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During his youth, orphaned thief Faris was flogged at the pillar in the town square and left to die. But a kind old man saved him, gave him a home, and taught him a profession. Now Faris is the herbalist for the town of Zidar, taking care of the injured and ill. He remains lonely, haunted by his past, and insecure about how his community views him. One night, despite his reluctance, he saves a dying slave from the pillar.

A former soldier, Boro has spent the last decade as a brutalized slave. Herbs and ointment can heal his physical wounds, but both men carry scars that run deep. Bound by the constraints of law and social class in 15th century Bosnia, Faris and Boro must overcome powerful enemies to protect the fragile happiness they’ve found.


$4.99 $3.74

Bon timing pour un Rodéo

Dans les temps | Tome 2
$5.99 $4.49

Dans les temps, tome 2

Deux ans après s’être installé dans le ranch que possède Rand Holloway, Stefan Joss a réussi à trouver un équilibre dans sa nouvelle vie, il est professeur à l’université locale. Mais le grand amour n’a rien d’un long fleuve tranquille. Rand le voudrait à la maison, au ranch, tandis que Stef tient à garder son autonomie au cas où son cow-boy le flanque à la porte. Réalisant soudain que ses doutes sont injustes, il s’engage totalement, ce qui rend Rand fou de joie.

Le jour où Stef voit sa chance de prouver son dévouement, il n’hésite pas, malgré les risques qu’il court. Et Rand profite de l’occasion pour démontrer que parfois, le meilleur de la vie surgit à l’impromptu.


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$6.99 $5.24

Ein Titel der Clouds and Rain Serie

Hunter Krause weiß ganz genau, dass es harte Arbeit ist, eine Ranch zu führen. Gute Cowboys zu finden ist schwer, und obwohl ihn sein Vorarbeiter und seine gesamte Familie unterstützen, hat er zu wenige Männer. Als dann Pferde von der Ranch verschwinden, stellt sein Bruder einen Mann ein, den Hunter nie in Erwägung gezogen hätte: Grant Jarreau, dem Hunter bis heute nicht verzeihen kann, dass er Hunters besten Freund nach einem schweren Unfall einfach im Stich gelassen hat.

Grant fügt sich schnell in das Leben auf der Ranch ein. Er freundet sich mit Hunters Schwester an und leistet hervorragende Arbeit. Trotz seiner Bedenken kann Hunter seine körperliche Reaktion auf Grant nicht wirklich verhindern und er weiß nicht, was er dagegen tun soll. Als Grant dann Hunters kleinen Neffen vor dem Ertrinken rettet, öffnet ein dankbarer Kuss Türen, von deren Existenz Hunter nie etwas geahnt hatte.

Während Hunter und Grant langsam eine Beziehung aufbauen, gerät Hunters Familie aus den Fugen, gibt es Schwierigkeiten auf der Ranch, versuchen sie herauszufinden, was mit den Pferden passiert ist und – als wäre das nicht genug – verschweigt Grant irgendetwas. Kann Hunter lernen, Grant zu vertrauen oder wird der Aufruhr in Hunters Familie ein weiteres Opfer fordern?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Laurie Stallon isn’t like other high schoolers. After suffering years of abuse at his father’s hands, he now lives in a foster care facility and finds solace volunteering at the local animal shelter. Laurie’s had to grow up fast, and even though his eighteenth birthday is still weeks away, he’s more adult than most adults he knows. When he meets Dr. Sam Davies, the new shelter veterinarian, the attraction is instant. They become friends at work, but Laurie knows Sam will never go for someone like him. No matter how Laurie tries to prove his maturity to Sam, Sam continues to reject him as too young.

Needing a distraction, Laurie goes out dancing for his birthday and finds his life in danger yet again. When Sam is called to the hospital, he realizes Laurie needs someone to care for him. Sam takes him home, and they slowly build a relationship. But more than their age difference works against them. Facing the disapproval of friends and the scars from Laurie's past, they'll need to put all their trust in love for a chance at a future together.


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Blue Notes
$6.99 $5.24

A Blue Notes Novel

British noble Cameron Sherrington has hit rock bottom. The love of his life, opera sensation Aiden Lind, is marrying another man, and Cam knows it’s his fault for pushing Aiden away. As if that’s not enough, someone is trying to take away his family business, and the US authorities are pursuing him on charges of money laundering. Fearing for his safety and unable to return to London, Cam runs, but he’s too broke to find a place to stay, and his fugitive’s life doesn’t even remotely resemble a Hollywood thriller.

