
$6.99 $5.24

Christopher "Kit" Britten drifts through life, partying with friends and spending his parents’ money. He hasn’t told them he’s gay, but he’s told all of his five sisters, and to keep from being harassed about responsibility, he works part-time for one of them. When she sends him on an errand and his shiny red Ferrari breaks down in one of Houston's seediest locals, he pushes it to the nearest garage. That's where he meets Romy O'Keefe.

Romy works hard as a mechanic to provide for his mother and little brother. When Kit pushes his to-die-for Ferrari into Romy’s garage, Romy is wary of falling for gorgeous Kit despite instant attraction. Kit impulsively decides to prove how serious he is about Romy by coming out to his parents—and his father disowns him!

Uptown and downtown clash as the two men share the tiny space in Romy’s Airstream trailer and struggle to make ends meet. When Kit’s former boyfriend comes sniffing around, and Romy gets the bill for his little brother’s surgery, it drives home to him how very different his world is from Kit’s. However, Kit is in love with the velvet-voiced Romy, and he isn’t about to give up.


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$6.99 $5.24

Too much partying and self-inflicted trouble have left Cameron Lacey’s life a complete mess. But he’s determined to change, and he’ll do anything to keep a roof over his head until he gets himself together. When he's introduced to Sam Powell, he can’t believe Sam will let him stay without expecting anything in return—in Cameron’s world, nothing is free. Realizing Sam’s bleeding heart is exactly as it appears throws Cameron for a loop… and completely head over heels. Unfortunately, old habits die hard.

Cameron’s demons rear their ugly heads, leading to a series of backsliding disasters and fumbled attempts by Sam to save Cameron from bad choices. As Cameron struggles to become who he wants to be instead of who he is, he also comes to hope Sam will discover that what’s right for him might not be what he’s looking for—but who he already has.


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Eye of Truth

Alchemists and Elementals | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Alchemists and Elementals: Book One

Theodyne Thespacian is a thief. Caught and imprisoned, he's done his time and vowed never to return to the life of pulse-racing excitement and easy money. But when one of his former associates tells him about the Eye of Truth—an artifact that will open worlds of untold wealth—it seems like the perfect crime. However, for Theodyne, with the brand of a thief on his face, to be caught again means death. So instead he goes to the Villa of Nicodemus Valencia, the Master Alchemist who owns the artifact… and applies for a job.

Nicodemus descends directly from the founder of the Gold School, and of all those in that bloodline, he possesses the strongest gift for alchemy. His formulas have made him wealthy, though they've failed to give him the one thing he's longed for most—love. When Theodyne appears at his Villa, he recognizes potential for alchemy and offers him apprenticeship. But then an ancient foe purged from the lands long ago reappears and threatens the Gold School, the Eye of Truth, and all the Dominical city-states. Nicodemus and Theodyne must now band together in courage to battle evil and can only hope they will not lose all they’ve come to hold dear.


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Rum and Ginger

The Connection Series | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

The Connection: Book One

Ben Silver’s personal dream is to open the first gay bar in Liamsport, Pennsylvania. The town isn’t exactly open-minded, but that’s not why Ben stays in the closet. Chance, Ben’s computer nerd boyfriend, is deathly afraid of anyone finding out he’s gay. On a night out, Ben meets Brodie Felix, a younger, heavily tattooed bartender who lights a spark in Ben’s heart. Although the spark in his relationship with Chance has dwindled to almost nothing, Ben feels guilty for wanting to be single, for wanting another man, so he tries to forget about Brodie.

But when Ben discovers one of Chance’s own secrets, he’s forced to make a difficult choice.

On his own for the first time in his life, Ben can be open with his family and friends. Though honesty has its benefits, his life isn’t perfect. Ben’s circle of friends and family is growing. So is the spark between him and Brodie, and Ben hopes it will grow into a flame. His dream remains out of his grasp, but with a little help and a lot of work, he might yet serve his favorite rum and ginger ale at his own establishment, the first gay bar in his hometown.


