

Of Dark and Bright

Dark Horse Series | Book Three

Jeff, Evan, and Dan have been living happily together for the past two years. They still have problems, especially between Evan and Dan, but they’re mostly able to convert the interpersonal disagreements to sexual tension—and then resolve it—so nobody’s complaining.

Then Dan’s long-lost sister shows up seven months pregnant and on the run from the law, and the situation goes from complicated to overwhelming. Jeff and Evan want to help, but with Evan fearful for his own sister’s safety and Jeff struggling to keep his health issues under wraps, they’re a little distracted. As Dan's sister struggles with her past, Evan's seems intent on gambling with her future. With emotions and family ties pulling them in different directions, the threesome have to hold together—or the people they love may tear them apart.


Le goût du risque

Perspectives | Tome 2
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Perspectives, tome 2

Quand Lil Lampert rencontre Grier Dilorio au Festival du Goût de Chicago, cette aventure censée n’être qu’un bref intermède passionné devient vite plus profonde. Lil est architecte, il vit à San Francisco, il n’est là que pour quelques jours d’une visite à ses bons amis, Jody William et Clark Stevena. Il n’avait pas prévu de s’attacher à un homme plus jeune que lui, même s’il partage son intérêt pour l’art du bâtiment et la décoration intérieure. Mais dès que Lil découvre le fétichisme secret que Grier cache sous ses airs de mauvais garçon, il en veut davantage.

Extérieurement, le jeune homme affiche ses tatouages, sa Harley, sa passion du cuir et de la vitesse, mais Lil découvre en lui d’autres aspects : un homme tendre et aimant, un père responsable. Le petit Luca va bientôt avoir sept ans et Grier aimerait faire officiellement reconnaître ses droits. Il en rêve sans oser se lancer dans la bataille juridique. L’amour et les conseils de Lil l’aideront à faire des choix qui lui permettront d’envisager un avenir commun, mais aussi de réclamer la garde partagée de son fils.


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Hope Cove Series | Book Two

Officer Declan Grant responds to a call at the Hope Cove docks to find Lucas Hale barely alive after being beaten and tossed off his fishing boat. The violent crime rocks this tranquil community where everyone knows each other and doors are rarely locked. Despite Declan being new to Hope Cove, he wants to keep his new home and Lucas safe. He starts by volunteering to care for Lucas after he’s released from the hospital.

Lucas just wants to put the whole incident behind him and move on, but the more he gets to know Declan, the harder he finds it to push Declan and his do-right attitude away. The investigation into the assault continues, but Declan will soon face a moral dilemma, a choice that may topple his tidy life and force him to choose between Lucas and the law.


Desires' Guardian

Desires Entwined | Book Two
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Desires Entwined: Book Two

Most people see Chase Manning as the party-boy twink he seems on the surface. Only James, Chase's BFF, knows the depth of his loyalty and the extent of the wounds Chase carries inside. When Chase meets Rhys Sayer, things don’t go well, but he can’t shake his attraction to the huge, sexy man.

Rhys is a man of contradictions and fear—a strange combination for a PI and bodyguard. He's in a bad place emotionally when he sets eyes on Chase for the first time. When Chase puts the moves on him, Rhys insults him, thwarting any possibility of a relationship. Rhys doesn’t see himself as a complicated man, but he dreads the very kind of connection he desires.

Just as they’re trying to overcome their uncertainties, Chase is put in harm’s way. Luckily Rhys and their friends have all the right talents to help Rhys save the man of his dreams.


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$6.99 $5.24

What happens when Jane Austen’s immortal characters are thrust into 21st century Pennsylvania, with an all-male twist?

Liam Bennet has always been a good judge of character, but when William Darcy is thrown into his social circle, everything spins out of control. Darcy is proud, cold, arrogant—and strangely captivating. When Liam’s brother and Darcy’s business partner start seeing each other, Liam cannot avoid this enigmatic businessman. But does he want to?

As Liam struggles to find his identity in college and acknowledge his feelings, he must deal with the fortunes of his four brothers, his gossiping mother, and the possibility of a large inheritance that could save his family from financial ruin. Emotions come to a boil when George Wickham, a world-weary musician, stumbles into town and ignites a feud with Darcy. He threatens to expose a long-hidden past, and Liam must decide for himself who William Darcy really is and what he really wants.