Desperate and betrayed by the people he thought cared about him, Cam takes refuge in the subway station where Galen Rusk plays his trumpet for tips. Though Cam hears the beauty in Galen’s music, it’s Galen’s firm hand on his shoulder that stops him from throwing everything away. Their unusual relationship takes a turn that surprises them both, and neither man is sure he wants the complication. Galen is fighting the ghosts of his past, and Cam has his own nightmares to face. When Cam’s troubles threaten to tear them apart, Cam figures he had it coming—that it’s all penance due for a life lived without honesty or love. But he never considered the possibility that he might not survive it.


$6.99 $5.24

Wine and Roses

Other Paths | Book One
Blessed Epoch Universe
$6.99 $5.24

Other Paths: Book One
A Tale of the Blessed Epoch

Mage Yarroway L’Estrella decided the Battle of the Starlight Bridge when he summoned fire from the heavens. The blaze decimated much of the vineyard that has been in Alain Lamont’s family for nine generations. Mountain Shadow Winery may no longer be able to support Alain’s family or the dozens of others who call it home, but Alain vows not to fail all those depending on him.

Mercenary Fabrezio Orvina d’Caelus, Breeze to his friends, appreciates Alain taking him in when he’s badly wounded after the battle, but he has no intention of living the dull life of a farmer any longer than necessary. Though he likes the vintner, he sees Alain as soft and sheltered, hardly a man who can understand a warrior’s calling.

As they live and work together, Alain realizes Breeze isn’t exactly the amoral opportunist he suspected, and Breeze sees more strength in Alain than he thought possible of a simple winemaker. Life on the estate is richer and less boring than Breeze first imagined. With ingenuity, courage, and cooperation, they may devise a way to revitalize the vineyard and move beyond the pain and loss of their pasts.


$6.99 $5.24
$5.99 $4.49

Bad enough Elijah Colter’s life of comfort comes to an abrupt end when he’s seventeen and his family discovers he’s gay. Bad enough he must live out of his car and turn tricks. But when his perfect boyfriend, Alonzo, becomes the victim of a drive-by shooting, Elijah plummets into suicidal depression. The concepts of trust and hope become more alien to him than ever.

All that keeps Elijah going is a promise he made: that he would look after Alonzo’s stepdad, Dizzy, who’s on the verge of losing his house.

Diz and Elijah become companions in homelessness—until Elijah discovers a program for throwaway LGBT youth. Through it he secures an apartment… then loses it after a year. He’s kept his promise, though, and until he can get back on his feet, he’s resigned to joining Dizzy in the abandoned factory the older man calls home.

One fall day, a pair of new presences in Elijah’s life promise to shape his future: Michael, an outreach volunteer, and Alonzo’s ghost. Both prompt Elijah to decide which of his dreams to pursue, which to cast aside, and just how much he can dare to believe in love, and in himself, again.


$5.99 $4.49

Votos de honor

Cambio de actitud | Volumen 3
$6.99 $5.24

La secuela de Vínculo de confianza
Volumen 3 de la serie Cambio de actitud

Jin Rayne aún está adaptándose a sus nuevos y aterradores poderes como gato nekhene, y a su posición como reah de la tribu de Logan Church, cuando se entera de que han convocado un sepat, un lance de honor. Logan, quien jamás ha deseado otra cosa excepto dirigir su pequeña tribu provinciana, debe viajar a Mongolia, al otro lado del mundo, y luchar para convertirse en el líder más poderoso en el mundo de los hombres panteras.

Logan no será el único que viajará. Como su pareja, Jin deberá luchar con él para honrar su compromiso con Logan, su cultura y a su tribu. Pero el periodo de la prueba es largo, lo que significa una prolongada separación entre ambos, y que la humanidad de Logan estará en riesgo. Para sobrevivir al horrible sepat, Jin y Logan deberán aceptar sus destinos, confiar en el otro, y honrar los votos entre ellos, cueste lo que cueste.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

After a disastrous five years away at college, Joe returns to his aunt's farm and finds his childhood sweetheart Cameron eager to rekindle their relationship. Joe has a hard time confessing that he didn't come home until now because he's only just managed to leave Andre, his controlling boyfriend, and has a harder time renewing his submissive role in his affair with Cam. Cam thinks he has to find a way to remind Joe how to be strong. But what Cam doesn't realize is that Joe is strong, strong enough to leave behind a life of shame—though he's terrified his past will catch up to him. Joe must confront his ex and take back his own life, on his own terms, before he's able to give Cam everything they both desire.


