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Der sechsundvierzigjährige Eddie Hightower hat ein Problem. Er ist einsam. Das einzige, was ihn daran hindert, dieser Realität ins Auge zu sehen, ist die Tatsache, dass er nicht allein ist. Er hat ein ganzes Haus voller Haustiere und ein Tierheim voller Streuner und ausgesetzter Tiere, für die er ein neues Zuhause sucht. Obwohl er seine Arbeit von ganzem Herzen liebt und sie ihm viel Freude bereitet, fehlt seinem armen, alten Herzen ein entscheidendes Etwas. Und Eddie weiß auch genau, was es ist. Liebe.

Aber halt! Einsatz des Orchesters. Plötzlich und unverhofft passiert es. In der kleinen Stadt Spangle in der Wüste Kaliforniens taucht ein fremder junger Mann mit stechenden grauen Augen auf. Es sind die hellsten und wunderschönsten Augen, die Eddie jemals gesehen hat. Der arme Eddie Hightower wird in ihre silbrigen Tiefen gezogen und verschwindet mit einem Gurgeln. Der Name des Fremden ist Gray Grissom. Gray, wie seine Augen grau sind. Ohne zu zögern öffnet Eddie dem verlorenen jungen Mann seine Tür – und sein Herz. Schließlich ist das Eddies Job. Er gibt Streunern ein Zuhause. Aber diesen speziellen Streuner will Eddie ganz für sich allein behalten.


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Pris dans le blizzard

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$6.99 $5.24

Neige, vapeur et secrets.

Lorsque Jude Devereaux, qui fuit un amant violent, trouve refuge dans un chalet isolé de l’Alaska, incapable de rejoindre la ville avant que le blizzard s’abatte sur la région, Hutch, déjà suspicieux de nature, se montre méfiant. Cependant, Jude n’est pas seulement superbe, il est aussi amusant, intelligent et entreprend de flirter avec lui. Ils vivent des moments agréables pendant les trois jours où ils restent coincés à cause de la neige, mais lorsque les nuages s’éclaircissent, Hutch découvre qu’il est un peu trop attaché à Jude.

Pourtant, Jude est-il vraiment celui qu’il prétend être ? Venu en Alaska pour échapper à un monde d’espionnage et de violence, Hutch ferait tout pour ne pas avoir à y retourner. Mais une menace pèse sur Jude et le laisser s’en tirer seul est inconcevable pour Hutch. Il refuse que quelque chose de terrible lui arrive… même s’il doit pour cela dévoiler des secrets qu’il pensait enfouis pour toujours.


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The Doctor's Date

Copper Point Medical | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to The Doctor's Secret
Copper Point Medical: Book Two

The hospital’s least eligible bachelor and its aloof administrator hate each other… so why are they pretending to date?

Dr. Owen Gagnon and HR director Erin Andreas are infamous for their hospital hallway shouting matches. So imagine the town’s surprise when Erin bids an obscene amount of money to win Owen in the hospital bachelor auction—and Owen ups the ante by insisting Erin move in with him. 

Copper Point may not know what’s going on, but neither do Erin and Owen. Erin intends his gesture to let Owen know he’s interested. Owen, on the other hand, suspects ulterior motives—that Erin wants a fake relationship as a refuge from his overbearing father.

With Erin suddenly heading a messy internal investigation, Owen wants to step up and be the hero Erin’s never had. Too bad Erin would rather spend his energy trying to rescue Owen from the shadows of a past he doesn’t talk about.

This relationship may be fake, but the feelings aren’t. Still, what Erin and Owen have won’t last unless they put their respective demons to rest. To do that, they’ll have to do more than work together—they’ll have to trust they can heal each other’s hearts.


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$3.99 $2.99

Martin Graham built his business from the ground up with hard work and intuition. Due to a degenerative eye disease, he’s learned to rely on his other senses to feel out the competition. To realize his dream, he just needs to broker one last deal… and finally secure an assistant.

Brock Littleton is desperate for money—desperate enough take the job no one else wants: assistant to demanding, fussy, intensely private Mr. Graham.

