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Plan B

2013 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

Danny Marshal has always lived his life out loud, but his androgynous appearance is only a small part of who he is. One night at a frat party, Danny meets Lance Lenard, football jock and apparent straight guy. Lance is shocked when he's immediately attracted to Danny's feminine side. Danny is happy to be the subject of Lance's first man-on-man experiment—until Lance begins to struggle with the fact that despite his appearance, Danny is indeed a man.

Lance's whole life has been focused on his goal of playing in the NFL, and he knows those dreams will be smashed if anyone finds out about his little secret. Although Lance has grown to crave Danny's touch, he's not willing to give Danny what he's grown to crave: a boyfriend who's proud to love him for every flamboyant and snarky cell in his body.

Life sends Danny and Lance in different directions, each of them focused on his respective Plan A. But the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

William Drake tiene un trabajo, un perro y una casa cerca del lago Superior. Vive una vida ordinaria hasta que una desesperada llamada pidiendo ayuda de su interesada hermana, Katrina, añade a su rutina un problema en forma de fornido ranchero. Demostrando el dicho de que el que se mete a redentor sale crucificado, la llegada de Will al rancho de Montana donde está Martin, el prometido de su hermana, viene marcada por un pinchazo y la inesperada ayuda de un alto, moreno y guapo buen samaritano que resulta ser Elijah Hunter, el hermano de Martin, y el hombre más inquietante que Will haya conocido.

La furia de Elijah por las fechorías de Katrina cae sobre Will. Exige que permanezca en el rancho hasta que el asunto quede resuelto y aunque se queda en lugar de su hermana, Elijah no se lo pone nada fácil sometiéndole a duras pruebas a cada momento. Pero la inflexible moral de Will sobrepasa incluso a los rigurosos principios de Eli. La creciente atracción entre ellos se ve complicada por el ultimátum de Eli, que amenaza con hacer cumplir a Katrina el contrato que firmó antes de la boda si Will no accede a casarse con él.


$6.99 $5.24

A Volatile Range

Stories from the Range | Book Six
$6.99 $5.24

Stories from the Range: Book Six

Since mustering out of the Marines, Gordon Fisher has been off the grid and out of money, so when a group of ecoterrorists promises him big bucks to set some mistreated animals free, Gordon agrees. Unfortunately, the animals are Wally Schumacher’s large cats, and one of them decides to take a chunk out of Gordon.

Still hurting from a breakup, Mario Laria finds Gordon and escorts him back to Dakota's ranch at gunpoint, only to have his heartstrings tugged on when he discovers Gordon is living out of his truck.

With Dakota doctoring, Wally wanting Gordon gone for good, and Mario falling in love, Gordon hangs on for the ride. But what looms on his horizon threatens to tear apart what little hope he’s found. No one knows Gordon’s past keeps him up at night, and the military wants answers he just can’t give.


$6.99 $5.24

The God Hunters

The God Hunters | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

The God Hunters: Book One

David Ruger has always been curious. That's how he landed his charming on-again, off-again boyfriend, Wyler, and how they started in St. Louis and ended up in the Expanse, an alien universe where humans take on supernatural abilities and demons munch on Chinese takeout.

Thirty thousand years earlier, the Expanse was devastated by a gruesome war. The old gods and a group of shifters known as The God Hunters fought and failed to restore order. Little does David know that they’ve been waiting for the perfect time to try again—and they've set their eyes on him as the one with the power to restore the Expanse to its former splendor.

Strolling along cobblestone streets in a technologically advanced city floating above the clouds is fascinating, and David and his companions venture ever deeper, where strange beings welcome David as an old friend. But what should have been a brief exploration becomes a race against time to save David's life.


$6.99 $5.24


Keeping Secrets | Book One
$4.99 $3.74

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Keeping Secrets: Book Two

Out jock Tommy Johnson and former bully Jason Strummer have settled into a surprisingly comfortable routine. They’re even planning a special camping trip for just the two of them for their one-month anniversary. Tommy doesn’t think things can get any better—until Jason’s past catches up to them.

