

Rosso e Grigio

Gli opposti si attraggono
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Un libro della serie Gli opposti si attraggono

Appena arrivato dai boschi del Minnesota, lo studente di scienze attuariali Ben Dutoit è entusiasta di aver ottenuto uno stage alla Sydney Sutherland Family Insurance, una delle poche aziende a offrire assicurazioni sulla vita per le categorie ad alto rischio di salute. Il fatto che l’ufficio si trovi a Gay central, ovvero San Francisco, è solo la ciliegina sulla torta, una torta dai colori dell’arcobaleno. Ben ha solo tre obiettivi da raggiungere: essere se stesso senza mai nascondersi e partecipare orgogliosamente al Gay Pride della città, conoscere tanta gente interessante nei vari locali e, forse, se è fortunato, innamorarsi.

Ma gli uomini che Ben incontra sono tutto il contrario di lui: galanti, sofisticati, sicuri e sexy. Al contrario di Ben, rozzo provinciale, loro appartengono a famiglie ricche e benestanti, nobili e conservatrici, e portano sulle spalle tutte le responsabilità che derivano dalle loro posizioni.

Mentre Ben ancora si chiede se uno come lui potrà mai appartenere al loro mondo, inizia a scoprire i rischi di ciò che questo mondo sofisticato potrebbe comportare. L’economia globale è in crisi e il lavoro che tanto desiderava è sul filo del rasoio. Tutti i suoi sogni sono in pericolo, specialmente quello più grande: l’amore.


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Soul Magic

Triad | Book Three

Blood runs soul-deep. Cormac hasn’t been the same since the night the High Moon Pack was attacked. With his magic weakened, he’s consumed by a bloodlust he hasn’t felt since he first became a vampire. His need to replenish his power makes him a danger to his last remaining family member, and his hunger makes him careless. And that’s just the beginning of his troubles. Feeding from pack beta Liam Benson was supposed to slake his appetite, not leave him craving more.

Simon Osborne and Gray Townsend are trying to fight a being history says shouldn’t exist—one with all three types of magic. The pack must use all of their resources to combat the mysterious triad, even turning to the shady Council of Mages for help. While Cormac struggles to reconcile his past failures with his current desires, Simon must attempt the impossible: an alliance between mind, body, and soul.



2014 Award Winners
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Will Lafferty and Kenny Scalia are both having sort of a day. Will gets fired for letting fifth graders read Harry Potter, and Kenny finds his boyfriend and his sex toys in bed with a complete stranger. When Will knocks over Kenny's trash can—and strews Kenny's personal business all over the street—it feels like the perfect craptastic climax to the sewage of suckage that has rained down on them both.

But ever-friendly, ever-kind Will asks snarky Kenny out for a beer—God knows they both need one—and two amazing things occur: Kenny discovers talking to Will might be the best form of intercourse ever, and Will discovers he's gay.

Their unlikely friendship seems like the perfect platonic match until Will reveals how very much more he’s been feeling for Kenny almost since the beginning. But Kenny’s worried. Will’s newfound sexuality is bright and glittery and shiny, but what happens when that wears off? Is Will's infatuation with Kenny strong enough to stay real?


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The Red Sheet

2014 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

With a foreword by C. Kennedy

One October morning, high school junior Bryan Dennison wakes up a different person—helpful, generous, and chivalrous—a person whose new admirable qualities he doesn’t recognize. Stranger still is the urge to tie a red sheet around his neck like a cape.

Bryan soon realizes this compulsion to wear a red cape is accompanied by more unusual behavior. He can’t hold back from retrieving kittens from tall trees, helping little old ladies cross busy streets, and defending innocence anywhere he finds it.

Shockingly, at school, he realizes he used to be a bully. He’s attracted to the former victim of his bullying, Scott Beckett, though he has no memory of Scott from before “the change.” Where he’d been lazy in academics, overly aggressive in sports, and socially insecure, he’s a new person. And although he can recall behaving egotistically, he cannot remember his motivations.

Everyone, from his mother to his teachers to his “superjock” former pals, is shocked by his dramatic transformation. However, Scott Beckett is not impressed by Bryan’s newfound virtue. And convincing Scott he’s genuinely changed and improved, hopefully gaining Scott’s trust and maybe even his love, becomes Bryan’s obsession.