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Pretty Peg

Oaktown Fey
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

An Oaktown Fey Book

High school senior Josy Grant already had plenty on her plate before she found the magic puppet theater her murdered sister left behind. Despite Josy’s grief, the responsibility of taking care of her family falls to her, and being queer doesn’t make dealing with school any easier. Things only get worse when sexy new girl Nicky tells Josy her sister died at the hands of a mysterious figure from the Faerie Realm called the Woodcutter, and if they can’t stop him, Josy and her remaining sister will be next.

They have just days before the Woodcutter strikes again on the autumn equinox, so Josy follows Nicky into the Faerie Realm to hunt him. Along the way, she discovers Fey gifts of her own and answers to the questions that have driven the Grant family apart. Nothing comes for free when dealing with Fey, though, and those gifts and answers might come at a terrible price.


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$6.99 $5.24

Der Schriftsteller Logan Brandish ist völlig zufrieden mit seinem Leben und seiner friedlichen Kleinstadtroutine, mit seiner besten Freundin, seiner Katze und seinem festen Freund – bis er den Lektor seines neuen Buches, den attraktiven Brock Kimble, kennenlernt. Damit wird das träge und ruhige Alltagsleben völlig über den Haufen geworfen. Zum ersten Mal mit echter Leidenschaft konfrontiert, fühlt sich Logan ruhelos und aufgewühlt und schon bald sind sein Leben und sein neues Manuskript – eine noch laufende Arbeit, von der er gedacht hatte, dass er sie vollenden würde – in völliger Unordnung.

Aber wie Logan lernen muss, bekommt man nicht immer alles. Zumindest nicht sofort. Um sich auf andere Gedanken zu bringen, verreist er, aber nicht einmal die schöne italienische, nun, Szenerie kann ihn lange von seinem ehemaligen Lektor ablenken. Logan muss vielleicht sogar zugeben, dass es Dinge gibt, vor denen man nicht weglaufen kann.


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$6.99 $5.24

Kidnapped. Again. Honestly, Eddie Goodman isn’t surprised. As the son of crime-fighting superheroes with no powers of his own, he’s used to living with a target on his back. Now, the League of Evil has him in their clutches once more. However, Eddie’s not familiar with this particular villain, whose name seems to echo the shadows he controls. Shadow isn’t as disgusting as the others, like the fiendish Duke Naughty who’s been after Eddie for a long time. With a master’s degree in Psychology, Eddie calls on his talent to analyze the mind of this new supervillain and finds he’s not so evil, just a little… dark.

When Shadow saves Eddie from those intending him harm, blurring the lines between good and evil, Eddie realizes battling this new enemy—and his growing infatuation with the enigmatic man—won’t be easy. As Eddie struggles to understand Shadow’s motivations and his own feelings, he realizes Shadow is exactly the kind of Dominant he’d usually go for, and worse yet, Shadow seems to sense Eddie’s submissive nature. Eddie’s mind might not want to submit to a supervillain, but his body certainly does.


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The Silence of the Stars

Stars that Tremble and Silence of the Stars
2014 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

A Spin-off of The Stars that Tremble

Sandy Sullivan has gotten so good at covering up his emotions, he’s waiting for someone to hand him an Oscar. On the outside, he’s a cheerful, funny guy, but his good humor is the only thing keeping awful memories from his army tours in Afghanistan at bay. Worse, Sandy is now adrift after breaking up with the only man who ever understood him, but who also wanted to fix him the way Sandy’s been fixing up his new house in Brooklyn.

Everett Blake seems to have everything: good looks, money, and talent to spare. He parlayed a successful career as a violinist into a teaching job at Manhattan’s elite Olcott School and until four months ago, he even had the perfect boyfriend. Now he’s on his own, trying to give his new apartment some personality, even if it is unkempt compared to the perfect home he shared with his ex. When hiring a contractor to renovate his kitchen sends Sandy barreling into his life, Everett is only too happy to accept the chaos… until he realizes he’s in over his head.


