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L’unica strada che porta alla felicità è la libertà: la libertà di vivere – e amare – seguendo il proprio cuore. Per conquistarla un ragazzo dovrà usare tutto il suo coraggio, ma non si troverà a combattere da solo.

Nella piccola città conservatrice di Sierra Pines, in California, il reverendo Gabriel è la legge. Suo figlio Willy segue i suoi precetti, finché a Sacramento non conosce un uomo. Quando lo incontra di nuovo nella sua città natale, comincia a frequentarlo proprio sotto il naso del padre.

Reggie è il nuovo sceriffo di Sierra Pines. La sua dedizione al lavoro gli impone di non ostentare la propria sessualità; quando rivede Willy, però, non può impedirsi di pensare che loro due siano fatti per stare insieme. Decide comunque di mantenere il segreto di Willy fino al momento in cui il ragazzo non sarà pronto a mostrare al mondo chi è veramente. Oltre all’ostilità della chiesa e degli abitanti della città, Reggie dovrà affrontare anche i pericoli legati al suo lavoro, che rischiano di porre fine alla sua storia d’amore con Willy ancor prima che questa riesca a spiccare il volo.


$6.99 $5.24

The Nerd and the Prince

Dreamspun Desires
Small-Town Dreams
$4.99 $3.74

A Small-Town Dreams Story

Prince Charming is the man next door.

Small-town business owner Jason Brewster has big dreams: world travel, adventure, and most of all, a passionate romance worthy of a fairy tale. But he doesn’t believe fantasies can come true….

Until Adam moves in next door. 

He’s handsome, cultured, European, and best of all, interested in Jason. It’s like something out of the stories Jason loves.

But Adam—whose real name is Amadeo Montefalcone—has a secret. He's royalty, prince of the small country of Monterosia. Only he doesn't want to rule, and especially doesn't want the loveless marriage waiting for him at home. So he ran away in search of true love. With a man. And with Jason, he finds it.

But Adam can't run forever. The truth will come out. If Jason can forgive Adam’s deception, they might find their happily ever after.


$4.99 $3.74


Forbes Mates | Book Three

Forbes Mates: Book Three

Dr. Miles Grant acknowledges that his destined mate could be either gender even though his bisexuality cost him his family and his pack. Luckily he found the Forbes Pack, who happily accepts him just as he is. What he never counted on was finding his mate in Pittsburgh or for his mate to be another species entirely—a cat!

Quincy Archer isn’t just any jaguar shifter. He is the heir to the leadership of his pride. Destined mates are nothing but legend to the nearly extinct and generally solitary jaguars, and Quincy certainly never expected to find one for himself, much less a male… or a wolf.

However, finding each other and coming to terms with their species is the least of their worries. Quincy is expected to select a proper female mate, father a cub, and take his place as heir to the pride. Except Quincy refuses, having no interest in women or leadership and knowing he isn’t right for it. But his father will stop at nothing—not even attempting to kill Miles—to get his way. Quincy and Miles must overcome many obstacles to stay together as the destined mates they’re meant to be.


Love You So Madly

The Love You So Stories

A Love You So Story

Ben Shane has it all… and he’d like to give some of it back. While he loves his job heading a foundation that funds worthy causes around the world, his engagement to one of America’s wealthiest men leaves him feeling more like a trophy wife than a valued partner. The first warning that his relationship might not be designed to last is his irresistible lust for Dusty Kincaid, the golden-haired, bright-eyed handyman for his company.

Though Dusty is odd for a twenty-three-year-old—no liquor, no sugar, and he can’t even drive—the more Ben gets to know Dusty, the more he admires him. But is Ben going to give up a guy who drives a Ferrari for one who takes the bus? He must be mad. Dusty knows he and Ben can never work. After all, Ben’s perfect… and Dusty isn’t. But Ben might surprise everyone with proof that he’s only mad in love.


Letting love pass them by would be a crime.

Former forensic accountant Cameron has lost nearly everyone he’s ever loved, and now his vintage clothing shop has been broken into and trashed. When town police chief Will Carson asks an out-of-town cop friend of his for help, Cam takes one look at the dark-haired, blue-eyed detective and knows he’s in real trouble—and it has nothing to do with vandalism or murder.

