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Ein weites Land – Dunkle Wolken

Geschichten aus der Ferne | Buch 2
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 2 in der Serie - Geschichten aus der Ferne

Die benachbarten Farmen der Holdens und Jessups stehen sich alles andere als nachbarschaftlich gegenüber – Jefferson Holden und Kent Jessup hassen sich. Doch trotz des jahrzehntelangen Grolls seines Vaters, kann sich Haven Jessup nicht dazu durchringen, seine Nachbarn zu hassen. Erst recht nicht, nachdem ihn Dakota Holden während eines gewaltigen Sturms bei sich aufnimmt, und er Dakotas Freund, Phillip Reardon, kennenlernt.

Phillip akzeptiert Haven so wie er ist. Als Einziger sieht er hinter die Maske, die Haven benutzt, um sein Verlangen nach Männern zu verstecken. Doch ihre zaghafte Annäherung und ihre heimliche Beziehung stehen unter großem Druck. Sabotierte Zäune, verletzte Tiere, geschmacklose Pläne und Jessups Familiengeheimnisse, bedrohen Havens neu gefundenes Glück und seine Hoffnung auf eine Zukunft mit Phillip.


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$6.99 $5.24

Nicolas Sayers, ayant besoin d'argent pour l'université, prend un emploi comme assistant de l'infâme photographe Damian Wolfe. Il s'agit juste prendre des photos, pas vrai ? Faux. Alors que Nick n'a jamais remis en cause le genre d'homme qu'il est ou ce qu'il veut vraiment dans la vie, travailler pour Damian lors d'une séance photo sur le thème du BDSM lui ouvre les yeux sur toutes sortes de possibilités sexuelles, et beaucoup d'entre elles incluent le beau M. Wolfe.

Damian a de sérieux doutes quant à s'impliquer avec un homme plus jeune qui ne connaît rien sur le mode de vie BDSM, mais l'approche audacieuse et pleine d'humour de Nick face à de nouvelles expériences est trop séduisante pour y résister. Bien qu'il sache que ce pourrait être une erreur, Damian prend Nick dans sa vie.

Faire l'expérience de la perte de contrôle, de la soumission et la douleur excite Nick plus qu'il n'aurait jamais cru possible. Avec Damian, il apprend à connaître ses propres désirs profondément enfouis et découvre que l'abandon de tout contrôle ne le rend pas faible que quelqu'un d'autre prenne le contrôle de son plaisir sexuel l'augmente, tout simplement. Et l'inverse est vrai pour Damian : le contrôle l'excite. Ils se mettent alors à explorer ces limites sensuelles ensemble, ne s'attendant pas à trouver l'amour en chemin.


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$6.99 $5.24

For the last ten years, James Mitchell has conned numerous groups by impersonating a religious guide. No longer able to take the guilt of scamming people, he decides to call it quits. A trip might be the best way to heal his bruised soul, and New Zealand looks like the perfect place.

Under one of the oldest trees in New Zealand, James meets Tāne Kokiri, a woodworker traveling the length of the country to scatter the ashes of his recently deceased mother. After several accidental meetings, they decide to road trip together. Among the mountains of the West Coast and the plains around Ruapehu, they begin to connect on a level neither of them expected, and discover they may have found what they need to move forward in each other.


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Fish and Ghosts

Hellsinger | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Hellsinger: Book One

When his Uncle Mortimer died and left him Hoxne Grange, the family’s Gilded Age mansion, Tristan Pryce became the second generation of Pryces to serve as a caretaker for the estate, a way station for spirits on their final steps to the afterlife. Tristan is prepared for challenges, though not necessarily from the ghosts he’s seen since childhood. Determined to establish Tristan’s insanity and gain access to his trust fund, his loving relatives hire Dr. Wolf Kincaid and his paranormal researchers, Hellsinger Investigations, to prove the Grange is not haunted.

