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2013 Award Winners
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A Harmony Ink Press Title

Transitions: Book One

The day Jackson Kern walks into Taylor Andrews’s classroom is a momentous day in Taylor's life. He's had crushes before, sure, but as time goes on, this is starting to look a whole lot more serious. Still, Jackson doesn’t return Taylor’s feelings.

Taylor has his own admirers, though. Kevin Richards is used to getting what he wants, and what he wants right now is Taylor, so when Taylor rejects him, Kevin retaliates. At first Taylor’s entourage rallies around him, but then Kevin takes his deception one step further and Taylor sees his support dwindle, teaching him the valuable lesson about who he can truly consider a friend.


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All Corked Up | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

All Corked Up: Book One

All Shawn Neale is looking for when he stumbles into All Corked Up on Christmas Eve is some wine recommendations. What he finds is an instant attraction to Royce Wilkinson, the shop’s owner. After a few weeks of flirting during shopping and some semi-dates at Royce’s wine tastings, they decide on a real date. It goes well, but life isn’t that simple.

Shawn wants to buy Delicto, the local pub he manages. He’s been planning his life around this for years, but when the owner, who believes being gay is an illness, discovers Shawn went out with Royce, he gives Shawn an ultimatum: stop dating guys or he won’t get to buy Delicto. It’s a heartbreaking quandary: Can Royce and Shawn be happy with a secret relationship until Shawn buys Delicto or is Shawn going to have to choose between his dream job and his dream guy?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Jack Christensen ha tutto quello che ha sempre desiderato. È una stella nascente della diplomazia statunitense, l’uomo più giovane a essere stato nominato Ambasciatore degli USA. Diplomatico di carriera appena inviato in un’Ambasciata politicamente interessante in Europa, ha una moglie perfetta, parla cinque lingue e ha tutte le credenziali giuste, eppure manca qualcosa nella sua vita e non sa cosa sia.

Poi Lucas Carlton si presenta con la fidanzata americana a un ricevimento all’Ambasciata. Dalla prima stretta di mano, il giovanotto produce su Jack un’impressione che lo lascia confuso e stranamente insicuro. La posizione di Lucas come collegamento britannico all’Ambasciata americana significa che devono lavorare a stretto contatto e i due uomini hanno difficoltà a negare l’attrazione reciproca, nonostante le loro attuali relazioni.

Quando le loro donne decidono di partire insieme per un weekend, Jack e Lucas iniziano un’appassionata relazione che continua dopo il ritorno delle loro compagne. Gli ambienti diplomatici sono però notoriamente conservatori ed entrambi sanno che la donna giusta al loro fianco può contribuire notevolmente al loro successo. Saranno in grado di fare la scelta giusta nelle loro vite professionali e personali? O dovranno sacrificare l’una per l’altra?


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$3.99 $2.99

Un libro de la saga Los Centinelas

Simon Kim está locamente enamorado de Leith Hass, pero Leith es un Guardián. Su trabajo —cazar demonios— es peligroso e importante, y Simon no desea distraer al hombre al que ama más que a su vida con cosas insignificantes. Pero es que no comprende que, cuando un Guardián encuentra a su Hogar, le entrega su corazón sin reservas. Cuando Leith reclamó a Simon como suyo, le desnudó su alma y se volvió vulnerable ante el único hombre al que sin duda amará el resto de su vida.

Cuando Simon se ve envuelto aún más en el peligroso mundo de Leith —y absorbido al interior de una dimensión alternativa—, descubre que lo único que tiene para ofrecer a su Guardián es el poder de su amor. ¿Podrá Simon sacrificar el control que tanto valora por el hombre que ya es dueño de su alma?


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When Love Takes Over

Provincetown | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Provincetown: Book One

Zach Kelly’s life is a shambles. His boyfriend of three years dumped him, and his writing career is going nowhere. On a whim, he heads to Provincetown, Massachusetts, to nurse his broken heart and figure out his next step. He’s expecting to find rest and relaxation on the sandy beaches of Cape Cod. Instead, Zach meets a hunky porn star during a chance encounter at a leather shop he mistakes as a place to buy a belt that is definitely not for whipping.