Everything about Brock gets under Martin’s skin in ways he never expected, making him realize a successful business isn’t the only component to a happy future. But as Martin’s deal comes together, one of the prices could be the relationship with Brock that Martin is just starting to believe could be real.

Previously published in Boundless Love Anthology by Andrew Grey, 2018.


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$5.99 $4.49

Ian McVeigh è un seduttore felicemente single da anni, disinibito e apertamente gay, che non riesce a spiegarsi l’inaspettato desiderio e il sentimento di protezione che prova quando incontra David: rugbista, disoccupato e nuovo delizioso amante del suo capo. David Kelly è un mantenuto, e decisamente al di fuori della sua portata. È impossibile che un ragazzo così esigente e affascinante presti un briciolo di attenzione a un uomo come lui, con pochi mezzi per corteggiarlo.

Eppure, un giorno, David non solo lo guarda, ma lo tocca, lo stuzzica, e fa di tutto meno che invitare Ian a rubarlo al suo protettore. Ma David non può permettere a niente e a nessuno di abbattere i muri protettivi che ha costruito attorno a sé con tanta attenzione. Ian non sa molto del suo passato, e quello che non sa potrebbe nuocere a entrambi.

Ian sostiene che i trascorsi di David non abbiano importanza, ma quando lo vede con un ricco uomo maturo, pensa immediatamente al peggio. Dovranno entrambi imparare a essere onesti, se non vorranno restare da soli per sempre.


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$6.99 $5.24

Costruirsi una nuova vita a New Orleans è tutto quello che Jason Thorpe desiderava: il suo pittoresco negozietto attira uno staff devoto e grazie al suo cuore premuroso e amorevole ha una leale cerchia di amici. Dopo essersi lasciato alle spalle il gelo di un’assurda e pericolosa notte nello stato di Washington, comincia a sentirsi soddisfatto, finché non scopre qualcosa di incredibile in agguato nelle tenebre fumose delle strade piene di ombre del Vieux Carré, qualcosa che si rivela terrificante… e del tutto affascinante. 

Il principe dei vampyr, Varic Maedoc, è in visita a New Orleans quando scopre che l’uomo che aveva soccorso il suo consigliere è lì nel Quartiere Francese. Pensa di limitarsi a incontrare Jason e ringraziarlo… finché non posa lo sguardo su di lui. Varic, che ha dedicato la vita a proteggere l’onore della sua razza, non ha mai voluto un compagno, ma sa immediatamente che deve avere quell’uomo, e che non andrà bene nessun altro. 

Varic desidera portare Jason nel suo mondo, tenerlo al sicuro, ma qualcuno a cui non piace quell’influenza umana e rasserenante sui vampyr ha dei progetti letali che potrebbero distruggere i suoi sogni. Ora, incapace di distinguere i nemici dagli amici, Jason deve trovare un modo per tenersi stretto il cuore del principe intanto che lotta per la propria vita.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Kenny Long is living a new life. Blinded in an accident, he has taken control of his unexpected reality the best way he can, and it’s working out better than he hoped.

Of course Larry Boots doesn’t know any of that. All he sees is a beautiful man sitting on a park bench. 

Larry has a few problems of his own: his mother. His job. The lack of romance in his life. 

His job. In the course of that job, Larry strikes up a friendship with Kenny. The next thing he knows, he’s so head-over-heels in love, even his mother doesn’t seem so bad. Of course his career is still a problem, but he’s working on that. Hopefully he’ll have the problem resolved before the man he’s being paid to murder succeeds in murdering him first. 

And before the man he loves finds out he’s a cold-blooded killer.


$6.99 $5.24

Les secrets du Docteur Wu

L'hôpital de Copper Point | Tome 1
$6.99 $5.24

Hôpital de Copper Point, tome 1

Le nouveau docteur, brillant, renfermé et secret, rencontre un infirmier au grand cœur… et leur couple est de nature à renverser tous les obstacles.

