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Henry Walker, héritier présomptif d’une vaste société internationale, s’est consacré sa vie durant à satisfaire son père, un homme froid et distant. Ses efforts futiles ne lui ont laissé aucune place pour vivre, aimer ou prendre ses propres décisions. Il n’a qu’un seul ami, son vilain secret inavoué : Archie Banks.

Élevé sur le domaine des Walker auprès de Henry, Archie est à présent son chauffeur, son garde du corps… et occasionnellement son amant. Il est loyal, mais s’apprête à obtenir son diplôme universitaire. Il a des projets d’avenir qui n’incluent pas de se tenir à la disposition du père de Henry. Pas même pour ce dernier.

Sans prévenir, un kidnapping brutal les conduit à la tragédie et au chaos, et les pousse dans une bataille dramatique qui les menace personnellement et met leur couple en péril. Trouveront-ils un moyen de guérir les blessures du passé, de sauver l’héritage de Henry et de bâtir un avenir commun ?


$6.99 $5.24

ll caso dello studioso seducente

I misteri di Middlemark
$6.99 $5.24

Il dottor Llewellyn Lewis ha una doppia vita: è allo stesso tempo un impacciato ma stimato professore di storia e l’appariscente Ramon Rondell, famigerato autore di sensazionalistiche teorie storiche. Ramon è il primo a mettere gli occhi su un irresistibile ballerino in un club, ma tocca a Llewellyn incontrare l’assistente universitario Blaise Arthur in un’occasione formale: la cena in onore di Anne de Vere, una discendente di Edward de Vere, diciassettesimo Conte di Oxford, sospettato da alcuni di essere il vero Shakespeare. Anne vuole che Llewellyn dimostri questa teoria, sebbene molti abbiano già tentato di farlo senza risultato, ed è pronta a fare una generosa donazione alla Middlemark University in caso di successo.

Per Llewellyn questa potrebbe anche essere l’occasione giusta per conoscere meglio Blaise.

Non tutti pensano che Llewellyn debba accettare l’incarico o il denaro. Tra fratelli in lite, mecenati rivali, colleghi gelosi e avidi amministratori, chiunque potrebbe tentare di sabotare la sua ricerca… e qualcuno è anche disposto a uccidere per riuscirci.

Quando Anne de Vere viene trovata morta, la polizia sospetta che sia Blaise l’assassino, e soltanto il timido, balbuziente professore che ha conquistato il suo cuore potrà provare il contrario…


$6.99 $5.24

Love Conventions

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

A happy ending worthy of a TV fantasy… in real life?

Ashland Wells is an actor of sci-fi cult fame but with little direction for the future, when handsome grad student Remy Beaumont lands in his lap at a fan convention. Remy is everything Ash ever wanted and wished he could be—including out and proud. For twelve hours they’re the best of friends. But the convention ends, and saying goodbye to Remy might be the biggest mistake Ash has ever made. 

A few months later, they’re reunited on a new production—Ash as an actor, Remy a writer—and though Ash doesn’t plan to let him go twice, being with Remy means going public about being gay. He’s not sure that’s a risk he—or his career—can handle, no matter how great the temptation. 

If only they could write themselves the romantic happily ever after they both need. 


$4.99 $3.74

Le sauveteur

Série 415 Ink | Tome 2
415 Ink (Français) | Tome 2
$6.99 $5.24

Dans tout homme bon, il y a un sauveteur, mais parfois, c’est l’amour qui réveille l’homme dans le sauveteur. 

Mace Crawford, sapeur-pompier de San Francisco, a connu une enfance difficile. Enlevé par nécessité à son épouvantable père, il a été élevé dans le système fédéral, froid et indifférent. Devenu adulte, il consacre sa vie à sauver les autres, y compris les frères qu’il s’est choisis. Second de sa brigade, Mace guide ceux qui sont sous ses ordres ; à 415 Ink, le salon de tatouage familial, il apporte son aide, mais par-dessus tout, il protège sa famille de son secret le plus sombre. 

