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La voie du loup

Le Grand Dévoilement | Tome 1
$4.99 $3.74

Le Grand Dévoilement, tome 1

Kris Ellis pensait que le temps des mariages arrangés appartenait au passé – mais c’était avant le Grand Dévoilement qui révéla que des créatures mythiques vivaient parmi les humains. Maintenant, un simple test médical de routine a pu déterminer que Kris avait un compagnon, un loup-garou nommé Rafael King.

Kris est fraîchement diplômé de l’université et a des projets bien établis pour sa vie future. Aucun d’entre eux n’inclut d’être lié pour toujours à quelqu’un qu’il n’a jamais rencontré. Mais lorsque Rafe l’appelle, Kris est prêt à reconsidérer sa position. Après tout, qu’est-ce qui est pire que d’avoir attendu son âme sœur pendant près de deux cents ans ?

Rafe est patient, fort et gentil, sans oublier qu’il est très attirant. Exactement comme ce que Kris avait entendu dire à propos des compagnons prédestinés, des étincelles éclatent à la seconde où ils se rencontrent. Mais Kris et Rafe sont très différents et la vie avec un loup-garou peut s’avérer dangereuse. Un combat pour l’amour en vaut-il vraiment la peine ?


$4.99 $3.74
$5.99 $4.49

Josh Kelly è un attore eterosessuale che interpreta metà della coppia gay più adorabile della TV. Sam Peterson, veramente gay, è l’altra metà, almeno in TV. Nella vita vera, Josh e Sam sono migliori amici, anche se non si sono mai confidati che le rispettive relazioni amorose stanno giungendo al capolinea.

Un fan delirante aggredisce Sam, cambiando la prospettiva di Josh, che comincia a capire che l’amicizia potrebbe non essere l’unico sentimento che prova per il suo co-protagonista. Ma può trovare la forza di dichiararsi a Sam, mettendo a rischio la loro stessa amicizia?


$5.99 $4.49

Tell Me It's Real

At First Sight

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Paul Auster doesn't. Paul doesn't believe in much at all. He’s thirty, slightly overweight, and his best features are his acerbic wit and the color commentary he provides as life passes him by. His closest friends are a two-legged dog named Wheels and a quasibipolar drag queen named Helena Handbasket. He works a dead-end job in a soul-sucking cubicle, and if his grandmother's homophobic parrot insults him one more time, Paul is going to wring its stupid neck.

Enter Vince Taylor.

Vince is everything Paul isn’t: sexy, confident, and dumber than the proverbial box of rocks. And for some reason, Vince pursues Paul relentlessly. Vince must be messing with him, because there is no way Vince could want someone like Paul.

But when Paul hits Vince with his car—in a completely unintentional if-he-died-it'd-only-be-manslaughter kind of way—he's forced to see Vince in a whole new light. The only thing stopping Paul from believing in Vince is himself—and that is one obstacle Paul can’t quite seem to overcome. But when tragedy strikes Vince's family, Paul must put aside any notions he has about himself and stand next to the man who thinks he's perfect the way he is.


The God Hunters: Light and Shadow

The God Hunters | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

The God Hunters: Book Three

The treachery of an ancient and sinister evil is on the rise again. The races that live in the universe known as the Expanse have been deceived by the MST, their so-called guardians, and the truth has finally emerged. Change is inevitable, but not without a fight.

As Keeper of the Citadel and endowed with supernatural abilities beyond imagination, David will shine as a beacon of hope to those in need, to those who have succumbed to what is known as the weakening agenda—for their so-called guardians fear losing control above all else. Worlds will perish. That much is certain. But from loss often comes a greater strength, a greater understanding of right and wrong, of duty and devotion.

Aided by his boyfriend Doug and his beloved companions, David will stand against both old threats and new. His newly acquired powers of spirit calling and shifting will serve as impressive fronts, and he will draw strength from his passionate love for Doug. The time nears when they will learn if that will be enough, if the races of the Expanse will be consumed by the coming shadows or if they will bathe in David’s light.