Après un burn-out, le Dr Hong-Wei Wu, Taïwanais naturalisé Américain, s’installe à Copper Point, Wisconsin. La belle carrière qui lui était promise semble avoir sombré avant même de démarrer. Alors qu’il envisage une vie effacée et tranquille, son jeune assistant a sur lui un impact inattendu. 

Quant à Simon Lane, il ne s’attendait pas au charme irrésistible de son nouveau patron. Le chirurgien accepte son aide pour emménager et l’en remercie par de délicieux plats taïwanais. Malheureusement, le règlement de l’hôpital Ste Anne interdit les relations entre le personnel, aussi leur amour est-il condamné… à moins que le couple soit prêt à tout risquer. 

Simon souffre de cacher leur relation et Hong-Wei n’envisage pas de renoncer à lui. Pour vivre ensemble, ils vont devoir affronter l’administration de l’hôpital et la communauté de Copper Point. Ce faisant, quels autres secrets risquent d’être révélés ?

Et que vont découvrir Hong-Wei et Simon sur eux-mêmes ? 


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$3.99 $2.99

What do you do when when your lover is out to kill you? 

After university, Johnny dated a mysterious and influential man who never disclosed his profession. Now, following a quarrel, Johnny suffers a series of attacks—attempts on his life that his lover has the power and influence to perpetrate. 

With nowhere else to turn, he must rely on his childhood best friend. But can Johnny trust him? With time running out and the world against him, Johnny must solve the mystery himself if he wants to survive.


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$5.99 $4.49

Parfois, les meilleurs moments de la vie sont ceux auxquels on s’attend le moins.

Joe Cohen a consacré les deux dernières années de sa vie à une seule chose : prendre soin de Kade Bosa. Kade est son colocataire, son meilleur ami, et ensemble, ils tiennent une agence de détectives privés. Même si leur relation n’est pas exactement celle dont il rêverait, Joe se refuse à forcer les choses. Kade a déjà suffisamment souffert, et Joe est son seul soutien.

Rejeté par sa famille, Joe connaît la peur de se retrouver seul au monde, mais il était loin d’imaginer qu’un jour son passé et celui de Kade entreraient en collision. Pourtant, l’affaire sur laquelle ils enquêtent les amène à découvrir des éléments qui pourraient bien mettre en péril leur relation, qu’elle soit privée ou professionnelle…


$5.99 $4.49
$6.99 $5.24

Seth Arnold learned at an early age that two things in life could make his soul soar—his violin and Kelly Cruz. In Seth’s uncertain childhood, the kindness of the Cruz family, especially Kelly and his brother, Matty, gave Seth the stability to make his violin sing with the purest sound and opened a world of possibility beyond his home in Sacramento.

Kelly Cruz has loved Seth forever, but he knows Seth’s talents shouldn’t be hidden, not when the world is waiting. Encouraging Seth to follow his music might break Kelly’s heart, but he is determined to see the violin set Seth’s soul free. When their world is devastated by a violent sexual assault and Matty’s prejudices turn him from a brother to an enemy, Seth and Kelly’s future becomes uncertain.

Seth can’t come home and Kelly can’t leave, but they are held together by a love that they clutch with both hands.

Seth and Kelly are young and the world is wide—the only thing they know for certain is they’ll follow their heartstrings to each other’s arms whenever time and fate allow. And pray that one day they can follow that string to forever… before it slices their hearts in two.


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$5.99 $4.49

Ian McVeigh, geoutet und ungehemmt, hat seit Jahren eine flüchtige Beziehung nach der anderen. Deshalb kann er die ungewohnten Gefühle nicht einordnen, die der arbeitslose Rugby Spieler David – das neueste und höchst verlockende Spielzeug seines Bosses – bei ihm auslöst: eine Mischung aus Begehren und Beschützerinstinkt. Aber David Kelly ist ein Callboy und ein paar Nummern zu groß für Ian. Der bezaubernde, aber geldgierige David würde sich nie mit einem Mann wie Ian abgeben, der nicht die Mittel hat, ihn zu umwerben.