Alors qu’il s’est juré de ne jamais aimer, un gros problème apparaît dans sa vie solitaire : Rob Claussen, un des tatoueurs de 415 Ink, l’obsède de plus en plus.

Mace a édifié de strictes frontières pour protéger son univers contrôlé – et son cœur, mieux barricadé encore. Il ne peut y faire entrer Rob, il ne peut céder à son désir sans risquer d’abattre les fondations mêmes de l’existence qu’il s’est bâtie. 

Un jour pourtant, un démon du passé refait surface et Mace est alors confronté à un choix : s’accrocher à ses mensonges ou sauver celui qu’il a si peur d’aimer. 


$6.99 $5.24

Sinders & Ash (Deutsch)

Eine Pennymaker Geschichte
$5.99 $4.49

Mark Sintorella (Sinders) arbeitet fleißig als Putzmann in einem Ferienhotel, während er heimlich Kleider entwirft und hofft, eines Tages auf eine Modeschule gehen zu können. Dann wird sein sorgfältig geplantes Leben durch die Ankunft von Ashton Armitage auf den Kopf gestellt. Ash ist der Sohn des fünftreichsten Mannes von Amerika – und der schönste Mann, den Mark jemals zu Gesicht bekommen hat. Ash muss eine Frau finden, um das Erbe seines Großvaters nicht zu verlieren. Er entscheidet sich für Bitsy Fanderel. Doch Ash ist insgeheim schwul und als er den jungen Mann sieht, der die Asche aus seinem Kamin fegt, fängt Ashs Herz Feuer.

Richtig in Gang gebracht wird die Sache schließlich durch Carstairs Pennymaker, einen Elf von einem Mann, der Mark überredet, sich als junge Frau zu verkleiden und seine eigenen Kreationen vorzuführen, um potenzielle Mode-Investoren zu beeindrucken, die in dem Hotel zu Gast sind. Als die Uhr Mitternacht schlägt, bewerben sich zwei wunderschöne junge Prinzessinnen um Ashs Hand – aber eine von ihnen ist keine Frau. Wird ihr der Schuh passen? Nur Mr Pennymaker weiß, wie dieses Märchen ausgeht.


$5.99 $4.49


Black & white interior illustrations with a color paperback cover.

After witnessing a mob hit, surgeon Jack Francisco is put into protective custody to keep him safe until he can testify. A hitman known only as D is blackmailed into killing Jack, but when he tracks him down, his weary conscience won't allow him to murder an innocent man. Finding in each other an unlikely ally, Jack and D are soon on the run from shadowy enemies.

Forced to work together to survive, the two men forge a bond that ripens into unexpected passion. Jack sees the wounded soul beneath D's cold, detached exterior, and D finds in Jack the person who can help him reclaim the man he once was. As the day of Jack's testimony approaches, he and D find themselves not only fighting for their lives... but also fighting for their future. A future together.


Acte deux

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$6.99 $5.24

L’amour suit une courbe d’apprentissage abrupte.

Proviseur adjoint au lycée Henry Clay, Blake Barnes a tout ce qu’il désire : une chance d’aider des étudiants en difficulté et un exutoire à sa passion pour le théâtre. Enfin, presque tout – personne ne l’attend chez lui. Et voilà que son béguin du lycée fait un retour explosif dans sa vie en la personne du tuteur inattendu de deux garçons qui se trouvent sous sa responsabilité.

Thane Dalton a toujours été un bad boy pur et dur. Peu de choses ont changé depuis l’époque du lycée, y compris la méfiance qu’il éprouve envers les représentants de l’autorité, et aucune bureaucratie institutionnelle ne l’empêchera de protéger ses neveux des petits caïds qui les terrorisent. Si cela veut dire se prendre la tête avec Blake, ainsi soit-il.

Blake et Thane ont chacun des leçons à apprendre et notamment qu’ils ont tous les deux les intérêts des garçons à cœur, mais aussi que la tension qui couve entre eux n’est pas seulement conflictuelle et que des étincelles peuvent voler lorsque les contraires s’attirent.


