a famous hotel and casino, and his handsome client might blur the line between work and play.



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