Skeptic Wolf Kincaid has made it his life’s work to debunk the supernatural. After years of cons and fakes, he can’t wait to reveal the Grange’s ghostly activity is just badly leveled floorboards and a drafty old house. More than a few surprises await him at the Grange, including its prickly, reclusive owner. Tristan Pryce is much less insane and much more attractive than Wolf wants to admit, and when his team releases a ghostly serial killer on the Grange, Wolf is torn between his skepticism and protecting the man he’s been sent to discredit.


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Guards of Folsom | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Guards of Folsom: Book Three

Grant Maxwell, aka Max, wakes to find his coffeepot has died in the night. Not one who can start his day without his favorite brew, he heads to the local coffee shop. Max finds something even more appealing than caffeine in the form of twenty-six-year-old hottie Aiden James. For the first time in his life, well-established, confident and respected Dom Max finds himself sputtering and unsure in the face of Aiden’s charms.

Aiden lives with three roommates, works a dead-end job, and isn’t sure where his life is heading. That is until he meets Max. Max introduces him to a foreign yet intriguing lifestyle, and they soon discover they have something more than mutual attraction in common.

A shared kink is one thing, but Aiden’s past vanilla sexual experiences as well as his fear of losing himself in Max may keep Aiden from experiencing his fantasy. Max has an obstacle of his own to overcome. He must somehow figure out how to help Aiden explore his submissive side when, for the first time in his life, he’s head over heels in love.


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Billy's Bones

2013 Award Winners

Kevin Derocher was thirty-two when he walked into Tom’s office, newly married, a baby on the way, and the collar of his red flannel shirt pulled up to hide the bruises around his throat from when he hanged himself in his garage. After his initial consult, therapist Tom Langois believes he’ll never see Kevin again—but Kevin turns up three years later to make repairs on Tom’s new house.

Kevin and Tom become fast friends, and Tom begins to suspect Kevin may be interested in more than friendship. However, Kevin remains haunted by something from his childhood—something so terrible he blocked it from his mind. These suppressed memories make it impossible for Kevin to get close to anyone without panicking and lashing out, sometimes violently. But as his past begins to surface, it becomes apparent that Kevin may hold the key to a twenty-five-year-old mystery: what happened to Billy?


$3.99 $2.99

Every dreary day, Zach Driscoll takes the elevator from the penthouse apartment of his father's building to his coldly charmed life where being a union lawyer instead of a corporate lawyer is an act of rebellion. Every day, that is, until the day the elevator breaks and Sean Mallory practically runs into his arms.

Substitute teacher Sean Mallory is everything Zach is not—poor, happy, and goofily charming. With a disarming smile and a penchant for drama, Sean laughs his way into Zach's heart one elevator ride at a time. Zach would love to get to know Sean better, but first he needs the courage to leave his ivory tower and face a relationship that doesn't end at the "Ding!"


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$3.99 $2.99

A Blue Notes Novella

Are you a fan of the Blue Notes series? Would you like to know where the couples from the first four books are now? This is your chance to catch up! Aiden and Sam are finally getting married. But when Cary and Antonio’s baby daughter makes her appearance a bit earlier than planned, the big reception is put on hold. David Somers normally conducts orchestras, but this time he devotes his energy to “conducting” his friends so that everyone can join him at his Milan villa for a reunion at an intimate Thanksgiving dinner.

Sam and Aiden, Jules and Jason, David and Alex, and Cary and Antonio are soon assembled, and each couple shares something they are thankful for. Played out in four movements, this symphony is a celebration of friendship and love, orchestrated by David.


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$3.99 $2.99

ATF agent Peter Lomax isn’t a hearts and flowers kind of guy, but he can be possessive, and it caused problems until Carver Fleming. Carver may be part of the art world, but he gets Peter, loves belonging to the man, and Peter treasures the way Carver understands them together.

Carver loves Peter, but he's fully aware that six months doth not a commitment make. Carver wants to make the relationship last forever, but he’ll have to leave their life in Chicago to take care of the family he loves. He wants to do it with Peter by his side, but going from the city of Chicago to tiny Colt, Kentucky is a big change.

