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Es ist leicht, zynisch zu werden, wenn alles im Leben schiefläuft.

Cole Reid ist seit seinem fünfzehnten Lebensjahr Außenseiter, nachdem er unbeabsichtigt von seinem Mittelstufen-Baseballteam geoutet wurde. Seitdem haben seine obsessiven Zwänge und seine sarkastische Art die meisten Menschen auf Abstand gehalten, außerdem hasst ihn jeder, weil er schwul ist. Seiner Ansicht nach ist er dazu verdammt, jeden potentiellen Freund automatisch zu vergraulen, platonisch oder romantisch, wieso sollte er sich also bemühen?

Als er zu studieren beginnt, entwickelt er sich endgültig zum pedantischen Einzelgänger—kein Problem, zumindest bis sein vertrauter Mitbewohner auszieht und ihm Ellis Montgomery zugeteilt wird. Ellis ist unordentlich, hübsch, hetero, und zu allem Überfluss Sportler!

Während eines Semesters voller Verbindungskumpels, Campingausflügen und überengagierten Eltern, entwickeln Ellis und Cole eine Freundschaft, die Coles pessimistische Weltsicht auf den Kopf stellt. Ellis muss mehr sein als ein amüsierwütiger Sportler—und vielleicht kann Coles wiedererwachende Libido seine Hoffnung auf mehr als Kameradschaft in die Realität umsetzen.


$6.99 $5.24

Chasing the Horizon

Sunrise Over Savannah and Chasing the Horizon
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Sunrise Over Savannah

Needing a lifestyle change, Garner Holt, an uptight workaholic psychologist, buys a sailboat and trades in his prestigious job in New York City for a life on the water. After engine failure and six weeks in Savannah, Georgia for repair, he arrives in Key West, Florida early one morning and encounters a half-dressed hooligan walking along the docks of the marina. Garner immediately thinks this barefoot and shirtless man with a shaved head, multiple tattoos, and piercings in every orifice is going to rob him. He prepares for the worst. Instead, the stranger passes Garner by and climbs on a boat two slips down. With the threat of danger gone, Garner is surprisingly intrigued.

Hawken Bristol is used to being on the receiving end of stereotypes. He sees the fear on the stranger’s face, recognizes the rigidity in his stance, but is too tired from his wild night of partying to engage the frightened stranger. A few cat and mouse encounters around town lead to an uncanny attraction. However, after Garner helps Hawken dock his boat in a windstorm, sparks start to fly. But this new liaison brings up old baggage that threatens to derail everything they have going.


$6.99 $5.24

Of Dark and Bright

Dark Horse Series | Book Three

Jeff, Evan, and Dan have been living happily together for the past two years. They still have problems, especially between Evan and Dan, but they’re mostly able to convert the interpersonal disagreements to sexual tension—and then resolve it—so nobody’s complaining.

Then Dan’s long-lost sister shows up seven months pregnant and on the run from the law, and the situation goes from complicated to overwhelming. Jeff and Evan want to help, but with Evan fearful for his own sister’s safety and Jeff struggling to keep his health issues under wraps, they’re a little distracted. As Dan's sister struggles with her past, Evan's seems intent on gambling with her future. With emotions and family ties pulling them in different directions, the threesome have to hold together—or the people they love may tear them apart.


La graduación de Talker

Talker (Español) | Volumen 3
$3.99 $2.99

La secuela de La Salvación de Talker
Volumen 3 de la Serie Talker

Cuando superas el conocimiento básico de la supervivencia, ¿qué viene a continuación? Brian Cooper se recuperó del ataque que casi lo mata y Tate Walker se enfrentó a sus propios demonios. Ahora lo que queda son… los dos. Crecer juntos y hacer que madure su amor es todo menos algo sencillo.

El eterno optimismo de Talker y la fe silenciosa de Brian pueden ser lo que les ayude a conquistar los grandes y pequeños obstáculos que no dejarán de atravesarse en su camino mientras superan las complicaciones que van surgiendo a medida que comienzan a cumplir sus sueños.


$3.99 $2.99

Le goût du risque

Perspectives | Tome 2
$6.99 $5.24

Perspectives, tome 2

Quand Lil Lampert rencontre Grier Dilorio au Festival du Goût de Chicago, cette aventure censée n’être qu’un bref intermède passionné devient vite plus profonde. Lil est architecte, il vit à San Francisco, il n’est là que pour quelques jours d’une visite à ses bons amis, Jody William et Clark Stevena. Il n’avait pas prévu de s’attacher à un homme plus jeune que lui, même s’il partage son intérêt pour l’art du bâtiment et la décoration intérieure. Mais dès que Lil découvre le fétichisme secret que Grier cache sous ses airs de mauvais garçon, il en veut davantage.

Extérieurement, le jeune homme affiche ses tatouages, sa Harley, sa passion du cuir et de la vitesse, mais Lil découvre en lui d’autres aspects : un homme tendre et aimant, un père responsable. Le petit Luca va bientôt avoir sept ans et Grier aimerait faire officiellement reconnaître ses droits. Il en rêve sans oser se lancer dans la bataille juridique. L’amour et les conseils de Lil l’aideront à faire des choix qui lui permettront d’envisager un avenir commun, mais aussi de réclamer la garde partagée de son fils.


