
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della serie Coda

Il giovane Dominic Jacobsen sospetta di essere gay e ne ha la conferma quando un ricco ragazzo proveniente da fuori città sale sul sedile posteriore della sua GTO. Gli basta una serata con Lamar Franklin per convincersi di aver trovato l’uomo dei suoi sogni. Sfortunatamente, quella serata sarà l’unica cosa che avrà prima che l’altro lasci il Colorado.

Quindici anni dopo, Lamar torna a Coda, dopo aver messo fine all’ultima di una lunga serie di pessime relazioni. È solo, depresso e tormentato da telefonate notturne anonime. Ormai sul punto di arrendersi, si trova faccia a faccia con il passato.

Da quando aveva diciassette anni, Dominic sogna di incontrare di nuovo Lamar, ma questo non significa che sia pronto per vivere una storia. Affrontare i pettegolezzi tipici di una piccola città e i soliti drammi di una grande famiglia è già difficile, ma ciò che più lo preoccupa è perdere la custodia della figlia adolescente, Naomi. L’unica soluzione è assicurarsi che lui e Lamar rimangano amici e nulla più. Dovranno tenersi addosso i vestiti, qualsiasi cosa accada.

Semplice. Che si riveli un bene o un male, Lamar sembra però pensarla in altro modo.


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$6.99 $5.24

La  nuit avant son mariage, Zander Walsh, ses parents, et son futur mari se font tirer dessus en interrompant un mystérieux cambriolage alors qu’ils rentrent chez eux. Après trois semaines dans le coma, Zander se réveille pour apprendre qu’il est le seul survivant, et que sa vie parfaite s’est effondrée en un instant.

Le bel agent du FBI Jake Elliot enquête sur l’affaire, et il appréhende le tueur – , qui s’échappe rapidement. Après six mois de recherche, Zander et Jake réalisent que le FBI leur fait obstruction… et qu’ils ont lentement tissé un lien indissoluble qui commence à prendre encore davantage d’importance.

Une fois qu’ils s’embarquent dans une quête afin d’appréhender le tueur pour la seconde fois, ils découvrent que cette nuit épouvantable était bien plus qu’un simple cambriolage. Les grosses entreprises et les politiciens peuvent-ils cacher la vérité, ou les recherches de Zander et Jake pour découvrir ce qu’il s’est passé marqueront-elles la fin de leur nouvel amour et de leur vie ?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Sebastian (Sen) Holt is an artist currently in New Orleans. He’s always been a wanderer, believing in fate and following signs to guide his destiny. Although he itches to pull up stakes, getting a painting into a gallery keeps him rooted. One morning his good friend calls him in desperate need of help with her cleaning business. Her regular cleaner flaked, she can’t lose her client, and there’s no one else.

The job is at a large and recently restored house—and the owner, Morgan Ballard, comes home unexpectedly. They are immediately drawn together, as if they know each other, but they’ve never met. As they grow closer, Morgan behaves like two people. Sometimes he’s friendly and casual, and other times intimate and demanding. Sen juggles his painting through bursts of vision-like inspiration, the cleaning job, and an unexpected commission—all while trying to unlock the growing mystery of the intense connection he feels to Morgan. He’s not sure which scares him more—the strangeness surrounding their growing bond or that he’s found someone to make him reconsider his lifelong wanderlust.


$6.99 $5.24

The Disciple

The Wheel Mysteries | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Fireworks & Wild Cards
The Wheel Mysteries: Book Four

Gus Goodwin witnesses a young man acting strangely at his occult shop—and a day later the same youth is found brutally murdered at a secluded Radical Faerie sanctuary in the mountains. Gus and his private detective boyfriend, Niall Valentine, once again find themselves in the middle of a murder mystery.

First to cross their path is Professor Alex Kittridge, Gus’s ex-boyfriend. Then into the picture stumbles Autumnsong, the biggest enigma they’ve ever encountered, to complicate the already confusing case. As Gus and Niall try to decipher the meaning of the cryptic poems left at the murder scenes, their pasts not yet laid to rest put a strain on their relationship.

Gus and Niall must uncover a slew of secrets within a spiritual group of queer social rebels before the vile killer strikes again—or the investigation could very well end up being their last.


$6.99 $5.24

Winter Heart

Seasons of Love | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

Seasons of Love: Book Four

For over ten years, Wyatt Dolan defined himself as the lover of Howard Wallace. Howard made sure Wyatt’s self-worth depended on that role. So when Howard dumps him, he is lost at sea in a storm without a rudder. If it wasn’t for his supportive friends, he doesn’t know what he’d do. Finally, after a series of disasters, he escapes to Camp Sanctuary—a sacred place to him—where he can be alone, try to put his past behind him, and find a new direction for his life.

