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All Kinds of Tied Down

Marshals | Book One

Deputy US Marshal Miro Jones has a reputation for being calm and collected under fire. These traits serve him well with his hotshot partner, Ian Doyle, the kind of guy who can start a fight in an empty room. In the past three years of their life-and-death job, they've gone from strangers to professional coworkers to devoted teammates and best friends. Miro’s cultivated blind faith in the man who has his back… faith and something more.

As a marshal and a soldier, Ian’s expected to lead. But the power and control that brings Ian success and fulfillment in the field isn't working anywhere else. Ian’s always resisted all kinds of tied down, but having no home—and no one to come home to—is slowly eating him up inside. Over time, Ian has grudgingly accepted that going anywhere without his partner simply doesn't work. Now Miro just has to convince him that getting tangled up in heartstrings isn't being tied down at all.


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Death is in a lonely business. Since the beginning of time he’s been reaping souls then returning home to his little condo in the sky. It’s not a bad job. There are perks. But Death would kill to meet his soul mate, no pun intended.

Tommy Neilson is the next human slated for death. But when he can see Death, Tommy turns his whole world upside down. Curious, Death seeks Tommy out. The chemistry between the two is immediate and soon an unlikely romance starts to form. While Death may not be lonely anymore, he isn’t allowed to interact with humans. Consequently, he must make a choice: billions of souls or the one that makes being immortal worth it.


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Ohne Kleider und ohne Gedächtnis erwacht Joe in einem Gerstenfeld. Er hat keine Ahnung, wie er dorthin gekommen ist, doch ehe er es sich versieht, befindet er sich auf der letzten großen Reise seines Lebens. Ein mysteriöser, faszinierender Fremder, der ihm irgendwie bekannt vorkommt, gibt ihm den Auftrag, Mut zu haben. Und so macht sich Joe zusammen mit seinem Seelenführer Baker auf, durch eine fantastische, wandelbare Landschaft, um sich seiner Vergangenheit zu stellen.

Die Reise ist nicht ohne Herausforderungen. Manchmal ist es schwer für Joe, seine Vergangenheit erneut zu durchleben, aber wenn er Frieden finden will – und den Fremden, zu dem er sich so stark hingezogen fühlt – muss er seinen Weg bis zum Ende gehen, ganz gleich, wie oft er unterwegs in Versuchung gerät, die Suche abzubrechen.


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$6.99 $5.24

Joe si sveglia in un campo d’orzo senza vestiti, senza ricordi e senza nessuna idea di come ci sia arrivato. Ancora non lo sa, ma quello è l’ultimo grande viaggio della sua vita. Con Baker, la sua anima guida, e la spinta a essere coraggioso di un misterioso, seducente e in qualche modo familiare Straniero, Joe parte per un viaggio attraverso un mutevole paesaggio fantastico per affrontare il suo passato.

La ricerca non è priva di sfide. Il passato di Joe non è sempre una cosa facile da rivivere, ma se vuole trovare la pace – e riunirsi allo Straniero da cui è fortemente attratto – dovrà continuare fino alla fine, non importa quanto sarà forte la tentazione di fermarsi lungo la strada.


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Old Loyalty, New Love

L'Ange | Book One

When jackal shifter Quade Danas was banished from his pack for being gay, he spent years in the military escaping his father's prejudice before returning to civilian life as a bodyguard for Roman Howell, the teenage son of a very rich man. After Roman is in an accident that leaves him physically scarred and emotionally distant, Quade is the only one who can get through to him. As Roman becomes a man, he realizes what he wants—his bodyguard by his side and in his bed. Unfortunately, Quade can’t seem to see past the kid Roman once was to the man he has become, certain Roman’s feelings are merely misplaced gratitude. But Roman knows a lot more than Quade realizes, and he’s used to persevering, no matter how many impediments life throws his way. He wants the chance to prove to Quade that he’s strong enough for a jackal alpha to call mate.

Despite the decades Quade has been away, and the heartache of his father’s rejection, his inborn loyalty to the pack remains, and his abrupt departure left the jackal shifters without an alpha heir. As a psychopath shifter staking claim as alpha draws Quade back home, and Quade feels compelled to heed the call, he may be forced to make a choice he never anticipated. But doing so means he must leave Roman behind… unless somehow they find a way to make loyalty and love work together.


