
$6.99 $5.24

A Delectable Novel

Simon Ford's success is hard-won. He grew up in Napa and resents the rich people who have moved into the valley, changing the culture by opening boutique wineries and pricing the locals out of the market.

Austin Kelvin runs an award-winning winery his father started after making a fortune on Wall Street. He lives the posh lifestyle Simon resents but secretly longs to attain. However, Austin's world isn't as luxurious and privileged as it seems: he didn’t inherit his father’s business savvy, and his winery is going under.

When Simon’s boss sends him to covertly scope out Kelvin Cellars for a possible takeover bid, Simon sees it as a step toward attaining his financial dreams. Until he falls hard for Austin. The feeling is mutual, but when Austin learns the real reason for Simon's initial interest, he suspects Simon’s seduction is merely a means to procure the winery at a bargain price. If there’s any hope of winning Austin’s heart, Simon will have to risk it all to prove Austin is more than just an intoxicating crush.

Like all Delectable stories, An Intoxicating Crush includes recipes used in the book.


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$6.99 $5.24

Three years undercover with one of the worst gangs in the country left FBI agent Joshua Chastain shattered. Battling nightmares and addiction, he leaves the concrete jungle for New Mexico horse country, hoping to start over on his uncle’s ranch.

Foreman Eli Kelly spends his life rehabilitating abused animals, and Joshua is just another lost soul. But as Joshua slowly begins to put his life back together, Eli realizes that Joshua is a lot more than his newest project.

Joshua’s plan seems to work—maybe a fresh start was just what he needed. Then, just when he has finally found a sense of peace, crime and hatred nearly destroy all his hard work, forcing him to reevaluate what he wants out his relationship with Eli and his own life.


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Haciendo Promesas

Manteniendo la Roca Promesa
$6.99 $5.24

Volumen 2 de la serie Manteniendo la Roca Promesa

Todo lo que Shane Perkins siempre quiso fue ser un héroe. Sin embargo, tras la decisión que pudo haber acabado con su carrera de caer luchando, Shane vuelve a casa del hospital y se ve entre cuatro paredes vacías, con una montaña de dinero y un deseo ferviente de que alguien le eche de menos la próxima vez que sea herido en acto de servicio. Termina como agente en la pequeña ciudad de Levee Oaks y, adicto a la promesa de familia, hace un esfuerzo por reconciliarse con su veleidosa y problemática hermana Kimmy. Ella se gana la vida como bailarina y es su compañero de baile quien deja a Shane sin respiración a primera vista.

Mikhail Vasilyovitch Bayul baila como un ángel, pero esconde un pasado de todo menos angelical. Desde que dejó Rusia solo ha hecho dos promesas: una, permanecer fuera de las calles y seguir limpio, y dos, llevar a su madre a algún lugar bonito antes de que muera. Hacer promesas a otra persona está completamente fuera de cuestión... Pero Mikhail nunca ha conocido a nadie como Shane. Ferviente, valeroso y humilde, Shane parece hablar el mismo idioma de Mikhail y nadie está más sorprendido que él de encontrarse con que las promesas es el mejor talento de Shane.


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Jamais deux sans toi

Second Chances
$6.99 $5.24

Adolescent, Addy Monroe fait une expérience qui change sa vie – même si, techniquement, cette expérience est vécue par quelqu’un d’autre sur le siège arrière d’un taxi bloqué à côté de lui dans un embouteillage. Six ans plus tard, dans une boite de nuit de Los Angeles, Addy rencontre le chanteur de rock Zak Roscoe – l’homme qui sans le savoir lui a appris qui il était vraiment – et il fait à son tour l’expérience de Zak.

Étant une personne réservée et secrète, Zak trouve les avances déterminées d’Addy à la fois énervantes et intrigantes, et il se laisse séduire pour une nuit de plaisir. Malheureusement, certaines habitudes ont la vie dure ; son agissement post-coïtal laisse quelque peu à désirer, et Addy se rend rapidement compte que parfois, le fantasme et la réalité n’ont pas grand chose en commun. S’il pouvait avoir une deuxième chance …


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The Pauper Prince

Changing Moon | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Changing Moon: Book One

Andrew Reed is smart and educated, but as long as his people are enslaved to the vampires, his options are limited. When he discovers a strange young man in his family’s barn, he shifts forms and trails the thief, trying to decipher why he smells familiar with a hint of something more. Excited by what he discovers, he reveals himself to Lance, and they return to Lance's camp in the forest.