$6.99 $5.24


Hope Cove Series | Book Three

Haydn Prescott stood by and watched his friends fall in love, something he hopes never happens to him. It’s too much drama, thankyouverymuch. He just wants a hot guy to roll around with every once in a while. No muss, no fuss. Out for a night of dancing, he meets Trevor Ryan and the two are explosive together. The next morning, Haydn wakes up alone.

Trevor is gone and Haydn thinks he’s seen the last of him… until months later when Trevor walks into Haydn’s bakery in Hope Cove. Entanglements and complications ooze from Trevor, but Haydn can’t ignore him—Trevor won’t let him. Haydn always believed he wanted to be free and single forever, but now he’s torn: does he want to be with Trevor or should he play it safe and stick to what’s worked?


Yakuza Courage

The Way of the Yakuza
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Yakuza Pride

Ex-Navy SEAL Brendan O’Farrihy enrolls in kendo classes to investigate a Honolulu dojo acting as a front for a yakuza syndicate. Or at least that’s what Brendan’s client, Senator Harris, believes. Through his kendo instructor, the cocky, short-fused, gorgeous Kinosuke Yonekawa, Brendan learns the criminals who are supposedly using the senator’s son, Kenneth, to expand their activities into the US, seem to have severed any yakuza connections. The jaded, soul-scarred former soldier is captivated by the loyalty these gangsters show each other and the way they protect Ken like a tight military unit. Brendan wonders why the senator lied to him, and what the yakuza are shielding Ken from.

When Ken disappears, Brendan suspects foul play and decides to help the man he is falling for, Kinosuke, and his friends, find Ken. But when Kinosuke discovers Brendan has been on the senator’s payroll, all bets are off.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Celebrate with Harmony Ink Press as we recognize the talented winners of our first annual Young Author Challenge. This anthology showcases the LGBTQ genre’s best up-and-coming-authors between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one.

The transition from childhood to adulthood is never easy, and growing up presents unique challenges for LGBTQ youth. Confusion, bigotry, and struggle transcend time and place, but fortunately, so does love. Travel with these exceptional young authors from country cottages to big cities, into the past and the future, from fantastic lands of magic to the recognizable landscapes of our world. Regardless of the setting, the characters in these stories, along with families, friends, lovers, and allies, fight to claim their places in life. Their identities and situations are different, but the young people in this collection share the strength and courage to succeed, sometimes against great odds, and they invite you to join them on their journeys.

Cigar, Parasol, Star by Laura Beaird
Counting Stars by L.A. Buchanan
The King of Dorkdom by Avery Burrow
Happy Endings Take Work by Morgan Cair
Tess by Becca Ehlers
Our First Anniversary by Trisha Harrington
The Dragon Princess by Eleanor Hawtin
An IRL Love Life by Rebecca Long
On Their Own Terms by D. William Pfifer
Glitterhead by Benjamin Shepherd Quiñones
City Lights Will Carry You Home by Amanda Reed
The Gift of Flame by Scotia Roth
Waiting by Annie Schoonover
Quiet Love by Gil Segev
Paranormal Honor Society by Leigh Taylor


$6.99 $5.24

La lettera Z

Coda (Italiano)
$4.99 $3.74

Seguito di Dalla A alla Z
Un libro della serie Coda

Zach e Angelo si sono sistemati nella loro nuova vita a Coda, Colorado, trovando posto nella comunità con l’aiuto dei loro amici Matt e Jared. Zach e Angelo stanno anche lavorando ai dettagli della loro relazione, ma quando prendono una decisione che non trova l’appoggio di Jared, Angelo si ritrova in conflitto con il migliore amico del suo compagno, nonché compagno del suo migliore amico.

Quando i quattro decidono di fare un breve viaggio a Las Vegas, Angelo crede che lui e Jared potrebbero tornare ad andare d’accordo come prima. Invece, un incontro casuale con l’ex ragazzo di Zach porta Angelo a farsi molte domande riguardo a se stesso e alla sua relazione con Zach. Matt e Jared ci sono sempre stati quando Zach e Angelo hanno avuto bisogno di aiuto. Ma quando si tratta di riconsiderare la loro relazione, gli amici potrebbero portare più danni che benefici.


$4.99 $3.74
Not Available
*This item is currently not available.

With his fauxhawk, sleeve tattoos, and visible piercings, Ridley Corbin has the whole badass vibe going on in spades. The image serves him well as the self-proclaimed protector of the underdog, and he wants nothing more than to be Alex Firestone's hero.