Kevin Owens is a lonely man. He is very intelligent—several apps he created have gone on to make him a comfortable living—but he is also quite shy and is uncomfortable making conversation. The death of his dear friend and former lover after a long illness leaves him grieving, confused, and adrift. Then a dream guides him to Camp Sanctuary, only to find that the one cabin with a wood-burning stove has already been reserved. And worse, by a man he’s had a secret crush on for years—Wyatt Dolan.

When a snowstorm knocks out power at the Camp, Wyatt and Kevin must share the same cabin to stay warm, and very soon, magickal things begin to happen.


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Timing | Book One

Timing: Book One

Stefan Joss just can't win. Not only does he have to go to Texas in the middle of summer to be the man of honor in his best friend Charlotte's wedding, but he's expected to negotiate a million-dollar business deal at the same time. Worst of all, he’s thrown for a loop when he arrives to see the one man Charlotte promised wouldn’t be there: her brother, Rand Holloway.

Stefan and Rand have been mortal enemies since the day they met, so Stefan is shocked when a temporary cease-fire sees the usual hostility replaced by instant chemistry. Though leery of the unexpected feelings, Stefan is swayed by a sincere revelation from Rand, and he decides to give Rand a chance.

But their budding romance is threatened when Stefan’s business deal goes wrong: the owner of the last ranch he needs to secure for the company is murdered. Stefan’s in for the surprise of his life as he finds himself in danger as well.


$6.99 $5.24

Avec  sa crête, ses tatouages et ses piercings, Ridley Corbin correspond à l’image du parfait bad boy – ce qui lui convient bien, puisqu’il se voit comme le défenseur des plus faibles. Mais ce qu’il veut par-dessus tout, c’est devenir le héros d’Alex Firestone.

Alex, bibliothécaire discret et délicat, vient de s’installer à Slater, paisible ville étudiante, dans l’espoir d’échapper à son passé. Solitaire, il se fait toutefois remarquer par la brute du campus. Mais les apparences sont parfois trompeuses. Le passé d’Alex le rattrape, et l’heure vient pour lui de devenir le héros.


$6.99 $5.24

Forgiare il futuro

Serie Scelta del cuore
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della Serie Scelta del cuore

Jin Church si ritrova al punto di partenza. È solo, sperduto e incerto sul suo avvenire, e non per sua scelta ma a causa delle circostanze. Ricorda di essere una pantera mannara, ma non molto altro. Di sicuro sa che deve trovare il bellissimo uomo biondo che abita i suoi sogni.

La vita di Logan Church è un inferno. Il suo compagno è scomparso, la sua tribù si sta disgregando e il rapporto con il figlio che ama con tutto il cuore si è spezzato. Senza il compagno al fianco, il suo mondo sta andando in frantumi, e non può incolpare nessuno se non se stesso.

Se a Jin ritornerà la memoria e Logan riuscirà a superare le minacce che incombono sulla sua posizione di comando, allora potranno forse riprendere la loro vita. Ma è davvero quello che vogliono? Tornare alla stessa casa, alla stessa tribù, agli stessi problemi? Possono scegliere di percorrere le strade già segnate che li condurranno al loro futuro… oppure decidere di forgiare il proprio destino.


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Behind the Eight Ball

Fur, Fangs, and Felines | Book Two

Fur, Fangs, and Felines: Book Two

A cool morning, a yard full of birds, and a kitty on a mission. What more could a werecat want? Beta Heller Wirth has it all, except a mate—a shifter mate, that is. The last thing he wants is one of those dangerous humans who kill without remorse. Heller knows about that firsthand. So what does the goddess Bast do? She gives Heller exactly what he does not want—a human: business owner Lawson Dupre.

Lawson hasn’t a clue what just happened in his car detail shop. One minute a cute client is about to pass out, and then he perks up and starts flirting. Next thing, he runs out the door like the hounds of hell are after him. Learning that Heller is a werecat doesn’t freak out Lawson. He happens to be one of those rare humans who knows paranormals exists. He even lives with one. Watch the fur fly as Heller and Lawson battle hurt feelings, misguided beliefs, and a power shift in Heller’s clowder.


$6.99 $5.24

April 1594. William Moodie thinks he’s in love with celebrated actor Richard Brasyer. When Brasyer’s playing company, Goldfox’s Men, comes to town, William is only too willing to leave his country life for the opportunities of the theater and a life in London. Determined to become Richard’s apprentice, William seeks to impress his mentor with his acting—and please him in bed.

