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Talker, la rédemption

Talker (Français) | Tome 2
$3.99 $2.99

Suite de Talker
Talker, tome 2

Tate Walker a un passé bien trop douloureux pour faire une croix dessus, même si Brian Cooper, le garçon de ses rêves, est là pour lui tenir la main. Brian fait de son mieux, mais Talker a toujours choisi l’esquive. Aussi, il a du mal à accepter ce qui s’est passé… en cette nuit fatale où il a accordé sa confiance à un homme qui ne la méritait pas.

Quand la vérité ressurgit et que Brian se retrouve à l’hôpital, Talker est obligé de faire un choix : soit il affronte les démons qui menacent de briser son cœur fragile, soit il laisse une fois encore Brian écoper pour lui.

Bien entendu, Talker réalise qu’il lui est impossible d’abandonner le garçon de ses rêves, seul et sans défense, alors que Brian vient juste de lui sauver la vie. Il doit trouver la force et le courage de s’occuper de Brian qui a désormais besoin de lui. Plus que jamais.


$3.99 $2.99

Wrath & Ruin

No More Heroes | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Scratch & Sniff
No More Heroes: Book Three

Since coming to the small Arkansas town of Shove Point, superhero Push, his partner Scratch, and rehabilitated villain Wrath have encountered more than their share of problems: planes destroying the downtown area, the crushing force of giant robots, and the wrath of supervillains, to name a few. Just when life looks to be slowing down, the team finds itself facing a full-scale alien invasion.

Despite help from their friends Professor Trixter, Scarlet Queen, and Wiccan Witch, Shove Point has been cut off from the rest of civilization by otherworldly hostiles who have unleashed a new batch of horrors on its citizenry. But these surmounting obstacles are nothing to Push compared to the wars of his heart.

Fresh friction has spread within the group. Push's attraction to Wrath reaches a new high. The world may be ending, but Push would rather face that than lose the man he loves... if only he can work out just which man that is.


$6.99 $5.24
$4.99 $3.74

A Novella in the Delectable Series

A week before Christmas, Alex Bancroft’s bakery goes up in flames. When he runs back inside after a dog, firefighter Kevin Flint has to rescue Alex—and Quincy—from the smoldering building, endangering them and inflaming Kevin’s resentment.

Now Alex can’t create the elaborate gingerbread house he donates to a foster-kids charity each year. Fire Station 7 again comes to his rescue, offering their kitchen and their manpower.

Everyone but Kevin Flint, that is. A third-generation firefighter, he’s fearful of stepping too far out of the closet. So when his powerful physical attraction for Alex ends in a sizzling secret encounter in the firehouse, Kevin can’t push Alex far enough away, and Alex returns the cold shoulder.

After a change of heart, Kevin risks his life to prove he’s worthy of Alex’s affection, but without a Christmas miracle, their chances at sweet romance might go up in smoke.

Like all Delectable stories, Gingerbread Palace includes recipes used in the book.


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Logan Brandish, auteur à plein temps, est parfaitement heureux dans sa paisible routine, avec sa collocation avec sa meilleure amie dans une petite bourgade, sa chatte, et son petit ami … Jusqu’à ce qu’il rencontre l’éditeur de son prochain livre, le beau Brock Kimble, et le calme passif de sa vie quotidienne disparaît en fumée. Découvrant pour la première fois ce que veut dire passion, Logan devient anxieux et impatient, et bien vite sa vie et son nouveau manuscrit – qu’il s’était imaginé pouvoir finir un jour – ne sont plus que pagaille.