$6.99 $5.24

Tequila Mockingbird

Sinners Series
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Whiskey and Wry
Sinners Series: Book Three

Lieutenant Connor Morgan of SFPD’s SWAT division wasn’t looking for love. Especially not in a man. His life plan didn’t include one Forest Ackerman, a brown-eyed, blond drummer who’s as sexy as he is trouble. His family depends on him to be like his father, a solid pillar of strength who’ll one day lead the Morgan clan.

No, Connor has everything worked out—a career in law enforcement, a nice house, and a family. Instead, he finds a murdered man while on a drug raid and loses his heart comforting the man’s adopted son. It wasn’t like he’d never thought about men — it’s just loving one doesn’t fit into his plans.

Forest Ackerman certainly doesn’t need to be lusting after a straight cop, even if Connor Morgan is everywhere he looks, especially after Frank’s death. He’s just talked himself out of lusting for the brawny cop when his coffee shop becomes a war zone and Connor Morgan steps in to save him.

Whoever killed his father seems intent on Forest joining him in the afterlife. As the killer moves closer to achieving his goal, Forest tangles with Connor Morgan and is left wondering what he’ll lose first—his life or his heart.


$6.99 $5.24
$3.99 $2.99

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Soap actress Melanie Potter wants a gay best friend, and Jack fits the bill nicely. They share an apartment, their time, and mutual friends Katie and Roo—another soap actress and her obligatory gay friend. Drinks and gossip fill their free hours, and anyone who sees them thinks they’re a carefree and happy bunch. But someone is telling Melanie’s secrets to the tabloids, and Jack can’t figure out why nobody in town will cast him in an acting role. When the truth comes out about who is behind the sabotage, everyone’s dreams could shatter.


$3.99 $2.99

Finding Shelter

Rock Bay Series | Book Three

Justin Foster has nineteen years of nothing but trouble behind him. After escaping his abusive father, he finds himself in Rock Bay, Washington, with his cousin Travis. Justin is bruised and has a hard time trusting, but with the help of his family and the small town, he might be able to heal.

Logan O’Brien is also new in town, hoping he can finally get away from his past and the memories of the girlfriend who shattered his heart. It doesn’t take him long to realize Rock Bay can be more than safe harbor: it can also be home. And for the first time in his life, he finds himself captivated by a man—by Justin.

Justin is attracted to Logan too, but he’s also wary. Physically, Logan reminds him a bit too much of the closeted jerks who used to beat him up after school. But after one awkwardly amazing kiss, he’s smitten, despite how his past and insecurities continue to haunt him. Logan’s love, faith, and stubbornness are just what Justin needs to believe their love is worth fighting for.


Red Rogue

Brown-Eyed Devil and Red Rogue
$5.99 $4.49

Sequel to Brown-Eyed Devil

Necromancer Anoki doesn't understand his deep love for Myron. They have only known each other a few days, but it feels like they have loved each other for a lifetime. Because of the curse that transforms Myron into an uncontrollable monster, Anoki had no choice but to condemn him to hell. Now the only way he can reunite with Myron is to track down the person who placed that curse and remove it.

But Anoki’s quest leads him to long hidden family secrets and draws the attention of demonic forces determined to stop him. Slowly the true nature of his relationship with Myron comes to light, and that places him in a final confrontation with the deadliest obstacle standing between them—his merciless, powerful mother.


$5.99 $4.49
$4.99 $3.74

Centuries ago, the sorrow of a spurned mermaid cursed the ocean. Now the fate of the sea rests on the shoulders of her great-nephew, Prince Caspian of Atlantis. Upon inheriting his ancestor’s magical voice, he is also entrusted with breaking her curse by finding true love with a human. But Caspian doesn’t believe love comes at the swish of the tail, at least, not until he meets oceanographer Stefan Firth.

In spite of the bond that forms between them from the beginning, Stefan’s skepticism and his heartbreak over a lost love keep him from even considering a relationship with Caspian. Caspian has no choice but to follow the path his great aunt once did and resort to the Sea Witch’s assistance. He must help Stefan love again if he is to break the curse and bring them their fairytale ending.