Van Pierce is smitten when shy and inexperienced Zach crashes through a shelf of fetish gear. Though Van’s got an insatiable appetite for men on and off the set, his porn persona, Hart Throb, hides a broken heart. He’s struggling to find the reality the porno set doesn’t offer, and Zach is fighting to find the fantasy that will set his writing on fire. The odd goofball and the suave beefcake may either find love amid Provincetown’s colorful pageantry where summer never seems to end—or more heartbreak than either can imagine.


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Beyond Duty

Beyond Duty | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Beyond Duty: Book One

The repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell didn’t come soon enough for Gunther “Gunny” Duchene and Macalister “Mac” Jones, career US Marines who met at boot camp in the 1990s. They’ve been somewhere between best friends and lovers in peacetime and wartime both, but as the clock ticks toward Mac’s and Gunny’s retirements, the guys have much more to worry about than coming out.

Whether their relationship will survive outside of the closet they’ve had to shove it into for over two decades is a big question mark. Gunny questions why a hot military man like Mac—who could get any guy he wanted, including a younger, sexier one—would want him. But as Gunny and Mac navigate emotional waters as choppy as any they saw on duty, they just might learn Semper Fi applies to more than their careers.


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$3.99 $2.99

Former professional baseball player Justin Piersol needs a new life after a career-ending injury, and his job as a high school baseball coach isn't exactly fulfilling. Still, things are looking up: he finds the perfect room in an apartment in Brooklyn with Mark, who writes a popular column on sports statistics.

Mark is nerdy and socially awkward and intensely shy, and he immediately develops a terrible crush on Justin, who barely seems to notice him. As they get to know each other, Justin admits he misses playing baseball, that coaching doesn’t scratch the itch. Mark confesses he thought he’d be married by now, that he wants a serious relationship. So they make a pact: Justin will help Mark find a man, and Mark will help Justin find something he loves more than baseball.

They put their plan into action… and then life gets complicated. Mark meets a nice guy named Dave, and Justin is suddenly crazy with jealousy. Justin realizes he wants to let go of the past and focus on the present, but as Mark and Dave become an item, Justin fears he’s too late.


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$6.99 $5.24

As the famous riverboat Le Beau Soleil lazily steams down the mighty Mississippi into the heart of the South, distractions of every sort attempt to pull agent for the Treasury Johnny Stanley away from his assignment. While liquor and gaming are no great temptations, his fascination with Le Beau Soleil’s owner, the debonair Frankie Deramus, means Johnny’s steadfast denial of his attraction to men is no longer feasible. Johnny fights his lust, but when he must come to Frankie’s aid, he can’t ignore his urges any longer.

Their passionate love affair falls apart when Johnny refuses to admit two men can be in love. A bitter confrontation between the lovers at a Mardi Gras masquerade forces Johnny to run north. Frankie tries to follow, but the Southern states secede one by one, making it impossible to track Johnny down. The Civil War pits brother against brother and separates lover from lover. When at last the lovers meet again, it’s on the battlefield….


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Jack Christensen tiene todo lo que podía desear. Es uno de los más destacados diplomáticos de los Estados Unidos, y el hombre más joven que jamás había sido postulado como embajador. Tiene una carrera que acaba de ponerse políticamente interesante con su asignación a una embajada en Europa, la mujer perfecta, habla cinco idiomas y tiene las credenciales adecuadas, aunque le falta algo y no sabe exactamente qué es.

Entonces Lucas Carlton entra en una recepción que ofrece la embajada y se presenta junto con su prometida americana. Desde el primer apretón de manos, el joven británico causa tal impresión en Jack que lo deja confuso e inusualmente inseguro. La posición de Lucas como enlace de la embajada británica y americana, hace que se vean forzados a trabajar muy de cerca, y lo pasan mal intentando negar su mutua atracción.

Cuando sus mujeres deciden irse durante un fin de semana, Jack y Lucas comienzan una apasionada relación, que continuará después de que sus parejas vuelvan. Sin embargo, los círculos diplomáticos son extremadamente conservadores, y ambos saben que la mujer correcta a su lado es una significativa contribución para su éxito. ¿Serán capaces de tomar las decisiones adecuadas para sus vidas profesionales y privadas? ¿O tendrán que sacrificar una o la otra?