When Andrew's family takes it on themselves to “help” by investigating Lance’s past, Andrew finds something neither of them could have imagined. If they band together, they have a chance to win their freedom—and a brighter future for all the races.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Silver Publishing, 2012.


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The Return

The Austin Trilogy | Book Two
2013 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

The Austin Trilogy: Book Two

Music. Topher Manning rarely thinks about anything else, but his day job as a mechanic doesn't exactly mesh with his rock star ambitions. Unless he can find a way to unlock all the songs in his head, his band will soon be on the fast track to obscurity. 

Then the South by Southwest music festival and a broken-down car drop New York critic Stanton Porter into his life. Stanton offers Topher a ticket to the Bruce Springsteen concert, where a hesitant kiss and phantom vibrations from Topher’s cell phone kick off a love story that promises to transcend ordinary possibility.


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$6.99 $5.24

Fünf Jahre lang war Zach Tyler, Sohn eines der reichsten Software - Mogulen der Welt, als Geisel gefangen, gefoltert und missbraucht worden. Als er endlich aus dem venezolanischen Dschungel befreit wird, ist er physisch und psychisch zerrüttet. Doch langsam beginnt er das Leben aufzubauen, das er hätte haben sollen, wenn ihn nicht ein unschuldiger Kuss in diese Hölle geschickt hätte.

Sein bester Freund aus der Kindheit, David, hat diese Jahre mit überwältigenden Schuldgefühlen und Trauer verbracht. Jede Beziehung die David einging fiel auseinander, wegen seiner Gefühle für einen Jungen, von dem er glaubte, dass er tot sei. Als Zach gerettet wird, ist David überglücklich – und dann am Boden zerstört, als Zach ihn zurückweist.

Zwei Jahre später kehrt David nach Hause zurück, und er und Zach müssen sich mit der Kluft zwischen ihnen auseinander setzen, mit dem, was sie füreinander empfinden und dem, was ihnen die Zukunft bieten könnte. Aber Zach hat Geheimnisse, und eines von denen könnte sehr wohl ihre zerbrechliche Liebe zerstören.


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Forever Promised

Keeping Promise Rock Series | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Keeping Promise Rock: Book Four

Crick has been home from Iraq for five years, Jeff and Collin are finally married, and Shane and Mikhail are quietly making lives better for the dispossessed teenagers who come their way. Everything is right in Deacon's world, but nothing ever stays the same.

When Deacon's best friends, Jon and Amy, answer the call of an opportunity in Washington, DC, Deacon figures that’s life. You love people, and they leave you, and you survive. Even Benny, Crick’s little sister, is close to grown and ready to start her own future. But Benny loves Deacon, and she owes him—she may move beyond The Pulpit and Levee Oaks one day, but not without leaving something of herself behind. And so she offers Deacon and Crick an amazing gift… and a terrifying decision.

Benny’s offer forces Deacon and Crick to dredge up every past mistake and offer of redemption. And not just the two of them—everybody is forced to examine the chances they've been given and the promises they've made. In a real family, a child is a promise, and to the men and women of Promise Rock, keeping that promise will change their lives forever.


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$6.99 $5.24

Stewart Folger lives in the Appalachian Mountains, where people take care of their family and follow the Bible. He feels that Appalachian pull in his blood, but that hasn’t tamed his wild side. A youth full of pranks left him with the nickname Stunt and a preference for danger in and out of bed. Other than a few contrary moonshiners who hate him for philosophical reasons since he’s a forestry technician and federal employee, he doesn’t have a problem in the world. Then one day he runs into Alex Soto, a man out for revenge.

Just out of prison, Alex knows firsthand that the justice system doesn’t treat poor and rich equally, so he’ll have to go outside the law to avenge his brother’s death. When an innocent man lands in the middle of his plans, he doesn't know what to do… other than take him hostage. Unfortunately, he never planned on having to deal with Stunt or with the twisted logic that passes for reasonable in Stunt’s mountain home.


