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A Harmony Ink Press Title

Eighteen-year-old Oliver’s troubles don’t end when he’s released from prison. He has nowhere to go, and he can’t even think about moving past his crimes while trying to survive homelessness.

Helping an elderly woman after a fall guides Oliver into at least a temporary home. In exchange for odd jobs and some assistance, he’s welcomed into a life with the old twin spinsters, and it seems too good to be true. The neighbor, Simon, certainly thinks it is. He doesn’t trust Oliver or his motives. Oliver is used to that kind of judgment, but it isn’t helping him overcome his guilt. Maybe Simon is right and Oliver doesn’t deserve happiness—or any of the other feelings stirring in a heart Oliver thought he’d closed off for good.

Oliver has two options: let the pain of his past swallow him and destroy all hope for the future, or move on to the new possibilities in front of him. Choosing to live won’t be easy, and Oliver might not be able to do it alone.


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Le baron du bétail et son cavalier

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$4.99 $3.74

Jonah Hollis a depuis longtemps le béguin pour son patron, Lincoln Courtwright, directeur de ranch et millionnaire de son état, mais il sait que ce n’est pas réciproque. Malgré tout, ses espoirs sont ravivés lorsque Linc et sa magnifique petite amie, Melissa Cutler, rompent quelques semaines avant le plus grand événement de Dallas : le Bal des Barons du Bétail. En effet : son patron lui demande de l’y accompagner à sa place !

Est-ce une tactique pour rendre Melissa jalouse ? Jonah, simple assistant administratif, peut-il avoir sa place dans le monde de Linc ? Ses colocataires et sa meilleure amie, Caylee, font des pieds et des mains pour le convaincre d’accepter. Rapidement, Jonah se met à espérer que Linc puisse ressentir la même chose pour lui… jusqu’à ce que la famille et tout un tas de malentendus s’en mêlent et menacent de briser ses rêves de bonheur.


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Chosen Pride

L'Ange | Book Three

L'Ange: Book Three

Jon Slade finally met his mate, but instead of it being the happiest day of his life, it became the saddest when wolf shifter Kelvin MacCurdy chose his obligations over their fated bond, leaving Jon to pick up the pieces of his shattered dreams. Lucky for him, Roman Howell, his boss and the owner of L’Ange, saw promise in the forlorn lion and put him to work so he wouldn’t have time to sit around and lick his wounds while he waited for his wounded spirit to heal.

Then the wolves make an official visit to L’Ange, and Jon finds out Kelvin’s pining for him is taking its toll on his position as the king’s champion. Though Kelvin’s training and the expectations of others steer him toward an intended mate, Jon has an unbreakable hold on his heart, and it’s no longer possible for Kelvin to keep himself from where he truly belongs.

But the conclave brings more than Kelvin to the château. It also brings a challenge to jackal alpha Quade Danas, a threat that Quade and Roman, Arman and Linus, and Jon and Kelvin may have to fight in order to keep L’Ange’s family intact. Jon never wanted to lead a pride, but the loyalty and devotion to one is ingrained in him. Kelvin was raised to punish anyone who questioned his king, but the calling to protect others runs through his veins just as deeply. To come out on the other side of the battle together, Jon and Kelvin will have to hold the darkness of solitary pride and broken hearts at bay—and find strength in belonging to something bigger than themselves.


Talking in Code

Talking in Code
$6.99 $5.24

Some things crumble under pressure. Others are tempered by it instead. For three former soldiers, a tragedy might be the catalyst that binds them together—stronger than ever.

Richard Horn and Timothy Davenport met in the SEALs twenty years ago and have been lovers ever since. Now running their own paramilitary organization, Strike Force Omega, they work in the shadows to protect their country and its people. When Tim falls for Eric Newton, a deadly sniper and strategist on their team, Richard accepts that Tim’s heart is big enough for two men. He respects, admires, and even desires Eric enough to accept him into their relationship—and their bed—but he’s never been fully a part of what Eric and Tim share.

Then Eric is captured by terrorists and Tim is gravely injured in an op gone wrong, bringing Richard’s world crashing down around his ears. Even if he gets his men out alive, Eric must face the aftermath of months of physical and psychological torture—and without Tim to lean on, Eric’s PTSD is tearing him apart. Richard has to figure out the third leg of their triangle fast, or Tim won’t have a life to come back to.


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The Sparky

Perchance to Dream
$6.99 $5.24

Aaron’s been living in what his friend Howie calls a sexual desert. But an oasis appears on the horizon when Paul, a divorced electrician with a five-year-old daughter named Sam, moves in next door. He’s a country boy from northern Australia, and although he’s never been with a guy before, he has an impression that anything goes in the city. They find that the ordinary things in life—books, footie in the park, looking after Sam—lead them into an unlikely relationship.

