

Daniels Erleuchtung

Sex in Seattle (Deutsch) | Buch 2
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Buch 2 in der Serie - Sex in Seattle

Der erfolgreiche Geschäftsmann Daniel Derenzo lebt nur für seine Arbeit. Doch dann wird er durch seinen sterbenden Vater daran erinnert, wie kurz das Leben ist. Daniel setzt seine Prioritäten neu und macht eine überraschende Entdeckung – er fühlt sich zu seinem Geschäftspartner und besten Freund Nick hingezogen, obwohl er immer davon ausgegangen war, ein absolut normaler, heterosexueller Mann zu sein. Auf seine typisch perfektionistische Art erkundet Daniel diese neue Entwicklung mit Hilfe der Experten von ‚Expanded Horizons‘, einer Sexklinik. Und anschließend geht er das Problem an, wie er es aus dem Geschäftsleben kennt – mit dem festen Entschluss, sich das Geschäft nicht durch die Finger rutschen zu lassen. 

Nick Ross war vor vielen Jahren in Daniel verliebt, als sie sich ein Zimmer im Studentenwohnheim teilten. Aber Nick wusste schon damals, dass Daniel nicht schwul ist. Er reparierte sein gebrochenes Herz durch eine Heirat mit Marcia. Vierzehn Jahre und zwei Kinder später gleicht ihre Ehe zwei Schiffen, die sich nachts begegnen. Da Nick seine Kinder über alles liebt, verzichtet er auf eine Scheidung. Er hat Angst davor, dass Marcia das alleinige Sorgerecht zugesprochen bekommt. Aber wenn er seinem eigenen Herzen und den Gefühlen, die in Daniel erwacht sind, vertrauen kann, gibt es vielleicht doch noch ein glückliches Ende für sie beide.


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Fire and Hail

Carlisle Cops | Book Five
$6.99 $5.24

Carlisle Cops: Book Five

Brock Ferguson knew he might run into his ex-boyfriend, Vincent Geraldini, when he took his first job as a police officer in Carlisle. Vincent’s attitude during a routine traffic stop reminds Brock why their relationship didn’t last.

What Brock doesn’t expect is finding two scared children in the trunk of a Corvette. He’s also surprised to learn the kids’ mother is Vincent’s sister. But his immediate concern is the safety of the two children, Abey and Penny, and he offers to comfort and care for them when their mother is taken into custody.

Vincent is also shocked to learn what his sister has done. For the sake of the kids, he and Brock bury the hatchet—and soon find they have much more in common than they realized. With Abey and Penny’s help, they grow closer, until the four of them start to feel like a family. But Vincent’s sister and her boyfriend—an equal-opportunity jerk—could tear down everything they’re trying to build.


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In the small mountain town of Amorea, it’s stretching toward autumn of 1954. The memories of a world at war are fading in the face of a prosperous future. Doors are left unlocked at night, and neighbors are always there to give each other a helping hand.

The people here know certain things as fact:

Amorea is the best little town there is.

The only good Commie is a dead Commie.

The Women’s Club of Amorea runs the town with an immaculately gloved fist.

And bookstore owner Mike Frazier loves that boy down at the diner, Sean Mellgard. Why they haven’t gotten their acts together is anybody’s guess. It may be the world’s longest courtship, but no one can deny the way they look at each other.

Slow and steady wins the race, or so they say.

But something’s wrong with Mike. He hears voices in his house late at night. There are shadows crawling along the walls and great clouds of birds overhead that only he can see.

Something’s happening in Amorea. And Mike will do whatever he can to keep the man he loves.


Extrasensual Perception

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

If a stalker doesn’t kill them, the heat between them might.

Christopher Vincent is desperate enough for a job that he accepts an offer to entertain as a psychic in a friend’s nightclub. Jackson Whitman, one of the club’s co-owners, is less than thrilled by the new act. To him, psychics are ridiculous and a liability. But when they come face-to-face, attraction flares to life between them. 

Someone is watching Jack and Chris from the shadows. What starts as a series of creepy encounters leads to deadly attacks.

Jack and Chris must set aside their differences and work together to survive a homicidal stalker. But can they survive their explosive connection?


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$6.99 $5.24

A Love Can't Novel

Small but mighty—that could be Detective Nevin Ng’s motto. Now a dedicated member of the Portland Police Bureau, he didn’t let a tough start in life stop him from protecting those in need. He doesn’t take crap from anyone, and he doesn’t do relationships. Until he responds to the severe beating of a senior citizen and meets the victim’s wealthy, bow-tied landlord.

