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A Harmony Ink Press Title

With time ticking until graduation, Ellis Carter doesn't have a plan for after high school. Since his best friend Cary dropped out, he has no one to talk to. All he knows is he doesn’t want to continue being a burden to his mother. Adding to his daily torture is the school’s new resident bad boy, Saul Brooks. So to say he’s amazed when the mysterious Saul invites him to the gym for a workout is an understatement. Soon, they go from workout buddies to boyfriends, and Ellis couldn't be happier. But happiness is fleeting. His mother begins a new relationship he thinks will lead to pain, and Cary makes a decision that could take him out of Ellis's life for good. Just when he needs to lean on his boyfriend the most, Ellis discovers Saul has a secret that could break them apart.


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$3.99 $2.99

Everyone Blayne Carter knows has lost his or her mind. He doesn't have a twin, so why do people keep swearing they’ve seen him in places he hasn’t been? Blayne finally spots the look-alike at a gay bar and becomes intrigued, but his longtime friend and former lover, Doug Adams, distracts him, and Blayne loses track of his supposed twin. Some friend Doug is. Thanks, dude.

But Doug vows to make it up to Blayne and discovers the name of this doppelganger: Cary Fontaine. Doug sets up a meeting for Blayne and Cary, hoping Blayne will share all the details—down to the bare facts. Seriously, Doug is as curious as Blayne to find out exactly how much these two look alike, clothes on and off.


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The Mongrel Trilogy | Book Three
$5.99 $4.49

Mongrel Trilogy: Book Three

The closing-day flea market at the Marvelous Mechanical Circus always draws a colorful crowd, but salesman Will Marchman doesn’t expect to see a large, elaborate gold wagon on the plaza—especially one called the Spiritorium. The wagon’s exotic looking owner claims he can perform “cleansings and siphonings” via a miracle-working machine housed within. He can supposedly flush the wickedness out of people and places.

The Spiritorium appears in the Mongrel village of Taintwell the next day, setting off a potentially tragic chain of events that begins with a shocking revelation. To make matters worse, Fanule Perfidor, de facto mayor and Will’s lover, has been neglecting to take the tonic that stabilizes his moods. Besieged by his illness, Fan drives Will away. Then Fan’s best friend, vampire Clancy Marrowbone, vanishes, causing a rift between him and his mortal lover. Then Will disappears.

As Fan regains control of his mind, he knows what he must do to save his village and the people most important to him. He must solve the mystery of the Spiritorium and confront a man he’d hoped never to see again.


$5.99 $4.49

Stuck in Oz

Tales from Kansas
$4.99 $3.74

Tales from Kansas

When Jeremy and Petey’s mother died, their house was taken to pay the debts she left behind, leaving them homeless. Afraid Petey will be put in foster care, they have no one to turn to but their Uncle Milt, so they pack up Jeremy’s beat-up car and leave San Diego for Wamego, Kansas.

They arrive in the middle of a snowstorm and stop at the local diner to contact their uncle, where they meet Nate. Nate and his aunt help them contact Uncle Milt, and he agrees to help.

Jeremy and Nate hit it off quickly, but Jeremy runs when he’s made to believe their new home isn’t permanent. Nate goes after him, finds him, and convinces him that he’s wanted. However, just as Jeremy and Nate begin to trust each other, Petey’s estranged father appears and threatens to tear Jeremy’s new life and fledgling family apart.


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$6.99 $5.24

Conozcan a Patrick Cleary: parrandero, fracasado y tarado. Patrick ha estado intentando desesperadamente transformarse, y los resultados han sido espectaculares, casi lo han asesinado. Conozcan a Wes “Whiskey” Keenan: biólogo de campo que se pregunta si ya es tiempo de sentar cabeza. Cuando el peor día de la vida de Patrick concluye siendo rescatado por Whiskey, ambos acaban haciéndose compañía en un compartimento diminuto en la casa flotante más cutre del mundo.

