

A Lethal Mistake

Bissonet & Cruz Investigations | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Bissonet & Cruz Investigations: Book Three

Beau Bissonet and Tollison Cruz are back, along with Bruce, Auggie, and now Bastien, Tollison’s ex-partner. From the initial spark between them in Zurich, Bruce and Bastien’s attraction has flared, and Bastien has come to the Big Easy to explore what lies ahead for them.

It’s Mardi Gras, and New Orleans is alive and festive, teeming with excited tourists and locals alike. The first few parades go off without a hitch. And then a man is targeted, shot, and killed right in the middle of a crowded street. Auggie and Bruce are called in to investigate, but before they even get started, more deaths occur, one at each of the next two parades. Auggie realizes he’s dealing with a serial killer and jumps into action.

Beau and Tollison join the investigation and stumble upon some similarities in the murders that are too strong to ignore. But before they can unravel the perpetrator’s motives and get ahead of him, he fires another shot that affects the tightly knit group of friends in a way none of them could have ever imagined. Together they must all come up with a plan to stop the killing and serve justice in the process.


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Resilient Love

A Resilient Love Story

Loren Smith has been in love with Eliot Devlin almost his entire life. During their turbulent childhood and teen years, Loren didn’t always understand Eliot, and sometimes he could be a challenge, but Eliot was the only one to ever truly ease Loren’s deep loneliness and accept him. When Eliot’s increasingly erratic and self-destructive behavior culminates in a suicide attempt at seventeen, Loren is devastated.

Upon meeting again by chance nine years later, Loren is enjoying a successful career as a police officer while Eliot’s life has been a constant struggle for stability. In and out of mental hospitals, with a rap sheet a mile long, he continues to be buffeted by the twin storms of mania and depression. Loren’s love and protectiveness for Eliot are deeply ingrained in him, however, and their feelings for each other are quickly rekindled.

Loren has issues of his own he’s dealing with, and trying to understand and cope with Eliot’s bipolar disorder isn’t easy. They believe they’re meant to be, and Eliot brings a fulfillment to Loren’s life that no one else will ever match. But as they both come to realize, love by itself can’t cure all.


Can’t Live Without You

Forever Yours | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Forever Yours: Book One

Justin Hawthorne worked hard to realize his silver-screen dreams, making his way from small-town Pennsylvania to Hollywood and success. But it hasn’t come without sacrifice. When Justin’s father kicked him out for being gay, George Miller’s family offered to take him in, but circumstances prevented it. Now Justin is back in town and has come face to face with George, the man he left without so much as a good-bye… and the man he’s never stopped loving.

Justin’s disappearance hit George hard, but he’s made a life for himself as a home nurse and finds fulfillment in helping others. When he sees Justin again, George realizes the hole in his heart never mended, and he isn’t the only one in need of healing. Justin needs time out of the public eye to find himself again, and George and his mother cannot turn him away. As they stay together in George’s home, old feelings are rekindled. Is a second chance possible when everything George cares about is in Pennsylvania and Justin must return to his career in California? First they’ll have to deal with the reason for Justin’s abrupt departure all those years ago.


$6.99 $5.24

Marriage of Inconvenience

Dreamspun Desires

Lights, camera, lies.

Kerry Pickering has a problem. As a publicist for Hollywood bad boy Jericho Knox, it’s Kerry’s job to keep Jericho in the news. So far, Jericho’s partying and public escapades have made it easy. But Jericho has a secret, and when that secret is revealed in the most spectacularly disastrous way, it’s up to Kerry to spin it.

The team decides the best course of action is to make the public fall in love—with Jericho’s secret committed relationship. The one that doesn’t exist. Yet.

The team wants someone they can trust. Someone in the inner circle. That someone is Kerry. But what will happen when Kerry realizes that for him, the romance is no longer pretend? Can Jericho love him back, or is he just playing a role?


Obsidian Moons

Obsidian Series | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Obsidian Sun
Obsidian Series: Book Two

After achieving the impossible and releasing their people from the Varas slavers, Anan and Terja, a spellweaver and spellspinner, start the arduous journey back to their homeland. A winter trek across the grasslands is dangerous enough, but the traitor, Xain, is tasked with recapturing the slaves, and failure will mean his death. As added insurance, the Varas High Regent hires a Triad of legendary Ubica assassins and assigns a full regiment of his personal guards, along with their captain, to the task. Their mission is clear: recapture the escaped Talac slaves destined for the Varas pleasure houses—and the bed of the High Regent—at any cost.