Dennoch beachtet David Ian eines Tages nicht nur, er berührt ihn, flirtet mit ihm und fordert ihn geradezu auf, ihn seinem Gönner abspenstig zu machen. Aber David kann niemanden zu nahe an sich heranlassen. Ian weiß nicht viel über Davids Vergangenheit und das, was er nicht weiß, kann ihnen beiden schaden.

Ian sagt, dass Davids Vergangenheit keine Rolle spielt, aber als er David mit einem älteren Mann sieht, nimmt er sofort das Schlimmste an. Beide Männer müssen sich der Wahrheit stellen, um einander nicht endgültig zu verlieren.


$5.99 $4.49

Redesigning Landry Bishop

Dreamspun Desires
Stars from Peril
$4.99 $3.74

A Stars from Peril Novel

Love never goes out of style.

Landry Bishop fled his tiny hometown and never looked back. Now his expertise in food, fashion, and décor has earned him all of Hollywood’s glittering perks. But with his husband deceased and his personal assistant retired, Landry has nobody to rely on—and no one to help him indulge his secret cravings.

Casual, plainspoken Jordan Stryker seems a dubious choice of a PA for someone as formal and self-controlled as Landry. Jordan’s questionable fashion sense and limited kitchen skills don’t exactly enhance his résumé. But as Landry soon realizes, Jordan has many attractive qualities too.

With a strong pull toward Jordan, new career opportunities on the horizon, and a persistent tug from family back home, Landry is in a quandary. He can advise others on how to make their lives special, but what should he do about his own?


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Angebrannt: Die Liebe wartet nicht.

Patch Hastle ist erfolgreicher DJ und Model, der als Jugendlicher aus Texas abgehauen ist. Er hat wenig Grund, zurückzublicken. Dann verunglücken seine Eltern tödlich und Patch muss notgedrungen zurück in seine alte Heimat. Sobald die Farm der Familie verkauft ist, will er sich wieder aus dem Staub machen. Leider wurde ausgerechnet der böse Geist seiner Jugend zum Testamentsvollstrecker berufen – der gut aussehende beste Freund seines Vaters, der ihm das Leben an der High School zur Hölle gemacht hat.

Tucker Biggs zieht es nirgendwo hin. Zwanzig Jahre nach seiner Zeit als Rodeo-Cowboy hat er als Verwalter auf der Hastle-Farm Wurzeln geschlagen. Dass der ungebärdige Sohn seines Freundes ihn früher nicht leiden konnte, war ihm klar. Aber als ihm plötzlich ein attraktiver junger Erwachsener gegenübersteht, eine Versuchung auf zwei langen Beinen in Skinny-Jeans, hat Tucker alle Veranlassung, sich ein paar neue Tricks einfallen zu lassen.

Patch und Tucker kommen schon bald zur Sache, aber etwas Ernstes kann das ja nicht werden. Das Ende scheint vorprogrammiert: Die Farm wird verkauft, ihre Wege werden sich wieder trennen und jeder reitet in seinen eigenen Sonnenuntergang. Aber den rastlosen Großstadtmenschen und seinen verwurzelten Kerl vom Land verbindet dann doch mehr als gedacht. Wenn sich nicht alles wieder in Luft auflösen soll, müssen die beiden sich darüber klarwerden, was ihnen wirklich wichtig ist – bevor ihnen die Zeit davonläuft.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Il est facile de devenir cynique quand la vie ne va pas comme on veut.

Cole Reid mène une vie de reclus depuis ses quinze ans, âge auquel son homosexualité a été révélée au grand jour par son équipe de baseball. Depuis, son comportement obsessionnel compulsif et sa nature sarcastique ont fait fuir une bonne partie de la population. Quant aux autres, ils le détestent parce qu’il est homosexuel. Selon lui, il est voué à faire fuir n’importe quel ami potentiel – ne parlons même pas d’un petit ami –, alors à quoi bon faire des efforts ?

