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A Harmony Ink Press Title

As a musician at the popular college café Coed Joe’s, high school senior Kai Manter is never lacking for male attention. Out, proud, free-spirited, and sexually aware, Kai sets his sights on his darkly Gothic and undeniably bad-tempered coworker, Jamie Arlotta, a freshman at the local arts university. Sporting long hair and alluring hippie style, Kai expects his interest will be reciprocated, with satisfying sex as the end goal. That’s what usually happens. But Jamie’s lessons in life have been harsher. Having been sexually abused by his older stepbrother for several years, Jamie has grown an impenetrable outer shell meant to keep the world at a safe distance.

Kai is angry at first when he takes the brunt of Jamie’s bad temper, but after Kai accidentally discovers the abuse Jamie has suffered, he wants to fix things. Kai’s plan is based on what he knows best—music—and he stages a “musical intervention” to let Jamie know he’s not alone and things can get better. When Jamie’s perspective changes and he emerges from his shell, Kai changes, too, gaining a whole new understanding of what sex can be when love is there too.


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Chemistry Series | Book Two
$4.99 $3.74

Sequel to Organic Chemistry
Chemistry: Book Two

When his college biochemistry class turns out to be much more difficult than star quarterback Freddie Samuelson imagined, his lab partner, Kurt Maxwell, agrees to help. They’re very different: a rich kid athlete and a hardworking openly gay scholarship student. But Kurt slips past Freddie’s defenses, and little by little—despite Freddie ignoring his own sexuality in the past—Freddie realizes he wants to get to know Kurt, especially when Kurt helps him through more challenges than their science class. But it isn’t long before rumors begin to fly, and the obstacles Freddie will face may block him from both the future he planned on and the future he didn’t know he wanted.


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Le très charmant flambeur Tristan Northwood semble avoir tout pour lui dans la vie : un nom de famille ancien, un héritage noble, une femme merveilleuse et un fils qu’il aime par-dessus tout. Les femmes l’adorent, les hommes l’admirent et il semble que rien ne lui soit impossible, qu’il s’agisse de séduire une femme mariée ou de remporter une course d’attelage. La bonne société est loin de soupçonner que son nom ne signifie rien pour lui, que sa fortune est retenue dans les mains toutes puissantes de son père et qu’il ne porte aucun intérêt à sa femme si ce n’est une amitié réservée. La Société l’ennuie et il accepte les défis les plus fous dans le but de se sentir vivant à la pointe du danger. Jusqu’à ce que le frère de sa femme rentre de guerre pour s’installer avec eux.

Le Major Charles Mountjoy est un héros de guerre médaillé qui vient sortir Tris de sa misère et insuffler en lui des sentiments passionnés qu’il n’aurait jamais cru possible d’éprouver. Et presque aussi terrifiants que les sentiments que Tristan nourrit à l’égard de son beau-frère, seront pour lui les signes de l’affection partagée de Charles – ou même pire, que Charles parvienne à lire en lui et ne voit l’homme que Tristan avait si vaillamment essayé de masquer au reste du monde.


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La via dei lupi

Serie Sollevando il Velo | Libro 1
$3.99 $2.99

Serie Sollevando il Velo. Libro 1

Kris Ellis credeva che i tempi dei matrimoni combinati fossero finiti, ma questo era prima che la Grande Rivelazione svelasse al mondo che creature mitologiche vivono tra gli esseri umani. Ora un test medico di routine ha decretato che Kris ha un compagno, un licantropo di nome Rafael King.

Kris è appena uscito dal college e ha dei piani per il suo futuro. Nessuno di quei piani include l’essere legato per sempre a qualcuno che non ha mai nemmeno incontrato. Ma poi Rafe lo chiama e Kris inizia a riconsiderare la cosa. Dopotutto, come deve essere aspettare il proprio compagno per oltre duecento anni?

Rafe è paziente, forte e gentile, e pure affascinante. Confermando ciò che Kris ha sentito dire riguardo ai compagni, le scintille volano nel secondo esatto in cui si incontrano. Ma Kris e Rafe sono molto diversi e lo stile di vita dei licantropi è pericoloso. Combattere per l’amore vale davvero la pena?


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Sturmrappe — Der Außenseiter

Der Außenseiter | Buch 1
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Der Außenseiter

Dan spielt mit dem Gedanken, einfach weiterzufahren und das Ganze hinter sich zu lassen. Geld hat er genug. Er könnte sich seine Sachen und sein Pferd einfach irgendwohin nachschicken lassen, wo auch immer Irgendwo wäre. Er ist daran gewöhnt, abzuhauen, wenn ihm alles zuviel wird und bis jetzt hat das ziemlich gut funktioniert.

