

Buried Bones

The Bones Series | Book Two
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Sequel to Good Bones
Bones: Book Two

Werewolves don’t have a how-to manual—nor do men embarking on a new life together.

It’s been a few weeks since Dylan Warner wolfed out and killed Andy, the crazed werewolf who originally turned him and later tried to murder Chris Nock. Architect Dylan and handyman Chris are still refurbishing Dylan's old house as they work out the structure of their relationship. They come from very different backgrounds, and neither has had a long-term lover before, so negotiating their connections would be challenge enough even if Dylan didn’t turn into a beast once a month.

To make matters worse, Dylan’s house is haunted, and events from both men’s pasts are catching up with them. Dylan has to cope with the aftermath of killing Andy, and Chris continues to suffer the effects of a difficult childhood.

In his quest to get rid of the ghost, Dylan rekindles old friendships and faces new dangers. At the same time, Chris’s father makes a sudden reappearance, stirring up old emotions. If Dylan and Chris want to build a lasting relationship, they’ll have to meet these challenges head-on.


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Un aiuto d’amore

Serie Assaggio d'amore
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della Serie Assaggio d'amore

Se Peter Christopoulos è riuscito a imparare qualcosa nei tre anni passati su di una sedia a rotelle, è che le persone difficilmente riescono a vedere oltre quell’oggetto. Quando chiede di uscire a Russ Baker, dopo avergli fatto un preventivo per le attrezzature destinate al suo nuovo ristorante greco, è deluso, ma non sorpreso, per il suo rifiuto.

Russ ha coperto il fidanzato violento per così tanto tempo che è diventato quasi automatico farlo, ma, con l’aiuto dei suoi amici, trova il coraggio per lasciarlo. Con sua sorpresa, Peter è ancora interessato a lui e i due si innamorarono velocemente. Ma il loro mondo viene gettato nel caos: Peter trova una vecchia lettera che gli rivela l’esistenza di una sorellastra che non ha mai incontrato e il passato di Russ ritorna prepotentemente quando il suo ex gli fa capire che è disposto a fare qualsiasi cosa per riaverlo.


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$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Chase the Stars
Lang Downs: Book Three

Office manager Sam Emery is unemployed and out of luck. When his emotionally abusive wife demands a divorce, he contacts the one person he has left, his brother, Neil. He doesn’t expect Neil to reject him, but he also doesn’t expect the news of his divorce—and of his sexuality—to be met with such acceptance.

Neil takes Sam to Lang Downs, the sheep station Neil calls home. There, Sam learns that life as a gay man isn’t impossible. Caine and Macklin, the station owners, certainly seem to be making it work. When Caine offers Sam a job, it’s a dream come true.

Jeremy Taylor leaves the only home he’s ever known when his brother’s homophobia becomes more than he can bear. He goes to the one place he knows he will be accepted: Lang Downs. He clicks with Sam instantly—but the animosity between Lang Downs and Jeremy’s home station runs deep, and the jackaroos won’t accept Jeremy without a fight. Between Sam’s insecurity and Jeremy’s precarious position, their road will be a hard one—and that’s without having to wait for Sam’s divorce to be final before starting a new life together.


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$6.99 $5.24

Prodigy pianist Simon Duckworth has a dark past. After being violently raped when he was thirteen, he flees to London, ashamed and determined never to tell a soul. He gets a job at a Denmark Street music shop, but it stifles him. At the first opportunity, Simon answers an ad for a musician, an act that changes his life forever.

Stephen Abednego has seen the same ad. He arrives in London with little more than his ambitions and a sheaf of poems, but together, they’re enough to get him hired. Under their new manager’s watchful eye, Stephen falls for Simon—but Stephen deeply closeted, and Simon may be too emotionally scarred for a mature relationship.

With their manager’s help, their music rises, dragging them into the hectic world of superstardom, but success doesn’t come without a price. Each step out of the ennui and coal smoke of 1960s industrial London must be paid for in regret. With social convention standing between them and the whole world watching, Stephen and Simon discover that finding each other is not as easy as it seems.


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$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Cassidy Ryan and Brynn Michaels attend the same high school, but they live in different worlds. Cassidy’s a popular cheerleader, and Brynn’s the social leper. One is all sunshine and rainbows, while the other could’ve been carved from an Edgar Allan Poe book.

Both girls have their problems, though. Cassidy is coming into her birthright—a long line of ancient magic Cassidy isn’t ready to have. Brynn is coming into her sexuality—something that will definitely cause problems with her very conservative family.