Mais Logan l’apprend à ses dépens : on n’obtient pas toujours ce que l’on veut … pas du jour au lendemain, en tout cas. Pour oublier tous ses ennuis, il part en voyage, mais même le ‘paysage’ italien ne peut empêcher bien longtemps ses pensées de revenir vers son désormais ex-éditeur. Logan devra peut-être admettre qu’il est des choses auxquelles on ne peut échapper.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

El escritor de ficción Logan Brandish es absolutamente feliz en su apacible rutina diaria de pequeña ciudad con su mejor amiga, su gata y su novio, hasta que conoce al editor de su próximo libro, el atractivo Brock Kimble, y la perezosa quietud de su día a día se va volando por la ventana. Experimentando una auténtica pasión por primera vez en su vida, Logan empieza a sentir desasosiego y angustia, y pronto su vida y su nuevo manuscrito —una obra en progreso que él siempre pensó que terminaría— acabarán patas arriba.

Pero, como Logan está aprendiendo, uno no puede siempre conseguir lo que quiere...., al menos no en seguida. Para liberar su mente de semejante lío, Logan inicia un viaje, pero ni siquiera Italia y sus bellos, ummm, escenarios, pueden apartar sus pensamientos de su antiguo editor por mucho tiempo. Logan, simplemente, tendrá que admitir que hay cosas de las que no se puede huir.


$6.99 $5.24
$4.99 $3.74

Weber Yates ha sempre sognato di diventare un professionista del rodeo, ma si ritrova a lavorare come garzone in un ranch in Texas. La sua unica relazione è con un uomo completamente diverso da lui, così al di fuori della sua portata che, fosse stato sulla luna, sarebbe stato più vicino. O a San Francisco, dove Weber si ferma per salutarlo un’ultima volta, prima di cercare di sistemarsi e di vivere una vita umile e solitaria, proprio come quella – pensa lui – di un ranocchio. 

Cyrus Benning è un neurochirurgo di successo che non si fa sfuggire un solo dettaglio. Ha messo gli occhi sul principe, vestito da povero cowboy, sin dall’inizio. Ma ogni volta che Weber se ne va, si fa sempre più difficile per Cyrus, che non sa fino a che punto il suo cuore potrà resistere. Ora il dottore ha un’ultima possibilità per dimostrare a Weber che non è certo il suo lavoro a renderlo l’uomo perfetto per lui, bensì Weber stesso. Con l’aiuto di sua sorella e della sua famiglia in pezzi, Cyrus è pronto a dimostrare a Weber che la casa e la vita che ha sempre cercato sono lì con lui, davanti ai suoi occhi. Cyrus gli ha dato un ultimatum, una volta, è vero, ma ora questo si è trasformato in un voto solenne: non lascerà che Weber esca dalla sua vita, mai più.


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Luke Scherer has turned bad romance into an art. When he catches his latest deadbeat boyfriend selling Luke’s belongings—and his own body—to cover his debts, Luke decides he needs a vacation. He just doesn’t expect his Napa Valley retreat to be a step into his past.

Eight years ago Mal Kuijpers was grieving his wife while his vineyard floundered. Hiring Luke for the summer put the business back on track and a smile back on Mal’s face.

Nineteen-year-old Luke had just gotten out from under his father’s thumb and started saving for his education, his last screw-you to his old man. Then he made the mistake of falling for his boss, his dad caught up with him, and Luke panicked—and fled.

Now they have another chance. Mal has his own share of closet skeletons, including a family he doesn’t talk to and a dead wife he sometimes does, and he’s gone without romance for years. He works hard to convince Luke he’s worth more than a casual fling and asks for nothing in return, but Luke needs a relationship of equals. If Mal can believe in himself and Luke can believe in love, two hot summers might yield a lifelong reward.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Christopher "Kit" Britten drifts through life, partying with friends and spending his parents’ money. He hasn’t told them he’s gay, but he’s told all of his five sisters, and to keep from being harassed about responsibility, he works part-time for one of them. When she sends him on an errand and his shiny red Ferrari breaks down in one of Houston's seediest locals, he pushes it to the nearest garage. That's where he meets Romy O'Keefe.

Romy works hard as a mechanic to provide for his mother and little brother. When Kit pushes his to-die-for Ferrari into Romy’s garage, Romy is wary of falling for gorgeous Kit despite instant attraction. Kit impulsively decides to prove how serious he is about Romy by coming out to his parents—and his father disowns him!