Temptations of Desire

Desires Entwined | Book Three
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Desires Entwined: Book Three

Alexander James Noble is a gender fluid gay man who gave up on finding Mister Right a long time ago. He’s not asking for much, though. He just wants a guy who loves all of him and appreciates his feminine form too.

At the local LGBTQ center where Alex regularly volunteers, he meets Dal Sayer, an officer of the Milwaukee PD. Because he’s been rejected one too many times, Alex doesn’t trust the huge cop and the interest he shows in him, but once Dal sets his mind on something, he goes all out. Pushing aside his preconceived notions, Alex opens up just a little and soon caves.

From their first date—while dealing with his father’s failing health and his parents’ demands for him to settle down and have children—Dal never takes his eyes off his goal of making Alex his. But proving to Alex he isn’t like all the men who couldn’t see him for who he truly was and only wanted to hide him away is harder than he thought.


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Love Comes Around

Senses Series
$6.99 $5.24

A Senses Series Story

Dan was a throwaway child and learned to take care of himself in foster care. As an adult, he devotes his life to the business he started and his heart to raising children no one else wants. Dan has already adopted six-year-old Lila, who walks on crutches, and then decides to adopt eight-year-old Jerry, who suffers from MD and is confined to a wheelchair.

Also abandoned as a child, Connor ended up on his own and retreated into himself. He works as a carpenter and woodcarver and is the perfect man to ensure Dan’s home becomes wheelchair accessible.

When Dan hires Connor, neither of the men are ready to open their hearts to the possibility of love. As they learn how much they have in common, both of them must weigh the possibility of family and a future against the risks of getting hurt again.


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Wet Paint

$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Transitions: Book Two

Although Addy’s heart and body bear the scars from his life before he was adopted by the Deans, he’s ached for something he thought he would never find. Until he met Benny. He isn’t sure how anyone can care for someone as broken as he is, even though he wants it desperately.

High school senior Benny Peters has his whole life planned out for him, until a chaste kiss at summer camp opens a new world of possibilities. Determined to erase Addy’s insecurities, Benny works to take away his boyfriend’s pain and replace it with love.

When Addy’s past intrudes on their future, it’s going to take everything Benny can muster to show that no matter what–or who–they face, they belong together.


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$3.99 $2.99

Stephen Sapphire, a film major in search of a Hollywood romance, discovers he is the heir apparent to the throne of Cordonia, a mysterious kingdom off the coast of Portugal. The current queen, Marcela, invites him for a royal visit, and provides him with a noble escort, the irksome, but irresistible, Terrence Rubino.

The Book of Trou, an ancient prophecy, says Stephen must marry the queen. His mother, Leocadia, a powerful witch, prepares a love potion to actualize the prophecy, unaware that he is gay. Stephen would much rather spend time with Terrence than the queen. But he may not get a choice in the matter.

2nd Edition
1st Edition published as Sapphire and Ruby, A Novella, March 2011


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$6.99 $5.24

A Novel in the Delectable Series

Cordon Bleu-trained chef Riley Emerson arrives in Aspen, Colorado for a summer at the best restaurant in town, only to discover his jerk of a boyfriend has dumped him, leaving his heart and his plans in tatters. Doubting himself and longing for a change of pace, he takes a low-paying position at the Rocking Z guest ranch, though he expects nature up close and personal won’t hold a candle to his exciting Paris lifestyle.

When born-and-bred cattle rancher Colby Zane spots a newcomer being pawed at by a passel of horny cowboys at Aspen’s Club Rawhide, he rushes in, throws the guy over his shoulder, and rescues him. Sober, Riley Emerson is sweet and sexy, but not interested in more than a one-night stand. Still, Colby’s over the moon when Riley later arrives as the new cook on his family’s ranch.

But all’s not well at the Rocking Z. Unsurmountable financial problems force them to seek a cash infusion from outside investor Fitz Wellington. Fitz is hot for Colby, and he won’t sign on the dotted line without some very personal incentives. The future of the ranch is at stake, and Colby’s just that desperate, but saving the Z might mean losing Riley.