Dan Wheeler hatte geglaubt, mit Justin Archer, seinem Partner im Leben und im Beruf, auf Dauer Liebe und Stabilität gefunden zu haben. Doch als er plötzlich wieder allein ist und weiterhin als Pferdetrainer für Justins Eltern arbeitet, muss er akzeptieren, dass sein perfektes Leben für immer verloren ist.

Dann lernt er den Milliardär Evan Kaminski kennen, der auf der Suche nach einem Pferd für seine jüngere Schwester ist, und Evans Liebhaber Jeff Stevens, einen Pferdetrainer, der mehr zu verstehen scheint als nur Dans Arbeit. Während er versucht, mit den Veränderungen in seinem Leben zurechtzukommen, fühlt Dan sich sowohl zu Evans ungestümer Leidenschaft als auch zu Jeffs ruhiger Weisheit hingezogen. Ist Dan stark genug, um der Liebe noch einmal eine Chance zu geben oder wäre es besser – und sicherer – für ihn, allein zu bleiben?


$6.99 $5.24

Trusting Thomas

Collars and Cuffs | Book Two
2014 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

Collars and Cuffs: Book Two

Christmas is a time for goodwill to all, but Collars and Cuffs co-owner Thomas Williams receives an unexpected gift that chills him to the bone. A Dom from another Manchester club asks Thomas for his help rescuing an abused submissive, Peter Nicholson. Thomas takes in the young man as a favor to a friend, offering space and time to heal, but he makes it clear he’s never had a sub and doesn’t want one.

Peter finds Thomas’s home calm and peaceful, but his past has left him unwilling to trust another Dom. When Thomas doesn’t behave as Peter expects, Peter’s nightmares begin to fade, and he decides he’d like to learn more about D/s life. A well-known trainer of submissives, Thomas begins to teach Peter, but as the new submissive opens up to him, Thomas finds he cares more for Peter than he should. Just as he decides it’s time to find a permanent Dom for Peter, they discover Peter’s tormentor is still very much a threat. With their lives in danger, Thomas can’t deny his feelings for Peter any longer. The question now becomes, can Peter make it out of the lions’ den alive, so that Thomas can tell his boy that he loves him?


$6.99 $5.24

Ethan in Gold

Johnnies | Book Three
2014 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

Johnnies: Book Three

Evan Costa learned from a very early age that there was no such thing as unconditional love and that it was better to settle for what you could get instead of expecting the world to give you what you need. As Ethan, porn model for Johnnies, he gets exactly what he wants—comradeship and physical contact on trade—and he is perfectly satisfied with that. He’s sure of it.

Jonah Stevens has spent most of his adult life helping to care for his sister and trying to keep his beleaguered family from fraying at the edges. He’s had very little time to work on his confidence or his body for that matter. When Jonah meets Ethan, he doesn’t see the hurt child or the shamelessly slutty porn star. He sees a funny, sexy, confident man who—against the odds—seems to like Jonah in spite of his very ordinary, but difficult, life.

Sensing a kindred spirit and a common interest, Ethan thinks a platonic friendship with Jonah won’t violate his fair trade rules of sex and touch, but Jonah has different ideas. Ethan’s pretty sure his choice of jobs has stripped away all hope of a real relationship, but Jonah wants the whole package—the sexy man, the vulnerable boy, the charming companion who works so hard to make other people happy. Jonah wants to prove that underneath the damage Ethan has lived with all his life, he’s still gold with promise and the ability to love.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Tanner Wallis is nearly at the end of his rope the night Mason Seidel finds him lying next to the mangled body of a cow on the back pastures of the Seidel family's Wyoming ranch. Recently out of the hospital after he and his boyfriend were brutally beaten, Tanner is jobless, homeless, and almost penniless. His desperate hope is that Mason will believe he’s innocent of the senseless crime and give him a place to heal, both physically and emotionally, until he can get on his feet again.

But Mason already has enough on his plate. He's only been back on the ranch a few months, ten years after his father kicked him out for being gay, and only because his sister begged him to come help after the man's disabling stroke. With all his responsibilities—running the struggling ranch and keeping his sister and father off his back—Mason can't really afford the distraction Tanner represents. But he can't just abandon the attractive young man either. There’s trouble in spades on the ranch, but if they face it together, Mason and Tanner might find a future with a little sunshine.


$6.99 $5.24

Tag Team

Guards of Folsom | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Guards of Folsom: Book Two

Following the death of their sub, the former owners of the Guards of Folsom, Robert “Bobby” Alcott and Rig Beckworth, were left to pick up the pieces as best they could. After seven years, these two Doms are ready to move on and find the boy who will complete them. Their painful past comes crashing back when they meet Mason Howard, a submissive who just weeks ago lost his Doms in a car accident.