Uptown and downtown clash as the two men share the tiny space in Romy’s Airstream trailer and struggle to make ends meet. When Kit’s former boyfriend comes sniffing around, and Romy gets the bill for his little brother’s surgery, it drives home to him how very different his world is from Kit’s. However, Kit is in love with the velvet-voiced Romy, and he isn’t about to give up.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Too much partying and self-inflicted trouble have left Cameron Lacey’s life a complete mess. But he’s determined to change, and he’ll do anything to keep a roof over his head until he gets himself together. When he's introduced to Sam Powell, he can’t believe Sam will let him stay without expecting anything in return—in Cameron’s world, nothing is free. Realizing Sam’s bleeding heart is exactly as it appears throws Cameron for a loop… and completely head over heels. Unfortunately, old habits die hard.

Cameron’s demons rear their ugly heads, leading to a series of backsliding disasters and fumbled attempts by Sam to save Cameron from bad choices. As Cameron struggles to become who he wants to be instead of who he is, he also comes to hope Sam will discover that what’s right for him might not be what he’s looking for—but who he already has.


$6.99 $5.24

Eye of Truth

Alchemists and Elementals | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Alchemists and Elementals: Book One

Theodyne Thespacian is a thief. Caught and imprisoned, he's done his time and vowed never to return to the life of pulse-racing excitement and easy money. But when one of his former associates tells him about the Eye of Truth—an artifact that will open worlds of untold wealth—it seems like the perfect crime. However, for Theodyne, with the brand of a thief on his face, to be caught again means death. So instead he goes to the Villa of Nicodemus Valencia, the Master Alchemist who owns the artifact… and applies for a job.

Nicodemus descends directly from the founder of the Gold School, and of all those in that bloodline, he possesses the strongest gift for alchemy. His formulas have made him wealthy, though they've failed to give him the one thing he's longed for most—love. When Theodyne appears at his Villa, he recognizes potential for alchemy and offers him apprenticeship. But then an ancient foe purged from the lands long ago reappears and threatens the Gold School, the Eye of Truth, and all the Dominical city-states. Nicodemus and Theodyne must now band together in courage to battle evil and can only hope they will not lose all they’ve come to hold dear.


$6.99 $5.24

Rum and Ginger

The Connection Series | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

The Connection: Book One

Ben Silver’s personal dream is to open the first gay bar in Liamsport, Pennsylvania. The town isn’t exactly open-minded, but that’s not why Ben stays in the closet. Chance, Ben’s computer nerd boyfriend, is deathly afraid of anyone finding out he’s gay. On a night out, Ben meets Brodie Felix, a younger, heavily tattooed bartender who lights a spark in Ben’s heart. Although the spark in his relationship with Chance has dwindled to almost nothing, Ben feels guilty for wanting to be single, for wanting another man, so he tries to forget about Brodie.

But when Ben discovers one of Chance’s own secrets, he’s forced to make a difficult choice.

On his own for the first time in his life, Ben can be open with his family and friends. Though honesty has its benefits, his life isn’t perfect. Ben’s circle of friends and family is growing. So is the spark between him and Brodie, and Ben hopes it will grow into a flame. His dream remains out of his grasp, but with a little help and a lot of work, he might yet serve his favorite rum and ginger ale at his own establishment, the first gay bar in his hometown.


$6.99 $5.24


2013 Advent Calendar | Heartwarming
$2.99 $2.24

Best friends Scott and Marco meet on a rooftop on Christmas Eve, each temporarily escaping from his difficult home life. With no gift to share, Marco instead promises to someday rescue Scott and take him to Alaska. As the years pass, they meet—first by design, then by chance—on occasional Christmas Eves, only to find life growing increasingly difficult. They treasure the few moments they have together, but will they ever reach Alaska?


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2013 Advent Calendar package "Heartwarming."


$2.99 $2.24

A Lion in Tails

2013 Advent Calendar | Heartwarming
$3.99 $2.99

Larry Kincaid isn't ready to be a parent, but when his sister dies in an accident, he takes his nephew, Angus, into his home. The change throws Larry’s life into limbo until he meets Joshua Langdon.