$4.99 $3.74


Les contes de Toronto
$6.99 $5.24

Les contes de Toronto, tome 2

L’inspecteur Ivan Bekker a touché le fond. Non seulement il se remet d’une mauvaise rupture avec un petit ami qui le trompait, mais il est également impliqué dans une affaire de drogue qui a mal tourné. Ivan a dû tuer un homme, et son ami a reçu une balle et se bat maintenant pour sa vie. Bien qu’Ivan soit sous le coup d’une enquête concernant son rôle dans la fusillade, son patron l’envoie en mission d’infiltration officieuse pour clore l’affaire. Le timing est critique, mais cela pourrait être leur chance de mettre à jour une fuite dans leur département.

Dérouté et sans renfort, Ivan se retrouve à jouer le rôle d’un homme récemment divorcé et devient le colocataire de Parker Wakefield. Il a du mal à croire que le doux Parker puisse être un criminel, et encore moins être lié à une opération de trafic de drogue de la mafia russe et Ivan baisse sa garde. Son affection n’est pas professionnelle, mais Parker est irrésistible.

Quand Ivan tombe sur une preuve évidente de l’implication criminelle de Parker, il doit choisir : protéger leur relation, en dépit des conséquences, ou sauver sa carrière et arrêter l’homme qu’il aime.


$6.99 $5.24

Finding Home

Dropping Anchor | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Dropping Anchor: Book Two

When an inheritance fell in Ian Mackay’s lap, he fled the high-pressure banking industry and didn’t look back. Since then, he’s spent four years living carefree on the island of Tortola, his life a series of hookups and hanging out with friends.

After his best friend moves to Seattle and gets married, Ian finds himself lost. His unapologetic existence doesn’t hold the same appeal, and he wonders if he’s throwing his life away. After visiting Niall in Seattle, Ian decides to stay, but that means taking his life off hold and finding a real job. Meeting Luke Keys, who is about as far from a player as possible, isn’t the plan but might be just what Ian needs. Luke and his values intrigue Ian, and he pursues Luke ruthlessly until Luke agrees to a date.

Their courtship sweeps Ian off his feet, and when the relationship gets complicated, Ian has the chance to cut and run. Habits born from years of being on his own are hard to shake, and self-proclaimed playboy Ian must decide if love is worth fighting for.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Having come out late in life, forty-three-year-old Luke Jordan is at a loss about how to conduct himself as a gay man. As a construction manager, he’s not interested in being out at work, but he’d like to find a boyfriend or at least some gay friends. Two years after his wife got all their friends in the divorce, he’s no closer to the life he wants.

Zach, Luke’s adult son, takes charge and signs him up for the Rainbow Blues, a social group for gay blue-collar workers. At an event, he not only finds friends but meets Jimmy Alexander, part-time stage actor and full-time high school biology teacher. Jimmy loves the stage but wishes potential boyfriends weren’t so jealous of the time he devotes to it. When he meets Luke and finds him accepting of his many facets, he thinks it’s a dream come true.

Their relationship quickly moves into serious territory, but their connection is tested to its breaking point by the offer of a juicy movie role that takes Jimmy to the opposite coast and into the path of a very sexy costar.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Daniel “Deke” Kane is a broken man, facing the end of his career in the FBI. He’s on desk duty after a botched drug raid left the suspects and two children dead. He’s got one chance to prove himself, or the only thing he’ll be investigating is the Help Wanted ads.

Ryan Griffiths has been on the run for ten years. Forced onto the streets when his father kicked him out, Ryan earns his living in other men’s beds. Finding his john dead in a hotel room drives him under the radar until a favorite client gives him a chance at a safe, clean life. But Ryan’s relatively stable new world shatters when Deke Kane catches up with him.

When Deke’s tasked to take down a drug dealer with terrorist ties and a taste for the dark side of BDSM, his only chance to get close is the suspect’s interest in Ryan, and he convinces Ryan to become a confidential informant. In return, Deke offers Ryan immunity from his past. As Ryan falls under the drug lord’s domination, Deke finds himself falling for Ryan.

Now Deke has to choose between Ryan’s safety and his own future.


$6.99 $5.24
$3.99 $2.99

Danger and corruption infect the world like a parasite gnawing at its insides, something Dr. Tian Ming, a world-renowned researcher, is all too familiar with. Tian knows the man standing before him wielding a gun is dangerous—yet his curiosity and desire are piqued. Learning that the man is an ex-yakuza with more at stake than money or power, Tian agrees to follow him on his extreme mission.

