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Kieran Appleby can't wait until graduation to escape his life in the Keys. His only friend is the school janitor, his father doesn’t talk to him, and Kieran doesn’t know how to mention he’s gay. No wonder he daydreams about college anywhere but Florida.

High school baseball star Drew Anderson has only one wish in life: to be able to care for those he loves. With an absent father, an agoraphobic mother, and a closet he's not ready to come out of, he can barely stand under the pressure. No one knows how alone he feels.

When Drew finally notices Kieran's long-time crush, it jumpstarts a relationship that introduces them to sex, intimacy, and love. Neither has ever been this happy. But lasting happiness is evasive, and Kieran’s desperation to get out of Florida and Drew’s desire to stay and care for his family cannot be reconciled.


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$3.99 $2.99

With the world suddenly teeming with zombies, Charlie and Bobby are fighting to stay alive. Being about as gay as two people can be, they insist on doing it with panache.

Even with the planet throwing up its legs in submission, there is no reason a couple of style-conscious guys can't look good while saying good-bye to the age of man and ushering in the age of… God knows what. Amoebas, maybe. With their loyal zombie poodle, Mimi, at their side, they bravely face the apocalypse head-on.

Death, destruction, and the undead they can deal with. But without electricity, it's the depressing lack of blow-dryers and cappuccino machines that really pisses them off—until Bobby goes missing! Suddenly Charlie has more than fluffy hair and a good cup of coffee to worry about….


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$6.99 $5.24

Amour…, numéro hors série

Au début des années 80, Len Parker perd son emploi pendant la récession et décide de reprendre ses études dans sa ville natale du Michigan, où il renoue des liens avec Ruby, sa meilleure amie durant ses années de lycée. Len est fou de joie en apprenant que Ruby convole en justes noces avec Cliff Laughton mais sera bientôt profondément bouleversé lorsqu’elle décèdera prématurément, laissant derrière elle son mari et son fils de deux ans.

Après s’être retrouvé une nouvelle fois sans emploi, Len est embauché dans la ferme cruellement négligée des Laughton. Cliff pleure toujours sa femme et a toutes les peines du monde à élever son fils et n’a que très peu d’enthousiasme et d’énergie à consacrer au travail de la terre. Len remettra rapidement la ferme sur pied, Cliff et son fils avec. En travaillant main dans la main, Len et Cliff se rapprocheront. Mais aimer un autre homme demande énormément de courage. Ensemble, ils devront remettre sur pied une ferme en déliquescence et faire face à une sécheresse menaçante, à des parents indiscrets et aux préjugés des fermiers de cette petite ville du centre des Etats-Unis, pour protéger ce qui pourrait bien être un amour éternel.


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Promesse mantenute

Serie Promesse
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Promesse, Libro 1

Carrick Francis ha passato la maggior parte della sua vita a cacciarsi in un guaio dopo l’altro. L’unica cosa che l’ha salvato dal finire in prigione, o peggio, è stata la sua devozione assoluta a Deacon Winters. Deacon è stata l’ancora di salvezza di Crick durante la sua infanzia triste e fatta di abusi, e Crick vorrebbe stare con lui per sempre. Così, alla morte del padre di Deacon, Crick mette da parte i suoi piani per il college per aiutare Deacon, come Deacon ha fatto per lui.

Il più grande desiderio di Deacon è vedere Crick liberarsi dai suoi brutti ricordi e andarsene dalla città in cui sono cresciuti per godersi un futuro scintillante. Ma dopo due anni di tentazioni e di sentimenti sempre più forti, alla fine il timido Deacon soccombe alle avances determinate di Crick e ammette di voler far parte della sua vita.

Deacon è quasi distrutto dal dolore quando scopre che Crick si era sempre aspettato che lui lo cacciasse via, proprio come già aveva fatto la sua famiglia. Quando la capacità di Crick di prendere decisioni avventate lo fa finire molto lontano da casa, Deacon rimane solo, sotto shock, lottando per rimettere insieme il suo cuore in un mondo dove l’amore di Crick è una promessa, ma di certo non una certezza.