Meanwhile, Richard struggles to escape his past as a spy and disentangle himself from the manipulations of his former master and ex-lover, Bennett Goldfox. Swearing off a relationship with his new apprentice proves difficult for Richard, as William uses all his youthful charms to seduce him. When Bennett’s life is threatened, Richard is lured back into the game for one final mission, and he and William travel to Cambridge to hunt down a list of traitors to the Crown.

In the midst of danger and deception, Richard and William come to truly see each other, faults and all, and realize their feelings run deeper than either expected.


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Suddenly Yours

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

A One Fine Day Novel

What happens in Vegas doesn't always stay in Vegas.

Cody Hayes is having one epic morning-after. The hangover following a Vegas bachelor party is nothing new to him, and neither is the naked man in his bed.

His apparent marriage is a different story.

Carefully plotting every detail of his life carried Julian Canales to a Senate seat as an openly gay man. A drunken night of Truth or Dare isn’t like him… and neither is marrying a man he just met. He’d get an annulment, but the media has gotten wind of his hasty nuptials. If Julian’s political career is going to survive, he has to stay married to a man who’s his opposite in every way.

Now he must convince Cody that all they need to do is survive a conservative political rival, a heartbroken ex, their painful pasts… and an attraction neither man can fight.


$4.99 $3.74

Reclaiming Hope

Home for Hope | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Resurrecting Hope
Home for Hope: Book Three

Four years ago, Kollin Haverty’s best friend, Riley Meadows, dropped off the face of the earth. When he shows up out of the blue, armed with a flimsy excuse for disappearing and having nearly completed his transition from female to male, Kollin wants to pick up where they left off. But Riley’s unwillingness to be honest with Kollin prevents him from fully trusting Riley again. Despite Riley’s insecurities and Kollin’s abandonment issues, they quickly discover there’s something more than friendship between them.

When a ghost from Riley’s past unexpectedly appears with haunting memories in tow, Kollin’s anger about being lied to outweighs his desire to be the understanding boyfriend Riley needs. As Riley’s web of strategically withheld secrets begins to unravel, he must find the courage to pursue his own peace before he can move forward with Kollin, and Kollin must decide what’s more important—supporting his best friend or protecting himself.


$6.99 $5.24

Power Play

Scoring Chances

A Scoring Chances Novel

A freak accident during the Stanley Cup Playoffs put an end to Max Ashford’s hockey career. Despite everything, Max gets back into the game he loves—only this time behind the bench, as an assistant coach of the Spartanburg Spitfires, the worst team in the entire league. But nothing prepares him for the shock when he learns the new head coach is Misha Samarin, the man who caused Max’s accident.

After spending years guilt-ridden for his part in Max’s accident, Russian native Misha Samarin has no idea what to do when he’s confronted with Max’s presence. Max’s optimism plays havoc with Misha’s equilibrium—as does the fierce attraction that springs up between them.

Not only must they navigate Misha’s remorse and a past he’s spent a lifetime trying to forget, but also a sleazy GM who is determined to use their history as a marketing hook. But when an unwelcome visitor targets a player, Misha revisits his darkest days, and that might cost him and Max the beginning they’ve worked so hard to build.


Rampant, Vol. 1

Little Goddess Universe
Little Goddess | Book Four, Vol. 1
$6.99 $5.24

Little Goddess: Book Four
Vol. 1

Lady Cory has carved out a life for herself not just as a wife to three husbands but also as one of the rulers of the supernatural communities of Northern California—and a college student in search of that elusive degree. When a supernatural threat comes crashing into the hard-forged peace of Green's Hill, she and Green determine that they're the ones in charge of stopping the abomination that created it. To protect the people they love, Cory, Bracken, and Nicky travel to Redding to confront a tight-knit family of vampires guarding a terrible secret. It also leads them to a conflict of loyalties, as Nicky's parents threaten to tear Nicky away from the family he's come to love more than his own life.

Cory has to work hard to hold on to her temper and her life as she tries to prove that she and Green are not only leaders who will bind people to their hearts, but also protectors who will keep danger from running rampant.

2nd Edition
First Edition published as Rampant: The Fourth Book of the Little Goddess Series by iUniverse, 2010.


$6.99 $5.24

Ben and Shiloh

The Belladonna Arms
$6.99 $5.24

A Belladonna Arms Novel

Shiloh Smart is alone and looking for a fresh start. Convinced he’s finished with love forever, he signs a lease at the Belladonna Arms, a tacky, run-down apartment building situated high on a hill in downtown San Diego.