When a teacher assigns Cassidy and Brynn to work together on a project, the girls find themselves in a heap of trouble, because what they feel for each other can’t be denied. If they have any hope of changing ignorant and frightened minds, they’ll have to listen to their own hearts first.


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$6.99 $5.24

Andrew Wingal’s life has become a farce. Unemployed for more than a year, he starts giving tours into the seedy parts of Chicago to tourists eager to witness real-life crime. The local media, politicians, the police department, and belligerent gang members don’t like him. When Andy’s job gets him into deeper trouble, his hotheaded boyfriend insists he flee town for a few weeks until things simmer down. With nowhere else to go, Andy heads for eastern Iowa, where his former brother-in-law, Harden Krane, lives on an idyllic farm with his two school-age children, Mason and Olivia.

Harden has his own specters haunting him. Left with his young daughter and son to raise on his own, he struggles to work full time and build a normal life for them. Yet when Andy shows up after a three-year absence, he hopes that the family’s hardships might ease up, if only temporarily. But during Andy’s stay, a common menace from Harden and Andy’s past appears unexpectedly—and Harden and Andy find solace in each other in a way neither imagined possible.


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$6.99 $5.24

Up until he buys an old truck, Elijah Morgan lives life according to his family’s plan, never feeling like he belongs. Desperate to find his own path, he heads out on the open road, only to end up stranded in Nebraska. Not wanting to ask for his parents’ help, he takes a job with tough, independent farmer Chase McKenzie.

Despite their age gap, the attraction between Chase and Elijah soon becomes undeniable. They give in to their desire, but that night changes everything and threatens the secret Chase guards so carefully.

As the summer heats up, so does their relationship. When autumn arrives, Elijah is due back at college, and he’ll have to choose whether to continue his education and follow in his family’s footsteps… or to stay in Nebraska with the man he loves.


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$6.99 $5.24

A Book in the Good Fight Series

Will Martin’s racist father, Kevin, hates Native Americans and wants to keep them off his property, never mind that part of the ranch land is sacred ground for the Sioux. When they request access for prayer, Kevin refuses—but Will doesn’t share his father’s views. Ever since he first saw Takoda Red Bird during one of the Sioux sacred ceremonies, Will has been fascinated. He grants the tribe access.

Takoda defies Kevin on a regular basis. He often sneaks to the sacred site on the rancher’s land for prayer and knows Will has seen him there. When, out of spite, Kevin places the land up for auction, Takoda knows it is time for action and bands together with Will to stop the sale.

In the fight that follows, Will gets more than he expected. He starts out helping the tribe preserve their identity… and ends up finding his own.


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$6.99 $5.24

Chip Arnold ist ein beliebter Football-Trainer an einem kleinen College mit einem aus der Spur geratenem Privatleben. Er geht gerne mit seinen Kollegen was trinken, kommt mit seinen Spielern gut klar und geht mit den hübschesten Frauen der Stadt aus - er lebt ein Leben, von dem viele heterosexuelle Männer nur träumen können. In letzter Zeit scheint aber keine der Frauen, mit denen er ausgeht, die Leidenschaft in ihm wecken zu können. Bis er den neuen Kaplan des Campus, Foster Lewis, trifft.

Romantische Gefühle für einen anderen Mann sind neu und furchteinflößend für Chip; er kann sich einfach nicht erklären, warum er sich so zu Foster hingezogen fühlt. Er weiß nur, dass diese Anziehung alles übertrifft, was er je zuvor in seinem Leben gefühlt hat. Da er niemand ist, der sich vor einer Herausforderung scheut, entscheidet er sich, diesen neuen Gefühlen eine Chance zu geben. Aber Liebe ist niemals einfach und manchmal ist sie einfach nur ein heilloses Durcheinander.


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Blue Notes
$6.99 $5.24

A Blue Notes Novel

World-renowned conductor David Somers never wanted the investment firm he inherited from his domineering grandfather. He only wanted to be a composer. But no matter how he struggles, David can’t translate the music in his head into notes on paper.

When a guest violinist at the Chicago Symphony falls ill, David meets Alex Bishop, a last-minute substitute. Alex’s fame and outrageous tattoos fail to move David. Then Alex puts bow to string, and David hears the brilliance of Alex’s soul.

David has sworn off relationships, believing he will eventually drive away those he loves, or that he'll lose them as he lost his wife and parents. But Alex is outgoing, relaxed, and congenial—everything David is not—and soon makes dents in the armor around David's heart. David begins to dream of Alex, wonderful dreams full of music. Becoming a composer suddenly feels attainable.