Reeling from overwhelming grief that’s complicated by a severe social anxiety disorder, Mason can barely leave his home. When Rig and Bobby find him, he’s hit rock bottom, believing life is no longer worth living. Bobby and Rig set out to prove the younger man wrong. Fate has brought the three men together, but they’ll have to face the pain of fear and loss head-on before they can all truly live again.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Adam Jameson has always felt like an outsider in his own home, where his parents’ constant efforts to instill religious fervor have instead filled him with fear. Most of the time, he just wants to stay out of everybody’s way. But when Adam is forced to volunteer at a homeless shelter his senior year in high school, everything changes. He’s introduced to people who care about more than religion and, as a result, he starts to come out of his shell. For the first time in his life, Adam finds people who he wants to be around.

Mickey Stafford lives on the streets, a teen kicked out by his parents for being gay. He comes to the shelter for food and medical care, and after they literally run into each other, the two boys strike up a friendship. As Mickey introduces his new friend to the world he lives in, Adam starts to question everything: his parents, their religion, even his own beliefs. Once Mickey kisses him, Adam starts soul-searching and finds his heart, which is full of love for Mickey. But these two young men will have their love put to the test as they face a future of uncertainty and fear.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Just a Drive by Tere Michaels

After weeks of flirting, “One Night” Wyatt Walsh spends a fabulous night with his shy coworker, Benji Trammell. As Wyatt tries to sneak out the next morning, he receives a call from his frantic, very pregnant best friend Raven—she needs him immediately. With no other way to get from New York City to the Pennsylvania town where Raven and her husband live, Wyatt accepts Benji’s offer to drive him there. Wary and unsure of each other, they start the trip at odds, but as time goes on, the barriers that usually keep people at a distance fail. And what started out as “just a drive” becomes a step toward romance.

Just a Stranger by Elle Brownlee

The excitement of meeting a stranger in a club can’t be beat. Loud bass sets the rhythm to Michael Wiercinski’s primal urges as he flirts with Andrew, a cute guy offering the promise of a hot night with no strings, no complications. Still, when their night is done, Michael admits there was something about Andrew that left him wanting more. Months go by with no sign of Andrew until Michael moves back home to help after his father’s heart attack. Once there, Michael is completely amazed to find Andrew Lucas living in his hometown. Despite surprising “complications” in Andrew’s life, Michael vows to take advantage of this second chance to make Andrew more than just a stranger.

Just a Weekend by Elizah J. Davis

James is a homebody in a predictable, if not altogether comfortable, rut. He’d rather stay in with a book than brave the Seattle bar scene. One night, after allowing his friend Kara to coax him out for drinks, he meets Devin—charming, gorgeous, and way out of his league. With a little bit of help from Kara, James leaves with Devin to indulge in a night together, which is as much time as he’s bound to get with a guy as hot as Devin. He doesn't expect the easy rapport that quickly develops between them, and when the weather conspires to keep them together, James wonders if this could be more than just a weekend fling.


$6.99 $5.24

Recompensa de Amor

Serie del amor
$6.99 $5.24

La víspera de su boda, Zander Walsh, sus padres y su prometido son disparados cuando interrumpen un misterioso robo al volver a casa. Después de tres semanas en coma, Zander se despierta y descubre que es el único superviviente. Su vida perfecta se hace añicos en un instante.

El atractivo agente del FBI, Jake Elliot, está investigando el caso y no tardará en detener al asesino que, sin embargo, escapa fácilmente. Tras seis meses de investigación, Zander y Jake descubren que están siendo saboteados por el propio FBI…, y que la amistad que han forjado está empezando a convertirse en algo más fuerte.

Pero cuando se embarcan en un viaje para detener al asesino por segunda vez, descubrirán que aquella noche terrible escondía mucho más que un intento fallido de robo. ¿Es posible que los grandes negocios y el mundo de la política sean capaces de encubrir la verdad, o tal vez los intentos de Zander y Jake por resolver el misterio marcarán el final de su nuevo amor y de sus vidas?


$6.99 $5.24

Between Two Loves

Between Two Worlds | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Between Two Promises
Between Two Worlds: Book Three

Spring struggles against winter in the mountains of Montana as Aiden Cermak and Daniel Schrock settle into their new life together. Aiden, a journalist from the East Coast, wants to make a rustic home for them and their adopted dog, though he continues his reporter’s quest for the truth. Daniel’s roots are traditional Amish, and though he’s become a successful carpenter with his own shop, the modern world still baffles him.

When Aiden’s former boyfriend, Conrad Barringer, ill and alone, asks Aiden and Daniel for help, they agree and welcome him, but with misgivings that persist and grow. Aiden finds fulfillment in nursing Conrad, yet worries that the closeness he shares with Daniel will be lost, as Daniel isolates more and more. Then Daniel learns of an ugly revelation that could change everything, and he grapples with whether to tell Aiden the truth, or carry it with him to his grave.


