

On Tinsel Wings

On Tinsel Wings and This Same Flower
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Patrick Harford sees hope as magical and beautiful, too delicate to hold—and everything in his life has proved him right. An unhealthy home leaves him hiding in the shadows as he tries to come to terms with his sexuality.

Patrick finds solace among the performers at the Allegheny Mountains Renaissance Faire, where he discovers a love of performing and costumes. As he starts to come out of his shell, he meets Yu Elion, an apprentice blacksmith. Yu gives Patrick a glimpse of fairy-tale love.

But just when hope starts to blossom, it withers. Cynical after a past filled with failed relationships, Yu keeps Patrick at a distance. Working two jobs has disastrous consequences. And an obsessed fan takes things a step too far. After seeing all he’s built start to crumble, Patrick doesn’t know if he has what it takes to try again on his own, and Yu might not have the strength to be the one Patrick needs.

2nd Edition
1st Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, July 2013.


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Royal Navy Series | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Royal Navy Series: Book One

An officer, a gentleman... and a sodomite. The first two earn him honor and respect, the third may cost him his life. David Archer realizes how hopeless his attraction to his fellow midshipman is from the moment a newly-arrived William Marshall challenges a sexually abusive shipmate to a duel – and shoots him dead.

To Marshall, the Navy is his one chance to move beyond his humble beginnings. While others spend shore leave carousing, he curls up with a navigation text. When they and their captain are abducted, Archer and Marshall become pawns in a renegade’s sadistic game. To protect the man he loves, David Archer chooses to face his own demons of past abuse returned in a different form. When Marshall learns of Archer’s sacrifice, he discovers what he feels for Davy runs stronger and deeper than friendship. He's in love, for the first time in his life, and he wants to know all about this new emotion.

But first they must escape. Only then will they find out if they can preserve their love without losing their lives.

3rd Edition
1st Edition (Print and eBook) published by Linden Bay Romance, LLC, 2006 2nd Edition (Print) published by Cheyenne Publishing, 2009 2nd Edition (eBook) published by Bristlecone Pine Press, 2009


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$6.99 $5.24

All his life Benicio Quispe has dreamed of being a guide on the Inca Trail. He gets his chance when the top travel agency in Cusco, Peru hires him. Alberto Salazar, his assigned mentor, fits Benicio's idea of a perfect guide, but he's also everything Benicio never dared to dream of in a boyfriend.

Alberto learned a long time ago to be discreet about his sexuality. It's a necessary sacrifice to keep the respect of the guides and porters whose help is critical in a successful hike. So he pushes aside his attraction to his new junior guide and goes on as usual. But when a group of old friends arrives to hike the trail again, they convince him a relationship with Benicio is worth pursuing. His newfound resolve is enough to get them on a first date, but no amount of courage can change the attitudes of their family and friends. The risks on the trail are easy compared to finding a path through the challenges keeping them apart.


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Boots for the Gentleman

Steamcraft and Sorcery | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Steamcraft and Sorcery: Book One

Hired by a mysterious faerie gentleman to steal seemingly worthless artifacts, Querrilous Knotte is seen as a traitor by the humans of Halcyon. But as long as he’s getting paid, Querry doesn’t mind. When his client makes a cryptic comment about a certain house, Querry contacts his old flame Reg—a former street rat who now works in the Royal Archives—to learn if the property contains anything of value.

Though Reg has no answers for him, Querry learns there is indeed something precious in the house, something Reg is convinced will bring nothing but trouble. The armed guards that attack the thief prove Reg’s prediction true, and he can’t leave Querry to face it all alone. Not when Reg’s feelings for the man may not be as extinct as he'd thought.

The trouble is, Querry's heart doesn’t just belong to Reg anymore, and surprisingly, Reg’s heart no longer belongs only to Querry. In the end, it may not even matter, because if Querry, Reg, and their hearts’ desire can’t stop Lord Thimbleroy from draining Halcyon’s magic, they won’t live long enough to regret their unresolved romance.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, August 2011


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This Same Flower

On Tinsel Wings and This Same Flower
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to On Tinsel Wings

Two years after taking a leap of faith and moving in together, Patrick Harford and Yu Elion decide to make a lasting commitment. Yu will soon graduate art school, while Patrick continues to gain fame and financial stability performing as a drag queen. They want to take the next step on their journey together, but they disagree as to where their path should lead. Patrick longs to put down roots and make a home close to the friends who have supported him. But the realization of Yu’s lifelong dream lies on the other side of the world. Can Patrick leave his comfort zone and seize the day for the only man he’s ever loved? And what will that mean for his career, the friendships he depends on—and for the friends who depend on him?