To Joshua, Larry is a lion: growly and strong, but too proud to ask for help. Joshua gets past his defenses and finds a place in Larry and Angus’s family, but Larry's pride gets in the way. Can they turn their holiday romance into a relationship that lasts into the New Year?


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2013 Advent Calendar package "Heartwarming".


$3.99 $2.99

Grumble Monkey and the Department Store Elf

2013 Advent Calendar | Heartwarming
$3.99 $2.99

Kit Jefferies, a part-time department store Christmas elf, is an artist who loves life and his family. Unfortunately, his car dies at a rest stop in the middle of nowhere as he is heading home for Christmas. Enter Nick St. George.

Nick is a very unhappy man—he's achieved his professional goals only to find the rest of his life bleak and empty. Deciding there was only one way to make everything right, he is on his way to San Francisco on a dark mission, and even the horrible sleet storm that blocked his path won't deter him. That's when he found Kit.

At first, Nick is pretty sure rescuing Kit was a big mistake. Kit's personality is just too, well, effervescent. But as the miles go by, Kit begins to bring light to his dark heart. It might even be bright enough to illuminate a Christmas miracle.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2013 Advent Calendar package "Heartwarming".


$3.99 $2.99

Heart of the Pines

2013 Advent Calendar | Heartwarming
$2.99 $2.24

Christmas is the worst time of the year to find yourself alone. Chris Moss, owner of a tree farm, knows this down to his bones as he makes his way through his first holiday season after losing his wife to cancer. When Wade Hart, an annual customer at the farm, visits, they find common ground: Wade lost his own longtime lover to a parting of ways and is lonely too. The constant, gentle companionship provides fertile soil for an attraction neither expects, but nurturing a new relationship is a tough proposition. With the encouragement of family and friends, Chris and Wade may yet find that a second love later in life can be just as fulfilling as the first.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2013 Advent Calendar package "Heartwarming".


$2.99 $2.24

Holly and Oak

2013 Advent Calendar | Heartwarming
$1.49 $1.12

Twice each year, during the solstice, the Holly King battles the Oak King as Nature takes its course. This year, however, Holly concedes defeat far too easily. Curious about his brother's haste, Oak nags his brother into revealing his secret: a new relationship with a human. While loving a mortal is not taboo, Oak fears his brother's love may run too deep. But despite knowing he risks his heart, Holly is determined to share warmth with his Sergio for as long as the world will allow, if not beyond.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2013 Advent Calendar package "Heartwarming".


$1.49 $1.12

The Healing Power of Eggnog

2013 Advent Calendar | Heartwarming
$3.99 $2.99

Will Sutherland hasn't been home to see his parents in four years—not since they reacted badly when he came out. This Christmas, he’s finally worked up the courage to go home, where he's surprised to find they've taken in a boarder. Ryan Bennett is just a couple years younger than Will, cute, sweet... and openly gay.

As Will deals with his jealousy of the man who's been receiving the love and acceptance he was denied, Ryan finds himself falling for Will's brooding good looks. But Ryan also suspects the Sutherlands may be using him as a pawn in their long-standing conflict with their son. Will this Christmas finally tear the family apart, or is there a chance they can put their hurt and anger behind them?


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2013 Advent Calendar package "Heartwarming".


$3.99 $2.99
$4.99 $3.74

Alec, Earl of Whittlesey, lives a dull and reclusive existence, rarely mingling with society and, to his mother’s regret, refusing to marry. But his mother and society do not know he harbors a secret: a kind of madness that is driving him to deadly despair.

When Alec meets the commoner Morgan Villenie, he finds the man’s cheer and wit hard to resist, despite his own dark moods. Alec warms to Villenie, but Villenie has secrets of his own. If these two men are ever truly to be together, they must trust each other enough to reveal those secrets—even if they both believe the truth could tear them apart.


$4.99 $3.74