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Una prateria straniera

Storie della prateria
$6.99 $5.24

Storie della prateria: Libro 4

Il cantante western Willie Meadows è un impostore. Non è mai andato a cavallo in vita sua e i suoi abiti in stile “vecchio West” sono stati fatti su misura in una boutique di Los Angeles. Non c’è da stupirsi che Wilson Edwards, l’uomo dietro la maschera, non riesca più a scrivere musica. Nel tentativo di trovare l’ispirazione, Wilson compra un ranch in Wyoming per sperimentare la vita di campagna, pur non avendo la minima intenzione di gestirlo. Poi arriva Steve Peterson, disperato, affamato e solo, dopo essere scappato da un istituto per la “cura” degli omosessuali gestito dal culto di cui suo padre è il capo.

Steve avrebbe dovuto addestrare cavalli per la vecchia proprietaria del ranch, ma quell’offerta di lavoro se n’è andata assieme a lei. Per fortuna, Wilson trova una soluzione temporanea: Steve si occuperà del ranch mentre lui è a LA per affari. Ma al suo ritorno, Wilson fatica a riconoscere la sua nuova casa. Nei recinti ci sono dei cavalli addestrati e il ranch è in ottime condizioni. Improvvisamente, si ritrova affascinato, non dallo stile di vita dei cowboy, ma da Steve stesso.

Ma il culto è ancora alla ricerca di Steve e il timore di Wilson di suscitare uno scandalo ha fatto in modo che, finora, la sua omosessualità sia rimasta un segreto. Dichiararsi distruggerebbe la carriera di Willie, ma soffocare i suoi sentimenti nei confronti di Steve potrebbe distruggere l’unica parte di lui che ancora è autentica.


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Inside Out

Bronco's Boys | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Bronco's Boys: Book One

Former mercenary Bull Krebbs now heads up security at his nightclub in Harrisburg, PA. Working the door night after night, he's seen it all. Though tough on the outside, he's a little hurt that people find him unapproachable. Then he pulls a cute twink out of line to perform a random search, and he's surprised when the guy giggles and squirms.

Zach Spencer, graphic artist, twink, and seriously ticklish, isn't intimidated by Bull. He's in awe, and when Bull saves Zach from being trampled on the dance floor, Zach finds his inspiration for the superhero in his graphic novel.

Soon Zach wants more and makes his move by asking Bull on a date. Though small, he has a backbone of steel. He'll need it—their happily ever after is thwarted at every turn, including by Bull's interloping mother showing up unannounced and enemies from Bull's past threatening to pull him to the other side of the world.


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Precious Gems | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Precious Gems: Book Three
Sequel to Italian Ice

Gay-romance writer Trent Copeland finds his life in a rut while his boyfriend, Special Agent Reed Acton, is away on an undercover mission. After attending a special course at FBI headquarters in Quantico, Trent’s eager for another challenge. He jumps at the opportunity for a trip to Japan to oversee appraisals of two art collections to be sold at the gallery he co-owns. But the trip isn’t all cherry blossoms and Hello Kitty. When one of the collectors he meets—rumored to be the head of a Yakuza gang—turns up dead, Trent is accused of the murder and thrown in jail.

Reed drops everything to help find out who really committed the crime. He's in unknown territory in Japan, forced to navigate Tokyo’s sex underworld to unravel the truth and save Trent. He poses as a “host” at a seedy late-night club. When Reed’s undercover activities place him at a ruthless Yakuza leader’s sex party, he must be willing to go to any lengths to secure Trent’s safety and freedom. But trusting the wrong people brings both Reed and Trent to the Yakuza leader’s attention. If they’re ever to have a happy ever after, they’ll first have to call on every skill just to stay alive.


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$6.99 $5.24

Sometimes Stratford Dale feels like Doctor Chicken consumes his life. It’s his pen name for a series of wildly popular children’s books. They were his brainchild; he meant for them to be a way to pay his many bills while he pursued his dream of publishing graphic novels. But the Doctor Chicken contract was a raw deal. Instead, he churns out book after book for a pittance, leaving him broke and no closer to his dreams.