Property manager and developer Colin Westwood grew up with all the things Nevin never had, like plenty of money and a supportive, loving family. Too supportive, perhaps, since his childhood illness has left his parents unwilling to admit he’s a strong, grown man. Colin does do relationships, but they never work out. Now he’s thinking maybe he won’t just go with the flow. Maybe it’s time to try something more exciting. But being a witness to a terrible crime—or two—was more than he bargained for.

Despite their differences, Colin and Nevin discover that the sparks fly when they’re together. But sparks are short-lived, dampened by the advent of brutal crimes, and Colin and Nevin have seemingly little in common. The question is whether they have the heart to build something lasting.


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Service with a Smirk

At Your Service
$6.99 $5.24

An At Your Service Novel

Pascal Larocque, a waiter at a high-end Montréal restaurant, knows what it means to love—and he knows what it means to lose. He buried the man he expected to spend his life with years ago. He’s perfectly happy with his solitude, or so he tells his friends. But a chance encounter in a neighborhood bar followed by a run-in at his apartment building turns his world upside down.

Mathias Perras is twenty-four, newly arrived in Montréal, and works two jobs so he can live on rue Sainte-Catherine in the heart of the gay district. During the day, he’s on a fast track to management at the Banque de Montréal. At night, he waits tables at a gay bar down the street. He’s burning the candle at both ends, but it will be worth it when his career takes off and he has the life he’s always dreamed of. When he meets Pascal, one more piece of that dream slots into place. Pascal is everything he wants in a lover: older, self-assured, established in his life and his career. But Pascal doesn’t look at him twice. What’s a boy have to do to get a little action?


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Everything Changes

Resilient Love
2015 Award Winners

A Resilient Love Story

What happens when friendship catches fire?

Former Marine and lower-leg amputee Carey Everett keeps a grueling schedule of counseling fellow war veterans and their families. The injury he received in Afghanistan forces him to rely on a reserve of strength he didn’t even know he had. A much deserved vacation will let him reconnect with his best friend, who saved his life and has been there for him through devastating injury and painful recovery.

Part-time EMT and aspiring singer Jase DeSantis has been in love with Carey for years, but he’s come to accept that his straight friend will never be able to offer more. Jase fills his days with band rehearsals, ambulance shifts, and willing groupies, all while trying to cope with debilitating PTSD.

A week of sun, fun, and music in San Diego changes Jase and Carey’s lives forever when their relationship takes an unexpected turn. Jase has been longing for that change, but it leaves Carey reeling with confusion. As Jase fights to hold things together, Carey deals with doubts, fears, and his own preconceived notions about labels and the true nature of love.


Angus has been with the same guy for ten years. When his boyfriend breaks up with him the night of his thirtieth birthday party and announces his engagement to a twenty-two-year-old less than ten hours later, Angus is… a mess. To put it lightly. He spends days in bed, drinks himself into a stupor every night, and ends up losing his job and his apartment. His best and oldest friend, Reece, decides it’s time for an intervention. And a change of scenery.

Reece and Angus take off on a buddy trip across the US. They don’t have much of a plan; they just start driving. It takes Angus a couple of days to do much more than grunt when Reece talks to him, but slowly he opens up. They drive, talk, heal, shout, drink a bit too much sometimes, dance, meet new friends… and somewhere between Portland, Oregon, and Portland, Maine, they fall in love.

Which was the last thing in the world Angus expected.


Empty Net

Scoring Chances

A Scoring Chances Novel

Spartanburg Spitfires’ goalie and captain, Isaac Drake, ended last season with an unexpected trip to the playoffs. He’s found a home and a family with his coach and mentor, Misha Samarin, and he’s looking forward to making a serious run for the Kelly Cup. But things take an interesting turn when Isaac’s archnemesis, Laurent St. Savoy, is traded to the Spitfires. After Laurent’s despicable behavior in the playoffs last year, Isaac wants nothing to do with him—no matter how gorgeous he is. But that changes when Isaac discovers the reason for Laurent’s attitude.

Laurent St. Savoy grew up the only son of a legendary NHL goalie in a household rife with abuse. He was constantly treated like a disappointment, on and off the ice. When a desperate attempt to escape his father’s tyranny sends him to the Spitfires, the last thing Laurent wants is to make friends. But there’s something about Isaac Drake that he can’t resist. Laurent has an opportunity to explore his sexuality for the first time, but he’s cracking under end-of-the-season pressures. When facing the playoffs and a rivalry turned personal vendetta, Isaac’s not sure he’s enough to hold on to Laurent—or their relationship.