Pete Minchelli is on leave from his job in Philadelphia due to a gunshot wound, but he figures he can help an academy buddy with some light police work. Plus, he’ll have a chance to experience small-town life. He’s tired of the big city and all its corruption. But he quickly discovers that not all the bad stuff happens in cities. What he doesn’t expect to find is death, treachery—or love.


$6.99 $5.24

Der einzige Weg zum Glück ist Freiheit: die Freiheit, im Leben und in der Liebe dem eigenen Herzen zu folgen. Diese Freiheit in Anspruch zu nehmen erfordert allen Mut, den ein junger Mann aufbringen kann … Aber er muss sich der Aufgabe nicht allein stellen.

Im kleinen konservativen Sierra Pines, Kalifornien, ist Pastor Gabriel das Gesetz. Sein Sohn Willy folgt seinen Vorgaben … bis er in Sacramento einen Mann kennenlernt und ihn kurz darauf in seiner Heimatstadt wiedertrifft – genau vor der Nase seines Vaters.

Reggie ist der neu ernannte Sheriff von Sierra Pines. Sein Engagement für den Beruf verlangt, dass er seine Sexualität nicht zur Schau stellt. Aber als er Will wiedertrifft, wird er das Gefühl nicht los, dass sie füreinander bestimmt sind. Er möchte Wills Geheimnis wahren, bis Will bereit ist der Welt zu zeigen, wer er ist. Als wäre es nicht schon genug, sich gegen die Kirche und die Stadtbewohner zu stellen, drohen die Gefahren von Reggies geliebtem Job der Romanze ein Ende zu bereiten, ehe sie noch richtig begonnen hat.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

The only path to happiness is freedom: the freedom to live—and love—as the heart wants. Claiming that freedom will take all the courage one young man has… but he won’t have to face it alone.

In small, conservative Sierra Pines, California, Reverend Gabriel is the law. His son, Willy, follows his dictates… until he meets a man in Sacramento, and then reunites with him in his hometown—right under his father’s nose.

Reggie is Sierra Pines’s newly appointed sheriff. His dedication to the job means not flaunting his sexuality, but when he sees Willy again, he can’t escape the feeling that they’re meant to be together. He’ll keep Willy’s secret until Willy is ready to let the world see who he really is. But if going up against the church and the townspeople isn’t enough, the perils of the work Reggie loves so much might mean the end of their romance before it even gets off the ground….


$6.99 $5.24

My Fair Captain

The Sci-Regency Series | Book One

A Sci-Regency Novel

When Intergalactic Navy Captain Nathaniel Hawkins goes undercover to investigate the theft of an IN weapons stash, the mission raises painful memories from his past. Using a title he fled nearly two decades earlier, Nate once again becomes the Earl of Deverell, heir to the Duke of Hawthorne, in order to navigate the ins and outs of a Regency world. But planet Regelence—where young lords are supposed to remain pure until marriage—has a few surprises for Nate, not least of which is his attraction to Prince Aiden.

A talented artist, Prince Aiden Townsend isn’t interested in politics and the machinations of society gentlemen, and he adamantly rejects the idea of marriage and a consort. Aiden wants the freedom to pursue his art and determine his own future. But the arrival of the dashing and mysterious Deverell awakens feelings of passion and longing the young prince can’t deny.

As Nate uncovers a conspiracy reaching far beyond the stolen weapons, his future is irrevocably altered by the temptations of a life he never thought he could have. Drawn into the web of intrigue, Aiden is in danger of losing his life… and his heart.

2nd Edition
1st Edition by Samhain Publishing Ltd. 6/2007


$6.99 $5.24

Sebbene sia nato tra agi e ricchezze, Jordan Thorndike è stanco di fingere: non potrà mai diventare un avvocato come vorrebbero i suoi genitori, e nemmeno dare loro una nuora e dei nipotini. Messo di fronte a un ultimatum – continuare a vivere nella menzogna o andarsene – Jordan prende la sua BMW e se ne va.

Senza casa, senza lavoro e senza aspirazioni, Jordan trova rifugio in una delle organizzazioni di beneficenza finanziate dalla madre: il ranch delle seconde occasioni. Grazie al proprio nome e carisma, Jordan ammalia lo staff in quattro e quattr’otto… tutti tranne uno.