David’s fragile ego, worn away by years of his grandfather’s disdain, makes losing control difficult. When David’s structured world comes crashing down, his fledgling relationship with Alex is the first casualty. Still, David hears Alex’s music, haunting and beautiful. David wants to love Alex, but first he must find the strength to acknowledge himself.


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The God Hunters: Reunion

The God Hunters | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

The God Hunters: Book Two

Months ago, David Ruger was an average human with a flighty boyfriend. Now he lives in an alien universe called the Expanse and wields supernatural powers. He’s also traded in his flighty ex for Doug Colt, a man with a heart of gold and nerves of steel—which is a good thing, because his occupation can get rough.

When David joins Doug and his brother, Bryan, on a job to track down a group of vengeful trolls, the journey takes them across the Expanse to the Shards of Exeter, a magical place made of continent-size landmasses shrouded in atmosphere. There, supernatural beings abound and formidable adversaries lurk in the shadows.

But the mission is more than it seems. Through visions, David learns of the role he must play in reshaping the Expanse—and of the unspeakable evil that caused the God Hunters’ war so long ago. With that same threat resurfacing, David must embrace his destiny to save the family he has come to love.


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Servido con amor

Probando el Amor
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro de la saga Probando el Amor

Sebastian Franklin ha esperado mucho tiempo para demostrar su valía como encargado del comedor del Café Belgie, pero su primera noche en el cargo mientras Darryl, su jefe, está de vacaciones, no es precisamente un éxito. Atracan el restaurante a la hora de cierre, y el buen samaritano que frustró al atracador entra en escena con sus propios problemas.

Robert Fortier es el nuevo juez del condado, y uno reacio además. Es muy consciente de que la vida pública no es siempre fácil, sobre todo cuando tu vida personal te hace ser el blanco de los insistentes medios de comunicación. Pero aún así, Robert disfruta de la compañía de Sebastian, y a Sebastian nunca le falta una ración de felicidad y naturalidad para regalarle a su figura pública favorita. Pero también tiene sus conflictos: el caos familiar y un ex en apuros harán presión en ambos mientras luchan por estar en igualdad de condiciones en esta nueva relación.


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Sins of Another

Bittersweet Dreams
$6.99 $5.24

One morning Padrig Kennedy comes home to find his partner, Nick Glenfielding, in bed with another man. Shocked, hurt, and vulnerable, Padrig flees and meets a stranger who seems to offer comfort—but he force-feeds Padrig a steady diet of drugs and prostitution instead. When he finally surfaces from his hell, it’s to another system shock: he’s now HIV positive.

Nick descends into darkness as well. Devastated by losing Padrig, he finds no consolation in the legal career he doesn’t love and tries to find solace in alcohol, spending his days in an ever-deepening haze.

Padrig and Nick find each other again, but their relationship can never be the same. If they’re to stand any chance of a future together, they must do the improbable: make sense of the past and learn to cope with new burdens they’ll bear for life.

A Bittersweet Dreams title: It's an unfortunate truth: love doesn't always conquer all. Regardless of its strength, sometimes fate intervenes, tragedy strikes, or forces conspire against it. These stories of romance do not offer a traditional happy ending, but the strong and enduring love will still touch your heart and maybe move you to tears.


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Racing for the Sun

2013 Award Winners
Racing for the Sun | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

"I'll do anything."

Staff Sergeant Jasper "Ace" Atchison takes one look at Private Sonny Daye and knows that every word on paper about him is pure, unadulterated bullshit. But Sonny is desperate, and although Ace isn't going to take him up on his offer of "anything," that doesn't mean he isn't tempted.

Instead, Ace takes Sonny under his wing, protecting him when they're in the service and making plans with him when they get out. Together, they're going to own a garage and build race cars and make their fortune hurtling faster than light across the desert. Together, they're going to rewrite the past, make Sonny Daye a whole and happy person, and put the ghosts in Ace's heart to rest.

But not even Sonny can build a car fast enough to escape the ghosts of the past. When Sonny's ghosts drive them down and run their plans off the road, Ace finds out exactly what he's made of. Maybe Sonny was the one to promise Ace anything, but there is nothing under the sun Ace won't do to keep Sonny safe from harm.