The newly freed Talac travel toward their homelands with the full knowledge they are likely being pursued. The flight westward is fraught with new and unexpected dangers as Anan and Terja struggle to save their tribe. The battle for shelter, food, and a way to defend themselves becomes an all-consuming task, but they are reminded by the avatars of their gods that all is not as it appears.


$6.99 $5.24

Save of the Game

Scoring Chances

A Scoring Chances Novel

After last season’s heartbreaking loss to his hockey team’s archrival, Jacksonville Sea Storm goalie Riley Hunter is ready to let go of the past and focus on a winning season. His roommate, Ethan Kennedy, is a loud New Yorker with a passion for social justice that matches his role as the team’s enforcer. The quieter Riley is attracted to Ethan and has no idea what to do about it.

Ethan has no hesitations. As fearless as his position demands, he rushes into things without much thought for the consequences. Though they eventually warm to their passionate new bond, it doesn’t come without complications. For their relationship to work, Ethan will need to learn when to keep the gloves on and let someone help him—and Riley will have to learn it’s okay to let someone past his defenses.


$6.99 $5.24

“One of my favorite reads of the summer!” — Two Chicks Obsessed

Lights, camera, action! When Professor Wesley Coolidge accepts a summer job as a historical consultant to a pirate movie being filmed in North Carolina, the last person he expects to bump into is his soon-to-be ex, movie star Sander Carson.

Just like the flamboyant pirate he’s playing, Sander, aka Sam Carr, is used to getting what he wants, and he makes it clear he wants Wesley back in his life. Sam lost Wesley when he left their life in New York City behind for a career in Hollywood. But Wesley has finally managed to put the pieces of his heart back together, and he isn’t interested in Sam and Wesley: The Sequel.

Convincing Wesley to give their relationship a second chance will take much more than Sam’s apologies and reminders of good times past. If Sam wants Wesley back, he’ll have to show Wesley that they really can sail into the sunset together—a real-life happily-ever-after that won’t end once the final credits roll.


$6.99 $5.24


Ennek Trilogy | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Ennek Trilogy: Book Two

Ennek, the son of Praesidium’s Chief, has rescued Miner from a terrible fate: suspension in a dreamless frozen state called Stasis, the punishment for traitors. As the two men flee Praesidium by sea, their adventures are only beginning. Although they may be free from the tyranny of their homeland, new difficulties await them as Miner faces the continuing consequences of his slavery and Ennek struggles with controlling his newfound powers as a wizard.

Now fugitives, Ennek and Miner encounter challenges both human and magical as they explore new lands and their deepening relationship with each other.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by CreateSpace, 2011.


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Le casse de la rue Royale

Les enquêtes de Bissonet & Cruz | Tome 1
$6.99 $5.24

Les enquêtes de Bissonet & Cruz, tome 1

Deux tableaux de prix sont volés dans une galerie d’art de La Nouvelle-Orléans et l’inspecteur principal Montgomery Beau Bissonet est chargé de l’enquête. La compagnie d’assurance envoie également un agent, Tollison Cruz, suivre l’investigation. La situation entre les deux hommes est conflictuelle au premier abord : tension, colère et désir mêlés. 

L’affaire, qui implique des personnes en vue, doit être traitée avec précaution. Sur ordre du maire, Bissonet est contraint d’accepter Cruz dans son équipe. Peu à peu, ils apprennent à travailler ensemble et se découvrent de nombreux points communs. Au cours d’un déplacement professionnel, ils vivent une nuit torride et inattendue. De retour à La Nouvelle-Orléans, Beau découvre que Tollison lui a caché son passé. 

Dans le Vieux Carré, la chaleur estivale fait mijoter secrets, trahisons et vengeances. Beau et Tollison trouveront-ils la réponse aux questions qu’ils se posent ?