Quand Cole entre à l’université, il est devenu un homme solitaire et maniaque. Cela ne lui cause aucun problème jusqu’au jour où son colocataire décroche son diplôme et que le service des logements annonce à Ellis Montgomery qu’il peut prendre sa place. Ellis est bordélique, magnifique, hétérosexuel et encore pire : un sportif !

Pendant une année universitaire où se côtoient les amis bruyants, les mésaventures en camping et les parents intrusifs, Cole et Ellis développent un lien amical qui change la vision de Cole sur la vie. Ellis est bien plus qu’un sportif qui aime s’amuser – et l’attirance que Cole ressent pour lui ravive son espoir de trouver chaussure à son pied.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Nelle questioni di cuore non esiste l’ordinaria amministrazione.

Thomas Stepford ha impiegato anni per costruire un’azienda di successo e adesso, arrivato alla soglia dei quaranta, desidera una vita più tranquilla e, dato che i suoi genitori hanno bisogno di aiuto, decide di tornare a casa. Non potendo staccarsi del tutto dagli affari, ha bisogno di un assistente, ma la persona che assume non è esattamente il genere di impiegato che aveva in mente…

Brandon Wilson, fresco di laurea, ha bisogno di un lavoro. Grazie all’aiuto della nonna viene assunto come assistente del signor Stepford. Thomas sembra non ricordarlo ma, anni fa, Brandon ha già lavorato per lui: era il ragazzo che gli falciava il prato. L’uomo che era il protagonista delle sue fantasie adolescenziali, così attraente e tanto più grande di lui, adesso è il suo capo.

Entrambi sono decisi a mantenere il loro rapporto su un piano strettamente professionale, ma la vecchia fiamma è ancora viva. Imparano tuttavia a lavorare insieme, anche quando la tensione sessuale raggiunge il punto di ebollizione. Appena decidono di arrendervisi però, Thomas viene richiamato a New York dalla sua vecchia vita. Forse Thomas saprà resistere alla tentazione di tornare indietro, ma riusciranno i due uomini a far sopravvivere la loro neonata storia d’amore quando Brandon riceve la chiamata dei suoi sogni… da Hollywood?


$6.99 $5.24

Bad Influence

Bad in Baltimore | Book Four

A Bad in Baltimore Story
Bad in Baltimore: Book Four

Can a future be built from pieces of a broken past?

Jordan Barnett is dead, killed as much by the rejection of his first love at his moment of greatest need as by his ultraconservative parents’ effort to deprogram the gay away.

In his place is Silver, a streetwise survivor who’s spent the last three years becoming untouchable… except to those willing to pay for the privilege. He’s determined not to let betrayal find him again, and that means never forging bonds that can be broken.

No matter how hard he tried, Zebadiah Harris couldn’t outrun his guilt over abandoning his young lover—not even by leaving the country. Now, almost the moment he sets foot back in Baltimore, he discovers Silver on a street corner in a bad part of town. His effort to make amends lands them both in jail, where Silver plans a seductive form of vengeance. But using a heart as a stepping-stone is no way to move past the one man he can’t forgive, let alone forget….

Second Edition
First Edition published by Samhain Publishers Inc. April 2014


Fire and Obsidian

Carlisle Deputies | Book 4
$6.99 $5.24

A Carlisle Deputies Novel

Can a couple be more opposite than a thief and a cop? Or do they have more in common than they think?

Mattias Dumont stole to survive. He was damn good at it. But there’s no such thing as a victimless crime, and when he saw how his theft hurt people, he resolved to change. Now he works as a consultant, and while helping to investigate a rash of burglaries, he crosses paths with James.

Police Officer James Levinson doesn’t trust thieves, and that includes Mattias. James’s father stole to support himself, and James knows firsthand how that can destroy lives—it inspired him to go into law enforcement. Mattias is no different, from what he can tell… at first. 

As they work together, Mattias and James realize there’s something deeper between them than just the physical attraction neither can deny. Given time, they might even grow to trust each other—unless the case they’re working on dredges up pasts both would rather forget. 


$6.99 $5.24