$6.99 $5.24


Love, Unexpected
$6.99 $5.24

A Love, Unexpected Tale

They never knew what hit them.

A hooker with a heart, falling for a Vice cop? This is no Hollywood movie, and if they want a happily ever after, it's not going to be easy. 

Detective Randy Michaels is back with Vice, working to help NYC crack down on its prostitution problem. When he suspects Jesse Bryant of soliciting, Randy is torn between duty and his knowledge of what put Jesse on the streets. Jesse is clearly struggling, and he isn’t the only one. Recent events have forced Randy to question his sexuality, and a shocking encounter with Jesse plunges him into a crisis of conscience. 

Jesse didn’t think his life could get any worse. His family cut all support, his education is on hold, and he’s surviving the only way he knows—selling himself on the streets. Of all the people who could have offered him a helping hand, why did it have to be Randy? 

Two men carrying their own personal burdens: How long will it take them to realize that what they really need is each other?


$6.99 $5.24

II segreto del dottore

Copper Point Medical (Italiano)
$6.99 $5.24

Copper Point Medical: Libro Uno

Il nuovo brillante ma tenebroso dottore incontra il solare infermiere della porta accanto di Copper Point… e niente può impedire al loro amore di sbocciare. 

Il dottor Hong-Wei Wu arriva a Copper Point, Wisconsin, dopo che la pressione di un tirocinio presso un ospedale prestigioso ha bruciato la sua carriera ancora prima che cominciasse. Schiacciato dalla vergogna di aver deluso la sua famiglia dopo tutto quello che ha sacrificato per lui, si propone di vivere una vita tranquilla come chirurgo generale in una minuscola cittadina del nord. I suoi piani, però, non hanno tenuto conto di Simon Lane, il suo gentile, estroverso e attraente infermiere strumentista. 

Simon non è pronto ad affrontare un bel chirurgo rubacuori che continua a chiedergli aiuto per ambientarsi e che lo corteggia con fantastici piatti taiwanesi. Non c’è dubbio: il dottor Wu è interessato a lui, e Simon ricambia il suo interesse. C’è solo un problema: la politica del St. Ann scoraggia le relazioni tra i membri dello staff dell’ospedale, il che significa che tra loro non può esserci una storia … a meno che non aggirino le regole. 

Tuttavia, una relazione tenuta – letteralmente – nascosta nello sgabuzzino non può portare a un vissero per sempre felici e contenti. Simon non vuole essere un segreto, e Hong-Wei non vuole più impedirsi di vivere la propria vita. Per conquistare la felicità, dovranno far cambiare opinione all’amministrazione dell’ospedale. Ma quali altri segreti finiranno per scoprire su Copper Point… e su loro stessi?


$6.99 $5.24

The Doctor's Secret

Copper Point Medical | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Copper Point Medical: Book One

The brilliant but brooding new doctor encounters Copper Point's sunny nurse-next-door... and nothing can stand in the way of this romance.

Dr. Hong-Wei Wu has come to Copper Point, Wisconsin, after the pressures of a high-powered residency burned him out of his career before he started. Ashamed of letting his family down after all they’ve done for him, he plans to live a quiet life as a simple surgeon in this tiny northern town. His plans, however, don’t include his outgoing, kind, and attractive surgical nurse, Simon Lane.

Simon wasn’t ready for the new surgeon to be a handsome charmer who keeps asking him for help getting settled and who woos him with amazing Taiwanese dishes. There’s no question—Dr. Wu is flirting with him, and Simon is flirting back. The problem is, St. Ann’s has a strict no-dating policy between staff, which means their romance is off the table… unless they bend the rules. 