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Luna di sangue

Serie Sanguis Noctis | Libro 1
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Sanguis Noctis, Libro 1

Jed Walker è un killer su commissione che deve svolgere un incarico apparentemente semplice: introdursi in un’abitazione per recuperare qualcosa. Il suo nuovo cliente non sta cercando soldi o oggetti. Vuole il timido e bellissimo Redford Reed, un uomo che in un solo giorno sconvolge il mondo di Jed, che non è proprio pronto a innamorarsi così repentinamente del suo obiettivo.

Redford Reed vive rinchiuso nella casa della nonna, è afflitto da una terribile maledizione e osserva il mondo scorrere fuori della sua casa, fino a quando non arriva Jed, inviato da un uomo che non si fermerà davanti a nulla pur di reclamare Redford come sua proprietà. La sua unica possibilità di salvezza è fare squadra con Jed ma, mentre la violenza cresce, così aumenta anche la tensione fra loro. Anche se hanno entrambi trovato qualcosa per cui vale la pena vivere, ci vorrà tutta l’abilità di Jed e ogni piccola goccia di coraggio di Redford per rimanere in vita.


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Schüttel den Zuckerbaum

Der Zuckerbaum | Buch 1
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie – Der Zuckerbaum

Flapsig  und immer einen kessen Spruch auf den Lippen: Wiley Cantrell ist laut, rasant und unverschämt. Und das muss er im Tiefsten Süden der USA auch sein, um sich tiefreligiöse Nachbarn und Familienmitglieder gleichermaßen vom Leib zu halten. Ein verkrachter Schriftsteller, lebt Wiley von Lebensmittelmarken, arbeitet für den Mindestlohn und kann sich und seinen tauben Sohn Noah nur mit Mühe über Wasser halten.

Noah ist ein Drogenbaby, mit allen Geburtsdefekten, die dazugehören. Er sieht, wie einsam sein Vater ist und versucht, einen festen Freund für ihn zu finden. Derweil bemüht Wiley sich, Noah eine Beziehung zu seiner inhaftierten Mutter zu ermöglichen, die der Ansicht ist, dass die beste Methode, ein Kind zu füttern, eine Steinschleuder ist. Es ist also nicht überraschend, dass Noah Wileys größter Befürworter wird, als sich Krankenpfleger Jackson Ledbetter aus Boston an Wileys Kasse anstellt und seinen Zuckerbaum in Brand setzt.

Jackson verliebt sich Hals über Kopf in Wileys Sinn für Humor. Und während Wiley in vielerlei Hinsicht das Beste am Süden repräsentiert, verbirgt Jackson ein Geheimnis, dass die neu entstehende Familie bedroht.

Wenn Nord auf Süd trifft, sind kulturelle Missverständnisse vorprogrammiert, und es gibt viel Gelächter und viele Tränen, aber wie sie unten in Dixie sagen: Alles gut.


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Tart and Sweet

Candy Man
$6.99 $5.24

A Candy Man Book

In the Army, Robbie Chambers turned on his lover out of fear—and he hasn’t been able to live with himself since. Now he’s out of the Army but still trapped in the closet that brought on his most cowardly moment, and he starts to think he’ll never be able to fight his way free.

Until he sees Cy McVeigh. Beautiful and uninhibited, Cy is dancing on the boardwalk at Old Sac for no other reason than the moment called for it. Robbie not only joins in the dance but is smitten from the very beginning.

However, Robbie still has old business to clear up, and when he helps out a kid in need and comes face-to-face with the man he betrayed, he’s forced to come clean with himself. He can’t redeem his mistake if he’s still locked into his old patterns, and he won’t ever be worthy of Cy if he can’t earn Adam’s forgiveness. He’s going to need all the help he can get from the people at Candy Heaven in order to make things right with his past so he can have a future with Cy.


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$6.99 $5.24

Forty-eight-year-old Ben Thompson is a librarian, a passionate book lover, and a man who embodies the definition of a bear. He’s also lonely after the loss of his long-term partner. Young ex-gymnast Jason Barnes piques his interest, but Ben quickly realizes there’s more to Jason than his good looks. While Jason visits the library almost every day, he never checks out a book.