But as their relationship slowly deepens, with Aaron spending time on Paul’s family’s cattle station, it becomes clear that Paul might have a harder time leaving the country behind. To him, happiness means a conventional life—including a mother for Sam. Being with his old friends convinces him he’s on the wrong path with Aaron, and he starts a relationship with a girl from his hometown. If he cannot find the courage to go after what he truly needs, he and Aaron will become nothing more than awkward neighbours.


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A Novel in The Tav series

Davo’s a pretty average guy. He has a decent job, owns his own home, and spends his weekends at the pub. He fully accepts that he’s gay, but doesn’t want to be one of those gays who are girly. He likes football and other masculine pursuits, and firmly avoids anything that could be seen as femme—including relationships that last beyond fifteen minutes.

Then Davo’s friend and gay idol not only gets a boyfriend, but also adopts a baby girl. Davo is seriously spooked and scuttles down to the pub. That’s where he meets Lee, cute from her cherry-red hair to her pretty little dress and pointy red shoes. Davo is charmed—but how is that possible? He’s gay. Isn’t he? Then Lee tells him he’s actually a guy—he just likes to wear women’s dresses occasionally. Thoroughly confused about an attraction that’s out of character for him, Davo begins the long journey to where he can accept himself without caring what everyone else thinks.


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In a postprivacy future, secrets are illegal and all communication is supervised. Telepaths are registered and recruited by a government with no qualms about invading the minds of its citizens. Fugitive psychics are hunted by the Bureau of Counterpsychic Affairs, or Countermind.

Alan Izaki is one such fugitive, as well as a hacker, grifter, and thief.

Countermind agent Jack Smith is hunting him through the twisted underbelly of Hong Kong.

But Alan possesses a secret so dangerous and profound it will not only shake Smith’s loyalties, but the foundations of their society.

And Alan isn’t the only one on the run. Rogue psychic Arissa binti Noor escapes Countermind, in search of brilliant game designer Feng Huang. She hopes that together, they can destroy the government’s intrusive Senex monitoring system.

Their goals seem at odds, and their lives are destined to collide. When they do, three very different people must question their alliances and their future, because everything is about to change.


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The Straight Boyfriend

Loving You | Book Three

Loving You: Book Three

Aaron Hall has never been able to remain faithful to a single woman, and for most of his life, he’s dated two women at once. Recently his girlfriend tracked him down and knocked on his door—and his live-in girlfriend answered. Now he has no girlfriend and a mortgage he can’t pay by himself.

Vinnie Rosello needs to change his life—get a better job, stop drinking all his money away, find himself a serious boyfriend… and move out of his parents’ house. Aaron needs help with his expenses, so they become housemates.

Even though Aaron harbors some misconceptions about gay men and Vinnie misses his large Italian family, both men find comfort in their friendship. It’s a good arrangement until everything between them changes

Vinnie falls in love with Aaron, and Aaron is shocked to realize he feels the same. There’s only one problem—he’s still straight. He’ll have to overcome his fear of labels in order to love the man who’s captured his heart.


$6.99 $5.24

In Victorian London, during a prolonged and pernicious fog, fantasy and reality are about to collide—at least in one man’s troubled mind.

A childhood fever left Arthur Middleton, Viscount Campden, seeing and hearing things no one else does, afraid of the world outside, and unable to function as a true peer of the realm. To protect him from himself—and to protect others from him—he spends his days heavily medicated and locked in his rooms, and his nights in darkness and solitude, tormented by visions, until a stranger appears.

This apparition is different. Fox says he’s a thief and not an entirely good sort of man, yet he returns night after night to ease Arthur’s loneliness without asking for anything in return. Fox might be the key that sets Arthur free, or he might deliver the final blow to Arthur’s tenuous grasp on sanity. Either way, real or imaginary, Arthur needs him too much to care.

Fox is only one of the many secrets and specters haunting Campden House, and Arthur will have to face them all in order to live the life of his dreams.


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$6.99 $5.24

Nuages et Pluie, numéro hors série

Après une calamiteuse liaison avec un district attorney, un homme marié, Cooper Nelson a été radié du barreau. Ayant dû renoncer à sa brillante carrière d’avocat, il a modestement refait sa vie aux écuries du ranch Blue River. Huit ans après le scandale, il retrouve Kelly Freed, son amant d’autrefois, à l’école de droit. Malheureusement, la situation est délicate : d’abord, Kelly est en campagne pour devenir le prochain shérif de St Anthony, petite ville conservatrice, ensuite, il est marié et son épouse est en phase terminale. Cooper ne supporte pas l’idée d’une liaison secrète. D’expérience, il sait que mensonges et dissimulations se paient très cher.