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Blue Notes

Blue Notes
$6.99 $5.24

A Blue Notes Novel

Blame it on jet lag. Jason Greene thought he had everything: a dream job as a partner in a large Philadelphia law firm, a beautiful fiancée, and more money than he could ever hope to spend. Then he finds his future wife in bed with another man, and he’s forced to rethink his life and his choices. On a moment’s notice, he runs away to Paris, hoping to make peace with his life.

But Jason’s leave of absence becomes a true journey of the heart when he meets Jules, a struggling jazz violinist with his own cross to bear. In the City of Love, it doesn’t take them long to fall into bed, but as they’re both about to learn, they can’t run from the past. Sooner or later, they’ll have to face the music.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, December 2011


$6.99 $5.24

Sunrise Over Savannah

Sunrise Over Savannah and Chasing the Horizon
$6.99 $5.24

Thompson and Caroline Gray were living their dream until Caroline's untimely death just two years after they’d bought the Thundercloud Marina. When Caroline died, she left Thompson alone and emotionally disconnected—until Thompson’s longtime friend and towboat owner Hank Charming tows Garner Holt, a recently retired psychiatrist, and his boat into the marina for repair. Thompson and Hank are both drawn to the sailboat captain, but for very different reasons.

Since high school, Hank has secretly carried a torch for Thompson, even though Thompson remained committed to Caroline, even after her death. Hank is totally caught off guard when his initial attraction to Garner makes him realize this stranger might be the one to help him move on with his life. Thompson establishes a platonic friendship with Garner and starts to see the psychiatrist as his only lifeline to sanity. Life improves until Thompson sees Hank and Garner together, and old feelings Thompson thought were long buried begin to resurface. Garner quickly identifies the unresolved feelings between Hank and Thompson and decides to tap his professional skills and work behind the scenes to help Thompson and Hank see what has been right in front of them all along.


$6.99 $5.24

The Final Battle

Descent of Kings | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

Descent of Kings: Book Four

“But I am just a Man! You all want so much of me! …I am not a wizard. I am not even one of you. I have no magic. There is no fire in my eyes.”
—Rion of Ardock

Rion wields a power of heart that touches all he meets. The wizard Circe once called him a lynchpin, a keystone of the world. When Rion is viciously attacked and maimed in Gosa, he believes Circe’s family is retaliating for his betrayal of them to Crown Prince Elavar. Learning the horrific truth brings him to the brink of madness.

Rion’s friends take him to the River Elves of Salenia for aid, but the Elves send them onward, to King Talon. The company’s perilous journey to the Watchtower is fraught with danger and filled with tragedy and triumph, but their trials have just begun.

King Talon’s army has been decimated by the Enemy’s relentless attacks. After staggering losses, they are outnumbered ten to one and teeter on the brink of defeat—yet somehow their dwindling forces must overcome a being with the Power of a God.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Growing up in foster care has left Kerry Grey with little self-esteem or hope for his future. A college dropout, Kerry scrapes by on a part-time job at a garden nursery. His friendship with his boss and working with the plants are the only high points in Kerry’s life. He’s been dating the man who bullied him at school, but when his boyfriend abandons him at a party, Kerry wanders down the beach to drown his sorrows in a bottle of scotch.

Malcolm Holmes and Charlie Stone have been together for fifteen years. Despite Charlie's willingness to accept Malcolm's unspoken domination in bed,something is missing from their relationship. Early one morning, they rescue a passed out Kerry from being washed away by the tide and Charlie immediately senses a kindred spirit in the lost younger man. When Kerry’s roommate kicks him out, Malcolm and Charlie invite him into their home. As Charlie and Kerry bond over Charlie’s garden, Malcolm sees Kerry may be just who they have been looking for to complete their lives. All they have to do is show Kerry, and each other, that Kerry's submissive tendencies will fit their dynamic.

But someone is sabotaging Kerry at every turn. As he struggles to discover the culprit, he fears for the safety of his new friends. If Malcolm and Charlie cannot help, their lifelong search for their perfect third may not end with the happily ever after they imagined.


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Valhalla | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Valhalla: Book One

Violet MacRae is one of the aimless millions crowding northern Scotland. In the year 2230, where war is obsolete and only brilliant minds are valued, she emerges into adulthood with more brawn than brains and a propensity for violence. People dismiss her as a relic, but world peace is more fragile than they know.