$6.99 $5.24


Hope Cove Series | Book Two

Officer Declan Grant responds to a call at the Hope Cove docks to find Lucas Hale barely alive after being beaten and tossed off his fishing boat. The violent crime rocks this tranquil community where everyone knows each other and doors are rarely locked. Despite Declan being new to Hope Cove, he wants to keep his new home and Lucas safe. He starts by volunteering to care for Lucas after he’s released from the hospital.

Lucas just wants to put the whole incident behind him and move on, but the more he gets to know Declan, the harder he finds it to push Declan and his do-right attitude away. The investigation into the assault continues, but Declan will soon face a moral dilemma, a choice that may topple his tidy life and force him to choose between Lucas and the law.


Desires' Guardian

Desires Entwined | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Desires Entwined: Book Two

Most people see Chase Manning as the party-boy twink he seems on the surface. Only James, Chase's BFF, knows the depth of his loyalty and the extent of the wounds Chase carries inside. When Chase meets Rhys Sayer, things don’t go well, but he can’t shake his attraction to the huge, sexy man.

Rhys is a man of contradictions and fear—a strange combination for a PI and bodyguard. He's in a bad place emotionally when he sets eyes on Chase for the first time. When Chase puts the moves on him, Rhys insults him, thwarting any possibility of a relationship. Rhys doesn’t see himself as a complicated man, but he dreads the very kind of connection he desires.

Just as they’re trying to overcome their uncertainties, Chase is put in harm’s way. Luckily Rhys and their friends have all the right talents to help Rhys save the man of his dreams.


$6.99 $5.24

Nico's Fire

Elements of Love | Book Two
$5.99 $4.49

Sequel to Adel's Purr
Elements of Love: Book Two

Under constant attack, Jesuit Inquisitor Jude Jamison suspects his cover is blown. Without the gargoyles his friend Evan sent as his guardians and his ability to start fires, he’d already be dead. As he lies injured among a heap of rubble, the world as he knows it ends, and he fears the monster he’s become.

Nicolai Daemarkus, a fire daemon hiding among the humans, sees a gargoyle circling a smoldering building. Upon investigating, he is totally unprepared to discover his human mate. Unfortunately, a human cannot survive in his world. Yet he’s unable to abandon the beautiful man. As they search for the people threatening Jude, they learn evil doesn’t always come in fearful shapes.

2nd Edition
1st Edition published by Silver Publishing, May 2012


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$6.99 $5.24

What happens when Jane Austen’s immortal characters are thrust into 21st century Pennsylvania, with an all-male twist?

Liam Bennet has always been a good judge of character, but when William Darcy is thrown into his social circle, everything spins out of control. Darcy is proud, cold, arrogant—and strangely captivating. When Liam’s brother and Darcy’s business partner start seeing each other, Liam cannot avoid this enigmatic businessman. But does he want to?

As Liam struggles to find his identity in college and acknowledge his feelings, he must deal with the fortunes of his four brothers, his gossiping mother, and the possibility of a large inheritance that could save his family from financial ruin. Emotions come to a boil when George Wickham, a world-weary musician, stumbles into town and ignites a feud with Darcy. He threatens to expose a long-hidden past, and Liam must decide for himself who William Darcy really is and what he really wants.


$6.99 $5.24

Pretty Peg

Oaktown Fey
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

An Oaktown Fey Book

High school senior Josy Grant already had plenty on her plate before she found the magic puppet theater her murdered sister left behind. Despite Josy’s grief, the responsibility of taking care of her family falls to her, and being queer doesn’t make dealing with school any easier. Things only get worse when sexy new girl Nicky tells Josy her sister died at the hands of a mysterious figure from the Faerie Realm called the Woodcutter, and if they can’t stop him, Josy and her remaining sister will be next.

They have just days before the Woodcutter strikes again on the autumn equinox, so Josy follows Nicky into the Faerie Realm to hunt him. Along the way, she discovers Fey gifts of her own and answers to the questions that have driven the Grant family apart. Nothing comes for free when dealing with Fey, though, and those gifts and answers might come at a terrible price.


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$4.99 $3.74

After ten years as an active duty Marine, Captain Eric Ramos is rejoining civilian life. His first job is chauffeuring, assisting, and generally keeping track of NBA young gun Tyler Haley. Tyler’s had a rough few months, and his team owner is convinced he needs some hand-holding if he’s going to keep delivering wins for the St. Louis Fire Foxes.

Instead of the arrogant, over-privileged athlete Eric expected, Tyler is a big, blond, lonely twenty-three-year-old who needs more than just an employee to keep him in line. While taking care of Tyler, Eric changes from employee to friend, to something more. And when Eric realizes that something is burning the kid up from the inside out, he's determined to find a way to help him before Tyler’s carefully constructed façade turns to ash.