Russ ha sempre dovuto lottare per sopravvivere e detesta quel rampollo viziato che sfrutta il ranch solo per il gusto di vivere un’avventura. Jordan è disposto a tutto pur di dimostrare a Russ di saper lavorare sodo, ma la famiglia e alcune ferite del passato complicheranno le cose. Riuscirà Jordan a capire che quella che per lui è una vacanza per altri è la dura realtà della vita? E Russ potrà mai accettare che Jordan è capace di maturare… e di amare?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Though born into wealth and privilege, Jordan Thorndike can’t keep pretending. He’s never going to become the lawyer his parents hope for… or provide the daughter-in-law and two-point-four grandkids they expect. Faced with an ultimatum—carry on living the lie or get out—Jordan leaves with only what he can pack in his BMW.

Homeless, jobless, directionless, Jordan heads to one of his mother’s pet charities: Better the Second Time Around Rescue ranch. With his family name and charm, he has the staff eating out of his hand in no time—except for one man.

Russ has never been handed anything, and he resents the spoiled rich brat using the ranch to live out a fantasy. Though Jordan is determined to prove himself to Russ through hard work, family and old wounds complicate matters. Will Jordan realize that what he sees as an escape is real life for most people? And can Russ accept that Jordan can grow—and that he wants him? 


$6.99 $5.24

Raising the Bar

States of Love
$3.99 $2.99

Destin Bellingham has inherited a problem. Thanks to his late playboy father, Destin faces putting a For Sale sign on his family’s historic horse farm. Getting his talented stallion, Black Sambuca, into the Grand Prix show ring would put Bellmeade back on the map—if only someone could make “Sam” behave like a show horse.

Disgraced top rider Tonio Benedetto has his own problems, but he can work magic with difficult jumpers, so Destin hires him despite his bad-boy reputation.  The street-smart, openly gay loudmouth from Miami and the closeted, buttoned-down son of Old Dominion Virginia make a rocky pairing, but time is running out to save Bellmeade from bankruptcy.

Opposites attract, sparks of tension grow into flames of passion. But if Tonio fails to tame Sam, will true love become a lost cause too?

States of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the United States.


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$5.99 $4.49

Quando si lavora per la mafia, può capitare di dover uccidere molte persone in tanti modi diversi. Ceaton Mercer ha stivato gli ultimi due cadaveri in un capanno degli attrezzi che appartiene a un adorabile ricercatore marino che abita in un’idilliaca comunità isolana, ma non è poi così cattivo. Con il tempo si è trovato una specie di casa e forse anche un posto nel cuore delle persone con cui lavora, o almeno quanto basta perché non gli piantino un proiettile in testa quando smette di essere utile per il boss.

Ma non ha mai immaginato che un solo giorno potesse cambiargli la vita, ed è sul punto di scoprire quanto si sbaglia.

Gli basta un giorno per incontrare l’uomo che sembra essere quello giusto, l’amore della sua vita. Sembra inconcepibile che un uomo che si occupa di morte possa trovare l’amore, ma è come se fosse destino. Gli basta un giorno, che si fa sempre più strano e in cui i problemi si accumulano, per costringere Ceaton a riflettere sulla sua cupa esistenza e ad accettare che in ventiquattro ore tutto può cambiare, perfino lui stesso. Il suo futuro potrebbe rivelarsi più luminoso di quanto si aspettasse, ma dovrà restare vivo abbastanza a lungo da scoprirlo.


$5.99 $4.49

Es war einmal ... ein Wolf

Pfad der Wölfe | Buch 1
$4.99 $3.74

Gibson Kellers Leben folgt einer ziemlich öden Routine: Aufstehen, Arbeiten und eine Menge Kaffee dazu. Nebenbei kümmert er sich noch um Ellis, seinen großen Bruder, der in seiner Wolfsgestalt steckt, seit er aus dem Krieg heimgekommen ist. Ein einfaches Leben mit vielen langen Läufen auf zwei oder vier Beinen … bis Ellis einen gut aussehenden Mann über eine Klippe ins eiskalte Wasser in der Nähe ihres Hauses jagt und Gibsons Leben damit für immer verändert.

Zach Thomas wollte einen Neuanfang machen, als er sich das alte B&B kaufte – sein Stadtleben hinter sich lassen und endlich die ersehnte Ruhe finden. Auf den Pfaden hinter seinem Grundstück zu wandern, klang eigentlich wie eine ziemlich sichere Idee – bis zu dem Augenblick, als ihn ein riesiger, schwarzer Wolf in den See jagt und Zach beinahe ertrinkt. Zu seiner Überraschung muss er erfahren, dass es wirklich Werwölfe gibt, doch das ist nichts gegen die Entdeckung des Mannes, der ihn aus dem eisigen Wasser rettet und dann einfach in sein Herz spaziert, als gehörte es ihm.