$6.99 $5.24

Ein weites Land – Miteinander

Geschichten aus der Ferne | Buch 1
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Geschichten aus der Ferne

Nach einem Jahr an der Universität gibt Dakota Holden sein Medizinstudium auf und kehrt nach Hause zurück, um die elterliche Ranch zu übernehmen und sich um seinen Vater zu kümmern, der an Multipler Sklerose erkrankt ist. Aus Pflichtgefühl erlaubt sich Dakota nur eine Woche Urlaub im Jahr. Diese verbringt er meist an exotischen Orten und gönnt sich soviel Spaß, wie er nur ertragen kann. Während seines letzten Urlaubs, einer Kreuzfahrt, schließt er mit Phillip Reardon eine Freundschaft, die bald eine wichtige Rolle in Dakotas Leben spielt.

Als Phillip beschließt, Dakotas Einladung zu einem Besuch auf der Ranch anzunehmen, ist Dakota glücklich, ihn wiederzusehen und auch seinen Freund, den Tierarzt Wally Schumacher kennenzulernen, Ungeachtet Wallys Bedürfnis, den Wölfen zu helfen, die von Dakotas Männern gejagt werden, um die Rinder zu schützen, verbindet die beiden bald viel mehr als ein starkes, beiderseitiges erotisches Interesse. Doch irgendwann wird sich entscheiden müssen, ob das Hochland von Wyoming weit genug ist für Dakotas Rinder, Wallys Wölfe und ihre Liebe.


$6.99 $5.24

Una prateria sconvolta

Storie della prateria
$6.99 $5.24

Storie della prateria: Libro 3

L'ultima cosa che Liam Southard si aspetta quando fugge da un padre violento è di essere accolto in un ranch gestito da una coppia gay. Presto trova un nuovo lavoro e un nuovo punto di vista sulla propria sessualità, e la sua vita ricomincia. Poi qualcuno gli punta contro un fucile.

In difesa di Troy Gardener, bisogna dire che la faccenda del fucile era tutto un equivoco. Fra la rovina del suo matrimonio e la vita in solitudine nel capanno di caccia di suo zio, era un po' nervoso. Vorrebbe scusarsi con Liam e, una volta scoperto quanto hanno in comune, vuole anche qualcosa di più. Ma fra l'arrivo inaspettato del padre di Liam e una compagnia mineraria che minaccia la fonte d'acqua del ranch, l'unica cosa certa è che la vita da quelle parti non sarà noiosa.


$6.99 $5.24

Designs of Desire

Desires Entwined | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Desires Entwined: Book One

Artist James Bryant has forearm crutches in every color from rainbow for fun to sleek black for business. He even has a pair with more paint splatters than metal. After his family’s rejection and abuse from a man he thought loved him, James only just gets through the day by painting. He lives in constant fear that he’s not worthy of anything, let alone love.

As CEO of his company, Carrington Enterprises, Seth Burns is a take-charge kind of guy, and he is instantly smitten by the artist helping with his newest project. When he witnesses James suffer a panic attack, a protective instinct he never knew he had kicks in. He truly believes nothing is unobtainable—including James—if he’s willing to put in the time and effort.

James is shy and confused by Seth’s interest in him as a person. With Seth’s support, can he work through his fears to finally find the true love he deserves, or will someone finally land the crushing blow he won’t survive?


$6.99 $5.24

Heir to the Throne

Descent of Kings | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Descent of Kings: Book Two

“It would not be the first time I made such a grave tactical error. I have made many. It is not your responsibility to save this world from the evil that threatens to consume it, Aras. Do not blame yourself for my shortcomings.” —Prince Talon of the Amontir

When his bonds to his cousins Hunter and Beryl are unexpectedly severed, Talon is devastated, fearing his kinsmen dead. In his darkest hour, Talon succors a young Wood Elf, Aras, unaware of the crucial role his new friend is destined to play.

Prince Jargas thought he would never learn the secret of his grandsire’s line and his lost heritage. He never suspected the answer might lie in a Dwarven dungeon or that it could cost him the life of his beloved twin sister, Jarina.

Young apprentice trader Rion and his guard, Tarrell, thought Athanark would be their new home until they met Talon and Aras.

Friends become enemies and enemies become friends as new alliances are forged, men die, cities burn, and kingdoms fall. Everyone has secrets, and no one is who or what he seems.


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Accidental Chemistry

Second Chances
$3.99 $2.99

A Second Chances Story

Zane Roscoe’s evil day job at a musical instrument store is supposed to teach him responsibility. What he really wants is the fun, excitement, and artistic challenge of being a musician. Joshua Norton is in college, training to become a pharmaceutical chemist, and he is Zane’s complete opposite: introverted, intellectual, and quiet. When the two meet at a gay night club, their relationship begins with a case of mistaken identity and a wounded ego.