$4.99 $3.74
$2.99 $2.24

In an effort to help a boy who lost his mother, schoolteacher Rob Cooper offers to tutor him. He doesn’t expect to fall for Sam’s father, Ken Reid. Ken’s grief has led him to bury his needs and emotions in work, but he can’t deny the new feelings Rob awakens. Wanting to see his father happy again, Sam encourages a relationship, leading Rob and Ken to explore a seduction that might become true romance.


$2.99 $2.24
$3.99 $2.99

Another mission to rescue yet another lost soul—Emmanuel isn’t sure how much more of the same old routine he can withstand. Get the fallen’s attention, save them from themselves, usher them back to grace, and return, simply to receive another assignment. But there’s something different about the troubled painter, Cameron Anderson, that grabs Emmanuel and won’t let him go.

Falling in love was never the plan. Committing the unpardonable sin is not an option for Emmanuel. He must choose: return home to stay and hope Cameron survives alone, or face the consequences of what he’s done in the hope of securing a life with Cameron.

Second Edition
First edition published as a short story of the same title in October 2007 by Dreamspinner Press.


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$6.99 $5.24

Der Schriftsteller Logan Brandish ist völlig zufrieden mit seinem Leben und seiner friedlichen Kleinstadtroutine, mit seiner besten Freundin, seiner Katze und seinem festen Freund – bis er den Lektor seines neuen Buches, den attraktiven Brock Kimble, kennenlernt. Damit wird das träge und ruhige Alltagsleben völlig über den Haufen geworfen. Zum ersten Mal mit echter Leidenschaft konfrontiert, fühlt sich Logan ruhelos und aufgewühlt und schon bald sind sein Leben und sein neues Manuskript – eine noch laufende Arbeit, von der er gedacht hatte, dass er sie vollenden würde – in völliger Unordnung.

Aber wie Logan lernen muss, bekommt man nicht immer alles. Zumindest nicht sofort. Um sich auf andere Gedanken zu bringen, verreist er, aber nicht einmal die schöne italienische, nun, Szenerie kann ihn lange von seinem ehemaligen Lektor ablenken. Logan muss vielleicht sogar zugeben, dass es Dinge gibt, vor denen man nicht weglaufen kann.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Kidnapped. Again. Honestly, Eddie Goodman isn’t surprised. As the son of crime-fighting superheroes with no powers of his own, he’s used to living with a target on his back. Now, the League of Evil has him in their clutches once more. However, Eddie’s not familiar with this particular villain, whose name seems to echo the shadows he controls. Shadow isn’t as disgusting as the others, like the fiendish Duke Naughty who’s been after Eddie for a long time. With a master’s degree in Psychology, Eddie calls on his talent to analyze the mind of this new supervillain and finds he’s not so evil, just a little… dark.

When Shadow saves Eddie from those intending him harm, blurring the lines between good and evil, Eddie realizes battling this new enemy—and his growing infatuation with the enigmatic man—won’t be easy. As Eddie struggles to understand Shadow’s motivations and his own feelings, he realizes Shadow is exactly the kind of Dominant he’d usually go for, and worse yet, Shadow seems to sense Eddie’s submissive nature. Eddie’s mind might not want to submit to a supervillain, but his body certainly does.


$6.99 $5.24


2014 Daily Dose | Mended
$2.99 $2.24

When a would-be assassin sneaks into the citadel disguised as a servant, the king requires that all servants who work in the castle be branded with the royal crest for easy identification. Prince Coren is powerless to fight the edict, but he refuses to allow his personal advisor and secret lover Brannir to suffer alone. Coren shows his devotion by wielding the brand to mark Brannir himself, even though he fears it will change their relationship. He's prepared for resentment, hurt, and anger--every outcome but the one he receives: unconditional love.


$2.99 $2.24

Cleary Palit

2014 Daily Dose | Mended
$3.99 $2.99

Edward “Ted” Cleary and Cazimir Palit have shared everything for eight years. Well, almost everything. They own a successful business together, share a house in West Hollywood, and never travel anywhere without each other, but they've never slept in the same bed.

There's one more thing Ted hasn't shared with Caz. Ted has a mother, sister, and brother in Atlanta Caz has never met. With good reason. They threw Ted out when he wouldn't "change his ways," and he's never looked back. When Ted is rejected all over again, Caz steps up and proves he isn’t the superficial man Ted always took him for, and Ted’s long-hidden feelings might finally be returned.


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Son of a Fish

2014 Daily Dose | Mended
$1.49 $1.12

Sam Crowe lives a quiet life. He's a freelance journalist and sometimes fiction writer. His world is turned upside down when love lands on his doorstep—literally, while cursing up a G-rated storm. Son of a fish, indeed. Casey Sanders doesn't know whether it’s good luck or bad when he slips and falls on the icy steps of his apartment building, but the hero who comes to his rescue is worth the discomfort.

Their attraction is instant, but Sam is certain Casey's flirtation and kind words are a result of the pain medication. But Casey is persistent and won't give up until he has what he wants. And what he wants is Sam.


$1.49 $1.12