Either Patrick or Yu will have to sacrifice his dream. But while they struggle to find a solution that will make them both happy, a friend’s cry for help removes Patrick’s options. With their future together sidetracked, he can only hope their love is strong enough to weather separation.

2nd Edition
1st Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, June 2014


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Carnival - Decatur

Carnival | Volume One
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Carnival: Volume One 

In a world of lights, music, fanfare and fun, there’s not a lot left to the mundane, and nothing can be truer for four special boys whose lives intertwine in a most unusual, unexpected way. They all have secrets and supernatural powers that set them apart from the average small town high-schooler.

Jessie’s world revolves around his family’s traveling carnival. Tate’s busy being the good son to Decatur, Alabama’s first black mayor. Rand knows everyone’s secrets. And Donny wants a family. When sexuality and special abilities become each boy’s focus, a whole new realm of possibilities opens up. With an uncertain road ahead of them, their talents to see the future, hear other people's thoughts, and manipulate wills might help them change their destined courses and find the right path.

Four boys. Each with his own cross to bear. Just trying to grow up.


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Il desiderio del genio

Serie Sollevando il Velo | Libro 2
$6.99 $5.24

Seguito di La via dei lupi
Serie Sollevando il Velo. Libro 2

Dieci anni fa, la Grande Rivelazione manifestò la presenza di esseri sovrannaturali che vivono sulla Terra. I residenti della città in rovina scoperta a Majlis al-Jinn sono però scomparsi da molto tempo; o così pensa il giovane archeologo Pip Butler, almeno fino a quando non libera accidentalmente un genio molto nudo chiamato Jinn.

Anche se da tempo ha una timida cotta per il suo carismatico supervisore, Val Velde, Pip fa fatica a rifiutare le continue e provocanti attenzioni di Jinn. Ha a malapena il tempo di considerare che ha un potentissimo genio e tre gloriosi desideri a portata di mano, quando spietati mercenari fanno irruzione nello scavo per appropriarsi del reperto più prezioso: la lampada di Jinn.

Così Pip, Val e Jinn devono lavorare insieme in una corsa contro il tempo per scoprire i segreti dell’antica città, liberare i loro colleghi tenuti prigionieri e tenere Jinn fuori dalle grinfie dei mercenari, il tutto mentre cercano di risolvere il loro groviglio amoroso.


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$6.99 $5.24

A las nueve de la mañana del día posterior al entierro de su padre, Ezra Jones ya sabía que ese iba a ser un mal día. Se levantó con resaca, dolorido y cubierto de sangre. Y entonces las cosas empeoran: el atractivo y despótico Callum Dawson se presenta en su puerta asegurando que Ezra ha sido mordido por un hombre lobo, y que por lo tanto, ahora es uno de ellos. Ezra intenta mostrarse escéptico, pero la evidencia es difícil de ignorar.

Ezra no dispone de demasiado tiempo para acostumbrarse a las normas que Callum le impone como alfa, o a la reacción de su cuerpo ante la actitud dominante de este, mientras trabaja afanosamente para el Centro de Control de Enfermedades en un intento de encontrar el origen de la epidemia que afecta a la comunidad de licántropos. Cuando la tensión sexual entre ambos termina por explotar, Ezra apenas tiene tiempo de disfrutarlo, porque una nueva amenaza se cierne sobre ellos. Alguien quiere utilizar a Ezra para sus propios fines oscuros y hará cualquier cosa para conseguirlo.


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Dead End

Duncan Andrews Thrillers
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to The Scarlet Tide
A Duncan Andrews Thriller

Duncan Andrews’s best friend Gina is a witch, his bulldog Daisy is a zombie, and his boyfriend Robbie is a ghost. Duncan himself is just your average private detective, who happens to specialize in paranormal cases.

Robbie's cousin, Jason, has a problem. The house he's living in is haunted by the ghost of serial killer Dr. Stanley Moore. Duncan thinks banishing the spirit will be an easy task, but when confronted, the ghost nearly kills Duncan.