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$6.99 $5.24

In Brightam’s Ford, a storm is coming. Ranch owner Jasper Borland and the rest of the townspeople have been rushing to prepare for the months of destructive weather the wet season brings, but with their limited technology, survival can be a struggle in itself. When Jasper finds a lost, injured young man on his property, he has no choice but to take him in. At least he’s quiet.

Unable to speak, the young man communicates by projecting his thoughts—a process that hurts anyone he isn't touching. Since most people fear him, that means everyone but Jasper. Soon Jasper learns his guest is a telepath, a northerner named Tobias Thatcher, who is searching for his kidnapped sister, Samantha. Hesitant to leave and wary to stay, Tobias must find his sister before the men who took her follow through on their plans.

When the men come for Tobias, he can remain at Jasper’s no longer. But Jasper can’t let him go out alone. As the storms begin, he and Tobias set out on a dangerous journey to save Samantha and uncover the truth.


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$6.99 $5.24

Dylan Carter has always played second fiddle to his perfect older brother, but now that brother is implicated in a terrible crime, and Dylan's family is imploding. Dylan can’t hide anymore. Knowing he’s falling apart, he searches for something or someone to hold him together—and lands in a BDSM bar called the Stonewall.

Dylan doesn’t understand Miss Dolphinia, the hard-drinking queen who seems determined to play matchmaker. But more confusing is the way the powerful men in leather make him feel. In her wisdom, Miss Dolphinia sends Dylan off to a back room for his introduction to the world of erotic spankings and bondage.

Dylan’s teacher—for want of a better word—is the very dominant Vin Hauser. Vin likes to play hard, but he’s honest with himself—he knows all those men want is a strong hand, not a long-term relationship. Yet Vin can’t help but hope Dylan might be different.

With controversy over his brother’s sins stirring up danger around him, Dylan needs Vin’s support more than ever. But until he and Vin learn to trust each other, Dylan will have to face his fear and the growing threats alone.


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$3.99 $2.99

Aaron Bancroft is an out-and-proud law professor, and there’s nothing wrong with his libido. After getting back in shape following the breakup with his partner of twenty-three years, Aaron is ready to make new connections. But he isn’t prepared to fall for a man more than two decades his junior. How can Aaron have anything more than a fling with someone as young and closeted as Rafael?

Rafael Gomez has a thing for older men. Meeting Aaron at a gay bar is the best thing that’s happened to him in a while, and after a night of passion, Rafael wants more. But he needs it to be a secret, fearing his family will reject him once they discover he likes men. If only Aaron didn’t insist on Rafael coming out….


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Hunter's Moon

Lifting the Veil | Book Three
$5.99 $4.49

Sequel to The Wolfing Way
Lifting the Veil: Book Two

Ten years ago, the Great Unveiling revealed the presence of supernatural beings living on Earth, but not all humans know much about them—or care about them as anything other than a paycheck.

Kieran Knight is a freelance mercenary who hunts mythical beings for money. He abducts a man called Gabriel King, intending to turn him over to his client. But Gabriel isn’t any ordinary cowboy. He’s a powerful werewolf and the beta of his pack—and as he and Kieran soon discover, he is also Kieran’s mate.

Kieran knows next to nothing about how mating works, and he isn’t gay—but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel the chemistry heating up between them. To save Gabriel, Kieran orchestrates an escape, but his clients won’t give up their werewolf without a fight.


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$6.99 $5.24

Cuando David Carmichael sufre una migraña y se rompe el hombro, Trace Jackson, su mejor amigo, se va a vivir temporalmente con él para cuidarle. Su camaradería peligra cuando David descubre la encubierta pasión y la atracción que surge entre ellos. Aún sabiendo que su mejor amigo es heterosexual, David no tarda en enamorarse de él.

Trace nunca ha deseado a otro hombre. Con reputación de mujeriego, es considerado un premio gordo en la ciudad. Pero su entrañable amistad con David se intensifica por la emoción y la excitación que siente nacer en él. La tentación de tenerle tan cerca es irresistible. Pronto le deja claro que quiere ver si las cosas pueden funcionar entre ellos. Está convencido de que nunca deseará a nadie más porque ya le ama.