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Drei  Jahre als verdeckter Ermittler in einer der übelsten Banden des Landes haben FBI Agenten Joshua Chastain gebrochen. Im Kampf gegen Albträume und Abhängigkeit verlässt er den Asphaltdschungel und reist ins Pferdeland New Mexico, wo er hofft, auf der Ranch seines Onkels neu anzufangen. 

Vorarbeiter Eli Kelly verbringt sein Leben damit, misshandelte Tiere zu rehabilitieren, und Joshua ist für ihn nur eine weitere, verlorene Seele. Aber als Joshua langsam beginnt, sein Leben wieder aufzubauen, erkennt Eli, dass Joshua sehr viel mehr ist als nur sein neustes Projekt. 

Joshuas Plan scheint aufzugehen – vielleicht war ein Neuanfang wirklich genau das, was er gebraucht hat. Dann, gerade, als er endlich Frieden gefunden hat, zerstören Gewalt und Hass beinahe all seine harte Arbeit und zwingen ihn dazu, darüber nachzudenken, was er sich eigentlich erhofft – von der Freundschaft mit Eli und vom Leben.


$6.99 $5.24

Per una causa antica

Una buona causa
$6.99 $5.24

Una storia della serie Una buona causa

Il padre di Will Martin è un razzista; odia i nativi americani e vuole tenerli lontani dalla sua proprietà, anche se parte della terra del suo ranch è sacra per i Sioux. Quando la tribù chiede di potervi celebrare i propri riti, l’uomo rifiuta, ma Will non è d’accordo con lui. Da quando ha visto Takoda Red Bird durante una cerimonia religiosa Sioux, ne è rimasto affascinato, perciò decide di concedere alla tribù l’accesso alla terra.

Takoda è abituato ad andare contro la volontà del proprietario testardo: spesso si intrufola in quel luogo sacro per andare a pregare e sa che Will lo ha visto. Quando, per puro spregio, l’allevatore mette all’asta la terra, Takoda sa che è venuto il momento di agire e unisce le forze con Will per impedirne la vendita.

Lottare per questa causa ha più conseguenze di quante Will se ne aspettasse. All’inizio vuole soltanto aiutare la tribù a preservare la propria identità, ma alla fine trova la sua.


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$6.99 $5.24

WMU: Book One

Dave is enjoying his junior year at a big New England university, even if none of his relationships have been especially satisfying. He plans to hang around with his best friend Joe and focus on his studies until he graduates, and then he’ll figure out the rest. 

Meeting Noel changes his plans.

Noel is strikingly beautiful and unlike anyone Dave knows. Something about Noel draws Dave to him—an attraction Dave doesn’t feel ready to label. And even if he was, why would Noel be interested in Dave? And what about Joe? He hates Noel and everything he represents, and he might hate Dave if he finds out about Dave’s secret desires. So Dave will have to keep those feelings hidden—along with his relationship with Noel.

But Noel has fought too hard for his identity to be Dave’s dirty secret. Will Dave tell the truth and risk the life he’s always known… or live a lie and risk losing the love of his life?


$6.99 $5.24

Tied Up in Knots

Marshals | Book Three

Marshals: Book Three

Miro Jones is living the life: he’s got his exciting, fulfilling job as a US deputy marshal, his gorgeous Greystone in suburban Chicago, his beloved adopted family, and most importantly, the man who captured his heart, Ian Doyle. Problem is, Ian isn’t just his partner at work—Ian’s a soldier through and through. That commitment takes him away from Miro, unexpectedly and often, and it’s casting a shadow over what could be everything Miro could ever dream of.

Work isn’t the same without Ian. Home isn’t the same, either, and Miro’s having to face his fears alone… how to keep it together at the office, how to survive looming threats from the past, and worst of all, how to keep living without Ian’s rock-solid presence at his side. His life is tied up in knots, but what if unknotting them requires something more permanent? What would that mean for him and Ian? Miro’s stuck between two bad choices, and sometimes the only way to get out of the knot is to hold tight to your lifeline and pull.


The Virgin Manny

Dreamspun Desires
The Mannies | Book One
$4.99 $3.74

The Mannies

Growing up and falling in love...

Sometimes family is a blessing and a curse. When Tino Robbins is roped into helping his sister deliver her premade Italian dinners when he should be studying for finals, he’s pretty sure it’s the latter! But one delivery might change everything.

Channing Lowell’s charmed life changes when his sister dies and leaves him her seven-year-old son. He’s committed to doing what’s best for Sammy… but he’s going to need a lot of help. When Tino lands on his porch, Channing is determined to recruit him to Team Sammy.

Tino plans to make his education count—even if that means avoiding a relationship—but as he falls harder and harder for his boss, he starts to wonder: Does he have to leave his newly forged family behind in order to live his promising tomorrow?