Dans le voisinage, la vie continue, avec ses drames incontournables : au Blackwater, Gabe est désespéré d’apprendre que sa meilleure amie souffre d’un cancer du sein. Lui et Flynn, son partenaire, aimeraient avoir la garde des enfants de Calley, mais pour ce faire, ils ont besoin d’assistance. Cooper et Kelly unissent leurs compétences, policières et juridiques, pour aider Gabe à rétablir ses droits parentaux et Calley à mettre ses affaires en ordre, au cas où…

Maintenant que tous deux font cause commune, Cooper trouve de plus en plus difficile de résister à Kelly. Mais, après le drame qu’il a déjà vécu, est-il prêt à mettre en danger celui qu’il n’a jamais pu oublier ?


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Deserto di sangue

Serie Sanguis Noctis
$6.99 $5.24

Quando Jed viene ingaggiato da David, suo vecchio contatto e qualche volta amico, per indagare su una serie di sparizioni al Cairo, coglie al volo l’occasione per mostrare un po’ di mondo al compagno, Redford Reed. Anche il ragazzo di David, Victor Rathbone, esperto del sovrannaturale e professore un po’ antiquato, si unisce al gruppo. Quel viaggio in Egitto, però, riserva molti più pericoli e misteri di quanto Jed si aspettasse. Quello che sembra un caso semplice si rivela tutt’altro: nature nascoste emergono alla luce, le relazioni si complicano e il controllo sugli istinti si assottiglia fino a spezzarsi. 

Nonostante sia stato proprio lui a chiedere aiuto, David nutre già dei sospetti su chi sia la mente dietro ai rapimenti, ma il suo atteggiamento e i continui scontri tra personalità forti rendono difficile arrivare alla soluzione del mistero. Mentre la relazione tra Jed e Redford diventa ancora più intima e profonda a ogni ostacolo che incontrano sul loro cammino, David e Victor lottano per non perdere la fiducia reciproca quando devono affrontare le loro differenze. Man mano che i quattro si avvicinano ai rapitori, David è costretto a fare i conti con qualcosa di più pericoloso dell’eminenza grigia che sta dietro ai rapimenti: se stesso.


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Lords of Arcadia | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to The Unseen Tempest
Lords of Arcadia: Book Four

Kane’s ordinary life became anything but when he met his soul mate, Hawk, and was drawn into a world of enchantment with rules very different from the world he left behind. Together, Kane and Hawk are on a quest to prevent the destruction of the Nine Realms, and that means rescuing Hawk’s mother and putting a stop to Hawk’s father’s evil plans.

The end of the journey is within their sights at last, but time is running out. Kane and Hawk’s mission to free Titania from the Big Bad Wolf and save Athens from Oberon’s wrath will lead them through many different worlds. And their adventure won’t end there—they will have to face the one who has been pulling the strings and manipulating the situation all along before the Nine Realms will be safe. It’s a journey that will leave them—and everything else—irreparably changed.


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$6.99 $5.24

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Roland Reynolds—or Lana Renault, as she’s now known—knows that life is no fairy tale. Fortunately she has her trusted friends, nicknamed “the dwarfs,” to keep her company. She lives her life to the fullest while keeping what’s beneath her skirt to herself. 

American painter Daniel Hunter is no stranger to adversity either, and it’s left him with not only strength but secrets. Unlike Lana, he remains aloof, content to observe life and beauty from the sidelines… until the first time their eyes meet on a crowded Paris street.

Cupid’s arrow finds its mark in Daniel, but while Lana longs for romance, she knows there’s no prince in her happy ever after. If their story is to have a fairy-tale ending, Daniel will have to convince Lana to let down her walls—and, in the process, reveal what he fears sharing the most.


$6.99 $5.24

Poppy's Secret

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

A second chance born of love.

Pat Corrigan and Edgerton “Edge” Winters were ready to start a family—or so Pat thought. At the last minute, Edge got cold feet and fled. Pat didn’t bother telling him the conception had already gone through and little Emma was on her way. He didn’t want a relationship based on obligation. He’d rather raise his daughter on his own.

Nine years later, Emma and her Poppy are doing fine. Edge isn’t. He realizes what he threw away by leaving, and he’s back to turn his life around and reclaim his family. It’ll take a lot to prove to Pat that he’s a new man, and even if Edge succeeds, the secret Pat has hidden for years might shatter their dreams all over again.


$4.99 $3.74

Cœur destiné

Le Clan des Panthères
$6.99 $5.24

Dans  la ville secrète de Sobek, Domin Thorne se fait une place en tant que semel-aten nouvellement choisi, leader du monde des panthères. Il aspire à faire des changements radicaux – il se fixe des buts, autant pour lui que pour ceux qu’il choisit d’emmener avec lui, modelant son règne sur celui de son ami, Logan Church. Mais Domin s’est peut-être fixé un objectif trop dur à atteindre : ses qualités de meneur ne fonctionnent pas. 