But a romance that keeps them—literally—in the closet can’t lead to happy ever after. Simon doesn’t want to stay a secret, and Hong-Wei doesn’t want to keep himself removed from life, not anymore. To secure their happiness, they’ll have to change the administration’s mind. But what other secrets will they uncover along the way, about Copper Point… and about each other?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Gerade erst von seinem Liebhaber verlassen, sucht Harlie Rose Zuflucht im Belladonna Arms, einem schäbigen Mietshaus, hoch auf einem der Hügel in der Innenstadt von San Diego gelegen. Harlie ahnt nicht, dass sein neues Domizil dafür berüchtigt ist, Romanzen zu schmieden. Noch weniger ahnt er, dass er selbst das nächste Opfer sein wird.

Er findet Arbeit in einem nahegelegenen Restaurant, wo er den Bäcker Milan kennenlernt, einen umwerfend attraktiven, aber etwas barschen und abweisenden Mann. Harlie weiß nicht, dass auch Milan unter einem gebrochenen Herzen leidet. Und so kommt es, wie es kommen muss – die beiden Männer belauern sich und errichten ihre Barrikaden. Keiner von ihnen ist bereit, sich einer neuen Liebe zu öffnen.

Doch selbst das störrischste Herz kann erobert werden.

Mit der Unterstützung seiner neuen Freunde – Sylvia, die nur noch auf ihre letzte Operation wartet, um endlich eine Frau zu werden; Arthur, die alternde Dragqueen, die ihre eigene Liebe findet; Stanley und Roger, das liebenswerte Paar aus 5C, das Harlie zum Vorbild wird – lernt er bald, dass im Belladonna Arms die Liebe hinter jeder Ecke lauert und nur darauf wartet, ein neues Opfer zu finden. Ob willig oder nicht.

Doch die nächste Tragödie schwebt schon über ihnen.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Jesse Morales si è appena laureato e aspira a diventare uno scrittore di gialli. Quando si offre volontario per prestare servizio una settimana sulla vetta del monte Washington, sa già che dovrà lavorare duro. Quello che non sa è che in mezzo alla nebbia troverà un cadavere, disteso tra le rocce, ucciso con un colpo alla testa. La vittima si rivela essere un giovane turista di nome Stuart Warren, allontanatosi poche ore prima dagli amici con cui stava visitando la montagna.

Kyle Dubois, un ispettore di polizia vedovo già da qualche anno, è costretto ad accorrere sulla scena del crimine in piena notte. Kyle e Jesse sono immediatamente attratti l’uno dall’altro, anche se per l’ispettore è difficile prendere sul serio quel pivello fissato con i romanzi polizieschi. Ma Jesse trova un modo per rendersi indispensabile a Kyle, prendendo una stanza presso l’hotel dove alloggiano i parenti e gli amici della vittima e introducendosi nella loro cerchia. Quello che scoprirà potrebbe portarlo a risolvere il caso… o a farsi ammazzare.


$6.99 $5.24

Galen’s Redemption

Links In the Chain
$6.99 $5.24

A Links In the Chain Story

A rich man is about to set foot into an unknown world, while a Good Samaritan fears he’ll have to close the charity he’s spent his life building. Poised to lose it all, they might find what they need most in each other.

Son of a wealthy importer, Galen Merriweather lives to broker deals, and he’s damn good at it. But it’s getting harder to ignore the kind of man his father is—a man who would pay Galen’s brother’s lover to leave… a man who’d demand Galen retrieve a quarter-million-dollar check from a struggling homeless shelter.

Robert Kotke knows the money is too good to be true, but it’s a godsend that could help so many people. Still, he hands it over when Galen shows up. But he isn’t done with Galen yet, and he’s going to challenge everything Galen ever believed.

Galen will face an impossible decision: the redemption he’s come to realize he wants, or the life he’d always dreamed of.


$6.99 $5.24

Paradis perdu

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$6.99 $5.24

Il est dangereux de chercher des secrets enfouis.

Lorsqu’une énorme société menace de reprendre son entreprise, Adam Preston, prodige de la programmation, échappe au stress en prenant des vacances plus que méritées en République Dominicaine. Il y rencontre Jonah James, un instructeur de plongée sous-marine, séduisant, intelligent et perspicace. Ce qui commence comme une aventure de vacances devient bientôt beaucoup plus sérieux. 