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Bec et ongles

Les Gardiens des Abysses
$4.99 $3.74

Les Gardiens des Abysses, numéro hors série

Dylan Shaw, dix-neuf ans, doit être la plus belle chose qu’ait vu Malic Sunden de toute sa vie. Après que Malic l’ait secouru d’une agression, Dylan lui fait savoir d’une manière claire qu’il est intéressé, mais le guetteur refuse même d’envisager de coucher avec lui à cause de son jeune âge. Malic est certain de ne pas être assez bien pour Dylan, qui a toute sa vie devant lui, et ne peut envisager de lui imposer le fardeau de ses secrets.

Mais l’obscurité de la vie de Malic ne peut être ignorée, et Dylan se retrouve rapidement impliqué dans son univers paranormal et dangereux. Malic se bat bec et ongles afin de repousser Dylan et le garder en sécurité, peu importe le fait que le jeune homme soit la clé de sa force et son seul espoir pour un futur.


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$6.99 $5.24

Truman L. Cobbler has not had an easy life. It’s bad enough people say he looks like Donkey from Shrek, but he’s also suffered the death of his policeman father and his mother’s remarriage to a professional swindler, who cost them everything. Now dirt poor, they live in the barrio of San Antonio, Texas. When Tru transfers to an inner-city high school halfway through his senior year, he meets Javi Castillo, a popular and hot high school jock. Javi takes an immediate liking to Tru, and the two become friends. The odd pairing, however, rocks the school and sets the cliquish social circles askew. No one knows how to act or what to think when Mr. Popular takes a stand for Mr. Donkey. Will the cliques rise up to maintain status quo and lead Tru and Javi to heartbreak and disaster or will being true to who they are rule the day?


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A Survivor Story

It’s been nearly five years since Aaron woke up in the hospital so broken, he couldn’t stand the sight of his own face. The flashbacks no longer dominate his life, but he’s still unable to find intimacy with his lover, Spencer Thomas. With time, patience, and the support of his family, his therapist, and his loving partner, Aaron has figured out how to live again. The problem is, Spencer hasn’t. His life has been on hold as he waits for the day he and Aaron can have a normal relationship. Hoping to move things forward for them both, he takes a job as a programmer in downtown Chicago, leaving Aaron alone.

Reeling in the wake of Spencer’s absence, Aaron receives another shock when his attackers are caught.

Now, he must testify and verbalize his worst nightmare. Publicly reliving his trauma without Spencer at his side destroys his precarious control. But he finds someone who can understand and empathize in Jordan, who watched his brother cut down in a school shooting. With Spencer gone and the DA knocking at his door, Aaron seeks solace in Jordan, and Spencer will have to risk everything to hold on to Aaron’s love.


Electrify His Heart

Microchips and Purity | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Microchips and Purity: Book One

It is the year 2441. A deadly virus has swept over the planet, short-circuiting cybernetic implants, killing billions. In the aftermath, the newly formed state of Eden is led by the one newborn that survived that dreadful day, Uriel Noah of the House of Zion—the Guiding Light. Unbeknownst to all, Uriel lives in a gilded cage, deprived of basic affection, used as a pawn, craving freedom and love.

Cyborg Raze Hartman is the leader of the resistance. His kind—cyborgs with a high cybernetic coefficient—were hit hardest by the virus, the few survivors crippled and enslaved by the purist system. Struggling to keep his father alive, Raze resorts to investigating the Guiding Light, the symbol of cyborg oppression. What he finds changes his life, and Uriel’s.

After sneaking into a purist ceremony, Raze sees past Uriel’s facade of strength and aloofness. He sees the lonely young man behind the mask of the Guiding Light. The instantaneous attraction between them is literally electric. But a chasm separates them, as wide as the difference between flesh and metal, and the secrets of Uriel’s past may be the undoing of them all.


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Veteran police chief Eli Gallagher doesn’t ask for much, but he does insist that his officers uphold the “serve” part of “serve and protect.” Conscientious young Deputy Stan Leach takes Eli’s motto to heart, maintaining a high standard of personal accountability.