Carver has only one Christmas wish: Please, oh please, let Peter fall enough in love with Carver's family to follow Carver home.


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$6.99 $5.24

Lorsque David Carmichael souffre d'une migraine et est victime d'une épaule cassée, Trace Jackson, son meilleur ami, emménage tout simplement chez lui pour prendre soin de lui. Leur amitié est menacée lorsque David découvre un courant de chaleur et de tension entre eux. Malgré le fait qu'il sache que son meilleur ami est hétéro, David tombe rapidement amoureux.

Trace n'a jamais désiré aucun homme. Il est un homme à femmes avec la réputation qui va avec, et est considéré comme un prix de choix dans toute la ville. Mais sa précieuse amitié avec David est intensifiée par une émotion et une excitation qu'il n'arrive pas à vraiment définir, et l'attrait d'avoir David si proche est irrésistible. Bientôt, Trace fait clairement comprendre à son ami qu'il veut savoir si cette attraction peut fonctionner entre eux. Parce qu'il est sûr qu'il ne voudra plus jamais quelqu'un d'autre que David - qu'il aime déjà.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

When he finds himself captivated by a movie-star handsome stranger he meets in a bar, lawyer Ford Reilly watches a simple one-night stand develop into a taste of what living honestly might bring him.

Out and proud Gus Hansen has built a small architectural firm from nothing, but could lose it all as he tries to break a contract he signed before knowing about the project’s antigay ties.

After Ford discovers he spent a passionate night with the man on the other side of the dispute he’s handling, he finds himself in more than one quandary. He can either maintain the status quo, enforcing the contract to the letter, or he can defy his overbearing father and break free of the closeted life he's built for himself in order to be with Gus.

Gus has his own choices to make. He knows the sting of loving a man who hides himself, but the longer he lingers in Ford's presence, the more difficult it becomes to deny their attraction.


$6.99 $5.24


Mi Familia (English)
$6.99 $5.24

As a principal dancer for a contemporary New York ballet company, Sean has the privilege of working with student interns. The company’s newest intern, Lupe, is a talented dancer from Purchase College—but the man who picks her up from class really piques Sean’s interest.

Jaime is Lupe’s cousin, a photography and graphic design student at Purchase. Not long after Sean and Jaime start dating, their casual hookups evolve into something special, something neither wants to lose—no matter how a commitment will complicate their lives.

Lupe figures out the nature of their relationship and outs Jaime to his extremely religious Arizona family. Sean decides to support Jaime all the way, even though Jaime might choose pleasing his family over a life of love and freedom with Sean.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Carter Hopkins is on a mission. He has already written about the conflict in Syria, but is determined to go even deeper. With his editor’s help, he joins a band of freedom fighters led by Jalal. But it is Jalal’s brother, Nemat, who draws Carter’s attention. Nemat has left the family olive grove to join his brother in fighting the Syrian government in Aleppo. When Carter saves his life and is declared an honorary member of the family, Nemat couldn’t be happier, even though he knows his family will never understand his true interest in Carter.

Carter and Nemat say their goodbyes after the end of the assignment. Carter’s stories garner a lot of attention, but he can’t stop thinking of the man he left behind. Then rumors of the use of chemical weapons give Carter another chance at a story, and he jumps at it. But much has changed in Syria, and any chance of getting Nemat out of harm’s way seems more impossible than ever.


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The General and the Elephant Clock of Al-Jazari

The General and the Horse-Lord | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to The General and the Horse-Lord
The General and the Horse-Lord: Book Two

Fresh out of the closet, General John Mitchel and Gabriel Sanchez are settling into their new life together when an old army colleague taps them for a rescue mission to Tunisia. Eli and Daniel, two former Rangers working security, have been arrested in Carthage, charged with blasphemy and thrown into prison.