$4.99 $3.74
$5.99 $4.49

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Do nice guys always have to finish last? 

For Dylan Porter, it’s starting to look that way. His plan is to finish high school, get a football scholarship, and come out to his family and friends when he has the cushion of being away at college. But none of that is going to happen if his failing grades get him kicked off the team. 

His saving grace comes in the form of Tommy Peterson, the smartest kid in school, who also happens to be the Triple S that Dylan crushes on: smart, short, sexy. Dylan falls hard and when his feelings seem unrequited, he accidentally outs himself to his entire team, expecting them to oust him. But it’s anybody’s game as Dylan learns how to be honest about who he is and keeps his eye on the prize—the heart of Tommy Peterson.


$5.99 $4.49

Denying Fate

A Series of Fates | Book One
$3.99 $2.99

A Series of Fates: Book One

Fate is a funny thing. Some try to cut its threads, while others wrap themselves in it like a blanket.

Young wolf shifter Max is cocky and crass. Unlike others his age, he has yet to discover a talent that will serve his pack. Since childhood, he’s been convinced the pack alpha is his mate, but Alpha Christian cannot envision unfiltered and directionless Max taking the place of his elegant mother at the head of the pack. As Max begins to build a life with his best friend, he also begins to see that maybe what he thought was inevitable was all in his head, and it’s time to move on.

Or are they both denying fate?


$3.99 $2.99

A Few Good Fish

Fish Out of Water | Book 3
$6.99 $5.24

Fish Out of Water: Book Three

A tomcat, a psychopath, and a psychic walk into the desert to rescue the men they love…. Can everybody make it out with their skin intact? 

PI Jackson Rivers and Defense Attorney Ellery Cramer have barely recovered from last November, when stopping a serial killer nearly destroyed Jackson in both body and spirit.

But their previous investigation poked a new danger with a stick, forcing Jackson and Ellery to leave town so they can meet the snake in its den.

Jackson Rivers grew up with the mean streets as a classroom and he learned a long time ago not to give a damn about his own life. But he gets a whole new education when the enemy takes Ellery. The man who pulled his shattered pieces from darkness and stitched them back together again is in trouble, and Jackson’s only chance to save him rests in the hands of fragile allies he barely knows.

It’s going to take a little bit of luck to get these Few Good Fish out alive!


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Wyatt Findley is an up-and-coming artist, attending a prestigious art institute in St. Louis. His mentor, Lukas Callahan, has snagged a sweet house-sitting job for him in a gorgeous home in a well-to-do part of town. Wyatt can’t help but notice two men who live just across the street. 

They make an odd couple, since there must be a good twenty years difference between them. And yet there is something about the younger man that calls to Wyatt. 

Shylor Lind has been living with Randy Grant for fifteen years, ever since Grant hired Shy’s mother as his live-in housekeeper. But five years ago, their relationship changed when Shy’s mother sold him to Grant and took the money and ran. Since then, Randy has been training Shy to be his submissive, dominating him in every way. There is nothing Shy can do about the situation, and he has nowhere to go, no one to turn to. 

And then Wyatt enters his life… and nothing will ever be the same, as Wyatt engages in a battle for Shy’s very soul. 

The author is donating 10% of the royalties from this book to No Kid Hungry. Visit


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Can a computer program understand love better than the human heart?

Archer, the AI at the dating service Q*pid, realizes humans don’t always make the best choices, so it begins making some unconventional choices for them.

Fox Kincade is the last of his group of friends to be single, so he’s delighted when he discovers a new match in his Q*pid app—one that, according to the new AI wizardry, should be the love of his life. Instead of the woman he’s expecting, he’s paired with Drew Larsen, a shy, somewhat nerdy PhD student who has also grown discouraged with romance.

Drew and Fox have little in common—aside from the fact that they’re both straight. Or so they thought. But as the guys get to know each other, they realize Archer might have the right idea. Their path isn’t smooth, because both need to overcome every idea they have about themselves and what true love might look like. But with the help of Archer—and some friends who have stuck with Fox and Drew through the thick and thin of their relationship trials—they might find their way into each other’s hearts.


$6.99 $5.24