Time is short for former yakuza Ikeda Ryusuke, and he needs answers. The enemy infected his sworn brother with a life-threatening, genetically-modified parasite, forcing Ikeda to desert his clan. His search for a cure leads him to Tian. But the enemy is closing in, and they’re running out of time.


$3.99 $2.99

The Break-in

Busted Labs | Book Two
$2.99 $2.24

Sequel to The Applicant
Busted Labs: Book Two

Ten years ago, roboticist Forbes Pohle received a visit from time-traveler Oliver Lennox. “Wait for me,” Oliver said. Now a decade has come and gone, and Oliver has returned. However, Forbes never dreamed Oliver would reappear as the point man for a gang of technology thieves breaking into his lab. He finds the younger Oliver just as sexy and even more annoying; still, he must convince him their happily-ever-after is meant to be—but he only has the time it takes his robotic cat Jeepers to thwart the thieves to do it. After waiting so long, he could lose everything in the span of seconds.


$2.99 $2.24
$6.99 $5.24

Quand Joe reprend conscience dans un champ d’orge, il est nu et amnésique ; il ignore comment il s’est retrouvé là. Avant d’en comprendre davantage, il se retrouve à accomplir le plus étrange voyage initiatique de toute sa vie. Durant sa quête, Joe est accompagné d’un guide, Baker, tandis qu’un bel et mystérieux Étranger ‒ qui, pour une raison étrange, lui semble familier ‒ ne cesse de lui recommander le courage. Joe arpente donc un monde fantastique en perpétuel changement afin d’affronter son passé.

En cours de route, il rencontre de nombreux défis et les souvenirs qui lui reviennent ne sont pas toujours faciles, mais s’il espère enfin trouver la paix – et rejoindre celui qui l’attire tellement – Joe doit aller jusqu’au bout, malgré les tentations qui le poussent à s’arrêter en chemin…


$6.99 $5.24

Danny Bright was born to entertain. He just needs his big break. So when he hears that Blue Horizon Records is holding auditions looking for the next big thing, Danny jumps at the chance. It doesn’t turn out exactly as he imagined, though. Instead of getting solo contracts, Danny and four other guys are put into a boy band.

Innocent, idealistic Elliot Price thinks he’s headed for college. An impulsive decision to sing in the local talent search changes all that. A bigwig producer happens to see him, hands him a business card, and turns Elliot’s life upside down.

Elliot and Danny are close from the beginning. They love all the guys, but it’s different with each other. Soon their friendship turns into feelings more intense than either of them can ignore. The other three boys only want Danny and Elliot to be happy, but when their management team and record label discover two of their biggest tween heartthrobs are in a relationship, they’re less than pleased. Danny and Elliot find themselves in the middle of a circle of lies and cover-ups, all with one bottom line—money. They have to stay strong and stick together if they don’t want to lose themselves… and each other.



Guards of Folsom (Italiano) | Libro 1
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Guards of Folsom, Libro 1

Micah Slayde, il cucciolo, vuole Tackett Austin dal primo istante in cui posa gli occhi su di lui al Guards of Folsom. Vuole trovare uno scopo, qualcuno che si prenda cura di lui, e vuole dedicarsi al suo Dom: fidarsi completamente di lui, vivere per lui, appartenergli, diventare tutto per lui. Micah è certo che Tackett è l’uomo giusto. Il problema è che, per essere un sub perfetto, ha bisogno di rimanere concentrato, e questo non gli è facile, perché è afflitto da quella che lui definisce ‘una mente difettosa’. La concentrazione e la sindrome da deficit di attenzione e iperattività raramente vanno a braccetto.

Da quando ha assistito alla cerimonia di collarizzazione di Ty Callahan e Blake Henderson, Tackett ha pensato parecchio alla sua solitudine. Anche se Ty lo sprona a dare una possibilità a Micah, lui non è il tipo da farsi convincere facilmente: ha passato la vita a costruire una carriera di successo e i sub che domina non ricevono quasi mai il secondo bacio della sua frusta. Di vent’anni più grande di Micah, Tackett non ha nessun interesse a prendere con sé e addomesticare un sub così giovane e disubbidiente, ma è difficile resistere a un cucciolo tanto adorabile che lo implora.


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