Determined to turn his back on romance, Shiloh works hard at carving out a life for himself where love doesn’t stand a chance and staying single is all that matters.

Then his drag queen landlord’s nephew, Ben Moss, moves in. Thanks to a rumor Ben has heard since childhood of a fifty-year-old crime and a fortune in stolen money, he sets out to find the loot supposedly hidden decades ago in his uncle’s apartment building.

The minute Ben spots a kilted Shiloh toddling off to work at the Scottish restaurant up the street where he waits tables, he falls hard and fast for the aloof young redhead. Even a hidden treasure can’t compete in Ben’s eyes with the beautiful waiter with the fiery copper hair.

But even while he diligently works to break down Shiloh’s defenses, Ben doesn’t give up his quest for buried treasure. Soon, as their friendship deepens, the two young men join forces in a search for the stolen cash.

As the treasure hunt gathers steam and all the tenants get involved, Ben and Shiloh come to realize the greatest treasure isn’t buried in the Belladonna Arms at all. It’s buried far deeper—in each other’s hearts!


$6.99 $5.24

Eyes Only for You

Eyes of Love | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Eyes Only for Me
Eyes of Love: Book Two

Marcello Bagnini has a history of falling for the wrong men, and it seems he’s done it again. Working out at the gym with his straight friend Jerry is becoming harder by the day—in more ways than one. Worse yet, Jerry isn’t the only one who notices Marcello’s wandering eyes. So instead of risking his friendship with Jerry and alienating the other guys at the gym, Marcello keeps his feelings to himself.

Real estate agent Jerry Foland has never explored his interest in other men, but there’s something different about Marcello, and Jerry’s starting to think he might like to see where his attraction could lead. However, Jerry’s controlling father makes it clear that it’s either stay on the straight and narrow or Jerry can say good-bye to his family.

As much as they try to stay away from each other, their lives overlap, both at the gym and when Jerry is contracted to sell the home of one of Marcello’s friends. Friendship grows into more, but Jerry’s father has his own agenda, and it doesn’t include having a gay son.


$6.99 $5.24


Order of the Black Knights
$6.99 $5.24

Order of the Black Knights

Gideon Maybury enjoys a life of wealth and privilege, not to mention the advantages his position offers him in his career as a merchant banker and his less public life as a high-class, skilled, and very well-paid assassin for Her Majesty’s government. When his brother dies unexpectedly, he becomes the Duke of Westmoreland.

Michael Mathison has hated Gideon since they were at university together. He’s convinced Gideon had a hand in the death of Michael’s college lover, Christopher, and that he had something to do with the death of his own brother. So he gets a job as Gideon’s driver, enabling him to investigate the circumstances surrounding the death of the elder Maybury sibling. At first his suspicions seem to be confirmed, but clues emerge that suggest all is not as it appears at Maybury Hall.

As the mystery deepens, so does the attraction between the two implacable enemies, as does the feeling that they have met before—under dark and terrible circumstances. Each has reasons not to trust the other, but neither is averse to a bit of kinky play. Gideon and Michael end up owing each other their lives, and it results in consequences neither could have imagined.


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Domare le fiamme

Lang Downs (Italiano)
$6.49 $4.87

Seguito di Superare la notte
Serie Lang Downs, Libro 4

Thorne Lachlan sa un paio di cose riguardo allo sfuggire al fuoco. Per anni ha combattuto insieme al suo reparto di Commando nei conflitti più caldi del pianeta. E ora che si è congedato combatte un altro tipo di fuoco insieme al Servizio Protezione Incendi. Quando una questione di servizio lo porta a Lang Downs, una stazione in pericolo di essere divorata dalle fiamme, conosce Ian Duncan, e la scintilla fra loro è immediata. Entrambi gli uomini sono però perseguitati dai ricordi del loro passato e ciò impedisce loro di dare libero sfogo all’attrazione che li unisce.

Se da una parte Thorne desidera intensamente ricostruirsi una vita insieme a Ian in un luogo da poter finalmente chiamare casa, dall’altra teme che la propria instabilità possa rappresentare un pericolo per le altre persone che abitano nella stazione. Ian, dal canto suo, ha sempre pensato che l’incubo da cui è fuggito quando era ancora solo un adolescente gli avrebbe reso impossibile intrattenere qualsiasi tipo di rapporto sentimentale. La fiducia sembra qualcosa di impossibile per entrambi, finché le conseguenze dell’incendio non li costringeranno a guardare al di là delle cicatrici che sembrano impedire loro di guarire.


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