Stratford’s dreams of love have fared no better, but he’s still trying. After yet another disastrous date, he’s intrigued by a man going into a cooking class—so he takes the class too. Vinnie Giani is a successful, self-made man who is charmed by Stratford’s bow ties, sharp humor, and clumsiness—which leads to an opportunity to take Stratford in for stitches. Vinnie is, above all, responsible, having taken on the care of his mother and sisters from a young age. Perhaps it’s natural when he begins to treat Stratford more as a child who needs a parent than as an equal partner. But when Vinnie tries to “fix” Stratford’s career woes—including the Doctor Chicken problem—and ends up making the situation worse, their fledgling relationship may not withstand the the strain created by blame and lies.


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Triane's Son Learning

Bitter Moon Saga | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Sequel to Triane's Son Rising
Bitter Moon Saga: Book Two

When Torrant Shadow fled his homeland of Clough, he hoped to leave its threats behind. He spent four years living with the Moons, making sure Yarri had a home; now it's time for Torrant and his foster brother, Aldam, to leave for the University of Triannon, where Torrant hopes to create a new life enmeshed in healing arts and politics.

Torrant's new school friends Trieste and Aylan want to teach him about love as he settles in, and at first, Trieste's tenderness seems to make her the logical choice for an interim lover, while Torrant waits for Yarri to grow up. But Torrant has learned the hard way that nothing is simple when Clough still wields its influence over their lives. More and more, Torrant must call on the cold predator in himself, the part that Aylan most admires. The truth is, Torrant has certain gifts that give him an advantage of self-defense, but using them to protect the ones he cares for may destroy the part of him Trieste and Yarri love best.

As the four schoolmates progress to life beyond education and the evil from Torrant’s homeland becomes too pernicious to be ignored, Torrant must choose his destiny: Will he be a healer or a hero? Only Triane's Son can be both.

2nd Edition
1st Edition published as Bitter Moon I: Triane's Son Ascending by iUniverse, 2008


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$6.99 $5.24

Promesses, tome 1

Carrick Francis a passé la majeure partie de sa vie à sauter à pieds joints dans les problèmes. La seule chose qui l’a sauvé de la prison, ou pire, est sa dévotion absolue envers Deacon Winters. Deacon a été sa raison et son salut durant une enfance misérable de maltraitance, et Crick ferait tout pour rester à jamais avec lui. Aussi, lorsque le père de Deacon meurt, Crick suspend ses projets universitaires pour aider Deacon, tout comme Deacon l’a aidé auparavant.

Le plus grand souhait de Deacon est de voir Crick échapper à ses souvenirs et à la ville où ils ont grandi, afin que Crick puisse jouir d’un avenir plus rayonnant. Mais après deux ans de sentiments refoulés et de tentations, le maladivement timide Deacon succombe finalement aux avances insistantes de Crick et reconnaît se voir faire partie de la vie du jeune homme.

Alors Deacon est presque détruit en découvrant que Crick attendait qu’il le repousse, exactement comme la famille de Crick l’avait fait par le passé. Quand le don de Crick pour prendre des décisions sur des coups de tête le conduit loin de chez lui, Deacon finit abandonné, traumatisé et seul, luttant pour reforger son cœur dans un monde où l’amour avec Crick est une promesse, mais en aucun cas une certitude.


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Sanguis Noctis | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Blood in the Sand
Sanguis Noctis: Book Three

Mercenary Jed Walker and his reclusive boyfriend, Redford Reed, are all set for a much-needed trip—nothing but sand, fish, sun, and drinks with those tiny umbrellas in them—when Victor Rathbone shows up with an acquaintance in tow.