$6.99 $5.24

An Unconventional Union

Unconventional Courtship and Unconventional Union
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to An Unconventional Courtship

Kincaid International Corporation’s CEO, Webber Kincaid, and his executive assistant, Tristan Moreau, have just returned from a Caribbean business trip gone horribly right. After years of hiding their love for each other, they finally came clean—and discovered KIC’s chief financial officer has been up to some shady business transactions. Now that they’re back, Tristan and Webber must expose the CFO’s indiscretions—and save Webber’s reputation, since he’s ultimately responsible for his CFO’s actions. With Tristan by his side, Webber faces KIC’s board of directors and a looming investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission and Department of Justice.

With all the uncertainty surrounding them, Webber and Tristan rely on the strength of their connection. Together, they plan an intimate wedding on the island of Martha’s Vineyard. But despite their love for one another, Webber and Tristan quickly realize they have some hurdles to cross before they can start their unexpected new life.


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$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

High school junior Wesley Harris is a stereotypical shy, soft-spoken nerd. He is obsessed with crafts and art and doesn’t even need to come out of the closet to become the target of antigay bullying. Though he has the support of close friends and liberal-minded mother, he finds it hard to believe in himself.

Brad Johnson, Wesley’s new neighbor, is Wesley’s age—and his complete opposite. A popular jock and hero of the school’s baseball team, Brad has an outgoing personality and a reputation as a ladies’ man. When he and Wesley are alone, away from their classmates’ scrutiny, they become friends despite their differences. But when Wesley confesses to wanting more than friendship, Brad walks away, unwilling to risk their romance being exposed.

Though devastated, Wesley resigns himself to accept that they were never meant to be. The next time he runs afoul of bullies, school counseling empowers him to report them. Encouraged by his new confidence, he decides to attend the school dance and face Brad….


$6.99 $5.24

Beloved Enemy

Timeless Dreams
$5.99 $4.49

At the edge of the Roman Empire, Cheruscans Kjeld and Dafried forged the bonds of childhood friendship, playing and hunting together along the mighty Rhine—until Romans ripped Kjeld away from his idyllic life and best friend to live as a Roman soldier.

That was ten years ago. Kjeld, now a Roman general, returns to his foster parents to prepare for a glorious celebration: a battle in the Coliseum. What he doesn’t know is that Dafried, after being captured during an assault on Roman military post, now trains as a gladiator in preparation for the upcoming competition. When the childhood friends reunite in the sands, it could spell death for one of them.

A Timeless Dreams title: While reaction to same-sex relationships throughout time and across cultures has not always been positive, these stories celebrate M/M love in a manner that may address, minimize, or ignore historical stigma.


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$6.99 $5.24

Chip Arnold, entraîneur apprécié de l’équipe de football américain d’une petite université d’arts libéraux, est loin d’avoir une vie rangée. Il sort boire avec ses collègues, s’entend bien avec ses joueurs et fréquente les plus jolies filles de la ville. En somme, il mène la vie que la plupart des hommes rêveraient d’avoir. Mais, dernièrement, aucune des femmes qu’il rencontre ne semble déclencher la moindre passion en lui. Tout bascule lorsqu’il rencontre le nouvel aumônier du campus, Foster Lewis.

Tomber amoureux d’un autre homme est totalement nouveau et peut s’avérer terrifiant. Sans que Chip puisse mettre le doigt sur ce qui l’attire tant chez Foster, le sentiment est plus fort que tout ce qu’il a pu ressentir auparavant. N’hésitant jamais à relever un défi, Chip se jette à l’eau, mais… l’amour n’est jamais simple, et parfois les choses tournent au véritable bordel.


$6.99 $5.24

Una porzione d'amore

Serie Assaggio d'amore
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della Serie Assaggio d'amore

Sebastian Franklin ha atteso molto tempo per diventare responsabile di sala del Café Belgie, ma il primo giorno del suo incarico, quando Darryl, il suo capo, è in vacanza, si rivela un fallimento. Il ristorante viene rapinato prima della chiusura e il buon samaritano che ferma il ladro porta con sé qualche complicazione.