If that's not bad enough, a witch-hunting group called the Order of Cotton Mather have tracked Gina down and are bent on destroying her. And Robbie and Duncan's relationship may be nearing an end, as Robbie feels he's holding Duncan back from having a lover he can actually touch.

Duncan must rid Jason's house of the evil Dr. Moore, save Gina, and somehow manage to hold onto Robbie in the process.


$6.99 $5.24

Learning to Love: Final Exam

Learning to Love | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

Learning to Love: Book Four

One house, three couples, and one year left until their final exams….

Evan and Daniel want to take their D/s relationship to the next level. When Daniel suggests conducting a little research at a BDSM club, Evan is more than up for it. Trouble is, one of their housemates isn’t happy about this.

Finances tighten for new couple Josh and Chris. Wanting to ease some of the pressure on Chris, Josh starts as an agency nurse. But tackling a heavy workload at medical school and working late-shifts leaves little time for the couple. Something’s gotta give.

In Spain, Sean was diagnosed as suffering from migraines. But after the medications have no effect and he starts suffering from other complaints, he decides to get a second opinion without telling Michael. When Michael finds out, Sean's usually laid-back husband's reaction shocks everyone. But Michael needs to get his head sorted fast, because Sean needs his strength.

As their school career comes to a close and the one person who holds them all together starts to fall apart, the final exam is a true test of friendship.


$6.99 $5.24

Taste of Air

Alchemists and Elementals | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Alchemists and Elementals: Book Two

The reappearance of necromancers to the Dominincál city-states worries Sadonia prolate Estobán Medovin. Ever since Masters Nico and Theodyne drove the necromancers from his mind three years before, he’s suffered an odd affliction—painting while asleep. It is a secret that, if discovered by his enemies, could bring his rule to an untimely and violent end. On the eve of the demigogal elections in the holy city of Gusan, fearing the new candidate might be under the necromancers' direct influence, Estobán requests an alchemist well-versed in ferreting out death dancers to join his mission to seek out conspirators.

Evil floods the streets of the holy city, and the elementals are anxious. Master alchemist Jolen Meripen should know; as an aerothant—hybrid of a human and air elemental—he can hear their voices in his head, telling him of the corruption festering under the pristine edifices.

When Jolen discovers a piece of the ruby tablet known as the Elementica in Estobán’s possession and the necromancers bid to collect them all and thus rule over the elements, he knows he must do everything he can—including sacrificing his life to bring peace to Dominicál and save the man he has come to love.


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$6.99 $5.24

Quent Jackson ha seguito ogni mossa di Jason Spade negli affari e nel poker fin da quando si sono conosciuti il primo giorno di college. Otto anni dopo, quando Jace decide che Quent è l’unico uomo di cui non può fare a meno, non vede come questo debba cambiare.

Ma se Jace crede che il poker sia la vita, nessuno ha dato a Quent gli stessi insegnamenti. Dopo la loro prima notte di passione, inizia il vero gioco dell’amore e della fiducia, ma Jace ha giocato da solo troppo a lungo per poter insegnare le regole facilmente. Jace parla solo due lingue: una è quella del sesso, l’altra quella del poker. Fra le due, deve trovare il modo di convincersi a dare una possibilità all’amore, e convincere Quent a dare una possibilità a lui. È un bene che entrambi sappiano correre il rischio, perché stanno giocando seriamente, e l’alta posta in gioco è la loro relazione, che senza dubbio vale l’azzardo.


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Into This River I Drown

2013 Award Winners

Five years ago, Benji Green lost his beloved father, Big Eddie, when his truck crashed into a river. Everyone called it an accident, but Benji knows it was more. Even years later, he’s buried in his grief, throwing himself into managing Big Eddie’s convenience store in the small-town of Roseland, Oregon. Surrounded by his mother and three aunts, he lives day to day, struggling to keep his head above water.

But Roseland is no ordinary place.

With ever more frequent dreams of his father’s death and waking visions of feathers on the river’s surface, Benji finds his definition of reality bending. He thinks himself haunted; by ghosts or memories, he can no longer tell. Not until a man falls from the sky, leaving the burning imprint of wings on the ground, does Benji begin to understand that the world is more mysterious than he ever imagined—and more dangerous. As uncontrollable forces descend on Roseland, they reveal long-hidden truths about friends, family, and the stranger Calliel—a man Benji can no longer live without.


