

Between Two Loves

Between Two Worlds | Book Three
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Sequel to Between Two Promises
Between Two Worlds: Book Three

Spring struggles against winter in the mountains of Montana as Aiden Cermak and Daniel Schrock settle into their new life together. Aiden, a journalist from the East Coast, wants to make a rustic home for them and their adopted dog, though he continues his reporter’s quest for the truth. Daniel’s roots are traditional Amish, and though he’s become a successful carpenter with his own shop, the modern world still baffles him.

When Aiden’s former boyfriend, Conrad Barringer, ill and alone, asks Aiden and Daniel for help, they agree and welcome him, but with misgivings that persist and grow. Aiden finds fulfillment in nursing Conrad, yet worries that the closeness he shares with Daniel will be lost, as Daniel isolates more and more. Then Daniel learns of an ugly revelation that could change everything, and he grapples with whether to tell Aiden the truth, or carry it with him to his grave.


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The Stars That Tremble

Stars that Tremble and Silence of the Stars
$6.99 $5.24

Giovanni Boca was destined to go down in history as an opera legend until a vocal chord injury abruptly ended his career. Now he teaches voice lessons at a prestigious New York City music school. During auditions for his summer opera workshop, he finds his protégé in fourteen-year-old Emma McPhee. Just as intriguing to Gio is Emma's father Mike, a blue-collar guy who runs a business renovating the kitchens and bathrooms of New York's elite to finance his daughter's dream.

Mike’s partner was killed when Emma was a toddler, and Gio mourns the beautiful voice he will never have again, so coping with loss is something they have in common. Their initial physical attraction quickly grows to something more as each hopes to fill the gap that loss and grief has left in his life. Although Mike wonders if he can truly fit into Gio's upperclass world, their bond grows stronger. Then, trouble strikes from outside when the machinations of an unscrupulous stage mother threaten to tear Gio and Mike apart—and ruin Emma's bright future.


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$6.99 $5.24

In 1942, Pearl Harbor has been bombed and the war is very much in evidence, but it would seem to have little to do with Frank Boyle, a respected Bronx born insurance investigator. He's a man who can keep secrets, and no one suspects that his boyhood friend—local mob boss Nicky Brooks—is his lover. When Brooks accidentally kills Frank's younger brother in a shootout, Frank must choose between his affair with Nicky and revenge for his brother's life.

After Frank betrays Nicky, police detective Sam Lipinski, a Bronx native who has long carried a torch for Frank, makes a move against the mob and lands squarely in the way of Nicky's plans. Sam smuggles Frank out of New York to keep him safe, and sets him up him in a small northeastern city. But there, a messy insurance investigation involving the Roarkes, who may or may not have killed their own mother for the insurance payout, places him in danger again. Dodging bullets, shady characters, and fallout from the war, Sam and Frank will need far more than luck on their side if they’re ever to see a loving future.


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$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Outlast the Night
Lang Downs: Book Four

Thorne Lachlan knows a thing or two about getting himself safely out of a blaze. For years he fought in the world’s hot spots, a Commando with the Australian Army. Now, retired, he fights flames for the Royal Fire Service. When a grassfire brings him to Lang Downs, the next sheep station in danger, Thorne meets Ian Duncan and sparks fly that neither man can put out. But both men have ghosts from the past that stand in the way of moving beyond mutual attraction.

While Thorne longs for the home he could share with Ian at Lang Downs, he fears his own instability might make him a danger to others. And Ian’s always believed that the foster care nightmare he escaped before coming to Lang Downs would make any relationship impossible. Trust doesn’t come easily to Thorne or Ian until the fire’s aftermath forces them to see past the scars keeping them both from healing.


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Triane's Son Rising

Bitter Moon Saga | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Bitter Moon Saga: Book One

Torrant Shadow and Yarrow “Yarri” Moon grew up sheltered in Moon Hold, a place where Torrant’s goddess gifts were meant to be celebrated, and love of any form was a thing of beauty. Unfortunately, in Clough, within a stone's throw of Consort Rath, having beliefs of that sort will get your family killed.

Grief-stricken, Torrant and Yarri are suddenly alone against the elements and a world that would rather see them dead than see them safe. Torrant's goddess gift, which had previously been used for truth and healing, must be honed for violence and protection if either of them are to survive. When Torrant, Yarri, and their new friend Aldam reach safety, will Torrant be able to put this part of him aside? Or will Triane's Son grow to fight the forces that forged him?

