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Les Gardiens de Folsom | Tome 1
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Les Gardiens de Folsom, tome 1

Micah ‘Chiot’ Slayde a su qu’il voulait de Tackett Austin dès le moment où il a posé les yeux sur lui aux ‘Gardes de Folsom’. Il veut toujours avoir raison, être pris en charge et prendre soin de son Dom – il veut lui faire entièrement confiance, vivre pour lui, lui appartenir. Pour devenir son tout. Micah est sûr que Tackett est l’élu. Le problème, c’est que pour être un soumis parfait, il a besoin de rester concentré et ce n’est pas chose facile pour Micah qui souffre de ce qu’il désigne comme ‘un cerveau cassé’. Problème de concentration et trouble déficitaire de l’attention coexistent rarement ensemble.

Depuis la cérémonie de pose de collier entre Ty Callahan et Blake Henderson, Tackett pense trop souvent à sa propre solitude. Même si Ty lui présente Micah qui l’exhorte à lui accorder un essai, il n’est pas le genre de Dom à se laisser facilement convaincre. Il a passé toute sa vie à poursuivre une carrière aujourd’hui réussie, et les soumis qu’il domine n’apprécient presque jamais deux fois le baiser de son fouet. Ayant vingt ans de plus que Micah, Tackett n’éprouve aucun intérêt à prendre et à apprivoiser un si jeune soumis arrogant… Mais il est difficile de résister à un chiot aussi adorable lorsqu’il supplie.


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Una fetta d’amore

Serie Assaggio d'amore
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della Serie Assaggio d'amore

Per fare una piccola fortuna, inizia con una grande fortuna e apri un forno. Questo è il consiglio che Marcus Wilson ha ascoltato. Sfortunatamente, Marcus non ha una grande fortuna, ma solo un forno, Una Fetta di Paradiso, a Carlisle, Pennsylvania, e la determinazione per fare successo. Ha bisogno di più aiuto di quello che può permettersi, quindi, quando assume il contabile Gregory Southland, lo fa sia per il negozio sia per i libri contabili.

Gregory ha accettato un secondo lavoro per pagare le bollette, ora che la sua salute sta migliorando. Presto inizia a non vedere l’ora di passare più tempo con Marcus ma, quando gli affari e la loro relazione iniziano a crescere, compaiono delle complicazioni. Prima fra tutte, la matrigna di Marcus lo coinvolge in un caso che potrebbe dare al forno una fama che non merita. Inoltre, i due non sono d’accordo sul coinvolgere o meno Una Fetta di Paradiso in una disputa sui diritti civili. Per finire, il suo ex fa la sua apparizione quando lui è più vulnerabile. Ma la più grande battaglia di Marcus e Gregory sarà di imparare a fidarsi di se stessi e l’uno dell’altro, soprattutto quando devono trovare la ricetta per risolvere le questioni di cuore.


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Wild Magic

Triad | Book Four

Joseph Anderson was heartbroken when his childhood best friend Dominick Levent moved away. Years later, Joseph is a successful real estate broker with good friends, an easy smile, and a stunning house. When he finds a dying mountain lion who miraculously shifts into Dominick’s sister, Joseph must find Dominick and reunite him with the two young sons she left behind.

When mountain lion shifter Dominick gets a call telling him his sister is dead, he rushes home to protect his nephews and avenge his sister. Seeing Joseph brings back the feelings Dominick tried to bury and he dares to hope Joseph’s newfound knowledge of shifters means they can finally be together.


Coming Home

2013 Award Winners
Rock Bay Series | Book One

Tallis Carrington ruled Rock Bay with his gang of jocks and an iron fist—until a scandal destroyed his family's name. Ten years later Tallis is dead broke, newly homeless, and on the walk of shame to end all walks of shame. He needs money and needs it fast, and Rock Bay is the only home he knows. But the people of Rock Bay haven’t forgotten him—or the spoiled brat he used to be.

The only person in town willing to overlook his past is Lex, the new coffee shop owner, who offers Tally a job even though he appears to despise Tally based on his reputation alone. When Tally discovers his gorgeous boss is the kid he tortured back in high school, Lex's hot and cold routine finally makes sense. Now Tally has to pull out all the stops to prove he was never really the jerk he seemed to be. After all, if he can win Lex’s heart, the rest of the town should be a piece of coffee cake.