They try talking but stumble over one miscommunication after another. So Zane decides they better stick to sex—except a series of bumbling disasters, accidents big and small, and minor mishaps leads to frustration. Afterward, Zane wants to apologize for his behavior. But Joshua ran, and finding him turns into a test of character, as does earning Joshua’s forgiveness. Can they find the new beginning they need for a second chance at love?


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$4.99 $3.74

Carson O’Shaughnessy has one task: track down his boss’s flighty nephew, Stassy, and return the kid to Chicago. Then Carson can go back to waiting tables and being productively bitter about his life. He didn’t count on finding a dead body in Stassy’s bed, and he certainly didn’t count on the guy in the flip-flops and cutoffs at the local café helping him get to the bottom of the crime.

But Dale Arden is no ordinary surfing burnout—he’s actually a pretty sharp guy with a seductive voice and a bossy streak wider than the Florida panhandle. When he decides to boss Carson right into his bed, Carson realizes Stassy's not the only one who's been lost. Carson likes to think he’s got his life all figured out, that sex with guys is your basic broom-closet transaction; he may just have to revise his priorities, because nobody plans on taking a left at St. Truth-be-Well and finding love at the Bates Parrot Hotel.


$4.99 $3.74
$3.99 $2.99

At twenty-eight, Josh Adams has more than a few secrets and personal demons. He’s an international traveler and doesn’t think he’ll ever be ready for the serious attention handsome and heroic airline pilot Benny Mills is ready to pay him. Their shared near-death experience seems to clarify everything for Benny, who wants nothing more than to share his stunning home in an idyllic Wisconsin apple orchard with Josh.

Benny offers commitment and a contented life of peaceful, loving comradeship far from the high-flying hazards of foreign travel. But for sexy love-’em-and-leave-’em-hot Josh, only another life-and-death adventure can convince him that the smoking heat of their mutual attraction is destined to be more than a hit-and-run entertainment.

With time running out, finding refuge from his increasingly dangerous world just might be what Josh needs after all. Especially when his and Benny’s very lives depend on it.


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Mauvais timing

Dans les temps | Tome 1
$6.99 $5.24

Dans les temps, tome 1

Stefan Joss connait une période difficile. Non seulement, il doit se rendre au Texas, en plein été, pour le mariage de sa meilleure amie, Charlotte, dont il est le témoin, mais on le charge en plus de négocier un marché de plusieurs millions de dollars. Pire encore, il se retrouve face à face avec un homme qu’il espérait bien de jamais revoir : Rand Holloway, le frère ainé de Charlotte.

Stefan et Rand se détestent depuis le jour de leur première rencontre, aussi Stefan a-t-il du mal à croire à la trêve que lui propose son ennemi juré. Peu à peu, leur hostilité mutuelle se transforme en passion dévorante. Malgré ses doutes devant une volte-face aussi brutale, Stefan décide de faire confiance à Rand, et de lui donner une chance de prouver sa sincérité.

Leur entente est vite menacée : le marché que Stefan devait négocier tourne mal, et la propriétaire du ranch qu’il devait acquérir au nom de sa boite est assassinée. À sa grande surprise, Stefan est désormais en danger...


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Parting Shot

A Matter of Time Series
$6.99 $5.24

A Matter of Time Story

Life has never been easy for Duncan Stiel. His childhood was the stuff of nightmares, and his day job as an undercover police officer forces him to hide his true self and occasionally lands him in the hospital. So when he finally meets the perfect man, it comes as no surprise that everything falls apart around him. What Duncan doesn’t expect is that the hardest hurdle to get over before he can make a life with Aaron Sutter is the one inside himself.

Everyone thinks Aaron has it all—looks, money, fame, and success beyond measure. Everyone, that is, except Aaron. At the end of the day, the cameras stop flashing, friends go back to their own lives, company business is handled, and Aaron is always alone. The moment he meets Duncan Stiel, Aaron knows he’ll do anything to hold onto the larger-than-life detective. But when he realizes money won’t buy him the ultimate happiness, Aaron needs to find the strength to give Duncan something much more important—his heart.


$6.99 $5.24