2nd Edition
1st Edition published as Bitter Moon I: Triane's Son Ascending by iUniverse, 2008


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$6.99 $5.24

Sept jours, numéro hors série

La vie d’une personne peut-elle changer en l’espace d’une journée? Pourquoi pas en l’espace de sept jours, dans ce cas ?

Voici le récit de sept jours vitaux dans la vie d’Evan Donaldson. Evan était un fugueur, vivant dans les rues, lorsque le Père Valentin le convainquit d’entrer à l’Académie Saint Bartholomé. Ce jour-là, la vie d’Evan bascula. Ce fut le jour où il rencontra son camarade de chambre, Clay Mueller, mais aussi le jour où il commença à vivre. La vie d’Evan continuera toutefois à changer, allant d’abus à un premier amour, en passant par des ruptures et des chagrins d’amour, jusqu’à fonder sa propre famille. Mais à travers chaque épreuve, à chaque fois qu’une porte se refermait, une fenêtre restait ouverte et cette fenêtre c’était Clay.

Depuis ce premier jour où il trouva la foi et tissa un lien avec Clay, à travers les tours et détours de leur relation, voici un aperçu de sept jours décisifs et de la manière incroyable et cruciale qu’a un seul moment de changer la destinée.


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$6.99 $5.24

Jack Christensen hat alles, was er sich nur wünschen kann. Er ist ein aufstrebender US-amerikanischer Diplomat und der jüngste Mann, der je zum amerikanischen Botschafter ernannt wurde. Als Berufsdiplomat, der soeben zu einer aus politischer Sicht interessanten Botschaft in Europa entsandt wurde, hat er die perfekte Frau, spricht fünf Sprachen und verfügt über alle nötigen Qualifikationen. Und trotzdem scheint irgendetwas zu fehlen, auch wenn er nicht genau weiß, was.

Bis sich ihm bei einem Empfang in der Botschaft Lucas Carlton mit seiner amerikanischen Verlobten vorstellt. Vom ersten Händedruck an hinterlässt der Brite bei Jack einen Eindruck, der ihn verwirrt und verunsichert. Lucas‘ Position als Verbindungsbeamter zwischen der amerikanischen und britischen Botschaft zwingt sie zu enger Zusammenarbeit, und bald können sie trotz ihrer Partnerinnen kaum noch abstreiten, wie sehr sie sich voneinander angezogen fühlen.

Als die beiden Frauen einen gemeinsamen Wochenendausflug unternehmen, lassen sich Jack und Lucas auf eine leidenschaftliche Liebesbeziehung ein, die sie auch nach der Rückkehr ihrer Partnerinnen weiterführen. Doch in konservativen Diplomatenkreisen macht die richtige Frau an ihrer Seite einen großen Teil des beruflichen Erfolges aus. Wird es ihnen gelingen, sowohl in ihrem Berufs-, als auch in ihrem Privatleben die richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen? Oder werden sie eines von beidem für das andere opfern müssen?


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Tempo al tempo

Tempo al tempo | Libro 1
$6.99 $5.24

Tempo al tempo, Libro 1

Stefan Joss non può farcela. Non solo deve recarsi in Texas nel bel mezzo dell’estate per fare da ‘damigello’ alle nozze della sua migliore amica Charlotte Holloway, ma è anche costretto a negoziare un affare da milioni di dollari. Come se non bastasse, si sente scombussolato dalla presenza dell’unico uomo che Charlotte aveva promesso di non invitare: suo fratello Rand Holloway.

Stefan e Rand sono nemici giurati dal primo giorno in cui si sono incontrati, così Stefan è scioccato quando una tregua momentanea trasforma la loro solita ostilità in una complicità improvvisa. Benché diffidente riguardo ai suoi sentimenti, Stefan rimane influenzato dalle rivelazioni sincere di Rand e decide di dargli una possibilità.

Ma la loro storia d’amore appena sbocciata viene messa a repentaglio quando l’affare di Stefan va storto: la proprietaria dell’ultimo ranch che ha bisogno di assicurare alla sua compagnia viene uccisa. Per Stefan sarà una sorpresa scoprirlo e rendersi conto che anche la sua vita è in pericolo.


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Moon and Stars

Clouds and Rain Stories
$6.99 $5.24

A Clouds and Rain Story

After an affair with a married DA led to scandal and disbarment, Cooper Nelson left his legal career in shambles, and found solace working as a hand at the Blue River Ranch. Eight years later, during a rare visit into town, Cooper bumps into Kelly Freed, a man he left behind fifteen years earlier when he started out as an attorney. Unfortunately, Kelly is running for sheriff and his wife is terminally ill, so Kelly can’t even consider rekindling their relationship. Cooper knows from sad experience that hiding the truth leads to lives being ruined, so for his part, he refuses to be anybody’s dirty secret.