La saveur de l’amour

Les arômes de l'amour
$6.99 $5.24

Les arômes de l'amour, numéro hors série

Le service du midi au restaurant de Darryl Hansen, le Café Belgie, commence à être trop chargé pour être géré par un seul homme, et Billy Weaver est un jeune homme en recherche d’emploi – n’importe lequel – pour nourrir sa famille. La nature honnête et la volonté de travailler dur de Billy lui permettent de gagner le respect de Darryl, mais le regard admiratif du jeune homme rouvre des blessures du passé de Darryl.

Jusqu’à ce que Darryl découvre le secret de Billy, ce dernier souffre en silence : son père est mort il y a quelques mois, le laissant se débattre pour élever ses deux frères jumeaux de cinq ans. Darryl accueille Billy et les garçons au restaurant, où ils feront face ensemble à l’éventail de problèmes qui les attendent… pendant que Davey, Donnie et Billy se frayent tous un chemin dans le cœur de Darryl.


$6.99 $5.24

Questione di tempo vol. 1

Questione di tempo | Libri 1 e 2
$6.99 $5.24

Vol. 1 (Libri 1 e 2)

Jory Keyes conduce una vita normale come assistente di un architetto fino a che non diventa il testimone di un brutale omicidio. Pur essendo stato salvato dal detective di polizia Sam Kage, Jory rifiuta di arruolarsi nel programma di protezione testimoni: non importa chi gli stia dando la caccia, lui ha una vita che ama e a cui non vuole rinunciare. Ma Jory è davvero in pericolo, soprattuto dopo aver acconsentito a testimoniare su quello a cui ha assistito.

Anche se deve fare i conti con degli attentati alla sua vita, amici ben intenzionati che lo vogliono vedere felice, un capo super protettivo e un mistero che lentamente si rivela molto più sinistro di quanto si fosse immaginato, il giovane uomo gay inizia una relazione con Sam, un detective non dichiarato e combattuto. Forse Jory riuscirà a sopravvivere al pericolo, ma potrebbe non sopravvivere al suo cuore infranto.


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$3.99 $2.99

Travis Miller tiene un empleo como operario de mecanizado, un gato llamado Elwood, y una patética vida amorosa. Lo único positivo en su existencia es el atractivo guitarrista que se encuentra a veces, al regresar a casa del trabajo. Pero cuando finalmente reúne valor para hablar con el hombre, descubre que Drew Clifford, antiguo novelista, sufre afasia: Drew puede entender todo lo que dice Travis, pero es incapaz de hablar o escribir.

Estos dos hombres solitarios forman una amistad que pronto se convertirá en amor. Pero la comunicación es sólo uno de sus retos; también están la inexperiencia de Travis con el amor y su precaria situación financiera. Si las palabras son lo que une a las personas, ¿qué va a mantenerlos unidos a ellos?


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$6.99 $5.24

Some houses come with secrets, and some secrets should never be forgotten.

After eight years together, Peter and Rhys have finally achieved success: good jobs that keep them comfortably fed and a happy married life. The icing on the cake is their move from a small city duplex to a large farmhouse in need of repair.

Peter instantly senses something going on in the house that he can’t put his finger on, something a bit sinister. Things start to happen: whispers in the night, crying only Peter can hear, faucets that turn on for no reason. When Peter starts to dream of a dark-haired young man who tells him how much he loves him, he feels like he’s losing his mind, especially since Rhys doesn’t see or hear anything.

Only after suffering accidents and injuries does Rhys agree the house is haunted, and they’ll have to figure out how to fight a lovesick ghost.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Jason Day, brilliant designer of video games, is not only a confirmed bachelor, but he’s as gay as a maypole. One wouldn’t think being saddled with his precocious four-year-old nephew for four weeks would be enough to throw him off-kilter.

Wrong. Timmy, Jason’s nephew, is a true handful.

But just when Timmy and Uncle Jason begin to bond, and Jason feels he’s getting a grip on this babysitting business once and for all, he’s thrown for a loop by a couple of visitors—one from Tucson, the other from beyond the grave.