With gentle persistence, Ben befriends Jason and learns the nineteen-year-old’s tragic secrets. After years of abuse at his father’s hands, Jason was kicked out of his family home for being gay. And despite his apparent love of books, Jason never learned to read. Ben offers to teach him, and the two men bond over their lessons. Ben can’t deny his attraction to Jason, but he wonders if Jason is too young and too handsome to return his interest. With the help of the close-knit library team and Jason’s growing self-confidence, they move beyond the books and into the bedroom, where their own story is just beginning.


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$6.99 $5.24

After a suicide attempt left him hospitalized for seven months, Jesse Holbrooke is returning home to live with his parents. Despite the treatment he received, his depression hangs like a cloud over his head, casting his life in a perpetual darkness he can’t seem to escape. But just when the obstacles become insurmountable, a glimmer of light appears.

Life hasn’t been easy for Adam Foster, a barista with a bad stutter, but he keeps his chin up and tries not to let the mockery of others get to him. Though shy, Adam is sweet and romantic, and Jesse knows they could be perfect for each other. Adam’s support gives Jesse the courage to face the darkness and believe in the possibility of happiness at last. But if their romance is going to last, both young men will have to look inside and find acceptance—for themselves as well as for each other.


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Ace in the Hole

Wild Cards
2017 Award Winners

A Wild Cards Novel

Surveillance, seduction, and extra-dirty politics.

Christian Chatsworth-Brandeis has a problem. A huge one. The US senator he works for has run away with his latest mistress on the eve of a make-or-break fund-raising event, and it’s up to him to cover his boss’s irresponsible tracks.

Stone Jackson, the senator’s new bodyguard, looks enough like the senator that, with some extensive grooming, he might pass for Senator Lacey. Christian and Stone hatch a plan to fool everyone by substituting Stone for the senator, but Miami madness and the incendiary heat between them are throwing obstacles in their way. It’s a race to find the senator and pull off the con of the century before the attraction between them spins completely out of control.


The Senator's Secret

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

Politics, puppy dogs, and passion, oh my!

When his Republican opponent outs him with a photo in a Facebook post, Senator Samuel Dalton doesn’t have many options open to him. It doesn’t matter that the photo is totally innocent. He has no choice but to come clean… until his staff suggest putting a spin on it that leaves Sam reeling.

Sure, he’ll end up with a lot of sympathy, not to mention the possibility of more voters from the LGBT community, but it still seems a pretty drastic solution.

Now all they have to do is persuade Gary, the other man in the photo, to play along. It sounds so easy: convince the constituents of North Carolina that he and Sam are engaged.

No big deal, except for the fact that they’ve only just met….


$4.99 $3.74

Moment of Silence

Moments in Time

A Moments In Time Novel

Growing up, Jason Stern led a charmed life complete with devoted sisters, a father who was one of Brooklyn’s most respected rabbis, and a mother who made the world's best babka. He headed to NYU ready for anything—except falling for the wrong guy, coming out, and getting disowned by his once-loving family. In spite of that, Jason managed to graduate with honors. He's got friends who treat him like family, and he's proudly running the largest LGBTQ teen shelter in Manhattan. Life is good, but he's still falling for the wrong men.

When charming, sexy Quinn Fitzpatrick begins work at the shelter, Jason falls hard and fast. Quinn is tall, blond, funny—damn near perfect. Only if Quinn’s gay, even he doesn't seem to know it. If he does, he's not telling anyone. And he's about one ceremony away from becoming a Catholic priest.

Long hours of work turn to long nights of talking and laughter, and Jason dares to hope this time he's falling for the right guy. But Quinn's got a past to deal with and major decisions to make about his future. When Quinn leaves for a silent retreat, Jason knows the silence may change everything.



The Underground Club
$6.99 $5.24

An Underground Club Tale

Don’t judge a book by its cover….

At over six feet, with a body honed in the gym, auto worker Donavan Gregory is used to people assuming he’s a dominant top. Unfortunately, they’re wrong, and Donavan’s desire to explore his submissive side goes unfulfilled.

Smaller and older than Donavan, Dr. Seth Manning might not look like a typical Dominant, but when the two men meet at Pride, Donavan realizes Seth might be his perfect counterpart. The trouble is, Donavan doesn’t have as much experience with the BDSM world as he’d like. What could an educated, handsome, and confident man like Seth possibly see in someone like him? Seth must convince him that despite the differences on the surface, when it comes to kinky fun and discovery, they’ll fit together just fine.


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