In the meantime circumstances at neighboring Blackwater Ranch have taken a desperate turn. Gable’s friend Calley has breast cancer, and when Gable and Flynn take in Calley’s kids, they need help from their friends. Cooper and Kelly’s combined talents are put to work to ensure Gable can make a bid to become the legal father of his children, and that Calley’s affairs are in order if worse comes to worst. For Cooper, staying away from Kelly was never easy, and now with a common cause, Cooper finds he can't stop himself from seeking the man out.


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The Sweetest Scent

Senses and Sensations
$6.99 $5.24

A Senses and Sensations Story

Football player Bro Sumner and genderqueer Lacey Adair are an exclusive item. Though their high school years have been mostly happy, they continually face dangerous opposition—including a bully on Bro’s team and Lacey’s violent alcoholic father—because Lacey won’t live the traditional gender role she was born to. She chooses to wear dresses and makeup and appear female; underneath the wrappings, she’s content with physically being a male in a gay relationship with Bro, and she doesn’t want that to change.

Their differing plans for the future after graduation, however, may create changes they can’t weather. A compromise with the help of relatives and friends means Bro and Lacey can go to school only an hour apart, but they still miss each other. It’s not long before they make new friendships and discover new romantic possibilities. Temptations, jealousies, distance, and expanding horizons could sever their relationship forever unless they can keep their dream of a life together alive in their hearts.


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The Tin Box

2014 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

William Lyon's past forced him to become someone he isn't. Conflicted and unable to maintain the charade, he separates from his wife and takes a job as caretaker at a former mental hospital. Jelley’s Valley State Insane Asylum was the largest mental hospital in California for well over a century, but it now stands empty. William thinks the decrepit institution is the perfect place to finish his dissertation and wait for his divorce to become final. In town, William meets Colby Anderson, who minds the local store and post office. Unlike William, Colby is cute, upbeat, and flamboyantly out. Although initially put off by Colby’s mannerisms, William comes to value their new friendship, and even accepts Colby's offer to ease him into the world of gay sex.

William’s self-image begins to change when he discovers a tin box, hidden in an asylum wall since the 1940s. It contains letters secretly written by Bill, a patient who was sent to the asylum for being homosexual. The letters hit close to home, and William comes to care about Bill and his fate. With Colby’s help, he hopes the words written seventy years ago will give him courage to be his true self.


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Elpida | Book One
2014 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Elpida: Book One

High school senior Michael Sattler leads a charmed life. He’s a star athlete, has great friends, and parents who love him just the way he is. What’s missing from his life is a boyfriend. That’s a problem because he’s out only to his parents and best friend. When Michael accidentally bumps into Christy Castle at school, his life changes in ways he never imagined. Christy is Michael’s dream guy: smart, pretty, and sexy. But nothing could have prepared Michael for what being Christy's boyfriend would entail.

Christy needs to heal after years of abuse and knows he needs help to do it. After the death of his notorious father, he leaves his native Greece and settles in upstate New York. Alone, afraid, and left without a voice, Christy hides the myriad scars of his abuse. He desperately wants to be loved and when he meets Michael, he dares to hope that day has arrived. When one of Michael’s teammates turns enemy, and an abuser from Christy’s past seeks to return him to a life of slavery, only Michael and Christy's combined strength and unwavering determination can save them from the violence that threatens to destroy their future together.


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Dumb Jock: The Musical

Dumb Jock | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

Dumb Jock: Book Four

Evan Drake needs to be a role model to his younger brother Brandon, and although he’s a star on his high school basketball team, there’s more to him than meets the eye. He’s interested in many things, including drama and singing, and when he joins drama club, he meets Noah Sheridan, and he’s pretty interested in him, too.

Noah is a super smart, cute but nerdy kid who has written a high school play about two gay students who attended Boyne City High twenty years ago, and who, in real life, fell in love with each other. When the drama department elects to use the play for their high school musical, Noah urges Evan to audition for the lead role. Evan ultimately decides he wants to be in the play, but when he shows up to audition, it sends shockwaves throughout the school. His teammates are furious, and so is his best friend Bryan. As Evan and Noah grow closer, Bryan gets more traitorous, and it seems he wants nothing more than to see his former friend broken down.