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$6.99 $5.24

Thanks to fate and his own lack of good sense, eighteen-year-old Danny Shay is headed into what looks to be the worst summer of his life. It starts with a minor meltdown at work that leaves Danny under house arrest with a cast on one leg and an ankle monitor on the other, courtesy of the San Diego Police Department. On top of that, he’s battling a chronic case of virginity, with no relief in sight.

Oh, and there’s one more little glitch. A serial killer is stalking the city, murdering young men. And when strange sounds are heard in the house behind Danny’s, the neighborhood kids think they’ve found the killer. But not until Danny learns he's next on the madman's list do things really begin to get desperate.

Damn! And Danny had plans to come out this summer—maybe even get laid! He doesn't have time for ankle monitors and serial killers!

Then ginger-haired Luke Jamison moves in next door. Not only does Luke solve a few of Danny's more urgent problems, he also manages to create a couple more that Danny never saw coming. Gee. If he can survive it, this summer might not be so bad after all.


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The Thirteenth Shard

Section Thirteen
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to The Thirteenth Sigil
A Section Thirteen Story

When a powerful witch is murdered by mundane means—with the killer leaving behind clues reminiscent of an old mortal folktale—the NYPD calls in Tuulois MacColewyn and the rest of Section Thirteen.

It’s been a while since Cole and his onetime partner, Corhagen, have worked together on a murder case, and sparks still linger between them despite Cole’s budding relationship with Inspector Joss Vallimun. As they struggle to put their past behind them and discover what happened to the witch, they unearth clues to similar murders. Murders that remind them of an old adversary in a case still unsolved.

When further evidence leads Cole and Corhagen to the shattered fragments of a mythical sword, it points to a cryptic clue about a prophecy involving a king. The revelation leaves Cole reeling and sets him up to make what could be the biggest mistake of his life….


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$6.99 $5.24

William Drake mène une vie ordinaire, avec un travail, un chien et une maison près du lac Supérieur, lorsqu’un appel au secours désespéré de sa bonne à rien de sœur, Katrina, le met face à un gros problème en forme de rancher. Démontrant qu’aucune bonne action ne saurait être impunie, l’arrivée de Will au ranch du Montana appartenant au fiancé de sa sœur, Martin, est célébrée par un pneu crevé et un coup de main inattendu de la part d’un bon samaritain grand, brun et beau, qui se révèle être Elijah Hunter, le frère de Martin et l’homme le plus troublant qu’il ait jamais rencontré.

La colère que les mauvaises actions de Katrina a fait naître chez Eli se répercute sur Will. Eli exige que ce dernier reste au ranch jusqu’à ce que le problème soit résolu. Même si Will prend la place de Katrina, Eli ne lui rend pas les choses faciles et ne cesse de le tester. Toutefois les principes incorruptibles de Will dépassent même ses sévères attentes. L’attirance qui grandit entre eux est compliquée par l’ultimatum d’Eli : il insiste toujours pour que Katrina obéisse au contrat prénuptial qu’elle a signé… à moins que Will accepte d’épouser Eli à la place.


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Dumb Jock

Dumb Jock | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Dumb Jock: Book One

Jeff Irwin is short, timid, and studious. A bit of a social outcast, he lives quietly in the shadows of the popular kids at his school, his life ruled by his ever-present fear of rejection or failure.

Enter high school football hero Brett Willson and the chance for Jeff to embark upon the challenge of educating the world’s dumbest jock.

But what develops between Brett and Jeff proves far more challenging than any tutoring session. In 1983, rural Michigan isn’t ready to embrace love between two men, never mind two teenage boys. If they’re going to make a go of it, Jeff will have to come out of his shell—and Brett will have to prove he’s more than just a dumb jock.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Xlibris, February 2009.


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$6.99 $5.24

He’s searching for a story but finds so much more.

Brad Torrence is next on the chopping block at the newspaper where he works. Hungry for any source he can find, he runs across an ad in the classifieds: For Sale: Nursery Items, Never Used. It’s the lead he’s been looking for. Thinking a piece about the loss of a child will give him the edge he needs to keep his job, Brad follows up. He doesn’t expect a single man to answer.

Rather than being offended, Cory Wolfe finds sharing the story of his grief and pain liberating. He’s even surprised by the spark that strikes, and one story leads to another.