$6.99 $5.24

The Stars That Tremble

Stars that Tremble and Silence of the Stars
$6.99 $5.24

Giovanni Boca was destined to go down in history as an opera legend until a vocal chord injury abruptly ended his career. Now he teaches voice lessons at a prestigious New York City music school. During auditions for his summer opera workshop, he finds his protégé in fourteen-year-old Emma McPhee. Just as intriguing to Gio is Emma's father Mike, a blue-collar guy who runs a business renovating the kitchens and bathrooms of New York's elite to finance his daughter's dream.

Mike’s partner was killed when Emma was a toddler, and Gio mourns the beautiful voice he will never have again, so coping with loss is something they have in common. Their initial physical attraction quickly grows to something more as each hopes to fill the gap that loss and grief has left in his life. Although Mike wonders if he can truly fit into Gio's upperclass world, their bond grows stronger. Then, trouble strikes from outside when the machinations of an unscrupulous stage mother threaten to tear Gio and Mike apart—and ruin Emma's bright future.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

In 1942, Pearl Harbor has been bombed and the war is very much in evidence, but it would seem to have little to do with Frank Boyle, a respected Bronx born insurance investigator. He's a man who can keep secrets, and no one suspects that his boyhood friend—local mob boss Nicky Brooks—is his lover. When Brooks accidentally kills Frank's younger brother in a shootout, Frank must choose between his affair with Nicky and revenge for his brother's life.

After Frank betrays Nicky, police detective Sam Lipinski, a Bronx native who has long carried a torch for Frank, makes a move against the mob and lands squarely in the way of Nicky's plans. Sam smuggles Frank out of New York to keep him safe, and sets him up him in a small northeastern city. But there, a messy insurance investigation involving the Roarkes, who may or may not have killed their own mother for the insurance payout, places him in danger again. Dodging bullets, shady characters, and fallout from the war, Sam and Frank will need far more than luck on their side if they’re ever to see a loving future.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Outlast the Night
Lang Downs: Book Four

Thorne Lachlan knows a thing or two about getting himself safely out of a blaze. For years he fought in the world’s hot spots, a Commando with the Australian Army. Now, retired, he fights flames for the Royal Fire Service. When a grassfire brings him to Lang Downs, the next sheep station in danger, Thorne meets Ian Duncan and sparks fly that neither man can put out. But both men have ghosts from the past that stand in the way of moving beyond mutual attraction.

While Thorne longs for the home he could share with Ian at Lang Downs, he fears his own instability might make him a danger to others. And Ian’s always believed that the foster care nightmare he escaped before coming to Lang Downs would make any relationship impossible. Trust doesn’t come easily to Thorne or Ian until the fire’s aftermath forces them to see past the scars keeping them both from healing.


$6.99 $5.24

Triane's Son Rising

Bitter Moon Saga | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Bitter Moon Saga: Book One

Torrant Shadow and Yarrow “Yarri” Moon grew up sheltered in Moon Hold, a place where Torrant’s goddess gifts were meant to be celebrated, and love of any form was a thing of beauty. Unfortunately, in Clough, within a stone's throw of Consort Rath, having beliefs of that sort will get your family killed.

Grief-stricken, Torrant and Yarri are suddenly alone against the elements and a world that would rather see them dead than see them safe. Torrant's goddess gift, which had previously been used for truth and healing, must be honed for violence and protection if either of them are to survive. When Torrant, Yarri, and their new friend Aldam reach safety, will Torrant be able to put this part of him aside? Or will Triane's Son grow to fight the forces that forged him?

2nd Edition
1st Edition published as Bitter Moon I: Triane's Son Ascending by iUniverse, 2008


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$6.99 $5.24

Sept jours, numéro hors série

La vie d’une personne peut-elle changer en l’espace d’une journée? Pourquoi pas en l’espace de sept jours, dans ce cas ?

Voici le récit de sept jours vitaux dans la vie d’Evan Donaldson. Evan était un fugueur, vivant dans les rues, lorsque le Père Valentin le convainquit d’entrer à l’Académie Saint Bartholomé. Ce jour-là, la vie d’Evan bascula. Ce fut le jour où il rencontra son camarade de chambre, Clay Mueller, mais aussi le jour où il commença à vivre. La vie d’Evan continuera toutefois à changer, allant d’abus à un premier amour, en passant par des ruptures et des chagrins d’amour, jusqu’à fonder sa propre famille. Mais à travers chaque épreuve, à chaque fois qu’une porte se refermait, une fenêtre restait ouverte et cette fenêtre c’était Clay.

Depuis ce premier jour où il trouva la foi et tissa un lien avec Clay, à travers les tours et détours de leur relation, voici un aperçu de sept jours décisifs et de la manière incroyable et cruciale qu’a un seul moment de changer la destinée.


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