$4.99 $3.74

The Shadow Operation

The Center | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Like I Know Jack

In a mission more twisted than usual, sixteen-year-old agent Jack is assigned to play the role of Jack Elliot. Jack Elliot is the new identity created for Alex Sutherland, a teenager whose father’s criminal activities have forced the family into a witness relocation program. Alex’s family was supposed to be safe, but two previous relocations have already been compromised, so the Center is brought in to investigate. Is there a leak within the witness relocation program, or has somebody in the Sutherland family inadvertently betrayed them?

Jack finds himself in the field with Sean and Instructor Clare Colson acting as the Elliot family—setting themselves up as targets to flush out the truth. With Matt returning to the team, and Martin and Leo as backup, they must figure out how the family's secret identities are being blown and deal with the dangerous consequences.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

En tant qu’ancien agent de la N.S.A, Dayton Ingram est formé aux techniques de la Sécurité Intérieure. Il travaille désormais pour Scorpion et n’aspire qu’à une chose : aller sur le terrain. Intelligent, polyglotte, magicien de la technologie, il obtient sa chance en faisant échouer une agression dans une ruelle. Mais cette chance vient avec un inconvénient : un partenaire, Knighton, qui est un vrai mystère. Malgré ses recherches, Day ne trouve aucune information sur lui, pas même son prénom.

Knight, ancien Marine, a sombré dans la boisson après la disparition de sa famille. Il décide d’en sortir et Scorpion lui offre sa chance : une mission visant à arrêter une grave menace terroriste au Yucatan, avec Day, un bleu.

Pour arriver sur place sans attirer les soupçons, les deux hommes embarquent sur une croisière gay. Day, profondément dans son placard, et Knight, tout aussi enfermé, doivent se faire passer pour un couple. Les tensions sont fortes : l’ex Marine ne communique pas et l’ex N.S.A a les poils qui se hérissent face à la tendance au contrôle de son équipier.

Pourtant, après une soirée bien arrosée, ils se réveillent dans le même lit. Alors qu’ils approchent de leur destination, ils doivent apprendre à se faire confiance et à compter l’un sur l’autre, s’ils veulent infiltrer le camp terroriste et neutraliser le complot visant à détruire l’infrastructure informatique américaine. Et surtout s’ils veulent avoir une vie après la mission. Une vie qui pourrait inclure l’autre…


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

It’s not easy breaking into show biz. Especially when you aren’t exactly loaded with talent. But Malcolm Fox won’t let a little thing like that hold him back.

Actually, it isn’t the show-business part of his life that bothers him as much as the romantic part—or the lack thereof. At twenty-six, Malcolm has never been in love. He lives in San Diego with his roommate, Beth, another struggling actor, and each of them is just as unsuccessful as the other. While Malcolm toddles off to this audition and that, he ponders the lack of excitement in his life. The lack of purpose. The lack of a man.

Then Beth’s brother moves in.

Freshly imported from Missouri of all places, Cory Williams is a towering hunk of muscles and innocence, and Malcolm is gobsmacked by the sexiness of his new roomie from the start. When infatuation enters the picture, Malcolm knows he’s really in trouble. After all, Cory is straight!

At least, that’s the general consensus.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Riley Cooper ist auf der Flucht. Misha Tokarev, die Liebe seines Lebens, hat sich als Auftragskiller der russischen Mafia entpuppt, und wenn Riley irgendwo eine Grenze zieht, dann bei vorsätzlichem, kaltblütigem Mord. Auch das außerirdische Verteidigungs- und Waffensystem McClane ist auf der Flucht. Unter anderem, weil er versehentlich für den Absturz seines Raumschiffs auf der Erde gesorgt hat. Mit dem Militär im sprichwörtlichen Nacken macht sich McClane auf die verzweifelte Suche nach einem Wirt, mit dem er sich verbinden und so seine komplette Auflösung verhindern kann. Riley kommt ihm da gerade recht. Ihre unfreiwillige Partnerschaft entwickelt sich mit der Zeit zu mehr, als sie sich jemals hätten vorstellen können. 

Gemeinsam begeben sie sich auf einen Roadtrip aus der Hölle, den Regierungstruppen und der Russen-Mafia immer nur eine Armlänge voraus. Und außerdem wäre da noch Misha, der wild entschlossen ist, Riley zurückzugewinnen. Seine Sorge um Rileys Sicherheit verbindet ihn mit McClane. Alien und Killer ziehen schon bald eine Spur der Verwüstung durch halb Texas. Riley hat alle Hände voll zu tun, sie da alle heil wieder herauszubekommen.


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