I’m sorry. Say what?

Toss a murder, a hot young stud, an unexpected love affair, and a spooky-ass ghost with a weird sense of humor into Jason’s summer plans, and you’ve got the makings for one hell of a ride.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Devon West is a professional Dom who runs his own club, doesn’t believe in romance, and has never been in a long-term relationship. All this changes when he rescues Chase Mackenzie.

Chase is a runaway who has been kept as a slave since he was sixteen. Now twenty-three, he’s still innocent and sweet despite being severely abused and left behind by his Dom.

When Devon finds out that the man who held Chase hostage is the same man who hurt him terribly when he started learning about the sub/Dom lifestyle, he knows he has to keep Chase safe.

Spoiled rich boy and sociopath James Kingston is obsessed with Devon. He’s convinced Devon would be his perfect sub and Devon only thinks he’s a Dom because he needs proper discipline. Losing Chase to Devon is like rubbing salt in the wound, and he’s determined to get them both under his thumb. This time, Chase may need to rescue Devon.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

It’s not easy being Todd Williams, a fourteen-and-a-half-year-old gay musical prodigy. The bullies, Bob and Ari, at his fancy private school make his life a living hell. Todd’s drunken, irresponsible mother, Eddie, constantly embarrasses him and puts his artistic future in jeopardy. And now, his best friend, Jennifer, who plays clarinet with him in the orchestra, isn’t speaking to him. Maybe Leroy, Todd’s friendly poltergeist, knows what’s going on with her. To top it off, he can no longer rely on Jennifer's help in the race to solve a puzzle that could lead to a buried treasure. Todd must learn to stand alone. He’s finding out that growing up is far scarier than he ever imagined.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro de la saga Nubes y lluvia

Tim Conroy tiene experiencia siendo una persona paciente. Ha esperado tres años a que Rory McCown salga de la cárcel después de cumplir condena por robar caballos en el rancho Blue River. Y ahora que ha salido bajo libertad condicional, Tim tiene el objetivo de persuadir a su jefe, Hunter Krause, para que le dé una segunda oportunidad, aunque casi se arrepiente cuando Hunter accede.

Rory pasa de ser un solitario malhumorado a ser un arrogante demasiado confiado en sí mismo en cuestión de segundos. La atracción entre ambos es innegable, pero tan pronto como comienzan a acercarse, un antiguo enemigo intenta fastidiarlo todo… y es posible que su incipiente relación no sea lo suficientemente fuerte como para capear el temporal que se aproxima.


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Rat Bastard

Pop Goes the Weasel and Rat Bastard
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Pop Goes the Weasel

Patrick “Weasel” Weasley is worried he’s not spending enough time with his new boyfriend Tony, now that they are living and working in different towns. He decides the best way to cement the relationship is to buy Tony a ring for Christmas. Unfortunately, Weasel's evil stepfather--a rat bastard if ever there was one--has cut him off without a cent, and he is left with no other choice. He must (gasp!) get a job!

Weasel wouldn't mind working at the Phantom Lady Inn if it wasn't for Tony's ex-boyfriend Gates Stumpenhorst, who wants to beat the stuffing out of him, or Cicely Talbot, a writer who believes she can prove to Weasel that he's not really gay. As if that wasn’t enough, the deputy sheriff thinks Weasel is the local arsonist. Adding to their troubles is a rumored Phantom Lady haunting the inn and pilfering trinkets. With all this going on, Weasel might not live to survive Christmas, much less find time to go on a date with Tony!


$6.99 $5.24


A Survivor Story
2013 Award Winners

I can’t describe what it’s like to want to scream every minute of every day.

Two years after a terrifying night of pain destroyed his normal teenage existence, Aaron Downing still clings to the hope that one day, he will be a fully functional human being. But his life remains a constant string of nightmares, flashbacks, and fear. When, in his very first semester of college, he’s assigned Spencer Thomas as a partner for his programming project, Aaron decides that maybe “normal” is overrated. If he could just learn to control his fear, that could be enough for him to find his footing again.