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Dalla A alla Z

Coda (Italiano)
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della serie Coda

Zach Mitchell è giunto a un punto morto. Il suo ragazzo del college l’ha lasciato dieci anni prima, ma Zach vive ancora nello stesso appartamento, guida ancora la stessa macchina e si occupa ancora del gatto ingrato del suo ex. Il suo negozio a Denver, Noleggio video dalla A alla Z, fatica ad affermarsi. Ha dei clienti fastidiosi, dei vicini eccentrici e una storia insoddisfacente con il nuovo proprietario del negozio, Tom.

Angelo Green è un punk con un carattere indipendente, è cresciuto con dei genitori adottivi ed è stato per conto suo da quando aveva sedici anni; non ha mai imparato a fidarsi o ad amare. Non gli piacciono le relazioni, così quando comincia a lavorare a Dalla A alla Z, decide che Zach è off-limits.

Nonostante le loro differenze, Zach e Angelo diventano amici in fretta, e quando la rottura di Zach e Tom metterà il negozio in difficoltà, sarà Angelo a trovare una soluzione. Insieme a Jared e Matt, i loro amici di Coda, Colorado, Zach e Angelo troveranno un modo per salvare Dalla A alla Z, ma saranno capaci anche di salvare loro stessi.


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Le chemin de l’acceptation

Les contes de Toronto
$6.99 $5.24

Les contes de Toronto, tome 1

L’inspecteur Kurt O'Donnell a l’habitude de déterrer les secrets des autres, mais quand il découvre que son partenaire décédé était marié à un autre homme, il est secoué. Déterminé à faire les choses comme il se doit, Kurt offre son soutien à Davy, en deuil. Aider Davy à surmonter son chagrin aide Kurt à faire face à la culpabilité dévorante de savoir que son partenaire ne lui faisait pas assez confiance pour lui dire la vérité à son sujet. Mais quelque part en chemin, Davy cesse d'être une obligation et devient un ami, l'ami le plus proche que Kurt ait jamais eu.

Son attirance grandissante pour Davy complique les choses, laissant Kurt face à la difficulté de reconsidérer sa sexualité. Puis, un échange sensuel auquel ni l'un ni l'autre ne s'attendait vient les perturber davantage. Pour être avec Davy, Kurt doit se résoudre à révéler son homosexualité, mais son travail et ses relations avec sa famille catholique le retiennent. Peut-il risquer de tout perdre pour la possibilité de vivre une relation avec un homme récemment devenu veuf ?


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Off Stage: Right

Off Stage | Set One
$6.99 $5.24

Off Stage: Set One

Damian Learner and his grunge band, Firefly, are on a meteoric rise to success. If they get the right break, fame awaits. Seeking more professional management, Damian independently strikes a bargain with the best agent in the business, Stanley Krane. Unable to afford the penalty for breaking old contracts, Damian agrees when Stan’s best friend, country and Western megastar Vance Ashcroft, offers to buy him out of his old contract.

Overwhelmed by a crippling loan, secretive guilt, Stanley’s expectations, and a volatile relationship with Lenny, Firefly’s lead guitarist, Damian disintegrates. Bad habits of too much sex, booze, and drugs create a rift in the band. Finally Vance, with his understanding of Dominant/submissive behavior, sees that submissives Damian and Lenny are falling into chaos, clinging to each other to try to avoid the inevitable crash.

When the pressure to perform becomes too much and the unthinkable happens, Damian and Lenny have to decide: accept that they need something they can’t get from each other, or burn out and take Firefly with them. Vance is ready to claim Lenny, but even Stan’s hesitant agreement to give Damian the direction he needs might not be enough for Damian—or the band—if he loses Lenny.


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Prelude to War

Descent of Kings | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Descent of Kings: Book One

“Never make a mistake, Beryl. Never, in your youth or ignorance or arrogance, do something that might endanger your people, that might cause others harm.”
- Elven Prince Eladar

Eladar, second son of the Elven King of Riviera, can never atone for his disastrous initial foray into the Lands of Men, but he yet hopes to make his family proud. Before his simple mission to meet Prince Talon of the shattered kingdom of Amontir is done, he saves lives and takes them, finds love, and stands to lose all he holds most dear as he leads Talon’s cousin, Beryl, to sanctuary amongst his people.

Caravan guard Alnas is searching for an unconventional love and thinks he’s found it in Hardred, but he must first overcome the former mariner’s tragic past. Neither man dreams their act of kindness in freeing Master Trader Oberas’s snagged cargo vessel will trigger events that alter the fate of their world.

The destinies and lives of these men and others become inescapably intertwined with that of Rion, son of a minstrel and a City Guard, in a world about to be consumed by war. Their trials and tragedies, mistakes, and triumphs will either save the world or destroy it.


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