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$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

At seventeen, Charles “Trey” Maddox Taft III has had better years. His father ran off with a younger woman, and with no alimony or child support, his family has to move from affluent Coconut Grove to a rough neighborhood near Miami’s Little Havana. It’s a completely different world, but Trey is determined to make the best of a bad situation, if only no one finds out he's gay.

On Trey's first day in his new territory, he's saved from being run over by local bad boy Bobby Cruz. Bobby is an unabashedly gay, sexually active high school senior who's tired of one-night stands. After meeting preppie Trey, Bobby decides to try something new. Things go well at first, but being in a relationship is tricky and might take more work than either wants to do.


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Aaron Downing is broken, barely clinging to the hope that one day, he will be normal again. His life remains a constant string of nightmares, flashbacks, and fear, but he perseveres and starts college, determined to move on.

Then Aaron gets assigned to work with Spencer Thomas for his programming project. Aaron doesn’t want Spencer to think he’s a freak, but as he gets to know his new deaf friend, he figures out he doesn’t need to be “normal.” If he could just learn to control his fear, that could be enough to find his footing again.

Or so Aaron thinks until his parents begin talking about institutionalizing him to give his brothers a more stable life. He searches desperately to find a way to cope or even to fake normalcy. But his new shrink’s instability makes conquering his demons that much more difficult, and his attraction to Spencer threatens to send Aaron spinning out of control.


Blood Moon

Insolita Luna | Book One

Zack met his best friend, Noah, at Harper Lake when they were five years old. Summer after summer, his feelings grew, but he assumed Noah didn't feel the same. But one night when they were seventeen, Zack kissed Noah... and Noah kissed him back. Zack was sure he did. But the next morning, Noah put an end to their friendship and walked away, leaving Zack with a broken heart.

A year has passed, and Zack goes back to the lake—where every leaf, rock, and turn in the road remind him of the biggest mistake he ever made. He hates thinking about what he lost, and more than anything he wants his best friend back. He figures it'll be the longest summer ever. But then Noah shows up out of the blue, apologetic and more gorgeous than ever. Noah is sweet and attentive, and Zack can almost believe nothing had ever gone wrong. But there’s something different about his old friend, something not quite right. Zack doesn't want to ruin the fragile new bond between them, but he has to know... What secret is Noah hiding?


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Jake Brenner está gozando demasiado de su libertad como para enamorarse, o eso es lo que él dice. Además, está muy ocupado con su banda, los Hijos Pródigos, para ir en busca de romance. Su reticencia no tiene nada que ver con su embarazoso amor platónico por Chris, el líder vocal de la banda y antiguo mejor amigo. Pero eso fue antes de que el enigmático vagabundo, Parker McAvoy, se uniera a la banda como el nuevo guitarrista principal.

Jake niega su atracción hacia el dulce y torpe Parker, hasta que le es imposible ignorar la necesidad de hacer algo al respecto. El problema es que Parker lo sabe todo acerca de sus hábitos libertinos, ah, y por supuesto, no es gay. O por lo menos eso es lo que Jake piensa hasta que una serie de eventos relacionados, le proporciona una nueva perspectiva alentadora. ¿Podrá convencer a Parker de pasar por alto su pasado colorido para darle una oportunidad? ¿O esta canción de amor se desvanecerá incluso antes de que comience?


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Fuori dall’oscurità

Un cavallo nell'ombra | Libro 2
$6.99 $5.24

Seguito di Un cavallo nell’ombra
Serie Un cavallo nell'ombra, Libro 2

“È già abbastanza difficile quando si è in due. Aggiungere un terzo al mix è... non lo so, non vi sembra che sia come andare in cerca di guai?”

Non è stato facile, ma l’addestratore di cavalli Dan Wheeler, ha cominciato a costruirsi una nuova vita, e ha trovato il suo posto in California con i suoi amanti Evan Kaminski e Jeff Stevens. Quando le cose tra loro funzionano, è tutto spettacolare: c’è affetto, divertimento, passione. Ma spesso, non va così bene.

Dan continua a soffrire per la morte del suo precedente compagno e a volte dubita persino di meritare la felicità. Evan è geloso e considera un rivale chiunque catturi le attenzioni di Dan, incluso Jeff. E Jeff si domanda se non sia troppo vecchio per loro due e prende in considerazione la possibilità di farsi da parte. A dispetto dei suoi propositi, Dan comincia a legarsi sempre di più ai due uomini, ma non è sicuro che questo basti a risolvere tutto. Sa che fa male stare insieme, deve solo capire se farebbe ancora più male doversi separare.