Patrick necesita enderezar su vida, Whiskey quiere ayudar, pero Patrick no está completamente convencido de que eso sea factible. Está bastante seguro de ser un fenómeno de la naturaleza. Pero Whiskey, quien trabaja con verdaderos fenómenos de la naturaleza, piensa que lo único que necesita Patrick es un poco de ayuda para ver la verdadera belleza en su interior espástico, y se ofrece como voluntario. Entre ranas anómalas, un exnovio homicida, y los complejos de Patrick, Whiskey va a necesitar toda su paciencia, y Patrick va a necesitar encontrar lo mejor de sí, antes de que estos dos hombres puedan ver el agua clara.


$6.99 $5.24

Off Stage: In the Wings

Off Stage | Set Two
$6.99 $5.24

Off Stage: Set Two

Lenny Stevens was the lead guitarist of the up-and-coming grunge band Firefly until he crossed the line with the band’s lead singer. Now he’s faced with the impossible task of rebuilding his life without the music that had kept him together. Struggling with his fear and rage, he creates the same damaging patterns in his relationship with his lover, Vance Ashcroft.

Vance knows that Lenny is the submissive meant for him. He is convinced he can save Lenny from his demons and puts faith in his ability. But when Len’s temper leads to him physically hurting Vance and destroying property, both men realize Len’s issues are too big for them to work through alone.

Seeking the help of the people who know Len best, Vance invites his former bandmates to the ranch for Len’s belated birthday party. Together, they try to create a safe haven for Len to come apart and, hopefully, rearrange himself into a man who can live with his past and create a future worth having.


$6.99 $5.24

Spring Affair

Seasons of Love | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Seasons of Love: Book One

Sloan McKenna is going through a tough time. His beloved mother has recently passed away, leaving him her house and beautiful garden. But should he keep the house? Sell it? To make matters worse, he’s in love with one of his best friends, Asher, a man who can’t (or won’t) love him back.

Sloan’s neighbor, Max Turner, is married to an ambitious woman with far-reaching dreams, including moving the family to France. But Max is happy teaching at the local college and living in their nice, quiet town. Then he discovers his fourteen-year-old son is not only gay, but out and proud as well. That throws him into complete disarray, for more than one reason....

When Max’s wife leaves on a two-month business trip to Paris, circumstances throw the two men together. As they become friends, Sloan finds himself falling in love with Max, who is completely unavailable… just like Asher. As for Max, he is discovering that both his son’s coming out and his new friendship with Sloan are stirring up feelings he thought buried long ago. Spring is a time for rebirth—Is there any way the two men can find happiness and a new beginning?


$6.99 $5.24


Hope Cove Series | Book One

Oliver Parrish has been alone in the world since he was born. So when Sheriff Owen “Mack” Macklin shows up on his doorstep to deliver the news that Oliver’s sister has died, he’s beyond surprised. Still, Oliver returns with Mack to Hope Cove, Maine, hoping to get to know the sister he never knew he had. As he tries to snap these new elements into his solitary life, he’s not sure how they might fit.

His life is shaken up further as he falls in love with the irresistible town of Hope Cove, and with Mack, its equally irresistible sheriff. But when he receives devastating news about his sister's cause of death, Oliver doesn't know whether to stay and fight for love and a good life, or cut his losses and run.


$3.99 $2.99

The Garden Series

Devon Wilcox, the privileged fifth son of a viscount, has everything a man could want ... except being gay in a time when such deviant behavior could land him in prison. He tries to console himself with the denizens of society's underbelly, but frequently ends up the victim of those who'd rather take advantage of his desperation. Fortunately, his best friend and secret object of infatuation, Sir Wallace Church, comes to his rescue. Wallace tempts him with the promise of high-class entertainment at a mysterious boy brothel called "The Garden." Situated in the heart of mid-Victorian London, The Garden offers an array of choice morsels, beautiful young men named after flowers. There, Wilcox finds not only the perfect bed partner for the evening, but the chance to gain his most ardent heart's desire.


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$6.99 $5.24

Da ventiquattro anni Carter Stevenson convive con i tic e la balbuzie che lo hanno portato a sviluppare una timidezza cronica. Nonostante gli amici lo accusino di lasciare che la Sindrome di Tourette, dalla quale è affetto, governi la sua vita, Carter decide di lasciare la caotica Los Angeles per trasferirsi in una tranquilla cittadina californiana. Il suo proposito di passare inosservato e nascondersi, però, si scontra con l’esuberanza del nuovo vicino di casa, che irrompe nella sua vita solitaria e lo costringe a uscire e vivere.