Jason’s stepdad will stop at nothing to put Jason back in his place. As Jason spins out of control, Tommy tries desperately to hold the edges of their world together. But the pressure of dealing with Jason’s increasingly erratic behavior and keeping a growing number of secrets under wraps may prove too much for Tommy to handle.

Then Jason blows it and their comfy world falls apart. When he finally texts Tommy for help, they both learn some secrets aren’t worth keeping.


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Mourning the sudden loss of his parents in a car crash, experienced Dom Eric Broderick escapes London society and his high-pressure law firm and retreats to Glebe House in Pittlesburne, a small village in Buckinghamshire. He tours the nearby woods and the charming village, but it’s really the guesthouse’s garden he’s taken with—or, rather, the gardener.

Tom Bestwick maintains the grounds of Glebe House for his fiancée and does odd jobs around the village. With little experience outside Pittlesburne, Tom finds fulfillment through his true passions, rugby and art. He has just one unrealized desire—one the guesthouse’s new occupant would be happy to help him with.

Late one night, while walking through the garden to clear his mood, Eric spies Tom enjoying a BDSM video starring two men. Having a sub to train might just help Eric forget his troubles, but as their feelings deepen, the real world intrudes. Eric can give Tom everything, but not until Tom decides where he’s meant to be.


$6.99 $5.24

Scratch & Sniff

No More Heroes | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Push Comes to Shove
No More Heroes: Book Two

Being a hero has its drawbacks.

Real-life superhero Push knows that better than anyone. When the Cape Cabinet decided to boost their numbers and commissioned the release of Wrath, a former supercriminal, Push and his best friend, Scratch, got the arduous assignment of rehabilitating Wrath and showing him heroism's ropes.

Now all three are stuck in Shove Point, Arkansas, lying in wait for one of Wrath's evil villain ex-buddies. Between the mysterious plane crash in the center of town and the spacecraft that self-destructed, Shove Point is weird enough. Then the utterly straight Scratch suddenly professes his undying love for Push.

As the situation heats up—between him and Scratch and in Shove Point—Push decides to call in reinforcements. Giant robots stomping all over the small town do not help matters, nor does a rampaging cyborg, nor Push's unresolved attraction to Wrath. Then they discover there’s a mole in the Real-Life Superhero association. Whatever their differences, the newly formed team must put aside their baggage and work together to prevent an even greater tragedy.


$6.99 $5.24

Con le Unghie e con i Denti

I Guardiani Degli Abissi
$4.99 $3.74

Un libro della serie I Guardiani Degli Abissi

Il diciannovenne Dylan Shaw è probabilmente la cosa più bella che Malic Sunden abbia mai visto. Dopo che Malic, con un suo intervento, ha salvato Dylan da un’aggressione, il ragazzo fa capire chiaramente di essere più che interessato all’uomo, ma Malic non vuole neanche prendere in considerazione l’idea di andare a letto con lui, a causa della sua età. Malic è sicuro di non essere la persona giusta per il ragazzo, che ha tutta la vita davanti a sé, e non vuole legare Dylan ai suoi segreti.

L’oscurità presente nella vita di Malic non può essere negata e ben presto Dylan viene coinvolto nel pericoloso mondo paranormale che è la realtà di Malic. Malic lotta con le unghie e con i denti per allontanare Dylan, per tenerlo al sicuro… non importa che Dylan sia la chiave della sua forza e l’unica sua speranza per il suo futuro.


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

When a tragedy derailed his life, screenwriter Isaac Zevin became a recluse. Between the cheesy straight-to-video action scripts and his drinking problem, he’s surprised to get a call from Tony Kendall, the award-winning director he was slated to work with just before he fell off the map. After some persuading, Isaac agrees to help Tony realize his modernized vision of The Picture of Dorian Gray.

On set, Isaac is horrified to find the lead role filled by heartthrob superstar Colby Lightner, an actor Isaac believes embodies everything that’s wrong with Hollywood. Colby, on the other hand, couldn't be happier to work with Isaac and resolves to make Isaac like him. As Isaac deals with his unwelcome attraction to Colby and the stress of writing a script during production, Laith, his troubled godson, shows up at his door looking for help. Isaac knows if he turns his back on the boy, he’ll never forgive himself. But how can he juggle his craft, his crush, and his godson’s problems when he can’t even take care of his cat?