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A Dance with Domination

Collars and Cuffs | Book Four
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Collars and Cuffs: Book Four

Recently returned to the UK after living in the States since he was eleven, Andrew Barrett is determined to keep busy and make a new life for himself. He works full time as a copywriter and strips at a club on Canal Street on weekends. But it still leaves him too much time to think. Then he finds the BDSM club, Collars & Cuffs, where at twenty-nine, he is their youngest Dom. Young doesn’t mean inexperienced, however. All this activity keeps him focused with no time to dwell on the past. But the past has a way of intruding on the present.

It’s been four long years since Gareth Michaels last set foot inside Collars & Cuffs. But when he finally summons his courage and steps back into his former world, he finds the man who drove him away is still a member, and what's more, he wants Gareth back. Two men in pain need the freedom they find in each other, but it takes another man’s horrific plans to make them see it.


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Love Means... Patience

Love Means... Series
$6.99 $5.24

A Love Means... Story

Years after his discharge from the Marines under “Don't Ask, Don't Tell,” Cody Culver lives in a PTSD-induced world all his own. On a mission, under misconceptions that Geoff and Eli are the enemy, Cody breaks into their farmhouse but is quickly brought back to his senses by a frying pan to the head. After receiving much needed help in the hospital, Cody has nowhere to go. Luckily, kindhearted Eli knows just where to turn.

When Eli asks former Marine Brick Hunter to help, Brick isn’t sure he wants to get involved. But Brick has worked through his own PTSD, and like it or not, he owes Eli a favor. With Cody struggling to rejoin the real world and Brick agreeing to take him in, they discover they have more in common than either of them thought possible.

Though Cody tries to stay in the here and now, he sometimes flashes to unexplainable traumatic events—events that don’t fit his usual war zone delusions. As the “delusions” grow more frequent, it becomes apparent they might not be delusions at all. Cody may have actually witnessed a murder.


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$6.99 $5.24

Il est neuf heures du matin, après les funérailles de son père, et Ezra Jones sait déjà qu’il va passer une mauvaise journée. Il se réveille avec une gueule de bois, il a mal partout et se trouve couvert de sang. Puis ça empire : le séduisant et irrésistible Callum Dawson fait son apparition sur le pas de sa porte, clamant qu’Ezra a été transformé en loup-garou. Ezra voudrait être sceptique, mais les preuves sont difficiles à ignorer.

Ezra n’a pas beaucoup de temps pour s’habituer aux règles du jeu que l’Alpha Callum lui impose – ou à la façon dont son corps répond à la domination de Callum – tandis qu’il commence à travailler pour le Centre pour le Contrôle des Maladies afin de découvrir l’origine d’une épidémie de lycans. Quand la tension sexuelle explose enfin, Ezra a à peine le temps d’en profiter parce qu’un autre danger les menace. Quelqu’un veut s’en prendre à lui à des fins peu scrupuleuses et fera tout pour y arriver.


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$6.99 $5.24

A Spin-off of A Devil's Own Luck

When unapologetic rake Phillip “Pip” Stubbs takes a position at Greer cottage, he’s only thinking of a new village to explore, new chits to woo, and hoping for another distraction from the growing restlessness inside him. But when the new master arrives, Pip ends up more unsettled than ever.

Major Astley McNalty is a wealthy retired surgeon, soldier, and world traveler. Despite the injury that has left him lame, the gentleman has everything a common servant like Pip could ever wish for, and yet he spends his nights in drunken brooding and his days in solitary melancholy. He’s a mystery to Pip, so when the major defies convention and asks Pip to read to him at night, Pip gladly accepts for a chance to spend his winter evenings by the library fire and perhaps satisfy his curiosity. Until one night, while thoroughly drunk, the major kisses Pip and changes everything between them.

Fear of discovery, fear of repeating the past, and secrets on both sides threaten their burgeoning connection. They must learn to trust one another if they have any hope of finding a safe path to a future together.


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