Robert Fortier è il nuovo giudice della contea ed è un po’ restio alla nuova carica. Sa che la vita pubblica non è sempre facile, soprattutto quando la vita privata ti rende bersaglio dei media. Eppure a Robert piace la compagnia di Sebastian e Sebastian non nega mai una porzione di felicità e fascino al suo personaggio pubblico preferito. Neanche Sebastian, però, è senza problemi e un ex in difficoltà li metterà sottopressione, mentre lotteranno per il loro diritto a questa nuova storia d’amore.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

On the cusp of his twenty-fifth birthday, Bo Sanford grows frustrated with his directionless life. Slaving away at his father’s construction company all week and partying every weekend leaves him little time for introspection, but he knows it’s time for a change. When his best friend, Mac, drags him to a college party, Bo catches sight of a girl. But not just any girl—the girl of his dreams: a delicate blonde-haired beauty with a pink scarf and a smile that promises warmth and humor. There’s just one problem: she isn’t a girl.

Even after Bo discovers the truth, he keeps seeing Erick, and the choice to follow his heart despite the obstacles has profound repercussions on not only his sense of self but his relationship with his family and even his job. Being with Erick makes him all the more determined to be his own man and claw his way out from under his father’s thumb.

But Erick faces choices of his own: the choice to get involved with someone redefining his sexuality, the choice to trust again, and even the choice to believe love can last beyond the temporary.


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Venetian Masks

2013 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

Jeff Dawkins’s last partner left him with a mortgage he can’t afford and nonrefundable tickets for a month’s vacation in Europe. Despite a reluctance to travel, Jeff decides to go on the trip anyway. After all, he’s already paid for it. He packs a Kindle loaded with gay romance novels and arrives in Venice full of trepidation. There he meets the handsome and charming expat Cleve Prieto, who offers to serve as his tour guide. Jeff has serious misgivings—he wasn’t born yesterday, and something about Cleve doesn’t sit right—but anything is better than wandering the canals alone. With Cleve’s help, Jeff falls in love with Venice and begins to reconcile with his past. For the first time, Jeff finds himself developing strong feelings for someone else. But he can’t be sure who that person is because Cleve’s background remains a mystery embroidered with lies.

Then a dark figure from Cleve’s past appears, and Jeff must choose whether to let Cleve flee alone or to join him on a desperate run through central Europe. Maybe Jeff will finally be able to see behind Cleve’s masks—if he survives the journey.


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$3.99 $2.99

Sequel to Just Like a Date
Just Life: Book Three

Mark Mendelson’s life is close to perfect: he has good friends, a successful business, and a solid reputation in the jewelry industry. He fought hard to get what he has after nearly losing it all fifteen years ago, when his then boyfriend, Cole Porter, stole his designs.

When a handsome man enters Mark’s store to request a commitment ring—a design Mark made specifically for Cole—Mark wants nothing to do with him. All he can think about is his rage at Cole’s betrayal, something he thought he’d dealt with long ago. But Mark’s would-be customer, Dr. Liam Watson, returns to the shop, thinking Mark might provide some answers. For years Liam has tried to convince his cousin Jon to leave Cole, who abuses him. As the relationship between Jon and Cole disintegrates, a fragile new one forms between Liam and Mark—but Mark can’t move on until he confronts Cole once and for all.


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Lavender Skies

Quantinum Residue Saga | Book Two
$3.99 $2.99

Sequel to Duanta Beads
Quantinum Residue: Book Two

To adjust to the changes brought on by the Bang, Shelter 17 geneticist Evan develops a retrovirus to stimulate a growth of fur that will allow him to live aboveground with Rourke, an enthralling surface dweller. Evan takes the treatment, leaves behind the only home he knows, and follows Rourke to his village, unsure of how he will fit in with the tribe.

Rourke likes the changes in Evan, but vast cultural differences and Rourke’s limited English make for difficulties when they try to forge a closer relationship. After spending more time in the village, Evan discovers some worrisome details about life on the surface. Soon he realizes the villagers are in the same precarious position as the few remaining shelter residents….


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