$6.99 $5.24

À la poursuite de Seth

Véritables compagnons
$6.99 $5.24

Véritables compagnons, numéro hors série

Le vétérinaire, Seth Davies arrive à Senaka, Wyoming, en quête de paix et d’anonymat pour échapper à son passé. Depuis toujours, il n’est qu’une cible pour les problèmes et la douleur et Seth en a déjà eu plus que sa part. Kasey Whitedove, après un coup d’œil à Seth en déduit le pire. Aucun homme blanc ne peut aimer les animaux de la manière dont s’attend la population Cheyenne et Kasey rend le premier jour de Seth à Senaka plus que pénible.

Puis, un accident met Kasey dans la position inconfortable de devoir revoir ses croyances – tout en désirant ardemment Seth – en dépit du danger de se révéler en tant que loup-garou et des sombres secrets de la vie de Seth. Poursuivre Seth et le tenir à l’abri de son passé va devenir le rôle le plus important de la vie de Kasey.


$6.99 $5.24

After the End

2013 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

After Quinn O’Malley loses his partner of ten years, Aaron, to cancer, he withdraws from everything. In a single tragic moment, he goes from an artist with a loving partner and a future to an uninspired comic book store owner who barely exists. He hides behind a shield of grief, refusing to let Aaron go. He feels guilty for even trying to imagine a life apart from what he’d had.

The charming party planner Quinn’s best friend insists he meet on a blind date isn’t someone he’s ready for. Brady Banner walks into Quinn’s small frozen world and turns everything upside down. For years, Quinn has focused on endings, but as Brady begins to thaw his existence, Quinn realizes that one moment can do more than stop a life—it can also start a new one.


$6.99 $5.24

Love Means... No Limits

Love Means... Series
$6.99 $5.24

A Love Means... Story

Bart van Andren, aka Spider, has been running away from life with a lot of chemical help. When he wakes up in a hospital, he discovers he’s picked up a champion. Duane must see something in Bart no one else ever has, because he finds Bart a job at Laughton Farms, where the people show Bart kindness and patience. He might even kick his drug habit with a little help from his new friends Geoff, Eli, and especially Tyrone.

Tyrone Jackson works at the farm despite the disapproval of his traditional black family, who find it suspicious that he works with gay men. Tyrone knows he’s gay, and until now, he’s kept his home and work lives separate.

Though Tyrone resists his feelings for Bart as long as he can—he’s seen enough of the drug culture to last a lifetime—he can’t deny their attraction forever. But before he and Bart reach for more than friendship, Tyrone has to face his family and Bart has to close the door on his past—a past that could put Tyrone, the farm, and everyone he’s come to care for at risk.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

By day, Weston Davies designs mascots for Sanderson Designs and avoids the new productivity consultant, Sidney Romero, who has been hired to ensure maximum efficiency. In the evenings, Weston writes. Fantasy, detective stories, science fiction—he’s tried it all, and he isn't very good. All his attempts are riddled with clichés, and his characters become mouthpieces for scathing commentary on overused literary stereotypes. Though fantastical dreams that inspire his stories haunt his nights, Weston can’t put words to paper without cringing.

Worse, Weston’s work has begun to invade his sleep. Everybody in the office thinks Sidney is strange, quiet, and out to destroy the company. But in Weston’s dreams, Sidney is a mysterious dragon, a street-smart law enforcer, and a rebellious agent of the future government. While Weston reluctantly gets to know Sidney better in the real world, he struggles to reconcile him with the Sidney of his subconscious.