Alex, a mild-mannered library assistant, has moved to Slater, a quiet college town, hoping to hide from his past. He keeps to himself, but that doesn't save him from catching the unwanted attention of the campus bully. But not all is as it seems. Alex's past comes calling, and it's time he becomes top dog.


Summer Lover

Seasons of Love | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Seasons of Love: Book Two

Scott Aberdeen doesn’t believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, or God. Or love—at least, he knows no one will ever love him. After all, he has carried a torch for his best friend Sloan for a decade, hoping his feelings will be returned one day. But when Sloan finds springtime love with another man, Scott’s fantasies are crushed and his skepticism confirmed.

Cedar Carrington, raised by rock star parents, leads a free-spirited, nomadic life, never staying in one place for long. Due to a dark past he refuses to share or even think about, he is willing to let men into his bed for sex, but never for the night.

When Scott finds himself camping in the middle of nowhere with over a hundred men who all believe in love—and faeries and a magickal gay brotherhood—he's pretty sure he’s in the wrong place. And when Cedar connects with cynical, critical Scott, he wonders how he could be falling in for this man of all men. But hearts and lives have been transformed at the Heartland Men’s Festival before, and it might be just the place where two very different men can release their pain and find true love at last.


$6.99 $5.24

Wolf in Gucci Loafers

Tales of the Harker Pack | Book Two
2014 Award Winners

Socialite Lindsey Vanessen wants someone to love who will love him back—an impossibility for a gay, half-human, half-werewolf. Too aggressive for humans, too gay for wolves, and needing to protect the pack from human discovery, Lindsey tries to content himself with life as a successful businessman. But when someone starts kidnapping members of wealthy families, Lindsey meets tough cop Seth Zakowsy—the hunky embodiment of everything Lindsey wants but can't have.

Seth has never been attracted to flamboyant men. What would the guys in the department think of Lindsey? But intrigue turns to lust when he discovers Lindsey’s biting, snarling passion more than matches his dominant side. It might mean a chance at love for a cop in black leather and a wolf in Gucci loafers.


Amore significa... nessun limite

Serie Amore Significa…
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della serie Amore Significa...

Joey Sutherland ha trovato casa con Geoff Laughton e il suo partner Eli; vivere e lavorare alla fattoria è diventato per lui una sorta di rifugio dopo che un incidente in moto l’ha lasciato con una faccia piena di cicatrici e un sacco di insicurezze. Mari, la zia di Geoff, li convince a ospitare in casa un musicista dell’Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale Giovanile. Joey si ritrova messo alle corde quando gli viene chiesto di andare a prenderlo, perché riesce già a immaginare il disgusto sul volto del ragazzo.

Robert Edward Jameson però lo sorprende: è estroverso e amichevole e ha intenzione di provare praticamente tutto nella fattoria. E poi è cieco, il che aiuta i nervi di Joey a calmarsi.

Joey e Robbie diventano inseparabili e scoprono che si stanno innamorando. Ma l’estate sta finendo e Robbie tornerà a casa nel Mississippi, dove la famiglia e i domestici lo aiutano in ogni cosa. Joey può solo sperare che Robbie punti sull’amore per sfuggire a quei limiti che hanno segnato la sua vita cieca.


$6.99 $5.24

Two Dumb Jocks

Dumb Jock | Book Five
$6.99 $5.24

Dumb Jock: Book Five

Rejected by his family for coming out, Bryan Helverson boards a plane for Tampa, Florida, where he plans to attend college. Brett and Jeff's family embrace him when he arrives, and his new “brothers,” Adam and Trevor, help him assimilate into the community.

While playing tennis with Trevor at the country club, Bryan meets aspiring pro tennis player Greg Lewis. But after a few minutes it’s easy to see the arrogant jock is not on Bryan’s menu, and he quickly dismisses the man. Forgetting he ever met Greg is not an option, though, when Bryan is hired as a waiter at the country club's restaurant, and Greg is assigned to train him. Unexpected romance blossoms just as Bryan discovers one of Greg's ex-boyfriends also works at the restaurant.

Greg is not the person Bryan first took him for, though. His true ambition is to become a doctor. And as their romance grows serious, Bryan discovers Greg’s mom suffers from the same debilitating depression that plagues Bryan. Unfortunately, just as Bryan is making giant strides with managing his depression, Greg’s ex—as manipulative as he is abusive—takes a battered Bryan back to point A and threatens to destroy his relationship with Greg.


$6.99 $5.24