I Hate Summer

Lazy Days of Summer
$6.99 $5.24

Out since he was fourteen, Idrys grew up hating summer, mostly because of Trystan Jackson, the gorgeous eldest son of his parents’ holiday friends. After avoiding the joint holiday for five years, Idrys must now face Trystan again... or risk the wrath of his parents. Like Idrys, Trystan isn’t exactly the guy he was the last time they met, but Idrys has more to worry about than Trystan’s odd sleeping habits. He has to steel his—usually nonexistent—morals against the advances of the cute and innocent Josh, Trystan’s younger brother.

It’s only ten days, right? And afterward he doesn’t have to see either of them for another year.

If only it was that simple.

Two months after the holiday from hell, Trystan gets a last minute placement in the city where Idrys lives, and suddenly both brothers are back in Idrys's life. Idrys is determined to carry on regardless, but sooner or later he might have to face the fact that summer doesn't last forever.


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$6.99 $5.24

When Nathan Seward wakes up in a cheap hotel with a stranger, unable to remember the night before, unscrupulous plots and clandestine schemes are the furthest thing from his mind. True, he's in Houston to bid on his biggest contract yet, one that will put his software development company on the map, but he's the underdog at the table, not one of the big players. Unfortunately someone out there sees him as a threat and isn't above drugging and blackmailing him to put him out of the running. Luckily for Nathan, the man in bed next to him couldn’t be further removed from the corporate world.

Tim Conrad is scraping the bottom of the barrel. He left college during his freshman year to take care of his dying mother, and life and lack of money prevented him going back. Now twenty-seven, his dreams are long buried, and he’s scraping by with dead-end jobs and couch surfing because he can’t afford a place of his own.

As Nathan tries to run damage control and figure out what the hell happened to him, he and Tim discover a connection neither was looking for, as well as dreams they’ve both forgotten.


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$6.99 $5.24

When Hollywood comes a-knockin’, a young, small-town Mississippi photographer named Sawyer Taylor packs his bags and heads to the West Coast. He’s been hired to photograph for a romantic comedy in San Francisco and looks at the opportunity as a chance to rebuild and reclaim his life. But a quick, drunken hand job behind a bar in the Castro might prove a horrible mistake.

Film director Miles Eisenberg isn’t a man who wants to commit. He has a daughter who means the world to him at home, and he worries over how his decisions might affect her. He comes up with a million good reasons not to give Sawyer a second look, but sometimes the heart is determined to love, and the brain can’t convince it otherwise. His affair with Sawyer becomes a whirlwind romance worthy of the silver screen, but life doesn't always imitate art, and imperfect heroes don't always get their happy endings.


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Mi Familia

Mi Familia (English)
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Siempre

Three years after starting their life together, Jamie and Sean decide the time is right to expand their family. Preparing to adopt, they cross their Ts and dot their Is. But nothing can quite prepare them for Angel and his sister, Margarita.

After over a year in foster care, Angel, eight, and Margarita, four, are hesitant to trust their new dads. Angel doesn’t believe they will follow through with the adoption, and Margarita, scared, refuses to speak. While the process seems slow, Jamie and Sean are happy to take their time winning the kids over. But when the siblings’ foster mother takes a fall and can no longer care for them, Jamie and Sean rush to take on parental duties they don’t feel ready for. Even as they work to finalize the adoption, life continues to throw them curve balls, and the happy couple worries they aren’t doing enough to save their fledgling family.


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Upside Down

Bronco's Boys | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Inside Out
Bronco's Boys: Book Two

Lowell Cartwright’s life as a mercenary problem solver has taken its toll, and after one more difficult job, he wants out. For help, he turns to Bull, a soldier of fortune turned club owner—not exactly a friend, but the best chance Lowell has. He visits Bull’s club to scope it out and meets Jeremy Hodgson. The twink captures his attention in a big way. Bull tells Lowell to stay away from the club until he decides whether he can help, so Lowell stays in town. When he spots Jeremy passed out on the floor of a convenience store, he goes to Jeremy’s aid.

Lowell piques Jeremy’s interest immediately, pushing all the right buttons. Then, when Jeremy needs help, Lowell’s kindness turns interest into something more.

But trouble comes knocking when Jeremy’s place is bugged. Maybe Lowell’s past is catching up to him, or maybe the danger centers on Jeremy’s roommate Tristan’s mysterious boyfriend. Whatever the source of the problem, the future Lowell and Jeremy hope for doesn't stand a chance unless they can find a way to protect themselves.


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