In Valhalla, a clandestine base hidden in an icy ravine, Violet connects with a group of outcasts just like her. There, she learns the skills she needs to keep the world safe from genetically enhanced criminals and traitors who threaten the first friends she’s ever known. She also meets Wulfgar Kray, a genius gang leader who knows her better than she knows herself and who would conquer the world to capture her.

Branded from childhood as a useless barbarian, Violet is about to learn the world needs her exactly as she is.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Ari Bach: August 2010, March 2012.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Lorsque le frère de la Princesse Lan’xiu la livre, sous la contrainte, à la cour du Général Hüi Wei en tant qu’offrande politique, elle ne se demande une seule chose : combien de temps va-t-il se passer avant que son secret ne soit découvert ? Elle ne se fait pas d’illusions ; quand le général découvrira qu’elle est en réalité un homme, la mort sera son seul avenir… Même s’il ne lui rendra pas la tâche facile. Lan’xiu s’est habillé comme une femme toute sa vie, mais il n’a rien d’une demoiselle en détresse. Il sait manier l’épée aussi bien que son prochain.

Le Général Hüi Wei possède tout ce qu’un homme pourrait vouloir : le pouvoir, la richesse, le succès sur les champs de batailles et un pavillon de concubines. Tout d’abord, il traite Lan’xiu avec suspicion, mais il se trouve étrangement attiré par elle. Quand il découvre que la belle jeune femme est en réalité un homme, sa première réaction consiste à tirer son épée. Mais plutôt que de gâcher une telle beauté, il décide de jouir de la soumission du fougueux Lan’xiu... et allume les flammes d’une passion et d’un désir plus profond que tout ce qu’il a pu ressentir pour ses autres épouses. Mais les intrigues de la cour, les ambitions politiques et les doutes du général seront peut-être trop de choses à surmonter pour leur amour.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Luka Krachec immigrates to the United States to find his cousin dead and his cousin’s wife hospitalized after a terrible accident. He meets Peter Montgomery at the funeral. The American seems nice and captures Luka’s attention when he offers to help him with his English.

Peter has spent most of his life believing he shot his father at age six, and his family uses his regret and overwhelming guilt to keep him under their proverbial thumbs. Peter does his best to make up for what he did by helping others, and agreeing to help Luka with his English yields something amazing when they hit it off.

When Peter opens up to Luka about what happened when he was a child, Luka senses some holes in the story and suspects Peter needs some help, so he approaches the head of the psychology department at the college where he works. Neither expects to open a long-barricaded door to secrets, denial, and family manipulation.


$6.99 $5.24

Body Magic

Triad | Book Two

A pack is only as strong as its weakest member. Rocky Harris knows how the system works. He’s been on the bottom rung his whole life. But when his alpha consigns him to the High Moon Pack to help them improve security, he finds his beliefs not just challenged but outright assaulted.

Cade Montgomery’s confidence took a hit when the pack’s cubs were kidnapped on his watch. He’s prepared to do anything to protect his family, even if it means working with Rocky. Maybe Cade doesn’t trust Rocky, but with the turmoil surrounding pack Alpha Gray’s unpopular decision to break tradition and mate with a mage named Simon, Cade knows more threats are coming.

Then someone declares war on shifters and puts the entire pack in danger. Cade and Rocky will need each other’s strengths to survive the impending battle—and the power of their growing attraction.


$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Micah McGhee has struggled all his life against prejudice and abuse. Forced to drop out of school after the death of his mother, Micah works full time to support himself and his alcoholic father. One night, on his way home from a party, Micah’s hard life ends when he’s beaten to death by a street gang.

Three days later, Micah awakens with godlike abilities granted by the alien device that resurrected him. His work helping the downtrodden and performing miracles soon earns him worldwide attention—including the notice of conservative Reverend Vaughn Titus. Micah’s friends, devout Christians Antonio and Monica, along with Reverend Titus, urge Micah to use the power of the artifact to impose Biblical rule on the world. But Micah is all too familiar with how Christian law treats LGBT people, and he opposes the idea. When Antonio, Monica, and Reverend Titus gain access to the device, Micah must risk everything to stop them from forcing their religion onto everyone on earth.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Fiscal analyst Mike Carlson is good with spreadsheets and baseball stats. He doesn’t believe in fate, true love, or fantasy. But then a fertility goddess whisks him away to another world. A promise has been broken, and if Mike is ever to return to California—and his comfortable if lonely life—he must complete a pilgrimage to the shrines of a death goddess.