Mais Jonah a un secret : dix ans auparavant, il s’est réveillé sur une plage de l’île sans savoir comment il y est arrivé… ni même qui il est. Leur paradis n’est peut-être pas aussi parfait qu’il le paraît. Lorsque les souvenirs de Jonah recommencent à affluer comme des vagues sur le sable, Adam s’agrippera-t-il au radeau de sauvetage ou les deux hommes trouveront-ils un havre de sécurité pour se sortir de la tempête ?


$6.99 $5.24

Le secret de Poppy

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$6.99 $5.24

Une deuxième chance née de l’amour.

Pat Corrigan et Edgerton « Edge » Winters étaient prêts à fonder une famille – du moins, c’est ce que pensait Pat. À la dernière minute, Edge a pris peur et s’est enfui. Pat n’a pas pris la peine de lui dire que la conception avait déjà eu lieu et que la petite Emma était en route. Il ne voulait pas d’une relation basée sur une obligation. Il préférait encore élever sa fille seul.

Neuf ans plus tard, Emma et son Poppy se portent bien. Ce n’est pas de cas d’Edge. Il réalise ce qu’il a rejeté en partant et il est de retour pour changer sa vie et reconquérir sa famille. Il devra déployer des efforts considérables afin de prouver à Pat qu’il est un autre homme, et même s’il y parvient, le secret que Pat a gardé pendant des années pourrait bien briser à nouveau leurs rêves.


$6.99 $5.24

Over and Back

Bronco's Boys | Book Seven
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Round and Round
Bronco's Boys: Book Five

Opposites attract on an overseas holiday, but trouble has hitched a ride.

While Bronco’s nightclub is closed for renovations, the owners invite the staff on a trip to Italy. Bartender Hank needs a roommate, and he’s had his eye on waiter Grant for a while, even if he’s had to keep his distance. But sharing such close proximity means sparks are sure to fly….

Grant has a problem saying no, and it’s led him into some less-than-healthy relationships. While he’s determined not to repeat his mistakes, it’s clear Hank is different.

They’re both willing to take it slow and explore the feelings building between them, but even in a foreign country, their pasts are catching up, and that could hurt more than just their budding romance.


$6.99 $5.24

The Yuchae Blossom

World of Love | South Korea
$5.99 $4.49

Can two men find happiness in a country that doesn’t accept their love? 

When Jack Calloway is transferred to his firm’s South Korean branch on Jeju Island, he’s assigned a valet, the beautiful but shy Song Woo-bin. He stirs feelings Jack has rarely experienced for another man, but everything seems to be against them—Jack is older and Song Woo-bin’s supervisor. He is just beginning to understand the new culture surrounding him even as he accepts his own desires for the first time, and Song Woo-bin is closeted, inexperienced, and estranged from his family. Their path to each other is full of obstacles and societal disapproval. Will the two men eventually come together amid the clash and complement of Eastern and Western culture… and find a home among the yuchae blossoms?

World of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.


$5.99 $4.49
$5.99 $4.49

Sto per fare qualcosa di straordinario che potrebbe cambiare… tutto.

Ho conosciuto Matt in seconda elementare, e da allora siamo inseparabili. Abbiamo frequentato le stesse scuole, abbiamo studiato allo stesso college. Abbiamo trovato lavoro nella stessa città e condiviso un appartamento. E quando la mia vita ha preso una svolta inaspettata, Matt era lì accanto a me. In ogni momento importante della mia vita, lui c’era. E la cosa più meravigliosa è che, dopo tutti questi anni, siamo ancora migliori amici.

Il che mi porta a questo momento, in cui tutto potrebbe finire: vorrei dirgli che lo amo, che lo amo davvero, ma ho paura di come reagirà. Devo trovare il modo giusto per farlo, perché rischio di perderlo… per sempre.


$5.99 $4.49