Brad digs into his stories and Cory’s life, eager to know everything about the man who’s caught his attention. But when a lead points him to the hospital where Cory works, he unearths a mystery that might have been safer left buried. Brad’s search for a story could prove deadly….


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The Last Blade

Verses of Vrelenden | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Verses of Vrelenden: Book Two

Ren Mallorian is finally a hero. He helped Celestrian, the lost unicorn, complete his quest, and he defeated the kingdom’s worst enemy, Grimthorn. Now Ren lives in the capital city doing odd quests for the king and his nobles—but he misses Celestrian.

One day the king summons Ren and the Prince of Toads, a noble who has taken the role of irreverent sidekick, and tasks them with assembling a team to combat an uprising in the Zombie Kingdom. On their journey across Vrelenden, they gather allies: Discimus, an accomplished wizard and a smug bastard (it’s a good thing he's pretty). Jaron A-Dale, the captain of a city guard and an accomplished knight. Acorn, a tiny and mysterious elf girl. And an unexpected and extremely dangerous traveling companion.

But is there more to the Zombie threat and its newly raised army of the undead than meets the eye? Ren is having a tough time keeping his head straight, and with Ren and Dish distracted—both by their romance of convenience and the absence of the men they love—this may prove Ren’s most dangerous quest yet.


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The Boy Who Came In From the Cold

The Boy Who Came In From the Cold and Anything Could Happen
$6.99 $5.24

Todd Burton has had enough of small-town Buckman. His abusive stepfather calls him a fag; his friend Austin makes him realize he may be gay, but Todd doesn’t want to admit his stepfather is right; and he dreams of being a chef. Three good reasons to flee his hometown and pursue greener pastures. But when Todd reaches the big city, his luck runs dry. Soon he can’t pay his rent and gets evicted. In the middle of a snowstorm.

Gabe Richards is a wealthy businessman with enough wounds of his own to make him afraid of ever being intimate again. But when he sees Todd outside his building, freezing to death, he takes pity on him and takes him in from the cold.

To their mutual surprise, Todd and Gabe find themselves drawn to each other. “One night” turns into a week. Maybe letting a man in from the cold can melt the ice around Gabe’s heart—and maybe getting evicted will turn Todd’s luck around.


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$6.99 $5.24

Kit Mason works at Eddy’s, a boutique where the clothes are chic, the paycheck’s weak, and Kit has no qualms about snagging rich older men looking to pay for play. When Cory St. James walks in, he checks all Kit’s boxes: he’s middle-aged, the entrepreneur of a pharmaceutical company, and already has a kept boy at home—what’s one more? Kit sets out to seduce Cory and bulldozes through his denials, but when Cory finally gives in, his lover, Sasha, catches them with their pants down.

Sasha isn’t the pampered toy Kit expected. In fact, Kit may have misjudged him. And the consequences that ensue when Sasha catches Kit and Cory together leave him alone. Unwilling to be weighed down by guilt, Kit decides to look after Sasha himself, even if Sasha can’t stand the sight of him and there are a few things about Kit's past he doesn't want Sasha to know. But Kit isn't willing to do all the work when it comes to forcing Sasha to rebuild his life. It’s a slow process of growing trust and learning to stand on their own—and together.


$6.99 $5.24

Learning to Love: Josh & Chris

Learning to Love | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Learning to Love: Book Three

When Chris Andrews gave evidence against the men who manipulated him into taking part in a homophobic assault, Josh Saunders was his rock, and his support gave Chris the courage to come out. Now that Chris finds himself sharing a house with Josh, he wonders where that strong, sexy guy has disappeared to. Chris wants him back—but he can’t wait forever.

Josh has been attracted to Chris from the get-go, and the more time they spend together, the stronger the pull grows. But he needs to make sure Chris feels the same attraction, and not just gratitude. Josh bides his time, waiting for the right moment… and misses his chance when Chris starts seeing someone else.

Somehow Josh has to convince Chris they are perfect together. But first, he needs to figure out who has been sending Chris malicious letters, threatening him over the phone, and writing hateful slogans across their front door—and persuade his own ex, who seems determined to win Josh back, to get lost. In fact, Josh’s life may depend on it.


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