What are his dreams telling him? Is Sidney being wrongly vilified? And what if Sidney recommends Weston’s boss fire him? Weston must learn to pick through the clues his dreams are giving him, or he will never understand Sidney’s role in his life—professional or otherwise.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

After nine years, Bradley Moore and Dr. Matt Sharp are a little too secure in their relationship. In fact, they’re in a rut. But when the founder of Bradley’s law firm asks him to establish a branch office in Los Angeles, their predictable lives take a sharp left turn. Matt can’t just pick up and follow—there’s seniority and tenure to think about. If Matt stays in New York, they need a way to keep the spark alive. After racking his brain for a way to save their marriage, Matt finally suggests they cheat—with each other.

Before Bradley leaves, he and Matt take on New York City. They meet in unusual locations, play dress-up, and pretend to be strangers, all in the interest of spicing up their sex life. Their senses of humor and vivid imaginations lead to some interesting “cheating”—and occasionally get them into trouble.

Then Bradley moves to LA and becomes distracted by the lights of Hollywood. With him gone, the opportunity is ripe for Matt’s stalker to step in. Matt thought he and Bradley were doing well, but now Bradley’s gone when Matt needs him most.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Soon-to-be high school junior David Harper hates his family’s move to the country. There’s nothing to do, and he misses his friends in the city. But he doesn’t have a choice. His mother’s job is in Mason County now, so David and his mom are too, and he has to make the best of it.

At first, the only redeeming feature of David’s new home is the swimming hole across the field from his house. Then David meets Benjamin Killinger, and suddenly life stops being so dull.

Benjamin is Amish, and cooling off in the swimming hole is one of the few liberties he and his brothers enjoy. A friendship with an English boy is not—but that doesn’t stop him and David from getting to know each other, as long as it's on the neutral ground by the creek. After David risks his life to save Benjamin’s father, the boys’ friendship is tolerated, then accepted. But before long, Benjamin’s feelings for David grow beyond the platonic. Benjamin's family and the rest of the community will never allow a love like that, and a secret this big can’t stay secret forever….


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Beneath the Palisade Book

Theodore Engdahl’s sexual identity crisis clashes with his faith. Raised to believe homosexuality is a sin, Theo finds himself on the ropes with his girlfriend as well as his straight coworker, whom he can’t stop staring at. Luckily, before he can panic too much, Theo discovers the support system provided by the Men’s Center.

At the center, he meets Alex, and the two hit it off. Unlike Theo, Alex wears his sexuality like a favorite shirt. Alex is also easy on the eyes, but for Theo, following his example is anything but uncomplicated.

With a little help from Alex and his mentors, Ian and Harper, Theo realizes that living well requires courage. While he struggles to take the next step with Alex and to come out to his conservative parents, life beneath the palisade goes on. But when Alex and his boat disappear during a terrible storm, Theo must find the strength to hope.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

After twenty years with Nathan, pro baseball player Bobby Lane doesn’t know how to be single. His husband’s death hits him hard. Bobby thinks his life is over—so the cryptic postcards from his dead husband come as something of a surprise.

The postcards lead Bobby on a quest into the heart of Texas and to the doorstep of Odis Vorleik, a sculptor who hasn't stepped foot inside his studio in nearly a year. But as Odis and Bobby grow closer, it becomes clear that Bobby didn’t know Nathan as well as he thought—and that Nathan foresaw some of Bobby's future.

After a trip back home to sort out legal business, Bobby returns to Texas only to be confronted by Tuck Krickson, a local sheriff. Apparently Bobby isn’t the only one carrying a torch for Odis, and Odis isn’t the only one who makes Bobby feel alive again. This can’t be what Nathan intended….


$6.99 $5.24
$4.99 $3.74

Quinn Donovan needs a change to get over a broken heart, so when he finds out his father wants some new horses from Ireland, he jumps at the opportunity. He has always dreamed of going abroad. But when he gets there, his first meeting with breeder Cian O’Reilly is a disaster—on both sides.

Ever since his parents abandoned him, Cian has lived with his grandfather, raising horses. He has no expectation of ever being happy and believes family has to come first. Then his second meeting with Quinn turns his first impression on its head, and they discover they have a lot in common. But their time together has an expiry date: they live on different continents, and Cian can’t leave any more than Quinn can stay.


$4.99 $3.74