With rampant unrest in the ancient city and an old enemy targeting them, John gathers a team to liberate the two captive men. When he discovers Eli’s boyhood obsession with Al-Jazari’s Elephant Clock, the rescue becomes complicated and strangely beautiful, and John and Gabriel have to risk what they love the most to bring their team home.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, October 2013


$6.99 $5.24

The General and the Horse-Lord

The General and the Horse-Lord | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

The General and the Horse-Lord: Book One

General John Mitchel and his favorite pilot, Gabriel Sanchez, served together as comrades and brothers-in-arms for more than twenty-five years. They followed the warrior’s path: honor first, and service, and the safety of the tribe. Their own needs for love and companionship were secondary to the mission. Retirement from the army, however, proves challenging in ways neither expected.

When old warriors retire, their armor starts falling away, and the noise of the world crowds in. That changing world sets up longings in both men for the life they might have had. After years of loving on the down-low, the idea of living together in the light seems like pure sweet oxygen to men who have been underwater a little too long. But what will it cost them to turn their dreams into truth?

2nd Edition
1st Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, April 2013


$6.99 $5.24

Sensible Commitments

Senses and Sensations
$3.99 $2.99

A Senses and Sensations Story

After their troubled pasts and their rocky road to “happily ever after,” the time has come for Jordan Waters and Sebastian Sumner to officially declare their love for each other. With the wedding two days before Christmas, the happy couple can’t put off addressing their tenuous relationships with their birth families. Between supportive friends like Jack Waters, Kevin Thompson, Bro Sumner, and Lacey Adair, they've had a taste of what a happy home means, regardless of blood ties. As the wedding approaches, all three couples must make peace with their pasts as they prepare to celebrate friendship, brotherhood, and true love.


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Feuerfuchs - Der Außenseiter Bd. 2

Der Außenseiter | Buch 2
$6.99 $5.24

Fortsetzung zu Sturmrappe — Der Außenseiter
Buch 2 in der Serie - Der Außenseiter

„Es ist schon zu zweit schwer genug. Wenn man noch einen Dritten dazu nimmt … ich weiß nicht, fordern wir damit nicht das Schicksal heraus?“

Es war nicht leicht, doch Pferdetrainer Dan Wheeler hat begonnen, sich ein neues Leben aufzubauen und mit seinen Liebhabern Evan Kaminski und Jeff Stevens seinen Platz in Kalifornien gefunden. Wenn alles gut läuft, ist es großartig: dann teilen sie Zuneigung, Humor und Leidenschaft. Aber leider scheint es nur selten gut zu laufen.

Dan leidet auch weiterhin unter dem Verlust seines letzten Partners und zweifelt manchmal sogar daran, dass er es verdient, glücklich zu sein. Evan ist auf jeden Nebenbuhler in Bezug auf Dan eifersüchtig – sogar auf Jeff. Und Jeff fragt sich, ob er nicht zu alt für die beiden jungen Männer ist und das Feld räumen sollte. Trotz seiner Vorsätze hat Dan Gefühle für die beiden Männer entwickelt, doch er ist nicht sicher, ob das ausreicht. Er weiß, dass das Zusammensein mit ihnen manchmal schmerzt. Nun muss er entscheiden, ob der Schmerz einer Trennung nicht noch größer wäre.


$6.99 $5.24

Segundas oportunidades

Segundas oportunidades
$4.99 $3.74

Un libro de la saga "Segundas oportunidades"

Siendo adolescente, Addy Monroe tuvo una experiencia que le cambio la vida, aunque técnicamente la “experiencia” le estaba pasado a alguien más en el asiento trasero de un taxi atrapado en el trafico junto a él. Seis años más tarde, en un club de Los Ángeles, Addy conoce al cantante de rock Zak Roscoe —el hombre que sin saberlo le había enseñado quién era en realidad—, y consigue una oportunidad para experimentar a Zak por sí mismo.

Siendo una persona privada y reservada, Zak encuentra los decididos avances de Addy tan molestos como intrigantes, y se deja seducir para una noche de placer. Desafortunadamente, los viejos hábitos nunca mueren: la actitud de Zak después del sexo deja bastante que desear, y Addy pronto se da cuenta de que a veces la fantasía y la realidad no tienen mucho en común.

Si los deseos fueran segundas oportunidades…


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