A humiliating event convinces Mike to hire a guard to accompany him, and hunky Goran is handy enough with a sword, if a little too liberal with his ale. A man with no home and no family, Goran is deeper than he first appears. As Mike learns more about Goran, his disbelief wavers and his goals become less clear. Contending with feuding gods, the challenges of the journey, and his growing attraction to Goran, Mike faces a puzzle far harder to solve than simple rows of numbers.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

After a difficult start in life, Joey's dreams are finally coming true after he is accepted to the college of his choice. He attempts to find what’s missing on a BDSM website and is invited to dinner by Gabriel. Joey finds comfort in Gabriel’s understanding of his needs and accepts an invitation to spend the weekend together so Joey can find out if being a sex slave is really what he wants.

Their weekend starts out rough when Gabriel finds out Joey kept an important secret from him, but they persevere, and Joey discovers he is made for the role Gabriel guides him into. Gabriel is a stern, temperamental Master, but this only makes the trust between grow until Joey can proudly say,

“My name is Joey Mantello.
I am nineteen years old.
I am a sex slave.
I belong only to my Master, Gabriel.
I would have it no other way.”


$6.99 $5.24

Triane's Son Fighting

Bitter Moon Saga | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Sequel to Triane's Son Learning
Bitter Moon Saga: Book Three

Outraged by the destruction of innocent lives and the threat to his family’s safety, Torrant Shadow and Aylan Stealth-Moon ride to Dueance, the capital of Clough, with a desperate plan: Torrant will impersonate Yarri’s dead brother, Ellyot Moon, and infiltrate the Regent’s council to help change to the government’s policy toward the Goddess’s chosen from the inside.

But from the very first night, Torrant and Aylan are pressed into service in the shadows of the ghettoes, fighting for the lives of the brutalized people within. It’s a bitter job, made more so by close scrutiny and mockery from Consort Rath, the ruler whose policies have created the discrimination and cruelty wreaking havoc in their country.

Torrant’s only bright moments come from Aylan, whose love and loyalty never falter, and the hungry, compassionate minds of the younger regents. Believing that all they need is a worthy song to follow, Torrant sets about leading them to accomplish the salvation of their country. But not even Torrant can be everywhere at once. When faced with one disaster too many, he realizes one man alone cannot right the wrongs of an entire government—not even Triane’s Son.

2nd Edition
First Edition published as Bitter Moon II: Triane's Son Reigning by iUniverse, 2009


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Alluvioni e siccità

serie Nuvole e pioggia
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della serie Nuvole e pioggia

Tim Conroy sa bene che cosa vuol dire avere pazienza. Ha aspettato per tre anni che Rory McCown uscisse dalla prigione dopo aver scontato la pena per aver rubato dei cavalli al Blue River Ranch. Ora che Rory ha diritto alla libertà condizionale, Tim cerca di convincere il suo capo, Hunter Krause, a concedergli una seconda possibilità.

Arriva quasi a pentirsene quando Hunter accetta. Rory passa in fretta dall’essere una persona malinconica e solitaria a diventare arrogante e troppo sicuro di sé. L’attrazione tra loro è ancora viva, ma non appena cominciano ad avvicinarsi, si fa vivo un vecchio nemico per mettere i bastoni tra le ruote... e la loro relazione appena iniziata potrebbe non essere abbastanza forte da resistere alla tempesta in arrivo.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Husband Material is a long-running reality show, where eighteen lucky guys compete for the hand of one lucky lady. Meet contestant number one, Riley. Since being left at the altar, he’s hit the gym to get into the best shape of his life. Now he’s in it to win it. Contestant number two, Asher, doesn’t really want the bachelorette; he needs the prize money for his sister’s cancer treatment. Asher's upbeat personality brings Riley out of the funk he's been in since his breakup. They make a formidable team, with one complication: Asher’s falling for Riley.

Producer Kaitlyn has her hands full when two bachelors are found in the shower soaping up inappropriately, then another live-tweets the entire debacle. If another scandal erupts, the network will cancel the show.

The two bachelors are on a collision course under the watchful eye of a producer torn between wanting them to find true love and trying to keep her show going. In the end, Riley must choose the bachelorette or the bachelor.


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