With his parents’ talk of institutionalizing him—of sacrificing him for the sake of his brothers’ stability—Aaron becomes desperate to find a way to cope with his psychological damage or even fake normalcy. Can his new shrink control his own demons long enough to treat Aaron, or will he only deepen the damage?

Desperate to understand his attraction for Spencer, Aaron holds on to his sanity with both hands as it threatens to spin out of control.


Love Comes Home

Senses Series
$6.99 $5.24

A Senses Series Story

When architect Gregory Hampton’s son, Davey, starts having trouble in Little League, Greg takes him to an eye doctor. The diagnosis hits them hard. Davey’s sight is degenerating rapidly, and eventually he’ll go blind.

Tom Spangler is used to getting what he wants. When Greg captures his attention, he asks Greg for a date. They have a good time until Greg gets a call from the friends watching his son, telling him Davey has fallen. Greg and Tom return to find the worst has happened—Davey can no longer see.

With so much going on in his life, Greg doubts he’ll see Tom again. But Tom has researched beep baseball, where balls and bases make sounds to enable the visually impaired to participate in Little League. Tom spearheads an effort to form a team so Davey can continue to play the game he loves. But when Greg’s ex-wife shows up with her doctor boyfriend, offering a possible cure through a radical procedure, Greg must decide how far he’ll go to give Davey a chance at getting his sight back.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

In 1996, Jake Stewart is starting his third year at the University of New Hampshire. Even as a successful business major, he is absolutely miserable. Not only is Jake pursuing a field he hates when he’d rather study art, he is utterly terrified of what will happen if his father finds out he’s gay. When he finally gets up the courage to move into the creative arts dorm on campus, his new roommate, Danny, is openly gay—and there’s no denying the attraction between them.

Danny Sullivan has been out since high school, and he appears comfortable with his sexuality. But something happened in Danny’s past—something that gives him nightmares he refuses to talk about. Unknown to Jake, the way he mistreated his friend, Tom Langois, when Tom came out to him in high school, is mild compared to the way someone very much like Jake treated Danny.

It may be too late to fix the mess Jake made with Tom, but if Jake wants to be with Danny, he’s going to have to fix the mess made by another closeted jock he’s never even met.


$6.99 $5.24
$3.99 $2.99

For most people, a life full of sex and debauchery sounds like a dream, but for gay porn star Logan Williams, who lives it, it's nothing but a nightmare. Left disillusioned and empty by "living the dream," Logan travels to an exclusive beachside resort to recharge and reevaluate his life. He expects to do this in solitude—instead, he finds RJ Spencer, and their immediate connection fills all of Logan's empty spaces. But when the vacation ends, so does the fantasy life Logan created for himself and RJ, and he doesn't think he can return to his empty life without RJ at his side.


$3.99 $2.99

Rosso e Grigio

Gli opposti si attraggono
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della serie Gli opposti si attraggono

Appena arrivato dai boschi del Minnesota, lo studente di scienze attuariali Ben Dutoit è entusiasta di aver ottenuto uno stage alla Sydney Sutherland Family Insurance, una delle poche aziende a offrire assicurazioni sulla vita per le categorie ad alto rischio di salute. Il fatto che l’ufficio si trovi a Gay central, ovvero San Francisco, è solo la ciliegina sulla torta, una torta dai colori dell’arcobaleno. Ben ha solo tre obiettivi da raggiungere: essere se stesso senza mai nascondersi e partecipare orgogliosamente al Gay Pride della città, conoscere tanta gente interessante nei vari locali e, forse, se è fortunato, innamorarsi.

Ma gli uomini che Ben incontra sono tutto il contrario di lui: galanti, sofisticati, sicuri e sexy. Al contrario di Ben, rozzo provinciale, loro appartengono a famiglie ricche e benestanti, nobili e conservatrici, e portano sulle spalle tutte le responsabilità che derivano dalle loro posizioni.

Mentre Ben ancora si chiede se uno come lui potrà mai appartenere al loro mondo, inizia a scoprire i rischi di ciò che questo mondo sofisticato potrebbe comportare. L’economia globale è in crisi e il lavoro che tanto desiderava è sul filo del rasoio. Tutti i suoi sogni sono in pericolo, specialmente quello più grande: l’amore.


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