Ethan mette in chiaro sin dall’inizio quello che prova per Carter, ma teme che il giovane non riesca a vedere oltre la sua lesione cerebrale, anche se è proprio questa a renderlo molto più in sintonia con le sue emozioni di quanto lo sia la maggior parte della gente. Per Carter invece il problema è un altro: troppe volte ormai è rimasto scottato da quelle che credeva anime gemelle, e non ha intenzione di mettere di nuovo a rischio il proprio cuore.

In un modo o nell’altro, Ethan è comunque deciso a dimostrargli che sono fatti per stare insieme. Fino a quando una cosa spaventosa non gli sconvolge la vita, costringendolo a cercare in Carter forza e sostegno. Riuscirà Carter a superare le proprie paure e ad aiutarlo quando più avrà bisogno di lui?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Volumen 1 de la serie Lang Downs

Caine Neiheisel está atrapado en un trabajo sin salida y una relación sin futuro cuando una oportunidad única cae en sus manos. Su madre hereda el rancho de ovejas de su tío en Nueva Gales del Sur, en Australia. Caine lo ve como una ocasión de empezar una nueva vida en el campo donde su tartamudeo no será un lastre y su buena disposición para el trabajo seguramente compensará su falta de conocimientos.

Por desgracia, Macklin Armstrong, el capataz de Lang Downs, que debería ser el mayor aliado de Caine, tan pronto se comporta de manera fría como se muestra displicente, y los otros empleados están más entretenidos por su acento americano que conmovidos por la difícil situación en la que se ha metido… Hasta que se enteran de que es gay y su simpatía se convierte en desdén. Hará falta toda la determinación de Caine y un acto de cruel sabotaje por parte de un vecino hostil para unir a los hombres de Lang Downs, y que Caine y Macklin tengan una oportunidad en el amor.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

British actor Wesley Tremayne thinks he’s close to hitting the big time—a film career—with his role as a hunky explorer on a popular American TV show. Success should be just around the corner, as long as he keeps his sexual orientation a secret. Wes’s best friend and beard, Julia Compton, forms the other half of a glamorous Hollywood couple that’s merely a façade.

Evan Taylor left his acting career behind five years ago without looking back. He's always been more comfortable around horses than people—especially Hollywood types. His new life training racehorses is a dream come true, but increasing financial problems and an abusive boyfriend have him doubting himself and his choices.

Then Wes and his friends buy a third-rate racehorse—partially for publicity—and send him to Evan’s stable. Wes’s friendship with Evan soon develops into an overpowering attraction he can’t act on. He's never met a man like Evan, but if there’s any chance for a future together, Wes must choose between a career he loves and the man he adores.


$6.99 $5.24

Letting Go

Rock Bay Series | Book Two

Drew McAuliffe has lived in the small town of Rock Bay most of his adult life. He’d like to be happy, but not at the cost of having his private life under his nosy neighbors’ microscope, so he keeps his bisexuality under wraps.

After a messy breakup that caused him to pack up and move to Astoria, on the Oregon coast, Mason Anderson decides to avoid drama of the romantic kind. All he wants is to start over—alone.

But Drew and Mason were meant to meet. The long looks and awkward half hellos chance offered were never going to be enough. But when they do finally come together on the worst night possible, misconceptions and problems from their pasts get in the way. Until Mason learns to trust again—and until Drew learns to let go of who he thinks he is—a real connection is nothing but a pipe dream.


$4.99 $3.74

Duncan Kerr is the art director of Enamored Press, an erotic romance publisher based in Seattle. An open submissions call for new artists yields an imaginative book cover with rich details and bold colors that catches his interest. After a few more samples of work and some e-mails, Duncan is determined to hire the talented young artist on a permanent basis.

But Ruben Winterbottom isn’t an average freelance artist. His agoraphobia leaves him terrified to set foot outside his secluded house in the woods by the Olympic National Park. Living alone, fear is Ruben’s sole companion.

When the two men meet, Ruben has a panic attack and hides away. Although confused, Duncan sees past Ruben’s anxiety to his artistic gifts and beautiful soul. So he sets out to coax the young man out of his shy shell.