Randall Lewis pleads for their help in finding a cure for his brother Anthony’s rare disease. Jed, Redford, and Victor join the Lewises as they set out to find the Gray Lady, legendary leader of the largest wolf pack in existence, who may be able to help. What they don’t expect is to find themselves caught up in her pack’s struggles with local human hunters or a growing conflict among the supernatural communities.

Jed is abruptly faced with what it means to be human in a world rife with the supernatural, and the challenges keep piling up: fear that his way of life is hurting his Redford, sparks flying between the half-blood Victor and wolf Randall, the impending threat of hunters, and the quickly approaching war that could kill them all. All things considered, Jed wishes fishing was the only thing he had to look forward to.


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$6.99 $5.24

In the frigid winter of 1891, with the nation still reeling from the Barings bank crisis, Inspector Philemon Raft returns from an involuntary sabbatical, tasked with solving the kidnapping of highly placed peer Miriam Dewberry. Thrust into a sordid underworld where the upper classes indulge in disreputable overseas investments designed to fatten their pocketbooks, Raft finds himself at loose ends without his companion, Constable Freddie Crook. Far from offering their help, the ton use every asset at their disposal to keep Raft from discovering the truth about hapless kidnap victim Miriam Dewberry—who may not even exist.

Soon Raft discovers that his old nemesis, the workhouse master John Gallant, has returned to London. Gallant doesn’t say what he wants—but he knows enough to ruin Raft's career and even his life. Raft tries to solve the case with his usual strange insight, but there are other, darker forces at work. This is a frightened London: the London of Whitechapel, of Jack the Ripper, the London of poverty, dirt and despair, where a right turn down the wrong alley could earn Raft a swift trip to the morgue.


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Not Broken, Just Bent

2014 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Braving the start of high school, longtime childhood friends Benjamin Wells and Timmy Norton quickly realize they are entering a whole new world colored by their family responsibilities. Ben is trying to please his strict father; Timmy is taking care of his younger sisters. While their easy camaraderie is still comfortable, Ben notices Timmy growing distant and evasive, but Ben has his own problems. It’s easier to let concerns about Timmy’s home life slide, especially when Timmy changes directions and starts to get a little too close. Ben doesn’t know how to handle the new feelings Timmy’s desire for love inspires, and his continuing denial wounds Timmy deeply.

But what Timmy perceives as Ben’s greatest betrayal is yet to come, and the fallout threatens to break them apart forever. Over the next four years, the push and pull between them and the outside world twists and tears at Ben and Timmy, and they are haunted by fear and regret. However, sometimes what seems broken is just a little bent, and if they can find forgiveness within themselves, Ben and Timmy may be able to move forward together.


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Blue Notes
$6.99 $5.24

A Blue Notes Novel

Cool kid violinist Roger Nelson doesn’t give a damn about anything. Wannabe conductor John Fuchs is awkward, effeminate, and just figuring out he’s gay. Despite their differences, they become friends—then lovers—and after college, they try to make it work. But it’s the 1970s, and Roger can’t bring himself to admit he’s gay. Worse, after his brother is killed in Vietnam, Roger tries to live up to his memory and be the perfect son. Then after suffering one tragedy too many, he makes the biggest mistake of his life: Roger pushes John away.

Through the years, they dance around the truth and in and out of each other’s lives, never quite able to let go. Twenty years later, Roger still carries the pain of losing his dream of a brilliant career with him, while John is a superstar conductor with a wild reputation. John’s off-stage antics get him plenty of attention, good and bad, though deep down, he wants only Roger. Finally determined to hold on to what really matters, Roger asks John for another chance, and when John panics and runs, Roger has to convince him to listen to his heart.


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Island House

Dropping Anchor | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Dropping Anchor: Book One

Unable to move on after the death of his lover, British expat Niall Ahern clings to Nolan's dream of living in the Caribbean by moving to Tortola. Once there, he finds that not even the beauty of the island can fill the hole in his heart. Broke and spent in nearly every way imaginable, Niall wants out of the lonely, miserable, guilt-ridden life he's carved out for himself.