When Eli’s long-distance boyfriend, Gilbert Nees, telephones from Philadelphia, Eli thinks he intends to further cement their relationship. Unfortunately, Gilbert’s news is anything but good. But Eli doesn’t have time to wallow, because a violent act results in murder in the small town of Morristown, Mississippi.

But as Eli and Stan uncover evidence, their personal lives begin to unravel. Stan, working closely with Chief Gallagher, grows increasingly attached to Eli and learns what it really means to be an advocate of justice.


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$6.99 $5.24

William Lyons Vergangenheit hat ihn in eine Rolle gezwängt, die nicht seiner Persönlichkeit entspricht. Als er die Fassade nicht mehr aufrechterhalten kann, trennt er sich von seiner Frau und nimmt eine Stelle als Hausmeister für ein altes Gebäude an, das schon seit Jahren leer steht. Über mehr als hundert Jahre war die psychiatrische Anstalt von Jelley’s Valley die größte Einrichtung ihrer Art in Kalifornien. William hofft, dass er hier die Zeit und Ruhe findet, endlich seine Dissertation zum Abschluss zu bringen und seine Scheidung abzuwarten. Als er in der kleinen Stadt ankommt, lernt er Colby Anderson kennen, der den örtlichen Lebensmittelladen betreibt und sich um das Postamt kümmert. Colby ist, ganz im Gegensatz zu William, ein lebensfroher und liebenswerter junger Mann. Und er ist unverkennbar schwul. Obwohl William sich durch Colbys extravagantes Verhalten zunächst abgestoßen fühlt, lernt er ihre neue Freundschaft mit der Zeit doch zu schätzen, und er nimmt Colbys Angebot an, sich von ihm in die Freuden des schwulen Sex einführen zu lassen.

Williams Selbstverständnis wird auf den Kopf gestellt, als er eine Blechdose findet, die seit den 1940er Jahren in einer Wand des Asyls verborgen war. Die Dose enthält Briefe, die im Geheimen von einem Patienten namens Bill verfasst wurden, der wegen seiner Homosexualität hier eingeliefert wurde. William fühlt sich durch die Briefe unmittelbar angesprochen und beginnt, sich für Bills Schicksal zu interessieren. William hofft, dass die über siebzig Jahre alten Briefe und Colbys Unterstützung ihm dabei helfen können, sein wahres Ich zu finden.


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$4.99 $3.74

Carrick Masters et Edward Boyd ont déjà trouvé le véritable amour – c’est le 'ils vécurent heureux jusqu’à la fin de leurs jours' qui leur échappe. Entre le travail de Carrick comme chirurgien orthopédiste et la carrière d’Ed comme avocat de la défense, ils n’ont guère de temps à passer ensemble, et le peu d’heures qu’ils partagent semblent être empoisonnées par le ressentiment. Carrick et Ed savent qu’ils ont besoin de se recentrer pour faire fonctionner leur mariage, mais ils ont sérieusement besoin de plus qu’une nuit de rendez-vous épicé une fois par semaine pour les remettre sur la bonne voie.


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Duck Duck Ghost

Hellsinger | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Fish and Ghosts
Hellsinger: Book Two

Paranormal investigator Wolf Kincaid knows what his foot tastes like.

Mostly because he stuck it firmly in his mouth when his lover, Tristan Pryce, accidentally drugged him with a batch of psychotropic baklava. Needing to patch things up between them, Wolf drags Tristan to San Luis Obispo, hoping Tristan’s medium ability can help evict a troublesome spirit haunting an old farmhouse.

With Wolf’s sister handling Hoxne Grange’s spectral visitors, Tristan finds himself in the unique position of being able to leave home for the first time in forever, but Wolf’s roughshod treatment is the least of his worries. Tristan’s ad-hoc portal for passing spirits seems to be getting fewer and fewer guests, and despite his concern he’s broken his home, Tristan agrees to help Wolf’s cousin, Sey, kick her poltergeist to the proverbial curb.

San Luis Obispo brings its own bushel of troubles. Tristan’s ghost whispering skill is challenged not only by a terrorizing haunting but also by Wolf’s skeptical older cousin, Cin. Bookended by a pair of aggressive Kincaids, Tristan soon finds himself in a spectral battle that threatens not only his sanity but also his relationship with Wolf, the first man he’s ever loved.


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