Jonglant entre un Crane qui a le mal du pays, un Mikhail de mauvaise humeur, un Taj brandissant son fouet, des domestiques aux intentions meurtrières, un ex qui lui rend visite et un compagnon parti pour une dangereuse mission de conciliation, Domin va devoir comprendre son nouveau rôle seul. Il doit aussi trouver comment gérer une conspiration, tout en tombant éperdument amoureux d’un homme qui, pour la première fois de sa vie, partage ses sentiments. Qu’il soit prêt ou non, le Destin intervient pour lui apprendre une leçon : les menaces internes sont tout aussi dangereuses que les externes.


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Hol Dir einen Stern

Lang Downs (Deutsch)
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 2 in der Serie - Lang Downs

Der zwanzigjährige Chris Simms kann kaum den Kopf über Wasser halten. Nachdem er seine Mutter und sein Zuhause verloren hat, kämpft er darum, sich und seinen Bruder zu versorgen. Als er einem homophoben Angriff zum Opfer fällt, denkt er, dass sein Leben zu Ende ist. Aber er wird von den Jackaroos einer nahegelegenen Schafsstation gerettet. Er ist über das darauffolgende Jobangebot genauso erstaunt wie über die Tatsache, dass der Stationsbesitzer und der Vorarbeiter schwul sind.

Für Chris ist Lang Downs ein Traum – einer, der noch besser wird, als er begreift, dass sein heimlicher Schwarm, der Jackaroo Jesse Harris, ebenfalls schwul und für einen Flirt zu haben ist. Alles geht gut, bis Chris klar wird, dass er mehr für Jesse empfindet, als ihr Deal erlaubt.

Jesse ist ein Herumtreiber, der von Station zu Station zieht. Er sucht nicht nach etwas Dauerhaftem und da er überzeugt ist, dass Chris zu jung und zerbrechlich für eine richtige Beziehung ist, legt er Regeln fest, um die Dinge unverbindlich zu halten. Den Stationsbesitzer und seinen Vorarbeiter zusammen zu sehen, lässt Jesse darüber nachdenken, ob es nicht doch Vorteile hat, sich niederzulassen. Aber als er begreift, was Chris für ihn fühlt, gerät er in Panik. Er und Chris werden sich entscheiden müssen, ob die Möglichkeit zusammen glücklich zu werden, es wert ist, ein Risiko einzugehen, ehe das Ende der Saison sie trennt.


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Red+Blue (Español)

Los opuestos se atraen
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro de la saga Los opuestos se atraen

Procedente del interior del estado de Minnesota, el estudiante de actuariales Ben Dutoit acepta encantado una oferta para trabajar en la aseguradora Sidney Sutherland, una de las pocas empresas que ofrecen seguros de vida calificados como de alto riesgo. El hecho de que vaya a trabajar a la “capital gay”, también conocida como San Francisco, es la guinda de su pastel arcoíris. Ben se marca tres objetivos: ser lo bastante abierto y orgulloso de su sexualidad como para participar en el desfile del Orgullo Gay; buscar la compañía de almas afines en los clubs; y quizás, si tiene suerte, enamorarse. 

Pero los hombres con los que se encuentra son todo lo que él no es: corteses, seguros, sofisticados y sexis. Al contrario que el “cuello rojo” de Ben, un paleto de la América rural, todos son demócratas de sangre azul, nacidos con estatus, riqueza, y la responsabilidad que acompaña el paquete.

Ben aún está preguntándose si rojo y azul pueden mezclarse cuando descubre lo que significa realmente el riesgo. La economía mundial se desploma. El trabajo que tanto deseaba está en peligro, y todos sus sueños se ven amenazados, especialmente el amor, el sueño más importante de todos.


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$6.99 $5.24

As prince of the Anzuni demon clan, Jerricho’s entire life has been planned for him. At twenty-five, he will become the crown prince of the Anzuni, marry a man chosen by his parents, and bear his husband’s children all without choice. If that wasn’t enough, he must remain a virgin until his wedding night. To do otherwise would spark an unimaginable scandal.

With only ten months until his twenty-fifth birthday, the walls close in on Jerry, and the realization that he will lose his small apartment, his job at the library, and his freedom hits hard. But that’s nothing compared to losing the man he loves. Rex is a smart and sexy construction foreman with a keen interest in demon “mythology.” When Jerry and Rex give in to spending one night together, their indiscretion can’t be kept secret for long. But that’s only the beginning of their problems.

Someone wants to harness the power of Jerry’s bloodline and his ability to conceive—someone with designs on horrifying experiments, sex slavery, and murder. Jerry and Rex are at the mercy of power-hungry sadists. With no one left to trust, they must fight for each other, their freedom—and their unborn child.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Amber Quill Press/Amber Allure, 2015.


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