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$6.99 $5.24

Pendant cinq ans, Zach Tyler, le fils d’un des plus riches magnats de l’informatique au monde, a été retenu en otage, torturé et abusé. Quand il est enfin secouru de la jungle Vénézuélienne, il est traumatisé à la fois physiquement et psychologiquement, mais il commence doucement à reconstruire la vie qu’il aurait dû avoir si un baiser innocent ne l’avait pas envoyé en enfer.

Son meilleur ami d’enfance, David, a vécu ces années avec un bouleversant sentiment de culpabilité et de chagrin. Chaque tentative de relation amoureuse a été un fiasco à cause des sentiments qu’il portait à un homme qu’il pensait mort. Quand Zach est retrouvé, David est fou de joie mais ensuite anéanti quand Zach le repousse.

Deux ans plus tard, David retourne dans sa ville natale. Zach et lui doivent faire face aux désaccords entre eux, à ce qu’ils ressentent l’un pour l’autre et au futur qu’ils pourraient avoir. Mais Zach a des secrets, et l’un d’eux pourrait bien détruire leur amour encore fragile.


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Un poco de amor

Probando el Amor
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro de la saga Probando el Amor

Si Peter Christopoulos ha aprendido algo de sus tres años en silla de ruedas, es que a la gente le cuesta ver más allá del armazón. Cuando le propone a Russ Baker salir con él tras darle un presupuesto de material para un nuevo restaurante griego, acaba decepcionado pero no sorprendido de que se negara.

Russ ha estado excusando a su novio abusivo durante tanto tiempo que ya es casi automático, pero, con algo de ayuda de sus amigos, consigue reunir el coraje para romper con él. Para su sorpresa, Peter todavía está interesado y, pronto, caen prendados el uno del otro con rapidez e intensidad. Pero entonces algo agita su mundo: Peter encuentra una vieja carta que le revela la existencia de una media hermana que nunca ha conocido y el pasado de Russ interfiere entre ellos cuando su ex deja claro que hará todo lo posible para recuperarlo.


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A Daring Ride

The Bullriders | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

The Bullriders: Book Two

Simon “Frizz” Frizzell sneaks away to the rodeo on weekends, and it’s not until after he wins a buckle that he tells his parents about his bull-riding. He knows they won’t approve of his choice of sport, but his parents own a Christian bookstore, and he couldn’t possibly tell them the whole truth: he’s gay. And so are some of his rodeo friends, like Dante and Ryan, and Jacky—a young man he wishes could have been more than a one-night stand. When Simon sets his sights on his dreams, he finds work with Dante and Ryan, and bumps into Jacky on the job.

Jacky Douglas is a rodeo fanatic, plain and simple. He loves the ride, and he loves the cowboys. He fell hard for Frizz when they met, and theirs was a one-night stand made in heaven. When they meet again, Jacky thinks it’s a stroke of luck. Frizz takes some convincing, but once he’s on board, they begin a relationship. The fledgling romance faces a challenge when news of it travels all the way to the one place Frizz doesn’t want it to go: his parents’ bookstore.


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$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

It sucks being the son of a super villain. At home, Harry spends half of his time getting medical treatments and the other half tied up in his father's underwater lair. It was different when his mother was alive, but she disappeared when Harry was six. He can't seem to stay out of trouble at school, and his new roommate, Antonin, thinks he’s a spaz, but somehow Harry has to find a way to stop his father's evil plans.

Antonin Karganilla wants to become a comic book artist, but other than that, being gay is the most normal thing about him. His uncle is an aquatic plant man, his aunt is a molecular biologist back from the dead, and his mom is an overprotective pain in the butt. Antonin's in boarding school and it's starting to look like he and this Harry kid might have a lot in common... and that means a whole new set of problems.


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Anything Could Happen

The Boy Who Came In From the Cold and Anything Could Happen
$6.99 $5.24

Moving to Kansas City could be the best thing Austin Shelbourne has ever done. For a start, he can stop living a lie and finally come out of the closet. And there's a chance, though slim, that he might be able to locate the love of his life, Todd Burton. It had seemed like a good idea when he seduced his friend, but Todd freaked out and vanished. Austin hopes to find Todd, make things right between them, and win his love. But when he meets actor Guy Campbell, things get even more confusing.

The moment Guy sets eyes on Austin, he knows Austin is The One. But Austin makes it clear he feels a responsibility to Todd, and Guy has some dark secrets of his own. He’s found redemption in acting and directing, but worries that if Austin learns the truth, he might not be able bear it. And what if Todd accepts Austin's apology and the love Austin offers? Guy wants Austin desperately, but he also wants him to be happy. In the play of life, with the happiness of good men in the balance, anything could happen.


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