When Ethan Bettencourt, a wealthy tech guru, shows up in British Virgin Islands looking to purchase a second home, he gives Niall hope that he can move on. Both men fall hard and fast, but Niall finds piloting his yacht in the midst of a hurricane is nothing compared to weathering life's simple misunderstandings. As their troubles come between them, Niall is left to wonder if he and Ethan are over before they've begun.


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$6.99 $5.24

Does gender really matter?

For Kel and Toni, life is precarious. Kel turns tricks for cash and works hard to stay clean, while Toni seeks absolution in a bottle of Mexican hormone pills. Their love is raw and obsessive, but as Toni struggles with anxiety and gender identity, Kel fears the reality of Toni pursuing male-to-female transition, and questions his motives for doing it.

While Kel grapples with his worries and the attentions of regular client Michael—otherwise known as the Sherbet Pervert—Toni faces different problems. Her best friend, Danielle, a transgender woman, thinks Kel is a bad influence and pushes Toni to leave him. Toni holds off, aware that deep down, she's not like Danielle, however much she wishes she could be. Hell, sometimes Toni can't even get comfortable with one set of pronouns.

Things are already complicated, but one terrible day forces Toni and Kel to confront some frightening possibilities when they're shown just how easily their harsh little world could crumble.


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Promesse fatte

Serie Promesse
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Promesse, Libro 2

Il più grande desiderio di Shane Perkins è essere un eroe. Ma dopo aver preso la decisione di lottare fino alla morte mentre la sua carriera viene distrutta, Shane torna a casa dall’ospedale e trova quattro mura vuote, un mucchio di soldi e un desiderio bruciante di avere qualcuno che sentirà la sua mancanza la prossima volta che verrà ferito compiendo il suo dovere. Finisce a fare l’agente di polizia nella piccola cittadina di Levee Oaks e, ossessionato dalla promessa di una famiglia, fa uno sforzo per riconciliarsi con sua sorella, volubile e inquieta. Kimmy si guadagna da vivere ballando e il suo partner toglie il fiato a Shane dal primo istante.

Mikhail Vasilyovitch Bayul balla come un angelo, ma il suo passato è tutto tranne che celestiale. Da quando ha lasciato la Russia, ha fatto solo due promesse: di stare alla larga dalla strada, di rimanere pulito e di portare sua madre in qualche bel posto prima lei che muoia. Fare promesse a chiunque altro è fuori discussione, però Mikhail non ha mai conosciuto nessuno come Shane. Serio, coraggioso, con la tendenza a sminuirsi, Shane sembra parlare il suo linguaggio e nessuno è più sorpreso di Mikhail nello scoprire che il miglior talento di Shane è quello di mantenere le promesse.


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Sombre est le cheval

Californie équestre | Tome 1
$6.99 $5.24

Californie équestre, tome 1

Dan pourrait simplement partir, laisser tout ça derrière lui. Il a suffisamment d’argent. Il pourrait se faire envoyer ses affaires et son cheval plus tard, où qu’il soit. Partir, c’était ce qu’il faisait quand il ne pouvait plus faire face, avant. Et ça marchait.

Justin Archer est pour Dan Wheeler un collègue, un partenaire, un amour et une stabilité incomparables. Mais quand Dan se retrouve seul, à travailler comme entraîneur pour les parents de Justin, il doit accepter l’inéluctable : sa vie parfaite a disparu à jamais.

Mais il rencontre le milliardaire Evan Kaminski, venu acheter un cheval pour sa petite sœur, et Jeff Stevens, le partenaire d’Evan et l’entraîneur de sa sœur, et qui semble partager plus qu’une passion des chevaux avec Dan. Pris dans la tourmente de sa propre vie, Dan est confronté aux passions tumultueuses d’Evan et à la sagesse tranquille de Jeff. Sera-t-il assez fort pour se jeter à nouveau dans le jeu de l’amour, ou serait-il plus simple – plus sûr – de rester seul ?


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