Falling in love with a broken boy, however, might be the first draft of heartbreak.


$4.99 $3.74

Cœur confiant

Le Clan des Panthères | Tome 2
$6.99 $5.24

Suite de Cœur Sauvage
Le Clan des Panthères, tome 2

Jin Rayne a bien du mal à se faire à sa nouvelle vie, qu’il est pourtant censé adorer. Au lieu d’apprécier simplement d’être le compagnon du chef de tribu Logan Church, il ne parvient pas à accepter le fait que son amant ait été hétéro avant de le rencontrer. Il a trouvé le bonheur en se livrant entièrement à Logan, mais reste terrorisé à l’idée que sa nouvelle vie puisse disparaître du jour au lendemain, malgré l’affirmation catégorique de Logan que leur relation est pour la vie.

Jin veut vraiment croire Logan, mais ce souhait va être mis à rude épreuve par le chef d’une tribu rivale, mais aussi par une révélation cruciale concernant son existence même. C’est la vie de Jin et son rang dans la tribu qui seront en jeu. S’il veut survivre à cette épreuve et retrouver Logan, il lui faudra se défaire de ses craintes et accepter pleinement leur lien sacré, condition sine qua non pour qu’il puisse lui faire pleinement confiance.


$6.99 $5.24


Los Centinelas
$4.99 $3.74

Un libro de la saga Los Centinelas

El guardián Jackson Tybalt siempre ha sido uno de los buenos, hasta que descubre al hombre al que ama besando a otro. Traicionado y furioso, Jackson comienza a jugar con el peligro y la muerte, ignorando los ruegos de los demás Guardianes para que vaya con cuidado. Su estado de ánimo no es el más recomendable para iniciar un romance, pero eso no detiene a Raphael, el kyrie, que más que nada desea poseer a Jackson.

Jackson no desea un Hogar, no desea un amante… solo busca oscuridad y dolor, y Raphael está dispuesto a darle lo que quiere. Pero a veces los pecados de la carne son lo que el cuerpo necesita para vendar las heridas del corazón, y Raphael ocultará la ternura que siente por Jackson mientras el Guardián siga vistiendo los hábitos del Pecador.


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Per sei anni Rex Payton si è concentrato su due cose: mantenere a galla il bar che ha ereditato dal padre in una piccola città del Kentucky e crescere suo nipote, Tyler. Dopo la tragica perdita dei genitori e della sorella, Rex non è interessato all’amore. È rispettato nella sua comunità ed è considerato fra gli scapoli più desiderabili di Carlisle, ma ha accettato che la sua vita non sia destinata a una relazione romantica, considerate soprattutto la sua riservatezza e la sua omosessualità.

Fa il suo ingresso sulla scena Josh Billings, uno studente di veterinaria che sta facendo tirocinio in città. La passione più profonda di Josh è aiutare gli animali. L’amore è quanto di più lontano ci sia dalla sua mente… fino alla notte in cui incontra il taciturno, bellissimo Rex Payton. Il caso e un ballo lento dopo l’orario di chiusura cospirano per forgiare un’intima connessione che nessuno dei due cercava, ma che nessuno dei due può ignorare, perché quel lento porta dritto a un bacio.

Improvvisamente l’amore non è più così insignificante, ma nemmeno senza complicazioni. Affinché questa relazione funzioni, Josh dovrà decidere se se la sente di uscire con un papà single, Rex dovrà aprire il suo cuore, e Ty dovrà imparare a condividere con un’altra persona l’affetto di suo padre.


$6.99 $5.24

After witnessing a mob hit, surgeon Jack Francisco is put into protective custody to keep him safe until he can testify. A hitman known only as D is blackmailed into killing Jack, but when he tracks him down, his weary conscience won't allow him to murder an innocent man. Finding in each other an unlikely ally, Jack and D are soon on the run from shadowy enemies.

Forced to work together to survive, the two men forge a bond that ripens into unexpected passion. Jack sees the wounded soul beneath D's cold, detached exterior, and D finds in Jack the person who can help him reclaim the man he once was. As the day of Jack's testimony approaches, he and D find themselves not only fighting for their lives... but also fighting for their future. A future together.